C. W. Rutledge. Proprietor. â- â- â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" MARKDALE" "may. 16, 1889. THE JESUIT QUESTIOi^. A LAJMELY ATTENDED MaSS AT EOCKLYN. METIN Last Tuesday a large gathering of reprpseutative electors of both sides of politics assembled at Rocklyc to hear what Dr. Sproule, M. P., had to say ill justification of his vote on the burning question oC the day. The following gentlemen were on the plat; form, viz Thos. Kells, president of the L. C. Ass., of East Grey, Wm. McLouphry.Dr. Sproule, M.P., Joseph ilorke, M. P. P., Dr. Scott, Maxwell; John Chnton, Osprey Eev's McLaren; Wilkerson Hewitt, and McMurdy T. Gilray, reeve of Euphrasia Mr. Gner, School Inspector J. J. Johnr ston, Meaford T. Andrews, reeve of Thorn bury F. Smelser, reeve of j was almost demolished CoUingwood Jas. Bowes, reeve of bt. Vincent N. Eead, deputy-reeve of St. Vincent A. Freeborn, Holland Squire Brown, Markdale R. Mylee, ex-reeve of Euphrasia J as. Prodie, Artemesia N. McCol- man, ex-M. P. P., the editor of the Maikdale Standard and others. Mr. KeDs presided and called the meeting to order sharp on time, 4 o'clock and briefly stated the object of tbe meet- ing and introduced Dr. Sproule, who was received with much milder en- thusiasm than he has been accustom- ed to among his constituents. He was accorded a splendid hearmg how- ever while he explained the claims of tbe Jesuits and how and why those claims were satisfied. The speaker v.iis forceful in his arguments and vigorous in establishing his honest and concientionsness in casting his vote with the other 187, and appeared to make a fairly clear case. His speech, of 00 minutes, was cbaract- rized by that point and loD;ical clear- ness of which his speeches are char- iicterestic. The next speaker was the Rev. Mr. McLaren, Presbyterian minister of Euphrasia, who gave a few pointers which were more calculat- ed to stir sentiment than to reaich tbe judgement. Mr. Grier tried to say something but could not secure a hearing and had to take his seat amid confusion. Mr. Eorke, M. P. P., then arose and order was at once restored, clearly shov\ring the respect which his L-onstituentsliaveforhim. He highly eulogised the Dr. ap a reliable man and an honest and efUcient represent- aiLive in parliament but strongly opposed his course in reference to the vote on the Jesuit question. Mr. Me- Colman was called, and spoke for a few minutes in a yery tair and in- telligent strain on the burning question, lie pointed out the necessity of hav- ing the State entirely free from the Church this he claimed is not the case even in Ontario as is supposed and intended, and held that all Cburch property should be struck off the exempt list and taxed the same as other property. This view is fast gaining strength and we hope to see the day when it will be tbe law of the entire Dominion. ^[reatest of snccess and a speedy retoru to the Centre. BcRAWAT AcCiDBNT. â€" We regiet to learn that Mr. Wm. Miniors, ^r., met with a serioDS accident on tbe evening of tbe lOtb inst. He was recuming from the village and had reached his own lane when, upon attempting to get in his buggy after closing the gate, the beast took fright at some^iiing and ran off overturning the buggy and stunning Mr. M. He was carried in and a physician summoned. After considerable time he was restored to consciousness when it was found there was no bones broken and the only in- juries were those arising from tbe shock. We hope soon to see him out again. Still. Another Eunaway. â€" Occur- ed on Saturday evening. As Mr. Wm. Farley, jr., was driving into the shed at the Queen's liis horse shied and turned round, upsetting the buggy and throwing him out. Will bravely held on to the 'lines and turned the beast into the shed again, but it was too frightened to stop and. jerking tbe lines out of his hands, bolted out of the shed aud along the street as far as Crowther's blacksmith shop where it was stopped but not until the buggy Will, we be- GRAND CELEBRATION -AT- MARXSD ALE I mnurn â€" AND â€" -ON- a^XH S^XH lieve was not much hurt Serious Fun. â€" On Thursday last some of the boys while on their way to school thought to have a little fun and kindled a fire in some brush on the farm^ol Mr. Joseph Jackson, Sr. The fire*spread to the fence and a considerable portion was burned be- fore it was discovered, and cbecked: Mr J. IS justly incensed over tbe matter and the boys will probably have to pay dearly for their fun. A Lucky Ykar. â€" Messrs. G. Mackey and T. Williscroft are firm believers in '89 being a lucky jear. The form- er owns a beautiful heifer which gave birth a short time ago to a pair of tine heifer calves, while Tom is the proud possessor of nine sheep which only produced two lambs each, making eighteen in all. It would take a small farm to purcbase the stock ol either one iust now. Fatal Contest.â€" -Mr, Isaac Erwin who liyes about a mile east of here was the owner of two beautiful birds of the Turkey family, but a few days ago tuey engaged in a contest with the usual result in such cases that the weaker went under. Upon being seperated it was found that it had re- ceived very serious injuries which proved fatal shortly after The victor now leads a life similar to that of Alexander Siikirk. Tlie PN'S BIR NEW GOOM received and maM off at close figures tHIS WF£K. -AT- McFarland's WILL BE CELEBRATED AT MAEDALE BY ATHELETIC SPORTS AND GAMES, AND A GRAND DISPLAY OF n B I? U f^DI/'C IN" THE FIRE Â¥l U K iVO EVENING GKTVCeS KMD SRORTS. 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3nl Bicycle race (1 mile) §.5.00 $3.(»0 Running hop-step jump 2.00 1.00 100 yard race 3.00 2.00 ?l.o0 Ten Buccessive Standing 200 yard race 3.00 2 00 -1.50 jumps 2.00 1.00 Mila race 5.00 3.00 2.00 Three Standing jumps 2.00 1.00 Five mile race 5.00 3.00 2.00 llumiiDg High jump 2.00 1.00 Ten mile race 8.00 4.00 2.00 Vaulting with Pole 2.00 1.00 Men's race (over 50 years) 3. CO 2.00 1.00 Tossing Cable 3.00 2.00 Ladies' race 2.00 1.00 50 Game Quoiis (21 yards*) 3 00 2 00 Three Legged race 3.00 2.00 2.00 Putting fourteeu lb. Shot 2.00 1.00 Egg riici! 3,00 2.00 1.00 Putting twtnty-one lb. Shot 2.00 1.00 One iiiiiu Wnlkmg race, Cinubiug Greased Pule 2.00 liecl rtUil toe 3.00 2,00 1.00 Catching Greased Pig 2.00 Boys nice (iiiulor I.j) l.nO .50 Boys liumnug jump Boys race (amtur 10) l.(il) y!» (under 15) 100 50 ' Sack race 2,011 l.Ui) Boys lluuning jump Wlieelbarroiv race liuO l.no (uudei- 12) 1.00 tO 1 C^SE tioYuciXcimii) -AND Plesnerton. NOTES. Euphrasia town hall at Eockljn is a credit to the township, and so are the roads the road from Markdale to the "capital" is simply excellent, while tbe country by way of 11th line ii* a Bupericr section of country and looks, just now, very promising. Mr. Jolin McCollum of the 11th Hue Euphrasia is doserviug of more tliau a passing notice for a very neat stone fence in front oi his farm. We have seen many sioue fences but this lake« the "cake," W. H. Dodson, the genial and cfncient h6tel keeper at Kocklyn did a rushing business, while our old fneud J. E. Richards was in his glory and reports business far in excess of former years. Our driver J. H. Carson, made Standard Correspondence. On Monday afternoon last the Eey. D. McLeod, of Priceville, preached in tbe Presbyterian church and afterward moderated in a call to Bev. L. C. Ernes who is the unanimous choice of the congregation. M. Richardson Co. were tbe pur- chasers of J. G. Anderson's bankrupt stock which was in charge of the as- signee, on Thursday last in Hamilton. Tbe members of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian church here are now very busy making ar- rangements for a grand concert to be held under the auspices of the Society in the Town Hall on tlie evening of 24th of May. Eetub'ed raor Washington. â€" Mr. John Plewis, who left here with his i family a few weeks ago intending to ' locate in Washington Territory, U. S., did not find upon his arrival there that the eonntry suited him. ' He tarrifcd not but at once set his face Cauadaward and homeward and rived here »gam a few days ago. The Flesherton cheese factory was opened last Monday and is now fn fall operation with new routes opened and quite an increased patronage over previous years. RUL-ES KND ReOUt-KXIONS* 1. Entrance tu be made with becretary not later than one o'clock on day of sports. 2. Entrance lor athletic games and ^port3 10 per cent, of pmse. 3. Four to enter in games. 4. Judges decision to be tiual ia ail cases. 5. Eaces to be governed by Domiuiou Turf Club rules. GRAND CALITHUMPIAN PROCESSION Will parade the principal .streets at 11 o'clock a. m, under the comman.l of Lieutenant Gabriel DumoLt, who has kiuilly contieiitcd to be present with a band' of Half Breeds Worst looking Calithnmpiau Two dollar.- most comical cliaracter Two dollars; best Dude chanicter Two dollars best Singer Two dollars best Musician Two dollars' best dancer Two dollars. scum CLOTHS commencing at 10 cents ptry?.n' LADIES HATSI !b'eathers aad Hats, repeat ovim, m millenery orders are far in excesa u last seasoA. Miss MoHett aud k; staff are kept very busy tHiuiag m: I dally lovely iniile\iery goods, tlic| styles are correct and prices verv moderate. 4 dozen nevr PARISOLS, commei](s| ing at 25 cesits eacli. One case Balls French COB SETS' and BUSSEIiS. 2 cases more of those loveiy Ueuri- etta Dress 'Goods, 48 iucbes wide, all wool, only 68 and 60 cents, sold m Toronto af 76 cents. 750 yards invisable Cltoveron stripe I dress goods, all the new colors 27t cents, cheap at 40 cents. 3 pieces Black Gro Grain silk, CJ i cents up. 4 pieces coUored Satin'Merveiilonr.: 80 cents. TUG OP iA£MR Captains will be appointed on the ground and will choose their own ten men on each for a prizo of $8. ar- Boad aKakUig' Markdale Brass Band Will be on hand to furnish music from early morn until the peiformauce is closed. G£»£STO COlSiEHGE AT OIIE O'CLOCK SHARP. Entrance to Grounds W cents, Entrance to be made with Sec- retary before 1 o clock. FRED SAPJEANT, GE6RCi£ NOBtE, PRESIDENT. SECRETABY. W. N.HASKETT, W. J. BENSON, G. NOBLE, .J. CABSON, Managing Committee. Brocaded f $400 TO BE KXPENDED IN ABOtTT HAIF j Markdale road commissioners were out letting jobs on Monday last, when contracts were let amounting to 5400.00. A new bridge Js to be built at Arm- strong's creek and the hill approaching cclient time with a load of nine bemg tl^T,^^ '^^^"^tr^'^^t "^i l.i.s .bun two hours on tne way. 14 gravel sev^n feet wide and eight mches '""'*• e ach way. deep put on. This should m^e a fairly j good job, yet « much ietter way, and Holland Centre. cheaper in the end, would havR been to I first put down a stone pavement and ex- 2i tumdard Corresptrndence. Fabewkll Paety. â€" Quite a number of our yciiiug people, aud fome of the more sedate ones, assembled in Price's hall on the evening of the l»th insfc. at a party driven in honor ^t the Smith brothers who ar«» about to remoye 'â- E. J. to Tilsoubuig, wUere his iaUier 13 engaged in the milling business, and W. R. to that Eldorado of young uifeu the Northwest. We join with then put on the gravel. Of course it would cost more now, but then it would be permanent, as the stone foundation serves as uaderdrahung, which is necessary on such a road. • C. Johnston aecored the contract for the boilding of the briQge. cutting the hiU and grading M3 rods of the worst of the road • This fact 13 sufficient to guarantee a good job -o far. Johnston cannot be beaten ?*^* f^a maker and will make a good Watdiom, Jo. Black and Complete inlevery depEirtmenf at the TORONTO HOUSE, ings, fashionable, styUsh aid attoSl^^KS: made Clothmg a specialty. job. WtQ U». of 6U^ i. ,w^j 'ttegu,; i1ta^"jg|i»L'?^««i both home and foreign make, to suit every taste and pocket. BverytWg at rock-bottoKicel for cash or trade. No Credit "'®^ A great job in Satin Sash Bibbons, 75 sent goods selling for 80 cents. side 10 pieces Black Cashmers, all ^cf; fast dyes, iry own dii'ect iuiyortatit:- 1 from Britain, 30 cents up. 20 pieces. White and Colored Dxea Muslins, Icvely goods. 5 ends Brocaded Mantliugs tl't newest thing out ask my saleomea tc ahoif them. « 4 bales (Jottonades, Shistiu!,' Grev and White, Cottons, Sheeting, Piilo^^ Cott ons aud Tickiags, pisrchased be fore the recent enormoas advaiiK direct from the makers. I The Ctfrpet- trade pvomises well and McFAEDANB hast the ucwtst patterns and the largest stock aud lowest prices. We have sold doable tbo quantiiy of Gents hats, Ties, Shirts and furnisbiDgs tills scasoQ than ai^f other season We haye been in business our style and prices must be rigbt. 40 dozen Ladies' Misses, Chddreu. and Mens Hosiery, Gloves, c., kc- 5 Boxes Itadifls Colored and Blac' Jerseys, nicely braided, commeiiciii at 90 each, see them. Before buying remember the rig"' house to do your trading is 'â- ' FARLANP'S the only direct imporMr doing business in Markdale. Don't forget McPARLANI) bas tbe cheapest sugar in the County, one car load or .28,000 pounds, dirsct from the Befinery and purchased before tii^ great adTacce in jrice. I will seU you sugar at Toronto wholesale p"' by the bll. And for Tea McFABb* AND is noted Irom one end of tte country to ll:e other as haviug ^w Tea par excellence, try it, try it, try "• W. J. MIFARLAND, OnGI^ IMPORTER. :b£OBE J. â€" THB lale Seeder Mabkdalb. A lively contest tc ifarm of James Bell, 13, township Glenelg ts the "Beautiful Bell iOO acres, between aiiDufactiired by the [troit and Windsor, aanufacfured by th IWiiiBer, So a Co. tud sold by their agin Klarkdale, the decisi jMi. Bell. After test [tb^ two machines in Isoil Mr. Bell, to th Inbout twenty farmers linent ciuzeus, gavt I favor of the Wisuer I the name. Ma f llESbKs. J. O. Wlsxeb, «c Gexts, â€" We, the u'l I were present at a field t llOtli, im the farm of Jam i 13, tcwuship Glenelf,' be Iftectionai scodei- an.l t\ 1 Windsor. We saw the w f the different lields of sod a land after a very exhaiis I efiree with tue decision of the judge, iu favor of .tbe l6t, Price 2ud, Grass Se construction aud we y/ov 'ieoide in favor uf your Ked superior work it did in tii I ing the soil, iu taking han ing itself to any uiieveut working the dead furrows, ness of drangkt althougl inches wider. I James Bell, J. W Gallagher, Thomas Wigpius, A. Wa ker, Joseph Walker, S. Foster, itt. Armstrong, â- J. A Joh G. I Tlio W. li. 1 Traversto t Standard Corresrondence Mr. Malcolm Black iure from here to trv 1 where. Fanners around lien ed seeding-, « Mr. Wm. Hall, of Tr bas met with a serious hill, nis mills there bei the ground and tJiree thi I of wheat lose. His son [badly bui-ued during tb Mr. Ed. Darcey and departed from here on [Sault Ste Marie. There are rumors of t tween an aged-eoiiple in about to take place sooi; The social, postponed [ago, is going to tike p We hope it will prove i that Joe may g«t the know he has the appear ing a good fiddler witl: [stiff and black thorn sti Some young rntn, rur I «Q oar fair village mWi j ' down on their uppar lips with "girl on thokaiu/ disease Hke fool in the he I as fatal. Mrs. Traynor. of Ow( I ""siting her dauhier, Morrison. T w J®'^.?°"i Torono ou 2 I bnf â- â- «â- !? ^orth Bay. There tle mo^i3® country (Fhat J C.p R „?§ tbe town for two ri^-^J^^ runs throigh a *««e inrio "^^^^""ty^n I a«»ife anS " 1"**e»- " red «^0dS kV*^*,^ ***â- see said tnTK "y rocks aad inoui bSSs -S^uad V^^ game °e i *ith« ^f! ^^^- Sturgoii *»»«« of SS^„ S" trS'VeUe. ai l»*i»AiS? ?."P^°r tlwuf I •Pe«41ea ton t""" «» this sK!t 01 affl^ ^»«Sht or Mr.^l 3^^ Sf©ttLfsI^*^°!t^.^ T??«t^fl?"^*"*n**d yeas s k '..v-