mmm m i'.i-V" FOR SALE, A BABOAiH.â€" Lots 6 and 7 Saaih -Gemrge St. UukMa. with hooae Temu fSJO. flOli eaah and the tolMwe in two equal uiniul psiyments at 7 per eent. Apply t. Petsb McAxthttb, Owen Sound. COURT OF REVISION- The Court of Bevision for the township of Osproy will be hcdd in Maxwell on the Slst of May. 1889. at the hour of nine o'clock a. m. Parties interested will govern themselTes accordingly. THOS. SCOTT, Clerk, Thoroughbred Durham BULL, Thib is one of the best ammal in northern Ontario and has proven himself a snre stock getter. TsBXS â€" 91.50 or $1.25 to those who bring all their cows to him; twenty-five cents each extra if not paid at time of service. JAMES BELL. ••BeU's Lake," Glenelg. I hereby give notice to all whom it may concern that I will keep my stallion Young Nugent, at home this season, as I cannot afford to travel him at the Jow ratea the average stallion is doing, all who wish to use him can do so at a reduction in price that will pay them for coming, ABTHUR JOHNSTON. Lot Ig, con. 11, Artemesia, Vandeleur, P. 0. TO SCHOOL^TRUSTEES. The undersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of School T^u.T*nitu.r*e, Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of toe latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chatswoith P. O. 181 ANDEEW McGILL. THOROUGHBRED DURHAM BULL, "TEMPEST Will be for service on lot 11, con, 13, Glenelg, for the season of 1889. Terms 75 cents cash or 01.00 credit. Aug. Ditner, proprietor. PEDIGREE d0nni0n seobt horn herd book, .-10939â€" "tempest" Red and white, calved Nov. 2nd. 1886, bred by H. Parker, Durham. Ont., got by Royal Irwin =1038=. dam Wave Queen =4996=. by Liiuis Phillippe =806=, -Wave Crest -2014=. byXnigbt of the Rose (imp)=14fi= (3t'528) .Wave Ripple (imp)=547=. byKil- prby Monk(200.i3). -Wave Princess, by British Prince (14197). -Wave Maid, bv Vanguard (10984). -by Norfolk (2377). -by Waterloo (2816), -by Waterloo (2816). HENRY WADE Sec'y Domiuion Short Hom^eeders' Association, office cor. Qaeen Yoang Sis. Toronto, Nov. iStb, 1888. 'TMEUGHTiRUNIIIHGt SEWIMG MACHINE THE LADIES' FAVORITE. )TH£ ONLY SEWING IOCHINE: THAT eiVB i PERFECT SATISFACTIOH vj._t^i I vVrtttTEU J.IWV., â- •. -n ^^i^^^b^^*-*^"^^'^.^^â€" i"""'*^ iiitj..-.. iw:-«li.r J^p Ti.- Ȥ Ci#, I â- fit' .c""' •;• aur 5. \y 4I-.1 nliwhl, ,r 1 IMPORTANT. 1 wi«h to annbanec to my customers ud the public in gcueral, that 1 have on haod a foil supply of Clover, Timothy and seed grain, which I am selling at prices to defy com- petition. Call and inspect. J. MADDEN, McNea's block, opposite Haskett's Hardware. S. BREADNER^ HAS OHHAHDAFUU SUPPLfOF WATCHES, of every make and grade, WALTHAM. UiLGTN, ILLINOIS, NEW HAVEN, WATERBURY. etc. All watches warranted from 1 to 4 years. A supply of second band watches in stock. CLOCKS, 8 day, 24 hour and alarm. SILVERWARE, in all the latest designs and of the best plate. JEWELLERY, To suit all, in design, quality, and price. New goods arriving weekly. SPECTACLES, a Iarj?e supply on band. Will be accurately fitted. A number of Clock Brackets jast received, something new. Watch Cases Engraved. Ear-rings, brooches and rings made to order. Eepaiiing in all its branch- es promptly attended to. Call and examine our stock. S. BREADNER, Jeweller^ Engraver and Opt/can, MARKD.\LK, ONT. THE GALE SULKY HAEROW MFG. COMPANY OF iAilNDSOR. ONT., Have a company of men and eight wagons now working in this Connty they are making Markdale headquarters. and the farmers of this vicinity sho'ild see their machines work before purchasing anytliing in that line as all wlio have used the GALE pronounce it a grand success. Jb'oUowipg is a partial list of the farmers of Grey ami Brace counties who are now using the machine, and to whom we have much pleasure in referring Fredrick Eagles, Markdale BWBlakely Henry Wells Marshall Beard " John Brland, Vandelenr Robert Wright â- " Wm Carbert, Harkaway John Smith, Arnott W J McNea, Flcsherton Wm Smith, Dornoch B Wright, Markdale Peter George, Dornoch Wm Medigar, Lam Lash Dohn White T Buttler, Markdale Joseph Foster, Allen P.irk Ludwig Ynrst George Calvert. Vickers John MoWhnney, Maple Hill Ben J Switzei Hanover A Eobb, Williscroft Andrew Hardie. sr., Kils.yth Paul Warden John Fofter, Desboro Wm Betson, Tarn Wm Campbell. Keady David Duke. Burgoine A'ex Kerr, Keady Wm Pearson, Invermay John Thompson ' Robert Agnew, Tara Adam Hogg Geo Kennedy " IJobert McLellan, Alarmion John 3V[cLellan " David Jacklin, Malcolm Artbnr Clement, Dobbington Robert Mills John Shaw " Alex Irwin " James Beattie, Chatsworth George Osbixrn, Desboro Wm Callionn, Dobbington Chas J Calhoun Samuel Hooey A L Mannerow. Desboro JohnMcBain •' .fames Lmdsay, Dobbington Francis Walker " .fohn B. Ashley, Neustadt T J Clement, Dobbington James Clement " Tom Barley, Allen Park Wm Tonison. Tara George Tomson, Chesley John Tompson ' Andrew Tompson " Wm W^plar Wm Hay, Paisley Tnomas Bearman, Seone Robert Kineaid. Peaboily Alex Brown " *: .Joseph Legg, Chesley John Harriscn James Graham, Mamiion Fredrick Pilsinger. Mildmay Donald McDonald. XeesWater Alex McDonald ' Wm Ledingham, Dornoch A Mauwood, Hanover Josiah Dirstein, Blmwood George Cooper "â- John Pepper " Wm Pepper " James TnllocK " Fredrick Last, Coverley Henry Cargill, M, P.. CargiU Robert Edge, Aberdeen Robert McTavish. Hanover A Johnston, Walkertou George B Lament, Chesley ^Vm Seller, Blmwood A M Dargavel Aberdeen E lifts Edge " Neil McLean •' John Wiltort. WalkTton Joseph Lombamloa " Darid Morden Henry Ktsell " John Jackson, Clieslf'y George Inglis, Maple Hill Henry CunniuRbfiaai. Maple Hiii rfohn Cunninjjham. .Joseph Parker. DuukeiJ Wm Long, Walkerton John W Smith. Aberdeca .J«lmMcCalliim Tl»o8 Scarf, Duirham •John Bearman, Scoim Malcohn Tjwmsou. Walkeiton Patrick Hefferan • Thomas McLenan " Robert lliohardsou '• Our Otta^nti Xretter. MARKDALE CLOTHING STORE, Seeps a pelect stock of Scotch and Can- adian Tweeds, English and French Worsteds, English Meltons, Trowseringg in all the leading grades. Shirts, Socks and Underwear, Ti«B, Collars, Cuffs, Saspenders, Ac, io. Special attention is inyited to the mana- ^aetnre of Buttons parties wishing buttons of oame material as their garments, either ladies or gentlemen, can have them made in a few minutes while waiting. AGENT FOR PARKER'S DYE WORKS. Tailoring done as usual. Custom work will receive careful attention. Good work and neat fitR. E.S. EAE. c OME to EOWE'S Giccerv for BARGAINS. H f^ERE'S where you gftt the worth of yonr money and the right! change back. ' .â„¢. .. .3iii...nit iir iDriiK... Ii, it'tuni we ask thm »ui â- â- •'â- T «i-n, w- vnH. to llww A y c::-! ax â- ••«' b..u, .«iHlKn».r«. imomli. il!.. hail l.,n'..ii» r.-ar omi '!•»""â- "'•' KilMtt-r pun« .n-hirb hirr nin out tm-U-n i^imii Ijt S^"" "' " "'"' "" ' So IB Om «n«!d. awl ik* â€" tacrtbrria Aamica. R O W E IGHT tHis way ladies and gentle- ujeu, where you Ciin get ATMEAL, GorniDcal, Flour, Rraa. bliortR, HEATMEAL. Graham Flonr, all kinds Groceries, and VERY'raiNG* HRjially kept iu a grocery aud fewi ^U,tc. Call early asd ofleu. G. fi.fROWE -^ 'S« UABKDA$4 I the doorkeeper, employed for three I months, receives $800. The Speak- er's messenger gets $800 or over $260 a month. The Gentleman Usher of the Black Bod, who sits on a chair in the Senate about two hoors a day for about forty days in the year gets $1,- 850 from a grateful country. There are any number of messengers in re ceipt cf six, seven and eight hundred dollars, the salary of many a good book-keeper toiling all the year round. THE NEXT SESSION. Sir John Macdonald announced be- fore prorogation that Parliament next year would be called together early in January. This made Mr. Mitchell think the government was going to hold three more sessions before April, 1892, when this Parliament legally ends. The Premier replied that he would consider the suggestion. PBOBOOATION. Prorogation ceremonies were rather dull and not at all brilliant. The Isdies wore ordinary street costumes and the Chamber was not full. His Excellency drove up at three o'clock in full uniform, not to be compared, however, iu magnificence to the red breeches, white silk stockings, and gilt buttons of the flunkeys. Lady Stan- ley arrived in a separate carriage driven bv coachmen whose breeches were white instead ol red. Altogether the dashing helmeted Dragoon Guards escort, the scarlet coated guard of honor, the brass band and the many colored coachmen, footmen and vice regal retainers, together T^ith the vast throngs on Parliament hill faurly eclipsed the spectacle in tho Eed Chamber of the Senate. OCCUPATIONS OF THE C3MU0NEBS. It is curious to note that of the 215 members of the House of Commons 59 are lawyers, 47 are merchants and members ot trading or financial cor- porations, 39 are farmers, 21 physic- ians, 11 lumbermen, 9 journalists, 7 manufacturers, 6 contraotors, 8 ship builders, 2 civil engineers. THE BOYAL BOCIETT. To-day the Koyal Society of Canada begins its arnual session 'in Ottawa. This is the pre-eminent literary and Bcientific society of the Dominion, the aristocracy of the study. The Presi- dent is Prof. L. W. Bailey of the uni- versity ot New Brunswick. He M. A., Ph. D. and author of several scientific works, natural science being hw department. The sacretaiy of the Society, whose patron is the Governor General, is tha well known Dr. Bouri- not, olerk of the. Honse of Commons; Special to the Standard. The legislative sensation of the ses- sion was reserved for the Senate when it concluded its labors by rejecting the most importan!; government hill intro- duced to Parliament. That was the Short Line Railway bill by which the government undertook to construct at a total cost of two millions, 180 miles of road from Harvey. N. B., to Monc- ton, N. B., to be operated by the Can- adian Pacific in connection with the luternational into Halifax. Sir Charles Tupptr once promised that the C. P. R. would build the road and so when the C. P. li. put its debt conversion bill before Pnrliumeut certain mem- bers objected 10 ilie bill until the J. P. R. oonsentel to build the roai' The minister of justice himself headed the obstruction istd and the difficulty was finally adjusted by the bill introduced by Sir John Macdcuald and thrown out by the Senate. It will be seen that neither the Premier or the C. P. R. desii-ed the construction of the road, the Grand Trunk strenuously opposed it and three explanations of the Senate's unprecedented action are given: They acted independently; they acted against the wishes of the Premier they acted in accordance with the wishes of the Premier â€" take youi choice. The vote stood 22 against and 11 for t'le bill. Mr. Abbott, the leader of the Senate, is a C. P. E. di- rector and spoiie strongly lor the measiue. AJr. Frank Smith, also a member of ihe government in the Seuiite. irt a Grand Trunk director and worked :isaiust the bill, and as he, as a member of the government, could not openly vote lor the six montlis' h(.ist he stayed out of the Cliamber siU day. Mr. Walter Sbanly. tlie eiflineut engineer anil a ministerialist, exclaimed iu the House cf Coramons Jiextday: •'Thank God we have a Houee of Lords." He is, of couvse, a Grand I'ruuk man. THR SENATE 0F?KNDED. A joint committee .-f hot] j Houses having rejioiied ceiiain propjsed to- dnciious ;n ihe SHlHri( s of 'iBcerp of the Senate without a similar stheduie ui'j»h d to- (tie Comu-onH benntjr Millt Ca iweryative." decliu-€d li.nt tb« .r .-iviit oes -nreie l-eipq lalieii awav aii«j 1 ti-- 1 otii.Sojj US !t ci-ordiUitte brai'cL f ilie I'yidlmuitf vw\h being deel rnj .w 'i in- rtport cf tie c mmit- tee, f.f \vl ici* Sir Hector Laugevm is chairuiHb. ihey relased to adopt. There w room, hownver, for the prun- '.-â- as' -^-- "^â- •" .:â- " ^•"'^^"i^se a-^^=J?«^^';-. '-.^^Mrj on parliamentary practice, a fellow of the Rojral Colonial Inatkute and of the Statistical society. He is an example of native talent and industry, vriuniag a promineuE position in his native- country. Dr. Burinot was a short- hand writer and parliamentary report- er, acting as cffieial reporter iu thf^ Senate in 1868. Among the members of tiie Society are Sir D^nield Wilson, president of the Unirersity of Toronto;. Mr. Sandford flemiog, C. M. G., the eminent engineer and efaaDcellor of Queen's Universitj Dr. Louis Frech- ette, ex-M. P.. Jovrnalist, poet, and Laureate of the French Academy;. Dr. Sterrr Hunt, who was presideut of the American AssoeiatioB lor tbe^ advaneement of Boiencs in 1871,. Then there are Mr. Le Mdne, Mr. Le^ Sueur and OAny other Uurateun, MO»S. The Railwqr eommsktee«f the Privy Council is meeting to-day. Mr. Erastas Wiman delirered an address here Saturday evening under the auspices of the Board of Trade. Mr. Owen Murphy, a supporter of Mr. Mercier's, from Quebec west, has been unseated fin: corrupt praetic-es by an agent. He is a representative Irish Catholic. There is no tmth in the rumor that Sir John Macdonald is going to Eag- land this month. Sir Charles Tnpper sails fcr Eng- land on the 16th. Ottawa, May 7. Xarktel* Conaell. Minutes of 5th meeting oi otnnicipal council of the yillage of Markdale held the ^nd day of May, 188 Members all present the reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and con- firmed. Mr. "Whitby presented his acconut- for assessing the village for 1889. amounting to $20.10. Mr. Brown presented an account for sundry payments amounjiing to $4.05. which accounts were ordered to be paid. Moved by Mr. Brown, secooded by Mr, Haskett, that this council meet a^ a court of revision on Moviday the 27tU day of Mpy at 10 o'clock a- m.â€" Cfuried. The roa4 and I^dge committee pre- sented their report* w^hiofi was p»i^^e.l asameudfcd. -i .â- tu Council ^adjourned: ' B.:.];;3|tT|kBM, Clerk. r .-i Por lakne bHk,4la« or ehdrt, vae Sbiloh'fi Porona- Plaster. tORS. BICIAKS, aVB ice at MABlejl |night will w" \sPROUL€, \. B. C. P. \;e atSte Kte o{ the IiAD TfTim -PHYSlCriLlI llct I be at BefM f afternoon fiT JBISTBR.I %FICE-OV£R MAR L ^- jlBISTEBS, Officesâ€" Ov Ponlett St.; rcFarland'8 Sto rveek. Ikbav, Q. C. Aâ€" Private and |bi n to 8 per cen isicucou: Issaerwf Ma) aissiouer; ii Inveyancing in Vded to atad car [b.â€" Money to FILLIAM ElMl ^ne.-of Karria( 1 on Beal Estatt jlevr r arms for s MARS] DE Iaduatb of DentiBlry, will lie, on Uie 1st onth an£ also a1 Ihe day following Iraonth for the \i aeucing 9:1 the 71 IHEY I real estate I interest, jio con I Strictly Confidt \RM I pT No. 24, con J 100 acrae, will ItenQs of payme 7 on the premis J.S HI. mi MABKDALK. |£ Man |ttLDEB. COl net, Markda «!. 81 FLES: ^raywoer, Appi â- «. Deeds, IJo tmpan4\Wn«tiL '"•â-¼wytaw. A B. J. THE fcwWon' Iff PEI MM