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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 May 1889, p. 5

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 .,mif*iiskit-^ IS, repeat orders, oor iietar iu excess of js Moffett and ber f busy tuming oal ileuery goods, tlie It and prices very RISOLS, commeI]^ ceuts each. French CORSETS f tiiose lovely Uenn- i, 48 inches wide, fell 1 60 cents, sold m Jta. lable CheveroD flkript he new colors i7i cents. Qro Onin oik. tt I BiiUn,MenreiIkHm in ^Un, BroeaM cent goods ssUiaf CMbmiers, sU wiri direet importatiMt euts np. and Opiorsd DrMS mIs. MantUogs kbs sk my salesmen to IS, Sbirtituc, Gief Sheeting, PiUof igB, porehased be- Qormuus advance* I Misses, Cbildr«« rloves, c., e- )lorea and Blaci lied, commeacin^ iRLANDbastbe Countv, ouecaf. Las, diieot frona^ I chased before tb^ ice. I will eellJ â- }itc: â- 3f.^ x*t?StJ»" •tt^*â- 'Soâ- â-  .^1 i»4#w 'i'm"^t^rt-j^*fs*M fetf 5««tct SAFELY LAUNCUi^^ »*** â- *.sNfe.t '*♦â- '" *as'***aK-JV'» «*iil9««»N*-i' «•"-* â- *^.t«. T\e don't often take a holidar imt laW "iiookev" on Saturday kst. laiiit? tlie 12:10 train for Owen Bound tu ffiness the lanuching of the new (J p. B. steamer Manitoba, wbiieb tookjlaceat 1:45 p. m. The aus- (liciois sight was witnessed by a large gatbiiing. chiefly Owen Sonnders, l)ut Ijiudreds were diaappcinteu owing to a somewhat prematare plunge wiiika dense procession of eager citi- zens JiUy a mile in length huiryed ^.lougtlie way to view the "sliae." .She Doved off much easier than was t'xpecied, and ot course tnere was no jtosilility of delaying hfir in her ap- peareut anxiety to "have a swim." llijse who wore late complained bitter y while the lucky throng were ilt'li"b'ii Jiot only with the immense izfci oi this great vessel but with the .Tentleand graceful first moyement of thii llmitoba. This is not only the iirst steel steamer built iu Canada bat it id tliS largest steamship on fresh water. She is 805 feet in lenejth, beiug SO feet longer than eitlier the Acliabff:ka or Alberta, Her engine was saicly placed m position previous to being launched and is a 2000 hor«e power. It is expected ehe will be complete and reaay for active service iu about a mouth. The cost is tstimattd at $250,000. The Poison Co., who built this vessel, have 300 men on their pay roll at Owen Sound and 220 in To- lon to and will increase this force to ^00 shortly in order to keep pace with their further orders. A. "E^wluiBj, $miw, ii»* fined »U. J, StertiieftHfeq,, Bfi^mx, J. Ersfape E^-j:: tfatlow, J.Bnrcbill. J. EffioU, J. My^. T. WUsim, J. rhoinpeon.v JfJSteer, Mi Laycoct, a; MeCaOoiisb. T Beffmei B. Walter. J J. Bicb«-d«on. R;Emott. R. J. Hal- bart, D. McLennan, T. Flag, W. Dayman. PoundJctepenâ€" J. B.Smtl, N. Hewi sAn, J. B. Winter, g. Wilev. W. H. Dodson, J.J\ril8p»..J. Sitt.T. Bradv, ,N, Curry, K. Elliott, J. M. Tbnrston. Mr. Dyce, .- » FeweneHfen~rJ,RtLby, A. McKeweu, N. Hewsoo. G. Profetor, J. Vickers, (i. Bath, .To86pb Vickers. H. Wbite, T. EUis. H. Hurd Esq., W. Wiggins. E. Parker. F. Burch, B. R. EUis, J. Perry, J. Cook, R. H. Stmson, J. Nel son, J. Mick, J. W. Patton, W, Stin- son, W. Brady, J. Curry, J. Mauary, R. Elliott, R. Halbert, T. King, W. Dayman. On motion being made and seconded the council adjourned until Saturday, the 25th day of Mey next, and then to meet as a court of revision. ROBEBT DtJNLOP, Tp. Clerk. sas-^ Erastns Wimaa's Article. Xeobaalcs' Institute. The seond aanaal meetins; of Markdale Mechanics' Institute, was held on the eveaing of May 7th. The President in the chair. • The anaaal report showing the receipts of the year to be $133,50, theexpenditare 134.- iiO, the total assets $221,40. The number of books purchased this year 175, the number of booksin the library 276 the nnmber of books issued this year gSO, ^\as read and adopted. The following officers were elected Mr. Wm. Lucas, President Mr. John Henry, Ist Vice-President Mr. B. B. Curry, 2nd. Vice-President Mr. W. L Young, Treasurer; Mr. T. L. Hoftat. Jr., Secretary. DiBECTOJS. â€" Misses. Wm. Brown; B, D. Biggar, Geo. Haskett Joseph Lamb Messrs Cieo.Haskett, B. S. Eae, Wm. Brovra, W. J. McFarlauiI.S. HUl, C. W. Butledge. A. Mo- FarUud. H. UfcCay, P. MoCuUongh, Mr. FredMoffat, Librarian, with power to uppoiiit an assistant.' It was moyed secoaded, ^nd- adopted that all members pay the dollar fee as sabaeription. The meeting was adjoomed till Friday, May 17th, when the qaeition of introdaoing some meaos whereby the aaefolnsM of the Xu!titute mar be iaeraased by dienrelopingtlie latent abilitici and tataata of .tbis eitixenei of oar rillajfe ud neighborhood, eapeeiaUy'the yoiingmeii iaoeoaeetion with tk« laalitate. • ^t :. T. L. MoavAT. -â- "V Tbe eoQieU met pnpraiiiht to aid' jpacnmenkiOBiApEtt SStb7l^|89. Meiii iMH.allpFeBesjb.. :lf urates: of last see- BioQ of coaneil read ud eoDficmed. The treasincerf wae ordeied to remit to R. McEni^t; $sq., n^yitrMr, 'hren Sound, $1.4S, tee for re^uitering deed of land tor r(Mid. The leeve'e orders Wire iaened on the treasurer to pay m foUowe, vis G. W. Rntledge $84/ printing R. Danlop, clerk, $^, trwiseribing and preparing misates fpr printer Peter Harris $4, work on 6 and 7 ride line, con. 6 Robert Camplin $8, bailding culvert. By-law No. 408 carried throngh the different stajjes and passed. By-law No. 409 carried through the different stages and passed. The tollowing named gentlemen were appointed pathmasters, pound- keepers and fenceyiewers tor the cur- rent year, viz Pathviasters.S. R. Rawlings, J. Ral)y, G. Emery, R. Lee, T. Dookes, G. Booth, J. White, I. Henderson, D. Campbell, E. Proctor, J. Wallace, G. Jath, R. Conn, J, Pepper, J. Fawcett, H- Lougheed, W. Dales, A. Dawn. J. •canning, R. Bell, R. Dales, R. BaUey, A.Hall, Mr. Wier.W.Dawn, J. Boyd, H. Kenney, P. Ferry, H. Cargo, f^mith, W. T. Ellis, T. Hortop, H. urd Esq., H^Reid, T. Londry, S. ^IcKnight Esq., G. Gilmour, E. Boyd, i,- vickers, C. Wickens, W. Stuart ^3- W. Scott, a. Smith, W. Welsh, y- McConnel Esfi., E. Parker, R. ^.iiotapsou, J. Alexander, A. A. Mc- b'Oiine!, R. Beuuetfc, P. Harris, Mr. l^aiker. J. Morwood, J. Knott, J. THE OBEATEB HALF OF THE CONTINENT. rProra the North American Review.] The immeasurable content with which the average citizen of the United States contemplates the fact that, as I between the Atlantic and Pacific,/ there are no stretches of territory that do not contribute to his greatness, can equally be shared by the Canadian. But the American has limitations on the north by a line drawn at the St. Lawrence and the Lakes, and along the forty-ninth parallel, against which his commerce beats as against an im- penetrable wall, and like a wave rolls back upon itself. A night's journey from Boston or New York, and the limit of his boa.sted areas towards the north are reached, two nights and a day, even from Chicago, in the centre of his territory, and the ground to the north covered by tne trade of that great city is exhausted. Not so with the Canadian. Not only does his territory stretch two hundred miles further out into the Atlantic, on the Nova Scotia coast, than thejaverage of the United States â€" not only does it then stretch across a vast *^continent of untold wealth to tbe Pacific, qn the CQast of British Columbia, bat extends as far north as th^ Artie Ocekn. Take in the stnpendaus figures included in these measure- meiiu. Adopting the eighty-fifth de- gree of loiigitade as a centre, Canada etreleliett^j^, to the oue-faandred and thirtieth depcMe, and east to tbe forty- second degree â€" forty-five degrees on oiie side and ferty.tbree d^rees on tl»r otlier.: Noi;th and south the DOminioik^stret^es' from the fifty- first di^ee of latitnde, sonUi to the forty-second degreis, and north to tbe frozen sea. George Johnston, tbe Mooapliehed bead of the statistteal idtil^trtiBeiitpf tlie Dominion goyem* aent at Oj^wai,. whdse disposition and itfiUty to .(arnisli -ihe fullest infor- rnaUoh r^gairlingCaiwdaareaneqaaU- et^^tnekes sdmb.comparisuns r^ard* ihg^the sise of the Dominion thai are Tery instraetite. He says " It ia diffidolt to afford an wleqiiste eon- eeptioih of (ba yaatneacr of thia country, Eng- land Walea and Sootland form together an area of 88.000 aqoare miles; yon oonld cut forty such areaa oat of Canada. New South Widoa oontains 809,175 aqoare milea, and is larger by 163 aqoare miles than France, ccn- tinental Italy and SioHy. Canada would make eleven coontriea the aize of New South Wales. There are (in extent), thiee British Indias in Canada, and still enough left over to make a Queensland and a Victoria. The German Empire could be caryed out of Can- ada and fifteen more countries of the same "^. ^-? It isK I? 4 a f o A -13 O *dD P3 â- r^ 6 SSh \z A M 03 h â-  o R «H « M la QD .. o bi ?H P D o n M rn m H H B o m m fi CQ O O P3 W â- 00 Hi *P"I PQ PQ 1 o M H m 745 â- o (S o o c cd CO o (5 o CO o CQ •d â- Â£ EH o A t JZ -*3 CQ o Tj g d !zi Colliiiswood i Besrglat Bay EOYALi MAIL LINE In ConntelioH with Hit Orand Trunk Raitwap. ^^â- ?f---*vfi'tl It it intended the ataoneh aae nmilar SteMuera PACIFIC. Capt. P. M. O^WtNU D. ffdote • BALTIC. Capfc ^. Tato BolMrtaaa MOBTRBBM BBUA, Cpl W. J. %: wiU ran aa foUowa doling the aiaaan oC aatHsa- tionun: IieaTing ColUnswood 1 ik m., MtatatA tp. m^ Owen Sound 8p.m.. Wf " -- Monday, Thoxadayuid I Manitowaninft Unle Conent, Bar. Bnaiah BiT«r, Serpent Blvw, *•â- Â»â€¢ Bluid BlT«r, Thnaaaloc. Bnme fDaaa. BUIOB. BtJoaephUand. Garden Btraraad â-  SAULT ST£S MABTB, leaving Sanit Bte Marie St dayUcbt avaay Saadasr. Tuesday and Thozaday. The Saturday Steamer only wiU call at Coek- bom laland and Meldrnm Bay. J. Hur ^^•iTis, T. Donnelly, W. Eaton, J. Bu Falls Best, Saul, A S, Gilmour, J. Dunlop, J. W. J- Hutchinson, E. J. McAfee, J. Crabtree, J. Key, G. Hutch- nf?' ^- ^- l^^win. (J. Ellis. E. M. "{^^lop J. Abererombie. J. W. Xnott, ^- i-rskne, M. Patton, J. J. Perry, G. ayior J. Davidson, R. H. Stinson, J- i-Mkine, W. Martm, J. Boyd Esq.. ^utcheun, A.Bde8, A.Henmng. J^' size," [To be eontimied, I notest an item in yonr paper titl- ed A fishery despnt I vant rom to anser A frod nd tals stalment J miss Mary ireton proved against Mr McBrid and bis three sons for fishing out of season it bod nothing to do with Georg Ireton 1 got public abuco I am ill the rit and ready to prove it agrain it can be proyen that Mr Mc- Brid and bis sous huuts fishes traps ail seasons of the year I saw him caring traps on sabith morring when I was going to ciirch it surly is not lor to alow satch work Miss Mary Ireton PARRY SOUND. The Steamer NarthernBeUe wiU laaiTeOoIliB»' wood every Monday and Thniaday atSa. m^ eaU- ing at Midland, leaving there on anival of morn- ing trams from Toronto, for Pany Soood, Byng Inlet and French Biver, returning aame loata. For information as to freight ratee and fares apply to all agents of the Orand nnak BaQway, to the puraera on board steameca, or to THE OBEAT NOBTHEBl'T TBANSIT CO. (Lot.) COIililNaWOOD. Taoa. Long, Sec-Treas. 0. Caxukui, Manager. OoBsnmptian Cored. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India miasionory tbe formnla of a simple T^etable remedy for the speedy and perman- ent core c4 Consumption, Bron«iitie. Catarrh Asthma and all Throat and Iiune Affections, also a positive and radical core for Nervous BeUlity and aU Nervons Complaints, after having tMted its wonderful curative powers in thousands of caaee, haa felt It his dh^ to make it known to his snlfering feUows. Ae- toated by this motive ana a desire to reUeve human anftalng, I win aeod-Aree of 9RU(8e, to aU who desire it, fhia receipt, in Oermsn, " ' wia full directions for French or prqiMring sod naiiig. Send droMagwitlxatamp, a«me «Ma p^par;. NOZBS. UBfMmrfJtfiet, n f* *mr, T, by msO by sAr iluklale Curiapf orb w PEOPBTETOR. ishes to announce to the public that he has now ready a lot of Buggies and Eoad Cans which be will sell at right prices according to finish. All other rigs made to order on short notice. All work warranted to give satissfaction. E. McNALLY. StJ» Solid C»o|d Watch.1 Sold for SIOO. nnta lualr. EeaC aSa mtch In th* worM. Vatta tuukwpcr. W«»-J niued. BMtry Solid tioid iHuntiBSGuw, Both bdiei' id C*w iim, with woriw .^jd ruM «r oqnl nine OnerenoainaMli hx ealtir can •aesmona Sa^ er with osr taisaaadval- Uaa of H»«seheld wdl at tha «aeb,,«« Vive, aa4 afler yoa hcTC kept loBtha and aSawa tha to Ihaaa Wim in ynar hons far S â- wii J may Uava caliad,' thar L bo VTU at one* •â- an ba aor r.-\ Mnmnlca. Wepay all ^n^ TIME TABLE. :, G»xe Sooth. 6 J6 a. m. LM p. m. CD I 1 BSt Yonr bttention is respectively called to my !lSanu238a2G[]33SS K ^Hiicb for quality of material, excel- lence of workmanship and style oi get- np is not excelled anywhere. Whether you wish to purchase or not, call and see ns and examine our work we want to get acquainted and to do bnainess with yon. Next door to McEenna's blaeksoiitU shop. GEO. S. MATHEKS, MABEDALE. -^IT PAFS TOâ€" AND THAT IS THE Men luiBess llii% â€" ZT â€" OWKJV SSpXTlXI The best and most practical course of study. The best teachiiif; talent. The best accomuiodation for students. Tbe best methods of instructiotiv Tbe best results front that instruction after- students graduate. For annual announcement giving particulars^ regarding the course of study, terms c., address C. A. FliEMING, PsntciPAl.. Owen Sound. Nov. let. 1888. Joseph McGuLLOuaH, -THE â€" p UMP-MAKER Wiahea to famish a|l who require a new Pump, any descriptioBUROod and satis- factory and at moderate prices. RePKIRINO done promptly and in a meehaaical manner. Give oa a^ •• w*-ai«.^Niioas.of aaaklng. •tu aeqtiaintaiidiB mntnallijrpMfitaliba JOBSPH KcCULfiOUGH, ' â- â- ** *.- CONSUMPf^' It has pemumenilT ooied THbUBANns pronoonoed by dooton hope- fa, DifBonli delay, but use If you have premonitory aymp- -â€" Ify of as, Ac, don't delay, PISO'8 CURE FOB CONSUMPTION tonuL sudi as Breaihins, Ac I Cougl donH Immediately. JL By Druggists, m cents. Montbly Fairs. Uiangeyilleâ€" The second Thursday in each month Dundalk â€" Tuesday before orsngeville, Flesherton â€" Monday before Orangevllle. Markdaleâ€" Saturday before Orangeville. Bornam â€" Third Tuesday in each month* Chatsworth â€" Monday before Durham. Holland Centre â€" Saturday before Chatsworth Priceville â€" Monday before Durham. Hanover â€" Monday before Durhsn' J- O- 3-. T. JUBILEE LODGE. No. 128, meets ev*»ry Monday in. Haskett's Hall, Markdale, at 8. Jeffrey Artley, W. C. F. Stevenp., Sec, ,=, ... rfi to SI 07 05 to 1 f8 OsneXoBis. U.10p.] ICaxkdale KaTketn. Fall Wheat .-8 Spring Wheat Barley ..••...........••*â-  Oats .,..••â- .......•••••• Pease -•• ................ Butter. ......... '•...... EfKS ...â- .•..,....â- *..**. POTk 6..00to, fotatoes, per ba ........:... 3p;to Hay .....10 OOto 10 60 Oniona, per bnahe ...« 76;to 135- TTidea......... ^/.mmpi. ^00 ^iMp ffldoa CMo '2,' ^inift 8ea^.*.... ....... 4- W^ 1 *m 40 to seto to 15 .-to to 26 r n 6f«. 40 ^i!l I A T.'.- â- ii i?M C sr «: m -»,. .^^.:^-..^^- ,-i^^.^i.-jiJiS£^

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