f;v 4J •._^ i â- y 1 '^^li. -^^^ *«o.,-5 â- * -n«5^ ***â- â- ***" i » W i« T w y K«^w^ -^'^â- ^^ i-a? "*T -II Falsehood is one of the commonest evils in haman nature and one which vonld reqaure an article of great length to fully explain, first it is a weekness inhuman character and no person haying a reascnahle amont of honor irould for the lite of him be found guilty of intentional falsehooiJ. The meekness of character which is common to the false is due partly to the edu- cation in early life or which is termed their brinRinR up and partly due to weak mind from nature which in some cases is almost impossible to tide oyer the habit /)f falsehood' by the most carefal edncatioo. Falsehood is more common among children than adults owing to honor increasing with a?e which makes the majority ashamed of the habit and are redeemed, but a few of the weekest are so regardless of honor as to grow in the habit until it becomes a disease and.they are scarce- ly aware of the fact that every utterance of their lips is partial or entirely iaiae. One of the strongest proofs of the weekness of character of the false is they will tell of big things they have -done, big things they have seen, big f ossesEiuns and great relatives, c., and appear never to detect that their listeners do not believe a word they say Liars are nut as dangerous as some people suppose simply because people easily detect them, eyen a stran- ger gives signs sufScient to detect his ialsehoud m eyery few words. Con- sequently the wise nover carry their tales if they be laiden with dangerous material and people of fair judgement are seldom deceived by them to any extent. The habit does themselvss more harm than anybody else. It is as impossible for la false person to be- come an honorable iod uaeiol member of soeifltj M to swim across the Atiaatio Oeesn. The yosog who aapin to «ninmioe â- bimld be «xe«ed- iogly careful of thwr trutUsisess a» it is (be atroBgeat principal in bamaqi oharftdUnr and the buns of oreiy other virlM. Boys and girls Mi tiio troth even though yon aajr tor thoiime con- demn yourself or biilig indignation or paniafaiBsut apon jottiurif, tnalte it a point nevsr .|^tdl a fiUsotiood and it will atfragthiefti j^am cliaralS^faBr more thaojjM^ otbe#^ nsolation yill^ean make, and yon will ever loolt back upon jmn life whieb pride as yon go onwkw and^aKwards to" honor «nd usefulness, ieloved by evwy good and honorable person who knows' yon; all the other fidi oat of the neighbor- hood. Mr. John Cliff »«de a call on some ot his frimda aromid h«re on Svnday. VMSBTdBeaa. Standard Corrapondenee. Spring seeding is about completed. Fall wheat looks well and promises to be a Rood crop. Mr. John Warlmg has been laid up with an attack of pleurisy. He is getting all right agam. Mrs. A. Holly presented her hege lord with a pair of twins a short time ago. Several paBsangers were aboard. Robt Ward was chief engmeer John Wright, Conductor. After gettmg some repairs she started for Beavei- daleon Monday with the following passengers and officials on board Mr. Dodson, Sr., superintendent: Mr. Matliew Patton, President Wm Neely, Vice-President Hugh Cuiigr, paymaster. Jno. Dillon, W. H. Dodson, i E. Richards, Geo. Crab- Iree. Thos. McOounell, Biredors. Freight consisted of wagon tracks and I post holes for Beaverdalt. What was the matter with Stand- am) two weeks ago We had uoue, and last week both papers arrived about same day^ nesnertoiu NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" St. Thomas has a population of 10.408. â€" The Toronto Zoo is to be moved to High park. Traverston. Standard Correitondence. Fishing is the order of the day. Mr. Sam. Hasty has returueAl from Michigan, well and heartv-iuoliing, we know of a few who srailj mure sweetly since bis return. We are glad to bear that Miss Kate Standard, Correspondetwe. George Mitchell, Esq., formerly of Fetch Mitchell, of this village, who has been in the, employ of J. Mc- Lauchian for some months, has again returned to join Mr. Fetch in their business here.. Mr. Mitchell is wel- comed back to our village again. Several of our citizens went to Owen Sound on Saturday last to witness the new C. P. R. boat. "Manitoba," being lanuchcd. Those who went were well pleased with what they witflessed. Mr. Thos. Strain, of Thessalon, paid this village a brief visit Monday last. Mr. Strain reports business booming in his Une. He is about to purchase property m this place and locate his family here. Saw Aocideht. â€" On Monday 'last Mr. J. Howard, of Howard Sons planing factory here, got his left hand entangled with a speeding saw in the factory, severing the third finger and cutting several very ugly gashes in his hand. The Dr. was at once apphed to and dressed the wound. Abboua Day Genebally. â€" Tree plantmg is the order of the day. In the years past our citizens have set out a large number of fine trees around their lots which now, in summer, make beautiful shades, and this season near- ly every stree't where vacancies occur a fresh lot of fine maples are being set out which, in a short time, will give our village a verv pretty appearance. Our Public scllsoi principal, Mr. W. Irwin, moved this week from his late rendence, •'Sunny Terrace," on To- ronto street, to the dwelling lately occupied by £. Vanzant, Esq., on Colling wood street. This will be much more couveuieut for Mr. Irwin attend ing to his regular duties during the week. A new and modern awning, now placed on the Iront of Messrs. Fetch MitoheU'H shop, much improves the appearanoo and will prore a great convenience to them in their business. The wife ofJ. D. Ctark. Esq.. of the Hamilton TioMs, is now spending a hojyUt} with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.' Armstrong here. J.^U. Anderson, Esq., merchant hera« haying been compelled to assign his business u now m the hands of an assignM. Vhe stuck will b« sold in blow on TUtanday oi tbia week. Mr Anderson left some days ago for Wiiiuipeg. There were not more tlum two dozen head of eatUe on the market last Monday, fair day, and mostly thin. Not many ofaanged hands. !! (â- There was a big push upon the time of onr township council on Monday last. Lfu^ deputations from several school sections waited upon them to be heard aneut newsectiooii, readiust- 1 ments, e. ^he Station seeking helj Tyrone a new section represeutativi â- from Nos. 8 and 4 proteetiug agamst tteiug disturbed in ttieir present rela- tions. The Station, accordiut; to^heir lormatiou and settlemnt, by school law siatute, must remain as they aru for five years from time of opjuiug. Tyroue lor the iireseut cannot have a new school. Mr. Fark was placKd in Section 8, aud Mr. Biniiie translated to No. 4. Socklyn. Standard Correspondence. Roclilyu spring show, held on Fii- McGiade isrecovermg fr^^mlh a effects "V h^^' '^^^ S^*°^ success if we are of a receut paiufal oueratioa vUichj^*^ judge by the number of horses es she underweut i;i h:i-iiig a tumor re- "I'-^'t^ed. The weather was soaiewhat moved from her breast by Dr^. Hntcou i chilly. Messrs. James Mercer, Jobu of Priceville and Jamieson of Durham, i Carson and E. Parker acted as judges. Mrs, H. Keruey iias cot yone top'^f:^ utci»ii.i..s jave universal satis- Dakota, as wasstat(}d last week, on I ^*'-*"" ' accouut of herliudhmd taking ssrioas- i "'® ^^^' weather of late hashiader- ly ill tUe dav bef jio iur inteudea de " Keediug coosidf^rably. partare. We are glal to say he is! ^^^- ^^ • H. Dndsou has returned able to ba arour.d .i^ain. Miss M. Daku, has tak u her d^ Mr. W. H. Dndsou 'from the iJuited States. Mr. Geo.-ge Yeadell has purchased parture from liaro, fir Nc-v York We wish her a pleasaTit jouruiy the Widow Louglieed homestead. Mr. Grier, P. S. I., of Thornbury, Eaphrssia Spring' Sbow. The spring show of the Euphrasia Agricultural Society was held at Rock- lyn, on Friday, April 26. The following is the prize list STALUONS. Imported Draughtâ€" 1st. Muller Wright, Woodland King 2nd, W. J. Shepherdson, Modern Type. Canadian Draughtâ€" 1st, Jos. Man- ary. King Tom 2nd, E. R. Lougheed, Go'den Gem. General Purposeâ€" Ist, W J. Sheph- erdson, Cuddle Doon 2ud, William Fawcett, Lord Lansdowne. Roadsters â€" Ist, Sinclair Mc- Murchy, Gener»d Jefferson. Carriage â€" 1st, Jas. Miller, States- man. Bloodâ€" -1st, S. Bebee, Lexington 2nd, Haines Bros., St, James. Percheron or Noman â€" Ist, Wm. Fulford, General Marshean 2nd, Jno. Bums, Count of Perch. BULLS. Aged â€" James Robertson. Two Years and Under â€" Donald Robertson, jr. The judges, Messrs. E. Parker, of Euphrasia, John Carson and Jas. S. Mercer, of Markdale, appeared to have giyen general satislac*iion. â€" Mirror. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel for purity, strengtli and wholesomenesB. Morj economical, than the ordinary, kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the m ul- titude of low East, short weight alum or Dhosphate powders sold only in cans. Eotai. Bakejo Powdeb Co.. 106 Wall St.. " .N.Y. STRAYED 0" STOLEN Froiii the premises of Joseph Howard, on Wednesday morning, the 13th day of March, one light 8-year old bay mare with white face and hind feet. Finder will please return the same to Charles Barber, Feversham, Osprey township. Any person fiiving such in- formation as will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded. 451-4 GAHADA L S. TRANSIT CO. (Limited) LOCAL STEAMSHIP BOUTE Owen Sound and Sauli t te. Marie. Fassetiger and Fast Frdght Line carrying Her Majesty's Mails â- 1 JlMB04y wm dlmn^ Be«l vioaC Mfow. IBUU'S snrai CRL KMU'S SMm euL OOBRT, OOOb Bml lit MH ia«M JMWMDOOfiOC* nniu.'s sPMi euRL VHm V Mr boMab or tfz twttlM Cor tl AU Sra*. â- Ms bsvait or «aa cat It tor TOO. ortt wiu be aSk SOXiD BT AIiL DBUGOIST8. S. B. CASKOVA, â- . S CaPT. F. J:i.\KBANCK, CaPT. NeU. CAMPBUili, WILL sail during the season of 18S9, frdm Owen Sound to Sault Ste. Marie, every Tuesday and Friday, on the arrival of the Can- adian Pacific Railway train from Toronto and iioints East .at 1:30 p. m., calling at Killamey, 'lanitowauiug, Shoguindah, Little Current, Kagawong, Gove Bay, Spanish Kiver. BuBwell' Mifls, Serpent Biver, Algoma Mills, Blind Biver, Ttaessalou Biver, Bruce Mines, Hilton, Biotaards Landing, Garden Biver, thence to Sanlt Ste. Marie, calling at the above ports on tbair retom trip. Tldtata and Fbkioht Batkb can be obtained by applying to MAITLAND BIXON at their new Warehouse^ ou west side of Biver, where aU goods for this Line will be abipped, free of warf- age also at the Office (A EDWABD TOIH Ponlett Street, and at the Company's Oflee Maitland's Warehouse, East Bide ot Biver, on Biver Street. O. J. McCLCBB. Maovger. irisAWEunnnrwT -THATâ€" McCOLL'S "LARDINE" 18 the best known, and moat relwMe Machiiib Oil in the Dominion Farm- er's, ThresUer's ami Mill Owner's, Tall find it decide] J to their advantage k insist upon getting th«f "(tennme Jjardine" when they ask for it, owing to BO much inferior oil being sold vn* der the same name bv uuscmpolonB dealers. We are the sole manufactnr* ers uf the "Gecame Lardme" every barrel branded. McCOLL BRU'S CO., Toronto. For sale in Markdale at Haskett Bro's Hardwnre iStore. 449-85 ~:^ Miss Sarah J. Darcey is bo:ue from ' visiting the schools in this locality. 'Mr. .Totph Erskine has left for' I Porry Harbor. i [A.bo7e came late for last week] The train arriyed m BoeUynl on Satarday last and wu greeted wi-^U great joy by the ^itizena^ftheo^piU' Durham, ou a visis to her pHreuts. We beard of a certain youug la.iy who went out fisiiing oue eveuuii;. She captured one fish airight but tid eeuoiid uub frightened her .so badl ' that slie rcreamed so loudly (^ to s^ty: Complete in every department at tlie TORONTO HOUSE, 'We show special values in Dress goods and Prints. G-ents' Furnishings, Tweeds, and Suit- ings, fashionable, stylish and attractive. Beady- made Clothing a specialty. both home and foreign make, to suit every taste and pocket. Everything at rock-bottom trices forcash or trade. No Credit. 1 • ' -.1 «.,»i«'i SQREEIUS â€" AND â€" NEW GOODS received and raarkei] off at close figures THIS WF£K. â€" ATâ€" McFarland's ♦ â- â- - 1 C-^dE (KEW)^8£)(Gmii -AM .^.^ SCRIM CLOTHS commeuciug at 10 ceuts per yard. 3 Pa,c]za.ires LADIES HATSl li'eathers and Hats, repeat orders, our millenery orders are tar iu excess o[ lasc season. Miss Moffett and ber staff are kept very busy turning out daily lovely millenery goods, the styles are correct and prices very moderate. 4 dozen new PABISOLS, commenc- ing at 25 cents each. One case Balls French GOBS£TS and BUBBEliiS. 2 cases more of those lovely Henri- etta Dress Goods, 48 inches wide, all wool, only 68 and 60 cents, sold in Toronto at 76 cents. ' 760 yards inviaable Cheveron stript dies* guoda, all the new colors S7i| cents, obei^ »( 40 esots. 8 pieces Black Oro Grain silk, 6 eaafaap. 4 piseM «slka«d Baliii.Merveiaoou 80 aaats. A great job in datin. Broeadcdl Sash Btbbons. 76 cent goods seUug ff^.SOssnlfk 10 piesA IHaek Cashmisrs, aU wool fMt ^M, Bcy own direet importatiott fron Britab, 80 oents np. 90 piaess Whila and Oobred Dre» I Modins, Icrvcfy goods. 6 ends Brocaded MantUogs tbe newest thing oat ask ny salesmen to sbow them. 4 bales (Jottonades, Shirtinc, Gnr and White Cottons, Sheeting, FiUoir Cottons and Tickings, porchased be- fore the recent enormous advance. direct from the makors. The Carpet trade promises veil and McFARLAND has the newest patterns and the largest stock w^ lowest prices. We have sold double the qnantiiy of Gents hats. Ties. Shirts and furnishings this season than ai'y other season we haye been in basines^ our style and prices must be rigbt. 46 dozen Ladies* Misses, Children, and Mens Hosifery, Gloves, c., c. 5 Boxes Ladies Colored and Blac* Jerseys, nicely braided, commeacini-' at 90 each, see them. Before buying remember the n?!"' .house to do your trading is " FARLAND'SUie only direct itaportw doing business in Markdale. Don't forget McFARLAND Ims tbe cheapeEt sugar in the Countv, oue car loader 28,000 pouuds, direct fro!" tbe Befinery and purchased before tl)e great advacce, in price. I wili Et\ you sugar at Toronto wholeffll" F'"' by the Md. And fcr Tea WcF Aii â- AND is noted liom one eix! t i ' country to tl:e otlicr as Lii^iuf,' "'" Tea par excellence, trv it, tiy it, ti.V »• W. J. MIFARLAND, DIRECT PPORTER. |i don't ' 'iioi rthel sees t B. sti ice at I sight c tudred some I a dens lly a hhe w Dved 6 exp^ted, an jjosatility of peaAo* an" TSoBe wh bitteipy while! id not I this gri and gr( [anitobt teel steal larg/ She i feet iska or I ely pl£ to beiig iaun(| jioweii It it: coraplpte and in a'-ipnt a estimiffid at Thet Polsoi vesselJ have roll atfOwen ronto and will 800 shirtly ill their fjirther o I I BEeolu The B^nd am Mechania' Instit of May M. Th The afiaal rnp the year# be $1; 5U, the Wl asaet The i^ber of 17.5, theimmb^ the nnnAir of bo whsWcbad ado] The f(«wing ol Wm. Luas, Pref Ist Viee-ilesideat Yiee-Pieilient;M Mr. T. L»lCoffat. DiBscmB. â€" Mi Biggar.OotHasb Geo.Hsskat, B. £ McFarlaa4,S. HU FarUud. BLlfcGa^ Mr. FraillCoffat' appoint aiiiBsietai It wa9 agf^i. sec aUmombeiiiiaytht Themedkg -wa Vay ITkh.Saa th •oma mea^vherel Imkitatfi oorTQune yvugOMi nei an yC-: â- Tbe beM,^tp) nooof toBTl Soond, f 1. of laadlor I Tha thetrt C. W. Danlop, -jBleL Moving xuL Harris $4, w con. 6 Bob colvwt ^By-law No, unerent sta/ By-Uw No ^â„¢BrentMtag( ^he toUo, ^we appoint keepers and »«Dt year, via ^Aby,5, Em J. Booth, J. §»tb,R-Con, S" â- •^o^'Rheed, 4l«mmng,B.l ^^.Mr.\ r'-a.Kennei gord Esq., I y«Knigh?Es( *• Vwkers, c ». W. Boot ^j- McConnel S*^. T. Di S, Gihj V.- le^-Ji"