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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 May 1889, p. 3

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 â- es. that on Pwsifio fai^ ' CruBoca «4tWT 7 hbahipa^fM, iperato uid dLI !niedg«ofth«ti .i»on Arohiptk. ilandaiakBOTlrio^ rbofonndJo^ IWAYS. JokedbMkW«Bd»l ittle rock thoy^" riDf poWy OB inally a boat b took the ne«| Inin, and early led them from journeys are of waters, joni^ ipoaiible on the acii Two men aad n little boat that tookl riBS! Minstrel's mi|,| lonolnla. WlUttjl B head of the littkl Island, jonmeTill s from Tahiti in A his isolation ptA he Hervey gtonp, IVE WIFE ray to the island tiutl le. The news of tliil ,mea on a coral tM a last year in a nti toa. Some yean apl d Baker and BeidI and took them iiil lea to Sunday Island,! rere the only ichkbit'l nen left S»moa in u| ;o to sro New Ireland,! y. They fared ntjl )f water, and, pnttiii{l d for a fresh npplyJ ed in the surf and thil er by the natives qii[ rchased by a paMiiil ira had travelled SWi are voluntary exilei| little islands, when I shipped about ones il hich replenish thebl w and then alio CIVILIZATION, tment of native wo-l important personihl not difficult to belienl adventure and mii-| lever reaches ns, and! brings its wondeihll )f shiprecked sailon,! »nd tbat were perhaiil r civiliztd men, tnl ible to escape, repeat! elkirk and of Dafo«'i| OfliaUAHai TI0E8. TelU of an KxeiUns AdTcmtare Im if**"' theMeamUlu. rniett U w o^^l Indian teader and 'ftotna. For fifty years |mm ln'"'^niioiouous figure in the CiAtmde •oee»»rtver diafcriet^ He haa t^en p»f""J jnd ocher tribea, bnt in his old age, TELfiSFHIG HCU. ihai woBimlted ni- BOW tnmbled with ihe* fkA military foroea on the frontier '"liaenin? of Indian diffioultiea, he is attention to hunting, is vet nndimmed, and though now S"?-n veara of age, he is strong and Dearly '" Jj^ ^^^j^ ^iiki a book to tell of •'" riad experienoea. Moreover, he is tit *^" t to talk much of himaalf. How- '° the other day he consented «""ji ohii newspaper repraaentatiTe of a w ^Soerienie hfhadwith royal Chi- "^tiieTB as an animal of which noth- ""iJknoffn qtiite so far north as San Fran- ciKO' .. yoa mast kaow." a«d he " that these ue the moai beautiful animala in "'"vi They are robaat and seven or A"fLt Ion?, a beautiful golden color '8?,-9tted like a leopard. The royal tiger ifr o^er his general color u dun, r lit- the tiger of the Aztec i "id, like the tiger iMoaghgoing-'" and haa no dots on him. and not races. A cab in all his movements, sly of tread, and with strength of a man cannot afford to fou round iatobe held la liav* lission Beport. ral labor commiiiioii Wages in Canada, it ler than at anv pre onra of labor ban led. The neceaaariei] Teatimony does sot serious immoralitj tories in which op«- employed. It ii i« eaaela navigating ia- nndertake voyag" Ich imperil the Hvei :eBt pagea in the tee- .ing the beating un en employed InfK- Inera hope thatthe« y be removed, •"I penal offence. !»• und to prevail verj ned. The ooBBUl- ction of a holid»!» ay. Aa regards he- favor peauniary They reoommeaji lion at porta of Ian*' to become objec" ving incurable a» len to land, andtitf labor nnder oontrio t convict labor wi rernment purpoae* labor bureau urj" arbitration to aettwi The report ba« lyatem. In conola- ^^[h w'hen he meeta one out under THE SOCTHEBK PISION TBKK3. T. was in September that myaelf Tim V 'ibrook and John Wilkinson were camp J at onr minea at the head of Dolores canon. A D»rty of Mexicans came in and reported -it they had found an old Spanish mine â- "f* miles out. The Spanish mines were a large extent covered over and conceal !j jt the time of the revolution and ^snyof them were lost. It was one of ^oM lost minea that the Mexicans say they 'yj. We set off after it, carrying onr eiDrees rifles with us, for we never in that Kctisn go out unarmed, for fear of renegade AnacheB, liat alone viciout- wild animals. Afwr an eighteen-mile j.*unt we came to •ne entrance of the mine. The earth covering had fallen in, and though wrec k Jnd rub were all around, there was a good- s'z^ aperture, and we had no difficulty in catering it. We had advanced about fifty varde in the long, deslote tunnel, and if •Here ie any tbint; desolate in this world it u inedark, damp tunnel of a deaerted mine. We canied pine faggots in the hand to give sj light, and were moving along in a ateop- injjposlnre, as miners go, when all of a sud- ^ea I notcied great big tracks in the soft mud It the bottom. 'Good heavena 1' said I, 'there are bears in here, and if we don't at ont we are done for.' We beat a hasty retreat, and reaching the open sir again nthered dry bushes and aticka to smoke them ont. We staked them np pretty high in the mouth of the tunnel, and threw dirt on them to cause them to smolder and throw the smoke backward. THEN WE SAT DOWN with onr guns to await the enemy, l^e had nt there fifteen or twenty minhtea, and were tired of holding our guns so Ion?, rad began to talk about other things. Still'n^h- iig came. We discussed a variety of aub- jecti our attention became entirely relax- ed, and I was in the midst of a story, when booh booh I a great golden tiger leaped over the fire and us with a great bound. In atwmkini; another, with the aamo booh 1 booh and biffger than the other, leaped :he barrier, collided against Estabrook, knocked him down and went flying beyond like a greaied streak of lightnbg. Every lait one of as forgot hia gun, and went rao- israroond trying to find treaa to olimb. An sldihe tiger and two iFittena, with pieroinc howla, next followed, and went clambering aptbe hilUiie after the other two. By iiiii time every one of us was either perched in a tree or shinning up a sapling. Oar guns were lying acattereid on the ground, ai, old hunters aa we were, we were clear- !; beaten. Porched in our treea, after our fright was over, we indulged in loud shrieks uid langhter. The situation was too ludicr- :u Bat we resolved to get after these agen and we did it We got a. skilled Mexican trailer to go with us, and we trao- them across galchea, through shrnbs,|and ^JiUy caaght a glimpse of one perched in a tacky cleft. Wilkinson brought him down iiy a ahot in the heart. He was a very fine 'Of, large and powerful, and with a mag- m akin. ISTO THE NiXT CASON I 3aced the 0th crtigera. They traveled al- most together, going only fifteen or twenty leetapart in places. Tbe Mexican at last lorraled them in a soft limestone mo.untain, ^rambling in places like chalk, and with ^m in one side made by weather and ani- â„¢i. It was their other retreat. This ;®e, while we made preparations to smoke •Jem out, we stationed ourselves 100 yards '»»y, spread far apwt ao we coul i get a ^aim at their bodies while they ran. ise first came bounding ont like a ahot out 1 " » gun, but we ^vere on the alert thia time, "Bl three bullets pierced him and laid him "DMW lo- e promoted »* "^l m be pUced nnO«I of the miniaten| inority report main iiStiteWtJ^} ttle more than *««â-  nclined to au»p«"»| acter. ray Can. Iquiaitely •^^i ^« "!lnTS *â-  ^apartment »» duty on t^*""Swl |heycroe8ia»ebor«» 'united Statafc " by Senator »':i "otwh^gSajl in a poaitio* • 7 of applyNf^"' be greateat " ain,if thia Dominion Then the old one and her young came r.-"8- We shot into them, wounding the "8 one, and she turned on ut. Eatabrook ^caught and his coat torn cff. Turning THE TIGER CACGHT HIM y deleft hand and put her teeth through I ^n ' ,^"" pounds apiece, would not run, ^? Advanced to aid in the fight. A rifia t^„7"' °"e of U3 crippled one and laid the I J^ low, and on we rushed, firing all the Same aay Haul Raohiforf â-  iM»«IBeM. Oklahoma Is and ama^oz. An antiaUTflBy Lnoema in July. ThennaMined Aftfoan arrived at Zuixibar. ^^•i.B'"»8wbae taken a honae In Port- land Plaoe, London. Shore fiahermen in the Maritime Provln- oaa are reaping a rich harvaat. The Duke of Edinbnrgh haa arrived at Portamonth. His health la improved. Hon. Eugene Chiaio, ex Senator of tiie Galf division, of Q ubec, ia dead. The new licenae law oata off 1,500 saloon- Ista in Boatoo, and atill leavea 780 drinkins places. All nnneoeasary trains are to be diaoon- tinned on Sundays on the Iron Monntidn railway. The Lake Erie, Ewex and Detr^t Biver railroad expeot to have trains mnidng into Leamington by May 24. Sir Thomas Esmonde, and Meaars. Dillon and Daaay, Iriah members of Parliament, have arrived at Melbourne, Australia. Engliah railway seonrities suffered a re- lapse, and American seonrities experienoea a boom on the London stock market last week. Collector Benson, of Windsor, is suffering from an incurable disease, and there ia general regret and sympathy in the com- munity. A large body of Scotoh miners have de manded an increase of 10 per cent, in their wages, and threaten a strike unless it is granted. Mr. Gladstone's son William is now bet- ter. Sir Andrew Clark, the famous physi- cian, haa, however, gone to Hawarden to at- tend him. Gimstianity ia Japan. It seems somewhat strange that the work of spreading Christianity in Japan has been left by the Churches and missionary socie- ties of Europe almost entirely to those of this continent. While the former are work- ing energetically in China and India they have less than 60 miasionariea in Japan, whereaa the United States and Canada Have ^86 there. The Sctoh Presbyterians, the English Baptists, three Church of England aooietiea and a German Swiss society are the only European organizations having labour- ers in this field, while twenty American aooietiea are represented in it. ' It may be that this is due to the fact that America was the first to taxe advantage of the open- ing of the Mikado's empire to Western Com- merce and olvilizatlon. It ia just thirty years sinoe the Presbyterian, Dutch Reform- ed, and Protestant Episcopal Chnrohea df the United States inatitnted the firat mis- sions to Japan. In the following year the Baptist Union also entered the field, which was exclusively oocnpied by these four organizations until 1869, when the American Board (Congregational) and the English Church Misnonary Sooiety joined them. Sinoe then other or- ganiaadona have sent representatives, but, as we have said, of the twenty-six Protest- ant missions now in the field, twenty are American, including two Canadian. Among the latest arrivala from the United Stetes are the missionuies of the Jlooiety of Friends, who were sent ont in 1885. and one sent hv the Unitarians in 1887. Ot late the work appeara to have been progressing most sat- iafaotorily. A report for the year 1888. pre- pared by the agent of the American Bible Sooiety in Japan, shows that there were at the end of toa* year 249 organizid charohet in the oooatty, S5 514 men^bers, 9,698 scholars in the day and boarding achoola, 287 theological students, and 142 native miniitera. Nearly 7,000 converts were bap- tized during tke year, and the inorease of membership over that of the pcevions year was about thirty per cent., while the con- tributions of native Christians increased more tftan fifty pe* oent. The number of patients in th« hospitals also rose ftom 3,- 334 in 1887 to 17,279 last year. The Rom- an CathoUc and Greek Churches are hke wise weU eatabliehed in Japan, and the to- tal number of Chriatian churchea in the country is 601, having 150.000 communi- cants, " • SlaTery ia Eooador. A French miaaionary, who has been travel liuK through Eiuaior, haa made inquiries into the condition of the lodiaua. and report that although they are nominally free they are in a atate of slavery. Although, accord- ins to the lawB the Indian ia a free nian, he is. aa a matter of fact, bonght and aold, be- queathed by will, aeized V a creditor in Jayment of a debt, and is in no way diatin- iuishable from a baast of burden. This ttote of things U brought about by the law that La the Indian to sell bâ„¢"« »°*» â- ^J: „y when he is unable to aatisfy his creditor in any ether way. Once a slave, he is rarely Sle to extricate himself from his servile condition. His wife and children areabo alavM The famUy U allowed a miserable "hurrn wSh to Wge. and a small patcho^ 1 1 1- .. «R ,iAni: to buddIv the lood has ASM There wwe three er f ow oaoeeuiad aeatt ia«haoar,bafth«itoodfaraiBoaMBt, ffrip in hand, near the door, aad than walked to a seat in whioh a yonag lady aaa alone aad aat down iMsidelier with aa ia^adanoa that aatoanded all other pantagan. The looked ap at hfan aad areoad the ear, aad evidmdy raab'isd Ae sitaatloa. for ahe took pencil aad tafatet tram her retionle aad made ready for him. After about five minnteathe man turned to her aad obaarved "Begpardea if I am mistakoa, but don't yon live at Toroato T ' She looked np ia a furtive wayj and .tiien wrote on the taldet aad handed Mm "I am dedf and dnmb." "Ah I By Gewgel" ha aighad as he read it; "that's too. too bad I Djaood pretty girl to have snoh a misfortune. Well, I'm left, after aU my smwtneas. Saw her at the win dow before I got on, and oarrled ont the plan to a dot. Deaf and dnmb, eh Firat one I ever atmck I" He nodded hia head to her to signify that he understood, and he would have oeen glad to change aeata if he could have done so without loss of dignity. As the train thun- dered oa he peruMd the oontonte of a oonple of newspapers, yawned awhile, and then bought and finished a novel and finally, after a ride of four mortal hours, the whisue blew, and he reached for his grip with the remark "I'll be hanged if I ain't glad this stupid ride has come to an end at last." 'Dittol" quietly replied the girl, as ahe turned on him. "Tonâ€" you 1" he gasped, as he stood there looking down upon her with twelve kinds of emotion galloping over his counten- ance. "Good-day," she said, and be backed out and dropped to the platform like a man re- treating from a mule's hind l^p. WHAT SGOTTS EMULSION CURES QownaanaB SOBOFULA BBOBOHIZIB OOUGHB OOLSS Waitias IKaeues Wonderful Flesh Producer. Soott's Emulsion is not a secret remedy. Gontaining the stimulating Hypophoa* phites ana Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, the potency of both bein|; largely in- creased. It ia used by PhymoianB all over tbe world. PALATABLE AS MILK. SUd by tat JtrumUbt. SOe. and $1.00. IW Q«tlai% WasI, Soaoato. M. lot Mowynoa^ir ao DeWMs RKBSf iam. miui .wxsm m. TORONTlti. ONT. CHOKE FMiS HHI SALE III All PUTS OF MANITOBA. Parlias vUUnc to x«irba« im^wevta frntaoM, from 80 aena upwaids, with 1] poasss ii eii. oaU or witta to fi. I. HAinUMa, Mo. Arthur^ Bio^ Main sL, WinadMc. infnnnatlna tnmiahed fna at ebMXgt, maUag aaisotlon. At Cuaao* Ratbs or CeNBOrS CAKBIA€E DBB«8 AND HAimB M4KBB8â€" The Ho- Oowcll Oanaent Dnfctiur llacbia* ia the most styliah, timple, complete, ardtiio, rapid and durtble method ever inTented. Write tor cutoalu, with fall partloalara. Sole Anenta, Tofoato Catting Sshool, 4 Adelaide Street Wet, Toronto. H. WILUAMS CO., SLATERS FELT ROOFERS Hannfwitaren and at aleta in R oSnirMater- iml and Building P4pers, eto Offiob 4 Adelaide St east, Toraulo. Proprietors of WiUiaica' Flat Slate R of Telephone 511. Aniriahman was planting shade trees when a passing lady said: "You're diggingoutthe holes, are you, Mr. HaggertyT" "No, mum, Oi'mdiggin'outthedirtan'lavin' the hides. Silk Dresses and Hew Bonnets. " I haven't had a silk dress since I was married, nor a new bonnet for three aea- sons," complains Mrs. C. V. R. She declares she is bound to have a new bonnet if she has to work for it herself. This is true grit, but many ladies who would gladly work hard to attain a ^desired object are unable to do so because they are almost constantly sffl'cted with diseases peculiar to their sex. Dragging-down pains, displace- menta, leucorrhea, and other uterine dis- orders, are the bane of many woman 'a lives but Dr. Pierce's Favorite Persoription will core where idl other oompcnnda fail. It is the only medicine for women, Mid by drug- gists, u^tder a po»itioe guarantee from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refoaded. This guarantee has. been printed oa flia bot- tle wrapper, and faithfully oariiad oat for man years. The Toronto giria miqr w gtamea, but they are never afaorta^htM efiough to make spectaolea of themaelves. Wanted to be. Heard From. If anypm^aon hasever glv«tDr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy;a fair triaUaad has not been perfectly ivA permanentw dnred, that person shoidd write the proprptoca of that wmderfnl remedy, for tliag^'arain- dead earnest and ' meui bnslnass" wh^they ofiiar $500 reward for a eaaaof iMsaiflatavrh,^ no matter how bad, wof howjop^ standing, which they cannot cure. ' The remedy is cleaning and healiag. " Hfatury of manâ€" Bawled in iaiaaa^^and bald in old age. "" TbeaheeUMpailherwllbaiMtljtni, \;,, Drew the mUden to hiajbrinn, Whlspc^r^ vowa ot tniadavstiiSD, ., The qld/old t^e,â€" youkMw the «ai«. f-.H 'â- *â- 'â-  This d'»mati»9|ee9hifoJWkailJb^ up badly; but when she. explained that heit;-apprBhen-- sions were foninded on the iict el «a uiherit.: ed predisposition to oonenmpltUi^^ fawjr fAm^ ily,he calmed her fcara,boagbt!a bottle of J)i:.. Pierce's Golden Medical Dlsov^ery for her. and aheia now incarnation of health. For all bron(^l:tboatk and^^'a%)B|i{|a^l«tt a potent remedy. Takes thinais u a matter 0f otfan«t^lhe table d'hote pataron. 1 Coiuramption Surely .jpontt; To the Editor 1â€" i*v Please inform year readers tbaa I have a positive remedy for the above named diseaae. By its timely aaa thwoaandsj^.f*©^^ oases have been penhanehtly cmMsf "I «falr be gtad to send two bottles my remedy fne. to any of yonr readers who have con- sumption if they wiU sead me their Bxprest and O. addr^ Rean'y, T.A. SIXKJUM, M.C., 164 West Adelaide St., Toronto. A.P. 448 BANK^TORONTO DIVIDEND NO. 66. "I^OTIOE ia hereby given that a IHvldead of i3i Four pereeat. tor toe cnrreot lMl(-7er, br- ug at tbe rate ot Blcht per eeMC per avanin, and a bonus «t two per cent upon the paid up capital ot the Bant, haa this oay been declared, and that the I'ame will be piyable at the Bank a'd its Branchea on and atter Saturday, the lat day ct Juoe next. The Trsasler Booba will be cloaed from the 17th to the Slbt ot Haj both daya included. The Aiinnat General Ilretias of Bharr- haldera will be held at the bankiqghonae ot the in- stitution on Wednesday, 19ih day in Jane next. The chair will be taken at noon. By order ot the Board, D. COULSON. Caahior. Hare all the lateat improrementa aad are luieqnaUed for dnrabtUty, atyle and oonvenlenoe. The leading Carriace Butldera aeU them. ASK FOB IflEM ua BUT wo OTHFR LeatherBelting BEST VALUE IN THE DOUIinON. F.LDIXONCO, MAKERS. 70 KING ST. E. TORONTO Send tor Price Litta and Diaoounta. AUTOMATIC SAFETY ELEVATORS Pal hydianllo hand and ateam elevai^ts. LEITCH TURNBULL Canadian Elevator Worka, Peter and Queen atieeta HAMILTON. ONT. THE BOILER INSPECTION H AND INSURANCE CO OF CANADA. Eatablished tor the prevention ot ateam boiler explo rion by proper^ospsotiona. Snt Albxa" naa CampbbUi K Clf.O., 1.1 -Got. ot Ontario, Preaidenl Head •flee, 8 Tarento St., Toronto, •ut. CONSULT- INO KNtJlNEERS and SOLICITORS OF PATENTS Qao. C. Rosa. Chief Engineer. A. Frisbr, Seo'y. HIUEI KOTCE Ct Dealera in all kinda of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS- Agent! tor the BfcSSON and HIGHAJI Bead In- etromenta. OTSBEET MUSIO and MUSIC BOOK.. Manmaotniera olthe **IHPBKIAL" BAND INSTRUMENTS. Beat In the world. Eight Teara" Onarantee. Send lor lUnatrated Oatalogne " Teatimoniala 888 Tonga St., TORONTO- o o (D Q o BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. ROYAL Dandelion COFFEE, None genuine bnt the Boyal. I-repared by Ellis Keighley, TorontOr I »kii. I"'""" °° ^8 rushed, firioe *m1^*^!"^°f Eatabrook. S; •i.^ the brute. We had to fire with isuni!"" "«* teep from hitting the St*!.! ° " seemed to me it was fully l!i"«tt before we planted a fatal ball ilway .it**- sohai^ Jity upon AinJJJ Id then we a^ lole of a f»"2S reight going "j; conntnea^^'jj the indu«tn«fj, thia 'ZJ^\ Brute. _^| ^xtdoory*?' ' â- not W^'^iS^l aroioel***^' *«4drt. '^^ â- " '^^Y maimed by the ftom ,-â-  ^.^'8*r thai he has never recovered ^fiiiB«.i.' *°^^**80 to"» that two of »r5u4^"»"Rby8hred8offleah, and his liiiwJiL "»* *M al« lacerated. ****"--' --' had with iiad, of « *•"â-  Bear and deer and otner inkro. =?""»» the borders I have kUled ^efi?n«„ "•^'»* there is nothing on %r. p,5 v" **t " « vicious as thU -id an w v?°^ »o^ »* San Bernardino, P'Kmhmiger fight." „ ?gth J^ty of â-  fight.' l^'PStTI^^'V^Sely dependent for its rneea of vision the tho T.""""™™ "I vision upon .. ^o» i!:*- It » true that a man ""'ibitit! ' " rigJit in order to do r'^itofdJ?**' *â„¢e that he must be in '°«»ledg,^"°8n«(ht in order to make aooh *y practical value. ground"ba«V'«ffi°»«'»* to"PP^y the food necesaarv to anaiain life. A man who thur^W himself into alavery U •ttached to theesUteof hta owner, and passes with it into the hands of the heir or purchaw, when thtrLiferred by death or sale. Tne great- er part of the Indians of the interior a" re- du^d to thia condition, and li« a life of the utmost degradation and misery. -^ " A Bum Bemedy for fleuralria. Nenraleia ia one of the moat common and paSluI aff ctlona iocidental to thU climate^ ?7i° to thousands ia made miserable through iw Mency^ wd as it aflf.cts the nerves, cmly SeS powerful »nd penetrati^ rem^i- Kril. K^wYo h-ruisi" !i^FTrs^xrr^i":S"-d^ S^.?rS.-sS^^ medicine, 10 and 25 cents a bottle S^a"i^S^^tf S^thenS^SSS^ent of ^ISI^old Ambigu Theatre in P*"' "^^ pulled "^--gg^iJd" a. afterward gtvennp devoted to the melodrama for a ow«" „. CANOES. Send for III. Oatalogua. EKfiUSa, Petcrbeiw, Omt. K aBXTlâ€" Snvaaun-roaTHB Hona, to tnumloata tbe Pithwiy ot Ufe. Giving the beet 'houshts oi «• Unda in cheering worda. toOomfotl Bnoouraga %dA Inmire the Fathers, Mottera. Stena »ni daugh- iBMrfwland. Bdlte. by W.lterSoott Vail, with fn inUoduXn by Eev. J ha Hall, D R A TOlnma of 276 Selected Gems in Prose and Poetnr. trom the writinw ot the .bioit authow of aU lanfc. Terma uSeral. WM. BEIGG3. Pnbliaher, Toronto. LOOK our FOB BVKOI.UM! 87()00,00 Sto'enfromthsBMikat Hull 1 Protect your Siorta. Housea. Stablea. m weU aa Ooodf, »»J|'«tO'J the oatdde by n^lng the Champion Burglw AUwm 1 Vo one oaa get into a room or bnUdIng wlttont inarming the whole neighborhood. »« Le put np toa^ute Commercial Men can attach one to any door teTSmplv doain? il Doee not mar the door in thei^ Thli ia no toy, but a well-made wtiole. lUdeTwtented and ao^ by a weU-knoini Houae. ^vour hardware daaler for one, and be auremy tame^ on it, or aend $1 and wo^^ «» J*^. f^ Agenta wanted In every ria«L g. 8- M"»^«r PO »x 945. Salearoom S77 Craig 81. MowraaAL. DR. DORBNWEND'S Hair N|agiG Reatorei Grey H»ir, Stopa Falling Ont of the Hair. Re- movea Dandmfi ia Bild- neaa When the roota are not tgone. Magic will prodnoe a fine growth It tauntaiUng. Trrlt. All droggiata every- where. Al. dokenwend, gsia Maantaotnrer, XoBomo, OCT., Cahaba PARMS -- IN MAW iTOBA. SGOtM, Maiiito1)a and Nortli-West Bkal. Estate Ck»., Liu. W.J.Akia,l[gr.,357Miua st^Winiipeg Lwda in all parte of the Province. LowPilcea. Easy Terma. laata Sent and Fullaat Information Fnr- Fnrtiished '-n Application. Senri ua yoor name and we will mail you oar deaoriptive catalogoe Oomet Safety. 985 Oomet No. 1, 9110 Comet Ho. 2, 966 Swift Safety. $126 New Bapld, 9120. T. FAME A CO., 33 Adejdde atraet weal, Toioate. RUDGE AND COUlMBiA BICYCLES Braianre a Inauinc. Work Gnamateed, AD Ssoon-HAn Woasu. Send f ir Catalogue. P. DAVIES CO. 22 CHURCH ST, TORONTO. bicycles: IM Seeand-Hand. Seal for Hal • T. LAKS. MoHtauL, Qira CANCER andTtaMnC0KI£Ui bobumi Vwkfiw. DBS KCMICHAEL, Ko. (3 magna St.. BnOOo. N. Y. Allan liinB Royal Mail SteamsMpi flailing during winter from Portland evetyTbnraday andHubaz every Satoiday to Liverpool, and In aom- mer from Qnebeo every Saturday to Liverpool, caUing at Londonderry to land nulla aad paaaenger* for Sootland \Qd Ireland alao trom Baltimore, via Bali- tax amT 81 Jobn'a, N. F., to Uverpool fortnightly daring. samner montha. The ateamera ot the Glaa- gow uiaaa aaH during winter to and from Baliftax Potlland; BoaCoa and Philadelphia j aad dml g aum- _j between Olaarow aad MontrW *«?% A °^^ aad Boaton weAly, and Glaagow aad RUadelphia fOrtulKaWnTa FOr freight, paaaaga or other latormatloa apply to A. flfthniMnhM A Oo., Baltimore 8. Cunard a Oo. HaUtax: Shea*00M St. John'a,NUL; Wm.Ttaomti. son Oc., 81 John. N. a; Allen ft Co.. OUoago; Lave ft Alden, Hew York; H. BonrUer, loronlo AHan. Bate ft Co., Quebec Wm. Brookie, Philadel phla H. A Allen Portland Boaton Montr«al Brown Engines IRON AND STEEL BOILERS ANY SIZL TOEOHTO HHGIHK W^^ ^^ J. Forijils Go. Toronto. I1C4 Qaeea Street East. Toremo I CURE FITS! When I sayCcRB I do not mean meretyta stop them for a time, and then have them " torn again. I ukak A RADICAL CUBE. I iiave made tbe disease of TITS, EPILEPST or FAIiLnrQ SICKNESS A life long study. I wabbant my remedy to CCBB the worst oases. Because others mwo tailed fa no reason for not nowrecelyincaconk Sendatoncefor a treatise and a Fbee Bovrts of myIyFAT-T,TBT.Tt Bbhsdt. Give Expreaa and Post Office. It costs yon nothing lor triait and it will cure you. Address E. 0. BOOT, ILO., IM Wait Adelaide St. TORONTO, ont. EMINES, BOILERS, SAW I WATEROTJS ENGINE WORKS OO, I BRANTPORD AND WlNNIPEa. f • â- 4! 1' l' â-  w ' li N* ;jpl « ' â- â-  ' 'â- ! 1 â- if ill;. I â- 'l!- 1' 'I;! I' t ;r â-  'i- !•[ Ill â-  A v^l- M IM

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