'^-*~°* ~^ 'â- â- â- "_. ~:.z':zi^»r^:'fj •' 1- han bolt port. 5,. Bed Miun. »^terl want nmert bj nilitia. Jj^ laiisfae^miJ louglmel* tber qiw^ ffeg in the I described opposed to Fobfi Mae- v'Btfek. resuscitate- 50tt. asday made- li ' Matbew- 1 ttee occas- riago to au na^ 'meets- bv 71- Next abtxnt the embers, Deut made yed out the tb. He did or do any" ectator. He le presenta-- fB i?iven an a seal riug.. ,s borne the" udidly. He to fatigue. a. of the muni- ;e of Mark- Annl, 1889, except Mr, cbair. ]g read and m township* ice to rent ot' rom reeve:^fr tor derk^s 1,' 31st Mch.;; le Works Co. r gteam fire it the clerk of by instructed :.'nelg askinfi tion y-law to com- be village oC (3ay8 statute ed each year w. â€" Carried, t the clerk's ill's for 75c. st March be Id to eotamine •iieir report. liEted tc er- jeg^to report |d bouds and 1 MgFarland-- Plewes. Isat Messrs. loovor be a l*.ee to I'jok Id bridges iu the reeve J Lucas be it |d crossings.- 1 Geo. Noble- Lie (without. \\ he to en- Lige, c. â€" bus couucii ' |th3 Spring rkdale for Mr. Has- Itho council \ny person [ion as â- vrill III? person lovjaions of AciSfc- â€" Itiis council Iht at 7:30 I, Clerk. |h, 1889. one of jer fishing ^med con- Advanoe, Ig his «x.- Whiles made it h«t 8«i** "but tbP I t ier caiO"i lame" but ^Uermatt » pura. Is. L npwii» w III I «*.«* vjEpa»«i'^w« m0en^7-^jfn «i â- wpwiaw**-^' x^tiMi • '•, â- â- â- r^^'-i « â- r?/i **^ .â- i-*' â- *««; -**;i^" â- " â- :.â- ^ • ^rSTH YEARâ€" Kb, 452. ^•HEW TO THbJ LBSE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEBE THEY MAY.* MAKKDAUE, THURSDAY, MAY. S^, 1889. Q. W. RUTIiEDGB, Proprietor. DRS. SPROULE EGO, .rfHISKlAKS, SUBGEON XCC0UCHEB6, C.â€" Office at Mauley's Drag Store, where all calls HivorBiglit will be promptly attei»I«ed to. S. SPHOULB, M. D, A. EGO, M. «., e. A McBRIDE, M. P., L. R C. P. S. EDINBURGH^ \gffjice at Stephen's Drug Siore. Late of the London Hospi 1, England. iTFTHmTED, M. D. PHYSICLiN, SUttGEON, C., [f I o 11 fin 1 CJ o n t r e. â- \Vil! be ftt Berkeley every Tuesday and I iidav afternoou from one to four o'clock. â- â- 390-ly. P. IcCullough, bS-RRISTBR, SOLICITOR, c afflCE-OVER McFARLAND'S STORE. MABKDALjE. 'SlK\yGy to lLioa,n. LocaJ_afld Other Items. Notices in tluse columns intended to benefit any tn^vidnal or Society will be clmrged ten emtg « hm: for the first insertion and five tmu B line eac h mbieqvent insertion. NOTICE.â€" Correspnndenee, communica- n^,.AdveHisements, dte„ must be in this offlee by noon on Twsday to innire publication that week. U. W, have delates in MASSOM MASSON, B' AEEISTEES, SOLICITOES, c. OFFicEs-r-Owen Sonnd, in Viewer's I'.oct Fcnleirt St.n Bianah office ia Maitkdale, r .McFii-lfciiCte Ssere, on Friaay«nd Saturday hvrry weeL. .:lAssnx,.(J.C S- Masbsn. W. Masson. J S. B.â€" Private and Compainr's lunds to invest l.;ir(m) fi to 8 ner cent. WXi. BXtOWV. ViVISICN CCKURT CLERE. Issuer of Marriage Licenses.'c. Commissionei-j in B. li. c. onvoyancing m all its branches.pramptly L'eiKied to and carefully executed. S. B.â€" Money *o Lend on Keal Estate se- ritv. WILLIAM STUART, KIMBEELEY, Issue; of Marria£;e Licenses. Money to iLoan on Real Estate at low rates. A few Jjarms far «ale. Terms easy. .P. MARSHALL, L.D,S. -DENTIST, 1BADUATE OF TOKONTO SCBOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, fclaridale, on the 1st and third Wednesdj^y of Vtimonth andalso atMunshaw's Hotel, Flesher- V the day following the third Wednesday in luh month for the jixactice of hia profession. fommeucing on the nth September. \K ;:eal estate security, at low rote of mteregt, no coiamisBion charged. Snui- 8 Strictly Confid«Btial, i. S, BLAGC, l0 (tnooooa, P, 9« \Tuui FOR SALE. I OTKa.24, eon. 4, K. D. B. Olenelg. IM seres, will be «old eoeap and on tenM«{ payment, {earluiherpartieaUn 'yon4ihe premises, or letter to J.S.BLACK,, 190-tf. ^eumxa P. O mUll HOUSE, MASKDALE. ONT. ' E. Marsh, Proj»' W. G. RICHARDS ItJUlLDEE, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- I J TKCT, Markdale. LCoai K J. SPROULE, FLESHERTON. »veyancer. Appraiser, Valuator and Money r-.rnn, .j*,-" l^^ortgages. Leases and Wills KEJtsM alnations made on shortest notice. r"«ge8 very low. Apply to "»ney Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. P^m Stod.a.a,xt THE TAILOR, P* iiw p,S,^« y°"' clothes neat and trim. 08t from *^«n Hates always on hand to J^^^^^^McFarland's Store, Markdale. 6 PEE CENT. lHoi No^'^,, PoBtmaater.FleBherton. to LO-A^IV. ivite and n " «iitS?2J"y' tM^s to invest in Beal '*»â- â- *^^ °' interest. !iii'J3»Wl2^'«»d confidential. Avpni*- l^^' Totoii^"ent loan and ^Tings DUNDALK A. O. lodge, Obangeville Presbytery will meet on the 2l8t. The weather has suddenly dercloped into summer heat. Good newly calved cow for sale. Wm. Haskett, Markdale. Bead R H. Benson's new adv. -this week, something new. The County Assizes axe being held in Owen Sound this week. pROFAKiTT is more or less a profession «f .your le^slty to the devil. H-Rs. C. 'G. Lee, of Allston, is visittnr iher pareBts and friends here. Fortune knocks at every man's decu;, Ittut rarely breaks the door in. Me. Wm. Cxjsbeie, of Mt. Forest, visi- tfeed his biother E. B. this week. JVIiss Kate Maetin, of Olenelg, return- «ed home recently from Toronto. Quite a number of shade trees have been planted in Markdale -this spring. Mb. Joseph Hamelton, photograpdaer, is visiting friends at White Lake, Oirt. Mr. Wm. Jackson, implement agent, is this week in Ovfien Sound «s a jurw. House cleaning imd gardening aa-e engaging tbe -attention of house keepecs generally. GoooLES IS cents colored sun specks 20 to 7S cents, dall t the sign of the "BigSpex." Next Monday, 14th, several Toad jobs are to be let by JSarkdale Road and Bridge oommissioners. In the lliicense Commissionets report of last week the name of W. J. Senson (sbop license) was tmitted. Ma. BoNMSLL, Sr.. and Mrs. John Bowaell, of Walter's Falls, ^sited frieads in Maitbdalw this week. Tbbbk are few M any Bapti^ in MarMale, yet a rendent had it dip last Snndvv, bat wisbeaot kept qoiet. Mb. IdVBKBCieSter of the Mt. Foietrt Bem kA » Silb. fidi on the 1st May ui tbt tflHoerymuii^ fish barrel). Ms. Jians CkwBir, Sr., ef Owen Soand, died on the 80 April, atthe aA- Taneed age of seventy-mne yean. Ths cool weather of the part week has gerionsly affected the auccess of the flooreB of anglers who lined the rivers. Wk often hear it said thatgurls wiHbe girls, but we apprehend that a majoiaty of them are willingto be married women Mb. W. E. Sodthoate, of the firm rf John Macdonald Co., Toronto, was the guest of W.J. McFarland, Esq., this week. Fob a sore throat cut slice of fai, boneless bacon, peppered tinckly, anS tie around the throat with a flannel cloth. Bbv. J. J. DobbA has been enpelled from the church by the Orangeville Pieabytery for filthy *n^ immoral practices. BvEBYBODT requires spring medicine now Trv Beiuvenator Bitters, an ex- ceUentWooaiurifier. Sold by Smith the barber. Mb. Hbnbt Shaw, the popuhur travell- er for Robin Sadler, Leather dealers, Toronto, gave the Standabd a friendly call this week. Mb. Jambs McNba, of Toronto, spfflit a few days with his brother Tho^^^ Nea, of this viUage. who is lymg ill the last ix weeks. ' ..^ Fob a con,*, boil one ounce of Aa^eed took candy.' With wind storms, sand storms, alkali water, pneumonia, nothing to eat and smallpox, the OkliJioma boomer is having a tongli time If straws show which way the wind blows, the crowd leading to McFarland's demonstrate, that his store is becom- ing more popular every day. A Mass Meeting is announced to be held at Rocklyn on the Uth. Dr. Sproule, M. P., and others will address the electors. Meeting at 4 o'clock. W. J. McFabiand is diowing oome very handsome desings in silk brocaded dress patterns, at very moderate prices. Also mull and colored dress musUns. Balldtwy. Centbai. Bank depositors have been paid another dividend twenty per cent this cime, making 86^ in all, and tiie probability is that they will yet be paid in full. MakaqebE^cksom, of the Grand Trunk Railway, has ordered that all Sunday frei^t trains be discontinued except those conveying Uve stock or perishable goods. Mil Simon Ptewes, of. Creembre, visited his brother Angus of this place ^ast week. Simon was very popular when a resident of Markdale some years ago and is as genial as ever. The Hanover Post changed hands last week, Mr. W. H. Ashley stepping down and out and Mr. John Mitchell assuming control. The Post has been a neat, clean f â- sheet and conducted respectably and successfully. We wish the new editor fifvery success. Tuesday evening last was a gorgeous ni^ht. The balmy spring atmosphere together with good moon light attracted scores of citizens out for a stroll, hence the social at the Methodist church was Benson has erected a kitchen thi» qjoing, MatbewB a carriage boose and Fred Sarjeant's brick front is atbovA complete, thai is, the brick, work. Collar Bob* Brafem. Mr. Thos. Wiggins, of Glenelg, took: his gan evk to shoot am Owl last Friday and pat m a good heayy charge â€" not knowmg'tiiflit it was already loaded the dovhle charge pssved too poweifid and the backward cnnsnHsion fractured Mr. Wiggin's collar bone-.. We haven't learned any further partTculacs of the Owe. TlM Slant orway. An exchange sa3rs â€" Many who drive do not seem to understasd that the law gives the^ight of way to the pedestrian. A man or woman who is crossing the street at a regidar crossing is not obUg- en to look oat for the person who is driving the team, but the person driving is to take care not to jostie or incommode a pf-rson walking. That is law and common courtesy as well. How fregtrent- ly do we see teams draw iq at a cross- ing and pedestrains made t»pass around them. A Boat Beaten. About two and a half years ago the SxAyDABD sued one Dr. Washington, a trayelling speciaUst or "quack," for an adyertising account, which, his "himiti- ness," after reUeying himself of a tirade of the grosest insolence, refused to pay. We got judgment at court but the pros- pects for further satisfaction appeared I shm for a Ions time. We determined, however, to push him, even to prison if necessary, and ordered a transcript and had him served with a jud^pne^i sum- mons in Toronto when he, with great chagrin, paid the bill with costs, amount- ^ingto more than double the account, slim, Tsat those present spent a very Wg gjyg t^e above for the benefit of enijoyaajle evemng. (other publishers who were treated in Yebt few out of Owen Sound witness- ' like manner by this "dandy.'" ed the launching of the new steel steam Just tolant THIS WEEK BENSON'S Long Clear Bacon, Smoked Hams, (sugar cured), Boll Bacon AND FOE YOUB Turnip Seed, Mangle Seed, Carrot and Beet Seed, BENSON'S is^ e place to get it, and fresh ship- mest this spring. i ;cbockeby: i|i SUsswabe) at cost, white tea sets for $1.90, white and colored toilet sets cheaper than any house in the county. m a pint of water, strain »nd*dd a the i«BBe rf ttaee *»««»» n»» »»»» er, Manitoba, on Saturday last, owing to the date of it being kept quiet. It is said the Company feared an accident iromtoo great a gathering, and con- -seqaently held the auspicious date an QBceritainty. Mb. John Pattebson. late of the Revere House, Markdale, was down last week from Thessalqn. Mr. P. has been very 111 with conje8tiHi of the Innes and is yak m a critical state of health. He spent Sunday with friends at Durham and iGfaea proceeded to Tonmto to go iinte ithe Hospital for treatment. 1Cbb Methodist Quarterly semoea weoe iaaviely attended last Sunday as alseibe ofSdal business meeting on JfoDday. The Pleasant Yalley appouit- nert Is to be dropped at^tbe end of this eanleBawe year, June 1. Mr. H. D. itmrn was elected representative at the May Stistrict Meetmg, which will be held st flesherton on the 22nd. Ds. Mjllcolh Black is spending a few days at home in Olenelg previous to commeaeing the practice of his profes- sion at Eden Grove, in the County of Bruce. He has formed a partnership with Dr. Evans, of Ehnwood. It will Teadâ€" Drs. Evans Black. We wish Dr. Black success. His^ability coupled with his genial social quaUties will un- doubtedly render him popular in his new home. â€" ^Durham Chronicle. WHiL YOU SUFFER with Uyapepnia and livw Complaint Shiloh'a Vitalizer is Ruar- anteed to cure yon. For sale by Stephen. Masteb Feed Stevens, deputy Post master, had his foot jamed between two box cars yesterday while passing across between two cars of a tram whidh stood across the street at the eleivators. He will be laid off work a week or more. Steps should be taken to compel the Company not to allow trains to stand across that i-ubUc road, as is thwr cm- tom from fifteen to thurty minutes a* a time .when five mmutes is all th0 Iw willallow. CATA^tEH CUBED, hpalUi a^ ^^ CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bron- chitis immediately reUeved by Sbiloh's Cure For sale by R. L. Stephen. Bbick Housb, on Geor;^ street, Mark- dale, to rent. G. S. Bowes. Fob knitting yam, both single and donble, go to Ritchie's Woollen MUL Piso's remedy, for Cfttarrh, is sold by W. J. Mauley, druggist. Price 50 cents. Pno's Cure for Consmaaption and Plw's Bemedy for Catanfa are sold by W. J. Manley, druggist. Habbows, Habbowb, spring tooth Har- row, (wooden and steel frame). Iron harrows, three kinds, at Jaekson's. Fob a dandy plow go to Jackson. He sells the Gowdy, Flenry and Wilkinson Plows, also two Furrow Gangs, culti- vators, seed drills, land roltors and all implements for seeding. All gaarantRed to do good work or no sale. We have on baud Tea for 25 cents per B best value in town. Come in and see no trouble to show goods r Flour and Feed^ all kinds, Besi Brands of Liquors, Bottled ale $il.25 per dozen. JOBBEES IN CIGARS. R.H. BENSON. BICSPEX Stock very complete in. all lines, GOLD WATCHES. JEWELLERY, im. e â- â- SHILOH'S COUGH and Coaaamption Core is sold by us on a ffoarantee. It eores Consumption. For sale by R. I Stephen. THAT HACKING COUGH ean be quick- ly cured by Shiloh'a Gore. We gaaruitee it For sale by R. L. Stephen. Vtxramrm AttentUm. Gentlehen, â€" ^I am sdling tiie Wisner Fayorite Sulky Cultivator, also the Wisner Celebrated* Section Seeder and Cultivator comlmned, with Orass feeder attached. Both machines hdve tubular iron frBmes, steel axles and works in three sectionB, adapting themselves to very uneven ground a decided adTan- tage over all other cultivators. Our motto: "No equal or no sale^' Intend- ing purchasers will do well get prices before purchasing inferior mAcdues at hiidi prices. • All malpihines 'Qiven on „ -Xi â- *. PrieaSOceMt. **P your Blooa*#l^ OS? â- sujui'i ' i)sw-'.- _, tenibfeeo^Bb. ^fBem^Mly for $(Ja, ?# dil|J^:l^t^.Si Best 0. G. Weight Clocks, $4.00 2nd QuaUty, $8.50 Handsome Walnut, 1 day, $4,46 Best Walnut, 8 day gong.Bell$6 toftOa^ 8, 4 5 oz. coin cased American Watches, $11.00 to$ 26.00 7 jewelled movement warranted 2 yre. 11 " *• " 8 yrs. 15 »• •• '• 4 yrs. Warrants cover breakages on any part that should prove defeothre in use. Bar Pins and Brooches 25c. up to- $8.50, 200 pair Spex 25c. up^ to $250.. Carefully and bptiScall^ fitted. Fino watch ri^airing personally attended to, Stock l«ge, «eU selected, FBICES^ low every time, QXJ.^LITY considered. Am deeding with no small Jew houses. Have avrholesale connection estahliBh- eckmth the oldest and most reliable firihs m Canada, (roods and work^ =fulJ^ gaai'anteed. P. B. Telegraph aild Faily Papers in connectioa with. .j.^v â- -â- -â- â- ' store, .;"â- '""v-- ;â- " a*: !t3.fP^.^^:^^ y-; '-â- a.. 3 J'.;':-: 1; ^^â- â- M' â- |1| 1 15' m 1 4 Hi- 'Mr •â- 'li 3m ' f" â- •?