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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 May 1889, p. 8

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 n mi â- V-\- â- it HOtf SE ANP UT FOR SALE. A comfortable home, good stable, with one (joarter acre of land in Markdale. As I do not require the property I will s^ on reason- able terms. For particolirs apply to W. J" STEPHENS, Grocer. 446 oO Markdale. IMPORTAHT. 1 wish to annoance to my customers and the pabhe in general, that 1 have on hand a fall supply of FARMS AND VILLAGE PROPERTY for SALE. S. Damade offers for sale cheap and on easy terms, weet half of lot 16, con, 9, Eu- phrasia, 100 acres, nearly all cleared, known as Talbot farm price f 2,000 «500 cash balance time at 6 per cent, interest. 42 acres in the township of Artetnesia, adjoining tiie village of Flesherton brick house and good bam; price S1600; very cheap. Also good house and shop, comer lot. Mill street, be»t business street in the village of Markdale $900 now rented bringing good percentage on investment great bargain. Apply to S. DAMUDE, 435-tf ' j^'lesherton. TO SGHOOL^TRUSTEES. ^he undersigned is manufacturing an ea- cellent assortment of School t^ri.r*nitui*e* Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of tne latest design and most approved pattern. Bighly recommended by School Trustees and Teacn* ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, â- wherever triedr- ' An assortment Of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for 'catalogue to Chats worth P. O. 181 ANDREW McGILL. THOROUGHBRED DURHAM BULL, "TEMPEST" "Will be for service on lot 11. con. 13, Glenelg, for the season of 1889. Terms T.i cents cash ••r #1.00 credit. Aug. Ditner, proprietor. PEDIGREE: DOMINION SHORT QOBM HEBD BOOK, .10939â€" "TE5IPEST" Bed and wliite, calved Nov. 2nd. 1886, bred by H. Parker, Durham, Ont., got by Royal -Irwin =1038=, dam Wave Queen =4996=. by Lonis Phillippe =80C=, -Wave Crest 2014 by KniRbt of the Rose (imp)=14fi= I3f528), Wave Ripple (imp)=547=. byKil- erby Mork(200o3), -Wave Princess, by British Prince (14197), -Wave Maid, bv Vanguard (10994). -by Norfolk (2377). -by Waterloo (2816), -by Waterloo (2816). HENRY WADE Sec'y Dominion Short Horn Breeders' Association, office cor. Queen Young Sts. Turonto, No?, loth, 18^*8. C*MOM P ftCiFIC R. R. TIME TABLE. â€" IVIai-lidale Station â€" fioixo South. Goisn NoitTH. 6. .5.5 a. m. 12 10 p. in. Clover, Timothy and seed grain, which I am selling at prices to defy Oom- petition, ^dl and inspect. J. MADDEN, McNea's block, opposite Haskett's Hardware. ' S. BREADNER HUSOHHiHDAFUU SUPPlfOF WATCHES, of every make and grade, WALTHAM. biLGTN, ILLINOIS. NEW HAVEN. WATERBURY. etc. All watches warranted from 1 to 4 1 years. A supply of second hand| watched in stock. CLOCKS, 8 day, 24 hour and alartp. SILVERWARE, in all tbe latest designs and of the beat plate. JEWELLERY, to buit all, iu design, quality, and price. New goods arriviDg weekly. SPECTACLES, a large supply on hand. Will be accurately fitted. A nnmber of Clock Brackets just received, Bomethiug new. Watch Cases Engraved. Ear-rings, brooches and rings made to order. Bepaiiing iu nil its branch- ea promptly attended to. Call and examine oui' stock. S. BREADNER, Jeweller, Engraver and Opiican, MABKDAI^, ONT. 4.34 p. 8.56 p. THE UGHT.RUNNIHG» SEWING MACHINE H. S. Rae MARKDALE CLOTHING STORE, Kepps a select stock of Scotch and Cnn- adiaii Twewls. Eiiulisli and French Worsteds. Ei)eh^li ItleltoiiK. Ticvifiennirs in nil tin- lenflinjT crades. Shirts, tjocks andUudenvear, Ties, Coilar.-., Cuflfa, Suspenders, lic, Ac. Special attention is invited to the rasnu- I fiictnve c Bntt" ns parties wishing hnitoiis jot 'â- asie niatdial us tlieir garments, eitJier I latties or gL-iitleiueii. Civn have them made in I a few luiuutu.s wjiile wiiiting. I mmi FOR PARKER'S SYE WORKS dojK' as n«n;il. Custom xvork careful iitttntion. Good work POWDER Absolutely Pure. â-  This powder never varies. A marvel lor purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the m nl- titude of low East, short weight alum or Shosphate powders sold only in cans. BoTAii lAKiNG PowDKB Co.. 106 Wall St.. N. Y. Huklale Carriaje Us PBOPBIETOR. Wishes to announce to the public that he has now ready a lot of Buggies and Boad Cares which lie will sell, at rifrbt prices accorditii? to finish. All other rigs made to order on short notice. All work warranted to give satisfactiou. E. McNALLY. STEPHENS^ tFEED|AND|GROCERY|STORE,) Fresh Cheap, delivered to any part of the village. Flour. Bran, Shorts, Chop, Crack- ed "Wheat, Graham Flour, Eureka Cornnaeal, Steel Cut and Rolled Oat- meal, also Tea, Sugar, Baisins, CupxantSj BifcuitP, Crockery. Glass- ware and eyerytliiojr usually kept in grocery and jirov^sicn store. Having secured a fipecial bargain in Gents, Ladies, Misses, Youths and Cluldrens BOOTS SHOES for spring and summer wear, at ex- ceedingly low rates, they will be sold at a ver^ sligbt advance ou first cost Call and examine before purchasing, elsewbere. W. J. STEPHENS. Oar ©«»»»••*••*• Standardly Irtstud the fu4l Tbe Moat Saceesafnl Remedy ever dlscor- ered, as It li certain In its effects and does not blister. Bead proof below. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CORL QmcB OP CHAmUM Jl StlTBEa, BRBDm or CurvsLAiD Bat mmd Taomsa Bbbd Hobsis. Eunrooo, Iu., Hov. ti, 1888L Da. B. J. KmnAKLOOk Dear Sirs: I have always pnreliased vonr Ken- dan's Spavin Cme by the half doien Dottles, I wonldluce prteeainlaigerqnanttty. I thlnkltis oneof tbe best liniments ni earth. Ihavenaedit ca my staUes tor three yeaia. Toioajraly, CatM. A. Shtsib. KENULL^S SPAVIN eVRL BaoonxH, X. T., Xovaniber t, U8B. Db. R 3. KmAUbOo, innd it a sme eme, I canU y, f|MI M it»W TowBtraijN. tL.'B.QaMMKt, â- amnwr Troy Laaadry Htshlas. Ihava euied ten of KHMLL'S SPffll eWL *M1 Special to tlu Ottawa, )»pril SO.â€" Well, ParHft- roeot is .-ver and for nine months tlw gi vernmeiit can breatbe frt*ly. iiredicteti ihe session average or rather the fuU uuJMtinm duration, thre« months or thirteen weeks exactly. The representatives voted about forty millions of Money, passed some hundred and fi*^ hilta and talked some four tM»asand colnmi.8 ot Hansard. The sesfion cost the country $800,000. AN OJUTOBICAL DUEIa Tbe last week has been full of di visions. Mr. Mulock attacked the Minister of Militia declare* he had lost the confidence of the Otat«rio voUmj- toers and moved to thifr eflfect. ^e motion was lost b} 41 majority, two Conservatives, Messrs. Clarke WalSice and Cimou voting against Sir Adolphe Caron. There was quite an oratorical duel between tbe fighti/jg member for North York and tbe minister of war. Sir Adolphe wears good fitting clothes, a magnificent moustaclie and an ^e- glass and is ofteu spoken of as a dandy. But he docs not Jack courage iu debate. Mr. Mulock held hiffl' guiltless of any military knowledge and declaied be could not mauoeuvM a battalion of barnyard fowls. In PCply Sir Adolphe told Mr. Mulock he was rude and insolent and not fit for tbe company of gentlemen. In a spouted speech he said be had raised a company dur- ing the Trent affair and served under De Salaberry, 'whose name was written iu tbe golden pages of Canada's most brilliant history." He ascribed, tbe attacks upon him to "lis Lation- ality. Of the eigbt ministers of militia since Confederation three havd been t rencli Canadians â€" Carter, Mass on and Caron. Mr. Mackenzie had three different ministers of militia but not one of them was French. A BOW m THB CAMF. There was last week quite a row among the front benches of tbe Oppo- sition. On Wednesday Mr. Charlton inquired what tbe goyerumeut was going to do about the lumbftrmeu's demand that the duty of three dollars a thousand feet on logs exported in their natural state be taken off. The government declined to say what they intended to do in tbe matter. Mr. Charl- ton is himself largely interested in lumbering and looked for favorable ac- tion from the g3vernment so be did not press them. The Opposition, however, thought the goveinment ahould be pressed, and on Friday Mr. Barron was put up to move that the House regretted the recent increase of one dollar in the export duty. Mr. Charlton, %ho had, like Achilles, been sulking since Wednesday, condemned the motion as ill advised, not because it did not represent his views, but be- cause it would make it harder for the government to give in to them. The j entile Opposition, however, voted for the amendment, Mr. Chariton leaving the Chamber. The government's lURJority was 86. patukday's pitting. For the second time the Honse sa on Saturday and was in concurrence on the Estimates. Sir Bichard Cart* Wright moved to condemn the govern- ment's financial administration. Mr. Uavies tbe Intercolonial Bailway ad- uanistratiou. and other motions were made to put the parties ou record, all beinr voted down by about tlw same majority, 89 to 70. It will be seen tliat luauy members had gme home. The extraditirm bill, with the zetrac- tive clause strnck oat, passed both Houses tbe Copyright bill waa also passed in tbe Senate. THE mSTOUCAI. MACS ' The Mace of siiver and gold which the bergent-At-Arms earned before the Sneaker into the Senate Chamber at prorogation is an historical emblem of anl iiurity. The 25th insk. was the fortietii anniversary of the bamtng of the Parliament buildmgs in Montreal when die members of tbe Hoase were chaoed from the chamber and the big Mdce carried off by one of the raob. The portrait of Papiuean wa» torn rown and iumpcd ou and a seene of f.-ee fighting ensued betore the build- ings were fired .^ Tiie man wbokig^ed «-ff the mnce was so frightened at his ret of high treasou that he salwe^nent- jy retted it snn-eptitionsW. The 1 utco WHS. howsver. minaK one ot the litiie golden beavers that samoont the c-et-t. THK VACAKCT IU COIOTOM. For the Biat in the-Covuraoaa VMMit by tl.,j death ot the Hob. Mt. Pope tile (JousirvatiyeR have i;oBiinated b^ Topt :vlr. Kuin* Pope, a Uumm. Aa Ux. I'ope re]re8(nted Coiairton canee Gon itjderation atid us hie ^nijotitv )iet lection WB» %U it is ^MtogeVlm ySatf iiutt the spn.^ soooeU tt t^im, '.OttK luw bees ;,ih» trntrnmUkSmu^Bt* A. Ku*|»»ridr, Mr. Mr. OiiMft, fy the Way, haslwHjj^ from the guveifhment support, g^. rcfofiod'to sttend the aiijouKuetl Mims. terial caucas^« Friday and Tbted want of contideuceib the governreert by As tj; supporting; Mr. Muloijk's-fti»jn,img„^ censuring the minister ot' militia. arises from*lr. Oimou's dissaiisfactiun Bt tiie railir«y subsidies though be j, •Md to be diiaffected on other qnes. Dions. He i*iy be following iu t|j^ fbotsteps of liis father who described himself as "ft Conservative opposed to ttie giiveromeatt of Sir JobA Hac dsnald. IfOTKS. Ur. Bergin has been very-sifek. An effort is being made to resuscitate the 18th Battalion of Prescott. The Press Gallery on Satunlay made a presentation lib Mr. Hugh Mathew- son, the Vice-Pi-esident, on the occas- ion of his nppro»ching mairiitge to an Ottawa lady. The Koyal Society of Canadi meets here in ^nnuai session May TJ Nest week I will say pometbing abtmt the Society and its eminent members, Cniitrary to tbe statement miide last winter Mr. Blake stayed out the session and did not go south. He did not make a single speech or do any work. He was merely a spectator. He spoke in number six at the presenta- Won to Whip Trow who was sjiven an oil painting of himself and a seal ring.. Mr. Trow is very popular. Sir John Maedonald has borne the' work of the session splendidly. He appears almost insensible to fatigue. XKaHUUa* Oovneil. Minutes of 4th meeting of the muni' cipal council of tbe village of Mark- dale, held the 25th day of April, 1889, Members all present except Mr, Lucas. Tbe recve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Communications â€" From township' clerk of Holland in reference to reut of" ihall for Division court from reeve-of: Glenelg auent statute lator clerk's account for quarter ending 31st Mch.;, from the Waterou* Engine Works Co. with description of their eteam fire engine f6s»-village use. Brown â€" Haskett â€" That the clerk of this village be •vxd is-hereby instructed to write tbe aiferkv of Glenelg askin for the following inrmation 1st. Date of passing By-law to com- mute statute labor in the village oC Markdale. 2nd. The number of days statute labor returned unperformed each year since pasing of said By-law. â€" Carried. Brownâ€" Ha?kettâ€" That the clerk's bill of $12.74) and R. Askin's for 75c. for opening 6^w soads last March be paid. â€" Carried! The committee appointed to examine treasurer's bond presented Ebeir repurc as follows We, the committee appointed to ex- amine treasurer's bonds, beg^to report that we have examined said bonds aiid find them sufficient. (Signed) W. J. McFuilasi; Anous Plewes. Brown â€" Plewes â€" That Messrs. Plewes, Haskett and the mover be a. road and bridge committee to Ijok after the roads, streets and bridges iu the corporation. â€" Carried- Plewesâ€" Haskett â€" Thafe ibe reeve and Messrs. Brown and Lucas be a committee for sidewalks and crossings. â€" Carried. Brownâ€" Haskettâ€" That Geo. Noble be appointed village constable (without salary), whose duty it shall be to eu- force Uie By-Jaws of the village, c.â€" Carried. Brown â€" Plewes â€" That this council grant the sum of $10 to the Spring Stock Show Socuty of Markdale for the iMreseut year.â€" Carried, Mr. Rz- keAi fisa^ntiag. iiask«tt â€" Plewesâ€" lliat the couucil offer a tewara df $10 to any person who will give such inforiuatiot as will lead to- the conviction of t\uj person who violates any of the provisions of the tAiiario Liquor License Acta. â€" Gamed. Bro-ynâ€" Haskettâ€" That this tauncil meet ene week from to-night at 7^30 p. m. sharp *â€" Carried. Council adjourned. B. C. Bbtdbn, Qerk. F]le8hertoo,AptU29th, 1889. EJHor Standard Dbab Bat. â€" ^Having been one of » pA^tjof si^ who wrat sucker fishing IB eompAuy with yonr esteemed cou- tnnporary.'the edkor of the Advance. I take rhe lUierty nf relating his (^x. p«n(a«i i.a a. few iroriA, via Whilt" staiidiiig o» a small log he made i' lalsaKOwith his spear at wliat h savs. wn a uiQUfttfoas aodxer. "but tii^ M^Sl^iluit in {lioioBd for never cain-- mJiot iBufy ii^M* the '*game" bu â- kA,iii[^:.Tfnik'^jQifi-,-^^ fisherman's 'hn^i' i- -}'T.i-: .lours. *i»a* â- fffb i*iiM jasjyil }-^: ^^^ Lilftq. tcy ^. L. M. KN^CNTH ORS. SPI rSICIANS, SOI Office at Manley'i yortiight will be] S. SfHOULE, X A McBJ L.R.C. p. \ffiice' at Ste/. Late of the IiOnd| 1. F. HAI â€" PHYSICIAN,] tl o 1 1 a n I WQl be at Berkell kiday afternoon f rol lARRISTBR, [officeâ€" OVER M ]VKAS«SOni â-º ABRISTEES, S Offices â€" Owe »c^ PenleSt St.:; Bi ler McF«rlftiite Stere |ery week. |Masson,(|.!G. S- B.â€" Private -Biid C I from to 8 Der ceiit. ^IVISICN COstJR' Issuer of Marri I Commissionerj in j Conveyancing in al ttended to and earefi In. B. â€" ^Mon«y*o L( )irity. WILLIAM KIMBE [l8sa6."of Marriage oan on Besl Estate t^ I A few f^rms f«r «al |.P. MARSH â€" HEINI LBADUATK DF of Dentistry, will be Male, on the 1st an 1 month and also «tM the day foUowini; tl ph month for the foat aenoing on the Wh I lEY T ^K real estate sec interest, no oomm iJtriettyCimfidflat 4 0TMe,J4, eoJTi 11«««e«,wiU b ' '"â- â- â€¢I payment, rNi4he premises. \kiim UASKDALE. l £ Marsh W. C. R| ^duiDbb, conti •â- Â«, Markdale. ,^ flesh: ^^•*Btylow. A^i, 'CTPt^ :.^^, m

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