m int to seel and new- Milleiiery] LAND'S ooms anal ffet, late of es, to sho^ ge orders looked foil mets. nt a new, I T?vith trim- match. riandl 3west color- ess variety I g at 82 cents I 3 per yard standard Corretianda^, Farmers aroaod here rd:]S(ft^astt- liODg rapidly witii thwr seeding. Jkliss Annid McFarliuie of TaiM^ is vibitiiig ber pareuts here for ii few weeks. ' ' ;• -..» Mrs. H. Kerney left for Dakota on Monday caornipg. Mrs B. Brown of Owen Soand U visitmi? I'er sister 4jere, Mrs. Wm, J3iiaks. Her daughcer accompames Jier. MissB. Dalan has reiarued frota •Toronto. We hear that the young man who braved one of last winter's '"ifiercest btoruis going to see bis girl, now takes s short cut through the bush. Wi! are glad to know that Sam is srccovenng from Owing to some misunderstanding tlie Hdcial which was to have been on ,?be 22utl, had been postponed. Wo iiope i; will soon come off. â- We would like to know from the correspondent of last week, on what Jay did tbb monkey ]mss ^hrongh this yillaye and what direction did it take its soiue oi us missed the sight. Mr. John Tushy is on a visit to his friends liere. Daisy. i ^--^^ A «m^JBa«a Head, in Simcoe Co.. hM WT6a burth to two lami»and a«J«. ^^HB fiHh trial oa Monday has fc^ht- *M« a nnmber of oar respectable (?) .^.v.'tia.iiji. s.^ax-3**^*- eA..-. cW onteroplate rpet, Floor ce Curtainl L Paper land's 5 to go fori ries by far stock. He ect from iinderseUS'l etitors.. Lg to get I [otherwise riandl Id a veryl of Silks. andPara- nerve Su^l Its, sold m r $1.00. [entlemeiir, â- •., in stiD bs and Ties I Tweeds- the trade Ih value or jjk full ana ^aitin^ *^| yours, iRLAND., lORTERk Tli« Central Spxinff Show. The village ot Walters Falls present- ad an animated appearance on Friday last, the occasion being the first spring •Hhow ol the Central Agricultural So- ciety. The weather was dehghtlul and the attendance good, quite a number of the prominent farmers of the surrounding townships being pre- sent. There were a large number of duimals entered lor competition, and the character of the stock generally (ras good. A few complaints were heard about the judging, but on the whole we, believe these gentlemen tried to do their duty. The directors of the (Jeiitral Agricultural Society are to be congratulated on the success ol their first spring show. The pop- ular and obliging secretary, Mr. G. B. Hulmes, also deserves great credit for the systematic and business-like way in which he performed his duties. His efforts oil behalf of the society have been untiring, and the success with which hit* efforts wiere crowned, must have been a source of great satisfac- tion. The following is the prize list STiLLLIONS. Imported Clydesdale or Shireâ€" Ist, W. J. Shepherdson. Walters Falls, "Modern Type" 2nd, James Noble, Owen Sound, "Daniel." Imported Percheron or Norman â€" 1st, Sydenham and St. Vincent Stock Importinjr Co., "General Marcan." Canadian Draught or Agricultural â€" 1st, Jacob Shunk, Woodford, Young '•Modern Type" 2nd, Robert Faw- cett, "Young Tarn O'Shanter." Geceral Purpose 1st, Baker Watson. "Bobby Burns" 2nd, Wm. Fawcett "Lord Lansdowne." Thuro'-Bred Blood, Registered Ped- igreeâ€" S. F, Beebee, "Lexington" 2ad, Hflincs Bros., "St. Jamea." Carriage- 1st, James Miller, Meaford, "Statesman" 2nd, D. Gibbons, Meaford, "Black Hawk. Boadster â€" 1st, John A. Mackenzie, Presque Isie. "Clear Grit" 2nd, Thos. Tuck Walters Falls, "Eddie F." BULLS. Thoio'-bred Durham, 2 Years old and Upwards â€" 1st, Jas Robertson. â- 'Lord George Ing ram" 2nd, Robert Albert. "Bluteher." 'fhoro -bred Durham, 2 Years and' Underâ€" 1st. David Reid, "Arthur Fitz higram" 2nd, Carney, "Lord-Barmp- torn Ingrjon" 3rd, Robt. McKessock, "Bufus." Grade, any age or breedâ€" Ist, Mc- ^uaker Heighs, "Garrison" 2nd. Jas L. Watson, "Galloway." Bull, any Age â€" David Reid, "Biplotaa." who ar« in liie habit of putcLag- »ng the speckled beauties during the close season^ On Monday evening last fire was dis- coyeredin Mr. J. c. McCabe's store, around a stove pipe and was at Once «xtuigaiahed, or supposed to be ex- ^gmshed. However, early Tues- day morning, fire was again discoyered m the store and soon the whole place was in flames, and completely destroyed along with the empty brick store ad- jouung on the west side. Some of the contents, but very little, was saved. The buildings burned were owned by Mr. Wait, and we have not heard wheth- er it was insored cr not. Mr. McCabe, we hear, had #3,000 on his stock, which will pretty weU cover the loss. It was only by the strenuous efforts of the villagers that other buildings in the vicinity were sayed,â€" Grey Keyiew. Worthy of Commendation. That Mr. J. E. Marsh conducts a re- spectable and woU regulated hotel goes without saying, but he does not stop there he puts his enterprising spirit and commendable taste into practice by adorning his outside premises with a handsome and well kept lawn, dotted with plants and flowers and enclosed by a neat fence: Of course Mrs. Marsh justly comes in for a good share of cred- it in those matters. Then Mr. M. has purchased a two-acre park lot and is having it made level and smooth, erect- ed a substantial fence and planted between thirty and forty maple trees around it the past week. This we pre- sume is intended for a pleasure ground which is very much needed. We hope such taste may become contagious among our well-to-do citizens who are able to thus improve and beautify our prosperous village. s A Ballway Horror. seven o'clock last as the through Sunday express About "lorniuiir 'Hindered along at the rate of 25 miles y nour on the main line ot the Grand "ink about two miles west of Hamil- foS A *°^^'^® jumped the track comT ^^ several cars, making a mpiete wreck and OBhering flome ^T ^°^^ '^^' eternity. The witi â- 1*^^'° caught fire and bomed ini K ^°S fury, many bodies bo- ^K burned to a crisp. Most of the j^^ere American citizens. The myj^ *^® dreadful disaster is a llpri! id, 1889. pBAB Sn,â€" Will yon kindiy insert this letter m your paper for the benefit of your readers. Now that the Irot, dry weather has come, the danger from fire is greatly increased. Our village has fortunately been very ftee from anything like disastrous fires, bat there' have been seyeral small ones during the past, and the want of proper means to cope wiih the flames has been felt. Now, other villages, not as large as ours, are turning their attention to this matter, and I think our "town fathers*^ should take the matter iuto their serious consideration. As regRrdiog the way in which this shall be done, they are the best judges; but if nothing more can be done' a couple of dozen stout buckets, an iron hook fitted with a chain and a long rope, a few pikes and a couple of lad- ders could be obtained and kept in some central place and would be of great service in event of a fire. Other villages have this and why not ours. "A stitch in time saves nine," and fome means of fira protection may be the means of saving much property if nothing more. CiCEBO. ia^«J?^ MADE misenble hr IndigeiM m, ^l'^^**^' Diztineas, Loh of hi^ y,L^ Skin Shiloh's Yitriiaar H.\ '•Ott. Business l^oca^. Brick House, on George street, Mark- dale, to rent. G. S. Bowes. ' Fob knitting yarn, both single and double, go to Ritchie's Woollen Mill. Piso's remedy, for Catarrh, is sold by W. J, Manley, druggist. Price 50 cents. A. NASAL INJEGTOB free vitn each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Bemedjr. Price 60 cenU. Sold by B. L. Stephen. Olo papers, suitable for laying under carpet, for sale at this office, three cents a dozen. Piso's Cure for Consumption and Piso's Bemedy for Catarrh are sold by W. J. Manley, druggist. SHILOH'S CATABBH REMEDY â€" a positive caie for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker-Mouth. Sold by B. L. Stepnen, Habbows, Habbows, spring tooth Har- row, (wooden and steel frame), Iron harrows, three kinds, at Jackson's. WHY "WILL YOU cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 50 Gts., and 91. Sold by B. L. Stephen. Fob a dandy plow go to Jackson. He sells the Gowdy, Fleury and Wilkinson Plows, also two Furrow Gangs, culti- vators, seed drills, Ian d rollers and all implements for seeding. All guaranteed to do good work or no sale. THE REV. GEO. H. THAYEB. of Bom' bon, Ind., says "Both myself and wife owe our Uvea to SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CUBE." Sold by B. L. Stephen. Tarmon Attention. "o •QD a ft o 03 o CD o CO Gkntlehbn, â€" ^I am seUiug the Wisner Favorite Sulky Cultivator, also the Wisner Celebrated Section Seeder and Cnltiyator combined, with Grass Seeder attached. Both machines have tubular iron frames, steel axles and works in three sections, adapting themselves to very uneven ground a decided advan- tage over all. other cultivators. Our motto "No equal or no sale." Intend- ing purchasers will do well to get prices before purchasing inferior machies at high prices. All machines given on trial. Wir. Jackson. •iH l a A eg u H hi O W M 1^ H EH XSl m O O h^ PP o M W m JO O o E O o c XL CO o (5 o I a 0) A ® a o o » o t 0) 1â€"4 eg 08 02 Pi •r-l •iH m Pi c8 03 OS A XSl |Zi O u u O CO u o s Q. u 5 III d. CO H 5 CO Q Q III Markdate C. 0. O. F. No. 78. meets eveij alternate Monday evening at t) o'clock in their HaU, Bae's block. Visitirg brethren wfllpome. Mickdale A. O. U. W. No. 141 meets in their Hall, Bae's bloek, every alternate Monday evening at o'clock. A visit from feiethrfln of peiRhboriag lodffes solicited. M Anxnioa I-- O. L. Mo. 1046 meets m their TTall on Friday -on or before fall moon each Month. J. H. 0«w«. ««*«»; »"• J- Blakelj, MMfei ia £odge Bcom of Maiynele li. O.. J^ ITISAWELLHOWirFICT -THATâ€" McGOLL'S "LARDINE" is the best, known, and most rehable Machinb On. in the Dominion Farm- er's, Thresher 'a.nnd Mill Owner's, will find it dq^delyto th«r advantage to insist upon getting the "fjtennina Liardino" when they ask for it, owing to so much inferior oil being eold- un- der the same name by nnsempaloos dealers. We are the sole maanfftetar- ers of the "Gecame Lardtne" erery barrel brandy. ' *;;^i'" '_-, • McCOLL BRO^ e(E).i i Bro'BHjtf4wreStoi»^r ».. mm â- .;firrtf4 j5-(r.r P J. a Ml CD-^ *:â- 7i*. ' Itoor a t te ntio n is respectively called. WINTERWIit^Ea: Which for quahty of mater^, excel-, lenee oi workmanship and style of:get^. op is not excelled anywhere. Whether you wish to purchase or not, cell and see us and examine our work we want to get acquainted and to do business witli yon. Next door to McEenna's blacksmith^ shop. GEO. S. MATHERS, MARKDil^E. â€"IT PAFS TOâ€" AND THAT IS THE Wm Mm Cfils^s â€" 'F The best aad most practical conrsc of study. The best teaching talent. The best accomniodation for students. The b^st methods of instruction. The best results from that instruction after studciitts. graduate. For aixuiu^ announcement giving particulars rejgitrdiiig tbejcoune of study, terms o., address C. A. FIjEKINO.Pbincipai.. Qwen Sound, Nov. 1st. ISSS. Joseph MgCullough. -THE- p UMP-MIKER Wishes to ftifqish all who require a j new Pamp, any description, good and satis" factory and at moderj^ie prices. ReF^KIRIHO done promptly and in a mechanical manner.. Give us a call as we. are desirons of making our acqoaintaqce mutiny profitable. JOSEPH. McCULLOUGH, Markdale. Moatlily: Fain* Otangevilleâ€" The second ThiursdaT in, each month Ihmdalk â€" ^Tuesday before oraogeville. Flesherton â€" ^MondayiheforaOrangeville. Markdide â€" Satnrdaji; before Oraqgeviile. 'Darnam â€" Third Tnesday in each montn. Cbatsworthâ€" Mondagr before Dtirham. BLcdland Centreâ€" Saturday beforeGhatsworth Priceville â€" Monday, before Dorhsm. Hai)Over-r-Monda}^ before Durham I- O.. Q-- T. jnBI££^ LODOB!. No. 128, meets ev^ry. Monday in, Haskett's HaU. Harkdale, at 8. Jeffrey. Artley, W^ C. F. StJeyenF. Sec :t'!i;* .» SpriBfl lV,ti6ftt».* • •- • • • a,*^,*,* •,• jMlTvBy • •'â- ^B • • • • •.• • •.* •*•«•«•,• .•,*. JrOwcO • « •_â- •_• • • ^*,*a*^*,* 'â- *• JSInvGX* • • • •_•.• • •.•; •,%• •.••-* •••.•- 'JrOrK •••••â- •*•••• ••• _• • â- • • • V' -â- BBSu. '••».... .I..*. •••••• .., 9. 06 to 41 07 (5tn 1 rs ^to 2r)to to 16 to to onto Soto SO. 26 5i) 1' II C?0 40 onto 10^ w to: 1 25. eotd « ietft xflD. 1 LI I l*= •mi^;i i ItMV t-:}. 'Wm. •I t. V. • :M.