5*.l m \M lid ^arft^afe ^fanbori. C. W. Rutledge, Proprietor. =r I MARKDALB, MAY. 2, 1889- GABRIEL DUMONT, 'Gabriel Damont recently visited Quebec, after receiving his pardon, and w as there worshipped almost as a saint by the ^French, since which he passed through Winnipeg and is now holding meetings among the French half-breede in tho Northwest and uig- ing them to demand the return by the^ Oovernmcnt ot lands and property which was confiscated at the late Northwest rebellion. It is hard to foretell what miscbiel Damont may work up, and in our humble opinion he should be strung up even should lynch law have to be resorted to. THE JESUITS ACT. Mr. Mercier's Jesuit Estates Act is the question of the day tbronghont Canada, and is stirring loyal British blood in this fair Dominion from centre to circumference. The opposition is growing more intense and universal from week to week, and is not con- fined to Protestants, as an important section of the Roman Catholic Church in Quebec, together with leading French Canadian newspapers, are hostile to the Act and consider it an undesirable encroachment of Jesuitism and is regarded as a foreign 'importa- tion, breeding dissention and strife, .and calculated to work mischief. The tide of opposition to the :Act is rising rapidly, while the indignation agaiiits our Dominion Parliataent for its cowardly and conrpromising action in the matter is everywhere ^lohdly pro- claimed. • The opening of .thiB, said to be the largest and costliest Methodist chnrch in the world, will be an attraction that will draw ^to that city the ablest Methodist divines in Canada. The tollowing is a programme for each Sunday :â€" First Sunday morning in June. Dr. Douglass, of the Wesleyan Theological College, will preach the opening sermon. In the afternoon Dr. WiUiams, general superintendent of the Methodist Church, will conduct service. In the evening Rev. Dr. Potts, secretary of the Educational Society of the Methodist Church, preaches. Second Sunday sermons will be preached as follows: â€" Morn- ingâ€" Dr. Newman, Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church of the United States afternoon, Rey. Hugh Johnston, pastor of Trinity chnrch, Toronto evening. Dr. Newman. Thurd Sundayâ€" Morning, Rev. Dr. Briggs. book stewart of the Methodist Church afteroon, public meeting and addresses by the leading ministers of the city evening. Rev. Hugh John- ston, of Bromptcn, will preach. The musical portion of the services is to be especially grand. The organ will cost $16,000 alone, and when com- pleted will be the largest organ, in Canada. The seating capacity of the new church will be 2,800. and when all the pews are rented an annual revenue of some $8,000 is expected to be realized for seats alone. Standard Carre t pandenee. A little girl about four yeawold, the daughter of Mr. John PicSett, fell backwards into a pail of scalding water placed on the floor for scrubbing. Though the child is fearfully scalded, yet she will more than likely lecorer. •*Ye small boy" was somewhal noisy in church last Sunday and it required the active presence of the minister in his vicinity before he would remain quiet. Mr.Drinkwater's family moyeu into the village from Lucknow last week. We are glad to see that Mr. Mc- Taggart, fireman iu the saw mill, whc has been suffering from a severe attack ot the lungn. is.aronud again. The Davie Bros, have given up their branch store in Chatsworth and re- turned to Berkeley. What is going to pass Is Holland going to be deserted Out of the ten 100-acre farms between 60 and 40 sideroads south of the T. S. road only three are occupied all the others have been given np to the companies, and the people left for other climes. Our village is receiving its annual clean up, and looks better for it. Quite a number of trees are being planted this spring. STRAYED »» STOLEN From the premises of Joseph Howard, on Wednesday morning, the 13th day of March, one light 8-year old bay mare with white face and hind feet. Finder will please return the some to Charles Barber. Feversham. Osprey township. Any person Rivmg bTich in- formation as will lead to her recovery will be suitably regarded. 451-4 Gollingwood and Georgain Bay Line. IN CONNECTION WITH THE Grand Trunk Railway. NOTE AND COMMENT. ad- â€" Toronto is to have, thirteen ditional letter carriers. " â€" Leeds and Grenville repealed the Scott Act last week by 1200 majority. â€" Mr Eraetus Wiman has consent- ed to address a pubhc m^etiug at Ot- tawa, i â€" Alarm is caused by tiie great rush of emigrants ftrom the Southwest of Ireland. ' â€" Mr. Chamberlain predicts that the Government will have a scheme for Irish government to lay before the people at next election. â€" It is officially stated that on rtiid after May 1 all the Vanderbilt roads cast of Chicago will abandon a great portion of their Sunday freight trains. â€" Everybody who is udw admitted .0 an audience with the Pope must pledge himself neither to ask anything of his Hohnees, nor to publish or re- i gently with the subject advertised, viz., the "Jesuits estates bill, it was an riMOiertoxi. Standard Correspondence. Dr. B. Hawke, of Wellsley, Water- loo Co., having sold out his practice there, is visiting with his brothers (^Hawke Bros.) here previous to his leaving for the Pacific coast. On Thursday morning last the cold hand of death robbed Mr. and Mrs. W. Trimble of their dear little boy, after but a few hours sickness. The child was first noticed ill about 6 o'clock when Dr. Christoe was called in the nature of his illness was a mystery resulting in his death at 3 o'clock on Thursday morning. The remains were interred on Saturday afternoon. Stephen Spirit, Esq., arrived home from the old country on Wednesday last. He had a very pleasant voyage, visiting the uorlh of England, and was absent from here four weeks and a day, coming home was the fourth time across the briny deep for Stephen within 12 months and he has never suffered a sea sickness. As the men employed last week in erecting the smokestack on S. Da- mude's new engine in his new factory had it almost to its place the long pole or'post to which the block and tackle was attached broke and let the whole stack to the ground with a terrible crash, breaking it into several pieces. They at once sot to work to make re- pairs and on Friday all was completed and the machinery running. The sound of the whistle is again heard at regular hours. The lecture by Rev, C. Perry, under the auspices/ of Elesherton Station Orange Lodge in the Town Hall here last Tuesday eveniug was a very lame affair. It might X'ass for a "glai to be with you" grave oration about mid- summer, but as far as dealing intelli J. sou HI). Standard Corretpondence. On Thursday evening last the friends of the students of the Northern Busi- ness College were invited to be presenc and see the students at work in their different departments. Alter the work was reviewed by those present, the Mayor took the chair and medals were presented, and a very pleasant time was? spent. The Rev. E. Wallace Waits addressed the graduates. There have been about fifty diplomas granted this year. Those who reo-eived the medals this year were, Miss Sadler for the best set of books James A. Mc- Kay, for the best improvement since coining irlto the college J. R. Clarke, for the best speeimpu of writing. The Campana lelt for Sarnia Mon- day night. The Pacific went up on her first it\^. on Friday morning. The Athabaska sailed on Saturiuiy, as also did the Cambria. The Car m on a left Tuesday and the Alberta on Wednes- day. The other boats in the river ares all about ready and will leave in a few days. On Monday there were three yessels loaded with corn from Chicago in our harbor. Special Aanoimceiiieiit. We have made^ arrangements with Dr. B. J. Eendall Co., publishers of "A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases" which will enable all our subscribers to obtain a copy of that valuable work free by sending their address (enclosing a two- cent stamp for mailing same) to Da. B. J. Kkn- DALL Co., Enosbdrgh Falls, Vt. This book is now recognized as stand- ard authority upon all diseases of the horse, as its pheuomenal sale attests, over four million copies having been sold in the past ten years, a sale never before reached by any publisher in the same period of time. We feel confident that our patrons will appreciate the work, and be glad to avail themselves of this opportunity of obtaining a valuable book. It IS necessary that you mpiition this paper in sending for the "Tieat- ise." This offer will remain ooen for Str. PACIFIC, Captain P. M. Campbell. St. ATLANTIC, Captain B. D. Koote. Str. BAI-TIC. Captain W. Tate|Roberts .n Str. NOETHEKN BEIL. Chptain W. Bassett. (The fine new steamers "Pactfic" and "At- lantic" will run as follows until further notice weather permitting): Leayiiig Collingwood at 1 p.m.. Meaford at 3 p.m., Owen Sound at 8 p.m and VViarton at 11:45 p. m.. every Tuesday and Saturday rffnfis nail at for KiUarney, Manitowaning. Little Current. ^U"^» • «-^c»,J-l au Kagawong, Gore Bay, Spanish River. Serpent liiver, Algoma Mills, BhndEiver, Thessalon, Bruce Mines, Hilton, St. Josephs Islajid, Garden Itiver and SAXTLT STE MAEIE. The Satur^y Steamer only will call at Cockbum Island and Meldium Bay. PABK'Y SOUND. The "Northern Bell" will leaye ColUng- wood for Parry Sound. Bing Inglet and French River every Monday and Thursday at 1 p.m. connecting at French Ri»er with Str. "Bemora" for Alpena. Mich., and retuminp to Collingwood on Wednesday and Saturday evenings connecting with the Sault Ste Marie steamers. For information as to freight rates and fares apply to any agent of the Grand Trunk Railway, the Pursers on board the steamers, or THE GREAT NOKinERX TRANSIT CO, Collingwood. TUGS. LONG, CEAS, CAMERON, Sec.-Treas. Matager, OAMDI L. S. TRANSIT 00. (Limited) LOCAL STEAMSHIP EOUTE ' Owen Sound and Saul i tte, Marie. Passenger and Fast Freight Line carrying Her Majesty's Mails AFE Do yoti -want to seeJ the s'weetest and ne^.! est thing in Millenerf 1 anti new shovT" rooms ask Miss Moffet, late ol St. Catharines, to shoi them. Large orderJ are being hooked foj hats and bonnets Do yon want a neÂ¥,| stylish dress with trim- mings to match McFarlandl has allthe newest color-l ings in endless variety commencing at 82 cents| up to $1.25 per yard eat anythiQg his Holiness may say. â€" The license commissione'rs for Hamilton, besides refusing .to grant any new licensos, have decided to de- crease the number now granted, and nineteen tavern- and -saloon' keepers have been notified that their licenses will not be renewed. â€"Sir Jnlian Panncefote, when in-^ terviewed by somb New York reporters declined to say Hnythiug about the fisheries or Annexation, but boldly de- clared himself as in favor of America mixed drinks and marriages between Americans and Britons. These bon^s of union are not insignificant. (Iham- berlain and ChnrchilL haye American wiv38, a^d even Martin Chazzlewit was charmed with the sherry cobbler. 'riie manner in which a man meets imposition on an intelligent audience. The audience was small members of the order were conspicuous by their absence. Dr. Christoe delivered a few pointed and well chosen remarks at the close. On Sabbath afternoon last in the Presbyterian church the Eev. Mr. Emes delivered a yery interesting J-temperancfi sermon for the R. T. of T. There was a large audience and the young preacher gave no uncertain souna on that subj ect. â- A few days ago Mr. John Adams, iCdjoihins: this yillage, had three head of cattle terribly worried with dogf. Two of the animals are about all riglt again the third may not recover. Mr. Adams has no clue yet as to the owner of the dogE but beUeves he cau trace the matter to the right souice, CHA.NaED Hands Aoin. â€" ^D. Clayton Esq[., has bought oat W. IClder's hvery bttsiness hete» inclodiog horsM, yehi- only a short time. S. S. CABMOHA, S. 8. CAMBBZA, Capt. F.IiaFbance, Capt. Neu. CampbeIiL, WIIiL sail during the season of 1889, from Owen Souud to Sault Ste. Marie, every Tuesday and Friday, on the arrival of the Can- adian Pacific Railway train from Toronto and points East at 1:30 p. m., calling at Killarney, Manitowaning, Sheguindab, Little Current, Kagawong, Gore Bay, Spanish Kiver, Buswell's Mills, Serpent River, Algoma Mills, Blind River, Thessalon River, Bruce Mines, Hilton, Richards I Landing, Garden River, thence to Sault Ste. Marie, calling at the above ports on their return trip. Tickets and Frrioht Rates can be obtained by lipplyiug to MAITLAN D RIXON at their new Warehouse, on west side of Kivtr; â- where all goods for this Lino will be shii)ped,fiee of warf- agu nlso at the Office of EDWARD TODD, Poulett Street, and at the Company's Office Maithinds Y/arehouse, East side of River, on River Street. G. J. McCLURE, Manager. 450-55 Foil DYSPEPSIA aii.l Liver Complaint you Jiave a priutod guarantee on evmy bottle of Shiloli's Vitalizer. It neve.r Liils to euro. Sold by It. L. Steohen. SHTLOH'S CUKE will imme'liately relieve Croup, Whonpinsj Coa},'li and Brouchitis, Sold by li. L. Stepheji. STOCK TAKI c Do yoTi coaitei^latej buying a Cs^pet, FlooiT Oilcloth, Lace Curtaiiis| or "Wall Paper McFarland's is the place to go M them, he carries by fail the largest stock. Eel imports direct frottl Britain and TinderseHs] all competitors. ., „ ^„t;„„„ „* » I If 1 «le8, c., and' will continue the bnsi- the questions of a skilful newspdper ^^.^ j^ j'^e old stand. correspondent is not a bad test of hi«r Bukawat.â€" As Wm. Elder was driv- talents for diplomaney, and Sir Julian wg home from this village to i:'roton seems to possess the invalaabls art of Station on Mcmday n^ht last about â€" it has finally been decided to hold tbrew him froro the buggy and hreak- Ihe opening oJ the new 8tv- James iug-^he velnde tajWeees; the tHghted ...Tj. .. 1 â€" ^- 1 -._-_. and was not, first Sniid.y in Ijinifc^g^g^^J^^ "^.^.** i Hce t9^ jm*i'i. mi *i :•• '156 .• TO MAKE BOOM FOR SPrl If ORTAMs "We have resolved for the next â- TWO MOUTHS to offer balance of PaU and winter goods over- coats, clothing, c.. Sec, ' ^AT THE TORONTO HOUSE, Great ^^rgains in all lines, ^m early call 5 â- 'â- â- â- '-c;;.v;i;«:....-v .. solLciteia: ' -..:/" ' ' Are yon going to ge:| married or otherwise cFarland has imported a veryl choice lot of SM Satins, Laces and Para-l i sols; a lovely merve SiBI only 80 cents, sold ii| Toronto for $1.00. To the Gentlemenj Nobby Hats, in st aaidlsoft, Shirts and Ties and English Tweedsi No house in the trade can show such value oil variety. Stock full ano| c omp lete. We^ are waiting *^ serve you well. Faithfully yours, W. J. MoFARL DIRECT MPORTEB. I ;« !-â- ;]*â- », i MisJyW-4**.' tea e!©05n.v»i 1 cil.. ivn.fâ- »t^ vi fTA :Pr-^ I ... lih c « '»;r»»i ;! ^^- ;â- â- *â- • tfAtmifil Fwl gong r| Tifiitiii| •weeks.[ Mrs) MoDd« Mrs I visit £anks.| Jier. MissI 'Tocaat We braved I storms I 41 short) We ^â- ecoverl ')win| the sdcil .the 22u| hope it We ^â- correspcl day did yillatje .as somei Mr. j[ Xriends l| Thevl ed an ai .last, tbe r.show of •ciety. and the number the surrc sent. T animals the chara *was good heard abc whole w( tried to«l of the are to be ot their fii alar and Hulmes, a tbe systen in which 1 efforts on been uuti which his have been tion. Thefoll( Importe( W. J. Sh "Modern 1 Owen Som Importe Ist, Sydeo iraportiDj; Canadia: Ist, Jacob ••Modern 1 cett, "You General Watson, "j Fawcett "I Thoro'.E igreeâ€" S. 2nd. Haim Carriage- "Statesma; Meafoid, " Boadstei Presque I Thos. TucL Thoro"-b and Upwa â- *'Lord Geoi Albert. "Bl Thoro'-b Under â€" U ^gram" S torn Ingran "•Bofus." Grade, a 'as. L. Wa Bull, a "ttploma.' About s( "lorning thundered i *tthouron JJouk aboc Jon the e, foUowed b] UJ^ty 801 ^kedtoa 'JJbsickenj barnea ^•â- * rf tt i'