1 ^** «IU h»8 descriU I'lch receive, '6 mails. iJlENT. e Territoric, •estAssemblT " pC85e8»ea ives the Ag. cen8es, thn. ederal to ^g 0118lbility fu^ probioitioo tfiber day on f io censure 1^ Mr. Dpwd. 'tfratine; and us a license and tbfcNa-- 'e* of Justice not iulerlere a.ted the mn. id Purcell of li tlnf govern- fotinga'^ainst the people i.f I'or of license- lull power t.- I tile bfodl"ii? ;ii nirtde gov- Ut(T iri in-ettv the liooulers to arrest as it on examina- ct repeal wilf Grenyille on ' f-T Xoril) 1 (liiihthc-JUK. cri-tarv of tXw i oirS;iturday Ir. (^'hisnolQi^ IS 'l)'jen ctiti- r ilowlaii. is now com- L Scotia alone a reprebented il can be qnick- Wt; miaiJAUtee it ement., ^-einents witlj [j'ablisl)ers of nrse and his lable all our copy of that pending their cent stamp ii. J. Ejix- LL„ Vt;. ert as staiid- eas(»s of the sale attests^ aving been a -sale never ublishei' in We feel trous will be glad to opportunity on mention the '-Treat- Lin open for 450-5i :Kie iDiserable Ts Cme is thv I. L. Stepheu. imissloners' nve, M. J.. jiiires, Mrs. [beer) Syl- lu, William lis Mclnuis haw. ijspeytor's T. Jen- rs. Mrs. 3. ICutcbeou. mor, Ivnapp. ]yre, Neil [lackstocli. rirr^,^ George UiailM:.4 1 ' llCC-iti- iiceUJ-es. Ipi p--ia a'" lei- is KUiU- Iby K. I- • â- r. â- ,•-':â- l^ â- ' ,:Hkm:iim ir-mnk^ "HEW TO THhl LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEBE THEY MAY." ViXTH YEAR.â€" No. 451. MABKBbAIZE, THUKSBAY, MAX. *J, 1889. C, W. KUTIiEDGE, Proprietor. I-TE DBS. 8PR0UU EfiD, -SICUXS, SUBBEONS. ACCODCHEB8, C.â€" « It Manlevs Dni? Store, \rliere all calls f^'--':;,? iill b; promT.tly attended to. J SPROULE, M. D. A. EGO. M. D.,c. ^A a/lcBRIDE, M. D., L. H-^- P- S.SDINBUEGH, Lee ai Stephen's Drug Siore, I Lftte of "' '^°"'^°" ^*'*P' J, England. J. FTHAlSTra, M. D. Local and Other Items. Notices in thete columnsintmdedtobeMfit any individual or Society wiWbe eltarged ten eenti a line for the first inseAion and five eevtx a line each aubiequent iKserttoti. NOTICE. â€" Corregptmdence, communica- tions,. Advertisements!. d:c„ Tntwt he in thi* office hy noon on Tuesday to inture publication that week. PHYSICIAN, SURGKON, C., jl o 1 1 a M 1 O e n t r e. I Will I'l' at Berkeley every Tuesday and Ir ,is • aftonioou from one to four o'clock. â- â- * 390-ly. p. McCu-lloug-li, L(^RRISTEE, SOLICITOR, c yfiCE-OVER acFARLAND'S STORE, MARKDALiE. Itne:v to Loan. HAS§OM MASSON, )AKUUSTE11S, SOLICITORS, o. ,) iin:cESâ€" Owen Sound, in Vicker's Ivk Ponlett St.; Bianch office in Markdale, ItMiKarlaufVs Store, on Friday and Saturday l.-rvwei'k. huss,N-,Q. C. S. Masson. W. Masson. In' B.-riivate and Company's funds to invest VfroiuritoSuer cftJit. WK. BSOWS' \ruSICN COURT CLERK. Is^uerjcf Marriage Licenses, C. r.iramissioTieTvin B. K.c. I i\f vauciug in 'all its braKtiHo«,Brc?aiptly Ivnile 1 to and car6fclly executed. [\-. Bâ€" Jloneyto Lend on^Eeal Estata se- liritv. A SHOWEB of the beautifnl on Monday night. The Sbelbvnme Free Press is foortsen years old. Good Lace Cnrtains from 50 cts. up, at Mercer's. Mt. Fobbst Mat Factory by-law has Toeen carried. Good ne^fly calved cow for sale. Wm. Haskett, "Markdale. PsAUR W. AbKold is home from MinB5sdta on a visit. The first Friday in May is Arbor Day for schools throisghont Ontario. Relxoiotts Quarterly meeting in the Methodist church next Sunday. Trout season. May 1st. Complete line of fishing tackle at Jeweller Brown's J. G. Akdekson, merchant, of Flesher- ton, is said to have departed for parts unknown. Wanted Two smart apprentices for '£he Millinery trade. Apply to W. J. MoFarland. The date of the annual meeting of Markdale Mechanics' Institute is chang- ed from Monday to Tuesday eveain); next. These are 390,000 models in the United States Patent Offic^illustrating almost every conceivahle phasof human ingenuity, but the model husband yet remains to be patented. The taffy social held at the residence of Mr. A. McFarland on Wednesday eye- mud $SO and OortB. ,. ^r. Campbell, License Inspector for East Grey, had Sam. Morrow, of this place, in court last Wednesday to answer a charge of obstructing him (Campbell) in his duty of searching for liquor. Mor- row was fined fifty dollars and costs, or three months. A Oenitu. Mr. Jeffry Artley, of the Iron Victor Wind Mill, Markdale, makes _, â€" the most durable, light, strong, and ning of last week, was weU attended. A • serviceable wheelbarrow in the market TO THE I WILLIAM STUART, KIMUERLEY, I L:?!-.K' (Ti ^^larria^e Licenses. Money to Ina on Rati Estate at low rates. lAiew iarms for sale. Terms easy. I.P.MARSHALL, L.D.S. â- ^SADIATK or TOKONTO SCHOOL 01 L! iitKtrv, will be at the Markdale House, Kiiili oc the !« and 'tbird Wednesday ol ti-jmuthanrlalsoatMunsfcaw'sHotel,Flesher- Ji .-.he .iav Srllowins the third Wednesday in Jkimontiiforthe practice of his profession. fiiiasucingurn the 7th Sentcmber. \N" reni estate security, at low rate of ' iMtrest, no commission charged. Busi- fii Sttkrily Confidential, J. S. BLACK, Pomona, P, 0. FOR SALE. OT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, ' lOu acres, will be sold eneap and on ^yterms o! payment, for further particulars 'fi; on tlie premises or by letter to J, S, BLACK, m-x Pomona P. (UKDALE HOUSE, M.IRKDALE.- ONT. W. G. RICHARDS ^^LDER, CONTRACTOR, ABCHI- -^ i5;ci, Markdale. jTsproule, FLESHEBTON. iSl'^5,'^^"' Appraiser, Valuator and Money C-, "^.^s^ Mortgages, Leases and Wills lto« aluations made on shortest notice. P«^erylow. Apply to Stef^T J- SPROULE, '°«5^wnder Postmaster. Flesherton. â- mstod.dLa.xt THE TAILOR, 1^ l«.w p.^^'^e your clothes neat and trim. fj^'rom P»^*s always on hand to '^oW.overllcParland's Store, Arkdale. PEE CENT. ^t'^l^Uml^wâ„¢ or Town Property at ounterest. Apply to "'«yaaw?*^^PSOULE, I ---^ Postmaster. Plesherton. t?"'^*'« and Oa â€" I 'Asm »«1^^**' mterest. ^I'^es!?* 8*i« AJTO TO van. l^'y-Totonto^^nent Loan aad ^viagB to LOAJV. 'OHN WHITBy, GoGOLSS 15 cents colored sun specks 20 to 75 cents. Call at the sign of the "Big Spex." The stables of J. C. Griffith. Owen Sound, were burned on Saturday morning last. Markdale council will meet this (Thursday) evening for dispatch of general business. Dr. Sinclair, the noted Scottish specialist, will be at the Markdale House next Monday, May 6. lis. J. F. Kennedy has sold the Or-angeville Advertiser to Messrs. Wal- lace Bros, of that town. The Methodist congregation had a real treat last Sunday â€" two sermons of only thirty minutes each. The weather for a week has been damp and dreary, causing considerable delay in seeding operations. The Government has voted $48,000 to aid the extension of the Grand Trunk railway from Tara to Owen Sound. Wanted In exchange for goods any quantity of Butter and Eggs, for which I will pay the highest prices. H. Mercer. Everybody requires spring medicine now. Try Eejuvehator Bitters, an ex- cellent blood purifier. Sold by Smith the barber. Lots of modern girls bear a close re- semblance to loaf sugar: They are very sweet, and all that, but they have no especial taste. The Owen Sound Advertiser says, "The C. P. R. don't seem to be satisfied with the earth, but they want to gobble up the water also." A MEETING willbe held at the Mark- dale hous« this (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock to arrange for the Queen's Burth- day celebration. Come. Mrs. Henry, of this place, has purch- ased from Edward Dayis two lots on Queen Street, one with a comfortable brick dwelling thereon and one with a wooden. B B. Clemehib, the taUor, m HUrs store, opposite the Markdale House, is prepared to suit you in a spring or summer suit; a neat fit every time. A Buffalo batdielor has a memorandum book in which he keeps the nwne of every girl he has ever kissed. He had 928 names on his list the last tune he counted up. Last week's Flesherton Advan«B is dated April 21; that was Sunday. The American custom of issuing Sunday editions wiU find but Uttle favor m this Canada of ours. pleasant evening was spent and a sweet time generally enjoyed. Situation Wanted, as housekeeper or general assistant by a thoroughly com- petent (person â€" town or country. Ad- dress in care of Mrs. Bamsay, Lot 96, Glenelg, Markdale P. O. Keep your blood pure and your physical system in a heathly condition by using Manley's Blood Stomach bitters, 50 cents per half pint b3ttle, manufactured at Manley's Drug Store. R. E. English, of Deer Park Farm, Glenel?, has one of the largest farm stocks in the township, over 90 head, viz., five horses, forty-three sheep, fif- teen pigs, thirty-three cattle, and more to follow. A SOCIAL will be given in the lecture room of the Methodist church on Tues- day evening next, May 7, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid. A good time is promised and a hearcy invitation extended to all. Markdale council, has divided itself Eyery farmer and gardner should have one. Call at the Wind Mill factory and examine for yonrselvcs. Semovad. B. B. Clements, the tailor, has moved into a shop on the ground floor in Hill's block, opposite the Markdale Hbiise, and is now better than ever prepared to give satisfaction in his line. Cutting a specialty. A neat fit guaranteed every time. Now is the time to order your summer suit. A call respectfully solicit- ed. B. B. Clements. TiiOxwAmu Blspnta. Two neighbors in Glenelg were in police court on Monday trying to come to terms in reference to fishing during the close season. Geo. Ireton is not a well-vrisher of his neighbor, R, McBride, and that to get satisfaction by lodging an information of fishing out of season he failed, however, to make a cleiar charge and case was dismissed. Olad to Meet Him. We had a friendly call from Mr. G. J G ENTLEMEN Before purchasing yonr SPRINC SEEDS It will be to your interest to call on BENSON'S â€" OF THE juabkdale council nas aiviaea iiseu ^, ^. t^t (.Blyth, of the Chatsworth News, on into committees and commissioners for ^_1„_^_„ „^ „, .„ »o *„v.., o .«w« the several duties and we now anxiously look for the needed improvements in sidewalks, crossings, roads and bridges, also fire protection and sanitary interests looked after. Capital and enterprise, when com- Saturday last. Mr. B. has taken a noble stand in becoming a royal subject of total abstinence from all that intoxicates; it is nearly two years since our sturdy predecessor allied himself with the cause of temperance, and has eyer since taken an active and prominent position in the bined, make things hum. Our leading ;j q G T merchant. W. J. McFarland, has just] received the biggest lot of sugar ever brought at one time into Markdale â€" 28,000 pounds â€" and he was lucky in purchasing when sugar was at its lowest, having advanced enormously since. According to a truthful Southern paper a live mouse in a Texas dairy fell into a panful of niilk. It swam round and round in its efforts to get out, but in vain. However, through the activity of its movements the milk was at last churned into butter.when the mouse was enabled to jump out of the pan and re- gain its liberty. The second annual meeting of Mark- dale Mechanics' Institute will be held on the first Monday in May in the Council Chamber. The annual report will be presented and officers elected for the year. We trust that aU the mem- bers, who haye at heaH the prosperity and future extension of the Institute, wili make it a point to be there. Meet- ing will start at 8 o'clock in the evening. T. L. Moffat, secretary. Maf of Manitoba. â€" We have received from J. H. Brownlee, D. L. S., Brandon, Man., a copy of his new 26c. Index Map of Manitoba. The map is original and' graphic, telling as it does its own tale of the progress of the young province. The fourteen pages of indexing make a com- plete guide to the m^* which is folded into a neat cover for pocket or office reference. Mr. Brownlee's idea is to supply to eastern people a reliable low priced map â€" and we certainly are of opinion that he has struck it. For furth- er particulars, address J. H. Brownlee, Brandon, Manitoba. Prait Trees. Mr. C. Treadgold made a large de- livery of choice frm't trees in Markdale last week. lost. Will the party who found a plain gold ring in railway station Monday after- noon kindly leave with Mr. CsBsar, sta- tion agent. Rmg is valued as a present. F. W. Arnold. Belfast House, They have in stock GBASS SEED, CLOVEB SEED, GABDEN SEEDS, PLO^V'EB Seeds, which will be sold at bottom prices. Will not be UNDERSOLD m Town. Call and see for yourselves. On Monday night last about ten dollars worth of meat, mostly pbrit. was stolen from the premises of Henry Ham- He has our very best wish es for continued prosperity and use- fulness. Sacrlleffe. When the MaU kicked over the traces the Conservatives had nothing to wor- ship in the meantime as an organ, and the Empire recognizing the fact sent little images of Sir John to ics Conser- vative subscribers to be placed on theiir mantle pieces to worship. Now horrible to relate since the vote on the Jesuit Bill, our own dear citizen, Mr. Joseph Longhead, noted as the best 12th of July drummer in this Township, hanged the image of Sir John with a strong string oyer the Bo5'ne Bridge, and the once- worshipped image is now under the wa- ters of our Beaver River. Mr. John B. Longhead shudders over-this act of sa- crilege and Vandalism. Alas Alas Man's inhumanity to images 1 â€" Thorn- bury Standard. A Wholesale Business. Mr. A. R. McManus, manager for the Gale Sulky Harrow Co., of Windsor, arrived in town this week with sixty-five of the aboye machines and will make this his head quarters for some time. The following we clip from last Week's Walkerton Telescope ' The Gale Sulky Harrow Company. â€" The opera- tions of this company in and around the vicinity of Walkerton under the manage- ment of Mr. A. R. McManus, haye been of the most satisfactory character, the business, done has been far in excess of any other company in the same time. Opening out here last fall about the 1st of September, for three months, they were continuously on the road witb six to eight "rigs placing the Gale Siilky Harrow in the hands of the best practi- cal farmers. This spring they opened up to fiuLsh the canvass left over from last fall and the result of theur work is shown in that they have sold over three hundred and fifty of their machines. This fact speaks volumes not only for the efficiency and value of the machine, but for the straightforward and business tactics of the manager, Mr. McManus. Their operations for the {Mres^t in this neighborhood are completed, and next week the whole force move to Markdale, ' wbich will be their headquarters for the coming Sseaaon. We cordialy wish LL R. H, Benson. W,J, Benson, BIG SPEX Stock very complete in all lines, GOLD WATCHES. JEWELLERY, c. Best 0. G. Weight Clocks, $4.00 2ud Quality, $8.50 Handsome Walnut, 1 day, $4,45 Best Walnut, 8 day gong Bel]$6 to 8.00 3, 4 5 oz. coin cased American Watches, J-lLOOto^ 26.00 7 jewelled movement warranted 2 yr?. 11 " " " Syrs. 15 " " ':.:^^r^ yrs. Warrants cover breakages 6fi fetty part that should prove defective' ibi use. Bar Pins and Brooches S*e. up to §3.50. 200 pair Spex 25c. up to $250. Carefully and optically fitted. Fine watch repairing personally attended to. Stock large, well selected, PRICE S low every time, QUALITY considered. Am dealing with no small Jew houses.. Have a wholesale connection establish- ed with the oldest and most reliable firms m Canada. Goods and work fully guaranteed. 0; P. R. Telegt aph and Daily Papers in connection with store. So 'Wisthetimefor GABD?5N SEEDS; get BWELLER MOWl^ supplied wliile yo^ave a tuU assortment to chopfift froin at Manley's. ilton, of the railroad boarding house. Mr. McManus succms where eve« he Strong suspicion rests on a certain party, goes." «â- i m::-. -ril r « %\ m I il; â- ri' i I ' â- 'I tit x^ ilV. :â- â- â- /! f â- i i ' m â- i!-:;* ;€.J i;