;f3^- (niarSMfie ^tM^0X^. C. W. Butledge, Proprietor. BiABKDALE, JAN. 8, 1889. PABMEBS BIGHTS. Farmers are frequently heard com- plaining because they are not propor- tionately represented in parliament, and that as a consequence, their inter- ests are either neglected, or they are made to serve the selfish purposes of grinding monopolies. We do not propose to deny the truth of such assertions, but rather to draw attention to some of the reasons for such a state of affairs. That the agri- cultural class is not proportionately represented, no, one will for a moment question, but ibe reason is evidently At their own door. If any class de- termine to better their circumstances by legislation or otherwise it is abso- lutely necessary that they co-operate. Unicn is strength, and without united effort very little can be accomplished. But 6om6 are ready to ask, how can farmers unite, or co-operate, in such a way as to be any practical benefit either by special legijlation or indeed any other way? Let us see for a moment. The organization called the Farmers' Institute has been called into existence for this very purpose to disseminate useful knowledge on the various improved methods of farming, and to give an opportunity to farmers to unite, formulate- ways and means for their benefit as a class and com- municate their wants and wishes through this medium to the powers that be. This organization has been, so far, a partial success, and it remains with the agriculturalists whether it fully accomplishes its designed mission or not. If farmers will identify them- selves generally with the Farmers' Institute of the Electoral Division in which they reside, attend the meetings and thus show by their actions that they are willing to use the means put within their reach, there is nothing to prevent, or which can hinder, the slaims of the husbandman receiving that attention, consideration or legis- lation it calls for. Our farmers are "The Lords of the Land" and only require to be united in order to secure their rights. Now those Farmers' Institute meet- ings are being held throughout the Province one in Markdale the 11th inst. with three sessions, viz., 10 a.m., 1:30 and 7:80 p. m., also the following day at Fiesherton, same hours. Let there be a good attendance. ShtttobyaeelMiialioo. (JoaneUlfHrsâ€" J. Odbnua, T. Wniisoroffc. Wm. Hampton, .W, J. SheptoPclson, Wm. Foster and J. Murray. Artomemaâ€" All tiie old oonnoil elected by aedamation. GlBoeig â€" Beeve, Moffat and Mc- Cuaig. Deputy, McMillan and Staples. (JoundUors, Beaton, Blaek,- Barry, Boyce, iFirth, Hall, McGormiolc, P. Neil, T. SnUivan and C. Williams. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" ^Every Torontoniau is piond to know that the dty now contains a population of 170,000. The fact that those best quahfied to judge-had, prie- vious to the census, placed (he figures at 20,000 less than those now shown, is the best proof of the phenomenal growth of the capital of Ontario durr ing the last decade. And it is also satisfactory to know that this pro- sperity is not due to exceptional eir- cuinstanoes, but is simply the natural development of a commercial metro* polls, situated in the midst ot a rich coimtry and an mtelligent yeomanry. â€" The question which has been agitating Boston for months past as to whether the Boman Catholics were to control the pubhc schools or not was disposed of at the election held, on the 11th inst., the result being that the whole of the Protestant ticket has been elected and every Catholic can- didate defeated. It is quite evident that Boston is not a Catholic city, and that its citizens are strongly opposed to the Bomanization of their schools. The example thus set by the Boston- ians will no doubt have an important effect on other uities where a similar discussion is going on. ik msM » " M H w- » CHRIStMAS COOPS I CHRISTWAS GOODS 'AlT- MANLEY'S. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This xwmler never vsries. A marvd foil parity, Btrength and wholesfimeness. Uorel economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the mnl- titnde of low East, short weight alum or }hate powders sold only in cans. Botaii m PowDBB Co., 106 WaU St.. N. T. New Qoods AEBIVED AT THE I ^JJEWlTJEWmEBYjjfoigi^ Holland Centre. MUNICIPAL NOMINATION. Mi.BKIAI.E. On Monday evening last the nom- ination was honored with a very fuU atten-.irtnce of ratepayers. Mr. Bryden, the returning officer, {presiding. The follo\.'i!i;,' nominations were received, viz For Eeeve, W. J. McFarland, Wm. 3rown, E. S. Bae and Dr. Spronie, M. P. For Crauoillors â€" W. Lr.cRs, B. Hill, Wm. Brown, John Lyoi'H, J, W. Ford, Wm. Douglas, A. Plewe- Wilson Benson, John Mc- Kenbu. R. B. Curry, Os. Walker, E. Davit;, \V. L. Young, Wm. Jackson, J. J. Irwin, E. D. Bigger. When -the hour for receiving nommations had expired the meeting adjourned to IlasliLit's Hall for the public speaking when %Y. L. Young was elected chair- ^nan nfter whiDh over two -hours was well ^p.^nfc in ventilatuig municipal Airs of the young corporation. All the canJi ates for Beeve resigned .iceept 'vir. McFarland, ^who was de- clared tilected by aceUnwitioB. llie followit:^ uames go to -^e poU for connciUocs, Wm^ 3iowov E. liavis, Wm. Douglas, J. W. Ford, 8. ffiil, Wm. Jackson, Wm. Lucas, Jdm Ljiana «Qd A. Fiewes. KinenuxioMK; Standard Correspondence. Mr. Price has put in a weigh scale which will be a great convenience to the farmers as also the village. Mrs. Wm. Williams, one of the oldest residents of Holland, died at the residence of her son Edward, near Dundalk, on Monday last. She has been a consistent member of the Methodist cburch for oyer 55 years. Her remains will be interred in Mount Zion cemetery on Wednesday. At the Christmas tree entertainment held by St. Mark's school, in Mr. Price's Hall there was a good turnout and all present went home pleased with the result. Mr. Wm, Crowther was the recipient of a present from Santa Claus. He says it's a very quiet chap. Also on the 25th ult., the wife of Mr. H. Mer- cer, merchant, of a daughter. A- flourishing lodge of I, O. G. T. is organized with oyer 30 charter mem- bers, and still they come. Owing to the want of sleighing times are dull. Expect an improve- ment when snow falls. A Large Assqrtment AN IMMENSE STOCK ^^^ Cups *Saucers, Storey Book?, BIBLES, HTMN BOOKS. â€"ALL KINDS- TUtaaanam. Standard Correspondenee. Bev. J. W. Bhilton (Methodist) and Eev. T. J. McClelland (Presbyterian) preached very interesting Sabbath School anniversary sermons to the Methodist and Presbyterian Sabbath Schools of this villa^'e on Sabbath last. A. B.Fawcett, Esq., of Streetsville, is this week visiting vith his parents in this village. B. H. Henderson, Est;., oi Tonmto, is the guest of Jos. Blackimrn, Esq. Miss Gandin, of Owen Sound, is visitinpr with her nster, Mrs. Thurston and editor of the Advance. Miss Emma Damude returned last week from her extended violiday. \rtemesia township cout'cd's hands clean and record apparently good. No poll required in this township; tho. old council re-elected by aodaciation. W. S^hristue, M.D., Beeve Mossrs. McArlnur, Boland, Sharp and Oaims, CouQcillors WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewellery and Silver Plate on hand which will be sold at LOW PRICES. Prompt attention to Bepairing in all its branches. Engraving a Speciality. S. BREADNER Jeweller, Markdale. GROeERIES â€" â€" ^FOB THK HOLIDAYS. Having purchased the Grocery and Stationery Stock of Mr. J. E, Sproute, Markdale. I have much pleasure in announcing to old customers* and as many new customers as wish to pro- PLUSn XDIKBSSia^a- cases, ALBUMS TOYS, ETC. Liberal discount to parties pur- chasing large quantities. Call and inspect our stock, prices low.' â- " â- 'v:.;^:-^ Manley'sOrug Store. (fit by cheap bargains, that I made large additions to former consisting of have Btodc Markda E FACTORY Having erected and fitted Up in every detaU a Sash, Door and Plain ^^- tory, containing all the latest and most approved machmery, everythiSig: being new, I am now prepared to turn outQ Sash, Doors, Blinds, Honldings, Holloi Battons, FRAMES, LtTH, FENCE PICKETS, tc; And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner seeond to noift jit. Canada, and haying engaged superior meohanics m eyery departm^lA would now reRpecttnlly solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sises. on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning dane^ Careful Attention to Ordes from a Distance^ 808 THOS. IMcIVEA. TOB-A.QOOBS, of the choicest brands, and as CHEAP;-:AS:':TH£:-:CHEAF€^T, and every other attble in household groceries. Seasonable Vegetables purebased' at highest} market prices â€" mxAk as Apples, Cabbages and Boots ot.all kinds Fall and •PI « ?.k ♦». u u 1 â€" '-,- Oysters of the best brands by The baobath Bshool anmvarsaiy o/ the plate or in bulk. » »x-*u»a:-* .1- â€" »^ hereon New^^^ Markdale, Dee. 1. 1868. ^^T/ *i*' the Methodist ohnroh Year's evming wasagtand saeoMs. The programme Was lengthy but well sustained. Proceeds $90. Attbe annoal bntinesB u6etiitf of the Preabyteiiaa dimroh jiere (mJU day last it was 4eadBd to adopt the Mivelotie sjgntom tMt donaMoiis ib^ religions ordinances be ptud in ijtias |t^ first diy[ of the week. aide or «hat. ape JhikiiiJsj -Pomorfhitor. MIGttfil^'il^: Spriag Wfa«it«;. ...... .v«^ 1 tl 1 02 Birl^ .^ ' jW^... ^O: ^^^^ •• •• ••♦..^•^♦♦.«j.'.*.*.%'.ft v'^^^ 1%*.*. B^Sf .^.».5,.9iv.j^f^»v*.V-«i4* J. _*?«||. '• 4pBS. ....•••j;.. i,-, .•••., jtrjlat i' J 3^0 TTvT CO:iwd:S=»X-BTE -AT TORONTO HOUSE^ M 'A full range latest styles ot CashitHiabte i)f«M goods, in strip6s» ehsibkjs :and combination, from 10 csutfr op. Black aild colerwl casharei«^, great vanety, firom 26 crats to 7^ eents bast values in town. Coat apd Manllp 31otb8, eheapi stylish and pppoliff. In Tweeds, genla' fonusj^M^, Qi^a;. and oaps, stock complete and varied and prices whidi musk oommaud M^ l^attkiw. Xn Beaoiy-Jiitide Clotbing we offer jDaaV mrits fro4| fs.^" i«fa^ for style and qoaliiy. (»onotbd4Ko«ne8*, Bvetytimir #^e' i^ bbbe Htoel^iia'tiif^keavy stoga to^the finest Laliefl' kif J j^lttribmemaaoi^^ni^^i^wa^^ tt^ leii44 Hifing adbpi .gH;.llftf« I'SAffm ^^*j,^--S-. -*i^ 'r-^' .iiOtOs i^au:. M m% £uR3B â€" I eorrespondent duties in kee[ hboring distrl __ umns. HowevJ ia enjoy ourselves social gatherings Ug turkey which file occasion. M Municipal mati| e day hwe at pre ou is past and ;^eld and out fur a .^io try who will hei| 'nearly all inclinef Mr. Mot as Heel duty in the past. Mr. R. i. Oxeul liis new locality of Lake Simcoe, .iMr. S. Crane, of ^ected to be ou Ji Our annual sch| §!oS quietly and sti .Lamb, tlie retiriu| «lecte(l. Mrs. Peck, of CI visiting her parenj English^ We. are sorry tc Nichol has of late and unable to attJ ties but trust be usual health and Mr. Wm, GordJ for his new hooje are sorry to lose t among us as he friends during Li localitj. Mr. The â- Tp., fills his piac will be a good am Farmers are ac in order to get alo winter work, snci logs, etc., etc. Mrs. C. Boyle 1 within this last m foi disease, rheum will soon recover. Cattle food will a number in this 1 The Standakd i weekly yisitor amt Dui The want of t l)rawback to thoi •quentities of .timbe out. All classes more or less. The Xiaaas an success, Dotwithst able weatber. Vickers' Expre their agent here t no longer require( iS tiiat the busines •to warrant its cou Building opera •carried on here ui story h.)tel, a larg two brick stores, s are being planned J. W. McCullc â- visit. He is mi Trinity College. Mr. W. P. Eur teaching profess; principal of Dund He has received ti the esteem in wbi Xatepayei Gentlemen, â€" municipal honor the gratification pecuniary benefit so in the future, directed toward t country's best ii doing would rcc fidence ot my fel men as merit cor nectiou I would Shepbcrdson ie at your hand^ Euphrasia dmii should know him Jbnmiliation to U 6ff casts of Euph: ten gets cj edit 1 tioncer, and it sfc the facile ease w of one class of mc iinable him to interests i HolL md" stjle. Eespi Holland, Dec. *,'j$iU.m