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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 27 Dec 1888, p. 5

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 ii«j«| j; piiBiniiiy. iiij)im||p||gppppij[ii I. '/.â- Â«-l-V'-.^» ^?^^^„ fgmCKJ .r.iftji. '» vLiLSiBE^^aOSSSftJ oops rocK ^ey Books BOOKS Cases, S, ETC. arties por- lock, prices Store. i £ sh, Door and Plain Fac uiacliinery, everytbiDi lollof BattflDS, anner second to none ii ,n every department. )atronage. Lers Promptly id Undress^ Distance. s u duse ,ro.l cashmeres, g^j.^ 1 mast conij^^^^ „p ng adopted '^2b ^, dolia3iae83 «»»• W. J.McFARLAND Is opening out a choice and elegant assortment of Christmas Goods, suitable for Presentations. OiiC ca-ie Gents' and Ladies' Sjilk Handkerchiefs, 25 cts., 40 cts., 50 cts., 75 cts. and $1.00. 17 (ic zen Ladies and Gents' iiid, Silk, Wool and Nopa Bm-k Gloves and Miits â€" all prices A larjj;e and elegant assortineuC of Men's Fur, Astrican anil Scotch Caps and Tnrbans, The best $4.50 Persian Jjajub Cap in the Dominion is at McFarland's iSornore appropriate Christmas present could be given any lady than one of McFarland's stylish Braided or Combination Dress(:s, rauguig in prices from $5 up tu $14 or one of our superb Sealett Mantles Miss l3remner has turiied out several this season. IMPORTED DIRECT Handsome Hand Satchels ia Plush, Leatlier and Vellum. See them. See the new oblons; Purse with osedized clasps, Plnsb Work Boxes, Plush Music Bolls, Bronze Hand Mirrors, Match Safes, Whisk Holders, Ladies' Toilets, China Cups and Sancdrs, Vauses, Silver Peppers, Silver Salts, Silver Butter Dishes, Pickle Dishes, Butter Knives, and a thousand and one rich, elegant and useful suitable articles for prebentation. Gents' Plush Slippers, Gents' Silk, Cashmero and Wool Mufflers choice goods direct importations. 100 Boy's and Men's Overcoats. 800 Boys' and Mens' Suits all prices and sizes. Ladies' Wool Shawls, Hoods, Facinators, Braided Jerseys, Mantles and Mantlings. My store is crowded from cellar to garret with goods to suit all persons, high and low, rich and poor, all equally welcomed at the old established reliable house. 1 must not forget to say that no Xmas dinner will pass off right witbont some of McFarland's fragrant Tea. The grocery stock is replete with new Raisins, Currants, Essiences, Feels, Spiceo, Sugars, and everything to maiie you happy. When in Markdale come in and see us and don't wait until tho choicest lots are sold, but come soon and conw often. Wishing my thousands of customers the usual greetings. Yours faithfully. W. J. McFMRL-MND 9E H o l la n d Council. Holland Centre, Dec. 15, 1888. Council met for tbe transaction of business. Reeve in the diair. Mem- Lers all present. Minutes of meeting cf Oct. 8th and of special meeting held at Cuatsworth, Oct.. 15th, read and adopted. Willissroftâ€" Galbraitli â€" That the following persons be exempt from paying any land tax for 1888, viz., Mrs. Joiin Matthews, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Graham and Ruth King. â€" Car- ried. Galbraithâ€" WilIiscroft--That Mrs. Wyonch's land taxes on lot35,ccn. 1. E. T. S, R., be exempt lor the year 1888.â€" Carried. Cialbraithâ€" Wiliiscroft â€" That By- laws ISos. 10 and 11 be read a first aad second time. â€" Carried. Galbraith â€" Wiliiscroft â€" That John Salter get an order on the Treasurer tor §3.80, being taxes overpaid. â€" Carried. Wiliiscroft â€" Shute â€" That Joseph Black be refunded the sum cf $5.06, being amount of arrears of taxes :Larged in error. â€" Carried. Shute â€" Williscrolt â€" That James Farley be retunded the sum of ^3.03, charged in error tor the year 188G. â€" Carried. Shute â€" Howey â€" That Mrs. Jackson be exempt from paying her land tax lor the year lb8S, â€" Carried. Galbraithâ€" WilUecroft â€" That the Trustees of S. S. Mo. 6 receive an order on the Treasurer for the sum of ipo.TO, being due them from the jear 1887. â€" Gained. Williscioftâ€" Galbraithâ€" That Robt. Clark be refunded the. sum of $1.50, Ijeaig statute labor perl'ormed by hiiu In- l.,t 42; con. 1, N. E. T. S. R.. f r 1887. â€" Carried. Williscroltâ€" Galbraithâ€" That Wm. Fee be refunded the sum of 98 cents, being error in assessment. â€" Carried. llowt-y- â€" Galbiaithâ€" That the order issut'd in. favor of John Critchkump for $10.75 be eaucellcd and another issued m favor of Henry Subject for the same amouut. â€" Carried. Wiliiscroitâ€" Howeyâ€" That the bill of R. M. Galbraith, lor equalizing as- sessment of U. S. S. No. 2, Holland and Euphrasia, be paid, and that the Clerk notify Eupbra.sia council to pay over to this council the sum of $3 on account of their assessor not being Wiliiscroftâ€" Galbraith â€" That the communication read by the Reeve re. Page's deviation, bo laid on the table until next mpetmg for the purpose of getting further information. â€" Carried. Howey â€" Wiliiscroft â€" That we get 100 copies of tho Township By-laws printed in pamphlet form by Mr. Blyth â€" Carried. Shute â€" Howey â€" That the account of R. McEnight, for registering deeds, be paid. â€" Carried. Shuteâ€" Howeyâ€" That the bill of Mr. Cameron for postage c. amount ing to $2, be paid. â€" Carried. Howeyâ€" Shuteâ€" That By-law No. 13, appointing returning officers and polling places, be read a first, and third time, signed, sealed and en- grossed in tho minutes. â€" Carried. Wiliiscroftâ€" Galbraith â€" That the road commissioner for ward No. 2 be empowered to let and inspect a bridge on Foster's deviation. -Carried. Galbraith â€"Wiliiscroft â€" That we get 100 copies of the Reeve's and Treasurer's statement. â€" Carried. Mr. Gillies' offer of $100 for devia- tion around McCartney's lake (exten- sion of 60 side road) was laid on the table till next meeting of council. Report of chairmau of the Board of Health was read and, on motion, was adopted, and ordered to be engrossed m the minutes. Shute â€" Howey â€" That we tender Dr. Oldham a vote of thanks for the able and imimrtial manner in which he has filled the chair for 1888. â€" Carried. Galbraithâ€" Wiliiscroftâ€" That we adjouru sitie die. â€" Carried. Jas. p. Hake, Clerk. FIRM FOR SALE. Lots 46, 47, 48. 49 and 50 in the I range West of T. ft 8. Boad, Holland, 250 acres. 150 acrea cleared, well fenoetl and under coltivation. balance 50 acres bardwocd and 50 cedar swamp, dry. Good frame house, frame bam 30x50 and other good outbuild- ings Two orchards bearing. Well watered 1^ from Berkeley Station, good road and all necessary conveniences. The proprietor is going to Manitoba and will sell reasonable. extending from Hurontario st. through *^P °° ° '""boberT CARTER, to Pine St., 838 leet deep. They in- 1 228-42 Berkeley, P. O. building In St. Paul's Methodist eharcb, Brampton, Rev. J, Philp made an appeal last Sunday for a Christmas thank-offering to God, the amount re- quired to extinguish ths floating debt being $12,000. The amount put upon the plate was $18,941. GoiN» Ahead. â€" The Ohellew Furni- ture Co. have bought from Mr. Callary 80 feet, next to T. Long Bro. stores. tend to begin building operations in the spring. They will erect u mam moth ouiiding fronting on Hurontario St., and extending 200 in depth. The second ' '"°" ^^ ^®®* will be three stories high and the whole 200, tw.i stories. The front 140 feet will be occupied with show rooms, the next 80 feet in both stories will be work shops and the re- mainder carriage house, stables, c. The building will have elevators, re- volving windows.-and all other modern conveniences. â€" Collingwood Bulletin. [Mr. Chellew is a former resident of Markdale, and son in-law of John Lyons, Esq.] Business locals. DISTRICT DOINGS. AN INTERESllNG SUMM.ABV FROM OCR EXCHANGES AND OTHEBWISE, PXRk- GRAPHED FOB STASDARI) READERS. Mr. Archibald Dickson, postmaster at Goderich, died last week. James Bryan's hotel at OrangeviUe was burned on Sunday, 16th. Mr. Morrison, of Owen Sound, is likely to be Mayor another year. The Chats worth News appeared with a new and handsome head-dress last week. Important to borrowers, $10,000 pri- vate funds to loan, apply to W. J. Mc- Farland, Markdale. 412-2G Take Rejuvenator Bitters to keep you from catching cold. Sold by Smith, the barber. Telegraph and Dailv paper profits, nearly cover rental, can aiford to sell i jgoods and do work at closer prices than any otlier jeweller in Grey County. W. A. Brcwn. jert jUer. I Span horses for sale, one 9 and one 15 I years of age will sell one or both. C Littlejohnr, Glenclg. 3w The Family Herald and Weekly Star is without an equal as a weekly paper, and will be 3ent to end of next year for $1. Leave your subscription at the Standard Office. The Weekly Globe for 1889 $1 with balance of this year free. Subscribe at this office and save your postage. Neat and Trim.- For )»tylish clothing get your garments made by B. B. Cle- ments, oyer Hill's store. "The Week, one of the ablest papers on the contment."â€" i)ainv(i«« Amtnta. ENL\RGED AND IMPROVED- A Canadian Journal rf Politics, Litera- ture, Scienct and Art$. riTBLMHSB EVKBt)fBIDAT. $3.00 ptr Ytar. $1.00 for Four Months. THE WEEK has entered on its SIXTH year of pnlilication, greatly enlarged and improved in every respect, rendering it still more worthy tho cordial support nf every one interested in the maintenance of a flrst-class literary journal. The independence in politics aud criticism which has characterized THE WEEK ever since its first issue will be rigidly maintained and un- ceasing efforts will be made to improve its literary character and increase its value aud attractive- ness as a journal for the cultured home. Many new and able writers are now, or havn promised to become, contributors of its columns, and the constant aim of the Publisher will be to THE WEEK fully equal to the best literary journals in Britain or the United States. As heretofore Pkof. Goldwin-Smith will, from time to time, contribute articles. London, Paris, Washington and Montreal letters from accom- plished correspondents will appear at regular in- tervals. Special Ottawa letters will appear dur- inR the session of Parliament. THE WEEK iu its eularKed form will be the same size as "Har.pers' Weekly," aud the largest paper of its class on the continent. SSanD FOB FBEE SA1C?X.£ COFT. C. BLACKET ROBINSON, Publisher, -S Jordan St., Toronto FORSALE. 100 acres in Artemesia on gravel road, one halt of which is within the corporation of Markdale. Apply on the premises. WM. STEVENS. Markdale. Nov. 12. 427-40* FARM FOR SALE. Lots 109 and 110, in the 3rd Concession of the Township of Artemesia fur sale. Tenns to suit purchaser Appl.v to H. U.IRWIN, near Markiale. Aug. 31st, 1888 to SCHOqi^TRUSTEES. The undersigned is manufacturing an ex cellent assortment of School t'^, Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of tne latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chatsworth P. O. 181 ANDREW McGILL.'^j TEACHER WAITED For School Section No. 10, Holland, male or female, with second or third ckss certifi- cate. Apply with testimonials up to the 24th inst. to FREDRICK STAFFORD. Berkeley P. 0- Dec. 4. '88. 430-2iu MARKDALE CARRIAGE -:- WORKS. Twenty car loads of Turkeys we^re prepared on the first day to equalize i shipped in one day from Smith's Falls for Boston for which $46,000 was paid. Dr. Ecroyd, formerly ol Alt. Forest, was found dead iu front of his resi- dence iu Detroit, on Tuesday evening the 18th. ' biiid assessment. â€" Carried. A petition was presented signed by Kennedy Minnis and Joel Edmunds praying to have their lots detached from S. S. No. 4 aud attached to S. S. No. 2. iJowey â€" Wiliiscroftâ€" That the pe- tition of Joel Edmunds and Kennedy ]\iimiis be laid on the table till next sueetiug of th^ council, aud that all interested parties be notified of the j ^^ P""' ^yery week. proposed change. â€" Carried. The new Methodist church at Shel- Williscroftâ€" Galbraith â€" That the burue whicli was opened on the 16th land taxes of Messrs, Lilbnrn Bros, cost some six thousand dollars, and and Lyman Anderson be remitted for I the amount is fully proviaed for. GROCERY, I hereby draw the attention of the public generally to the fact that I have opened out a seiecu stock of GEOOEEIES If you want to buy beef by the quarter go to the Markdale meat, market â€" 4 cents per lb for front and 5 for hinds. F. Sarjeant. Polish your silverware, silver cream 20 cents a bottle, at Brown's Jewellery store. I Can furnish you any size aud make of â€" AND â€" 1888.â€" Carried. Shute â€" Howey â€" That By-laws Nos. 10 and 11 he passed as filled up iu Committee, and that they be signed, sealed and engrossed in the minutes. â€" Carried. Slmteâ€" Galbraith â€" That By law N'n. 12 be read a first, second and third time, signed, sealed and engross- ed in the minutes. â€" Carried. Galbraith â€" Sliute^ â€" That we five Mrs. Sinclair $5, she being feeble and unable to work. â€" Carried. Galbraithâ€" Wiliiscroft â€" That we pay the PoUco Trustees of Chatsworth 810, rent ot Town Hall for Division Court purposes, and that the Clerk notify Bnliivan to pay $10 to this council, being thoir share, as they are that amount in arrears,â€" -Carrietl. A comtnnnication waa read by the ^cere Crepi Mr. l^Titt. The Ghesley Enterprise comes to ., „ ,^ hand once a month-we are inclined ^«^"S "machine needle, Jeweller Brown- to the opinion however that the paper J MplTlTITlATl ^® "^^^ " give satisfaction in all kinds light and heavy harness aud liamess goods. Bepairing promptly attend- ed to. Whips, brushes, curry combs, c., to soit the tiade. A call respectfully solicited. Fae5£ foe Sale â€" A decided bargain â€" lot 74 and 75 con. 8, West T. S. Rd. Holland, (the Wm. Bowe farm) 100 acres. Terms most liberal, don't all speak at once. Apply to Chas. King, Burling ton or lieo. Noble. Markda!c. 833-tf PROVISIONS E. McNally, praciical raannfactnrei Wag- gons, Democrats, Bqggies. Sleighs, Cutteis aud everything m tbc line. The best ma- terial used and tirsc-class workmanship. Satisfaction guaranteed. Repairing, Painting and Tmsnlns; promptly attpudctl to. Cidl resppctfully Kolic.te;!. »^f«-' Stiind opposite tl.e .Afflrk.lii e Hniiso. â€" I'l' *»AiJ» 'I'Oâ€" AND THA.T IS THE Mr Fawcett, of the Streetsville Re- view, issued a sixteen page Chri^jtiuas number. It is well gotten up aud has »â-  liberal advertising patronage. Mr. aud Mrs. Fraub Maidmeut of Markdale, were lU town some days last week as the guests oi Mrs. W. Woods. Mr. Maidmeut, who is a brother of Mrs. Woods was on his wedding taur. â€" Durham Chronicle. Otven Sound voted on a by-law, last week, to raise $16,000 to nstist ihe Puisuu Iron Works aud bhip B»i!diug Co. The by-law wis passed by a large minority. The company • has been awaided the oontraci hnilding another â-¼dssel tbie vintier. 'AkE TOU HADE muwtable by luuijo.^ tioo, UoBStipstiaii, Diiiiiws. Iiois of Apti-^ tile. Tallow Skiar ll^p^s TitaU-ier is » MsitilPB 4}|li^ ' •â-  V.I:-' if? â- â-  â- ;â-  â-  " " To «i once ••tabllih kmda is all ftu, bf ear â-  wtanttop* win «Bd fh«e io ona next door to Manley'a drug store. My stock is all new, fresh goods compris- ing all that is nsuslly kept in a first- class grocery, also Flour from Ford and Plewes' roller mills, same price as at the mill Graham Flour, Oatmeal, Bran, Shorts, c., c. y PRICES LOW AND TERMS CASH. Produce taken in exchange. A call is respectfully solicited. V\rm. Stephens, MABEXALE. â€" IF â€" OWKIV {5401TTVO. T!ic best aud most practical course of fctudj. The best teacliiiiK t ilent. liest accouuuO'lation for students. Vlie btst iiietliods of iustr-uction. The best results from that instruction aftei students (^aduato. For annual announcement pivini; ii\rtieulBrs ref^ardiii^; the coui-se of study, terinti c., address e. A. FLKMIXG. I'niNClPAL. Owen Sound, Xov. 1st, 1S.SS. $20 REWARD. This reward will Iw paid to th peison giving such infonuation as will leatl to tLe prosecHtiun auti cuiivictiou of the person or IHsrsoUH who have tikcu timber off Iu*. 81, COM. 1, EaHt r. lie Bond, Uuiliind. Dec. iii. 18SS. E. WEST. aaS Adelai'" St, 48245 Toronto. A liri- Kliu-k HiitsbivH Hour, oji Lot IS C"ii., 11, l^vj lirasia i '-nris. 7i" cents an luic oi t.frvic.-. i;OL! r. ;sS!-JLIi. 2128 36 TO ^ki^ 'puauc. STRAYED To the premise^ of the aailersiRhed lot 4, eon. 19, HoOcMid, sheet th Lnii of Nov. last finr eslvesâ€" S better calvjx aid one »te«r jiuceship t*lf Tha o«iMr em have ilie bsme bjr provT Mable ii4(proQert7aaJlpjqriiig«.:peiieeM |w«uc. ITaviuc !eaac1 fin- wood di-pnrtment (if MiKeiina's CHriiij,'-- Itlocx. I am unw folly prejiared to execute oil Kinds of work ill my Jim vk\\ Ufatn.-as and dispatch. All kinurt carria^^t^s iuilt to urder and the bebt m»c«nHl un-d. together with good workmanship.' Repairing nromptly attended t W'e givti H cordiI iuvitatiiiu to ail wlu^. may require anything in our line tt» call and see up. \\ e want to get ncqnaiuteil ard trust unr aeqnaiut- luay prove vatuaUy, pro- 014* '^- Gs;i).;|[Ajp^ ^1 ' 'f] i^ 3^dL^: • â- J*£-L-«L"a^*' i»s;?i.-=:V..?--'2'a2L'Ur'" .ii^g-aB^-^.^|vW.--^,-.ViF,ygf-\-.^--. ,?»»^.arr«.:..-.,^.«».g^-,A...-..^

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