Bt â- â- -â- •-.. 1?-X' II.D. J. F. HAUTEB, g0BQBOH, 0.|- nd CJ^entre- and -PSX8IC3Uir« Holla. Will be at Berkelegr erery Tuesday Friday afternoon from one to f onr o dock- a90-ly. rr- Sproiile, ^PHYSICIAN Axa 8UBGBON,- m: A R. K1I -A^ *- officeâ€" Manlev'B Drag Store. E. C. A. MCBRIDE, m. D., L. R. C. P. S. EDINBURGH, mice at Stephen's Drug Siore, lAte of the London Hospital. England. I MicCtillongrli* BARBISTBR, SOLIOITOR, c OFFICE-0Â¥ER McFMRUMDS STORE.^ MARKDAIjE. Mione^ to Loan. GOME niASSOn MASSON, BABBISTERS. 80LICIT0ES, o. OmcBa-Owen Sound, ^„V*««J" Block Ponlett 8t.:B»anch office witorkdale. S« McFsSw's Store, on Friday and Saturday every -week. J.MaSSON.Q.C. S.MA880N. W. MA880N. N. B.-Private and Companrs funds to invest at from 6 to 8 per cent. im4 BSOWV. DIVISICN COUBT CLERK. Issuer of Marriage Licensea, «c. CominiBsioner5 in B. B.o. Conveyancing in allits branches promptly attended to and carefully «"outed. N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate se carity. WILLIAM STUART, KIMUEBLEY, Issue: of Marriage Licenses. Money to Loap on Beal Estate at lowjates, i;'few irarms for sole "" • Terms easy. J.P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. SEE O'OOOOOQOOOOOO o o ooooooooooooo -DENTIST,- OP TOBONTO SCHOOL G-^„^T.Yni^rv ^IbeittideMarkdaleHouse. ^h mon?^ SS^r^Lnf^his profession. C^meucing on the 7th September â- s O -i o o c c (0 o o o c Ph ©'3 •: OQ s u fl (D 03 O Eh 1^ /l^ oa OQ J Q lU H K (L z /^N real „ x»-. estate security, at low rate ,^ interest, no commission charged. Busi- i^s Strictly Confidential, J. S, BLACK, Pomona, F, 0. 000000 000000 0000000 b O O O O O 190 FARM FOR SALE. T OT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, Li 100 acres, will be sold oneap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P. o C3 o o a â€" OPâ€" Christmas MARKDALK HOUSE, MARKDALE. O^^. J. £ AfarsA. Prop,\ W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT, Markdale. Goods 09 n-\ O xa '=3 sis z (0 h K IL (L J o u S. d a a .d o c3 OQ •d g3 CQ (D P4 o OQ rH D O 43 OQ 43 Pi (D 43 PM ^Mi toi«b«»nite tiie f|rilrtng first imprea- â- iona of » «ottntej 90 Temarkable m En«l»»d, but iba limits of space, and the proteble temper of my renders, demand that I »oep witlto mBre pn^o lines. Tire first point of interest to CaoAffliin xlairymen. brought out by the disedesions of the Briiish dairjmen, was the probability ihat FOTOBi I Bieas OF DAiaT OOODB WlU. BOI* LOW- It has he^ oui liabit. on this pide of the Water, to assume that the only question of obtainisg a foothold in the British market for our butter product is the question of qnabty. We have been saying all along that all we have to do to ma^e our butter production profitable is to buit the qa^htJ ol our make to the liking of the British consumer. No doubt (bat this requirement is the first and most imperative need pf our butter imlustry. but it docs not Iclepreoiate its importance to say that it is not the whole need. The teachings of the conference suggested another and im- poitant problem, the existence of which was later confirmed by a careful enquiry into the state of the English marketâ€" tue gteat mar- ket of the world. It was THB BBOfiLEX OF CHKAP FBODUCTmM. Proi. Long stated at the conference last May that, except in favored cases, good butter was not worth more than 20 cents a pouna. and in some districts less. This may be said to be pretty nearly the bottom prices for best butter in England in any season, but the pi ice may rule at about this figure for monthu I take it that Prof. Long referred to the prices received by the fariuer, practically wholesale prices As to retail prices, I saw no good butter in the shops at a lower price than 'ia cents, and the commoner price was 24 cents. I saw displayed in some of the shops daring the summer, butter rjinging at prices so high as 24 to .HO cents, retail, but these appeared to be the top prices of the season for the finest goods. The bulk of butter sold, doubtless, for from 20 to 24 t-ts. I think these prices would fully justify Prof, Long's statement. A trade circular now be fore me, dated July Slst, 13b8, gives further confirmation. This circular c^uotes for "butter landed," a ranpe of prices from lowest Swed- ish, French or Dutch, at 17 cents, to highest Danish. Swedish, and "Creameries" at 23 cents. The above may give an idea of the summer prices which we may obtain for but- ter in England, if we can place it in the market, in the fresh condition which char- acterises all the batter eaten there in the summer season. Now, these prices, when allowance is made for transportation charges. of onr whole make is afv„j pete with the best. WhTni, butter of drome county s ^1 â€" was because there was a .4 ^^^ therfc was available TheJ v tated production, and shon?*«« more adequate to the .^.l ?»»I*J price fell to 30 ceatT ?h ""**• »hSI fall still lower, say to 25 in?" Hi butter been «b.nce, the hmiw V ^C would not have been poig[!*o!», general make wiU improve. ♦! best will weaken. This fact Wr.^7^' faatory as might seem at fiNtT, "^i. price fot th^ best, due to t:*-" ^In qualitt of the' feat, may ^J^f"^^^ price for the whole. Ta»"«« paekf^e of butter, because S .• mttrkft tune paeka«es of iaSf """ every- package equal to it wjii v •' Cents per pound. TheimproTr"'l" quality of the whole let S?!""' down the price of the Bingla Lw " 18 cents would also bri^/upfe'o^ nine packages, perhaps Uonil., Z^"'" cents. If each package weighed Th! " aggregate return ia the li,si tJ^\K, 577.60; in the second c«e SToJt^M gain by improvflment in (laalitvofsSl?*^! the whole ten packages, or arer^' 5' »2.^^ on e«h package. Tl.b.o^^J A tAR BETTEH ST.ITB 0? t:^^ in the common iutorest. Secondâ€" While between {orciâ„¢ ,.;.^,. good butter aud the pricas of oar b».,r,? here, there is- little margin^ there is ,^ enough, m all con-cieuce, ietween faS prices and the prices here for oar^ "" oil best bii^ 11 u V .P^"" poind, th* will bd found poorer qualities of bulttjoS ing as low as 12 to 15 cents! A t,r^ market would need to net only 18 ceatT butter, to give the. producer far bej •ffia; rrNtH YEAB.-l ^OOK! RE ITOUWILIBECONVII COOD litable for Pre\ and grades of butter. When commands 20 to 25 cnt -AT- this ..^..w, .V, "1- ""o. Miuuucer lar beit»| returns with an abundant tiade margb h*! therefore, because of the home demaBlfif our best butter tlie market does SI afford a tompting market for it, we mjjiijl profitably ship our lo\ver-priced ktter,if| only iU quality were gonii enough to wnTTtatl the trade in doing .10. Let it be remembcnjl that I am dealing with the question of prinl only, as- affecting a po • si ble future trade, nn I with that of quality. Oi course tbe {itim| trade here claimed to "i-j possible inTol?H| that the quality of the lower grades of oai| make be much improved, which means, 13 vr(l shall see, that we improve oar mi^hoiiBijI manufacture, packing, shipping, etc., d1is« will not strike the Canadian farmer as enough of ttie subject to be treated of in subseqiieiil PHOTOS -AT THEâ€" R. J. SPROULE, FLESHERTON. ronvevancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money L^iden^ Deeds, Mortgages L«'«^ 'J^^^^'^i" drawn upandValuationsmadeon shortest notice. OUarges very low. Ap^^^^g, Money Lender Postmaster. Plesherton. Popular Secure the shadow e'er the substance fades. This is a good season of the year to have your picture taken, and |H/CJVI I bTOJ^ ' S is tbe place to get satisfaction. Any size or style taken true to life and finely finished. â€" ALL KINDS- ^UAW^0 » -ALSO- TXTLII Stoc5Ld.3UTt THE TAILOR, is nrenared to make your clothes neat and trim. tK^ Fashion Wtes always on hand to ^^m^emb^r. over McFariand's Store, Kwkdale. 6 PEB CBKT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Property at lowest rates of intwert. aâ€"^-*" B. J. SPBOTIiE, Conveyancer Se Poetma ster. Plesherton. TMOIVE Y to LOiVN. Private and Company's funds to InvMt In Beal jSatate at current rates of interest. â- TASMB »0» UAUB AH» TO MSKT. AU business private andoonfldentlal. ^|Pn^ ex for CMiada Permaaent Loan and Savings Company, Toronto. 400^ JOHN WHITBY, Markdale. ^^â- y-^: USTERERANB STONE MASON MABKDALB, Ib prepared to take contracts in town w country. Caldmi^ and WhitewMhing a specialty. ____. niontiilj Fairs. .Otangeydleâ€" The second Thiund«T in each month Uandalk^Tnesday-before ottogeviUfl. VleshOTtonâ€" Monday befew Oiangwillft. Markdaleâ€" Saturday before OnogprHf*, Durhamâ€" Third Toeaday in^aeL noitttt. -Gbatsworthâ€" Monday bef»e Dndiun. HottmdOenfaaâ€" SatttfiiiyheforsOkBlswoilll SiiMfmeâ€" Mondiiv hsioie DinhMfe STORE, It will do you GOOD. YoTirs respectfally, E. L. STEPHEN A/bums Seizing Cheap. You cannot do better in tbe city â€" call and be convinced. J. HAMILTON, MABKDALE. 9h» Balrjlaff XaAnstey. A SXUM or LXXTKBS ADDSBSaXD TO THS AoBiotJucBAii Public or Canada, buko a GABiruL Stttdt or Daibt Msthosb and Pbaoiiobs n Obxat Bbitaoi and Edbopb, DmjNo A FoTiB Months' Yisn in 1868. Thi$ Letter it SegUtered in Aeeordanee tnth the Copyright Act, and PubUthed in thii Paper by Permiesion of the Author. AXOSe TBI BBirUB DAIBT VABIIBBB. A sort of working holiday is what the British daily farmor gives himself when he attends his annual assooiation maetings. He wisely combines pleasant holiday excursions witii excellent working oonferanoes. Wnile ha works he feraTelB,wlule he traveb he feasts, while he feasts ha gmmUes, and one cannot easily say which he enjoys most. Rot- the: Englishnna does enjoy fiikasatt. even when' lace to faee with ftroblMiis that are worthy of w iea nt iMada andhtaveet haacts. The noBrt Mgmg that e BnglishTnan takes ey«i his rto s MSfl s sadly, nay not he^Ul fibel, hot he cwtaiwly hâ€" a^wiy, sometimei, of 'tyfiaga Jit»i«t «oUd eiqoyBMnt cat at- gaoAmbd better than hoiLe prices to be very promiainK of profit. It is true that I am only of the summer season, when the large bulk; of fresh made butter depresses the market to its loweet figure but nothing that I cotild see gave much encouragement to hope for very high prices, as a rule, at any Heason in the years to come. There are, indeed, CAUSES WOBKINO AGAINST HIGH PBICES. Said a Bristol buyer "If fine creamery can be sold for 92 to 98 shiiliogs (about 20 to 21 cents) for summer's make, and for 102 to 108 shillings (about 22 to 23 cents) for fall make, it can be sold here When it goes to 116 shilhngs (about 25 cents), it masea it difiicult to handle, and it gets blocked out of the market by margarine and cheaper brands of butter." Beference is here made, of course, to wholesale prices. The point is that while a limited quantity of buttei may reach high piices, the bulk of tl^e butter made must be sold at a price within the means of the average Gonsumer,otherwi«e the consumption itself will be checked by the use of a subhti- tute. The opinion quoted doubtless furnishes as encouraging an outlook as can be reason- ably hoped for, bince THE COUPEimON WE ABB T.IKWT.T TO KEBT in tbe near future is likely to dull rather than to Fiharpen the edges even of the low prices which have ruled in the near past. Let it be remembered, too, that even the prospectiye moderate prices will be possible only for a fine quality. For inferior goods, he would be an optimist indeed who would i hope in tbe future for any price good enough to pay for making butter. With this not too rose-colored ' prospect before us, WILL II PAT nS TO SKD BtJTTSB TO ENOLANX While I was abroad, this very practical query often thrust itself npcn me most forcibly, and sometimes the answer seemed doubtful. I even heard the opinion confid- ently expressed by others that it is unlikely that we shall again be able to send butter to the English market profitably. The reasons given, however, for this dark view were not to myself conclusive. Notwithptanding a somewhat unpromising outlook, there were a few weighty considerations which lead me to take a somewhat hopeful view of the sit- uation. There are really only two serious barriers in the way of onr finding in Eng- land KABXBT 3POB A rOBSIBLB AND FtlSti md^miiSiitUittitiM PBOnTABLB BUTTXB. These barriers are, first, the imperative demand for a higher quality than charaoter- ized onr shipments these late years and, second, this ot, just referred to, of probable low prices in the future. Assuming, for tho moment, that we shall yet succeed in im- proving the quahty, let ns now deal only with the other difficulty â€" ^that of whioh we have jnst been writing, low prices. To eneouxage shipment of produce abroad, the foreign prices need to be enough higher than home prices to aflbrd a trade margin. Now, our own market offers for butter, for home consumption, prices very nearly as high as what we have jnst seen have been ruling in England. Some of onr dairymen where I am now writing {Eastern Townships) find in Montreal at this moment (October) an easy market for the first-dass butter which they make, at 20 cents, lor Canadian tabfase. It is not easy to see how shippers can risk buying this butter at this price for the Eng- lish market. This, of course, is salt bntter, packed in tabs.: Take print Inxtter. Biome ooonty .fibers haye been ^joying a market inMobitmid for fine print Imtter, at a price even so lelgh as 85 cents: The price has fallen sc^ewhat, bnt I belieye it is SO cents even yet, Fioia this it would appear that onr hoine ^n»M lor best bntter rim so dose- ly npon ttvs lowpiioes nilbig abroad that the aia^hi pit prc^t wnold not appear to be «iMonia0iax to sh^ioSBItfa. lieif, them, iMM WW whieb I n letters. And here we may well paiuetoie-l fleet on the quantities o£ "store pactepl butter that has been sold etea as low as tat or twelve cents, which might have been s for eighteen cents and upwards, if ouly il I had been made and paciced in a way to ctiO' mand sale in the English market Third. â€" Bearing upon this questioBistittl probability, or, rather, certainty, that tan now on PBICES OF ALL FBODUC£ WILL BE LOV. MultipUed prodneticn and (itifi competitiia are slowly but surely bringing dowu prigs I of all farm produce. We may as wdl kI butter as anything else at a low price. It deed, when, we conr^ider the gene's! "eoao- mie advantages of bntter production, n may be led to prefer to produce bntter it low prices, to producins low-priced wheita beef, or even cheese. The Mowing eitrad from Prof. Robertson, of Gaelph, will shw some of the economic advantages of cliae* making, as proved by actual results, mJ tnose of butter-making are eren SKSta. "Dairy farming, uotabiy in connection. wik the establishment of cheese fa^'friesjiii' saved whole districts from the fate of ope* ily becoming unproductive. It has UfCT increased the productive capacity of eshanrt- ed lands and added to their yearly. eanu* power. Many counties have be^ ni»« wealthy by the increase in the fertiutj « semi-exhausted soils. Were this annna^* I turn from this extra earning power lap* Uzed at 6 per cent, it would represent om tWrty mUUon doUars.- Let it be undeKto^ that tne prodactiou of butter is urg^« advantageous not to supplant that ot tiiw* but rather to supplement it. Again. whUe low prices wih be geM*;^ is aWion if butter will not h^dug stiffly than almost any other farm ?«« since^many other products demand «or ra^ cessful manufacture less ^^^Z skill. In one of the papers read at tM «^. Merence (by Mr. Smith) it wa3 state^J^ "dairy products hadfUleo in value less w- any other commodity." ,1^ i;^ Fourth.-Prices for bntter m hadlTj permanently too low m ^^1{J1 Srtocomp/tewiththeBntish«.dJnrJ. producer. Against ^*^ £ ,^^ prise we out to be able to ^ipK ".Ljii ' ties, and with n^w-wond vigor-^^. distonce to market and perhaps dearer we havo here modem gem^%t tendency to annihilate ^^^iu^ crowded condition of tbe w» ^tj of tendency to increaee the ««V" afw (S3t$0 leaper tbnn from any otliei reeu Orangeville ftiid Owed \v\e jnst opened up t| :tijuas g^ larkda'lein F'AIVC ,SES, CHILDBEN'S CI JJOEES, MOUSTACHE SAUCERS Chinn T stock to clioose from As, Toilet Setts, Glabswai will sell cheaper than irkdak. tbe Grocery Line we L Orange and Cition Pee ines. new Dates, new I s, oil kinds new Essei re the largest stock of Con ]ght into Markdale. ^u jee, Digby Chicken,] iddie. Fresh Oysters les a week. IINES i UQI requiring a 'Dr ,ter" can depend upon d and pure at BENSON ottled Gin. Brandy, Ru tch and Irish Whisky ch for Xmas and Nt 'Oood Ales and Porl plimeutB of tbe seaso eap Limi \H, Benson. IV.J jiy ff BiU M q;.o« to qq*^g» arm tm tnim ^Mjliiiaii^ hare a ten.* tet^ «0 hmm tha MiK'-oae best. Tha j^mrni triees^ol aittgaiifcJhittsr we higher « ttH^j^ thil^asppamliis^rtttli CHEAPEB LANDS The inventions of mdency crowded m tliOCKS, JEWEIjXjE r SPECTA (ilvebwab: plttsh cas FANCTG profit out of prices at '^^"^douWlee^ wiU continue to produce, it t^ jj,^ because we employ faulty ««'Bdrf«irt grumblmg both mFranw a?f Tf^d ti* Sie "profitless" pncesof tf^ ^n-iU much evidence that pn«5«s «^„7^ ^r quite as low as the European) comfortably Uve upon.^ Robertson, Imayagainquota^of^^^auB whom there 16 no better auw subject, on the future g^s "The prospect for high pn^e^ ^__ years t^o^isnotjei7^bngW^y^..U niost complete and h of tbe above lines 10 perluP* Lx average of eight -uts per -^fi.«.e« SoSStSttod^-i^c^-l «- ^^Me to seir at that price at a prj^ «j â€"„ ««wlnoe cheese at as W* ^^.ri„n ool^ oan produce cheese country and if we will not be markets." com severe •^"-•t, oat the first f"«ed »»' arkets." «„r wen«»yb*^!Iil To sum up ^^'""'iJ; bnttortS of a possible foreign mari« » 8J» in tbVoompetition ah«^ »' „„«, » ^L. snob a ma't" » nrofitaDw ,_,^tilP neoessary 188811'slevell PLCSHER fdoes that will arton a§oMZ stock, it ' market a P'°r' wrniii««"r' neoessarT^or us, ^^JTZ^" superior quahty oiVjoin^J^^^^ ^Tttefa, dock aud J l^ertectly done « eraj tine BCSSSOB OX CHBAP DaOTille, Que, ABETOUIADB tion. CoMtipation, Dii tite, -Yellow Skin? SbUon positiTe euro, v^ %»:»â- . ?V' l' -^