;?^^' r ' v!f â- â- Urn g pid. " the dSI her father Wl!* educated r*JS her future ai3 'the dnoilpaiJr! '-??» the dnCS' "W, wem to Swe ^more uitoth^WoS! economized for Darolme. She of the beet, and ihe that waa lavidied ever, acoompliahed. I marriage drewnear (the famdy title i. he might make the • »re wife He gazed who had been «, him with reapectful II violently in love ger Slater Elizaheth. mily as a mere chili m no high deiti^ allowed to pass hi ing the country side a stood aghast, but )n were alike wast 4 refused to see tb a Its was blemi .in .and a few months gh child as she was e etiquette of courts amin, eateied Vienna *.uatria and Qneen of ned more t:han thirty et learncJ to submit escraints tnat hedge 13, and the Vtennese, »r their beautiful Em- that the Emperor who regards a court state ceremony as a ved 'hrough. From ;e it seems to have vourto shake off the •nd -perhaps the .p- ire those which, .v nile f Eagland, or hunting ive land, she is able impress Queen. For I'zibeth is the young- Europe. When one ilform, eyes brilliimt and complexion that amotions, it seems 1 be the grandmother en one, seems to ha.e le royeJ equanimity, ihat, as her sister gain- not really matter, ler face, her life nas }De. VVhen she wu Tied to the Prince of died some nine yean "♦*' I (h Propose following letter on the ly woman should not It, and then suffer tbe lence. Many men who bnd in a hand-to-mouth so haopy I if the onus eigh them down like a incubus. with several husbands 1 acquired, and I am are turning out well. were not self-support- e married well, having m by girJs of means. Bill NyKc ided for myself. dr. James Whitcomb », is brushing his hafr h which I carry with it the day will speeddy will propose, and he way np towards wa idow when the oSoe poman could make Mr- py. Any letter* ent to be cheerfally read and B. N. sr does not encourage " bitter, bitter conse- bitterer because of h« bo utilise her very short jngagement ring for a I can't see what wiU. B certificate »««"â- ., *° ,t '• P S ' like bumble- but there i- » ohanoe n with Mr. Rdey. For seen him I can vo^ landsome and a genW [BLY,in^. y. World. Face of Death. lelast part of tt«e «« ^and was dre«d.« gj rho had been shot m the d artery. d vessel gave way, » urgeon thrust hu fin«er the flow. jj^t he, "what does vm "said the sargeon- jivr?" asked the soldier, rfectly clear. ^, p, e my tmger, â- »»" ,dfor pe".*»iPffi « an afieotionaW lejg ,n these were dono --» ithdrew hiB fi»82 *; and soon the »»» biiiiad brave feUowwaj e^yy??" day •»* on Memorial W the g»y«-dS5 «** „ cwne the doo«». -y .*-« m--r»- !«.,â- .-. -â- U'tu!!'**^ .; K:"4isy â- «*«- '••?•;- sirs'wwwsaBsi.'^as* ^»-.'««» •V wti^ato- a ^s0Be^iB^m»-ii:mi'--- â- '93^aKr.j»a-x^y'vsi'KLmi*»-ii»M: ag-y rji»«CTww.-waiWij=aBs-;aj*»iT-ii flEKE AHD THEB. Won't it be funny when women vote, If they act as silly aa the men The barrels of flour they'll have to " tote," The wheelbarrows they'll trundle then. Will she pay ner bills like a little man. Or hedge with a pretty pink-hued note Will it be a game of catch as-oatch-can When women vote? Won't it be iunny to have it said Of some political sweet girl-bride, •â- She's actually gone and shaved her head â€" Made a bet on the losing side' T Will they bet their boots and tiieir chew- ing gum. And the bretty bonnets, on which they doteT WiU we think the milennium has oome When women vote 7 • A game dinner was served to 600 guests at a Chicago hotel on Saturday night. Thirty four kinds of game were represented on the menu. King Kalakaua is coming to America. Ee has grown tired of the humdrum ot Honolulu and wants to take a look at the ew York tiger. The richest gold mine in the world is said to bt the Douglas mine, in Australia, which yields about $200,000 every month and has but three owners. Count Moltke's favorite flower is the rose, and at his home he has one of the fiaest flower girdens in the world. He is some- thing more than a warrior. l^iterary interests in Pittsburgh have re- ceived a severe set back in the decision of Judge Ewing, that literary societies cannot run liquor Vars as adjuncts. At a Western church fair a device for getting up a testimonial to the pastor .bore the following legend :â€" " Drop u dollar in the slot and see the pastor flmile." The Prince of Wales was so delighted with the Hungarian national danc« 'he " Csardas " that he has made arrangements to introduce it to Eogliah society. It will be a feature at the fashionable London balls this seaion. There is a man living at Luray, Va., who became convinced when young that kissing was wicked because Christ, was be- trayed by a kiss. He resolved never to kiss anybody. He has been married twenty years and is the father of eleven children, and has never kissed his wife nor any of his offspring. â€"A correspondent ask :â€" "Which is cor- rect, 'Lo, the Cocquering Hero Comes,' or 'See, the Conquering Hero Comes '" It de- pends upon the location. If the correspond- ent should be out West and see an Indian making for him- wiih a scalping- knife the former would be the correct way of using the quotation. Mrs. Hannah J. Biiley, superintendent of the p jace department of the National W. C. T. U. is one of the most notable busi- ness women in the country. She carries on a large factory in New Jersey, a wholesale and retail store in Portland, and a large farm near Winthrop. In all she employs about 150 men. A little six-year o'd of Point Edward, The Post siya, ^as told by his school teacher that there was smallpox in Sarnia and that he would have to be vaccinated. He ran home to his mother and exclaimed â€" " Mamma, they've got the little box in Sarnia and if yon don't be baptised you'll catch it and die." The ••Cleveland Leader" remarks:â€"" It is strange that the British Colonies of Can- ada and Australia should beat the United States, and the Mother Country as well, in rowing. They have only 8,ODO,000 people against 100,000,000, but O'Connor, Searic, Kemp, Beach and Hanlan, three Australians and two Canadians, could probably not be matched by any other five oarsmen in the world to-day. Manistee, Mich. baby which ate an eight- grain dose of morphine was given several antidotes, but it txscame unconscious and was given up for dead. About 16 hours later, however, while the -friends stood a.round and silently admired the beanty of the corpse the babe awoke, and smilingly demanded a drink of milk. Says an English paper :â€" The first in- ventor of the sewing machine turns out not to be Howe, but a man named Too mas Saint, who took out his patent in 1760, sixty years before Howe produced his machire.^ A machine made according to Saint's specifica- tion is now being exhibited at the exhibition of sewing machines and domestic appliances at the Royal Agricultural Hall, Isling- ton. A Western medium has interviewed Adam on the question, "Is marriage a failure?" "I don't exactly say that marriage is a fail- ure," remarked the materialised first man, as he sat down on a materialized log just ot:t8ide of the Garden of Eden, and locked hungrily at the fruit on the other side of the wall, "but if I had remained single this wouldn't have happened." Several glass factories now cut the large cylinders of window glass by encircling the cylinder with a fine wire, which is then heated to redness by an electric current, a:;d a drop of water being allowed to fall upon the hot glass, a psrfectly clean cut is obtained. The old method was to draw out a fibre of white-hot semi- molten glass from the furnace by means of tonga, and to wrap it rotmd the cylinder. Squaring the circle is generally looked upon as either sheer lunacy or unprofitable figuring. It appears, however, that Mr. w. J., Barnwell, a wonderfully clever mathematician and the organist of the East Hundred in Berkshire, Eagland, has really iiit upon some feasible scheme, which he ias laid before the French Academy tA Sciences. Hia formula oonaiata of eight %ires, which. In a concrete shape, form a perfect cyclometer. The diacovery has ^en fifteen years' hard work. Forgery and embezzlemokt are evidently no lonsrer looked upon with the hidnlgent leniency with wiiicn courts of justice in the United States once regarded them. The Sentence of twenty-five years' impiisoEment pronounced upon James K Bedell should ve a tendency to discoursAe these crimes, ?t any rate in the State of New York. The lodgment of the court is generally approved ^(by the community in New Xork, whj We come to the conolusion that oriminala of this clssi can no bnger be trifled with. A J)£SPEEAD0 dogged. jiHd FluOIy Captared by twe â- urlas Seteettvea. A despatch from West Virginia to the New York Heraldgives tlie following account of the capture of anotber memlier of the no- torious Hatfield gang of murderers. Another of the murderous Hatfield gang has been dragged in manacles from the rough mountains, where the desperadoes Iiave so long defied the law and slaughtered m they chose. The bloody liorder war that lias strewn, the shores of the Tua River with graves is being rapidly brought to a close by the iron nerved deteotlTes iriio are prowling tlirough tiie great wilderness to wuoh law has BO long been a stranger. Itti^esa man with a lion's heart to go into the strongholds of the Hatf elds now. Every trail over the mountains or along the creeks leading to the Hatfield settlement is picketed by ambushed murderers, who would kill witliout mercy any man they Bospected. These detectives are going through experi ences such as one reads of in dime novels. It seems hard for a man who hears their tales to believe that such things can be in a civilized land. Ellison Hatfield, alias Mounts, the brute who was captured after a desperate struggle in the mountains with Detectives OibfBon and Cunningham about three weeks ago, made a full confession. He implicated Alexander Messer as one of the slayers of the McCoy boys, who were shot to death in August five years ago by a merciless tri- bunal of the woods headed by " Devil Ance" Hatfield. Messer is known aa one of the most des- perate ruffians on the Iwrder and was a con- spicuous figure in Breathitt, county trouble in Kentucky a few years ago. It is said that he killed five or six men in that county and Iwasted that he had killed twenty six men since the war. So frightful were the deeds of this man that he was feared even by the Hat fi side, to whom the shedding of blood is common- place. Govemcr Bnckner, of Kentucky, offered a reward of $350 for Messei's body, and Gibson and Ctinninghani have been on his track night and day since they captured Ellison Hatfield. As he had left the Hatfield settlement soon after the murder of the Mc- Coy boys, feaiing the vengeance that Ken- tucky would wreak, the two detectives found it hard to locate him. It is worth a man s life to ask too many questions or to pry around too much in the region where they had to go. Finally they struck the desperado's trail and learned that he was living in a log hut, on Ugly Creek, in Lincoln county. On last Wednesday they met a man in Chapman's store in that neighborhood who answered to Messer's description. Fearing to make a mistake, the detectives manoeuvred. After a short talk with them the man invited them to his cabin. The detectives accompanied him, and when in his home he mentioned his name. Gibson at once whipped out hia revolver and covered the assassin. In an- other moment Messer was handcuffed. His fury was beyond d 'ascription. The captured murderer waa'brought to this city and taken from here to Catlettsburg, Ky., where he is now in jail. He is about fifty-one years old and has a wife and tix. children. He was formerly a depniy sheriff in Ptrry county, Ky. Messer declares that he would never have surrendered and would not have been captured only that the detec- tives got between him and his gun. He admits hoiving lived with the Hatfields at the time of the murder of the McCoy boys, but denies that he kUled either of them. He is the seventh of the Hatfield-McCoy murderers arrested by the detectives. Gibson, who made the arreipt, is the young- est member of the force, but one of the most f^arl-^ detectives in the United States. Single-handed he went into Che McCoy set- tlement and captured two of the McCoy gang, brought them to this State and receiv- ed the reward offered for them. In com- pany with other detectives about two weeks ago he made a raid on the Hatfields, captur- ing one and shooting the forefinger off Tom Chambers' hand, also shooting him through the side. On that trip Gibson lay in the woods three days without any thing to eat except what chestnuts he could find among the leaves. Oheesine.â€" A Yankee Fiodnct. A new name has leen coined for an Amerioan sulwtance which has been for a long time on the Amerioan and British mar- kets and which is alleged to be eatable. It is now called "cheeaine," indicating that it is first cousin to those disreputable count- erfeits, "butterine" and "oleomargarine." "Cheesine" is doubtless cheese made from milk the natural fat of which has leen ex- tracted at the butter factory. To the skim milk cheese any very cheap animal fat Is added. The produc; is sometimes called "lard cheese." The combination of words is quite as insulting to the hog as it is to the cow. Of course anybody who wants to eat a combination of skim milk and the fat from " died' animals is at liberty to do so, bnt Legislatures everywhere should step in and compel all such commodities to le sold under their correct descriptions. In Can- ada we have not yet arrived at "cheesine," and in the interest of our immense dairy ex- port business it is desirable that the Domin- ion Government should prohibit the manu- facture of the stuff unless it can be abso- lutely prevented from going upon the mar- ket under a false name. Saint Viohsiw. Tontcae Testen. The popularity of Pater Piper's celebrat- ed peck of pickled peppers will probably never wane as a snare to catch the toiu(ue that would fain \m agile but that test has formidable rivals. The following short sentenoes, as th«r authors mainta i n, do wonders in bafiOing the ordinary power of speech: â€" Oaze on the gay gray brinde. The sea oeaseth, and it snffibethus. Say, should such a sliapely sasn shabby stiumes show T Strange stratedo statistifls. Give Ofimes Jim's gQt gig-whIp. Sarah in a shawl shorelled soft snow sMftiy. She sells sea shells. A cup of oofibe in a oopper cdCse-pot. SnOtii's i^irit flask s^t Philip's rizth sis- ter's fifth squirrel's sknlL 13m M«rauii of QnoeiMtary aad'Ms rolsii are in New York. A miniatine balloon of peari, entwined by a serpent studded witii small di ai iwi i id s â- thalisadef a Saint moholas was the most ]pnriBlar of the saints in the Midtfe Ages. No other whose name is in the oalendar wai applied tobyioore people, or by those who were more nnlike in oiiaraoter and circoastanoes. He was made tiie patroo (A tlie common people, of laborers, of jpnsoners, of slaves, of tiraveUers, saOors, batdiers, robliers, clerks, scholars, and in a very special manner of good gb-ls and of bovs. He has lieen made e patron saint of Russia moohrin the same way that St George is the pataron of England. Of tlM life of this saint nothing is known with oertalnty. The most trustworthy ao- oonnt says that he was a nativo of Patara in LyciK. As to the time of his turth it is less omifident. The supposed date is in the third century of our era, and his life poaribly extended into the fourth oeo- tnry. He is mentiimed most frrqnently as having lived under the reign of Constantino the Great. Nicholas was Bishop of Myra in Lyoia. About six hundred years after his death his lKdy was removed from that place to Bsoi, on the Southeastern ooast of Italy. He had sJready become famous at the time of this removal, and Us^ reputation for performing miracles continued to- grow rapidly. As a specimen of what was reported to his credit. Sir Richard Torkington, who made a pilgrimage to the Holy L%nd in 1517, tells e following: W» passed the Isle of Seynt Niohotaa, where be tooles made of Iron that never lose their edgge bymy- racle of Seynt Nicholas; as they sayâ€" I saw itnrtt." The day which, in the calendar, is de- dicated to Saint Nii^olas is the 6th of Decemler. It is surprising to find the ob- servance of that day postponed to the Christ mas holidays. When the change took place, and how it was broupht about, would not be easy to discover at this day. That this observance and our present usage of making presents at Chriatmsa are one and the same practice will be seen from the following account of the custom given by an early English writer "From a very early day it has l«en customary, on the eve of St. Nicholas's Diy, for children to put their stockings, shoes, or slippers in tbe bedrooms of those from whom they expect or desire favors, when, sure enough, next mornine their little feet-pieces are replete with sweetmeats, toys, or coins." The manner of observing St. Nicholan's Eve is described by a poei of two or three hundred years ago at considerable length. Room can be found here for only a few lines " Children on the eve do cause to fast And when they every one at night in sense- less leep are ess ;, Both apples, nuts and pears they bring, and other things beside. As caps, and shoes, and petticoats, which eecretiy they hide. And in the morning found, they say, that this S^. Nicholas brought." This shows that at that time in England presents were made on the eye of^the 6th of December instead of at Christmas, as now. In the Greek Church and in the north of Europe, however, schoolboys still invoke the liberality of St. Nicholas or Santa Glaus, as he is now commonly called, on thatnicht. How St. Nicholas could become patron to characters so unlike as robbers and good boys is a matter now difficult to understand. There is a ballad relating to hia patronage of boys which is one of the most popular ever written. Its story is as painful as that of the " Babes in the Wood." Strange it is that themes most harrowing are most popniaar. As to this saint's patronage of robbers, we only'i^w that such was the relation. High- waymen were called St. Nicholas's clrks. Rowley says, " I think yonder come pranc- ing down we hills, from Kingston a couple of St. Ificholas's olerks's." Max O'Bell on America. When that eccentric and imaginative Frenchman who is known to the reading public as Max O'Rell gave to the world his amusing skit upon English men and women enti. led "John Bull and his Island," our American oousins found hialxwk extremely entertaining and applauded his keen faculty for analysis and his discrimination as a critic. When subsequently he visited Am- erica and, with the traditional politeness of Us nation, said all sorts of sugary things about Americans and their institutions, no one in the United States questioned his sagacity. But, alas, since his return to Europe, he has been lecturing in London on the United States, smd it is no sr discovered that he is a very unsafe guide to follow, and that his exaggerations are so extravagant as to take away all valua from hia criticism. He declared that no man with any self- respect baa anything to do with politics in the United States, and that if a' senator ac- cidentally gains admittance to a select enter- tainment the custom of the master of the house is to order that the silver as well as the hats and coats in the hall i^e carefully watehed. In referring to the national pre- dilection for profanity he i ells of an Amoncan poker party on an English steamer of which each member laid down each ourd with a new and distinct oath. The ssme poker party a short time afterwards sang hymns and psidins for two hours. Max O'Rell declares that he has met men in other countries who swore and also, he is glad to say, whosang hymns, but America alone produces men wiio do both witii equal facility. Ihe completion of the line of railway from St. John to Quebec and Montreal oj tho St. John vaJley is causing a gcdden vision of the aoqnintion of the export trade rf the West to fire the imagination of the pet^le ofStJohn. AjoanialistofthatoityT • This line rednoes the distaaoa of M( from tills city by more tlian one ImndEwl and fifty ndlM, and givaa ns aa ad v a at sge OTsr Hsdifax in tin nattw of tnffio min MoBtreal or Qaaboe wldoh eaanoi be ovsr*^ oome ezoept by radndng tlie latss on tha IntsrooliMttal to aaa^pMfiag potnt. Next year the short line wQT he oonpletad aad readyfor traffie, aad OIb will bclqg St. John wiiidn M5 mOas of Mootroal, or asai^ 300 milas less than at p reaent by Inte- oolonlal raOwalr. If St Jobh b e««r \o^ aoquire the e^KM(t trade of fte W^j^Mlv IstiMtime tomakaa tiMiiaiiag;. ,/Td saa^ ust^nhtdnlidi trad* «« want i^ii*ai(r and we waat dsntoKS aad !«r haiadliM grain." It is that St SfSta will crt ail the Slayeiy in the U. B. An aooonnt of a wnito toa wi NortiiAi aUybereceivdla^^ what happer " â- * of Maasachi' PuaOns,a labour, is in to New York am being chained ifoldasa slave in would natnr- nlity, but this is day in the State ms that Charles T. okerin immigrant going periodically riog all the ignorant men he can find who are unable to speak Eniflish. After getting possession of his TTT* "r* *ihrHhffiT^ f" 'â- ^"•* at N«th- ampton, Sfass., aid sells them to farmers at %4i of $60 a head. The farmers use them just the same aa they do their cattie. On tha 20j^iiutant Panons drove to Holyoke with oas orSiMii«n^ils, a Pob, in a waggon. Qifi^N^iq||!atasidestmet, and went taaeelta-jipueluier, ISaTing his vie timlioaad Iww aad ^t vith a chain, which waJiSateifadto tbe waggon. The wretched foreigner was found in this condition by the chief of police, who, leing of an inqniriuff turn of mhid, brought abjut an exposure of Parsons' operations. .Parsons is now being prosecuted. If this man de- serves punishment, what should be i said of the faraers who were parties to his tran- sactiona? Itis to bahop^ for thesakeofthe reputation cctiie State authorities that an effort will be inade to bring them also to justice. • "".^^-"-- Propelled by Water. Some fifteen years ago a British war vesr sel, the Watervntcdi, was constmoted to be propelled by the force of water ejected from submerged tubes. She was a passable suc- cess, but not fast nor eoonomusal. A New York yacht dedgner seems to have applied the same principal in a different bnt much more effective way. Ha has constructed a yacht which may be said to have no machin- ery whatever. It is propelled by the direct reaction of an explosive mixture of air and gas ignited by electricity in heavy steel cylinders, the ends of which open under water. It is as though the yacht itself was a gieat cannon and the propelling power the recoil from the discharge of the cannon. The boat attains a fair spaed. The economy of the plan can be seen from the motive torce being produced directly from the fuel, with- out the loss from radiation, friction, slip and unused steam, that are estimated to use up 93 par cent, of the heat evolved in an ordinary ocean steamer. The gas is pro- duced in the same way aa the water gas we bum in Toronto, namely, by a jet rf steam and atomised oU passing over a fire. The electricity is furnished by a storage battery. "i Ezeontion by Electricity. The New York btate law which provides tliat after January lit next all executions for murder shall be performed by the agency of electricity is like to bring about a diffi- cnUy which was not contemplated when tbe legislation was passed. It was taken for granted that tbe new mode of death would be painless, and that there would be no ghastly preparations to add to the agony'of the criminal. The Legislature forgot to specify in what maimer the death-dealing shock should be applied, and it became necessary to refer the matter to a commit- tee of electromedical experts to suggest a mode of operation. The recommendation made by this committee involves a number of mysterious preliminaries which will, in many cases, inflict agony worse than death itself. The criminal is to be strapped down upon a table or to a chair, then a metal helmentisto beplaoadon his he»d, and metal points are to be put in contact with various parts of his body, while warm water is to be applied to his hair and head. So pro- traoted and comtdicated amethod of prepar- ing the oriminid has aroused much discus- sion, and exciting Mrong opposition to the change in the law. Unless some more simple means of electric application can be devised, it is donbtfti whether the new law will be carried ent. Putting Down Bribery. -~ ' It is satisfactory to find RepubUcans and Democrats uniting in a demand for stringent laws against bribery at Presidential elec- tions. Of course such laws must be passed by the State Legislatures. A Repwlican paper of Sb. Louis says that thore were l»e- tween fourteen and twenty thousand "float- ers" â€" we in Canada call them loose fishâ€" in Indiana alone, every one of them seeking money. It was a ten dollar apiece campaign in that State, and many got twenty dollars for their votes. The plans for raising funds in precincts varied aooordhug to the local bosses. In one plaoe the chairman called together seoretiy the hidf-dozen men who would in all probability be applicants for the post office. In the event of the party's suc- cess. He proposed to them an arrange- ment which was carried out in this way Each of tbe six put np $50, making a fund of $300 for that town. Next they drew lots to see who should have the pest- office. Then the. lucky man gave each of the five his note for $50, payable after ha re • ceived the appointment as postmaster. All present pledged themselves to abide by the agreement, and in this way that particular prednct was provided for. Indiana was oorrupted b#i»UBe, havinr been a pivotal State, it had been oorrupted in previous elections: A Fin-^ Fellow He may be, bnt if he tells you that any pre- ftration in the world is as good as Putnam's aihless Com Bztraotor distrust tiie advice* Imitations only prove the value of Putnam's Painless Com Extractor. See signature on eachbottie of Poison Oo. Gst "Pat- nams. Aooording to the London Timt» (Nov. 12) one of tha reasons for the hostility of the Qneehdand pe6pTe to the aimointment of Sir H. Blake as Governor is their desire to have the right of The Timn OUmVMfmt «f sabstitntiiig elaoti o n for nomination in re* nrd to ai^dnting govaniMS aad no donbt this reoent sAwt oT the Qnasasland Premier toobtainaoon8altativeToioa,«v«e if not a power of veto, in the idaoliam of the gov- â- , is toa owtMvi wctpat an ontoome of n â- â- vravornor â- â- vxoa .aewro to (ht of electing th^ Governors, says " Certain agitalois j|Iiave â- r WBie tlaie iHtfi m saoBiMtieii ^agitation." tH^ eable states that Sir Huty Parfces, Preateof Kew Sonth Wales, haa passed aa adda pi ta tiie Grown in the Lepuatnre oC thatbiainny in favour of giv- Isr the aoloaies^iia right to. pass upon ciuioraafeorial appointaiants bsfoirethay are ietaallj BMaeu In the naaafiaia 9* B. Bbka^snolataisatto dthaiMi A Toweirfnl Ftajer.^ The foiowlngbeauUfia p^yor 'said to have beoi daUy recited by tbe gf^ Thomas A Kempis "Oh. ihy 6od I |(ive me a clear understanding against all error, • clean heart agidnat all impurity, a right iaith aguntt all indifferenoe and negligence, great patience against all disturbance, hobr medita- tion agaust every filt'iy imagination, con- tinual prayer against the devil's assaults, good occupation against tlie tiresomeness and drowsiness of the hearty and lasti^a de- vout rsmembranoe of Thy ho^ Fassimi against the wounding of the soul by vioes. Assist me, oh my Ood, and confirm me in all Thy holy works.^ Amen." Thej ' Swore like our Amy in Flanden." may be said of many sUfferelrs from Idlions- ness, headache, constipation, Indigeslian, and their resultant Irrltabffity, inteUeotnal sluggishness, ennui, eto. The temptation to thus yiolata a saoi«d commandment, how- ever, is speedily and psrmanentiy removed by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets- tiny, little, sngar-coated anti-bilions Gra- nules nothing like them. One a dose. ' Druggiste. Fancy ornaments of jet are used in pro- fusion upon the winter millinery. Beanty's Dower. Where graoe and beanty most abound. True happiness will oft he found. Where ruby lips and glowing cheek The gift of rugged health bespeak. The artist. Nature's ncbleman. Will risk the treasure of his art. Depicting, deftly as he can. The lines engraven on his heart. Fair maiden, may life's richest joy Spread her bright mantle over tbee May years but gently with yon toy. And pleasures sweet, without alloy. With fairest blossoms cover thee But should, perchance, thy beauty fade. Thou can'st call quickly to thy aid Our Golden Medical Discovery, Remember that Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a sure cure for all skin erupt- ions and diseases of the blood. Ninety thousand dollars' worth of pic- tures and bric-a brae which a Baltimore man had collected to adorn his house brought less than $21,000 under the hammer. " Woman I be (air, we. most adore thee Smile, and a world is w ak before thee" I But how can a woman smile when she is suffering untold misery from compla nts from which we men are exempt? The answer is easy. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- scription is an infallible remedy in all cases of " female weakness," morning sickness, disorders of the stomach, nervous pros- tration, and similiar maladies. As a power- ful invigorating tonic it imparts strength to the whole system, and to ihe womb and its appendages in particular. An a soothing and strengthening nervineit subdues nervous excitabili^, irritability, exhaustion, pro- stration, hysteria, spasms, and other dis- tressing, nervous symptoms commonly at- tendant upon functional and orgaaic dis- ease of the womb. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and despondency. Sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee, from the manufacturers, to give satisfaction. Tinsel effects are now introduced into all classes of brocades, and both' dark and light grcv ids are figured with tinsel. Ike Golden Gate Special. The Vi i.in and Gjntral Pacific Roads and Pullman ' 'ompany put on Dec. 5, a weekly train of Pullman Vestibule Cars, to run be- tween C nncil Btufb and San Francisco. Steam hat, electric light, separate bath- rooms for ladies and gentlemen, b(urb«dr shop,, observation aad smoking rooms and a female attendant for ^adies and children, make It "THE FINEST TBAIN IN THE WOBLD." FarO between Counoil Bluffs and San Francisco, including everything,â€" ticket, berth and mealsâ€" will be $100. The Empress of Japan has established a college for women, which is to Iw ruled by a committee of foreign ladies, two of whom ?nll ba Americans. UoffNoMore. Watson B cough drops are the beet in the world for the tluroat and ohest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. T. W. are stamped on each drop. A real live princess keeps a millinery store on Fifth Avenue, New York. ' A Cere for Brankenness. The opium habit, depsomaula, shs morphine nen'ous prostration caneed oy the ose of to aoeo, wakefulness, mental depression, sotteninjr o the brain, eto., premature old a^ loss ot vitality oansed by over exssiioaof the bMia,aad loss of natural rtreoirtti from any cause whatever. Meiiâ€" yonof oU or mid- dle-agedâ€"who are brab-en down tram any oi tiie above canatis, or any cause notmentbmed above, sent your address and 10 oeaia In stamp; for Lnbon's Treatise, In book form, of Diteasts of Man. Books Mnt seued and seoure f rem observation. AddrcM M. 7. LnsoH 17 WailiaicUja rtraet East. Toronto, Ont A.P. 427 P ATBTTS {.roon red. Patent Attorneys and experts. B«fdl867. 0»naltC.aidOBt«C«.,Toi«ato. TO Save Tlnseâ€" Send (or illustrated catalocue cf our Patbnt PoiIiSSs Oiaxbis Lns. It wiU be ready very soon. Tarbox Bros Toronto, Ont. rnm B«n,EB USrKCnOll and Insnr X amee Company ol Canada, OonsnlMnit Engineers and SoUciton of Pa ^TOK»MIO. a Boss. Chief jiiuiCtneer. A- ?bassb. Seo'y-Treas. Patents. 9 9 rpHB DANDY" PATENT BAQHOLDER. A which every fanner wanta now, costs only 76 eto., nd if there is no local affent, maybe obtained free by aenress or mail), onsendinirpriaetoO. W, ALLEN a CO., World Buildfng, Toronto. MOSEY ^l^"i BtUMiihed 1880 oum ijuu .vwFcJt Bates Oo ti e sp o n nenoe soUeltod BVnni, Tlnanelal Act 78 KiBit St. B., Toronto. Artificial UUnS. Forcinm lais, address J. DOAN It CO.. Toronto, ObL t^PuJ l^iSh IABA»IA« mmamm vntmmsnw, PnbUo Ubiary BoOdinK, loraato, StadanlsfraB Ish CdnmWs, "-m*â€" **», Kaass^ IBbiai% »bA iidM a number of the other SIMes sad prariaoss i ^endaaoe. Witts tor dsserjnllye otandam OSAS. H. BBOOU. THOB^BaHOOUaH, Saory Maoacar. ^^â- M A HifttmlibtAnA v^b^^bhJtfelM^H^^k^^k ^^Hts^^^h«a la^ twaatr-foor inobep^a wnric ol artiatMlatalybee to eaoh enhsfeifltsr to WSstsas 'ABTtnnna wliosi i» paid by the flOOi « D«MBb«r. 00.. ' J 1 " 'â- •' 'yA'a f"' '-.-Ka-.^ -X--^ J. ^, l-t "if 5f^ sV .V