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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 6 Dec 1888, p. 5

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 .• „H._.. :. mmM C H^FtlSTJML AS. 'sa TIME ace tisement YOU. O O O O O alE ish, Door and Plain IJe- uiachinery, cverj-tbmg loliow Battons, TS, c.. aiiner second to none in n eyerv departmeal, atronage. ers Promptly- ,d Undresserf lid Fancy Turning done. Distance. }USE 8. in 8trip«3. etorfj a. co«t»°^raSJ ig adopted t^,^ docks* m »i)fe «* jrft^ W. Jo McFARLAND Is opening. out a cboice and elegant assortment of Christmas Goods, suitable for Presentations. Obe case Gents' and L-ailies' Ijilk Handkerchiefs, 25 cts., 40 ctb., 50 ct3., 76 cts. and $1,00. 17 dozen Ladies' aud Gents' Kid, Silk, Wool and Nopa Buck Gloves and Mitis â€" all prices A large and dlegaut assortmeut of Men's Fur, Asti-icau and Scotch Caps and Turbans, Tlie best $4.50 Persian Lamb Cap in the Dominion is at McFarlaud's No more appropriate Christmas present could be given niiV lady than one of McFarland's stylisli Braided or Combmation Dresses, raugnig in prices from $5 up to $14 vT one of our superb Sealett Mantles Miss Br»;mujriias turued out several this season. IMPOT£D DIRECT 1 Handsome Hand Satchels iu Plash, Leatlier and Vellum. See them. See the new oblong Purse with bxedized clasps, Plnsh Work Boxes, Plush Music Bolls, Bronze Hand Mirrors, Match Safes. Whisk Holders, Ladies' Toilets, China Cups and Saucers, Vauses, Silver Peppers, Silver Salts, Silver Batter Dishes, Pickle Dishes, Butter Knives, and a thouspud and one rich, elegant and useful suitable articlos for presantation. Gents' Plush Slippers, Gents' Silk, Cashmeru and Wool Mufflers choice goods direct importations. 100 Boy's and Men's Overcoats. 300 Boys' and Mens' Suits all prices and sizes. Ladies" Wool Shawls, Hoods, Facinators, Braided Jerseys, Mac ties and Mautlings. My store is crowded from cellar to garret with goods lo suit all persons, high and low, rich and poor, all equally welcomed at the old established reliable house. 1 must not forget to say' that no Xmas dmner will pas* off right without some of McFarland's fragrant Tea. The grocery stock is replete with new Raisins, Currants, Essences, Feels, Spices, Sugars, and everything to maKe you happy. When m Markdale come in and see us and don't wait nntil the choicest lots are sold, but come soon and come often. Wishing my thousands of customers the usual greetings, Yours faithfully. W. J. MCFMRL.HND, Canadian lUve-Stock and farm Journal. Business locals. â-  i±. ^Tlieie have been few more marked ;iucces.sesiu journalism than have been iichievei] by the C.\nadian Live- Stock AND Farm Journal,, of Hamilton, Ont. Tbou;;b devoted especially to stoci raising, it includes Tli« Farm, Tbe Dairy, Tlie Apiary, PouHry, Horticul- ture, aiad The Home, ao tiiat for the general farmers, or Ruch farmers as make live Btock breeding in any of its deparlir.ents a leading feature of tbeir business, we do not know where to find its equal iu Canada. Wa heartily xiecorameiid it to our pafrons as the leftdin,!J agricultural paper iu the Do- minion. Price $1.00 per annum. A beautiful lithograph of the Ontario Agricultural College and Experimental Pai-m, Guelph, is given to every sub- scriber for 1889. We can furnish it aud our own paper together from now to December, 1889, for $1.75. Call at our office and see sample copy, also lithograph. We will send the Standard to any address from now until the end of lb89 for $1 cash. Important to borrowers, $10,000 pri vate funds to loan, apply to W. J. Mc- Farland, Markdale. 412-26 Xecbanlca' Ulnaxy. The following new books have ar- rived at Markdale Mechanics' Institute Library â€" Thackeray's Complete Works, 10 vols.; E. P. Roe's Works, 12 vols. Tcni Brown at Oxford^ Huglies; Macaulay's Essays; Fronde's Essays Classic Essays Thaddeus of Warsaw, Porter Entering on Lite, Geilde Mrs. Caudle's Lectures, Jer- rold Pleaeures of Life, Lubbock Taimoid, Pick Primeval Man, Unity jf Nature, liejgn of Law, by Argylc yeekcrs after God, Farrar Exiles of "oibeiia, Cottin Haliam's History of Middle Ages, 4 vols. The Holy Land aud The Bible, Geikic King Solo- mon's Mines, Haggard Sam Slick, Haliburton Macleod of Dare, Black Silas Maraer, Elliot Library of Sci- ence, vol. 1 Ferdinand and Isabella, Prescott, 2 vols. Robert Ellsmere, Ward Art of Beautifying Residences, Clark Seasame Lillies, Ruskin Ben. Hur, Wallace; Seven Great Monarchies. Eawliuson, 3 vols.; Harry iiuvmjnd, Cameron In the Bush and on "the Trail True to the old Flag. G. A. Heiity Lion of the North, do. Masters of the Situation, Tilley On the Banks of the Amazon Success iu Life; Picked up aiSea, Hutchesou Judge Burnham's Daughters, Pansy Before an Audience, Sheppard Dawn of Life, Dawson Eleziver Classics Plutarch's Lives, 8 vols. Wanted â€" 100 cords wood iu exchange for stoves. Markdale Stove Foundry. WILL YOU SUFi'ER with Uytpepsia and liiver Coni^iut Sliiloh's Vitalizer is guar- anteed to cure you. for sale by E. L. Stephen. 96 Gem, Keeper, and 18 k. Wedding Riugs uow in stock, sizes complete. Competitive prices eyery time. W, A. Brown, Jew^eller. A FULL sui)ply of the finest Sewing Machine Oil in the world at Russell's jewellery store, Flesherton. Take Bejuvenatbr Bitters to keep you Iroiu catchiug cohl. Sold by Smith the barber. Span horses for sale, one 9 and one 15 years of age will sell one or both. C Littlejoliur, Glenelg. 3w SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. For sale by R. L. Stephen. Sewing Machine Needles of all kinds at Russell's jewellery store, Flesherton. If you want to buy beef by the quarter go to the Miarkdale meat, market â€" 4 cents per Ih f jr frout and 5 fur hiuuf. F. biujijaiit. Two GOOD young cows in calf for sale. John Whitby, ilarkdale. A COLT risiug tliree years old for sale, also a fanning mill. Jolm Whitby, Markdale. A FINE Hue of Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches, Chains, c., at very low prices at Russell's jewellery store Flesherton. If you want anything in Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silverwiare for an Xmas present go to Russell, Flesherton, it will pay yoa. The Family Herald and Weekly ttar is without an equal as a weekly paper, and will be sent to end of next year for $1. Leave your subscription at the Standard Office. To the Electors of Hoi- land Township. Gentlemen, â€" At the urgent request of a large number of the electors I have consented to offer myself as a candidate for the office of Keeye for the ensuing year. Having sat in council for 15 years as councillor and one as Deputy-Beeve, I am intimate ST RAY ED From the premises of James Lyons, lot 20, con. 12, Holland, about the 4tb Nov., a three-year-old ram. Information as to his whereabouts will be thanitfully received. Any person harboring him after this date without advartismg him will be prosecuted. JAMES LYONS, Harkaway. Nov. 19th, 1888. 428-30 with the wants of the township and â-  Valuable Farm for Sale. also well known to most of you. 1 1 will not have time fa call personally on each of you and therefore adopt this means of soliciting your vote and influence for my election. Should any public meetings be held I shall gladly discuss municipal matters with you. Yours respectfully, WM. NORTON. TO THE PUBLIC. Having lease 1 the wood department of McKenna's carriage block, I am now fully prepared to execute all kinds of work iu my line with neatness and dispatch.. All kinds carriages built to order and the best material used, together with good workmanship. Bepairing promptly attended to. We give a cordial invitatiou to all who may require anything in our line to call and see us. We want to get acquainted aud trust our acquaint- anceship may prove mutually pro- fitable, GEO. MATHERS, mariu^ale SIGHT V. BLENDI^ESS. Being lot 12' oon.S.'township of Euphrasia, containing fifty acres more or less. There is about fo^ty acres cleared, balance hardwood bush. For further particulafs apply to SOLOMON HILL, General Merchant, Markdale, Ont. NOTICE. All persons are hereby notified not to tres- pass on lots 93 and 94 ou 2nd range, and 97 on 3rd range, wMt of T. S. Koad, Glenelg, for the purpose of fishing or trapping or any otheir purpose, as I will prosecute such ac- cording to law. GEORGE XBETOS, Glenelg, Nov. 8, '88. 436«9* TEACHER WANTED. Female, with second of third class certifi- cate, experienced, for S. S. No. 6, Glenetfp, duties to commence 1st January. Apply be- fore 8th December, stating salitry to, JAMES BELL, Sec'y, 427-30 Markdale. CAME ESTRAY. To the premises of the undersigned lot 9, con. 6. Eupharsia about the last of August, 2 ewes. The owner may have them by prov- ng property, and paying expenees. JAS. MORWOOD, i Kimberely. P.O. TEACHER WANTED. For School section No. 6, Artemesia, male or female, holding second or third claes cer- tificate. Duties to commence ou the second day of January, 1889. Apply stating salaiy to ' JOHN HAZARD. Flesherton Station, p. 0, Trustee Sec., Treas. dated .5tb Nov. '88. TEACHER WANTED. For U. S. S. No. 2, Holland and Euphrasia three miles from Markdale, a fenmle teacher holding a third class certificate, for Ualf year or one year, duties to commence 2nd Jan., next. Apply beforft 8th December, stating salary, to P.LYONS, 427-30 Harkaway, P.O. FORSALE. 100 acres in Artemesia on gravel read, one halt of whicli is within the corporation of Markdale. Apply on the premises. WM. STEVENS. Markdale. Not. 12. 427-40* FARM FOR SALE. ~^ Lots 109 and 110, in the 3rd Conceosion of the Township of Artemesia for sale. Terms to suit purchaspr Apply to H. D. IBWIN, near Marklale. Aug. 3l8t, 1888 toschooTtrustees. The undersigned is manufactnring an ex- cellent assortmrat of Sch-ool l?'iir*nitu.i*e. Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESKS,. TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of tuc latest design and most«approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactnesti. wherever tried. An assortment of Farm Snd School Bells kept always on liand. Bend for catalogue to Chats worth P. 0. 181 ANDREW McGILL. The Weeklv Globe for 1889 $1 with MABKDAiil^"" CELEBRATED Englisli Spectacles 79 BAY STREET, TORONTO CANADA. â€" XSD â€" 18 JEWin STREET. LONDON E. C. ENGLAND :x: » R- l_j- Stephen's, CHEMI8TDRU66I8L Markdale DISTRICT DOINGS. *Ji tNTKRESllNG SUMMABY FBOM OUB EXCHANGES AND OTHEBWISE, PABA- GRAPHED FOB 8TANDABD BEADEBS. W. H. Elder, of Flesherton. is open- ing an hotel «t Proton Station. The Advance has a cor. at South- ampton Strange. Durham is to have a Comedy Co. Wiarton coanoil gtankd tbeir brass band $50- Owen Soa«d has a Toboggan Club. Georgetown has a new $15,000 hotel. Stratford is to have a hospital. An agitation is going on for the re- peal of the Scott Act in Weiiington. balance of this year free. Subscribe at this office and save your postage. FARi FOR SALE, Lots 46, 47, 48. 49 and ^0 in the 1 range West of T. S. RoaJ, Holland, 250 acres, l.'iO acres cleared, well fenced and under cultivation, balance 50 acres hardwood aud 50 cedar swamp, dry. Good frame house, frame barn 30x50 and other good outbuild- ings Two orehards bearing. Well watered 1^ from Berkeley Station, good road and all necessary convenienceb. The proprietor is going to Manitoba and trill eell reasonable, apply on the premises to ROBERT CARTER, 228-42 Berkeley, P. 0. BOAR F0RJERVIGS7~ A fine Black Birkshire Boar, on Lot "3 for the sale of the above in I Con., 11, Euphrasia. Terms, "IS cents at Ifo Spectacles in the Market equal time of servio*. BOB!. SNELL. 228 36 -IT PAFS T«- AND THAT IS THE them in the EYE PBESEBVING QUALITIES they possess, or the GBEAT EASE and COM- FOBt they confer on the wearer. Their use will in actuality so strengthen the Eyes that it does not become necessary to change .them for many years. iThey are therefore the CHEAPEST. MAKKDALE THAT HACKING COUGH can be quick- ly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. For sale by B. L. Stephen. EvEEY one interested in growmg fruits flowers or in forestry would find it to 1 their advantage to take the C^°^^^^ ' /I I DDTI fl]? â-  WADITC Horticulturist, a beautiful monthly j ijiyUUAOJj "" uUlUlDi journal of high standing, devoted entire- 1 ly to these subjects, and containing; articles written by the leading fruit •• •• •••• rkdals FaU Wheat. Spring Whieat Barley Oats ........ J'ease Bntter....;.. Eggs.. ...;. ^ork ..'.. •••(•• •• Potatoes, per bag. .••••'•••.* ^^OQs, per baahel* • • • • • • »••â- â€¢'•• •^ • • • • %•* »« • • r*» m "*? »«fti ...tJOl *o»101 1 01 to 1 01 60 to 70 33 to SB £5 to 58 17 to V 17*0 M ..UOOtb 660 ..iV 33 to ^40 ,i. 9 00 to 10 69 .. 75 to .185 growers, florists, and foresters in On- tario. The Journal is to be enlarged in the month of January the paintings and engravings of fmit^ and flowers continued and used even more liberally. Altogether, it is to be made as interest- ing and attractive as possible. It is published by Thb Feuit Geowbbs' As- sociation OF Ontabio, at II per annum, which also entitles the subscriber to the privileges of membership ot the Associa- tion including a. copy of the Annual Bo- port of the meetings and discnssiona, giyen verbatim, and a dhanin the di»- tribation of txees and plants for testing in various parts of On^rio. Snbscr^ tions should be tent in to L. Woolveartwi, M. A., Grinaby. Onfc, Swsreiaiy ol the F. G. A.«I.Oiitari»^^-r '.^'^l^ ,;^;,. :,,. Fdc Isae Iwek. k'hW « '^^ «« tUMal9 B. MsNally, praeiical mannfMtorei Wag- gons, Democrats, Bnggiea. Slainhi, Cntters and ereiTthing in the line. The best ma* terial naed and first-class wMkiaanship. Satisfaction guaranteed. ^. Repairing, PaintlBg ami Trimming: promptly attended to. A aall respeetfaDy BolJcited. ^r Stand iqiposito the Markdale Honsa. R. M'NAUY. CARiBJESTRAY, To the preaises •* the undersigned. Lot 1 Con. 12. abott* July Ist. I steer and one heif- er yearlings Thaovner is hereby notified to prove propartj pay charges and take them away. ABKAM ilOWER, 429-31 Walters Fal's P. O t BOARS FOR^SERVIGE. On the premises of Christopher Irwin, lot 119, second nnga East, Artemeoia tbobouoh BSBXsBiBZ teizaa $1 at time of service abio a Chkszi^ Waits, 75 cents at time of aervioe 429-32 THOMAS IBWIN, Proprietor. o^vE:Iv jisioxTivo. The best and most practical course of study. The lest teaching talent. The best accomuiodation for studeuts. The best methods of instruction. The best results from that inscructioo after students graduate. For annual announcement giving p\rticnlars regarding the course ot study, terms c., address C. A. FLEMING, Phixcipal. Owen Soand, Nov. Ist. 18S8. NOTICE. It is no nse tryins to explain to chil dtenthat there is a-difEBi«nce b^tinreei canaiylMidB and'womeiu Alady 'who' was yiating at a neighbat's vaa^aslad tosii^,and sud tlukt she conld-mfcdo so under the. uin niiislaams, ' n^eii « littls giri w«M «|^ to lier, aiD^ .1^ ^^% yS^,-*p«5»i :S. Notice is bereb/ giwen that after the publi- cation of tbin ootic« in three snoct««ive ihsu^s of the Ontario Gazette «nd Markdale Stan- dard, John Hutehi»6on. ol too tvwntliip of Enplirasia.iB the Count v ofCinvy, Fannr- (creditor ot the said Jam*:* liilmoo) will ap^Jy to (lie4}amipae Comt of the loui ty uf Urey for a grant to hiiB of lottar* of. a^iminiatra- tion ut the rval aa«J «rs«iiai titiUEie and effects of JsMM Oibaon, lata of inf. Town- abip ol Kuphnva. ia uie eotrnty u( Ore\ deceased, who diadaa or aboot tbotwtrntv- fixatdayd OMober. AJ Ul'?. havm;' a( the tinuiof luadMtli, kiaibced itaes uf aUxfa* io the said towDsiiip of M«|ilurasi%. Jth» afsxtt^ Idn iw^BC ia Oi^atio Lai^qg^iit- amiaefea i favor of ttw appUea^f. ' J â€" » â€" v • â- f^'^h-'r-':^:iB NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of John Shaw, late of the township of KuphraKia. yeoman, deceased. Parsuaut to revised Statute.- of Ontario, Chapter 110, notice is hereby gireu that all jierspus haviuu rlaims or dumanda against the snid Jolin Shaw are to send pai- ticniars thereof to Neil Shaw, .\lton P. 0., Ont., on or before the loth day of .Tanuary, 1889 And further notice, that ^ter said date the a«8et8 of the deceased will be dis- tributed, having regard only to such claims as sh ill ba then in iht hdnds of the Executors, dua that tiie ivxecutors will not be liable ti-. snch assets a" shall be diKtributed said date. DstPtI 3rd December, 1888. NEIL SHAW. » AlUmP. 0., I,. JOHN CONLEY. Mono Mills P.O.) XEcrrroBs. TEACHER WAKTED For 8aho«d Saotion No. 10, il»41and. male or fenudek with saeond or thii^ cLitw eertj^-, oaM. A^y «ith twtiminialH.jip to Uw 34th inet. to V .V â€" 7B£IBICKJBXAFF0SI« ... â- , Bwk«L»yP/a f-i-^? -ceiit wrfl i ' I â-  t i^if^ i ][ tiB t\ ii il ^fi-- • ^» â- 

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