?^5Sf5?f:.- "v-jm^W0^" *~y j/ ;â- m^ ** â- ct â- . ei?vr (vu: i^ -•U CI-T A.' â- I i? I: Sb O. W. Butledga, Proprietor. MA.BEDALE. DEC. 6, 1888. DEGEMBEB. The last mouth of the year is enter- ed npon, and a word to our friends aeons called for. We feel thankfal to each and all for your esteemed pat- ronage daring another, year. Oar subscription list is indeed satisfactory â- a,s a whole, both in regard to number of subscribers and being well paid ap. Our best efiorts are more or less mark- ed with imperfection, yet, we aro as- sured of the confidence and sapport of hundreds of respected patrons, and are thus encouraged to perseyere in our iumbie efforts. The time for renewing subscriptions for another year is at hand (indeed quite a number have already paid for 1889) and we expect to enter the com* ing year with a- larger list than any previous year. Don't let any begin to economise by dropping their local paper it mily costs two cents a week, .aud is not an act of true economy to 'deprive your family of its weekly visits rather encourage Bome neigh- bor, who does not now take the Stan- SABD, to subscribe, and thus stimulate 'the editor to greater efforts in produc- ing a Uve, spicy, interesting paper tby so-doing you share in the benefits. -In conclusion we would most earnest- Jy ask all our subscribers, far and near, to assist us by sending, or hand- ing in, items of news. Our village (likes to know the doings of its sister villages, and one neighborhood the progress of other neighborhoods, so that by a general interest being taken in the local paper, each subscriber can share in the benefit of every contributor and enjoy with his family, by his own fireside, the fruit of this co-operative effjrt on the part of the editor and patrons. Hoping to merit a continu- .ance of your support and wishing you •each and all the compliments of the jjeason, we are, as ever, your obedient .servant, T Editdb. â€" Thfi Pope has aptoiBted Deeem- ber 81 as a day of gener^ thanksgiving in Boman Catholic ehdrches. â€" In the candie poisoning ease in Gait the inqaest has been closed re* suiting in a verdict of wilful mnrder by an unknown party. â€" The village of Farmersville, be- tween Brockville and Westport, with a population of 800, has become in- corporated under the ambitious name of Athens. â€" Sixty or seventy poor penums, of Toronto, were treated to a h-ee break- fast last Sunday morning at Bichmond Hall, after which a praise and song service was held. That's what we call Christianity with the right ring. â€" The McClary Manufacturing Go's stove factory in London was destroyed by fire on Friday evening last. Loss $100,000. This was perhaps the largest factory of the kind in the Dominion. tb'i-i^-lj' â- »ri» Kakftord Xoad. Standard Correspondence. The pale horse and his rider has been very busy in this neighborhood, durmg the last five weeks no less than four deaths having occured during that time. Mr, John Stevenson was the first. He had been in a poor state ot health for the last year or so, and quietly passed away on the 11th of last mgnth.. The next to follow on the next Sunday was the youngest child of Mr. E. Jones. Then came last week, on the same day. Miss Ben- nett and Miss Cullis. Who will be the next. Mr. J. Anderson has just paid us his annual visit, collecting the dimes for our municipal fathers. Mr. J. Warhng lost a valuable mare some time ago by a kick from her mate. Mr. and Mrs. Bichardson, of Ghats- worth, are visiting their friends here at present. Mr. J. Holly is back again from the Sault where he went to look for work some time ago. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel for purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the mul- titude of low East, short weight alum or phosphate powders sold only In cans. RoTAii Baking Powdbb Co.. 106 Wall St.. N. Y, -â€"•-DONE AT THE- HIGH SCHOOLS. The question of establishing addi- tional High Schools in this- county is being agitated by the press, and all the arguments ajipear to be strongly in favor of more schools. The school- going population ot this county is one of the largest in the province, and while other counties have from two to six High Schools, this large and im- portant county has but one, further- more, many smaller counties draw from the government from two to three hundred per cent, more money for High. School purposes than (jrey. This is not giving our rising popula- tion a fair chance, as it is well known that many are deprived from attend- ing High School bfccause of the ex- pense of attending at a distance from home. Durham, Meaford and Mark- dale are each anxious for a High School, and we believe it would be greatly to the advantage of the county as a whole were three additiontd schcole established at those three points. The importance of education- al advantages cannot be over- estimated. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" Mr. Sexton has been re-elected Lord Mayor of Dublin. â€" :The Dominion Government have decided to open Parliament on Jan- uary Slst. â€" It is rumoured thai Bishop Oleary of Kingston, will be appointed Arch- bishop of Tbron to. â€"Lilly Charleton, the victim of rin- lawlBl-9bMlioti lA Toronto, diet »n Ftjit^f mgCt laiK^^ j^ Yaleiiline is aa«artody as sn ao^mpHee in the OUaroh OpealBir. The new Methodist church, Zion appointment, is situated on the 6th con., Glenelg, 9 miles from Markdale and 8 from Durham, and is part of the Durham curcuit, Eev, L. B. Hut- ton, pastor. The building is a neat white brick, well finished, with a seat- ing capacity lor 200. The dedicatory services were held on Sunday last, the Bev. Geo. Buggin, chairman of Mark- dale district, preached powerful and practical sermons morning and even- ing to large and appreciative audiences wljile Bev. Joseph Edge, ot Clinton, preached an able sermon in the after- noon to a crowded house. 1.S0IBEE. A soiree was held the following evening when the church was filled to its utmost capacity. Tea was served in the old church where an abundance of choice and substantial cookery was partaken of after which all repaired to the new edifice. Dr. Jamieson, of Durham, was called to thachau-, which position he filled with his usual ease and ability. Speeches yfeie delivered by Bev. Mr. McNair, of Durham ;I Councillor Williams and Mr. Edwards, interspersed with appropriate music by the choir and others. The Bev. Mr. Buggin was delegated to conduct the financial interests of the meeting, some $800 beuJg yet wacnted to cover the whole cost. This he did in an eminentlv satisfactory manner by cal- ling for voluntary subscriptions, dur- ing which time the mirthful propensi- ties were deeply stirred and the amount fully met. The church cost $1,768, over.$l,800 of which was proyided for by eubsoriptions prior to the opemng services. The proceeds of the soiree ' amounted to $87.50, Sunday collec- tions $62, and the balance secured as aiove. This hospitable congregation ia to be congratulated, not only on the grand success of the opening services Gtf tbair handsome ohoreh, but on havtBg the cost of the saine «ntiieiy provided for. May their motto always be "go on, go on." Emblems of your trade. Engraving on Watches purchased at Breaduers' free of charge. Also SILVEht IJL.ATJEI will be Initialed free GOLD and SIIjVEB coin brooches and pins made to order. SOLID GOLD and • SIlVEB Bings made to order. Fine Stock of Ladles and Gents Chains on hand. Gall and look through my stock when you are m town. In at- all its branches promptlj tended to. If you have a sick Watch or Clock bring them along with you satisfaction guaranteed. Prices low, small profits and quick re- turns is my way of doing business. STORE IN HASKETTS NEW BLOCK. Q AWADiaN p MIFIC B. B. TIME "^T ABLE. â€" IV[a,rl£da.Ie Station â€" 4.34 p. m 8.o4 p. ta GOINO SoCTH. Going Nokth. 6.10 a. m. 11.65 p GROeERIES -VOK THE- HOLIDAYS. Having purchased the Grocery, and I Stationery Stock of Mr. J. E, Sproule, Markdale. I have much pleasure in announcing to old customers and as many new cdstomers as wish to pro- fit by cheap bugains, that I have made large additions to fwmer stock oonsu^ng of CAME ESTBAT. About the Ist SepteoOMr Jm* on lot S3. Con.. 12. Holland. A lAdind ufaite jmt' JiaRhailor. ,Xhe owqur isragoestad to Men l^perty pqr^taarRM add take Jier awayT^ 480^83. ^.....^ â- -Maritdeto^:^|p?«f- PUri of the ohoioeat brands, and jus CHE4P:-:A$:^:THE:CH£APeST, and every othbr wctiole In household groceries. Seasonable Yegetablea porebaBed at highest, market prioesâ€" saeb m Appleg, Cabbai^ and Bckli oi aU cmdg. (^8tet» of the bceislMiMiftlby the plate or inlMlllki '^f 'Treteva v.;i l^jH-Vej WUkioiieB iiM }f^^i)0 â- ^ct? o o o o olo o d_ o o" IP YOU HAVE TIMS Look at this space and read MA.NLET Christmas Advertisement IT WILL PAT YOU. ooooooooooo Mark da IE FACTO Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and P'a»n J^ tory, containing all the latest and moat approved machineiy, cverjup, being new, I am now prepared to turn otttj Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Hollow FRAMES, UTH, FENCE PIGKETS, Se It econdtonopeiu And everything needed in the building trade, in a mauner â€" ^^^^ Canada, aad liayinK engaged superior meoliauics m eyery aepa would now reppecttully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fiU Orders Promptly PINF LUMBER Dressed and llndrt _^ Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and lancy iam^ Carefui Attention to Onies from a Distance.^ 803 THOSS- IMcNEA* and r TORONTO HOUSE MARKDALE. f :«v-^ A full range latest styles bl fashionable Dress goods, m stti^^^^ and combination, from 10 oMitB ap. BUok oud colored c*T"„(i M*n«* â- ^•nekyi from 26 cente to 76 cents besi values in town. '^\ ^i, Ha»» CJtoSJia, cheap, e^ytirir and popular.. In Tweeds, gents f""»""y,o»al » and «ij»i, tUMk ootiipI^fiBTaDd â-¼iried and prices which .f'^^J; j5.00 oil teMtioa;: laBaaaT-mad'a Clothing we offer men's »ai^».^"]t tbe wbftA^ ior atjW aa«^iiaMfy. «aonot ba excelled. Everytbmg i"^^ and Shoe linetromiheiieavY stogatothe finest Ladies Kia. ti,e cs?" J|» Iwma'p^Slibi'iw^jaj^L tha lead. Havmg adopt^ ^^ i^^lre^^^ W^^^Emfra Ihat it feays to d^^ '.»â- ,% "'"â- % .â- *fti Is OiiC case Gents' and 40t)t8., 50 cts., 75 cts. 17 dozen Ladies' and Buck Gloves and Mitts- A large and filegant a And Scotch Cap8 aud T Lamb Gap in the Doinir Ho more appropriate any lady than one of Combmation Dresses, n or one of our superb St turned out several ilils w. ^^P«^«fn Uve-Stock and There have been few successes iu journaiisin achieved bv the Canad jk.HD Farm Journal, of Though devoted e.spet raising, it includes Tl Dairy, The Apiary, Poi ture, aad The Home. general farmers, or pu make live stock breedn departments a Ipadnig business, we do not £nd its equal in Cauad xecorameiKl it to our leading agricultural pa minion. Price $1.00 i .beautiful lithograph o Agricultural College anc Farm, Guelph, is givei scriberfor 1889. We and our own paper tos^t to December, 1889, ft at our office and see sai lithograph. Xechamlcs' Xiil The following new 1 rived at Markdale Mech Library â€" Thackera' Works, 10 vols.; E. V\ 12 vols. Tcm Brow Hughes; Macaulay'sEs JEssays Classic Essa; of "Warsaw, Porter Eu Geikie Mrs. Caudle's rold Pleaeares of L Talnyud, Pick Primev of Nature, iieigu of La' Seekers after God, Fai Slbei'ia, Cottin Ilallu Middle Ages, 4 vols. â- ; and The Bible, Geiki men's Mines, Haggar HaJiburton j\jacleod c iJilas Marner, Elliot J ence, yol. 1 Ferdman Prescott, 2 vols. Ro Ward Art of Beautify Clark Seasame L; Ben. Hur, Wallace Monarchies. Piawliusou liaymjnd, Cameron, 1 on tlie Trail True to A. Henty Lion of Masters of the Situati the Banks of the Ama Life Ticked up at.S •Judge Burnham's Dai Before an Audience, o of- Life, Dawson: El Plutarch's Lives, 3 vol DISTRICT I AN INTKBESllNG SU1£J KXCHANGES AND Ol GBAPHED FOR SXANDA W. H. Elder, of Fk ing an hotel at Protoi The Advance has ampton Strange. Durham ie to have "Wiarton council gr band $50. Owen Sound has a jCSteorgetown has iiotel. Stratford is to hav An agitation is goi peal of the Scott Act Xaxkdal* M V^W^aMi Spring Wheat BeiSey l ...... a. • .... per bag I«a-**-** â- • •• •• •* ' per bushel