^â- 1 rOB£iGH!r NOTES. of ' PropooQ, }^u- ^^^^^ elan.. Ti.« -» **»iJ,' il^e effect l,-^ 5ht ana graceful §**«•. ine genius v,^,^ eriaiencing with i^^" *•"« S| argest artificial barf. "5mgtheh.liaol2S;'^l I oeing completed atV " "• Dn, is 600 feetlo,«^ir,l!rP°.'*N( of2ofeetove7th '^.'rid.,, » and a half hour;. '**««» en ihigan man who decided to «hi Ala., shipped hi«g^*°*«l then, with his wirt i^" ove the whole dia^'^e*",^***" «iasplen,HdtimT:id'J5: country and the p»pie Z! " *d travel would h^ave^'^SS^ «^illiam McLaughlin of Albany c bragging about hit bi» te„J' anted on May 10. aSS] It down 18 growing nowAf It waa tWrtee^feet hii covered ao area of twenty fet atall^waa three inchs,\2c Hastings of U' Montana. J her father's sh. theothwd pair of big gray wolves atbu she ran to the house, got» rifle, etween the wolves and the.h. r firmg five shots and woundinj utes, had the satisfaction of w jlieved that the city of Paris aff( i successful and remarkable ays s worked automatioally by e air, several thousand being can ling to this prinoiph from am station, the compressed air be 1 under the stieets by meau centre of a roll of good batter )ught by a family in Rutland, tie tin box, and in the box a w ily written by "a girl 18 yean 1 looking, and an exsellent hoi who thought she would mik !e for "some namairied Chiist n." higan farmer, who had loct tl a bear stole from the pen, pat in their place and awaited mn r came and attempted to hog the boar used his long tusks so e, t atter a hard tight he got the 1 vir, and rendered him so help farmer finished him with an ai( blizzard of last March a gcoiti broken from a large elm tree in fi Bsidence of Dr. Wile of Danbn ?he limb waa noo severed ntii trunk, but hung head dowSi r the bark pn the underside. V.. Bcended in the spring this ttmb^ me, and bung leafless all am i tree has shed it* leaTO, ud snding, has entered the limls »»- i with the soft, light P«"**J The rest of the tree is bare. â- " 'aa bound to have its suBUMf rinter. B in house building hxn soK" ta in second stories ar e vm i those below, as the narrowsp I room for the boxing o**^ " urged that grates be ex»ni»« « letennine whtther the Uck «? iply of four-inch waU, »"**" eerous at the back of a P*^ Lie. This can be dets»M^ i the distance the breM* «» the wall, and, aa "omettae. m through flush with th««w« «J le next room, the calcubtion a accordingly. ,, the war of the Ameri»n "JT the Maine wldiers made aUotoa ay to the SUte Ti«»^^ ring their abs«.ce by A*^ y themselves on thetf r. itchen of the First M^W^ :edinl861. r«en*ly«^ asking the S»te Tr^Tuw o^eadhlm|10thathale«w The acoounta "f^the balance was fo«ni' tJ'.X led iuterea*. »24 ' bj* n. Kitchen waa » '^l*^' i, told of him. D..J^ ' "1 id to a comrade g,t oi lank reb with a »«*JL ,tch him jump.' ;;l's W as the smoke f^L^" into the air •*""2^*«»' „ carried from t^; "S;â- • • reb that stood e!ceWW- L.L. Broader of De^JJ^, Spret-i»i«»»««f»'S.b-*rie rioM predicament. "' j.t«i the eye* ai «» ^Tisuo"** SipK J. •^ixSSr?!; long to offi««^ riff*?? G«ni« JE^FfJ-^iS^Ar a£6dr. Oaoe to»J^ W*^ Germany laat year Imported fi2,000 horaea. ];be Eiffel Tower is now 583 feet high. ^g remaining 400 will be completed in jjunary. jbe electric liyht wuioh the Daoheaa of Uailborongh baa put fa Blenheim palace has teen completed. Xbe German military bndgot containa an item of $9,000 for the breeding and training of carrier pigeons. Xne Prince of Wales, who has been vinting loe courts of Europe, scill wean tlie soliftidra ,tod in his shirt iront. It is said now that Eoglaiid gave to the GermaBS a copy of her new rifle in return for the recipe for makuag melinite. Barry Sullivan, who ia lying very ill in West Brighton, has entirely lost his reason. Be recognizea not even his wife. Xhe L3ndon haraom ia at laat to be iatio- daced in Paria. L ird Shrewsbury, the great- eat cab owner in L jndon, is at the hMd of the company. The new Italian p:nal cade provides that gncb an assertion as t lat the Pope haa a right to Rome as hia seat of government is' puDishable as a crime. A brother of Mr. Rider Haggard, Capb. A. C. P. Haggard, now aeiviog In Meerut, haa frritten a book said to be in the same style as his brother's works. Id order to avoid offending any political party in Spain the Q leen Regent has got a yonng Irish woman. Miss Georgina Daven- port, as a governena for the king. The testimoniil presenbed to Sir Biche Canard in L?icsttrshire for haying managed oce of the county hunts for m^iny years, waa a silid silver .â- ox weighing 519 ounces. Sirah Beriihardt still carries her coffin aronnd with her on her thea^oal toura. It was observiid in her recent journey to Vienna encased in its regular travelling i box. j Alfred Stevens and a Frenchman named Gervex arepaintirg an immeuae panorama; for the Paris Exptdition next year. It will represent the Fre:.c;h celebrities of the past century. j The Crown Pritoe of Germany, now s'x and a half years eld, ia drilled every day tor half an hour by u Sergeant Major of the First Regiment of the Guards. He ia an- i extremely handsome little fellow. ' It has hitherto boen thought that Buenoa I Ayrea was one of the most expensive cities i to live in, a meiUnm sized house renting! there for $2,503 a ear. It islearned, though, ' that an eightrooni house in the outskirts of j Sydney brings $1,750 a year. j The French havu a custom of vbiting the graveyards wherein their relatives are buried on the let of November. Last year there were 270,000 vioicors of that sort, and this year there were 190,000 in the face of the most terrifis downfall of rain. France has now a National League for tbe promotion of physical education, designed to iit her citizens to ba soldiers. The program- me which has Jbeen completed includes out- door games throughout tbe land, for which the local jbuthoritiis will set apart a " green," whereon the children shall regularly "play.' Dr. Eisenmann of Bisrlin has invented a piano which, by the aid of electro-magnet- ism, can sustain, increase, and diminish sound. This has been attempted by other experts, notably Boehm, the inventor of the metal flute. Mother novelty wiil be that, by moving the electro-magnets, the timbre of the tone is changed for example, from faat of a violoncello to a piccolo. The Masonic Grand Lodge of Scotltmd at their last quarterly meeting considered, the expulsion of two brothers for admitting a couple of ladies to a lodge meeting last May, where they could see and hear a considerable portion of the proc. ediags while the lodge was " tyled in the third degree." They were let into the organ lof u. The committee re- commended that oue of the brothers be ex- pelled. A' new field for French painters who have been rather impecuaious, of late, is painting pemela in the sections of the exhibition. For example, the Argentine Republic will have one of the richest exhibits, and the walls of its section are to be adorned with decorative panela, which will be taken back to that country doubtless when the Expoai- tion is over. Thus the great millionaires of the River Plata will have the addreaa of an artist in case he should wish to send an order to Paria. In the hope of reaching thia new market artiats of the ^-ary first claaa are offering to paint panels twenty feet long for such sums as a thousand francs. The estimate of the average yearly pro- duce of wine in the various wine-prodnoing countries of Europe is aa follows, the fignrea representing hectolitres of 22 gallons each France, 45,000,0C0; Italy, 27,538.000; Spain. 25.000,000 Austria Hungary, 14,- 0 0,000, Portugal, 4.000.000 Greece, 2,- 500,000; Germany, 5,130.000; Soutnem Russia, 2,000.000; Switzerland, 1,280,000; Servi4700.000 European Turkey, 600,000 Koumanis, 335,335. Thus the totiJ win* produced in Europe fairly may be ectimated at 125,084.335 hectolitrea, equal to abottt 2.- 752 million gallona. which, at dz bottba to the gallon, ia 16.512, million bottka, or about four dnaan bottlea of wina towwh inhabitant of Europe. Hungarian gyp7 mnaic iiaa rarely been heard in greater volume and perfection tlwn at Pesth, at tiic unveiling of a marble obelisk over the grave of the zigeuner or gftV "Primate," Berkea Lajja, who died In February, 1885, at die kge of 48. Thwj- were present, in addidoaita m ^unber-rf magnates, the entire ojMr of tlie Peoplaa^^ Theatre, and some four hundred zigenu^rs with their inatrumenti. The oeremdny commenced with a funeral apeech by an old Mtor. The conclusion waa a perfonnanoe by the four hundred zigeunera, who playod on their vioUna and other inatnunenta the favorite melody of the deeeaaed, ^h* the moat celeln«ted eondoetor of tbeir band. The title of Primate, which he Bore, denotea that be waa at tbe head of all the ^iM^^ »i«unera. Tbe final acene ia deaorlbadaa having been exceedingly toooUjfc_««»« gypaiea afaeddins taan nMH pl»m weird mncic of whidi thaiflato diM â- ofond. The cfaaractar of an Bm^. â- *« *«** «ay be leaned from tbii aoooW*.«f »™5 by her Majea^a hotoida ^wot, the ndUa craatara •ome time, dien^BaUig for â€" log heraelf hawLjiiuaBiiL tVfc'S^fC*]?.*!* aUdieofa pM^M^g h» ^°^ .. ahe would not WK aadthenaaof aelaaao waralaTain; tlien :^ -^sscktha lMBtaaa»-a3B*:clbi«k kaa^b-^rtVA^M* pond to attaA her. The poor baaat nada a good fight, even againat anch odda, and held her own. Seeing thia, the wfaole paok w«r« aet npm her, aa if with tme boU, nnitad effort to dialodge the enemy. They attaoind her in tiie moat aavage manner, and her fearful agony waa intenaely painful to wife- neaa atill ahe made a doaperate effort for dear life. At laiwdi, ovarooma from pain and czhaaation, ue yielded to bar aaaail- anta, and anocnmbed. Then the creature draned aahore, atill breathing, and :, and upon examinatiiai waa f oand In ^aoea to be tttoraU^ p«rfontod wMi the teeth of the hoanda." She Wanted a Fair of Specs. A woman who looked aa if ahe had been a long time in the vale of tears went into an eatabliahment the oUier day and aaid " I want a pidr of apeoa." ••Thia way," said the obliging clerk with hia hair parted in the middle, and he led her up a flight of stairs into a long room, where a Rtace waa reserved for optical purpiaea. A anuJl nervous m m at once aurronnded her. " Sit here," he aaid, placing a chair for her, and hangring up an ABC card in front of her. " Fix yoiu eyea on that, ma- dam." " I ain't going to have my piotnr taken," acdd the woman tartly. I "Certainly not, nnihdam vou wiah to j renew your eyeatght Just tell me what â- you can aee on that cardâ€" 9 7 10. Dj you follow me "' " Jiat let me have my umbrella, and I'll foller ye. I didn't come here to be made fun of. I ken read and write as well as you ken, and couat, too. I want a pair of specs." " Exactly but I should recommend eye- glasaes with such a nose aa youra, madam." " What's the matter with my nose â€" hey If it ain't much ef a nose, yon ain't going to poke fun at it." ' It is a beautiful nose," said the optician, firmly " and would adorn a handsome p%ir of eyeglaasea. Will you kindly look at thia circle of lines Do they appear to be of the same size " " 'Pear to be They are all of one size. No nonaenae, young man " "Certaiiily not, madam. If the circlea appear to be all ot one size, your eyes are not deformed." "Deformed! Goodness gracious 1 Who said my eyes were deformed If ever I heard the like I" "You see, madam, we are compelled to test the optic nerve, and determine if the pel son has presbyonio â€" " "No, sir, I'm a Baptist; and I won't stay here to be insulted â€" " " You misunderstand me, madam. If you are afflicted vtith hyprodinyopia in either ,eyeâ€" " " Look here, young man," said the woman fiercely, " I dare say you think you're migbty clever, but I want a pair ot specs. I aiirt as young as I used to be, or I'd â€" " " Oh, yes," interrupted the rash optician, " I see you are getting old, and â€" " Then the feathers flew. He never finished the sentence, and it was some time before anything in the room could be discerned except an old umbrella and a pair of human arms revolving in the air like a pair of windmill aaila. When the woman came out of the diop, she waa trying to atraighten out tbe ribs of her ginghani, and muttering to herself " Old, indeed 1 I've ruined a five-dollar umbrdla, but I haven't lived all these years to be insulted by such a puppie aa that. Old The imperent acoundrel." The Obmoh Lottery. The ecclesiastical grab-bag and church lottery have been cordemned by religious and irreligious people time and oft, but we have never seen the immorality ot these and some other church institutions brought out in such bright light as it is by Dr. Broadus. In his Commentary on the text " My house shall be called the house of prayer, but ye have made it a den of thiere8,"he8ays: â€" " A place of worship becomes a den of robbers :â€" (I) When the worahip ia conduct- ed by men who aeek religious office for tbe money it yields. (2) When the worahip ia aupported or the houae of worahip erected by auoh measurea aa extortion in faira or covert gambling. (3) When peraena join a certain church in hope of guning cuatom, or otherwise promoting their worldly inter- ests. (4) When men wrong others through the week, and try to atone for it by worship- ping God on the Lord's Day." Didn't Know Her ITame* Said the licenae clerk :â€" " The other day an Iriahman came in and wanted a licenae. ' " What'a her name ' I asked. "'Mary.' "•Mary what?' " • Jiath call her Mary." " ' But there are 10,000 Marya in Chica- SOnOHB ABOUT MAllBIAE. â- â- verattMaM Curcnt In i^a^2?IIâ€" ' Gnaae. aya tfaa 8-. Laoto **Okba^' apeak- ingafaqpamMwaraganUiiCniaaiiga. The Cr w ai iv ah ay a i j « yaaag -ttm wlioaa paMBlp^ -ire boMi living, wittie lie yonng ll^and yenaf «Mi ai^ "Rtaor atlvaNd Mid silt, ahava twiarly the yoo^g maa'a ohe^l, deo^t laaiva a hair, leat the narcnta of hia brida tidak Urn agly. In tlie Vo^yaMonnta na, the young womea who dr«M tlM teidf atriTa aa to who ahali atiokthe fint pU ia tiia bridal robe, aa the anooeaafol one mU be married the aame year. It waa haakj for KngJiah brideamaida to throw piiH awagr. Tha bride mnat not look into th« pdnvt after aha to dreaaed tn the ceremony n/aimm A» pot en aome artbla of apparel afterward. In Ruaaia, ttm bilda mnat avoid eating ih» wedding oake on the eve of the cere- â- ony, or Ae nill loaa bar bnabaad'a love. TIm anacsing of a oat on the eve of a mar- rfage waa oonaidered agood oman in the mid- dle agaa, but the howling of a dog then, aa now, waa especially ominoua. Tbe bees are informed of a wedding in Derbyahire, and thdr hivea deooratod. In la deemed eapeolally ominoua in Scot- land for a lump of aoot to fall down and spoil the breakfast on the dvy of tiie wedding, for a bird to die in its cage or for a bird to ait on the windowsill and chirp long. The bride must carefully avoid breaking a dish on that day. In Greece, the groom ia lightly aprink- led with water on leaving the home for the ceremony. The bride mnat visit the oven in company with her father or a near relative, to salute it, and obtain leave to set out. The Romans deemed it an ill omen to meet certain animals on the way to the ceremony. A priest, hare, dog, cat, lizird or serpent was unlucky ia themiddle ages a wolf, toad or epider lock. In Scotland, it is particularly ominous- to meet a funeral. Bride or groom was certain to die soon, as the sex of the person buried was male or female. In one part of York- shire, tbe groom on meeting a male acquaint auce, rubbed his elbow for luck. Especially ominoua are hitohea or accident- al haopeninga during the ceremony. To loae tho ring ia at all times unfortunate, bat particularly so before the ceremony. In France, during the middle ages, a ring of straw, or one made from a horaeshoe nail, waa placed on the bride's finger, and s^me h td as many as five cuoh rings. The couple also stood on a ring during the ceremony. In Brittany, if the wife seeks to rule, she must take care that the ring, when placed on her finger, shall slip at once to its place on her finger, instead of allowing it to stop at tlie first joint. The bride who lost her nay lost her appetite, and to break it portended death. Attention is also paid in the latter pro- vince te the altar candlea. If they bum ^brightly throughout the maaa, the couple will live harmoniously. Tbe one whose can- dle bums with the brightest flame will live longest. If one goes out then its donor will die that year. The Swedish bride tries to see the groom before he aeea her, to gain the mastery*. She places her foot before hia during the cere- mony and sits in the bridal chair first. ' She must stand near the groom, so that no one can come between them. A. Cnre fer i sisiitsl dsprssslea, soHsiifauc o the biain, eset. pi i Mi s t aas el# :1%:leaa at v^ag^ eaoMd by orer «zertlon ol Mm biaia, aad IpMol lasoral atnairtli boM aagr ssasa wfealevec Itaahâ€" yooag, old or mid- dto-agadâ€" who aas bra^aa down from aay ol tbe abeva as a sw^ «k â€" y eaiMs at i wm mtti » »d mas, sent four srtrtrass and 10 oants la stamps tor labon's Tiiailiil»aefcaHB.ot Dimmm* of Kaa. Books saal aMMd aad Moten from obaaivaUoD. adli«cM H, T. Laaoa 4T VsOtscasn Unak |b«. ^ejoat*. Ooi SomatWog out of the common fai breaat- pina ia a knife edge bar upon wfafoh are two diamond-atndud kittena Caoinff each other and playfnlly disporting with a FiABrci, BxFLOsioire ai« aaaMdmea J^.*'""'^^"^*".**"^^'**^' '"T""^. ^^^~*, â- â- " â- uiTOiiuiBB thing lor lo..|t wlo*. » srsnlofs. o»^ldTpaU^ BopooiB oanaed by the naai of poor ooal oiL For balls. By mui, p«it niuwta reoeip ol 85 osnta. abao^nto aafety and brilliaht lght, nae Car- Addma. O. W. OCf|MI8i 837 Tonn St., e* b nSafa^ at. Sold by dealera everywhert «g'*°i *•* ^*' in the Dominion. 'I " Aaneat a deaign in gents' scarf {nns aa could be desired Is ana acorn, the upper half at which ia a fieiy opal, while ^be lower half ia of Roman gold with a row of diamonda jnat bdow the opal. mMnra rnuEB. STMPtoMaâ€" MeiatiUM intoOMitobing and sMnglnr most at nlffbt worse by soiateUnff. U allowed to oontinae tumors (oim, whloh often bleed and ulcer- ate, baoominir vei^ son. Swatss^ OiHTMasv stops I, ll»UC»' Dnaa and Maatle OiiltiaK by thia new and Improvwl tit* itching and bleedin|r, heals oloeration. and many omss remores the tamoon. It is eqaaUy aiB oaoions in curioK all S^ Diaeasea. DR. SWaTMS kSON, Proprietors, Philadelpbia. SwATsa^ Om- mar can be obtained of dra^ata. Soot bv fnt '^r 60 cents. A. P. 426 TAILORS' SQUARL S tlstaction gnaiantesd to teaoh ladifes the f u 1 »rt o( ouUinf all ladiee' and obidren. Queen St W Toronto. nroiaBtawoni ROr. 8IIITB, M Agents Wanted. go but to " DivQ the wan e' thim that I want me own Mary.' " ' Whaf'a her other name "•.Oh,alvermoiBd that. She wanta ehange it for moine annyway.' •• f told him I oonldn't give him a licenae nntil I had fato gbl'a name, and he went away to find out what it waa. In three or four houra he came back with the name. •• It frequently lu^ena that the appli- i»nt for aliienae ia aent away to get the name of hia fiancee. One would auppoaea man ought to be familiar With the name of the woman he ia about to makehia wife, bat lota of them only knowAe ghren NawB. tiia of Ae bride expectant. Have Ton Thonsht Abont It Why aafier a aingle moment when you can set Immediate relief from aU Internal or ex- Lmal pains W the nae of Polaon'a NervOine, Che aieatpain cm* Nerviline haa never beaaknMmto fafl in a alnria oaae it oan- not fall, for It to a oombinatioa of tha neat Kmcfnl pain aabdning ttaoMM nown. r^lO W aanmbTfoltle of Narvlllne. Yon iHU flndirervfflne a anra «ne for aan- ««]aiK. taatiuMliau baadanha B^ and try. HarPnte »Naoi4filMn^Ma body AMdi- â- In mirthful measures, warm and free. I Bingf, dear maid, and sing for thee I But I think I would be performing a greater service to you and your sex by sing- ing, not in measured rythm, but by aet- ting out some strong truths in simple prose. If you or any of your female friends are suf- fering from ulcerations, displacements, bear- ing-down sensations, or unnatural dischar- ges, use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which is sure to eradicate these complainte in a short time, lb is the only medicine for woman's peculiar ailmenta, sold by drug gists, UNDEB A POSITIVS QUAKANTBE, Irom the manufacturers, that it will give aatiafac- tion in every case, or money will be refund- ed. Thia guarantee haa been printed on the bottle- wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many yeara. Among the many creationa in oxidized ailver ia a bullruah -lace pin upon which crawla a harmless-looking toad. Vital Wicks. •' There are three wicka to the lamp of a man'a life brain, blood, and breath." Thua writea an eminent American author. The moat frequent derangementa occur in the blood and in the liver, by which, when in he«ltiiy condition, the blood ia purified. Look out for the terrible chain of diaeaaea tliat owe their inceptimi to torpid liver and conaequent impure olood. When the aympr toma of liver uid kidney troublea, consump- tion (Lung-aerofula), bioncbitia, wad dropqr, make their appearance, the ayatem to in Im- mediate need of a courae of Dr. Pieroe'a Golden Medical Diacovery. Its marveloua efiTeota have been teated and proven In the cure of tena of tho n aanda of oa a oa It pari- fiea and enrichea the blood, raatorea loat vitality, and effectually eradloatea tiie aaeda of the worat maiadlea tiiat afflict mankind. A large aOver lodtet, having in tbe oentre an emerald aurronnded with diamonda, to a recent importation. IIl8 Wills., and Fills. An odd mixtnre of worda, bat the sufferer from oonatlparion, indignation, impure blood, bHiouaneaa, and other auch tt.TiS, can be cured if he wtLUi, wtihoat takingthaharrid, old-faahidned FILLS. Theaeare anperaeded In onf day by thoae wonder- workng, «et tiny, Uttfe glotalea, known as Dr. Ptooe'a Plcaaant Pelleta. No gri^ng, no draatic paring do not oanae ooatfvisneaa afterwarda aatbaoldatylepiltodo. One littie Qraanle adoae. A larga opaque sa^hlra of a aingle atar pattern, and amoky gray In oolor, to a mag- nifioent neiAlaoe pendant. OoSIoMsN. Watson 8 eoaj^ dropa are tlia boat in tiia w«id for tha tiurea* and flbaat, f or the vnloe onanaDad. Sea «1mS iiia laMena B. ft T. W. Brilliant! Durable! Economical! Diamond Dyes excel all others in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None other are jus*: as good. Be- ware of imitations, because they are made of cheap and inferior materials, and give poor, weak, crocky colors. To be sure of success, use only the Diampnd Dyes for coloring Dresses, Stock- ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers, Ribbons, c., c. We warrant them to color more goods, pack- age for package, than any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the Diamond and take no other. A Dress Dyed po" A Coat Colored V JQ Garments Renewed J cents.- A Child can use them! At Dmggists and Mercliants. Dye Book ft-ee. WELLS, RICHARDSON CO^ MONTBEAL. F. Q. IN THE SELECTION OF A CHOICE GIFT For Pastor, Parent, Teacher, Child, er Friend, both ele^nce and usefulness willoefoimd combined in a copy of Webster's Qnshridgod. i Besides many other valuable features, it oonb A Dictionary of 118,000 Words, 3000 Engravings, A Gazetteer of the World looating and describing 25^000 Places, A Biographical Dictionary of nearly 10,000 Noted Persons^ A Dictionary of Fiction found onlv m Webster, ..^ All in One Book. SOOO more Words and nearly 8000 mors niu» tratioDS than any other American Dictionriy. Sold by all Booksellers. Pamphlet free. C. A C. HERRIAM A CO., Pub'rs. Springfield, Mass. NIAGARA FALLS I A beautiful photo-lithograph, lSx2i, absolately tree to each subscriber to Wsstsrk Adtertisbr whow snbaoription ii pud by the 20th ot December. Twelve Uree pages every week. Naw type, heavy piper, illaHrated departments. Only tl per year, or 43 lor four sibsorlptions. Bilanoe ISiiS free. Ad- Ana AovsaTissa Prihtisq Co., London, Out., Oaaada. WANTED. EVERY,: MUSIC TEACHER in Cauutda tosend tor Special Catauigites oi Sheet HosicaodMosio Books, WE SELL CHEAPER than any other bouse in thetNde. JCanutacturefS ot.BaodInstrttment3 and Dealers in til kinds o( Uuaical Merohaodiie. WHALEY. ROYGEGO. 283 Touge St. to:roitto- OELAYS ARE DANOEROUSI Don't wait until von are burnt oat or robbed Buy a Sate now and sleep easy, and be surs and get prioes, eta, ot the NewChampionSats. S. S. KIMBALL. 677 Oralg St., P.O. B4X 945, HONTREAL.P.^ BRONCHITIS CURED. After spending Ten Winters Sonth, •was CJured by Scott's Emnlsion. 148 Centre St., New Tork, i June 26th. 1888. j The Winter after tlie sreat fire in Chicago I contracted Bronchial afrectlons, and aince then have been obliged to epend nearly every Winter South. 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Onl tUfeJhnu fore ff^* are ekttdren vio eketrJiittfMn imOeeJk IVktK Breadmaker'a Yeaft iette tmlffect tifoi Mamma tried allthe rest, SotheknomMiettkebest, [Ifftlei^ *Catue ier bread it tht whitest, htr butu art tkt Andwe»tttalltlUpaMcaMe»$ketlar*tetbefor»m». BUY THE BREADMAKEirS YEAST. PRICE 6 CENTai STANDARD CHOPPING USESBESTFRENGHE IMiLLSTQNES nNESTCMNDEil IHTHE aroatD aoaEMEvima LLS. Branthmd. Delicious Beef Tea •^ IS MADE FROM Johnston's Flnid Beef WHICH IS PAUTABLE AND HIGNLY NUniTIOUSL MSMMsiift Vmmh|s â- !* MMWy UwNf KMiiMf. llrfnsffy OmMMa Hmnbubiim ii4f Urinary ferii ,ji^ It 1 •--;3»-- ^^^*^^