:kt,ffS!,S~ â- .l-'«lr!HW';:" llJaS".^- -^ I 'opportune B..^ '"' "»e Irish ex. X***a£ exhibition at R -^°"»cgS2' '«'y features fc^^-lfe the worfe.mj j' « 4d| different a^tel^' *«« -UrH^, M*' the GLt'7n'aid**(Sj,, ii^) was aboSt r" -J-^ »l^*^ II onud the wellt*'^J^4 f ff'^od looking i^,""'" hi. Lj i,V visitors win, ::.yi nffQ -a I. ,.^^ R. S. RAJS. A MLBCT STOCK OV FAIX eOODS KOW OFEMBD. HEW TO THli LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' [o'TIt YEAR.-Nq. 430. MAKKBAiE, THUKSDAT, DEC. 6, 1888. ♦ C. W. BUTIiEDGE, Prbprietoi; Ilk alon. -Jh caS- ?«^" a, onoe i„ five y°^""\^«u C; great lessons Of Zw^"^J -.co.KXKx«.,,3Lr" lanJ, Ireland and Wale, T faermauy, HoJland; 2£»" .^j^ade u a feature ^^â„¢* pork marine kkets and icultu 1ST OffiNED OHT ^ST'i^sS consulted wia, ?S'"' ofleUereorwhculsaidS;^ O'^e, and of^^ D â- D S OOgh THIS "WEEK. pi3 is the lirst ioi peclal Lines, IS in-a.ti.ully ouiv an intC ^^ io-.g.no,uhsiacareSjntt csh Labrador HerHng I justify such com -iu!S"te EW DATES, -I io!e to uisoanse with i -!'â- :=" lead ;,,JthrJiet^^ WECTS or LETTEUS ToVoLLOW meofth.m. -Caua.U 'a dalTJ tlie Engiisii llOU; â- t';iii!ula's Statn.s in â- Aiuonp; tlial: no biuish Importers," "Bmtei 61110. for Eicport Trade." "T.!--» IF";^ ' Milk iriety Normandj port Trade," 'Linas ,i ,• Model System of i-'au y Schools," "The MarketiuK," "New Ideas iel^nl Su Practices" "A Dominion Orr" yded;"" Government's Place in "Need a Private Enterprise •' as a h uture market " "Somethiiir [ue Holland â- etc. The ab«; a suggestion of what is to corneas teat this stage of writmg. If s shall not possess enough of in- y toiling countiymen, who are the f our splendid nationality, to be to make their labor more easy erative, it will not be beeanse I evdry possible eflort to make JStiug and valuable. W. H. LYNCH. NE^W'FIGS, EWPRUKES, NE^W BAISIKS, EW CUBRANTS, Citr n and Peels, every f'spices. iiscuiiA and Confectionary, tbe ft and ]ai'£;est stock in Markdale tlioose Irooj. IIOGKEBY) tGiiSSWiRg l great variety, cheaper aae m the county. than any i^S. Blarlsdale Council, Danville, P. Q J TOB^^COOS, lOBBERS IN CIGARS. I the Provision line. We Lave meeting of the Imr and Feed oil kinds, same price at tue mill. Just received one ton AV right's iresli oatmeal. ir Liquor store is well stocked with [cboiccst brands, Bottled Ale $1.25 bzeii. Give us a call and you will away convinced. s of 12i;h I Council of the Village __ held in the Councii Cham- th day of Nov., 1888. rs present, the Reeve and ^ill, Eae and Brown. The .he chair. Minutes of last sad and confirmed, lunication was received firoo luperiutendent of the C. P. •e. station yard, owing accounts were pw- T. L. .iVloffat Sona; Haskett Bros, for stoye J. W, Sproule, for chairs 3 presented asking aid tK^ ircote and Rein hart Offlfr ill â€" That the aeconnts of mat Sons, J. W. Spronle ,t Bros, as presented be paid e Reeve issue his clieqae e. â€" Catried. i,eâ€" That this conncil grant )fflemaa four dollars per ring the wmter .mooths. nths â€" also two dollars [rs. Nethercote for a ter© lis, commencing 1st Decâ€" LLBnSiCo. H. Benson. W,J, Benson, 1â€" That the Reeve issw 'or money granted to banff. 3. 10 to assess and le^ !88. By-law No. H « Hector for 1888 and By to appoint a retnmwjT irovide a p(JlIing P«^ *f: iced and read a first txn»' -That Bylaws 10, jad a second and ised.â€" Carried. Ijourned to meet agwn »" le Eeeve. Ti^u'congh^en BhiloJ^ immediate relief. Vti»" CATABBfl BBMBBf-^ !» most complete and beantiful stock of the above Lnes for the 11 third or Catarrh, kdi •••' mm OCXS, JEWELIiERY, ^SPECTACLES, ILTER^WABE, PLUSH CASES FANCY GOODS. -AT- Local and Otber Items. NoncEB in thetf cnhimni'i ntrnded tohenefit mny indivuUutl or Societi/ witi he nhnrged ten eentt a line foj iUe firit in*ertim and five Mmtt a line each tnhiequent insertion. NOTIQE. â€" Coirffpnndence, eommnniea- **^\^^^'^*^'""^i'£v,' ninxt be in this office ly noon on Tuesday to insure publication that Keek. THEijew year -will open with a total eclipse ot the sun. Mr. John Croskeh, moulder, left town last week for Oshawa. Markdale staff of school teachers have all basn re-engaged for 1889. Miss S. Tucker, of Drayton, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. (Key.) Hosking. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, of Walker- ton, visited at Mr, Bush's last week. Tub Meaford Mirror and Monitor edi- tors are lliavtng a tift on journalistic etiquette. Mrs. Fra^k Averell, »I "Newton Rob- inson, is visiting her par^its and friends in this district. Mr. Andrew Beattie will crush grain every Thursday or alternate Thursday at 5 cents a bag. Mr. Fred. Boardman, printer, of To- ronto, spent Sunday last with his sister, Mrs.,R. L. Steplien. Hot meals At tAl reasonable hours at the Mansion House, Markdale also good stabling. G. Beynolds. Mtss Breocenridge, of Owen Sound, and Mrs. Halliday, of Kendall, arc the guests of Mrs. J. R. Anderson. Wk will send the Standard and To- ronto Daily World to any address from now to end of 1889, both for $3. Bev. R. B. Smith, of Rosemout, filled the Presbyterian pulpit very acceptably last Sunday, morning and evening. We had a pleasant call on Monday last- from Chas. Moffat, Esq., reeve of Glenelg, and F* MacRae, Esq., ex-reeve. A yery interesting and valoable letter on "Canada as a Dairying Country" in this issne shoold be read by all farmers. Wanted Iâ€" One hundred tons or more good dry timoidiy hay, for which the highest price will be paid in cash. Wm. Littlejohns, Markdale. John H. Dvndas having returned home from the Conservatory of Mumc, and Art School, of Toronto, is now pre- pared to give instructions in music, painting, crayon and pencil drawing; pupils soUcited. Printed Notices of Annual School Meeting, suitable for any section, kept on hand at the Standard Office They should be posted up ei^ht days before the last Wednesday in December. Call and get a supply. An entertainment will be held in what is known as "70 school house," on Fri- day, Dec. 7th. An interesting proeram of Dialogues, Tableaux, calisthenics Kc., vnU be rendered. Proceeds in aid of school. Admission 10 cents. New Advt. â€" In another column will be found the advertisement of Mr. C. Rowe. Oharhe has been a fayorite amon^his acquaintance, and we bespeak for him a cordial greeting from his'more extended circle of acquaintance. On Friday, December 7th, at one o'clock, J. W. Shepberdson, auctioneer, will sell by pnbhc auction on lot 25, con. 10, Euphrasic^ a large quantity of horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, implements and other articles. Usual credit sale terms. J. H. Anderson, tax collector for ward No. 2, Artemesia, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale on Saturday Dec. 1st and Saturday 8th, for the pur- pose of receiying taxes. All parties who hav4uot paid taxes will kindly bear this I in mind. flssell'sJewelleiyStoi^ FLESHERTON, Pneee that will astonish yoa. Call ^d see our stock, it will parj fon. ^«tch Clock «ud Jeioellery perfectly done and watirfae*** anteed every tfine f^ ^, ,: v^^ Mi Euss: The Montreal Daily Witness has been enlarged to twelve pages, and is in all respects one of the best daiUes in Cana- da. $3 a year. Thousands and thousands (d dollars to lend on easy terms, and lowest rates of interept, on real estate. Apply to John Whitby, Mad^dale. Taxes. â€" ^Those who have not yet paid their taxes are hereby notified to do so on or before Saturday next, 8th, and ssv« costs. John Whitby, collector, Markdale. A. O. U. W. â€" Next Monday ^yening, 10th, will be nomination of officers for 1889 in Markdale Lodge No. 141 and a full attendance is urgently requested. Remember 8 o'clock. Mm. Arthue Ennis, of Chillawack, B. C, visited this district recentiy, return- ing this week. It was he who purchas- ed from Alex. Mercer thestallioa "Lord Derby jr.," last summer. Auction Sale.â€" On the 13tli Dec., the undersigned will sell by pabhc auction ather premises, Markdale, all her house- hold furniture and effects, commencing at 2 o'clock. Miss Borch. Dufferin Lodge, 186, L O. O. F., Fleaherton, vrillgive an entertainment in the Town Hall m that village on the 12th December. A select pr^sam is promised. Admission 25 cents. Ths annual meeting of the Liberal Conservative Absocia^on of East Grey willbe hdd in Markiflale on Friday the 14th December, at 2 o'clock p. m., for thedeetionof oftcera aad otbabosi- W^ n AmKHBS CniircB. â€" The Httnld bas fids -weak changed ^opoe- «oidui», Bev. Tbeo. Hall, who toEtp^dy omveAVb, bavis* ma* i^ wutH^i^ tiAiiif; jpenankHi OB MuMiay !â- â- *• '^fc' Stall fc a newBpiper maii o| imirfe tt*** ocdiiwy ihaily and ifa «» Fire in Dundalk. â€" On Sunday night fire broke out in Douglas' harness shop, which spread with fierce rapidity to the Anglo-American Hotel on one side and Graham Ca's store on the other laying the whole in ashes. Cause of fire un- known. In the absence of the pastor, Jlev. Mr. Bnggin, who conducted the dedicatory services of Zion church, Glenelg, Rev. Mr. Hosking preached in the Methodist church last Sunday morning and Mr. Steer in the evening, to ^nreciatife audiences. Whbeuno has been good for the last week or two, the roads being hard and fairly smooth. On Monday night last there fell about one and a half inches f£ snow which made tolerable slipping and now the merry jingle of the bells is heard and business revived. Dbess and Mantle ftaking done by Mrs. B. Askin over Jas. Spronle*s furni- ture store. Havinc; learned Prof. Moody's New Taylor' System of square measurement she feels confident of giv- ing entire satisfaction. A call solicited. The latest fashion pistes on bwid. Wk received, recently, from Mr. W.F. Doll, wholesale jeweller, of Wioaipeg, « neat and attractive "fall eircidar f ain a letter in which he wished to be n- membered to "the boys." We «dop* this method of conyeyiag Ms widMS. Mr. Doll says tiungs are boo ming up there. Booklets are now entirely displMiiiK Christams cards, they Aremndbimore suitable than cards l^eh^ IB the feon of a beautifully printed and Kthogaphed little book, contaiaing s wuaber of sppropitace poems and Tecsjes by the best authors, manley wiH open a floe hue next week. Chahqb in Bubibus.â€" Sfo. Josepli McColldhght late of Meatod, has par- ehiun4 the ppicp hnalniyp om J. T. Qumv if Ifarkdala. «Bja-aowwfds^ Mns M. A. Torrt late of Owen Soimd fashionable Dress and Mantle Maker, wishes to inform the ladies of Markdale that she has opened a dress and mantle making establishment opposite Mrs. Hollingshead'n. Good fits and satisfac- tion otherwise guaranteed. A call re- spectfully BoUcited. Christ Church Christmas Tree enter- tainment will be held in the pew Rink Qall on Thursday evening, Dec. 27th. The programme will consist of dialogues, vocal and instrumental music, and to close with a Christmas Cantata in two acts entitled "The Message of Christ- mas." Admission 15 zents. SwKET simplicity sometimes contains the sharpest sarcasm. A lawyer said to his client, an honest farmer, "Did yon go to your opponent and try to settle with him " "I did, your honor," was the reply. "And what did he say?" "Why, sir, he told me to go to the deyil." "And what did you do then, sir " "Then I came straight to you." The annual meeting of the teachers and officers of Christ Church Sunday School took place on Monday, Dec. 8rd, when the following were appointed :â€" Teachers, Mr. R. D. Bigger, Mr. W. Turner, Mr. W, Douglass, Miss Ford, Miss Stephens, Miss Coleman, Miss Walker. Mr. J. W. Ford, superintend- ent. Mr. J. C^sar, treasurer and Ubrarian. FiBE AT Flesherton. â€" A disastrous fire occurred at Flesherton on Sunday morning last about two o'clock. Mr. S. Damude's large tannery vras discovered to be on fire, great headway havmg been made before the fire was discovered there was no possibility of extinguishing the mighty flames. The loss is estimated at $10,000 with $3,500 of insarance. The origin of the fire is a mystery. HoLLiDAT Fares. â€" Single fare tickets for round trip will be issued on the C. P. Dec. 24th and ^th good to return not later than Dec. 26th also fare and a third from 21st to 25th good ts return up to 8id January. For New Year's single fare on Slst Dec. and Ist. January good to return on 2nd Januairy; also fare and a third on Dec. 28th to Jan. Isft good to veturn up to January Brd. It is often said church socials are very unsociable. Here is a new plan At, chmeh social recently in Listow^, eadCa persim was provided with a, cafcd en whidt ivere printed a dozen numbesai^ linelk These lines were filled out; wsIAb corseBponding names, and eachpecson^ was 'expected to talk for five; vwaaiesf. with everyone whose name waanorCltten. OB Id? card. At the expiration! of' fi.ve minutes a bell was struck audi each pex- «iio sought out his next "partnasv" whose swue was on his card. Theipltao worked admirably, wall flowers wesftsiixninatadt. every person, however basMld recelyed! even attention, the timid, were bionsht out, cUques were broken and aJUwent libme happy and geed nadtnced',. initmg that church sociaUesare/BDiHlt necessarily dnlL .This plan would a^^y te» any social gathering Our Little Ones and iSba ITursery eaD- tumes to be vrithout a tsfnl iii: ali the wodd, as a magazine for ^Sut yoongeet readers. Its peems, storBas^ao^Asteh- es are selected with the- gEeadtast carei are amnsing and instructilvev, SDoft every one of them is illustrated }h§ an nrtisit of the best repntatifln. All tfie laadngi matter and eyery picture » OKiigiaMl^ fowpaced expMssly tr thias-worlc uaiw the direction of Mr.. QeorginT. Andrews^ whose specialty is tibe proriwitffin of fine bodes and who has pinrneieil to tba jsMSc name of the most elegpmf^ aitiskte volumes oo the conntors eC tte boeiE- sellers. It i» jninted. IraDn haadMBMi ^pe, on f^^^mpet. Fromi tta^ sMri H IL'UFE'Sa MY FIEST Goiplete dealing Sale TOUCHINe ALL LINES, will be held from this issae tilT NEW YEAR'S DA?. thflcodgh practietf paacB^MfS^, bfvii^ fa^dMuite pzepartdto dep»k. tothf 8l1 A(\i\ 1° ^old and Silver ^X^rkyjKJ Watches, Clox, Silver- ware and Jewellery lines it ihust b partially reduced by date, Jannary Ipt. X am arranging to carry a few lines of goods that 1 have never carried, and to accomplish this I mast not only rednce present stock, bat mast haTe-.-, the money now invested to enable me to bay other lines at best prices. The following discounts will prevail, and when taken from "Prioes" al- ready '^Close" will place a really fine-- stock in reach of all CLOSE TO COST, AT COST AND BELOW COST, "ONE SIXTH" off all Watches and .Clocks. "ONE FIFTH" off aU lines of Chains, Gem Rings, Chased Rings 10 15 k., Gold Setai and Pins also fall stock oi fine Silverwareâ€" hollow and flat â€" Meridan Brittania Co's and Roger Bros' makes at same discount. ONE FOURTH' off all otbar lineff m Roll Gold Pins, Brooches, etc., Caff Collar Buttons, and Musical 9oodi. These discounts will be strictly ad- hered to till '89. TEBMS CASH. A chance that will not likely be re- peated in another five years, so, to secure the choice of a chaioe stock it- will psy to call promptly. With present stoek.^aad ^Mooiiatsv ' DMBed. I expect the hirgest HoUdsy.; tnoft I bftve everhad.. it tlwyi p^«/^ t«» 5riv»» 'f^ere comt Uiiu lo0ji(«H»nd |MK.baripim x I'HI £â- -â- 1-H .» '-i-'l.l,.- tS'J in ..â- •i jiil .â- 5" I â- Iff m ...I .y^ *â- - A\ Ji -if ,m.:^ ifli^^Vf.. Ai^ifeii-;--