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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 Nov 1888, p. 8

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 ' 1" #1 M-' m r.'sf. ' ^^M ^^B #^l 1 i " *^ â-  1 " i "!l^l ^H ^?" ~H *-l 1 J. F. NAUTED,IM. D. â€" â€" fhysiciak, scbokom, 4c., â€" S- laLolland Oentre- Will be ftt Berkeley ereiy Taesday and P^fidsT Afternoon from one to four o'clock. a90-ly. rr. Spx-oule, ^PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, iVf .A. It Kl I .A. 1^ E. officeâ€" Manley'g Drag Store. C A McBRIDE, M. D., L. R. C.-P. S. EDINBURGH, Offi/ce at Stephen's Drug Siore, liate of the liondon Hospital, England. I*. .McCiilloiig-li, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, c ftFFIpEâ€"OVER McFARLAMD'S STORE, MABKDALiE. IMoney to Loan. niASSOlV MASSOW, BARRISTEBS, SOLIGITOBS, o. Offices â€" Owen Sound, in Vicker's Block, Poulett St. Bianch office in Markdale, over McFarland'9 Store, on Friday and Saturday every week. J. Masson, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Masson. N. B.â€" Private and Company's funds to invest at from (5 to 8 per cent. BBOWV. DrVISICN COURT CLERK. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, c. Commissionerj in B. B.c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. fj. B, â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se- curity. WILLIAM STUART, K1MJ3EELEY, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rates. A few arms for sale. Terms easy. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, GRADUATE OP TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, llarkdale, on the Ist and third Wednesday of eachinonth and also atMunshaw'sHotel.Flesher-. ton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the practice of his profession. Commencing on the 7th September. MOPY TO LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission chaiged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P, O. FARM FOR SALE. OT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. B. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on easy terms of payment, for further particularB apply on the premises. or by letter to J. S, BLACK, Pomona P. MARKDALE HODSE, MAEKDALE. ONT. J. £ Marsk /Vj' W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER. CONTRACTOR, iLRCHI- TECT, Markdale. R. J. SPROULE, FLESHERTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills drawn up andValuations madeon shortest notice. Chai-ges very low. Apily to K. J. SPROULE, Money Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. THE TAILOR, is prenared to make your clothes neat and trim. i'he latest Fashion Plates always on hand to clioose from. ,. „. ,•â-  ^, Kemeihber, over McFarland s Store, ilfarkdale. 6 PEE GENT. Monev loaned on Farm or Town Property at lowest rates of interest. Apply to B. J. SPROULE, Conveyancer k Postmaster, Flesherton. IMOINE Y to LO^\.]N. Private and Company's funds to Invest In Be«I Estate at current rates of interest. FAS3KS FOB BAJX AVB TO MOn. All business private and confidential. Apprais- er for Canada Permanent Loan and Bavings Company, Toronto. 408-34 JOHN WHITBT, Markdale. lasterer and stone mason MABKDALB. t;. Ifl prepared to taks contracts in towm a* conjDtry. Cakiniaiog Mid WltitwUMhing a ttjpeeialty. â-  J.â- ^ b;i "'^^-i -^'V Monthly FMt'i- â- Â»,•..â- â€¢'/•- OiangeyiUe-^The'Beeodd 1ptlt|if«d|tT ai^ inmdalicâ€" Ifnetiy Jiet CTe lileshertob^â€" MAubi/ beCon Markdalfl^Sattutta^tedtori Oi1li4|i«iU«. DnrhMB â€" Third TiuMday io e»d» Konta, Ghatti'ortii=*^^^uiM]Ajp4wf ute Diniwin MAKKBALE CARRIAGE -:- f (mS R. MoNaUy. prMiieai BUOoiMtium Wsg- gona, DemoorBto, Buggies, 81«if^t, Cutters and eretything in the line. The beat ma- terial nud and flrsc-olaaa workmanship. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rejialringf PalnliNg and TrinmiM: promptly attended to. A call respeetfolly ' BoUoited. Stand opposite the Markdale Honse. R. NTNALLY. TO THE PUBUC. HaviQC leased the wood department of McEenna's carriage block, I afn now fally prepared to execute all kinds of work in my Jine with neatness and dispatch. All kinds carriages bailt to order and the best material used, together with good workmanship. Repairing promptly attended to. We give a cordial invitation to. all who may require anything in our line to call and see us. "We want to get acquainted and trust our acquaint- anceship may prove mutually pro- fitable, GEO. MATHERS, HABKt»ALE SIGHT V. BLLND^ESS. CELEBRITED English Spectacles 79 BAr STREET. TORONTO CANADA. ^AKD 18 JEW/A STREET. LONDON E. C. ENGLAND R- JLi. Stephen's, CHEMI8T DRUGGIST. Maa-kdale Has the Agency for the sale of the above in MAEKDALE. No Spectacles in the Marketeqnal them in the EYE PBE8EBVING QUALITIES they possess, or the QBE AT EASE and COM- FOET they confer on the wearer. Their use will in actuality so strengthen the Eyes that it does not become necessary to change them for many years. They are therefore the CHEAPEST. EXCELSIOR WAREROOMS! I have now on hand a. fall and varied stock of all kinds and grades of Furniture, bought for cash from the most reliable firms in Canada, au(^ L purpose doing business on a strictly cash ba.8is which will put me in a position to soil at ft small Advance on cost and thereby give my custom- ers the benefit. I shall esteem it a lavortohaveyou call nnd look through .nY ESTABL1*$HIflE]IIT/ whether you require anything in my line or not, and I feel confident that you will be delighted with and surpris- ed at the quality and cheapness of my goods. â€" Upholstered goods a ^peciAlty. Undertaking In this department I faaye a com- plete stock of all kinds of funeral furnishings and all orders will have my prompt and careful attention. A first class hearse in connection. Musical InstruBients I also handle the celebrated Bell Organs and the famqua' Wanzer Sewing MaQfiines which may be seen on jxhibition at my warerooms, prices and grades^tosuife lUl purchasers. Picture Preuaing. I shall ketep 4n stoek an i^ried. line of fram^, qut^d. joV^ ip|j|«iaed pr|«i^ wig.^Mi(iMM^ia wbA ^jtMJu hess and despatch* «t Fwslt ftM^toaS' prfc^: ^Witii" mliti^ fHftnks tdir^Jhfi preseal Mts^«»^^»X.JifT^^ eqaare dealibg to ment an in«iMM^ the same. FzvaAirAiiA A ScBisa or Lbttkbb Aodbbf8EI to the AaaicmLiuBAi, Pobuc of Caimda. bbiko a â-  Cabbtul Stdot Of. Dairy Mxtbous and PBAcncBS iM Gbiai BatTAur axd Ecrope, DUBIMO A PoDB MoifTHS' VlBlT IN 1888. Entered in the office of the Minister AgricoltoMi at Ottawa, by W.. H. Lyneh. in the year iS88. "We beg to tender our sincere thanks for the kind and hearty sup- port you have freely besto'wed to the Propri- etor of ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo THE POPULAR DRUa STORE. ooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOQOOOO in the past two and a half yeaj?s, and still ^â- ' t^ope, by flMr, clfejaling, witlaf jc engtesy to all, tp TTTT, Dalxyliiffâ€" Xta Fntora ia Oaaadai I^fTBCOITCTOBy. [This letter is copyrighted and republished in this paper by permvuiiou of the author.] TBIB LETTBR IB THE TIBST OT A BEBIB8 Trhieh the writer is about to address to the dairymen of Canada, as one outcome of a four mcntha' study of the dairy question abroad, V^ a Gncadian, from a Canadian standpoint and with Canadian interests iu t||w. That the letters WILL BR BEAD BT ALL OAKASIAN DAIBYUEN the writer has a right to ask and a reason to expect. Tlie right to ask comes of what the letters have cost tbe writer; the rea.sou to expect comes of the fact that the work done has been done in the interest of those ad- dressed. That the opportunity of reading will ccme to all who wi^h it. we have an as- surance in the attitude of the Canadian press on this subject. The intelligent interest taken by the newspaper editors of Canada, for several years past, in the queptian of THB IXPROVBKSKT OF OCR UAIBT IMIilTgTBT leaves little to be desired. The experience of the wi iter has been such Uiat he feels warranted in the belief tbat if the most is not made of his own humble efforts in tins direction, it will not be the fault of his fellow countrymen on the press. It is due to myself and my subject to say at the outset that the work whicii I did undertake was not the original iulentiou of my visit abroad. There was uo lack of suggestion of the need of some sach action and its large possible value to Canadian Rgi'iculture but it did not seem, on tlin one hand, a work to devolve upon any sinple in- dividual 10 attempt to ai-compUsh, while, on the other haud, whatever 'igency was tiie proper one did not appear alive to its re- spoudibility. The more immediate object of tiie visit was in a response to an invitation from the BRITISH DAIRY FARUESs' ASSOCIATION to give an address at their annual couferencs. The ultimate or main purpose of ibe visit was to make the opportunity an occasion for acquiring information of enouKh value to justify the uecesB.iry outlay of lime aucJ money, which outlay could not be afiorued otherwise. The actual line of work foUoiX-ed out, therefore, wastjiiite different fiom what bad beeu intended, and was a lii:o of work tbat appeared to ' OPEN UP OF ITSELF, a natural sequence, practically, of some years of work that preceded it. Immediately the fact of the proposed visit haying become publicly known, froin various quarters there came, spontaneously, sugges- tions of the pressing needs Wuich the oppor- tunity might be expected to serve Members of Parliament and other pabl'c men, more or less enthusiastically in favor of improvement, made personal suggestions as to what might or ought to be done. The following extracts from a letter written me on the first of May last by Professor E. A. Barnard, then direc- tor of agr-cultnre for the Province of Quebec, will illustrate the EXPECTATIONS ENTEBTAINED OF MY VISIT. Prof. Bmard wrote â€" "Delighted to hear of your being called to England on such a complimentary mission. I hope you will take time to look into dairy matters there some- what carefully. What we need most for the English market, I think, is (I) An organiza- tion such as the Dominion Imn^gration agent at.Liverpool, promoted for the sale of live stock (2) a package, or a system, by which our ftesh butter â€" properly preserved â€" can be laid on the English consumer's table. I have been studying the question for some time, and I have come to the conclusion that we can press our butter into lb. squares, nicely stamped pack each pound in par ;hment paper box, say 2i lbs. together, or even 12 lb, boxes â€" putting up say eight 12 lb. boxes into a large shipping case. The whole must be so arranged with a preservative against great changes of temperature, as to reach the re- tailer in tne beat shape. If that can be done, and an active, honest agent found to take care of our shipments, we shall HAVE DONE A OBEAT DEAL FOR OUR COUNTRY. "I am prepared to help you, or anyone elpe with all my might, for the realization of such an object. "With our promised new era of fast steam- ers, competing lines, etc., with our proxim- ity to the seaboard, with cool storage, and with care in making and shipping, our butter should reach the consumer in Great Britain in as good condition as the best of Normandy. Of course our butter is longer on board ship, but cool storage and the right package, ex- cluding air. or nearly so, from the moment the hotter comes in the churn to the time it is put on the table, even in England, makes this possible for us, as well as for Normandy makers, if we organize and so properly to work about it. "Try, by all means, to study this matter out thoroughly. I wish the Department of Agriculture at Ottawa would help you in-lbis maitter Should yon «ee Mr. Lowe or the Hon. Mr. Carling about it, I have no doubt they would give you fall assistance, and en- able you to obtain from this voyage TBI PUBLIC. SiFOBHATIOH WS SO HOCH BBQUIBK. **A trip to Go'ponhagan and a ylsit to Mra. Hapna Neilaon's dairy school would also be nyMt oBefal. "Wishing you eveiy prosperity, ande speci- ally aU advantages for tttetethenmcn of the ohjeot yoa aim atr in thia iaipwtaat yoyage," etc.. i Pipf; Barnard is ««11 andfarotsbly kooim {m.U» .«bi» ^aeBtton, not TT taly in Quebec, on hisrolBUBleKMiid, tat in ;.j^ p^«PHvUMe% ^«hifit. Jm hnr ftiqvm^ itaelf wa? q)portone uf exhibitions. iij»j tend the daiiy coute« 'Ti;?^"*^ exhibition, the Irish ellT"tW' the Scandinavian exhiWr '""» i* theRoyalexU.bitioTfeA Belgian exhibition at bS"8K • ..^P«cwl dairy features ia^ft" ' of 1 except that at Bru.sei 1*1^ hihitionthe workino fl-jT**"' under a different ZtT^ There were employ"" „«* k^T Irish. Swedish LdX?**^ ford a comparison of mati^"»»i4i â- * otmyvisit thelJJ^-ittt,* dairymaid at the tilagn 'T"*l* "» near Cork) was ubouSE;^ to a Swedish buttermaker h.bition, I fonud tho » "f ai iand mi UAlU^ i tss »!fj* oi ttSiijatoq itaxbeutd ita i»iio»u| f^l ariDHi,' Bagot foil of business anaS""!? mpauyof good looking K""'^* Irml. maids, making buCj^ the hungry visitors with mT " butter-milk, along with cal^V ?^ i T/-.';^ibitionatcJ^^SiT^' held only ouce in five vtL t!!"., *« i dairy and eshi',ition of Sril?»*' one of the great lessons of my tS"' THECOCNTRlEsvisiMi,'" were England, Ireland and Wal« n Swceden, Germauy, Holland. Xraiice Iniadeuafeatnr^fc leadtrg dealers in Liverpool I«„IL7,, Dublin. Cork and BrisX7' and margarine factories, prvr^^ butter nwrkets and consulted ^,1" leading agnculturists of Canada, thtoj, AS APrKECIAl-.VE ASD nomOLIto the series of letters of wii cu I said hT.! ginning this is the first oue, and of tills letter is practically ouij an 1^^,^ " I may here assu.e tUe reader U tfi spent four long months in c«etal ij tion, my letters will not be as volami„ the abundaucB of mateiial would Iut, possible. I pur.TOse giving mainh onlv conclusion of matme study, along lith' enough to justify such coucluslons Inmiil ing my letters uo.v, with all my m^terkl k hHiid, I am ab!o to dispanse with n.utli k\ tailed worK which lead up LothoseamcluiiJ THE SUBJECTS Of LETIEIIS TO MUOW will be, some of them, '-Canada u a i Country," "Canada's St;itn.s in the Em Market," ••Among the British Haitjhi "Among the liritish Imiwrtera." "Bai Packages for Export Trade," "lines dl Possible Improvement," "What tbe Dana Have Done." "A Model System ol Ml Supply," "Dairy Schools," "The Nornunh 'System of Marketing," "New Ideas Lasd from Foreign Practices" ".\ Dominion Orfa. izatiou Needed;" "Government's Pl»aii| the Work "' "Need a Private Enterprisef "England as a Future market ""Sometld| about Unique Holland ' etc. The abti is as close a suggestion of \rhat is to onet can be made at this stage of writing. I these letters shall not possess enoagh of »\ tftrestto my toiling countiymen, who are til backbons of our splendid nationality, to h acted upon to make their labor more an and remunerative, it wiU not be becara I have spared every possible eflort to mb them interesting and valuable. W.H.LINCE Nov. 17, I6S8. Danville, P. Ij. Markdale Coiutcil. Minutes of 12i;h meeting of tkl Municipal Council of the Village ifl Markdale, beldia the Council Clirn-' ber, tbe 8t.h day af Nov., 1888. Members present, the Reeve dl Messrs. Hill, Rae and Brown. Thj Reeve in the chair. Minutes d lull meeting read and confirmed. A communication was received froB I thy local superintendent of the C; 1 1 Railway, re. station yard. The following accounts were p«- 1 sented, viz: T.L. .Mofifat Soair for stove Hasketl; Bros, for sSoK pipes c J. W, Sproule, for ciau»| and table. .. Petitions presented asking-; aw » Mrs. Netbercote and Beiahart Offle man. .A Raeâ€" Hillâ€" That tbe acconnte J Messrs. Moffftr. Sons, J. W. Spron and HaskettBros, aa presented be pau and tbat tbe Reeve issue liis clieqw for the same.â€" Carried. Hillâ€" Rae-Tbat this council gr» Ramhart Offleman four dollan J month, during the wmter .njooUs. say six montbs-also two doUan month to Mrs. Netbercote for a te^ of BJk months, commencing istve^- "^X-HiU-Tbat the Beevag his cheaue for money granted to »B â€" Carried. ,„j ].« By-lawNo. 10 to assess and 'e^ rates for 1888. By-lawJ-oJ appoint a collector for 1888 anaj oflBcer and provide a pcJn^"?^^^^^^^ were introduced and re^^%^ n Hill-Rae-That ^r^"^J^i and 12 be read a second and time and passed. -Carnea. ^j CoancUadpurnodtomeeU, the call of the Beeve ?Tt YEAR.-Xo. 1ST 0?ENED 01 \u THIS 'WEEK, eclal Line 8h Labrador Herr Finnan Hadd Dig^by Chicke ,W DATES, NE'WFI IW PRUNES, HE'W RAISI ,W CTJBBANT iinn, Citr n ge Peels, Jety f -spices scuitu and Confectionary, e^ (it and laraest boose Irom. Block in Ma IGK^I^ASSW reat variety, cheaper in the oounty. tlia; ise BBEBS IN CIGA: I the Provision line- We T and Feed oil kinds, same tUe mill. Juet received oi "Wright's -fresh oatmeal. Liqcor store is well stocke choicest braiids. Bottled Al )zen. Give us a call and y iway convinced. Benson. W.J,B aimn the iatM)d«dJri«Mlim«*M«iia«bid«i .1itat|ri»lH4llta«aailiaatodW[|Uh i«tifal- ion lOCKS, JEWELIiER ;sPECTAc; IHJVJElIlWABE, PLUSH CASI FANCY GC WHY WILL YOU cough w^jnj;^^^ Caro will give immediate reliei. ots., 50 cts., and »1. SHILOH'S CATABBH poBttive cute for Catarrh, Canier-Mouth, â€" â€" k.iMsn^^^j-, Fail Wheat.... " i01*o ,SpripgWhe»t ;; 60te 5 .Oat.;. •••••••••::..' gs Butter ••'---. SS-«*^ I taost complete and beau of the above Imes for M^,t'\l ifisseU'sJeveller PLESHERT IcitM that will astonish W^-mtd our stock, it will 'i^^ -jiTO'-; i; f«Glook«ud Zf It done (tid eveiy time at 1/ v""i»«*» " ' -â- *: --*? *.

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