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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 Nov 1888, p. 5

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 w^^K^mmm KH ji^^i m'mm t-, )MBS. (Is, BSES. f ::::-, 'UME HES ZORS r and Plain FftC' lery, everytbing Battons, 3cond to none in department, Promptly. idressed Turning done. Ice. d SE, .•* Sj- *. ♦**» " • •a: 6i i'-f^?^ i -â- .; iri W. J3 McFARLAND Is opening out a choice and elegant assortmeiit of Christmas Qoods, suitable for Presentations 0„e case Gents' and Ladies' yilk Handkerchiefs, 25 cts.. Its., 50 cts., 75 cts. and $1.00. |i; dozen Ladies" aud Gents' Kid, Bilk, Wtwil and Nopa 1,1; Gloves and Mitis â€" all prices. h large and elegant assortment of Men's Fur, Astrican Ij Scotch Caps and Turbans, The best $4.50 Persian Lb Gap in the Dominion is at McFarUnd's iSo more appropriate Cliristmas present could be given lady than one of McFarland's stylish Braided or jLiuatiou Dresses, ranging in prices from $5 up to $14 ae of our snperb Sealett Mantles Miss Bremner has jejout several this seation. I IMPOKT£D DIRECT Handsome Hand Satchels iu Plusb, Leather aud Yellum. See them. See the new oblong Phrse with oxedized clasps, Plash Work Boxes, Plusb Music Bolls, Bronze Hand Mirrors, Match Safes, Whisk Holders, Ladies' Toilets, China Cups and Saucers, Vanses, Silver Peppers, Silver Salts, Silver Batter Dishes, Pickle Dishes, Butter Knives, and a thousand and one rich, elegant and useful suitable articles for prebsntatiou. Gents' Plush Slippers, Gents' Silk, Cashmere aud Wool Mufflers choice goods direct importations. 100 Boy's and Men's Overcoats. 300 Boys' and Mens' Baits; all prices aud sizes. Ladies' Wool Shawls, Hoods, Facinators, Braided Jerseys, Mantles and Mantlings. My store is crowded from oellsr to garret with goods to suit all persons, high and low, rich and poor, all equally welcomed at the Qld establiKhed reliable house. 1 must not forget to say that no Xmas dmner will ptass off right without some of McFarland's fragrant Tea. The grocery stock is replete with new Raisins, Currants, Essences, Peels, Spices, Sugars, and everything to maKe you happy. When in Markdale come in and see us and don't wait until the choicest lots are sold, but come soon and come often. Wishing my thousands of customers the usual greetings, Yours faithfully. W. J.7V^cFKRI_7\ND ipea th«9«l?*i/ I DXSTRI:gT DOINGcJ. l^ IVTEKESIIN'G EUMMABr FROM OUR iXCHANTrES AND OTHEKWISB, PAKA- iRiPHED FOR bTANDAED BEADE£S. Flesberton is again the possessor of urber. ' Druce County Council meets next [jesJay, 4th. iHmdalk Athletic Club is improymg pradiciug room, i fourth hotel license has been r..i:teJ iu Shelburne. i+aforlli is coneideriug the question electric light for that prosperous (l€or{;etowu's new High School will cue of the finest in Western On- :;o. he last baat for Port Arthur, for |e Beason. left Owen Sound last turd ay. The new Methodist church at Shel- iiue id to be opened on the 16th ;tember. Sam Baker, of Maimer, is said to ive 3,500 bushels of potatoes from acres. llbe steamer Cambria, of the Owen land loca,l line, is to be lengthened leei this wiuDer. b^ims by-law to assist Hendrie to ailu his foundry at Seaforth, was, atoJ on Monday. youag man named Kobt. Schram e through the ice while skating at terfoid on Friday last and was iwued. he new Presbyterian church »± tsworth is tc be opened on Sunday 9th December. waiter's Falls wants a daily mail the C. P. R. via. Bognor and are 8 steps to secure it. ctou Methodist young people have nized thems-elves into a' society a view to assisting m the advance- it of the spiritual, social and fin- ial interests of the church. outbampton wants a boom, and to it end ba passed by-laws to raise needful for the erection of a bridge ss the river towards the Indian ':rve, and to assist manufacturing. ooB 8pobt. â€" On Thanksgiving Day rs. J. C. Forsier, Geo. Inglie, T. illiamson, A. A. Cameron, E. H. man, and H. Crozier tried the JUug at Markdale, bringing home en hares and four partridges. i a procession of game strung i-ig a pole made a good show. Mr. iamson, we understand, carried the honors of the day by bagging u of the hares himself but then ^. played the Zaccheas racket, and Ded a tree to do the shooting. is the latest wrinkle in hare tig, and T. N. says they come t up and you can shoot 'em in the â€"0. S. Advertiser. Son't Croak. No, no, friend reader,- whatever other weak and unmanly things you do, don't crak. Ii's a bud habit, a useless habit, a pernicious habit, and, in a perioil like the present, positively sin- ful. If times are hard, croaking won't belter them. If business is dull, work the harder,* and smile the more. Your neighbors will thank you for it. Your wife and children will thank you for it. It iis impossible to ruin a man who works hard, n always clietrfiil, and v:on*l heliece himself ntiued. If a man imagines every straw tliat lies iu his way an impassable barrier, or, when bis path becomes* really difficult, sits down on the neares: curbstone, and goes to blubbering over his "bad luck," instead of exerting himself brayely and cheerfully to surmount the obstacle and change the "luck, " he cannot of course expect to succeed. Such a man not only fails liims6lf, but discourages his neighbor fi, and helps tp pull them down. Croaking is as contagious as the measles, hik to matily viguiir and health. No man has apy more rijjht to intr-duce the one iniilndy than the other. Society instinctively shuns a sour face, and always feels kindly towards a pleasant one, and society is right. Cave Canem â€" Beware of the Croaker. J J. fficBiinon ^."ft" pre- pared to give satisfaction in all kinds light and heavy harness and harness goods. Repairing promptly attend- ed to. Whips, bnisbes, curry combs, c., to suit the tiade. A call respectfully solicited. Neat and Texm.â€" For stylish clothing get your garments made by B. B. Cle- ments, oyer Hill's store. Markdale C. 0. 0. F. No. 78, meets evei^ alternate Monday evening at 8 o'clock in their Hall, .Bae's block. Visitirg brethren Markdale A. 0. U. W. No. 141 meets hi their Hall, llae's block, *very alternate Monday evening at o'clock. A visit from brethren of peighboring lodges solicited. Mabkhalb L. 0. L. No. 1045 meets in their Hall on Friday on or before full m(AB each month. J. H. Carson, Master; W. J. Blakely, Secretary. Victoria B. B. Preceptory, No. 228, Meets in Lodge Boom of Markdale L. 0. L. No. 1045, first Friday in each month. Visit- twice as destructive ^^« ^jS'^EmStTL^g^Sr '"-^"'^^ I. o- a-. T. JUBILEE LODGE. No. 128, meets ev«ry Tuesday m Haskett's Hall, Markdale, at 7:30. W. Jackson, W. C. Alfred Moffat, Sec. STRAYED From the premises of James Lyons, lot 20, con. 12, Holland, about the 4th Nov., t three-year-old ram. Information as to his whereabouts will be thauKfnlly received. Any person harboring him after this date without advertising him will be prosecuted. JAMES LYONS, Harkaway. Not. 19tb, 1888. 428-30 Valuable Farm for Sale. Being lot 12. con. 9, township of Euphrasia, containing fifty acres more or less. There in about fo^ty acres cleared, balance hardwood bush. For furtber particulars apply to SOLOMON HILL, Geueral Merchant, Markdale. Ont. TEACHERWANTED. For School section No. 6. Artemesia, male or female, holding second or third class cer- tificate. Duties to cominence on the second day of January, 1889. Apply stating salary to JOHN HAZAHD. Flesherton Station, p. o. Trustee Sec, Treas. dated oth Nov, '88. Business locals. ^Ve will send the Standaed to any address from now until the end ofi NOTICE. All pemons are hereby notified not to tres- pass on lots 93 and 91 ou 2nd range, and 97 on 3-1-d range, west of X. S. Boad, Glenelg, for the purpose of fishing or trapping or any olher purpofe, as 1 will prosecute such ac- cording to law. GEOBGE IRETON, Glenelg, Nov, 8, '88. 430-9 TEACHER WANTED, For U, S. S. No. 2, Holland and Euphrasia three miles from Markdale, a femle teacher holding a thi/d ckss certificate, for naif year or one year, duties to commence 2nd Jan., next. Apply befora 8th December, stating salary, to P.LYONS. 4:27-30 Harkaway, P.O. Ib89 for $1 cash. Cow for sale, apply to A. Turner, at Manley's Drug Store. Tbe Markdale Standard Is issued every Thursday, by C.W. RUneOGE. markda.e, Ont. Terms â€" tl per year iu advance; 91.50 if not paid within six months Professional and business cards one inch space and under, per yeai-, $4. 1 YB. G HO. 3 no. .tAnnn I Whole column »50 00 »27 50 »15 00 Important to borrowers, »10,000 pri-.[H^if column 27 00 15 00 10 00 vate funds to loan, apply to W. J. Mc- Quarter column .... 15 00 10 00 6 OC Farland, Markdale. 412-26 i Two inch space 7 00 4 00 Three mch space .... 10 00 00 Waited â€" 100 cords wood in excshange I Casual advertisements 8 cents per line first for stoves. Markdale Stove Foundry. insertion, 3 cents per line each subsequent xui a«vr I insertion, nonpareil measure. Take Bejuvenator Bitters to keep Editorial notices, or notices in local coU yru from catching cold. Sold by nmn 10 cents per line first insertion, 5 cents TEACHER WANTED. Female, with second or third class certi cate, experieneed, for S. S. No. 6, Glene^, duties to commence Ist January. Apply be- fore 8th December, stating salary to, JAMES BELL, Scc'y, 427-30 Markdale. CAME ESTRAY. To the premises of the undersigned lo*^ 9, con. 6, Eupharsia about the last of August, 2 ewes. The owner may have them by prov- ing property, and paying e^pences. JAS. MORWOOD, Eimberely. P. 0. IWi Smith, the barber. If jou want to buy beef by the quarter go to the Markdale meat market â€" 4 cents per B) for front and 5 for hinds. F. Saijeant. Two GOOD young cows in calf for sale. John Whitby, Markdale. A COLT rising thr^ years old for sale, also a fanning mill. Jolm Whitby, Markdale. The Family Herald and Weekly Star is without an equal as a weekly paper, and vrlll be sent to end of next year for $1. Leave your subscription at' the Standard Office. The Weekly Globe for 1839 $1 with balance of thia year free. Subscribe at this office and save your postage. each subsequent insertion. Stray animals a. advertised 3 weeks for %\ No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid except at the option of the publisher. OaeTli«usaad BoUam Xvward. Feci Fcair checks r,.i^^- .res, gr^^v:S. niaiaind »r .. -*^ the BW reward of one thousand dollars is i by the publishers for the best 'â-  of suggestions for a Christmas iir that will equal the Christmas Wof the Montreal Star at the slied price. Competitors to give full name and address. This s Christmas Star has twenty eight sof beautiful illustrations, articles "nineut writers,, four superb sup- ^ats and other attractions of a ing character. It is far and ahead of anything jFet|?nhtehaa. " for copies to send to England PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 10:30 a. m, Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. A. Wilson, Pastor A. MoFarland. S. S. Superintendent. CHRIST CHURCH. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7 pm. Rev. Mr. tiraham, Iiummbent. SabbathSchool2:30. W. J. Ford, Saperin- temdent. METHODIST CHURCH. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m and 7 p. m. ' Sunday School at 2:30. Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening from 8 to 9. Rev. Ueo. Boggin Pastor; O. S. Bowes, 3 1. I S. S, Superintendent. Ladies' Aid in con- FoB Sale.â€" A first-class second hand ^^^^ jirs. T. Hill. Sooretarv. • 8 sops, good as new, cheap. StraageiB and visitors always 'welcome. Parties dflsiring sittings irill apply to C. W' Kattedse, Pew Steward. FIR! FOR SALL Lots 46, 47, 48. 49 and 50 in the 1 range West of ^T. S. Road, Holland, 250 acred. 1;'0 acres cleared, well fenced aud under cultivation, balance 51) acres hardwocd aud 50 cedar swamp, dry. Good frame house, frame barn 30x50 and other good oai.baild- 1 ings Two orchards beariog. Well watered 1^ from Berkeley Station, good road and all necessary conveuiencet Tiie proprietor is going to Manitoba and will sell iea'^onable. apply on the premiues to ROBERT CARTER, 228-42 Berkeley, P. O. BOIR FORJERVICS. A fine Blaek Birkshire £, on Lot 13 Con., 11, Euphrasia. Termti, 75 centa at time of service. ROBT. SXELLL. 228 36 â€"IT PAIS T€â€" 5â„¢- FOR_SALE. 100 acres in Artemesia on gravel rcfcd, one halt of whicli is within ihe corporation of Markdale. Apply on the premises. WM. STEVENS. Markdale, Noy. 12. 427-40* FARM FOR SALE, Lots 109 and 110. in the 3rd Concession of the Township of Artemesia for sale. Terms to suit purchaser Apply to H.D. IRWIN, near MarkMe Aug. Slst, 1888 trSGHOOTTRUSTCES. The undersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of School Vu.x*iiitiiT*e, Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of tne latest design and most approved pattern. Bighly recommended by School Trustees and Teacn- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send tor catalogue to Chat^worth P. O. 181 ANDREW McGILL. • AND THAT IS THE lorlksn Biiess [if organ, Wm. Bbown. Opened this week 3 cases Spring and Weight Clocks. They will be sold dose cash, CTedit or wood. Jeweller Brown. Just recraved one fine Tea Setâ€" 6 piecesâ€" best Quadruple Plate suitable presentation purposes list price #65.00. Jeweller Brown, Fob Violins, Bows, Boxes, Strings, Accordeons, Mouth Organs, and other musical goods, go to headqnaiters. Jeweller Brown's. It is a great satisfaetibB to 'hare «a photw»phBt i» our mi^at '^^ho **«» out work eqoia ifc «*« #y„w^ Hamilton if Biyi^^ |a*irfacti«i mi this line, an^ well deserves the pcrMjp fftft^^^ffkee ^ivtsUmf* CAME^TRAY. To the premises of the undersigned. Lot 1 Con. 12. about July Is.t. 1 steer aud one heif- er yearlings The owner is hereby uotifiod to prove pic^rty pay charges and take them away. ABRAM MOWER, 429-31 Walter a Fal's P. 0. ROARS FOR^SERVIRL^ On the premises of Chri6topher Irwia. lot 119, second range East, Artemesia tbobocsh BEBKsHiBs teims til at time of sei-vice' ali,o a Chksixs Waits, Td cents at time of service 429-32 THOMAS IRWIN, Proprietor. OWEJV SOTJ]VT The best and moat practical conne of study. ' The best teaching talent. « Tue bdsi accommodation for students. The best mevhods of instruction. The best results from ttutit inscmctiou after students graduate. For annual announcement giving particulcts regarding the course of study, teaamwei, address C. A. FliEMINa, FXINCIPAI.. Owen Sound, Nov. 1st. laas. "'e largest oa record. 1*086 '"I^^Hina business wKeli' he itHjoi^-H^p? ^o' procure it fiJom a i«#fitia^r ^ceive it by saBtLng tiie stt^l "t of 40 cents to t)w guMwhyj 1. Postage ataB^O^W^*^ ing photoB are indeed exeo^totf and flaiAed iBAnqpenaiemMUM' _, 'Cojlftpwrlostbe^ Sold 11 W Ctoc lastii weekfc large. •fPiioeif. __, a,. MAKKDALE. ' The P. 0. will be opened fiom 8 o'cloek a. m. to 7 p. m. every vorking day. Mails dosed as follows, viz O. P. R., going North, 11:40 a m, and 7pm •V " South, 3:30pm, and? pm TBAVERSTON and LAX7RIST0K. Tuesday, Thursday utd Satittda; 11:30 nooo. »-.iT HAEKAWAX. Wtiimy, 11:90 hooi.;; ^^ -^ Wed%ei4fipaa:8d|w3a|hS' ' #ftreniiltiai Mtera- uAd O. win be epMfMPl JXtj?" li K)V' NOTICE. Notice is hereby civev. that after thepubli- catiuu 0? tuis novice in three bUccessiye ii,Mnes of the Untario Gazeiie and Markdale Slaur dard, Jouti Hauhim-ou, of the tO'^u'suip of £npliraida,iu ihe Conniy of Grey, FArcnei.- (creditor of the esid JauwH UtIhod} wiU apply __^ _^ to tlie Si^troiiate Court of tfa»GoB«ty of irrexf^hip o OieuMK, Voi^^'atGr^ for a jjcaiU io him of letters of a4nni«iiflk tion «t the real aud persfiiiiat' estate "uud of James (jit^MWi laie^ tii^'^wn- ol lGa^ff|tti3. intbe Ceai^«f.«ttre^' iiMt dii^-ot m^, JUJ^m!it,h»mm^% thtf.^LiBao(tiig^«#wAP)Mf4Ule ' ttnraetiip cl Biqihraaa. The TCsiduig in Ontarie liMiMr fayoc of the aptriioant. ^t P. McCUlIjClSm,^^i" d formidJik Of Three Valuable Farms In CLENELC HOLLAtt Under the power of sale contained in three cartauD mcntgdces which will be produced at tin time of Mle, lare will be offered for sale by public auciiouat the Harltdale House, in the VlUage of Uarkii«le, at the hour of one o clock In ttie af tamoon, Vrldar, SOiik 4a7 of Vovemter, 1S88, by George Moble, Anetioaaer, all those tluree valuabHt fa-..iii aud tu-eiuiaes dwcfibod nb f ollowa Pareel^^e.-^Ixt974 and 75. in tbeSrd Conces- siouiioutti West^f Toronto sod Bydeniiam IUad in tae Township of HoUand,. iu tiia County 01 Grey, 100 aeres moie or less. Clay loam 65 or 70 acres cleared bearijag ercbani 1^ acres; loK houG^, boarded tad batiened: frame barn: fituue â- table 4} milaa i^sxa. Mriidale. Farcel Two.â€" LetS3iB7t)i Coneeasion, Towi- shmof Gleoelg. CSonnty of â-  Grey, 100 acres more or less. tJoUigfavellyloun; liO acres deaied.ti) MMB btMh; taasdvoodr beech and maide; no JaniMiBKa; T milM|roin MaiMale. ?»Tcel TUsm:â€" I^ 8l,ii:k.66a ConceRiion.X««a- ilpof OlenMR, Goiuitjr (rf Grisy, UOaovy* Hwre. or less, iioil^ gJMraliy loemt 36 aeres ti«KMi bosa mostly ta^xAvwd; no baililinBi ;T jmâ€" ' froM. M jid it| a „ ',. T ..r^ 'aB«ffka«R«aiaM«r ., jftHn â- ^0 m r.. -o «i1» Oftm- •i' 'J « MraM9 fMl( 'p^m^i « ^Tf^TT^TTTrTJ^^rRaw 1 "1 -1 '1' u '•11 Vii 1 ^; I, "I 1 1 « I â- 4 '1- f m k^ 4. "3» «. '^K «U' 5£j^^^.i

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