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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 Nov 1888, p. 1

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 ., to y solicited patSJafe A SELECT STOCK OF FAIX OOODS MOW OPENED. "HEW TO THE LDsE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." ot tlie btst govern. XIXTH YEAB.â€" :No. 429. MARKDALE, THURSDAY, NOT. 29, 1888. C. "W. RUTLEDGE, Proprietox. tiie United Stai es }1JST OPENED OUT Markdale Markets. 50 t6 Soto 17 to J7to 6 OO-to 3-5 to 'J 00 to 10^ 7(51* 12; 50 to SiK CO to i 1 s THIS "VSTEEK. Special Lines^ cieU} ptfertoni. U O. O. F. Xo. 78. meets evfn nUay eveniii;,' at 8 o'clockin ti s blo_k. VisitirK brethraJ 141 ary meets A. 0. U. V;. No llao's ,l,,c ;, o.- niu-at -/d.-'ck. Avisitfroi 'ei^riiboriiij,- !„a^.'.-s solicited. L. O. L. No. lOio meets in ihpi '.y oa or tLfoie fa'l moou Carson, Master; ir. J. Biakek 1{. E. Preco))tory, No, 228 Igo Piooiu of Markdale L." O.L St Friday in each mouth. Visit- its always welcome. Jas.Brodie Elliott, Eoijistrar. O- 3-. T. LODGE. No. 128, meets ev. TIaskett's Hall, Markdale, ekson, \V. C. Alfred Mojjt, 1 irkdale Standan lued every Thursday, by TLEDGE. Markda.e,, L per yeiir ill advance; ?1.5fli lin six months, al aiicJ business cards one iml der, peryf,ir, S4. 1 YR. 6 MO. 3 10 27 00 1- 00 7 00 Hi 00 1.5 00 10 00 4 00 5 00 loot 60{ mi ce. )ace ei-tisemtnts 8 cents per line firt cents per line each snbseqmil H'arei! rueasnre lotises, or notices in local cd- per line first insertion, 5 ceBte ent insertion. Is c, advertised 3 weeks for }1 liscontiuued until all anesis 3t at the optiou of the publisher. BYTEEIAN CHUBCH. Iv-ery Sabbath at 10:30 *.ni. ihool at 2.-30 p. » ig e'^CTj Wednesday evening » iev. A. Wilson. Pastor; S. Superintendent, HEIST CHUECH. =ry Sunday a* 10:30 a. ev. Mr. araham, Incumbent d12:30.W. J. Ford, SupeW resh Labrador Herring Finnan Haddie, Drgby Chicken, NEW DATES, NE^^AT EIGS, aZ^lNEW PBUNES, NEW KAISINS, NEW CURB ANTS, Lemon, Citron and uiange Peels, every variety of spices. Local and Other Items. Notices in theif columnsintendedtobenefit any individual or Society will he eliarged ten eentt a line for the first insertion and Jive etnt* a line each subteguent insertion. NOTICE. â€" Correspondence, eommuniea- "«"" â- ^"""""**»"' C'C,. nmxt he in this office hy naoHon Tuesday to insure publication that week. Biscuits and Confectiouaty, fhe iDest ftud .rcrcst slock isa Marlidulo lo choose irom. CROCKERYX^GLASSWJBg l great variety, cheaper than any House ia the county. The weather. A NovEMBEK fog would freeze a dog. The price of wheat has tumbled down to $1.00. County Council meets in Owen Sound next Monday, Wanted â€" a good neneral servant also good watch dog. Dr.' McBride. Markdale photo, gallery is doing fine work and fully preparedfor the holiday trade. Chatswoeth wants a Mechanics' In- stitute, and is taking steps in that direction. Fresh bulk oysters received twice a week at Fred Sarjeant's butcher shop, Markdale. The High School entrance examina- tion will be held m Flesuerton on the 19th, 20th and 21st December. We will send the Standard and To- ronto Daily World to any address from now to end of 1889, bbth for $3. Ejjssell, the Jeweller, of Flesherton, Ok Friday, December 7th, at one o'clock, J. W. Shephexdson, auctioneer, will sell by public auction on lot 25, con. 10, Euphrasia, a large quantity of horses, cattle, sheep,, pigs, implements and other articles. Usual credit sale terms. Me. Bobt. Clarke, Holland, has sold his farm and decided to retire. By in- dustry and integrity he has saved a competency and will move to the village of Holland Centre next spring there to enjoy the just deserts of well-earned savings.* J. H. Anderson, tax collector for ward No. 2, Artemesia, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale on Saturday Dec. 1st and Saturday 8th, for the pur- pose of receiving taxes. All parties who have not paid taxes will kindly bear this in mind. Mr. B. H. Townsend, editor and iro- prietor of the Grey Review, has taken unto himself a partner "for better for worse" in the person of Miss Flora Mc- Dougall of Durham. We wish the couple happy a-and prosperous voyage over the sea of life. TPhe Toronto Weekly News controls in Canada the etching of "Christ before Pilate," 18 in x 21 in., a fac-simile of the famous painting by the Hungarian artist, Mu?kacsy, which has won him worldwide fame. The etching is a deli- cate piece of art work and would add value to any collection. The Meaford Mirror and Hanover "gete there with both feet." Bead his iPost, in making reference to an item in ago. JOBBEBS'^rN" CIGARS. In the P'ovibion iMie. We Lave Flour and Feeii oil liiLicls, eanie piice ?-5() 00 ?27 50 ?15(lipisat ttie mill. Just received one ten Wright's liesh catmeal. Onv Liquor store is weU slocked with e choicest brands, Bottled Ale $1.25 dozen. Give us a call and you will [Ouway convinced. mmsci. I H, Benson. W, J, Benson, anil toDIST CHURCH. ry Sunday at 10:30 a. m day School at 2:30, ^f Thursday evening from 8 to »- icgin Pastor; 6. S. Bowes, Indent. Ladies' Aid in con- T Hill. Secretwv. ,d visitors always welcome, •ing sittings will apply ^â-  Pew Steward. CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, SPECTACLES, SILVERWABE, • PLUSH CASES FANCY GOODS. \i incobpobatino n Journal. i,-^^ TPg.rmer and â€" ^FOB â€" arm and Home. over, ^1.00 per f^' innary nert «b? ^!iSSS^ rwelftb Eaadl**"' Unaic. lie most complete and beantifnl stock of the above Imes for the tissell'sJeieDery Store FLESHERTON, â- ' prices that will astonish yoa. Call aua see our stock, it will pay yon. ".t 1. 'atcl^Cloek«ia^«veH«t5^ "^8 pertecHy ^ojae '.i^ntf- ^arauteed e,i^X\vafkal^ «n t •"" RUSSE^^ • HI new advertisement and then give him a call and be convinced. Thoctsands and thousands of dollars to lend on easy terms, and lowest rates of intereft, on real estate. Apply to Jolin Whitby, Markdale. We wish to hear from all our cor- respondents during December.but please haye an eye to breyity as our space will be crowded with holiday advertisements. W. J. McFaeland takes the lead in advertising as well as in volume of busi- ness â€" of course the latter must follow the former. Bead his new epistle this woek. W. A, Brown is to the fgre with his annual holiday discount sale advertise- ment. He keeps an excellent stock, which is worthy "the patronage of Stan- DABD readers. S. Breadner, Jeweller, is pegging away with commendable diligence, and kept very busy. Bead his change of ady. and give him a call. He means what he, says. Auction Sale. â€" On the 12th Dec, the undersigned will sell by public auction at her J)remise8, Markdale, all her house- hold furniture and effects, commencing at 2 o'clock. MissBarch. Sleighing is preferable to wheeling this Season of the year we have noticed even the wheels on some loaded wagons passing our office this week which re- fused to go round, preferring to slide. Found on the road between McNea's factory and the elevators on Sunday last a bunch of keys â€" ^five in all. The owner may have them by calling at this office, proving property and paying for this adv. 'John H. Dundas having returned home from the Conservatory of Music, and Art School, of Toronto, is nojp pie- pared to give instructions in mnsic, painting, crayon and pencil dravring; pufols solicited^ -^ Air entertainment will bo held in what is known as "70 «chool honae," on Fri- day, Dec. 7th. All interesting proeram of Dialogues, Tableanx, oaKsthenies *c, â- win be wndered. Proceeds in aid of j^dbpol. Admiflsion^OppitB,^ 'a^iKH two wep^^.TWT. .Booeessfia jpiee^ngs Rev. Mr. fioaknig :^^ N04P Enghmd spedal ser^ ^^^^^fSP"' t;l#e tb^'twenty wwp.^MeA 7*a *he «aiab«tted tuA trdHed. BeV. l.; J. ft^ilh, of CedarvDle gaye â-¼alnabte as- {pistanoe, and the il%*^^^. the Standard of three weeks ago, are in doubt which to admire most "the English of the editor or the pluck of the youth." If they will put on their spex and read it again perhaps they may see "the point" which has escaped their '(perception. Municipal matters in Holland town- ship are assuming a definite aspect. Mr. Wm. Norton and Mr. M. Howey are candidates for Beeve. Dr. Oldham has sickened of municiijal politics and will not seek re-election. Messrs, Shu+e and Galbraith are in the field for deputy- reeve, which will leave room for new blood in the council ranks, Mr. W. J. Shopherdson is Ukaly to be one of the new board. Change in Business. â€" Mr. Joseph McCuUough, late of Meaford, has pur- chsed the punrp business from J, T, Quinn, of Markdale, and is now in pos- session. Mr, Mc, is, we understand, a thorough practical pump maker, having had considerable experience and is now prepared to meet the wants of the com- muuiiv in bis line. He warrants his pumps five years, which evidence that he understands his busincKS. We bespeak for him a prosperous business and wish him success. A handsome brick church has been erected by the Presbyterians of Chats- worth which will be formally opened on Sunday, the 9th December, Principal Caven, of Knox College, Toronto, will preach morning and eyeniug. A social will be held the following evening at which fiev. Mr. Somerville, of Owen Sound, will give a lecture on his recent trip on the Continent. The following Sunday Eev, Mr. Waites, of Owen Sound, vrill preach in the morning and Bev. Mr. Mclnnis of Blantvre,in the evening. GLEKEI.G, â€" Municipal matters in Glen- elg township are assuming a practical 8haxe for the coining election, and, since a very important change has been made in the status and geography of the I mnnicipality, the complection of the new council may bis materially changed. Mr. Chas. Moffat, the enei^etie and faitbfal bead of the present council, will seek re-election to that tesponsihle and hon- orable position, and we have^opt heazii of .wiy opposition to hnft -s |iz. Jamaa Skeene is leaving the town^jq^.and^will JMt be a candidate, as waa «xpeeted. Foe deputy, the l^eatly [MUImi, Jas. Staples and mentiooed, while itui ftvOoipig. ia the field te «oiai^BiK*^'ViKr 8. Bofaai tfaoa. Suffivaa^' Ohdi.- tfil- The Amendment in the municipal act which came into force on the first of Angust, 1888, to the effect that on the 15th day of December, Councils ot mu- nicipalities shall meet and immediately thereafter publish a detailed statement of receipts and expenditure, statements of assets, Uabihties and uncollected taxes, is intended to let the ratepayers know prioi: to nomination day how the money of the mnnicipality has been ex- pended, Thip amendment will greatly absist the discussions which usually take place on Nomination Day, when the speaker who can ask his opponent the most puzzling questions and make the most forcible speech, generally vdns the day. Voters vnll be assisted by the amendment which will throw light on the financial standing of the munici- pality. Close Call, â€" On Sunday morning last while the Bey, Mr. Buggin stood in his pulpit, and just after announcing his text, he was suddenly seized with a sharp pain in his head he excused him- self and saf down, asking the choir to sing a piece, thinking it would soon pass away. The services of Dr. McBride â€" who was in the congregation â€" werejcall- ed for and the preacher soon revived sufficiently to go home to^the parsonage when the congregation was dismissed. The doctor pronounced it a slight stroke of appoplexy caused from over mental exertion, and says he must cease preach- ing oftener than twice on Sunday and strongly recommends him to retire from active work altogether. He is now apparently not much the worse and says he felt unusually well that morning up to the moment he was seized by lihe pain. The Bible Society meeting was held in the Presbyterian church as announced on Monday evening and was addressed by Bev. Mr. Moorehouse, Agent of the Society, who gave a very interesting account of the origin and growth of the Society. This branch was again re- organized imder the name of the Mark- dale Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society, with the following officers â€" President, Bev. Mr* Graham Vice- Presidents, the resident ministers of the village Secretary, Thos. Moffat Treas- urer, B. Coleman Eepositary, Mr. Wm. Brown. Committee â€" G. S. Bowes, J. W. Ford, John Cierar. W. A. Brown, Thomas Boland, John Lyons, C. W. Eutledge, Andrew McFarland, John L. Moffat and E. D. Bigger, with power to add to their number. Collectors â€" Vil- lage, Miss Ford and Miss Moffat for the North, Miss Lackey, Berkeley; East, Miss. Kells South, Miss Cunningham and Miss Ada Wright West, Miss Byers and Miss McEee. K'SMFKirSUL Bocklyn. Standard Correipondenee. RoAx» BoAB 1 â€" Everybody" is de- lighted over the prospect of a railway MY FIRST Complete Clearing Sale TOUGHINe ALL LINES, will be held from this issae till NEW YEAR'S DAY. $1,400 In Gold and Silver Watches, Clox, Silver- ware and Jewellery lines it mnst be â-  partially reduced by date, January let. I am arrtfnging to carry a few lines of goods that 1 have never carried, and to accomplish this I mast not only reduce present stock, bat mast have the money now invested to enable m to buy other lines at best prices. The following discounts will prevail, and when taken from "Prices" al- ready "Close" will place a really fine stock in reach of all CLOSE TO COST, AT COST AND BELOW CO$T. being constructed from Durham via. Markdale and J^ockly to Meaford. i John Dillon Was iirowling around the bush last Sunday looking for ele- vator timber. One of our entei'prising merchants has engaged Mr. Kobt. Nedy, late of California, to buy gram, c. "We expect Mr. J. Trickey or Mr. Ohas. Fachergill to get the position of lection boss. The latter is aa experi- enced hand at the business. Mr. Yeadill has moved inio l^is new brick. The boys are looking for. a house warmincr. Several bears imd deer have been I seen in this vicinity. Shooting matches are quite common here. 4 little preacher came to the mansd litaiy On ninth line. [^^6 expect a«Md^i6|^ shtlrtly, and i.'we hope tOvgakia bid.,; t » ' f""' Mr. DodMi 'tkmtHIPVfi'ismM "ONE SIXTH" off all Watches and Clocks. "ONE FIFTH" o3 all Imcs of Chains, Gem Bings, Chased Rings 10 .15 k.. Gold Sets and Fins; also iuil stock of fine Silverware â€" hollow and flat â€" Meridan Brittania Go's and Boget Bros' makes at Bam discount. ONE FOURTH oT all other lines m Boll Gold Pins,. Brooches, etc., Cuff Collar Buttons, and Musical Goods. -would have ate These discounts will be striitly ad- hered to till '89, TERMS CASH. A cLnnce that will not likely be re- â-  pcitted in another five, years, so to secure the choice of a choice stock it will pay to call promptly. WEDDHM RINM RESERVED. • '• • ' "â- " â- ** "' With 'jhresent atock, and aiaconnia -^.- named, I expeot the l«r[e8t Holiday' ' trade I have ever b%ii 'i£*l«ay8 paya; c to dri^w w}^-'4MlD|^etitii ekiBJti,:-;. ' ,^ue!4*lpok aVuiiU^'Irur uafgaiins. ' h^y. .... ' ' ec.l ci 1 %-^ H â- I 1 'â- U \m i â- m m ;• livl 1-M H fiil ti til â- ^: i â- : .1 .1 " o •â-  â-  ,itt;;rJO-. .\"^, I}«irr ' I «£i* «a"5aS??).'i h:iVAj^:V!f q }3a ml" ij lno6. r t^ .«*, Sfeiii

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