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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Nov 1888, p. 7

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 la littl timi g time after th*^ ay hi, FOREIGN N0TE3. and «»I«^ Little child?-„ .. --» irsBfuj^ ""***"'-^^'S?;;«.»i lence '^s^ i„«!?h other »n,__ fperience." 'S*^- "l^T .*« in » littri;,,' yo, JonferenceaeitSfy^ ^ork. My oiroT-u* " '««lil vUIa,ea^aldâ„¢i*'!f'««l^- I tried to pre^hr"" Pee wood dwelt « !^^ ••icwooaawelt j '1 " appuoation oi Jime. ^uqaeua ^ickham, an emi^ "" 1*: e withdrawal of her husband's shares tains and one oS^^tl I nad iuat bee« J .P"^** %--u] andthe^^jK i;-dgewood Mrs Wickte.*' â- nd myself to come to hi?" show tnat --'4 sii persons were Kutea ernoon we went and «â- Â«' beaats in that vear in British India. *«ewarn 3d bmi.„^ 7 the old lady Brother Lâ€" 1_ lid she. « I've hi on't wVowt^j:2£".^ Jonea went aw^,, ""'y»«v« U months. andSha?„?J his honse since. IVpt" ^do thatrvebena«fvLS We andnowyonVeT"'}* I^et's get them Vffnowhtt^ h^ine ' is a CDmponnd which has {from a bankiuptcy suit in Mtn It ia said to come from America, Slid in large quantiries in Eag- ejjbilee gifra of £1,150,000 received Pope, Fraace has been the most \ionor. Tiie monks of the Chartreuse I} 000, while the smallest offerings Jom SpaiOf Portugal, and Poland. ooxaea to Greenwich, Conn., that F. L. H. Pott, a yonng man of l^ice who went to China abont a year t missionary, has married Miaa S. N. ffbo9e father was the first Chinese tto Christianity. richest Japanese outside of the royal is said to be R. Kondo of the Miping ifsity of Japan. He ia the operator of iQ gold, silver, and copper mines and jDt to visit the Lake Superior mining lets in order to get a knowledge of the machinery used there. oaelin must now be regarded as having •ely retired from the Cbmedie Fran- The application of Mme. Coquelin partaerahip fund has been accepted, oijuelin's resignation is therefore an ipiished face. g late official rfctarna, which are for Bbow that 'J4 841 peraons were killed- brongh can ait down andTaC.'j^ I WM a little puzzled at tU irc^t hlT/i^^'^-^y ^J«'S :leftinthedark%fe JothekirchenandsoonoH ^ith)l^'"lu'°'*^'^^°'"'dt^ ith two or three i bedstead • taken to p,ect. and spread :. In the middle of the flow ickham, with a big ketUe r at her side. L jest you take thia here or you'll apoil your dreaa' T^^- '«P««tybugaWe 1 theae bedateada that I have jeataaif I couldn't wait tiU ve them a good scalding. was a part of the circuit I Iowa, thought I; b-ttheoui take it so entirely as a nutter the preacher ahould help her that I couldn t well refnie. lingly put on the apron ud nd J took oflF my coat and cofii too. It waa a long job, and • s !^e bedateada thorongfaly ad to be carried npatairs, aet ' for they were the old faih- bedateada in which ropei did springa or alats. But this did rk, for on coming dowEstaire r^arked that, the stove wag a but that if I waa carefnl I wichcut burning my hands. s too much and I waa about r wife whispered to me that II make a day of it. So we ove and polished it till ;oa ace in it, and then helped tha p the kitchen. By that time wn, and onr hosteaa kindly withdraw. Did we stay to ese 22 134 were killed by anakea, 928 jers, â- 22'2 by wolvea, 194 by leopards, y bears, •' '--y elephants, 24 by hyenas, lO'J by o^^^c animals, scurpiona, jick- ziirls, bcifj, crocodilea, bafifaloes, mad \i.d foxes. In the case both of human rs and anim ils the destrnction appears uD the inureul^e. Daring the past nine rewards were paid for 179.639 wild l3, and for 2.672.467 ar.-kes. jror William's tour in Auatria and la said to hcive coat not less than £40,- The amount given to servants of the eigas whom ha visits ia something ous, and other preseria cost a frightful For example, wheu the Emperor olas visited Windsor in 1843, he gave ousekeeper £1,000. William took with irom Berlin eighty diamond rings, 150 stirs, fifty scarf piaa, all richly jewel- hirty diamond bracelets, six splsndid ntation swords, thirty Urge photo- aa of himself, with the Empress and children, all in gold frames thirty wtitches, with chains (the correct nt to a chef); 100 cigar cases, with the rial arms and monogram in gold, and y stars in diamonds of the Orders of Black and Red Eagle. le Etory cornea from Paris of a certain n, a man of society, unmarried, gay. iscoverad one day that he was growing edly bald. Thejdiacovery worried him, much thought on the subject resulted ;ily. He went to a wigmaker and or- 1 eight wigs, each made of hair just jolor of his own, and just the quality, edch dressed just as he arranged his locks. The wigs differed only in the •h r f their hair. In one it was quite in the second it waa a little longer te third longer still and so on, until which was of quite long hair. The u put on bis short haired wig first, and it a week then he^pnt on No. 2, and f that a week and so until he waa wear- N'o S, when some one was pretty sure iy (lood gracioua, Biron, why don't get your hair cut " Then the Baron ;d put on, happy at the thought he had aucceaafully solved the great problem. illustration of the progreaa which has â- acter'z3d marine engineering is aflForded e fact that up to 1881 the greatest pow- I't s;o to Law. the last resort of any good iw. It is usually nnprofit- get your case. It makes astes your time. You fat- wyers on both aides, ud e they are taking your veiy od If the caae goea agaiMt certain to cripple yon for )f any importance. If w' is a fool to go to law. [y aeen an illnatration of xpected outgoes that are unwary h.' m n in J** to the dr -c- "well cases. A newsp^^er says preme our: of the United decided against WUliwn Andrews, complainant, ovey, respondent, in the it was tbtdght that ended there b*d been over the pears, wut not the cM«f esara.- Andnwa are oitK*^ they brcn«ht anit agai^t flowiL NowtheatatnW ra tl»t when a non-resia- iost a resident the plab- led to give a bond for tM Its that may accrue. xn» as Um Meaars. AndreWi do. Among thoae who I in t*Je city are HenO V. Smith, now U^ouc » lam and C. G. Green* ow to be called npon Jo costs accrued, and ew XT in Des Moines October ited States District Conrl istrict of Iowa." I of the law. Settle yonr tioD. Ght Even With the Jadge. " What am I here for " aaked a man who was brought into the dock at the 'police oonrt •* Oh, wliy waa I ever born ' " Do you take thia court for a conandrana bureau ' asked the judge, severely. "But what have I been doing? Wl^r am I arrested I am a poor hard-working man and I never broke the law in my life. "Well, then, what are you here for!" asked the. j adfie. " Chestnut 1" ahonted the prisoner, ex cited. y, and got himaelf sent up for sixty days. In' Fall Measnie. "My dear, "said Mr. Marrowfat to the partner of his joys, "have we any older left?" "Yes, John, ' replied Mrs. Marrowfat; " we have an enapty demijohn full. " What He Had To Do. " Now, my dear, " said a husband, impa- tiently pulling on hia coat, " I want to get down town right away. If yon have any- thing further to aay or for me to do, yon 11 have to make haate. " " Come to think of it, John. " said his wife, " I have something more for you to do." "WeU?" "I want yon to leave the marble clock at the jeweller's, two blocks down the street, and be sure and call for it on your way home. " _.__„Wiil lot are Us. It having been mnwrad that MrTw. fl. Riddell, the able and popular Secretary of the Ontario Matoal l4fe, had accepted a ' similar position in Toronto, we are author- ized to say that the position of Secretary of the Manufactureis' Life Assurance Company and Manager of its Head Office, was offered to him, but for reasons not necessary to state here, he refused at present to b^Qome an applicant, notwithstanding the fact the salary would be. very haadsooM and that other very tempting inducements were held oat to him. Wiiile we wonll be pleased to announce his preferment we but voice the una limoai feelins; of onr citizuis when we sey his departore from Waterloo woold be sinoerely regretted, not onhr by ttie Com- pany he has so loiw and efficiently served, bnt by a host of "f rtends and acqaaintaBoes to whom he has endeared himseu daring a residence of seven years in their midst, by hia genial and obliging diapesition and bther qualitiea whioh go to make up the anooess- ful bnsineaa man and worthy citizan. â€" [Wa- terloo Chronicle, Nov. lat. The lobaters recently planted on »u« vai- ifomia coast are said to be thriying finely. A.P.424 FARMS r»R 8AI.B or KKTT. Au. Sm, Kotos and Paioaa. Some spedal banraina. fl. S. MITOHKLL. DsAnoH. On. PlTBif T8 (.rooa re i. e«taDt AttsrneTS and rxparta. Befd 1867. Ooaald C. «ldoat Co., Torooto, bless you, the good aod k \, ^^^^ j,^^ o^g^ vessel ^^s about 8,C00 ig her house cleaned up for- ling about supper. We wer fet home without being aik potatoes or build a caB pen lat day my wife and I iiav ior engagement when asked ickham." ited horse power in the case of the ships dclo, Djilio, Inflexible, and Admiral erre In 1881-2 the Italia and Lepanto being constructed, with the enori..ous :e, each, of 18,000 indicated horse, power; now the Italian Government has in pro the Re Umbfirto and Sicilia, and lastly jirdegna, the engines for which, con- :ted by a Naples dbmpany, are to develop ly 23,000 indicated horse power. Among various features of note in this remark- vessel, as described, are four sets of e compound engines, two sets of engines each shaft, the vessel, of courae, being tsjrew. The working machinery alao prises eighteen return- tube boilera, hav- ach four furnaces, and the working pres will be 150 pounds to the square inch. |! piston speed is rated at 1,020 feet per :Jte. )eless OaM* 1 excited burst into f the other day. .criad, "I *»^ iL ad Pastenr. • ., I that." "' Bat oh. Doctor, oMi^. hen." â- .â- â- â- ' -tl^'-S-^- i mnoh The SmeU of His Oigar. ey were sitting on the porch and it was fbg late. Would you mind it I lighted a cigar, Clara?" he asked. l.Ttainly not, Mr. Simpson," she re- n. ind presently the old mam. who waa get desperate, apoke from an open window ve. Daughter," he said, " I left my rubber rshoes near the kitchen atove and yoa better see to 'em. I can smell some- g burning. His Little Mistake. few weeks ago a fashionably-dressed klyn lady entered a New York book- i in search of a volume for her husband. 5 head clerk irquired of her whether her iband waa CTave or gay, scientific or osophical The lady retorted with the of a woman not to be irifled with ' ' He's iolesale butcher. ' " Buy him ' Lamb's ie,'" inadvertently replied the clerk. i" hardly neceaaary to add that the aale not effected. Mv Toothache 1 exclamation leard every hoar In the Toothache is the most common ail- Bt of young and old, and In the aggr^ate icts more suffering than perhaps any 'w single complaint. A one minnte core i'ut wbat every person derires to possess, f'ilmeâ€" nerve pain oaroâ€" *oti almost in- ^tly in relieving the agony, and as a sam- bottle affords a qnantity snfficiant for applications, 10 cents Wm the bOL Pu- Nervillne is the only posltiTe '""*v ^thache and all nerre pi^ns. Sm by in medidne. â- id i^H 'iAit aa l»e housekeeper of the preaevt B"i ®* 'Tick died reoently and beqaaathed £70,- • her employer, raainl ytha aoonmola- ' of fees from visitors to Warwick Caatle. The Ottawa liar ia getting in hia work again. He telegraphs the N. Y. ITojWthat the Canadian Ministers are awfully scared at the new threat of retaliation, and he adda " ' No greater misfortune oould overtake the Dominion at the preaent moment,' aaid a prominent official to-night, than the pro- mulgation of an order excluding Canadian articles from the United Statea. It would paralyze trade and cauae a financial crisia from one end of the Dominion to the other.' " It ia evident that the Ottawa liar ia himaelf again. The mausoleum of the Emperor Freder ick, of which the corner stone has just been laid at Potsdam, will be a reproduction of the Sepulchre Chur..h at Jeru^em. In mir^hful measures, warm a;)d free, I sing, dear maid, and sing for thee 1 But I think 1 would be performing a greater aervice to you and your aex by aing- ing, not in meaaured rythm but by aetting out aome atrong trutha in aimple prose. If you or any of your female irienda are suffer- ing from ulcerationa, displacements, bear- ing-downsensations, or unnatural discharges, use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which ia sure to eradicate these complaints in a short time. It is the only medicine for woman's peculiar ailments, sold by druggists, "under a positive guarantee," from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be rraunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. A new tenor has appeared in the peraon of M. Jerome, who hM juat made a highly auc- ceaaful debut in " Faust " in Paris. Ills. Wills, and Pills. An odd mixture of worda, but the aufferer from conatipation, indigeation, impure blood, biliousness, and other such UU, can be cured if he wUU, without taking the horrid, old-fashioned TpiUs. Theae ate aup- eraeded in our day by thoae wonder-working, yet tiny, little globulea, known aa' Dr. Pierce'a Pleaaant Pelleta. No griping, no drastic purtjing do not cauae coativeness afterwards as the old-style pills do. One little Granule a doae. B ick atitching on kid gloves ia back in full force. Vital Wicks. " There are three wicka to the lamp of a man's life brain, blood, and breath." Thua writea an eminent American author. The moat frequent derangementa occur in the blood and in the liver, by which, when in healthy condition, thf blood ia purified. Look out for the terrible chain of diaeaaes that owe their inception to tor- pid liver and consequent impure blood. When the symptoms of liver and kidney troubles, consumption (Lung-scrofula), bron- chitis, and dropay, make their appearance, the system ia in immediate need of a courae of Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Diacovery. Ita marveloua effects have been tested and proven in the cure of tena of thouaanda of caaea. It purifiea and enriches the blood, reatorea loat vitality, and effectually eradi- cates the seeds of the worst maladies that afflict mankind. It coata $1,200 per year to sell whiaky at Cirroliton, Mo. A Good Light ia indeapenaible to the com- fort of a family during the long winter even- inga. Poor coal oil in a house ia next thing to bad bread. Honaekeepera whe cannot have gaa should use Carbon Sjkfety Oil. Sold by dealers everywhere. Bee-ownera in Arizona repeat that this is the beat year for honey ever known there. Galifoinia. Aak for ticketa via the old-eatablished and favorite overland route comprising the Chic- ago North Western and Union Sonthem Pacific B'y'a. Two fact trains leave Chicago daily with unrivalled accommodations for first and aecond-clan paasengers. Bates no higher than by other lines. Baggage check- ed through. Full information, covering rates, etc., with time table and maps, given by J. H. MOBLEY, Canadian Passenger Agent, 69 Yonge st., Toronto, Ont. It is hard enough, any way, for a bachelor to hold a baby, bat it is simple torture when it is the baby of the girl who jilted him heartlessly only three years before. GoffHoMon. WCtaon s cooirh drops are the leat in tha world for the throat and ohest, for the voioe aneqnalled. See that the letters B. k T. W. an stamped on each drop. â- Clans are said to have arisen in Soot- luid in the nign of King Malotdm II. about 1008. ACsMfsr B»jtohi*l^ d2^-^;j-.^ ass ol fM^ aav aasB wbatsrsK IIsa'~7oaa|^ oat m aua^ SS^I^ad-iAo an bioNa *»*»JSfLS-?^ above oaasas. at sayJe aMsa aCjMawwiS.aass^.aam waur aadissa sad u) osmi u tBboskloi«.ol " GANGES. Send tor III. Catalotrae. WK. BiTSUSH, reterboro, Ont. KNITTING ceorxMMlVii.'omtl MAGHINES ONTARIO VETERINART OOLLSGE â€" OVER five hundred students in suecnsf ul practice fees fifty dellaraparseation session 18S-9 begins October 20th. Principal, Prof SMITH V. 8., Toronto THE DANDY" PATENT BAa^OLDER, which every farmer wanta now, costs on'y 5 ct^., nd if there is no local agent, maybe obtained f ree by aexpresa or mail), on sending price to C. W. ALLEN dt 00., World- Building, lorpnto. PROTECrioN FKOM PIKE. â€" A GOOD TdlNO. â€" UssBRT's Spark Arbsster snd Drdh CoMBiSBD.â€" Work'4 on Stoves Pipee, Mill Stacks, etc City and C 'unty Rights, or Entire Canadian Patent for Sale. W. J. USSERY, Norwich. Ont. AGENTS! UNEMPLOYED 1 We handle only standard specialties, of which no other firm has a right to sell in Canada. Write us, larbox Bros., Toronto, Ont. pnrr â€" handsohe colored silk a»ND rnCC. KEKCHIEF, and a sample of tha W nder- tul Needle 1 requires no threading 'to all who aend us 10 cents silver for postage, ec;. We make this great offer to Introduce our goods into every home Address at OQce, WHITON MANF'O CO., 561 Queen St. W., Toronto, Ont. I TO LOAN 03 i-:iij. ;,owjJt Etates No delay. Oorresponaence Bolisited D. BVIXEB, Finanoial Agt Egtablighed 1860. 72 Kin); St: E., Toronto. MONEYS ATTENTION 1 AGENTS l-Ladies or genfemen, girls or boys. The best 25q selling article in the world. Something new ai.d needed in every household. Sells like hot cakes. Sample by mail, post paid, with full particulars, on receipt of 15 eta. Addrei8, C. W. DENNIS, 6 Yonge Street Arcade. Toronto, .Ont. Brilliant! Durable! Economical! Diamond Dyes excel all others in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None other are jus as good. Be- ware of imitations, because they are made of cheap and inferior materials, and give poor, weak, crocky colors. To be sure of success, use only the Diamond Dyes for coloring Dresses, Stock- ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers, Ribbons, c., c. We warrant them to color more goods, pack- age for package, than any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the Diamond zxi6. take no other. A Dress Dyed for A Coat Colored V IQ Garments Renewed. J ceJts. A Child can use them At Dniggists and Merchants. Dye Book free. WELLS. RICHARDSON CO.. MONTBKAL. P. Q. PURr iOIE â- .IIVORING Extracts DELAYS ARE OANGEROUSI Don't wait until too are bdmt out or robbed Boy a Sate now and sleep easr. and b« son and e.-t prioes, ete.. of the KewChampionSikfa. S. S. KIMBALL. 677 0ralg8t., P.O.Bjz 94S, MONTBGAL.P.q. BIAUTIFUL STORY,' AND GOLDEN GEMS of Religious Thought," by J. W. Buel and T. De WittTalmage D.D.; bi autihil Ulustrations; color- ed and plain handsomely bound targe quarto book pljun type and jujt such a book that takes the eye at a glance; terms to agents extra liberal. William Brioos, Publisher Toronto. MONEYi'OL-OAN â-  wl^^l^Ki I CREDIT FOIVrKK FRANCtt • CA'S 4DIEN. CAPITAL. $5 000 000 Hbad Office, Mo.v rbal. Offiss Oittabio DiYiaiOH, Wblii OToa St., Toaoirro. This Oempaoy ia pre- Dtrnrf to make advances on the security of Good Farm Propbrtt at loweat carreat rate of la- t^reat. and on favorable tarms. VOSTfiACES PVKCH ASED. For iBformation apply to the Local Agents of the Company, or to W. Ef LOVe, Maaaaer, Toronto, Oat. DELICIOUS AND NOURISHING ROYAL Dandelion COFFEE, Manufactured only by Ellis Keighley; Toronto. GUeiiPH BV^ilNESS COLLEGE, dnelpta Out.â€" The Fifth Scholastic Year began Sept 1st. The system of education pursued is at once m tellectual and eiDinently practical, meeting in a very marked degree the requirements of this progressive and commercial as^e. Few, if any, of rfae graduates, according to the showing of past results, need be long unemp'oyed. To mention their training school is. as a rule, a passport to eligible and lucrative situations. Address, H. MacCJRMICK, PrincipaL TUMORS, ULOBAS, oCtlOFULa etc., cured permanently w^thotit Ifthe knife. Apply to DR. W. I. SMITH, 121 Queen Sb. £.. Toront(% GANCtR. TOKOXTO CVTTINe gCH«OI»â€" (Gentlemen deiirous of acquiring a thorough knowledge of garment cutting should visit' us. Scientific and reliable systems taught whereby perfect fitting gar- ments are produced. Circular with full information on application. S.CORRIGAN, Prop., 122 Yonge St., Toronto. WESTERN MACHINERY ^^^^ IMMENSE STOCK of Machinery to select Iron. Send for Lis H. W. PETRI R, Brantford, Ont, CANADA PERMANENT LoanSaTmgsGoiiipany I.ICOBPORA.TED I8U. Head Oice Toronto St., Toronto Snbaerlbed Capital, Falii Vp Capital Total Assets .8 4.600,SM 2,6ao.«e« la,0OO,IHM Hair Goods. liadies' Bangs, Frontpieces, Waves, Wigs, etc GENTS' WIGS, TOUPEES, ETC. Send for circulars and pricrs.. You can get these goods a4 satisfactorily by mail as by personal selec- ton. If you are bald, protect vour head by one of Dorenwend's undetectable coveiiitgs A. DORENWEEfD, Paris Hair Works, 103 and 105 Yonge Street, Toronto, Can. MNINGMTLI 1 jS:':)-A-SPECIAUT The enlarged capital and resources of this Company, together with the increased facilities it has recenuy acquired for suppljing land owners with cheap money, enable the Direotois to meet with promptness and at the lowest current rate of interest all requirements for loans upon satisfactory real estate security. Application ma} be made to either of the Oompany's loca Appraisers, or to J. aSRSBtir MASON.Umag'g. Diract3r, Toronto Leather Belting BEST VALUE IN THE DOMINIOli. F.E.DIXON C0, MAKERS. 70 KING ST. E, TORONTO Send for Ptica Li: ts and Discounts. LADIES, LOOK: BERLIN WOOLS, all colors, 8c pl^r oz. SHETLAND AND ANDALUSIAN W0OL9, 8c per oz. Saxony Wool, all co'ors, 10c per skein; !ce Wool, best quality, lOo per ball Embroidery jUk, every shade, lOc dozen skeins Arrasene, all colors 30c dozen skeins Filoselle, best quality 48c and 85c dozen skeins Maorame Cord. 15 erloro, lOo ball Felt, extra quality, 2 yards wide, Sl.OO per yard Woolen Java Canva' all colors, 45e yard. Always on hand the newest materials for fanoy work, at lowest prices. Letter orders have prompt and careful attention. Goods can be ssnt to any part of Canada by post. Writ* far price list. A trial sohcit- ed. HENRY DAVIS, Importer, 232 Yonge Street, Toronto. Please mention thia paper. BRONCHITIS CURED. After spending Ten Winters South, was Cured by Scott's Emulsion. I4G Centre St. New York, June 25tb, 1888. j The Winter after the great fire In Chicago I contracted Bronchial aflrections, and since then have been Obliged to spend nearly every Winter South. Last Movember was advised to try Scott's fcmuislon of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphltes and to my surprise was relieved at once, and by continuing its use three months was entirely cured, gained flesh and strength and was able to stand even the Bliz- zard and attend to business every day. C. T. CHURCHILL. Sold tnj aa Dniggists, BOe. and $t.0O. Allan LliiB Royal Mail SteamsMpE Sailing during winter from Portland everyThursda; and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in sum mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londonderry to land mails and passengers foi Scotland 'nd Ireland also from Baltimore, via Hali' fax and dt. John's, N. F., to Liverpool fortnigbtb during summer months. The steamers of the Ola' fow Uiaes sail during winter to and from Halifax, 'ortland, Boston and Philadelphia and during suib mer lietween Ql.tsgow ai.d Montreal weekly OlasgOf and Boton weekly, and Olaegow and Philadelph'.- fottnlehtly. For freight, passage or other information' apply A. Schumacher Co., Baltimore S. Cunard k Go. Halifax Shea )i Co., St. John's, Nfld.; Wm. Ihomp son Cc, St. John, N. B.; Allen A Co., Chlcaaco Love ft Alden, New York H. Bourller, Toronto Allans, Rae b Co., Quebec Wm. Brookie, Philade- phis U. A Allen Portland Boston Montreal. Stained Glass FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. M'GAUSLAND SON, 76 King St. W„ Toronto. LIDICE* Dress and Mantle Cutting bj thl new and improviid lgHATHAM.ONT?l I5.000 NOW IN USE SEND FORCIRCULARPRICELIST TAILORS' SQUARE. _:? Ife areehildren "aho eheerfulty Join in the ehorua WhtK Breadmaker's Yeast is the subject before tt Mamma tried all the rest. So the knows if* the best, \lightett, 'Cause her bread is the â- whitest, her buns are tk» A nd me eat all the pancakes she dare iet before tu, BUY THE BREADMAKEB'S YEAST. PBICE5CEHTSL Wlialay Royce Co., 883 Yonge Street. Torento The Cheapest Placs la Canada tor BAND INSTRUMtNTS New and Second aacd Agents tot "BE8SON and"HIQHAIVI Band and Orchesti MUSIC. Repairing of Band eteoments a specialty. Send for Catalogae. Men SUFFBRINa tram tb* allMts ol Mdy evU haUts, the result ol ignoranee aad fdir, iHm And themselre weak. MrTOMaiid e aha n rt ed â- !« Mngu-^VMid Old Mn tdio aie bnAen down from the eneota ol abuse or orer week, and In advanoed Ufe ImI Oe oobaeqoenoes d yanUiliil ei oss s. eenft foraM md M. V. Laboa's T ie sMs e on «ie Vm w » » et Men. The book win be sent eeiaed to any addniH flo neefp* of two So* OHMBBIl ' Aqqiw^ M. y.LOBQir, WeDiHtoB 81 C. Toroal o.Oirt S. tisfaction gnuanteed to teach ladies the 11 art of cutting all garments worn bV dies' and chiidreu. PRA jHtT'I. 349| laeen St. W., Toronto. Agents Wanted Nervous Debility. OB, QBATS Spedflo has been used tor the aat flfteen years, with great snooess, In the treatment- o nervous debility, and all dlaea,ea arising from ex- oessea, over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing in the ears, palpitation, etc. For sale by all drogglstB, Price, $1 per box, or 6 bozee for $6, or will be se it by midl on leocipt o( price. Pamphlet on applioaUon. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO.. Toronto XOWHSTON'S FLUID Bff^ PERFECT FOOD ITS REGULAR USt WILL BUiLO UP A STRONG ROBUST CONSTITUTION ftND PROVE IT TO be: A PERFECT FOOD FOR CHILDREN, BeeaaseltsnppUesSill the NUTRITION needed to meet the pbysical demands of GROWING BOYS AND GIRLS. lit Produces Firm Muscle and Nerre Cura All DiMMM of the Stomach, SleoploMneoo, Female Gomplaints. DRUNKINBSS. Hop Bitters. tomaoh, Bowielf, HI Blood, LIvw, Kidney, Urinary Organs, NervoiMnoaa 1 ,00O Reward paid for a ease they will not cure. â- I H L..;i4a SaSiiiiiMi

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