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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Nov 1888, p. 5

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 •smr s SHES S, :bs, â-  COMBi Canadian ImmifpnMfm. j]ie totui arriyalB in Canada from noary 1 to October 31, 1888, were g507, as comijared with 126,260 Kfj^f the same period,last year. The secl^lers in Canada daring the ten Ljctlis were 78,212, or an increase of QQO, while the Bettlerfl in the Do- fliiiiou uumbered 8,658 as against ;jl5. A SmOay Salb. Clsvela^'d, Nov. 19. â€" ^The work of i,j.jmTiug the track of the Gleyeland 4 Ciiutou railroad from narrow to tiuua) J^„'auge was successfully .accom Irifbed yesterday. The road is 160 r}ile3 loai^. chels, BOOKS, PUBSEi y of [SKS, USHES RAZOEl Tbe Chicag^o Aaardaists. Chicagj, Nov. 18 â€" About 125 men jtlicred yesterday at Geiffe hall with e unJf.istandiDg tliat they were ere to organize a society "for the irpise of reviviuK the anarchistic icititiou among the free thmkins; [borirrt of Chiciigo." The society will ippoint a committee to hold agitating jeetmgs and wcr«j up organizations over the city. TEACHERWANTED. For tkhool seetion No. 6, Artemeaia, male or female, holding second or third class cer- tificate. D atlas to commence on the second day of Januarv, 1889. Apply sUting salary to JOHN HAZAKD. rieshertun Station, p. o. Trustee Sec, Treas. dated .ith Nov. '88. TgACHER WANTEPr For U. S. S. No. 2, H(dland and EaphraKia three miles from Markdale, a female teacher holding a third class certificate, for naif yeai or one year, duties to commence 2nd Jan., neit. Apply before Stix December, stating salary, to P. LYONS, 427-30 Harkaway, P.O. FOP_SALE. 100 acres in Artemesia on gravel road, one halt of whicli is within the corporation of Markdale. Apply on the premises. WM. STEVENS. Markdale, Nov. 12. 427-40* FARM FOR SALE. *o»* 2[o Asnezatioxu SjieakiuK at Sherhrooke, P.Q., a few tvb ngo, the Premier of the Dominion, iir Joliu A. Macdonald, said: â€" We tire British subjects, and we know the teitages we possess in being con- I with that great empire. As we )rn British subjects we expect ;odie British subjects. What should It L'am by a change If there is a onutrv oil the face of the earth that sliappy ami proHperoua it is the Do- }iijioii of Canada. We have a law ibidiug population, except now and sjaiu in the Northwest. We have a lendid ciimato, a rich soil, and an ler^etic people. In every branch of sdustiy our country is prosperous. fe have no reason to envy any other mntiy, and as a matter of self-inter- it it would not only be prejudicial nt ruinous for us to sever our con- lections with Great Britain and unite mrseives with the country to the Bnth of us, as great as it may be." Lots 109 and 110, in the 3rd Concession of the Township of Artemesia for sale. Terms to suit purchaser Apply to H. D. IRWIN, near Markiale. Aug. 31st, 1888 CAME eSTRAY. To the premises of the undersigned lot 9, con. 6, Eupharsia about the last of August, 2 ewes. The owner' may have them by prov- ing property, and paying expences. JAS. MOKWOOD, Kimberley, P. O, TO SCHOOL TRUSTEES, The undersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of Sctiool t^VTrnituT-e, Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESKS. TEAGHEKS' DESKS, etc., of tne latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teael^- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chats worth P. O. 181 ANDEEW McGnJEi. :. W. J. McFllRLAND 18 NOT BRAGGING when lie says that he is showing the Finest, Fullest Nobbiest and Cheapest stock of DBY GOODS, CLOTHING, ' MIliLINEBY, BOOTS SHOES, GBOCEBIES, HATS, CAPS, FUBS, CABPETS and CLOTHING NORTH OF TORONTO IT PAYS TOâ€" Answers to CorrMpondents. ri*i ERYET :.oo 1889 ESIDE ,\PEa IN CANADA 1989 00. Box 80, Oaiville.â€" Is a Democrat Con-.rvative or Eeformer in tbis Bunti}-. ans, â€" Mot necessarily either; may be ons or the other. C. T., Poet Eowan. â€" Can a note ade by a married woman be collcct- \by law from her husband without i .^liruHtnre. 2. Can the note be llcctcd from the woman, providing 'i;is property. Ans. â€" 1. No. 2. THFPtI ORFO^ristrnQs READY FIRST WEEK IN DECEMBER, A GF^eAT holiDaV PAPe^ New Tfpm, New Press, Fine Paper. Five Hand8»ne LitliogTaphed Plates, Flxet'Cleiss Ulustratlona, Oxiglnal Matter and Superior Workmanship. THE BEST MS P APER EVER ISSUED IN CANADA. THE UTERARY MATTER in the Chbutkas Quma will be entirelj origmal and will iaclnde stories from the ablest pens in Canada. The subjects treated being wholly Canadian. FIVE HANDSOME LITHOGRAPHED PLATES aocompany the paper, the princi- pal one being a scene from Vancouver Park, B.C., fitnn a painting by Mr. L.- B. O'Brien, the celebrated Canadian artist. MECHANICALLY the Xmas Gubb vvill le in every way first-class and no exj^ense wUl be spared in having it surpass anything of the kind ha«tofore published in this country. AS THE DEMAND will be very great, we would lulvise intending purchasers to leave their orders at their newsdealer's or send direct to this office, not later than the end of the present month, as the supply will necessarily be limited and we cannot undertake to print a second edition. The price has been placed at ONLY 25 CENTS PER COPY. It is intended to have the edition ready the first week in December In order to allow plenty of time for mAilig copies long distances so as to reach destination bef we Ciuistmas. ' THE GLOBE PRINTING CO., Toronta THE VTEEKXT GLOBE, tlie best family newspaper in Canada, and THE RURAL CANADIAN, th.e best^gricxaltiaral paper in Cem-ada. Botb. from now to end of 1889 only $1.25. E::',uiKF.H, Milton. â€" When aiiic adopt the prohibitory law did and i: fetiii 111 force Ans. â€" ^^Maine â- ^ffd the fiist prohibitory liquor law IS Hi. It was repealed iu 185G, i5i.-.?n;icted in 1858. and is now in ;ce. â€" Empire. AND THAT IS THE Msri Mm W â€" :f â€" OAVEJV SOTTlVr The best and most practical course of study. The best toacliiut; talent. The best pcjoiuunilation for students. The bust uiothod;; of iiistmctioa. The, Ij3sc T iSHlts from that iuatruction after students .•^j-adi'.;He. For a:iuiial aiuiouncjijiBnt gLviuf,' pirticulars regird;!;^; the eutirse of Ptnf'.y, terms c., address C. A. FLEMING, Pkixcipal. Owen Sound, Nov. 1st, 188S. Put his claims to the test when next in town by comparing quality, quantity prices and we know yon will give your verdict in favor of McFARLAND Do you want a comfortable Mantle or Jacket McFarland can please you with lovely new goods, low prices. MarkdalE FACTORY -X- rr IS WELL KNOWN THAT FACT Do you want a nice fashionable Dress McFarland can please you. Some lovely goods just opened out in all tlie new shades from 10 cents up to $15.00 the Dress pattern. Do you want a Nobby Suit Me- Farland's is the place to leave your order; new Scotch, English and Canvl adian Suitings. â-  be.t general ^^^^ interests. Ilcirmv-'rs Ir. Agrricn' its 3 the only lof 40,000 .in i^^2 Itural i'aper m Caoa^-^ week, and one ts a year. the you that it 1^^^ j^.. iportant locSl news u. feat bargain we oiiar. the balance of yea» 8D °BBSil?S. .ND FI lOTI^^' Ire hereby notified »^' 25^ GEOBGE IBSn^^, ER A Bear Story. y..ronto W'oiU, Tuesday, 20tli.- Ua Suudiiy night a captive bear be- iuhened by a West end butcher ake r.vvay and "clawed" a young ^n tliiit he encountered in the street, liy special cablegram we have the vwr.ii,' account of the aflair as pub- ucd iu London, Eng., yesterday F,\T,i The Times^ Lmidon. We i.ave just received intelligence '321 thor terrible bear catastrophe in ;r Culony -ci Canada. Tbe sad affair 'â- iun-.c: on Monday last in a small called Toronto, a few miles 3m Wianipe||iML the main hne of fi^l'bion Pad^.Eailway, and not tffioiij the nuttB ilation at Hudson's ^y. it appears tltftt a settler named b Simw, who WiiikPresident of the lage Fire, Water WbH Gas Club, was his way horp»"i|w»m one of its '^etiucf. and wiMsalm'jst at his own j« a iiuge grixidf '(ear sprang upon 'ta from the' a^ei|BiQg forest. The pow at the tim*^ was about 8 feet -fp and the thermometer 50 below l-i'o. and the unfortunate man bemg 1 snowsuoes and only armed with an 'iinary shotgun was unable to cope 'â- 'U the savage beast, and consequent- ;«as fearfully mangled. His cries, ^JWoTcr, brought to the spot some '^•urfitds who lived in wigwams near "" edge of tne bash, and these with i*^ assistance of the members of tbe "•t club, who bad also been attracted °? tlie cries, soon diapatched the '"'e. The bear was found to measure J^feet from snoot to tip of hifl tail. "s town since the commencement of l^s tinier has been ova-mn with l^^'ts ard it is not safe to venture out V H^i without a good rifle and a **etn. The unfortunate Mttler was ei to tbe hosvtti^ at New iwrk ffa^reet to^,.«iMl we tie 1^,*? Hdioingaawdlaa M' Mc COLLS LARDINE' is the be^t known, and most reliable MACHINE Oil in the Dominion Farm- er's, Thresher's and Mill Owner's, will find it decidedly to their advantage to insist nion getting the "Genuine Lardme" when they ask for it, owing to so much interior oil being sold un- der the same name by unscrupulous dealers. We are the sole manufactur- ers of the "Genuine Lardine" every barrel branded. McCOLL BRO'S, CO. Toronto. Markdale at Haskett Do you want a warm, strong, well- made Overcoat at a modera once Go to McFarland's Clothing Eoom and find hundreds to select from prices right. .; Do you want a fine or coarse pair of Boots, Kubbers or Overshoes Mc- Farland has the largest stock in town to select from. Fall and Winler n^oTTvT" co3^:e=*i-b'ts -AT THE- For sale in Bro's Hardware Store 885-412 35v/£Ortgrsie'e Sale Of Three Valuable farms in CLENELC HOLLAND- Under the power ol sale contained in ttireo certain mortgages which wiU be produced at ^e ii^TSt saleT^ere will be offered for s?Je by pS)Uc auction at Oie Markdale House, m toe VUlage of Markdale. at the hour of one o dock in the afternoon, â- * ^^ rrlday, SOtli flay of Hovember, 1888, by George Noble. Auctioned-. aUtooMtoree valuable farms and premises described as *°P«c^i One.-Lot8 74 and 75. in the M Cotc^ BionSouth West of Toronto and Sydenham B«»d, in ttie TowDShip of HoUand, in the Comity of Grw lobacres more or less. Clay loam 65 or TO S cleared; bearing orch^ l*,**'**^!^ h^uM. boarded and battened rframe baxn; frame stable 4i miles from Markdale. ___„ Pfljrc^lTwo.-Lot23in7th Ooncessjon, Town- sWroTaienelg. County of Grey. 100 acresmore ^1^ Sou eraveUy loim 00 acres dewed « 'f^d^'^^-I^SMf5inoe«do..Taw=-. g^iolSy CJwS^:1!?'bmldingB 7 mOes '^^'^^wiU besoldinp«oel. » above. Mclv Tin. mum CromOt MiMt^tmaif, TaadWBoiMhw '""' Do you want Gloves, Hosiery, Wool Shawls, Trimmings Under Clothings McFarland has them at bottom figures. Coal Oil was first used for hghting purposes in 1826. McFarland has received 60 barrels. No. 1, No. 1, No. 1, No. 1. Cheap Cheap Cheap 1)0 you want Grey Flannel. Blue Flannel, Fancy Flannel. Blankets, White or Scarlet Flannel McFarland has them at manufacturers prises. f â- HI 'r â€" i .iJl Having erected and fitted up m every detail a Sash, Door and Plain Fac- tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everything bemg new, I Am now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, Blinds, fflonldings, Hollow Battons, FRAMES, UTH, FENCE PICKETS. e.. And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to none in Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics in every department, would now reHpecttuUy solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fiU Orders Promptly. PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning done. Carefui Attention to Ordes from a Distance. 303 THOS. 1MC1VE.A.. TORONTO HOUSE, I MARKDALE. A full range latest styles ot fashionable Dress goods, in stripes, checks and combination, from 10 cents up. Black and colored cashmereg, great variety, from 25 cents to 75 ceuts best values in town. Coat and Mantle Cloihs, cheap, stylish and popular. In Tweeds, gents' furnishings^. Hats and caps, stock complete and varied and prices which must command at- traction. In Eeany-made Clothing we offer men's suits from $5;00 up which, for style and quahty, cannot be excelled. Everything in the Boot and Shoe line from the heavy stoga to the finest Ladies' kid In these goods our home manafactnre always take the lead. Having adopted the cash system we hops to convince customers tbat it pays to do business with us, where solyent man is not required to carry the "lame ducks." Need I advibe yon to get your Tea at McFarland's all sensible people do, or at least all those who enjoy a good, well-flavored, strong Tea do. McFarland sells more Tea than atiy two stores in the County, and why Beoanse he sells nothing bat a pure, tmadolterated article at a very low price. INFECTION AND CCMPARLSON SOLICITiiD WM. BI^OWN. When in Markdale call on the oldest, largest and chea^st titoreio tavm aAd tiiat is MeFarlM^'s... r- ^^ ' W. J. iMypMajfil, J HAMILTON, THE PEOPLE'S PHOfOGAPHEB, /*. .U\\ 1. S4 m .i.'!l Is turning out Photos all aiz€(§ equal to City work. Ooppam iira enlarg^g a apediUity. AJao fw^re frwsoins.dt^e ^ti^\ Ii^ttting j^osM tot ycmx -â- â- ' i 1 â- â€¢:-â- !- J â- â- v- 1 i " .J --•â- '•â- â€¢1!: â- .â- â-  ll • â- r'l i â- â€¢v.- â- s " -ct â- i •^/v:..;i -â- Â»!«â-  «.M 4Â¥^^^^^-" •Sir^ 'mm •-â- *?? x^k- €^

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