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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Nov 1888, p. 4

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 â- wifceaaawiMJIf .iPjnWii III ' »m ' w^^wTi' » â-  'i*^ â- ^^K'.-^'^Tnr^^- â-  -vt .^^y^ â- -' ?«:â-  ii tf i m ig, i"J -ffjat* ' "" y' I "♦'yi O. W. Batledge, Proprietor. :mabkdale, NOV. 22, ISSS. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" A 625,000 fire ocotured in a grain :: store in Brooklyn last iteek. â€" ^Listowel is inviting tenders for lighting the town by electric light. â€" Hamilton will give Lord and Lady Stanley a grand reception next week. â€"The Winnipeg market building -was burned on Wednesday of last week loss $80,000. â€" Miss Macdonald, sister of the Premier, died at Kingston on Sunday iast. She was 70 years of age. â€" The Dominion Government have raised the export duty on pine logs ::from $2 to $3 per thousand. â€" Senator Palmer, of Michigan, says that the manifest destiny of Can- ada and the United States is political, not Commercial Union. eYer have hop«d to do with Mr. Gleve- lahd's. There is this at any rate to be considered, and it'is so far well, that the likehhoods are there will be no farther talk of enforcing Betaliation against us. But here again no one can speak positively without more accurate knowledge than any cne out- side of the very small ofBicial circle in Washington can possibly possess. There is no saying what a Bepublican administration may think the exigen- cies of national dignity require. All that Canadians can do m tbe mean- time is to hope that things will torn out well for the maintenance of the most friendly relations between the two neighbours, that all causes of friction will be removed, and that "peace with honour" will unceasingly prevail. DISTBICT DOINGS. â-²H INTSBESTINO SUUKABT TZOU OUR XXCHAMOX8 iND OTHEBWISS, PABA- OBAPHED rOBflTANDABD BBADEBS. fori â€" It is a Singular fact that despite the abandonment of the policy ot as- sisted passages by the Dominion Gov- ernment, the volume of immigration to Canada has increased considerably. The arrivals for the ten months of the year were 146,607, an increase of 18,347 over those for the same period ^last year. â€" President Cleveland is still in the 'prime of life. He will leave the White House at least $75,000 richer than when he entered it. This, added to his other investments, ought to give him a comfortable fortune of upwards "of 1200,000. Mrs. Cleveland through the division of the Fblscm estate in Omaha, is heiress in her own right and is probably worth not less than $500,000. â€" A Yankee girl has secured a wealthy Englishman for a husband, and the press of the United States •cackles over the event like a pullet over her first egg. It is true tha! Mr. Chamberlain is a widower with a fam- ily of grown children but then he writes "Honorable" before his name. The people of the United States are nothing if not democratic. â€"The "Mail" still keeps pegging away at the French Canadians and ultra moatanism and draws a very .gloomy pictnreof tbe future of Canada when the Eoman Catholic element gets the upper hand, not only in Quebec, but in all the other Provinces. In Ontario, it seems that in a short time the French Canadians will have six or â- eight representarives in the Local Government, and that they will then insist upon one of their number being â-  in the ministry, and French being made an official language, with all which implies. It would be in every way to be deplored, should all this take place. But how the national in- crease ot a prolific people is to be pre- vented is not easily seen. That the French will eyer gain the upper hand in Canada is not likely, but if they do, the blame will be, not with them, but with the careless and indifferent Protestants. â€" The United States election strng- • gle resulted in a complete victory for the Republican party, which thus re- sumes the power which, until four years ago, it had held uninterruptedly for a quarter of a century. It is not likely that the change from Democratic 10 Republican administration will make any difference so far as Canada is concerned. Possibly, it may ren- der the prospects of freer trade rela- tions between the two conntiies less promising, as the R^ublican party is more deeply pledged to thft^mainten- aneeof a high prota^ve poficy. But ' etvett this cannot be Assected dogma^ •cally. It may corn oat that C'aoada ,^j «ilVbe able to make mwe^Mtiafiwstoty Wiarton cuilers have organized the. season. ' Orangeyille'.:! electric lights coiA 18 cents each pei night. Burglars have been prospecting in Dundalk, without "striking oil" how- ever. Toronto is to kave a new hotel, on Queen Street, near Yonge, to cost $100,000. The last local mail boat for the season left Owen Sound last week for points up the lakes. David Little, merchant tailor of Mitchell, dropped dead of heart dis- ease on Saturday last. Thompson's saw mill and lath factory at Teeswater was burned on Friday night. Loss $6,000 In- surance $1,000. A Seaforth barber named Hodgins, suspected of incendiarism, has been tracked by Government dectives and will be examined shortly. Hanover foundry has changed hands and a eash and door factory will be run in connection therewith. Disney Devhn Co., are the new proprietors. Judge Macpherson recently drove from Owen Sound to Meaford on bus- iness, and was so disgusted with the state of the roads that he returned yia Toronto. Mr. Hood, merchant of Creemore, and Mr. Heasley, his foreman, have been the recipients of a presentation and address each at the hands of ciiizens of that village. The Chesley Enterprise has been enlarged and is up with its neighbors generally. We congraulate its editor, Mr. A. W. Robb, on this sign of pro- sperity BO soon after rising out of the ashes. Ou.e John Aikey, after getting as drunk as the money he had would alloWj deliberately mixed five grains of Strychnine in whiskey, drank the compound and died last Thursday at Newmarket. At a threshing out at J. Dalgleish's, Bentinck, the other day a horse be- longing to Mr. Alex. McCormick got its tail Caught on the spindle, and i wound up, so tightly that there was ' danger of it being puUed out by the root. The owner of the thresher how- ever didn't sympathise with the horse and was more annoyed about a knuckle on the spindle being broken. â€" Grey Review. A bear owned by one J. Piatt, of Parkdale, got loose last Sunday night and nearly killed a man named John Shaw. Two policemen and several firemen arrived on the scene in time to saye Shaw. They fired eight ire- volver shots into bruin, and then had to spUt the infuriated animal's head open with an axe in order to end his persistent treachery. POWDER Absolutely P|ire. This powder never varies. A marvel for pnrtty, strength and wholesomenesB. Mora eopnomical than the ordinary kinaB, and cannot be sold in comp«tition with the mul- titude of low Bast, short weight alum ot phosphate powders sold only in catM. AoTAii BasiMO PoWSKB CO..106 Wall St.. N. y. Tlieyio;ulbFa! THE OLD MA/i GETS A MEW AND CHMIM AT WATCH BREADHEffS New JEWELERY Store. Did you see pa's new watch and chain "asked the bad boy as he came into the grocery store and held a fruit biscuit under the molasses :ap.' Yes said tbe groceryman, as he charged the boy's father with a quart of molasses your folks are getting michty tony. Your fath- er looks like a ditch inspector at a council meeting. Where did he get that watch and chain â€" was there a fire "No there wasnt any fire nuth- en betcher life pa dont hav til go ter fires looking for watches and chains. He got em at Breadners and it dont require a big fortune to get a watch and chain there you bett. My ma gave him $10. and sent him down to Breadners, and look at the consequences He's too respectable for nothing. When ma saw him come in she felt as if there was company in the house and she made me go and wash my neck and sent the girl out for more muttDn chops, yon'dahard- ly believe it as pa. That new watch, and oh that chain he got at Breadners. look so different. When bed time came you'da died to see ma leading him to the spare bedroom, and hoping he would sleep well, and put that beautiful watch and chain under the pilbw an, teliin him not to blow out the lamp. An pa said he was ffeared he was puttiu ma to too much trouble, an ma said oh, no, not iu the least we are only too glad to have yoij here. An when I snickered ma slapped me an told uie to be a good boy while the gentleman was in the house, betcher life we've uad a regular picnic up to our house since pa got hiswatch and chain. And the bad boy went out and hung up a sign in front of the store â€" HAIR BRUSHES FLESH BRUSHES TOOTH BBU^HEi POCKET COMBS FINE COMBS, COMBS Ladies' Hand Satchels POCKET BOOKS Imniense quantity of TOILET SOAP, .FINE PBRPUM] SPONGES, WHISKS, SHAVING BRUSHES] and RAZOBS MANLEY'S DRUG S^^^^ SEE WHAT YOU FOR o 9 o o 00 C O O Q o o o o o o o^^o gâ€" 2_gâ€" Sâ€" o_0 OOP •3 O O O O Folks wearing BRE ADNEKS °f watches and chamg kin git mol- ° " asses on biscuits for uuthing. ° ° olo O O O O O 0_p_ 0_0_0 OOP o o o o cTcPo^ THE BEST OFFER YET $2.00 • TO THE END OF 1889 FARlVi AND FIRESIDE THE ONLYIWEEKLY AGRICULTURAL PAPER IN CANS TO THE END OF 1^89 A^^ '^^S $t^ ALL FOR $2.00. .reneral ne th:je,wi=!:ek:]!-.y MAIL, i^^'^^'i"" in Canada and has now a circulation of nearly 90,0'JU- iiirni.irs luieresis. It is lude; in Politics, and the great Its price is advocate of $1.00 a the \ear. o o o o o o o â-  OOP u o NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that after thepabli- catioa of this notice in three snucesaiTe issaes of the Ontario Gazette and Mitr Maia stan- dard, WiUiam Hotehinson, of the townebip of Artraneoa, in the Conhty pi. Grey, Farmer (creditor of the said James Gibson) will ap^Iy to the SornMtate Court of the Ckanty of Oieiy for a grant to him of letters of administra- tion of the real and personal estate and effects of James Gibson, late of the Town- ship ot Euphrasia, in the Connty of Grey, deeealsed, who diedhon or aboat titejbvant^- first uiaj of Oetpber. Ad). U(^.,^Tug«,at the thne of hiA deafli, his fin4 PfaKie of iSp4e in the said towndup 'OfiBapiurada. Tile beti of kin loii^W^d^tvno WKAa% •â- * aoMwed ia fkym qt^^l^lnaiy t ' P. If cCtUiitiOUC^Bi .8oii^t9«|r«»iiiVo ^^kÂ¥f TO THE PUBLIC, Havinc; leased the wood department of McKenna's carriage block, I am now fully prepared to execute all kinds of work m my line with neatness and dispatch. All kinds carriages buili to order and the best material used, together with good workmanship. Bepairing promptly attended to. We give a cordial invitation to all who may require anything in oar line to call and see us. We wiant to get acquainted and trust our aoqaaint- aneeship may prove ttntittlly mo- fitable.^ /:;;',;:â- :;, "/f: -- GEO. HATHEBB, '?f ,»r«' ' *** the u\td mm^mis^ Weekly m Canada, and has reached a circulation oi *V;^ jn Caia*^ year of existence. Besides being the best Agricultural rap ^^^ it contams a couple of continued stories every weeK. complete story. Iti price is 75 cents a year. As to onr own paper, it is unnecessary to explain to you ^^^ y^- paper of the district. Bright, well written, lull of impo«a°^ ^°^ ^^ ^^^ esting to every one of you. See then what a great barga Send in your orders now, and get the oenefit of *5^ â- c.tEBSII' THE "WEEEXiT MAIL and FARM ANIJ ^^^ eiWkdiaii XauDlffxattoa. t-(^ arrivals in Canada J^ary 1 to October 31, 1888, rg^gOT, as compared with 12( IgfjQg the same period.last year, otal settlers in Canada during Mb oontbs were 78,212, or an incres ,000, while the settlers in ih aiou numbered 8,558 as ag A SnaAay Job. Ci«vw^*"» Nov. 19.â€" The woi Lgnging the track of the Cley nd Canton railroad from narr rdgauge was successfully .at 1 yesterday. The road lies long. IE Tbe CUcaffo Anarcbists. Chioago, Nov. 18 â€" About 12i ithere'd yesterday at Geiffs hai lie understanding that they jiiere to organize a society "fo purpose of reviving the aurc itation among the free thi iborers of Chiciigo." The societ Lppoint a committee to hold a?i eatings and wcr»j up organizi |11 over the city. Ko Anaexatiozi. Speaking at Sherbroobe, P.Q., ago.the Premier of the Dom John A. Macdonald, said re Brititih subjects, and we kua [vantages we possess iu being kected with that great empire, ere born British subjects we c die British subjects. What s gam by a chauge If then mntrv on the face of the earth bappy and profiperous it is th iiniou of Canada. We have biding population, except no\ in in the Northwest. We h ilendid climate, a rich soil, ai ergetic people. In every brar ndustry our country is proept have no reason to envy any try, and as a matter of self- it would not only -be preju ruinous for us to sever our tions with Great Britain and •selves with the country to nth of us, as great as it may b Aunrers to Correspondents. Box 80, Oaxville. â€" Is a Dem Conservative or Reformer iu lUntry. ans, â€" Mot necessarily e le may be ons or the other. C. T., Post Rowan. â€" Can a ade by a married woman be cc (by law) from her Lusbaad wi 8 signature. 2. Can the no llected from the woman, prcv has propertj. Ans. â€" 1. X( 18. Enquires, Milton. â€" When aine adopt the proliibittjry law it still iu fDice Ans. â€" ' â- ssed the first proliibitory liquo 1846. Iu was repealed iu Fas re-enacted in 1858. and is i] rce. â€" Empire. A Bear Story. ^oke irom STRAYED From tbe premises of James Lyons, lot 20, •m. 12, Holland, aboat the 4th Nov., « three-year-old zam. Information as to his wheraabouts will be thanafolly reoeivedi Any person harbozing him after ibis date without •dvartiauiK him will be proseoated. J ^^AMBS LYONS,. HaiihHnar. Nov. Hfh. ;888. 4S^.. ValuabWFfrm foraiHe NOTICE' AU persons are h^eby^^^Sti^ P69S on lots 93 and 94 °n G^ in 3rd range, ^e^* *^*or W9^lt for the purpose of f^^progeeBte 8«* other pnrpo*e. as 1 " f cording to law. ^q^z IBBIU^ aknete. Nov, 8, TEACHER^ ^^ Female, with second^^'S. 6. GUP* e.te.«perieBoea,f»8^i;.J|P»*^ 1838. Toronto WcrlJ, Tue.sday, 20tli On Sunday night a captive h( fattened by a AVest end b avvay aud "clawed" a n that he encouutsred in the By special cablej^am we ha illowmg account of the aftair a abed in Londou, Eng., yestercl From The Times, London. We have jusr received intell 'f another terrible hearcatastro • Colony of Canada. The sac iurred on Monday last in £ age called Toronto, a few Winnipeg^ the main e Union Eii^iM^ Eailway, a vfrom the laiiB HM^on at Hi y. it lapi^ars tiuat a settler »'bu Shaw, who wiiaPresideni •illage Fu-e, W«*er and Gas Ch ' his way hoQ* from one "'votings, and wInb Almost at 1 ^oor a huge gnzi^ Bear sprac •uia from the a^inqmog forest snow at the titm "^w abou and the khermometer 5i ^*o. and the unfortunate ma oa«iowshoes aud only armed â-  '^vlinary shotgun was unable *ith the savage beast, and cons 'y^^ae fearfully mangled. Hi l^ever, brought to the spc ^4»reed8 who lived m wigwa; edge of tlie bush, and th( 5* asMBtance of the member! ^xJTjb, who bad also been a J^flie cries, soon dispatcL ISS®- the bear was found to i |p5|Bt from snout to tip of 5l^|8Wn since the commence er has been over-rt Mtd it ia not safe to ven JI^PM mfhaat a good rifl The onfortunate set iiofipitalad Ne 4

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