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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Nov 1888, p. 1

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 ^^'1' '^i^WPSpv-MT T^' v4i^;!r.»Vi rea«e. »*» are less i itngssttiam^jmi R. s. TmOarlagmaA it. A sSliECT STOCK OF FAIX OOOOS KOW OPBNBD. •' HEW TO THK LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY. klXTH YEAll.-Iiro. 428. MABKDALE, THURSDAY, KOT. 22, 1888. C. W. BTJTLEDGE, Proprietoi. esthanatadisUncT^ ts should avoid. „|^' ifaons referred to abort-, le to it» propagationi 'j • foUowiag in the lin»K 3ticaltea«hing.and«ay«pa OPENED OUT 0. 0. F. No. 78. a« ayevenuigat8o'oliAL.'ti; block. Visitirg Vrett, •O.U W. No.UlB.eeU ws bl.)ck. every alternt UK at a'clock. A visit In, Khbonnj; lodges solicited. 0. L. No. 1045 meets in'tlu on or before full moon ew 3arson, Master; W. 3. Blake B. Precectory, No. 22 Room of Markdale L '»htj'l2t.;S°;2:^EW CUBEANTS, Jliott, Rt^istrar. ODGE. No. 128, meets evfl iskett's Hall, Markdale, son, W. O. Alfred Mofl* emon, Citron and range Peels, every ariety of spices. ijiscuitft and Confectionary, the ;e«t iuiu larc;est slock iu Markdale cliciose irom. 'Male Stacdar d every Thursday, by edge: Markda.e. Oat. er year in advance; tl-50 six months. and business cards one isc r, per year, 84 1 TB. 6 MO. 3 1 850 00 «27oOJ15( ...... 27 00 15 00 10 15 00 10 00 8 7 00 4 00 10 00 5 00 iisementaS cents per lin« fir ats per line each sabseqnei ireil measure. ices, or er line first insertion, 6 cen i insertion. c, advertised 3 weeks for I continued until all afw: it the option of thepublishe PRLN^TIKG. office has a splendid eqail weU as fine job type.^ Sp .orders by mail. AH orde^ tch. TEEIAN CHUBCH. y Sabbath at 10:3ft «. ol at 2:30 P- every Wednesday OTeniiig A. Wilson, Paitor; Superintendent. UST CHURCH. Sunday at 10:30 a^ "I" Mr. Graham, p«^„. :30.W. J. Ford. S«P«m THIS ^SATEEK. pedal Lines, esh Labrador Herring " Finnan Haddie, ' DIgby Chicken, EW DATES, i^:e\-w figs, ew prunes, new raisins, Local and Other Items. Notices in thene columns intended to benefit any individual or Society will he charged ten cents a line for the first insertion and five cents a Kne each subsequent insertion. NOTICE. â€" Corre.spnndenee, communica- tions,. Advertisements, e„ rnnst be in this office hy noon on Tuesday to insure publication that week. RO€KERY) (OUSSWABE) !!t variety, cheaper v.isc in the county. than any JOBBEBS IN CIGARS. the Pi'ovision line. We have ur and Feed oil kinds, pame price al tiio mill. Just received one ton "iV right's fresh oatmeal. nr Liquor store is weU stocked with notices inlo«»lM le choicest brands. Bottled Ale $1.25 (luzeu. Give us a call and you will 3 away convinced. EiH. H, Benson. W, J, Bensen, GREAT MoBTOAGE Bale of farm property. See ady. Masteb Anqvs McDtjff is home on a visit. Christmas four weeks from next Tuesday. The I'roof of the padding is in the digestion. Mrs. Hooke, of Toronto, is visiting friends here. Miss Kate McDuffie is home from Hatoilton on a visit. Miss Stephen, of Stayner, is the gnest of her brother, R, L. Mr. Whitby is on the war path tax collecting in Markdale. Cattle, sheep and pigs are heing shipped in large quantities. The Roller Eink will be opened for skating on Saturday night next. The annual school meeting comes on the last Wednesday iu December. What two letters of the alphabet in- dicate very cold weather t C (icy.) Mr. Thomas. Tatlor, of Sarnia, is the guest of his uncle, Mr. Thos. Mathews. EiNTJ open Saturday night. Every- thing in shape. Bud Mathews, manager. Look up R. L. Stephen's new adver- tisement He wants to tell you some- thing. Fresh bulk oysters received twice a week at Fred Sarjeant's butcher shop, Markdale. What is the difference hotweea the North and South Pole All the di£Fereuce in.thfi world. Rev; Oavid Yeomams preached in the PteBhyterian church last Simday, morn- ing and evening. Mb. and Mrs. Andrew Hnj., of Orangeville, yisited friends here on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. (Capt.) Thompson, of Toronto, spent Thanksgiving Day with her sister. EDUCTIO iM! -FOE THE DIST CHURCH. Sunday at 10:30 a. i».«^; y School at 2:30. ^y^' ^ursdayevemngfeo-^^" in Pastor; G. »: .f ^. dent. Ladies' Aid lU w" Hill. Secretarr. 'visitors always wdcMj. Ik sittings will apply » Steward. so-eb*' be opened fcoâ„¢ ryworkJsg^* ,utb. 9:S0P»'^-'^^"" ONTH ia*»a»* :.«l4 lyandSatarf^ U:90Bo6^|^ iSI:*- SEPTEMBER OF Watches, Cloclss, JTevrellery, {Spectacles, ^ilverwarfe* 2S iFex Cerxt order to clear out some of our "nmense stock to make room for our large fall stock. Do not miss this 'iiance, but come at once, it will pay yon to 'buy fiom us, and always take your watch, clock and jeweUeiy l»- pairs to RUSSELL^ HwiDlj amayl ^pii Flesberl^ Mrs. (Dr.) McBcide We are never satis^ed ' that a lady understands a kiss unless we have had it from her own lips. Old-maids like one kind of fruit â€" namely, pairs but they certainly do not appear to hke dates. The noon train, going north, is some fifteen minutes later owing to a recent change in che time table. Mrs. a. Robinson with her daughter, of Cookstown, is visiting her broilier here, Mr. Joseph Sproule. £vKBT attention promised at the roller rink by Rod Mathews, manager. It will open on Satnrdav evening. â-  We will send the Standabd and To- ronto Daily World to any address from now to end of 1889, both for |3. If indnstry uid perseverance will in- snze success, George Mathers, our new caadage maker, will "get thar." Bbv. Hb. HosKiNa is hol£ng special services in New England appointment, and' is having gratifying success. Thos. Cook, tax collector in Olendg, â- will be at the Revere Hotel on the 7th Dec., one day only, to receive taxes. W TT.T.. L. Smith's troupe of Bell Ringers c., will giTe a grand entertainment in ihe^ller rink this Thursday eroninc. Thb thanks of the Toong People's Society of tiie Methodist ehnzch is dne, and hereby tendered, to Mr. RMeNally, lot tiie use of his piano foe ibe recent flBtortainment. ' y -S w â- â- '-^'-^^•â-  LBAF-nAB is neicly goBe siiia w» un- deatendftattiM "Mndsef MMdBtele" sre'OtRanismg for a despea^, eHbrt for Otftlast mflotii of tbe^^BBW. WelMipe tiMy wfll^jKK v» ymn^Sfi^ f*^f*j Thebe's a man in Markdale who has married over a dozen vrives, and marries two more this week; he's a preacher too. The Markdale Methodists are a thank- less people, if we may judge from the attendance at seirvice on Thanksgiving Day. The clam has a larger mouth, in pro- portion to its size, than a human being, yet a clam aegtex talks about its neigh- bours, .-.-â- â- hif^'fi.-: ' "^y-' Yon should never give advice. If the person to whom yon offer it is wise, be doesn't need it if he isn't, he won't take it. r: v.:, Ye editor was recently presented with three hags of apples from esteemed well- wishers "allow me to move a vote of thanks." Wht is the meat in a sandwich like the middle class in society Because it lies between the upper crust and the under- bred. There are now a number of agricul- tural papers published in Canada, but in our humble opinion, the Farmer's Advocate still leads. Thousands and thousands of dollars to lend on easy terms, and lowest rates of interert, on real estate. Apply to John Whitby, Markdale. Thanksgiving Day is past, and with it numerous turkeys are "gone but not for- gotten." An over-supply of rich diet is liable to leaye a sting behind. W. H. Milner, who has been employed/ in Mr. Mathews' harness shop for some months, has accepted a "sit." ia Thorn- hill, and left for that place last week. Thos. McNea has his new shop fitted up in complete style with plate glass front. This is a good stand for business, directly opposite Haskett's hardware. At Creemore they do not postpone until "the eve of his departure" to give presentations and addresses to deserv- ing citizens, but are "doing" them right along. Saturday and Sunday were decided reminders that winter is at hand there was a few inches of snow, all of which have passed away, and mild weather is again the order. Mr. Thos. Edwards has, we under- stand, been awarded the contract for carrying the mail from Markdale yia Lauriston to Traverston for the coming 4 years commencing 1st January. $2,049.15 is the total amount raised for all purposes on the Markdale cirouit of the Methodist church for the year ending 31st May, 1888, as shown by the financial btatement recently printed. It will now be in order for our counoil to pass a by-law prohibiting coasting on the sidewalks also making it compul- sorv for citizens to remove the snow off the sidewalk opposite their premises. John H. Dundas having returned home from the Conservatory of Music, and Art School, of Toronto, is now pre- pared to give instructions in music, painting, crayon and pencil drawing; pupils solicited. "Chabust, what is it that makes yon so sweet " said a loving mother one day to her little boy, as she prcMod him to her bosom. "I dess when Ood made me out of dust He put a- little thugar in," said Charley. THEThombury Standard published, last week, a list of candidates for mat- amooty in Thonibnry, giying names of their cespective intended with other in- terwrfiag particniars, and the publisher is now threatened with other libel snits. CHsaoB IN Businbss.â€" Mr. Joseph McCuUoogh, late of Mealord, has par- diased the pmrp tmsinees from J. T. Qninn, of Markdale, and is now in pos* aearaon. Mr. Mc. is, we nndersiaad, • thonm^ llbustioal pomp maker, haTing hadconaidBEsUe ezpedenpe andisnow pcei»rad to meet the wants oC^e omn- miB^y in his Hne. He pomfe five y«â- n^ ^dikli w an that |ie;iiad«tRteada tarn for HUB AptoipBKiva iiim Mb. Pullsbubt, of MinneapoUs, who owns the larpest flour mills in the world, has just issued a confidential circular in which he giyes his reasons for beUeying that the price of wheat will reach a much higher level before next harvest than it is at present. 26 names haye already been handed in for the evening classes in connection with the Mechanics' Institute. Every additional member is a direct pecuniary advantage to the Institute, besides the benefit to. the indiyidual, so that it should have a hearty and Uberal support. A copy of "Night And Day" for Nov., is before us. This is a twenty page pamphlet issued monthly in Dr. Bam* ardo's Homes for Destitue Children. This is indeed a charitable institution which deserves the patronage of all and is entirely dependent on the contribu- tions of the beneyolent public. Evening classes are to open about the 1st December in connection with Mark- dale Mechanic«i' Institute. Every young man in the district should join. ' The course will be equal to that of a Busi- ness College, and the teiicher fully com- petent. The tuition fee is only $1 a quarter for non-members 50 cents for raembers of the Institute. Hand your name to the secretary, Thos. L. Moffat. Church Opening. â€" The new brick church on the 6th line, Glenelg, "Zion," will be formally opened on Sunday, the 2nd December. Sermons will be preached at 10:30 a. m., 2:30 p. m. and 6:80 Collections after each service. A grand soiree will be held the following evening when stirring addresses will be deUvered and good music proyided. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Admission to soiree 25 cents. A gentleman sat a long time very at- tentively musing upon a cane-bottom chair. At length he sard, "I wonder what feUow took the trouble to find all them 'ere holes, and put straws around •em?" ' The difference between a eamcJ and. ft some men is gret â€" ^the camel eanworil seyeral days without, dymkiag while some men caji drink a whole weekwith- out working. Pbomenade Concbbt.â€" The weather wasi tolerably favorable for the above entertain- ment on Thursday evening last, considering the season of the year, and there was a fair house. The roller rink having been recently fitted up for a pubho hall, was occupied as such for the first time, and is in eveiy way well adapted for the purpose. The ceiling is high, the room spacious, having seating capacity for over six himdred, and the stage large and well elevated. Mr. Marsh, the owner, deserves the thanks of the town, for fitting up such an excellent public hall. The programme was a trifle behind time starting, but was well maintained throughout. The brass band appeared to good advantage in their handsome uniforms, and contributed much towards entertaining the audience. ^Irs. (Gapt.) Thompspn. of Toronto, was well received and her singing much appreciated, especially by all competent judges of music. Her selections received a hearty enchore, and the wish expressed that Markdale might scon be favored with another opportunity of listening to her. A recess of half an hour between the 1st and 2nd parts was given for a general promenade, in accordance with the announcement for a promenade concert, dur^ ing which interval the brass band discoursed Appropriate march music, but, whether the company, being unaccustomed to the new modus operandi, were bashful in joining in the piconenade, or whether the new chairs were chuged with loadotone, we are unable to determine, but one. thing is certain, the (! great majority remained as fast to their seats Afteb the first of November hotel- as the pie-crust on "Miss Fogarty's Christ- keepers whose buildings exceed two /mas Cake." Dr. McBride presided with his stories in height are required to erect '"i^'â„¢od modesty and precision an iron stairway or ladder attached to his the wall of the building and comraunie- ations with every floor above the first one. They have also to provide in eaoh sleeping apartment a J inch rop© which will reach the ground, and a nottoe must be posted in eaoh room calling attention to the fire escape. Nelect of the pje. vious entails a fine from $20 to $1QQ, New Style of Post Cars.â€" The Post Office Department will soon issue a new style of postal card. It ia much like the double card of the present pattern. The back folds are split diagonally and open like a pointed star. The four corners are folded and joined in the centre, when the card is ready for mail* ing, with a piece of gummed paper. The card weighs less than half an ounoe. and wiUfontainpomore writing than the present card, the only advantage being greater privacy. Fob the last three montlis the average weekly -circulation of the SxANnABn was 809. If we average each f anuly at five persons, that wofdd make, in round numbers, 4,000. Now if yon have any* thing to adyertisei, we can toll four thousand people about it every week at a very small cost to you. If yon wish to sell a horse, or a cow, or cutter, or any other article, oic ev^i a farm we will in. sert your wnt for the smaU sum of twenty.ftye cents a week, or if yon want to purchase any article you can do it for same price. If yon want to advertiae for a teacher we will give same terms. This offer is good to end of 1888. The Home Knowledge Atlai tA the World is a Tolnme of abent 400 paffes (mze, lli X 18^), printed on good paper, and well bound plpth. It eoQtains just ibe geographical ^ormatian fbat the gseat majHcity of people wsnt. II is as 0y«y-day ready refeieiMt heol(, xelatinit^ the great wivld in which wf Ixvs, ttgtves every port-office, town Mpt b^oslet, ydlaiRi^ eovety, town «nd c^iatiie Domituon and the Unitod Stotoai fn^^aok f^^ ^^ "'O' ooaqiM* «d oon^aet eqpiipenffinm of kiioiried0a «atatifeiteaicles «li» and precision. The Young People have reason for congratulating themselves on the success of this the first promenade concert in Markdale. 'Success Deserved" IS ALMOST (( Success Assured." 5 TBARS Uy BUSINESS HSBJB. OGTOBEB SSnd. purpose becoming ti "ffxlure" for 5 more, all being well. It is better to bold warrants with* my name on, guaranteeing Glox and Watohe8,a8 I am determined on stoy- ing right here, and keeping them good. My stock is complete. Call and see. 81 assorted Olox to choose firom. 41 Gold, Silyer Nickel Watohes. Fbe lines in Gem Wedding Bings also ova: $800 wholesale in assort^ Silver- ware for Prebentatbn pnrpeses. I particularly ssk comparison of Stock, "Prices" and Terms before you buy. 1 1 YEMS IT TIE Wai^ (KOlS ^AlTD WOBK WABBANTOI3^;^, «i I I i-^ :iii*%' h~.i.^ rtitfS .s^Jk-bw" m ol ^rim.i0^' 'M:i ^m ^^â-  3^?i4-, --'r^.-"}- W. 'â-  •â- *-- i 1 I 'I '1- ' il •41 V.

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