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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Nov 1888, p. 8

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 '!*. F'^- rw^-- -â- ".!! ••C'ife'fi- ^^WPfi!"Pil» â- H â-  " â€" I *Tfc ' ' BwJwqaft WjM â- M T Wy» »BJ» tt- (^'-M»*...I; ' .g^^ ^-^ ,.«1^M«^^j^g,^ X .;:â-  I '.;* \i .â- â- *-: ^. J. F. HAUTEB, M. D. PKniCUH, SCBOBON, ftc^â€" H o 1 1 a. n d O e n t z* e* Will bast Berkelqjr every Tneaday and Briday afternoon froai one to fonr o'olodc. 390-ly. Iir« Spx-oule^ PHYUCXAN AMD 8XJBOEON.â€" ivi: R, k: i 1^ £. Officeâ€" ICanley's Drag Store. Xk A. McBRIDE, M. D., L. R. C. P. S. EDINBURGH, 0/ffice at Stephen's Drug Store, Late of the London Hospital, England. I*. ^IcCullouLgli, BARRISTEE, SOLIOITOR, c OFFICEâ€" OVEH McFMRLAMDS STORE, MABKDALiE. ]\!loney to ILoa,n. 9IASSON nASSON, BABRISTEBS, SOLICITORS, «feo. Offices â€" Owen Sound, in Viewer's Block, Poulett St. Bianch office in Markdale, over McFarland's Store, on Friday and Saturday every week. J. Mmsok, Q. C. S- Masson. W. Masson. N. B.â€" Private and Company's funds to invest at from 6 to 8 per cent. MAKKDALE CARfilAGE -:- WORKS. B. MeNalty, praoUeal aanahatniw Wag- gons, Demoorata, Boggiea, 81ai|^. Catters and eveiything in the line. 'fh» beat ma- terial used aod first-ehuw warirmamihip. Satiafaetion gnacaateed. R«|Niiriii(« Pihrflis and Trimiiic promptly attended to. A aall reapeetfoUy aolieited. â- ^ Stand opposite the Markdab Honaa. R. irNALLY. mimmm BBOWS. DIVISION COURT CLERK. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, c. GommisBioner} in £. R. a. Conveyancing in alLits branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se- curity. WILLIAM STUART, KIMBERLEY, Issue." of Marriage Licenses. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rates. A few ifarms for sale. Terms easy. W. M. BUSH, The Horse's Friend Is fully prepared to attend the wants ot all who favor him with their eostom, in Mo- Nally's establishment, opposito the Markdale House, Matkdale. Parties having horses with contracted or otherwise bad feet will do well to give me a trial. This alaaa of work a specialty. SIGHT V. BLINDNESS. ^ifMM J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, GBADUATE OP TOBONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the Ist and third Wednesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel, Flesher- ton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the practice of his profession. Commencing on the 7th September. ]V, MOMY TO^ LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission charged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S, BLACK, .190 Pomona, P.O. CELEBRITED Englisb Spectacles 79 BAY STREET. TOROMTO CMMADM. ^AND- 18 JEWIN STREET. LONDON E. C. ENGLAND R- J^- Stephen's, CHEMIST* DRUGGIST. Mackdaie S^^i^.^S?'**'y 'o' ^^ sale «f **e above in MAKKDALE. No Spectacles in the Market equal ^eminthe ETE FBESEBVIMG QITALI^BS S}?i^'i?f ^^' o^**e GBEAT BA8B and COM FOBT they confer on the wearer. Their use will in actuality so strengthen the Eyes tiiat it does not become neeassary to change FARM FOR SALE. LOT No, 24, con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises^or by letter to J. 8. BLACK. irfO-tf. Pomona P. O MARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE, » ONT. J. £ Marsh, Pro ft. EXCELSIOR WARE ROOMS! A 43 â- ^ td0|O|il o t^ IZiO o o o tt 5 w CQ 03 o o oW (D (D ®H ooo;^ CQ O O O O O O e â- Â«â-  W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER. CONTRACTOR. ARCHI- TECT, Markdale. R.J. SPROULE, FLESHERTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills drawn up andValuations madeon shortest notice. Charges very low. Apply to " K. J. ffl-KOULE. Money Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. THE TAILOR, is prepared to make your clothes neat and trim. The latest Fashion Plates always on band to choose from. • Bemember, over McFarland's Store, Markdide. 6 FEB CENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Prupet ty at lowest rates of interest. Applyto B. J. SPROOJX. Conveyancer Postmaster. Fleakerton. lV[0]VEi r to LOAIV. Private and Company's fnnda to Invest in Beat Estate at current rates of intaareet. I have now on baocl a fall and varied stock of all kinds tmA grades of FuBNiTUBB, boaght for eash from the moat reliable firms in Canada, and I parpoae doing btuiness on a strictly cash basis whieh irill pat me m a position to sell at a Bmall advance on cost and thereby give mf onstom- ers the benefit. I shall Mteem it a favor tohaveyoa call «nd look throagh BtV ESTABLISHBIEltT/ whether you require an^thiaf in my line or not, and I feel eonfldMit that yon will be delighted with and snrpris- ed at the quality and cheapness of my goods. â€" Upholsfcttred goods a specialty. UndertakinQ Iâ€" I GQ 43 o ^••J# o S S ft D O .g o o 43 CQ s o u o O H €0 o AU business private anAoonfldeatial. Apprais- er for Canada Peaemanant Loaa and Savings Company, Toronto. 10SM JOHN WHITBT, Martdala USTERER AND STONE MASON MABKDATiE. Is prepaied to take oontraets in town or eonnti7. Oaleimiaing a spceklty. -- and Whitewashing nioBi i^aagenUe^The s«s|||l XhandeT fat yfe«^eiteBt*fMwii(yiyNfQp^^ • ItairMine 'ftifliil ' In this department I bays a oom plete stock of all kind* oi foneral fomishiogs and all aden vill have my prompt and earefol attention. A first class hearse in eonneetioo. Musical Instmments I also handle the c«UIwat«4 BeU Organs and the lamoaa Wancer Sewing HaofaiBM whieh maj be seen on Exhibition at my wafeieoms, prices and grades totoit iUlpoiohasers. Pictttre Frainlng. I shall keep m atoek Aft assorted line of frames, and yow esteemed orders will be attended to with neat- n«M and despatch «t rati t^^ltoQi pnqea. W^rn^j tbaolDi lev tfao pnaeoi pailiii^ j^ t l^tv n^ l)$ JTaiitfriies and BMcit«aMMfeo(| 10 P4 la OQ o 5 to'j^oi^'iBiiqyqaeirtione leferrinft \iJfB writer hat lipaf^t it expedient to Andiii sidanBatkm ai^ » boBeitin that will «a««wr'the«r;4ilntiooB, -sad aba those of otharanqnnentvwhd are equally 'dmire to get ami« Hgbtopon this iavisible foe laru auTOOY or van aoax plmt (fueeinia graminig,) BMlii^prodootof amiantto plant bis- longiog to V T«i7 eztenaiira Rronif, called the .fangi* Vmoj ot ^lese an microeeopie and live open etbor plants, feedinx npon the Jniem ci the latter to saoh an extent as to aUtoet their vitidity. In tins oomprehensive gronp we find plants prodocirg rust, smut, mildew, ergot, blight, potato rot and count* leM other' diseaMB. that affest tiie hiaher forme at plant life. In the ease of fiie so- callod mat we find that a apore, which servea the purpose of a seed in higher plants, re- aches the leaves or stalks of the plant at tacked. If eonditions are favorable it germinates and soon finds its way into tbes plant affected, and gives rise to a mass Of threadlike stiuotuies (mjrceKttm) which per^ meato the heet plant and feed upon ite- juices, hot long after this vegetative con* dition has been attained, spores are prodobej in myriads on the threads of which itis com- posed. So nimerous do tfaey become, that they burst in thin covering of the leaf or stalk and show a rust colored rupture. If the powder-like substance thus exposed be ex- amined nnder a microscope, say 200 diam- eters, it will reveal that what appears to be dust is really a mass of tegolary formed seed-like bodies, consistinf^ el one cell, oval in shape and reddish in color. Now these spores (undo), finding their way to wheat plants, soon germinate, and again myriadg of spores are produced, so that in a yery short time, if conditions are favorable â€" damp, close, sultry weatherâ€" a whole field will be affected. The rapidity of growth in these lower foi-ms of plant life is almost in- credible, but the facts are too flagrant to doubt it. The mst plant does not stop here. A little later in the season, on the same threadlike structure [myeehum), another form of spore is produced but these are unsually more common on the- lower part of the stalk, and ai'e destined to carry the trouble into another season. The former are frequently spoken of as 'summer spores,' the latter is "winter spores." These last formed spores {teletUo) are two-celled, pear- shaped and black. Affected plants are then said to be attacked with "miidew" and suffer severely from the effects of this par- asite, just at a time when the plant has re- ached a stage to mature a seed. These black spores proceed no further that season and will not again give rise to mildew or wheat or another plant has served as nurse for a while. In spring the dark spores germinate and give rise to another form of simple spores (iporidia) formed at tiie ends of threads growing from each cell of the black spores. These (sporulta) as yet have not been discovered to germinate upon wheat; but when they reach the leaves of the Bar- berry shmb they germinate, enter the leaf and soon give rise on thennderside to masses of cup-like structures, in whieh are produced innumerable round golden colored spores (osctdttim), which will produce a v^etable growth only when they germinate on the wheat or some other closely allied plant. Then they give rise to the condition referred to as "rust" Snob is the life history of this cosunon foe, and to the reader must appear • very complicated one indeed there being no less than four kinds of spores producedâ€" vrado. teleuto, sportdta and aidium. These lor convenience^ wa might name summer, winter and spring spcres spring referring Two grow on the wheat »»â-  extend ^f""** Mdcaweof r»tthrr"*».4», have been reaobti " l-Sewonsare'the^ sadden ehaogw ottemZl*** i companied with clowJ?***** aMetoitsina-ease. •**«i»«»| attack. ^•«tt«i| S. An exoesiye use of mta^g«n,ewnuragethe4i"*^ 4. Late sown fr^ j, aitack. ai a aioit Thinly sown creps fc^ injury. *•" 6 varieties, 7. Bust Qottli J« -«.... ,„^ ice. B«;ben7heagesthauatadi,ur To lessen the attacks of thU. parasite iartnetsshonia avoid. \. «ble. the conditions re{e„J;"_^«« «ems favorable to it, p^^' doing, they are followiaginl^' ticalandtheoret.calt2i;**t*' favorable results. ""'"""'Ja Markdale a 0. 0. V. No. 78 a«.. ilKTH YEAII.-XO. 1ST OPENED 01] E welcome. Markdale block. Visitirj tbeirHalLIla^^LSt"^^ Monday eveniajrat o'clock. A visit brethren of PeiKhboring lodges solicit Hall «i Jriday on or before fall mm month, J. H. Carson, Master; IF J Secretary. .Victoria E. B. Precenton, Ko Meets in Lodge Room-iof Markdale l' No. 1045, first Friday in each month mg Sir Knights ahvavs velcome. Jas W. P.; Thos. Elliott, Registrar. I-O. G-.T. JUBILEE LODGE. No. 128, meets « Tuesday m Haskett's HaU, Slarkdals,! 7:30. W. Jackson, W. C. Alfred Sec. n ti Tbe MarMale M Is issued every Thnrsday, by C. W. RUTLEDGE. Markda-e. Oul, Tebms â€" $1 per year in advance; |U not paid within six months. Professional and business cards oneii space and nnder, per year, $4. 1 TB. 6 HO. Whole column (50 00 t27 50 91i| Half column 27 00 la 00 111 Quarter column .. .. 15 00 10 00 l| Two inch space 7 00 4 00 Three inch space .... 10 00 5 00 Casual advertisements 8 cents perli insertion, 3 cents per line each suh insertion, nonpareil measure. Editorial notices, or notices in 1 umn 10 cents per line first insertios,«ci each subsequent insertion. Stray animals Ac, advertised 3 wo No paper discontinued until lU i are paid except at the option of thepnbii! THIS ^V7EEK. pedal Line 8h Labrador Herri Finnan Haddu DIgby Chicker W DATES, NE'W FIG WPBUNES, NE^W RAISIIS W CTJEBANTS imon, Citron a: ange Peels, eve iety of spices. iscuitft and Confectioi^ary, it aud largest stock iu Mark lOose Irom. sreat variety, cheaper than iu the county. JOB PRDfTEfG. )BBEES IN CIGAK; le Provision iiiie. We and Feed oil kiixls, Fame j It tlie mill. Just received odo Wright's fresh oatmeal. Liquor store is well stocked |ehoicest brauds. Bottled Ale Jzen. Give us a call aud you iway convinced. 1. 1. MIS Co. KQ r7o8 8 o Id (D ® a. o IL I id ol to the last two, Jriut (wedo and tdeuto), one in spring on «taMde or fragments ot straw (iportdui). and «n the leaves o£ the Barbeny eeuftiim J Xm BABBBBBT AS A HOST, v TI» question aatually arises here. Is the BM*«ny shrab to be blamed for all the rust? In order to defend this shmb against raoh a «)»rge sevaral views have been set forward, wkidi ate as tdQam 1- Uredo qorae may be carried over the wiatar vfoa. plaata that do not parish like whMt at tWeioM of the season, t^^ eoneh 8nH.«t8. a. BptfrtdU may germinate on wheat mth- 00* As interwitioii of another plant. ». ^BgforUi» taaj develop on other plants thttitheBariisny. ^Bo* as yet theee are merely gnesses at the inrth. That saeh » eonmum eneeoy has so long eluded the iaveatigatiimof seJaatist may I xcauritaUe bat iritoa itisreambned »ny eoaditkna an xeqnired to be eb- '"» N«»9N»g radkamisnto foe. the •miWtaeie not so giwt. However. it dees â- war ttrt a â- n fldeait ea» bu been made r^p1f'f*'^^i^ teflierwe ef «his drntb M jrkiaft^ Bleat in dit» n^y^i^^ ^t The Standabd office iias a 8[ ment of poster as well as fine job type. oial attention to orders by mail, filled with dispatch. piendideq*' Ben SOU. W. J. Ben iHon GREAT PBESBYTERIM CHUECHv Services every Sabbath at W^ *• Sabbath School at 2:30 p. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday «oflg 6 o'clock. Bev. k. WUson, ^a^- ' McFirland, S. S. Superintendent. CHEIST CHUBCH. Services every Sunday at 10:30 «- n- 7 p m. Bev. Mr. Graham Sabbath Scbool2:30. W. J, tendent. METHODIST CHUBCE Services every Sunday «* ig^'SJ 7 p. m. Sunday School at iKW- Meeting every Thursday evennig w Bev. Geo-Buggiu I"«'{2,W iid » EDUCTIO M -FOE THE Pord, ONTH 8. a Superintendent, neetion Mrs. T. Hill. ^^'^^^ Strangers and visitors «l«f "T^ PartiM desirin« sittmgs »iil apiHJ W- BuUed«e, Pew Steward. MABKDALE. TheP.awinbeopenedft^So' ». every warkn«i»y- septembe: â€" OFâ€" ^atclies, ^^; ' V Cloclis, Je-wellery, Hpectacles, Silveirvrarfe* SS er Cerx' jbe iipiM «!' iiMU^^i||biil4 \i jmjVvu â-  1, ' n m. to7p, m. â€" _^. â€" .-^w^. -^ -w- -^ TBAYEBSTONl^Ur^" Toeeaey-Thursdayw^"' haekaway. ;^V Pnday. 12:80 now- Wednesday •ndS«*«*y"' i^ok to make room f stock. Do not mil â€" ^^. imt oome at once, it wi !?*%iniy ftom us, and alway *ifeBfa, ckKsk and jewelU pairs to .sit. "'!gi!!Sr^^M* SELI

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