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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Nov 1888, p. 6

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 STATISTICS. T±£B MOKTALITT TaBLE FOB 1887. The report ehowa that daring the year there were 17,522 deaths in 26 cities and towns of Canada, which have an assum- ed population of 751,670 in accordance, as stated in the report, with the municipal census returns of each of the places. This makes a total average mortal!^ of 23.3 per 1,000 of population par annum. Of the 26 places, Hull shows the highest mortality, only a fraction less than 42 pei 1,000 of its population. Sorel staads next, with a fraction less than 36 per l,00a Mon- toeal gives gives the third highest rate, 30.7 per 1,000. The lowest mortality is recorded by Chat- ham, Ont, which gives |dve« only 13 per 1,000 of popalatioa while Charlottotown «(ives only a fraction more. Some may be disposed to question the aocnraoy and com- pleteness of the returns from these plaoes. Kingston gives less than 17 per 1,000 Hamilton kss than 18; Halifax, 18.17; Toronto, 19.34 (with a given population ot 126,169 for the average of last year) St. John, N. B., 20.95, and Ottawa, 21.96 per 1,000. As to the erases of death It is, of course found that in the different cities different causes prevail most. Where there was a high mortality among children, there atro- phy and dirri^oea prevailed most while in other places diseases of the respiratory organs stand highest on the list. These with consumption, diphtheria, scarlet fever and cancer, stand high up or highest in the list in nearly all the places. Zymotic, commonly called filth, diseases, caused about 4,000 of the deaths, and alone gave a mortality of 5.5 per 1,000 of popula- tion more than double the average rate of the 28 largest English towns. Of the total 17,522 deaths recorded, 9,206, considerably over one-half, were of children under 5 years of age. Of the 503 deaths in Hull, 347 were of those under this age. Of the 243 deaths in Sorel, 152 were of like age. Of the 6.050 who ^ed in Montreal, 3.881 were under 5 years and of Ottawa's 813 deaths, 413 were of children under 5. A Michigander has been vexing the soul of a Canadian resident in Eat Saginaw. His tormenter dared to insinuate that any one of the States mentioned below is greater than the combined area of Ontario, Quebec, and Manitoba, with the Maritime Provinces thrown in. Not one American in ten thou- sand knows any better. The names of the States, Territories and Provinces follow, and we have, as requested attached the area in square miles to each â€" Square miles. Michigan 58,915 Dakota 149,100 New York 49,170 Ontario *181,S00 Quebec ...............•••• 187,688 Manitoba. 60,520 Maritime Provinces 50,214 5avJ£ation of the St. Lawrence. If the seamen of the St Lawrence artf ex- ceptionally superstitions even in this sn^r- stitious class, they have some justification in tiie exceptional dangers and ecoeniricities of these waters. The river just below the Isle d'Orleans is eight miles wideâ€" merely the b^[inning of the lower St. Lawrence in the next 150 mUes it gradually atbuns a width of thhrty-five miles at Meda in an- other hundred it becomes about sixty miles at La Baie dee Sept Isles. As a matter of fact the lower St. Lawrence is an estoary n^iar than a river. I presume tiiat the snU may be safclyiraa(N(nlzed at La Baie dec Sept Lues. It is a triangular sea, abcnt 600 mues long from northeast to son^west, and about 360 mile* wide from Newfoundland to tiiJsbay. The regim of the St. Lawrence has such remarkable natnnd featoree that even the matter-of-fact reports of the Ad- mirality are not withoat intereit The navintion of these waters presents excep- tional difficulties the existence of numerous islands, reefs, Inuts, uid rooks intheolwnnels the irngularity of the tides and onnrents the sevwity of climate, especially toward the dose oi the navigable season and, above all, the frequent fogs those are difficulties that may well cause much anxiety, and call for the exercise of all the seaman s vigilance, prudence, and ability. Besides the recorded variations and deviations of the compass, the magnetic attractions of the shores are said to complicate the captain's problems. Ice is often a dangerous element here in the spring â€" May in this latitude and often June also â€" the entrance and the eastern parts of the gulf are frequently covered with drift ice that besets vessels for many days ice- bergs are common there during the summer' and navigation is closed by ice, as a rule, from November 25th to May lat. Such is the mature of the river that ships often spend more time in sailing up the St, Lawrence than in crossing the Atlantic generally they require eight or nine days to beat up to Quebec from Bic, 140 miles; they can sail only during the flood, five hours, and then must anch- or, unless the wind changes. The clumsy coasting schooners, requiring always a fair wind, sometimes spend a month in going sixty or eighty miles. With so many dan|;eis as I have set forth, the reader might thuk that the St. Law- rence is not navigable; but thanks to sn efficient system of lighting and piloting, these waters are one of the snreat commer- cisJ arteries of the continent they are fre- quented during six months of the year by se%eral lines of transat^lantic steam-ships, a fleet of Norwegian barks for timber, and a limited number of coasting steamers and schooners.â€" [Harper's Magazine. MONEYFH'i PAINE S CELERY COMPOUND ACTS AT THE SAME TIMS ON THE NERVES, THE LIVBII, THE BOWELS, and tiM KIDNEYS inis oosaHMil aOuOBBves b von* derfhl poncrto canail disencib Why Are We Sick? Becme we alkw the nerves to temam wttkncd nd liritstod,and these gmtoramtobeoomeckigged or toniidy najpoiMoons human an therefonixeM fato the blood Hut (bould be aqpeUed natmsDy. Pji/mps i* celery rMiHt s I COMPOUND WILL CUKE smmmnss, voEa, OOHtTXPATIOV, KnarXT COM. K.Aiim,mtiirAST l aaxAME U, rZXAUVZAZ]rS88,BHIVMA. TIBX, KirrKAlOIA, ASS AU HEBYOUS SISOBDIB^ ' By quieting and rin rn g t h f^fg fbo nerves, and causing fise action of die liver, bowels, and kidneys, and restcr- ing their power to throw off diaesse. Wby soflteBilimis Fains aad Aohssf Why tenatatsd with Pile*, Constipatieal Wh; M|^tMMd«v«r9iMidw«dKida«y«| Why •adnie aarroiu or nek h sada oh sst Why have sle«pl*ss Bights I Use Paimb's Cblsrt Comomm aad rejoice in healtli. It is an cntiielj T^gWa* ble remedy, hannlesa in all caaei. SM fy all Drvggitts. Prie* $x.oak WELLS. RICHAROSON ftCO„Pnvi)«ta» HOBTBEALiP.Q. r T* Ii«AV oa Fanas. Lowest Bat«t. O oti e sp on deaee solidtetf BDTLBK, Flnaneiai Agt. titUMiAti mo. 78 Kiogr St. K.. Tonmto. CANADA PEBMAllEliT LoanSavingsGffinp^y iaC*KP*KATB» 18H. Head Dice Toronto St., Toronto 8nbsertbe« QapUal. 4,MM9« Paid V* Cnltal S,SM.MO TetalAssels M,MMM The «nlars«d ospital and rasonroes of this OompaoT, toffather with the iacreMed tMdUUes it has noently •equitwl tor sopptyioKlandowBeis with obasp money, enable the JMieotois to meet wllli prwaptaess and at the lowest outrent late of Intereei all requircmeats for loans open ssUslaotory isal sstste saeumy. ' AppUestfaa mai bemadetoettberottheOoiapaaT^ looa AppiaisefB, or to t. HCaSBBTMASOK.Ibnac'ff. Dinotor. lotonto Allan Line Royal Kail Steanudiipi i Safllns dutinir winter from Portland evetyThunda} ' and HaUfsz every Satuday to Uveipool, and In som mer from 2nebee ereiy Satuday to LiTeipool, oidllnit at Londondeny to land mails and paasenceis toi Scotland vid Ireland also from Baltimoie, m Hali- fax antf St John's, N. P.. to Liverpool fortnl(4itI} during snmmer months. The steamers of the Ola* Kow Unes sail dnring winter to and from Halifax Portland, Boston and Philadelphia and daring aom mer lietween Qlawow and Montreal weekly Gbagov ' and Beaton weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphi: fortnightly. For freight, passage or other information apply A. Schumacher It Co., Baltimore S. Canard â-  Oo. Halifax Shea ft Co., St. John's, Nfld.; Wm. Thomj) son Cc, St. Jolm, N. B.; Allen ft Oo., Cliioago Love ft Alden, New York H. Bonrller, Toronto Allans, Bae ft Co., Quebec Wm. Brookie, Pliilade- phia H. A Allen Portland Boston. MontreaL TRAOB MASK. «- 'ACTOEIKS AM) BALBROOM • 120 to 426 Hug St Wert, iKom, E. O. GOODEBHAH. "' '"WJIU E.G. GOODEBHAH, Hanatr. 99 ^^The Racer Thin Baek^Lanee-Tooth, Cross-Cnt Saw M CADMC ^^^ »AJX or KENT. Au, Sizis, mnifiO Kinds and Paicas. Pome special bargains. H. S. MITCHELL. DaATTOH, Out. AGENTS! UNEMPLOYED! We handle only standard epeoialties, ot «hicta no other firm has a right to sell in Canada. Vrite us, Tarbox Bros., Toronto, Ont. 'Ontario is a few thousand miles larger than this, but the Dominion Government has not yet recognized the Privy Council's judgment awarding the Province a boundary on we north. The true extent of Ontario is over 200,000 square miles. The Massachusetts board cf health ex- amined last year 4,780 samples of food, in- cluding 3,080 of milk. The percentage of adulrerations, etc., in milk was 38 33, as against 87.9 in 1883, when the law first went into operation. Drug adulterations were reduced to 27 27 per cent. The gen- er^ percentage was 35.05. A Soyal BreakfiEuit. A letter written by Anne Boleyn about three and a half centuries ago has just been published. It was on the occasion of her first visit to London, and the writer de- scribes, among other things, the unfavorable effects produced in her case by the late hours and dissipations of the capital in the early part of the reign of Henry VII. She writes â€" " We rise so late in we morning â€" seldom before six o'clock â€" and sit up so late at night â€" being scarcely in bed before tenâ€" that I am quite sick of it. The irregu- lar life which I have led since I came to this place has quite destroyed my appetite." She then proceeds to mention a little detail which illustrates the ideas of the Lady Anne Boleyn and her contemporaries as to what was a normal appetite in a healthy English woman at that period. " You know," she writes to her corres- pondent, " I oould manage one pound of bacon and a tankard of good ale for my breakfast in the country but in London I find it difficult to get through half that quantity." A Yeiy Datoial Mistake. Afunny sToneoccurred infrontof aolothing house the other day. The passers-by at the time were startled by the shrieks and screams of a woman and a little lad was sprawling on the pavement. It seems that he had grabbed her violently around the lower limbs, and she, frightened out of her senses, h»d let her wrath go off violently as she gave the boy a kick in an effort to get loose from his grip. The pedestrians gathered around her while she was on the verge of hysterics, and it was some time be- fore matters were straightened out and the explanation that followed found satisfac- tory. The boy is abaent-minded and me- chanical in his movements. It was near dark when one of the proprietors ordered the lad to go out in the street and bring in the " dummies." A line of them stood in front of a large show window, and the young- ster, in a fit of absorption of the mind, mis- took the lady for a dummy and proceeded to haul her in out of the weather. The pro- prietor had some trouble in explaining now natural the mistake was, and he la not yet certain whether he made things aatu- factory. Com Bowing laaprooees conducted by the agenoy of tight boots all the year round. Owaxeap. Ingisbeetomidiictodtliiongh thftfioyel Potman's Palnkta Com Extnofeinr, tbe oolv •afe and Mur|-pop own aan, Pntasan's Extractor is now widely imitttted. Beware ofallpdaonoiu and wm prodnoiag sttb- â- tllutee. Doctorâ€" What yoB need is oliange of oli' PatbBtâ€" Cfaaaoe ef.cliiaiatet W|y, wify hiid airUifa el ' The horse which can ploueh an acre while another horse is ploughing half an acre, or that which can carry a mad of passengers ten milee while another is going five, in- dependent of all considerations of amuse- ment, taste, or what is called fancy, is ab- solutely worth twice as much to the owner as the other. The most fashionable color, at present, is the hue of health, and it will never go out of style. Its shades and tints are various, but all of them are exceedingly becoming. It is perfectly astonishing what a change is being daily wrought by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription in the looks of sickly women. Sufferers from any sort of " female weak- ness " or irregularity, backache or nervous prostration should give it trial. All drug- gists. As charity covers a multitude of sins be- fore €rod BO does politeness before men. Battlesnakes as Food. It was said of a strong political partizm that he would swallow rattlesnakes if party interests demanded it. It is only men of this sort who, without pratest, swallow the large, old-fashioned pills. Sensible people, requiring medicine to cleans their systems, invarialed use Dr; Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They tfo unrivalled in all derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels. The saddest thing under the sky ia a soul incapable of sadness. "A Word to the Wise is Snffideirt." Catarrah is not simply an inconvenience, unpleasant to the sufferer and disgusting to others â€" it is an advance outpost of approach- ing disease of worse type. Do not neglect its warning it brings deadly evils in its train. Before it is too late, use Dr. Sage's Cattgrah Remedy, it reaches the seat of the ailment, and is the only thins that will. Yon may dose yourself with quack medionea till it is too late â€" 'till the streamlet becomes a resistless torrent. It ia the matured in- vention of a scientific physician. "A word to the wise ia sufficient." Some people only understand enough of a truth to reject it. Galifomia. Ask for tickets via the old-established and favorite overland route oomprisinff the Chic- ago North Western andUnlon and Southern Pacific R'y's. Two fast trains leave Chicago daily wiw unrivalled accommodations for first and second-olass ^passengers. Bates no higher than by other Imes. Baggage check- ed through. Full information, covering rates, etc., with time table and maps, given by J. H. MORLEY, Canadian Passenger Agent, 69 Yonge st., Toronto, Ont. A single grateful thought toward Heaven u the most effective prayer. A Cawe far Drudtenmess. Oie opium habit, depaomanla, the morphine nervous prostration eaosed by the use of to acoo, wakefalneaa, mental depraeaion, softening the brain, etc., premators old age, loas ot vitality oaoaed by over exertion of the brun, and loesof natural atrengfh from aay oaua* whatever. Menâ€" yonng, old or mid- dle-agedâ€"who are broken down from any ot ttie alwve oansee, or any oanae not Mentioned OMW, sent yonr address and 10 cents in stamps for Labon'a Treatise, in book form, of JNseoMt of Man. BoOka aent aaaled and aeonre from observation, idrtreea M. V. LoBoa 47 WelUiuctoa alrael East. Toronto. Ont What we ought not to do, we should not ever tbink of doing. CoffHoMon. Wfttaon'a ooogfa droni are tii^ bert in tbe woildfor ttwtiuoftt and cheit^ fbr the voioe unequalled. See that tin letter* R.^T.W. are stamped on eaoh drop. Few pswoM live te-diy,birt are p t p pn ed to do so to-morrow. rnrr â€"a handsoke colored silk d«ND r n C L. KEEICHIEF, and a aample of ths W nder- tal Needle 1 rf quires no threading 1 to all who aend OS 10 cents silver tor postage, et\ Wn make this great otter to introduce our goods into every home Address at once, WHITON MAN^G CO., 561 Queen St. W., Toronto, Ont THB BOUEK INSPKCTIOll and Insar anee Company of Canada, Oonaolting Engineers and Solicitors of Patenta, TOK9VTO. 0. BoBB, Chief BDKlneer. A. FaassB, Bac'r-Treas. Commencint; on Saturday, Nov loti, tv s daUy ilrat-class through tiain 3^ *ilH« Pani and B.tte, Moat.n,. S^'^r^L"' mg-room, Sleetmfr Car, Day CoachBTn- ""*• and Free Colorist Sleeper. iu^pmenTn?J' =« and equal to the best. "l-^Pment new, Bjjg, Leaving St. Paul every momlii? uut directly through to Butte.' TheT.Wnl,' •nt change knd the only line via Ft »S5 J^ BcBtoB, Creat Fails and Heleaa "'«• For particulars, apply SS' J F. I. WHITNEY, J. M huckum II GenPas-ftTk'tAg-t. K^l ST. PAUU iPatoerHoMe m^jt^^ 'DKOTECrioN rKOM VIRB. â€" A GOOD rr THING.â€" UssBET's Spaek Aaassrsa aas DaVM CoMsrasD.â€" Work* on Stoves Pipe*, Mill Staeks. etc City and Csonty Rights, or Entire Canadian Patent (or bale. W. J. U^ERT, NeawicH, Or. IMMEDIATELY ACTIVE MEN u/ANTED • "^1 ininil I LU to sell the Reliable Nursery f f Stcck ot the well-known St. Catharines Nur â-  se'ies. Li- eral terms ani steady work. Ad- I dress THE D. W. BEADLE NURSERY CO., Ld., St. Catharines, Ont. CAIICA'PC CASINGS-Season 1888 -New im- XMUOAUL porUtions -of English Sheeps, V Finest American Hog Casings. Orders iUled for any desired quantity. Wiite tor prioea. JAMBS PAKK A B»ir, 41 to 47 St Lawrence Market, Toronto. $1 M0BUDEV8 COMPLETE CONCORD- ANCt: to Old and New Teatamenta, cloth. Bi^ valtte(0} x 7} inohee) tor «l.eO I poetf.-ee, ' ARCHER a WATSON, Manager Willard Tract Depositrry, Toronto. H. WILLIAMS GO. S^itROOFERS MAMUFACIURBKS AMD SBALSB8 B Roofing Felt, Slaters' Felt Deafening Felt, Carpet Paper, Building Paper, Roofing Pitch, Coal Tai, Lake QraveL Offlee t 4 Adelaide St. East. Toronto. Artificial IiUiltS. Foroirou lars, address J. DO AN ft CO., Toronto, Ont •PesS-^iWTT^T' MLBWATHB MtnM Obi- Isi^tgrsasillBt SANADIAII BUSMBSS VNIVMBSITY, Public Library Building, Toronto. Students from ish Columbia, California, Kansas, Illinois, and qnite a number of the other States and provinces now in attendance. Write for deeoriptive oironlars. THOS. BENGOUGH, OHAS. H. BROOKS. Preeideht Seo'y ft Maaagei. WHAT scons EMUISIOW CURES CONSUMPTION SOEOFULA BS0NGHITI8 OOUQHS GOLDS Wastisg Diseases Wonderful Flesh Producer. Scott'B Emulsion is not a secret remedy. Containing the stimulaticg Hypophos- phites and Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, the potency of both being largely in- creased. It is used by Physicians all over tbe woiid. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold bytM Drugattta. SOe, anA 91.00. foung Men 8DFFEBIHO, from the affeots of aarirevOhaUta the tasntt of Ignoiaaeo sad folbr, lAta flod tliiwailis wsst, nervoasaad srhswslsa slsollneaBAfli»aBd Out Mas wbo am hfokaa down fromtheaOMIs si •base or over woric. aad in advaaeed Hie fad the ooneaqneooea of yonthfal azoesLSHid for aad laad M. v. Lnhoa'a IreatissoatkeMBaasasof Mso. Bw hookfrfllbe ssatsasM to smraddiassonieostotol •^^^TSMft^a The Maple le«f Raotr and Lance Croaa-cnt sawa are now aold in all parts of the world. The quality of thete saws ii unequalled. Their eicelltnce is wholly due to their superior tamper, the proceas ot which ia kept a profound aeoret by Shurly ft-Dietri h, the manufactarera ot theae aawa. One of the best evidences of their superior quality is that other saw manutacturtra put on the market as doae an imita- tion of th'» aawa as they are able to produce, and represent it to be as good as the Maple Leaf saw. They run their aaw upon one name until the public become tamilar with its inferiO' quality, then tbey change the name, in order t? humbug the public another aeaaon, all ot which is the very best evidence ot the aupsrior quality ot the Maple Leaf aaw, sr it U not the custom to counterfeit a poor article. The e oanterielta are sold lor a much lower r rice than the Hiple Leaf siw can b« bought t r the dealer, of course, endeavors to sell them at nearly the same price, thereby realizing a larger profit. And some ot the more unpriocipled dealers, iu order to • ell the counterfeit saw, will tell untruths of varius kinds regarding the quality ot bpth the genuine and the counterfeit Good goods are alwa^a cheap; poor goods are dear at any price. A aaw, Uke a Knife, will not cot fa»t nnle^ it will hold a keen ontttag edge. Price fl.00 partoot. MaDofaotared only by SEUBLT £ DIETSIDB, SAW^ MAKUFAOTCJRERS, ^f ereekadren wko eietrlnttrkin m thtihm Wktn Breadmaker's Yeast U At tuUeaiefmum Mamma tried all fit rest, .^ So tkt knows iet the best, fifal 'Came her bread it tke miitest, ker tnucnm And we tat alt tktfancakes the dare ut iefmu. Stained Glass FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. M'GAUSUND son 76 King St. W., Toronto. Nervous Debility. DB. GBATS Spedflo haa bean oaedioitbi Hi Bfteen years, with great auoceaa, In the trMtaotal o! nervons debility, and all disesM trUogbOBei- eeaaea, overworked brahi, loaa ot vitality, itii(liig It the ears, palpiUtion, etc. For aale by all dtnnWa Prioe, CI per box, or 6 boxea tor fS, or will bewitbr mail on receipt ot prioe. Pamphlet on appUoilla. THE GRAY MEDICINK CO.. Toronw m^O-A-SPECIALTY' rCHmSMoKT 15.000 NOW IN USE SEND FORCIRCULARPRICEU^ Boon to the Sick. J0H1I8T0NS FLUID BEEF J This Valuable Meat I^r.paration cont»i°« '^^ ment of meat THAT NOURISHES AND SUSTAINS LIFE. It ia the MOST J'iitti" FORM OF CONCENTRATED FOOD and it is so EASILY D I G EST ED that the weakest stomach can retain and assimilate it. It has earned the reputation of being THE GREAT STRENGTH GIVER. FOR MAci 'NEr, There are many MitAnom of )l njj HASNO ^° \jf^^ I, Oa -^rASSO'SIATT0N. A Home Company, EstaUished October, l»7i* To this date, Ootober Slat, 1887, there has heen returned ^^jttto tPdiQy-holdefs(dsatheudas). "i- *ffi 2 s-^^.-- ~~iOlaiatafsd«adowiBaiitPo" TohaUaisolAai LoaMdtoPoUor; FoUeles te Foree over 1% To hehmr ot Pdiqy-holdsis (dsath eudms). r..-»fi2 TottichaUin olmataiadlodowiBaBtFoUalso """Lâ€" *J!f S IttPcdler-hdtesaBSWMidarolPalioIss :iâ€"V,\ ".T.- *»»$} S Mites twOashPraMsOaoladlBKlhasssIloeatsd and hobigpaU) "V. ^^» el ABaum Bonds... ...„ •• 1„» ft ** FoUerksUanoBttsSooDittrollhsbPolMss â€" tTT^ ]rn«e«Terl«.«M. AmoBntoTwil* -r«-IS'»°™T-HpK. SB W. p. HOWLATO, C.B., K-^^_^ BSD- ^^ • •fItrtTwn- b ON A jiir^BUmiSI^L NiRVB Tomo. A Blood, UifOr^l^te^^Mior I, Pomalo Oompl«tn»» OKv paid «Mr a oaM thay mtlll not owgr fOUNG FOLKJ THE SEA-GULL'S KISS gDWASD lEEX.EUS STKVKNSO «f, we» "ttiig tj;B!ether, six of s»d the ater " Peerless MACHINE oil, hot none equal it iu lubricating P«cp«Xe «»""• BBS, MiiLMwr, etc.. find none eqoai w '"sImuIl loCERS CO., TOROHTO. Sold by dealers everywhere. Captein 0*n Farlet, on tl â- i^pl^ted pier ai E wt Inlet, ^eT«king mail. The evonU ^^^ matter the morning fook ita time, and wo impr hiring hours of wMt'njj for i Q^ftua Dan into yarn s 1^ his laisnre and humor _» that wharf w«ro united of fellowship. The Captaii tlie wharf, transacted Ida M whaif smoked his momw uid ev^ng plP«« onthe whar WM to be the next Mayor f lived but a stone's cast t' aad I em pretty sure riaked 1 eidng tm half of many a cleai ,t aoSr the rickety shed occn a end, in spite of Mrs. Furlet T'd go to Halifax a good dea: ,«. 1 do, boys," he remarked Ttone of candid statement, " b fflTcnient to Uke this wharf aloaj The Captain had a pleasant voic« irtune, an artificial leg (this in c ji endless retniniscenoes. This were talkingâ€" or rather he lor superstitionsâ€" their absurd |,rtss and quantityâ€" and of the Qdenoes and .char:cM that make them so sigmhcint to th ^aed "eaman, increasing his to them. The very ssa itself, S^tery and variety as i- is. s Moh a tendcrr-y and numberless flircamstanceB, reported more or 'rectly from ship to snip and mouth, fill each humble Jaok-t with awe for this or that " sign' an It was after we had been rakm the old fancies and fables referri birds and birds at sea-the alba netrel, the iove, the gull, and Sat Captain Dmi told us of a stra and incident in his c^r' er, but 1 that I cannot attempt t-: set it d( own blunt words and phrases. "In the year 1865 I was ma balk Alice Robe, sailing from Boa English port-Hull, 1 believe, 'twM Southampton. We had a crew aboard as to its nationahri were EngUsh, Irish. French, and Byetalians" (the Captain never other pronunciation of the la « and some more that I don t We had a smooth voyage, and all well together, officers and men. rest there was a young fellow na car, a Frenchman by birth and though he spoke our language He was a nice-looking, trim, qui man, aiid, to my mind, didn't well or happy most of the time. while he and I were on deck, poi poise that was bouncing aboul wake, Beaucar, without any war, gered, and if I had not caught I have fallen flat to the deck. «« « What is the matter with yo asked. " He came to himself, white tog. • Nothing, nothintj,' he per «« • NonsehEe ' said I. 'Are seized with fits like that, man that sort of a turn nothing •• The end of it was that I pres out of the fellow the fact tha curious weakness of the head, t somethingâ€" a giddiness coming oi apt to take the poor boy (for he more than that in age) without ai and no matter where he was or v of course. " • But how on earth have you a difficulty from the ship's dqctc I asked him. in astonishment. «' Well, luck and pluck h \d him, and his secret had been nc his occupation. But all the sam but think, • I wouldn't be in yoi man, for a good deal that is, the high seas.' But I promised the matter to myself. •• About a week later, one i sea-euU came flying across the deaf knows where. It puzzU guess. The bird was evident any case, and settled down on as if it he d dropped there out c was a calm, sunny day. VNe land. A lot of us gathered creature at a safe distance, la frighten it oft It a^ted peculi ins on its perch, with its larg bent down; its beak slightly oj ing its weight curiously, now and now another, quite athom "Some food wasK brought then, in trying to pie- 1 it and water within reach, v r disco. bird, so far from bf greadi was surpriungly tan' f ne aUy pressed closer al it it, a car walked forward r-^ doffew and raw fish. It eye u him c step he took. It did =ot seei eap^ial need of food. When near by it and leaned f orwai ita neck and positively etarec as if it had seen him before, tdl you what a curious, eer lurking in its round, brigl We aU watched it w" " Bsaucar drew back, if red a stranger thing thwi I nessed. As he stepped ai bird spread its wings, and m upon the saalor's shoulder itself there! Beaucar and a ed in suppressed astonwt extraordinary tameness. been some ship's pet that h and master T It was noth dered it thus familiar, fo stood there untouched. Bi •11 for while Beaucar, ha half frightened, stoodther ereatnre dilating its ^rt^ bead to the right and left, hi beak pointed toward tiumghtit might be aboul yonng aailor. wot so. It faetfmiately near him, um toUsdheek, and with thi a Urd UBa' its master i â- Net raU ldBMd' the msn itebedctwioetohialipaii vctnoidfawry, atartUiu;, a dl^fwplMUMtooaUrtl *P^^ laaghed; then -* 7, however. ».~«Praioh,aBdti [i^okadthegolVwk T1mO( witl ' U â-  Jim

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