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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Nov 1888, p. 5

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 pXSTBICT UOINGS- ISTEEESTINC BS, 30MBS. hels, OOKS, URSES. of t iKS, rSHES iAZOBS R YET 0© 589 ESIDE ,R IN CANADA 389 a 00. ,9t general newslBpflJ 0. It is Indepe»afln» mers' interests. the only Agricnliwrf f 40,000 m Its fejt xal Paper in CajJ»«. week, and one a year. rou tbatiti^'thelWjl rtant local news »*»- bargain we otter. )TICE. a^ notified^' 1^5 of T.t8.W«». ^^^y GEOBGB IBBK^ '88. "_^ SUUMABT FBOX CUB jXCHANGIS AND OTHEBWISB, SABA- QKAPHED FOB STAMDABI) BEABEB8. gwood council baye taised 'Joe bcjtei license from $160 to $270. The village of Allendale is courting aDuexation to Barrie. Thos. Earle of Osprey, near Bad- i«roH. dropjted dead of heart disease vrlHe picking stones last week. Sl.elburneis endeavoring to form a joint stock company to carry ou a foundry business. Mr. B. Walters, near "Walter's Falls, harvested over 4,000 bushels of turnips .frora six acres. Tlie inauguration of Orangeville's weekly market day was a grand suc- cess. The Rev. E. S. EadoMe, ot Mount Forent, leaves that town for his new c'aarfje m Michigan this wbck. The Mt. Forest Rep. is advocating the establislimeut of a weekly market day for that town. f The new Methodist church in Glenelg; Zion appointment, will be formally opened the firet Sunday in December. Bank •'13usted,"â€" Mrs. S. Streeter, a widow, living near Jackson, north riding of Grey, made a bank of her snt^ar box in which she deposited §l°loO in gold. Thieves who tnew the combination broke in with above result. A. E. Fawcett, proprietor of the Strcets7ille Review has been prostrat- ed by a serious illness, but is, we are pleased to learn, on the mend. He has announced in his paper whiJo thus prostrated his opinion that health is preferable to wealth. Jno.Blytii, M.P. P.,as up in th« Indian Peninsula on his annual ahoot- lug excursion. Mr. Blyfli is a zealous sportsman and one of the best shots in this section.â€" Durham Chronicle. When returning from Meaford on the nigbt of the 31st ult., the team of Mr. E. E. Hicks took fright at a pole lying across the roadway on 21 and 22 side road, ajid ran home. Mr. liicks was promptly thrown overboard i'he oth«r occupants of the democrat, Miss Hicks and Miss Abercrombie, jamped out. All escaped uninjured, and no damage resulted. â€" Euphrasia correspondence in Mirror, Cut his Thboat.â€" Robert Futhey, a superannuated school teacher living at binghiimpton, made a determined at- tempt to take his life last Thursday morning by cutting his throat almost from ear to ear witli ft razor. He didn't succeed in finishing himself the first time so made a second attempt but was discovered and prevented from accomplishing his purpose. He is about 84 years of age an^ is in a pre- eanons condition. â€" Dundalk Herald. On THEIB HONETMOON. Mr. E. G. Lucas maaager of the Ducas private banking institution and -of late a pro- minent member of oar batchelor's club has given away to the charms of the 'enemy' by uuitmg in matrimony to Miss Hattie Dean rf Toronto who has for a number of yesars made her home in this village^ -where her ple- asant manner and sociaWitj have won her many friends. The event took place on Wednesday, Oct., the 81st, at 70 Dann avenue, Parkdale. the re- sidence of the bride's father. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. Stone, Miss Lncas acted as brides- maid and E. Dean as groomsman. The presents were both numerouB and handsome and a number of friends were present to tender their congra- tulations and take part in the happy event. After the bridal supper the newly wedded pair took the evening train for the west and are expected to I arrive here sometime danng the week. Contrary to the rules of our associa- tion we oflfer our congratulations and wish them great happmesB and joy in their new lK)me. â€" Dondalk Herald. MazkdsM FaU Wheat.. U 10 to »115 Spring Wheat T J^to 115 Barley SOto 70 Liacs •.•.•..••.•••.. ..«•. .... «S£ to ou Pease 55 to 58 Butter....,, 17 to 17 Egga 17 to 18 Pork^ 6 00 to 6 50 Potatoes, per bag 3^ to 40 Hay 9 00 to 10 00 Ooions, per bnshel 75 to 125 nides. 4 50 to 5 00 Sheep Skins 60 to 70 TEACHER^ANTED. For School section No. 6, Artemesia, male or female, holding second or third class cer- tificate. Duties to commence on the second day of Januarv, 1889. Apply stating salary to JOHN HAZARD. Flesherton Station, p. o. Trustee Sec, Treas. dated oth Nov, '88. Tl£ACHER WANTED. For U, S. S. No. 2, Holland and Euphrasia three miles from Markdale, a female teacher holding a third class certificate, for nsdf year or one year, duties to comiaeDce 2nd Jan., next. Apply before 8th December, stating salary-, to P. LYONS, 427-30 Harkaway, P.O. FOR SALE. 100 acres in Artemesia on gravel road, one halt of wbicii is within the corporation of Markilale. Apply on the premises, WM. STEVENS. Markdale. Nov 12. 427-40* W.J. NHFARUND IS NOT BRAGGING when hef says tliat he is showing the Finest, Fuiiest Nobbiest and Cheapest stock of DEY GOODS, CliOTHIlSTG, BOOTS SHOES, GBOCEEIES, S HATS, CAPS, FARiyi FOR SALE. "HFPfl flRFCIjristmas READY FIRST WEEK IN DECEMBER, A GI^GAT HOLIDaV PAPeF( Now Tp«, New Press, Pine Paper, Five Randflome Ldtlioorapiied Plates, Fitst'Class UlTistrations, Ozigizml Matter and Superior "WorkmaniBliip. [THE BEST MS P APER EVER ISSUED IN GANADfl. THE LrrERARY MATTER in the Chbistmas Olobb will be entirely orieinal and -will iselade stories from the ablest pens in Canada. The subjects treated bein^ wholly Canadian. FIVE HANDSOME LITHOGRAPHED PLATES accompany the paper, the princf- pal one b«ing a scene from Vancouver Park, B.C., from a painting by Mr. L. R. O'Brien, the celebrated Canadian artist. MEGHAMICALLY the Xuas Globe will be in every way first-class and no expense will be spared in having it surpass anything of the kind heretoforo published is this country. AS THE DEMAND will be very great, we would advise intending purchasers to leave their orders at their newsdealer's or send du-ect to this ofiice, not later than the «ad of the present month, as the supply will necessarily be liinitcd and we cannot undertake to print a second edition. The iirice has been placed at ONLY 25 CENTS PER COPY. It is intended to have the edition ready the first week in December in order to allow plenty of time for mailing copies long distances so as to reach destinatiea before Christmas. THE GLOBE PRINTING CO.. Toronto. THE "WEEKLY GLOBE, th.e best faroily newspaper in Canada, and THE RURAL CANADIAN, ttie best agricultuial paper in Cem.cida Botb frooi now to end of 1889 onlv $1.25. Lots 109 and 110, in the 3rd Concession off the Township of Artemesia for sale. Terms ' to suit purcbascr Apply to H. D. IRWIN, near MarkdaU. Aug. 31st, 1888 CAIME ESTRAY. To the premises of the undersigned lot 9, con. 6, Enpharsia about the last of Angust, 2 awes. The owner may have them by prov- ing property, and paying expences. JAS, MOEWOOD, Kimberley. P. O. TO S€HOOL^TRUSTEES. The undersigned is manufactnring an ex- cellent assortment of School F'lxrnituir'e^ Consisting of SCfiOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of ttte latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School, Trustees and Teach- erfi, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chatsworth P. 0. 131 ANDREW McGIEDi ;; EURS, CABPETS and CLOTHING NORTH OF TORONTO Put his claims to the test when next in town by comparing quality, quantity prices and â- we know you will give your verdict in favor of McFARLAND â€"IT PAÂ¥S TOâ€" Do you want a comfortable Mantle or Jacket McFarland can please you with lovely new goods, low prices. AND THA.T IS THE loillien Mm IiO% â€" OF â€" o^wEisr soxj]vr The best and most practical course of study. The best teaching talent. The best accommodation for students. The best methods of instruction. The best results from that instruction after students graduate. For annual announcement giving particmars regarding the course of study, terms o., address C. A. FIiEMING, Pbincipai.. Owen Sound. Nov Ist, 1888. Do you want a nice fashionable Dress McFarland can please yon. Some lovely goods just opened out in all the new shades from 10 cents up to $15.00 tfie Dress pattern. Do you want a Nobby Suit Mc- Farland's is the place to leave your order; new Scotch, English and Can- adian Suitings. M a r k d a 1 E FACTORY Having •reeted and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain iy- tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everything bemg new, 1 4un now prepared to turn out Sasb, Doors, Blinds, Monldings, Hollow Battons, FMiES, UTH, FENCE PICKETS. c.. And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to none in Canada, and .haying engaged superior mechanics m eyery department, would now respectfully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fiU Orders Promptly. GoUingwood and Georgain Bay Line. IN CONNECTION WITH THE Grand Trunk Railway. Do you want a warm, strong, well- made Overc;oat at a moderate price Go to McFarland's Clothing Boom and find hundreds to select from prices right. PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning done. Careful Attention to Ordes from a Distance. 803 THOS- »XcT^Eu^- Do yon want a fine or coarse ptur of Boots, Kubbers or Overshoes? Mc Farland has the largest stock in town to solect from. Fal Mil Winter a^TOT^ -XT TH E ' IT ISH WELL KNOWN THAT FACT McGOLL'S "LARDINE" is the best known, and most reliable Machine Oil in the Dominion Farm- w's. Thresher's and Mill Owner'*, will find it decidedly to their advantage to insist upon getting the "Gwwine Lardine" when they ask for it, owing to so much interior oil being sold nn- ler the same name by. TUMcrnpuloos Jealeis. We arQ Jhe »le manufactor- «softhe "Geniina Laidine" etwrj ^el branded. ,^ Str. PACIFIC. Captain P. M. CampbeU. Str. ATLAN'nC. Captain B. D. Foote. Str. BALTIC, Captain W. Tate Robertson. Str. NORTHERN BELLE, Captain W. J. Bassett. Thefine new steamers "Pacific" and "At- lantic willmn as follows imtilfurthernotice (^eather permitting): Leaving Collingwood at p.m., Meaford a »pjn., Owen Sound at 8 pan. andWiarton at 11:45 p.m. every Tuesday and Satorday for Killamey, Manltowaiiing Little Current, Kagawong, Gore Bay, Spanish Biver, Serpent Biver, Algoma Mills, Blind Biver. Thessaloa, Bmce Mines, Hilton, St. Joseph's Island, Oarden River and __^ SAULT STB MAKIE. The Saturday Steamer only will call at Cockbum Island and Meldmm Bay. PARBY SOUND. The -Northern BeUe" will leave CoUinff wood for Parry Sound, Byng Inlet and French Biver everv Monday and Thursday at 1 p.m. connecting at French Biver with Star. ••Bemora" for A^ia. 2Cch., and returning to Collingwood on Wednesdmr and Batraday evenings connecting with the Sault Bte Mane steamers. ' For information as to freight »*«»^2 iuw apply to any agent «^ ST'^ISS Bailway, the PnrsMBO%bo«d thef teamw^ m OBRAT NOiBlfi^Bir TSAMTT ;0p^= Do yon want Gloves, Hosiery, Wool Shawls, Trimmings Under Clothings McFsffland has them at bottom figures. Coal Oil was first used for lighting pnrpofjes in 1826. UcFarland has receivod 60 barrels. No. 1, No. 1, No. 1, No. 1. Cheap I Cheap I Cheap Do you want Grey Flannel, Bine Flannel, Fancy Flannel. Blankets, White or ScarletFlannel? McFarland has ^em at manufacturers prices. TORONTO HOUSE, MARKDALE. A full noge latest styles ot fashionable Dress goods, in stripes, checks and combination, from 10 cents up. Black and colored cashmeres, great variety, from 25 cents to 75 cents best values in town. Coatai^d Mantle Cloths, eheap, stylish and popular. In Tweeds, gents' funushings. Hats and caps, stock complete and varied.and prices which musi-comtnand at traction. In Beany-made Clothing we offer men's suits from. $5.00 up which, fov style and qnaUty, cannot be excelled. Everything iq ,the Boot and Shoe fine from the heavy stoga to the finest Ladies' kid Ii| these goods our home nannfaeture always take the lead. Having adopted the cash system we hops to convince customers that it pays to do business, with us, where solyent man is not required to carry the "lame ducks." INSPBGSION AND COMPABISON SOLICITiilD W BROWN, Need I advise yon to get your Tea at McFarland's all sensible people do, or at least all those who enjoy a ^ood, well-flavored, strong Tea do. McFarland sells more Tea than any two stores in the County, and why Because he sells nothing but a pure, unadnlterated article at a Very low price. When in Markdale call on the oldest, largest and cheapest store in town and ttot ig MaFirland'^.^ J HAMILTON, THE PEOPtE'S PHOMfiAPHa %i X t! •I m i: i bifiti D't Awift Is turning 6titPti,ptos all su?^^^ l4rork. Oofryin^ Mdenlarg^ a speciality. Also """ tfeatcjBsi tt|d ^iBprteh. " », Then «one,^up«. both M aiKl yoong, And i^mlli^i^ ti**^^ i'ir3 xS-«J ~i ualto g done.wjifa^ »,IS!.: Vi â- â- 'â-  "*-â- â-  â-  i •Ai. rSSS'S;^:' ,^^.^^^^ai'^«^S££.^«^^ :^Tr'TffMiMi'vaMaaasifc» iujij. '•^ihi^^r:. ^i^^^'-i ,1- *iJ .; â-  Tif^-^-^*^: lii:"'"' â-  ' â- 4*' ,Uf3 M..f .. c.*i.^?t;ti';i;V* ,f-:.t »* Krmt.-i-if "jv-i ^j^^vl l?i" "â- -,- .V 'â-  " " â- -M â- â€¢â- -•#â- .-- f^ Sa m H. n- W'^l iHUt"

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