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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Nov 1888, p. 4

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 '^s-^?f^ ^i/f^'^m^ ^^ -J -^ wfl.^'^^r' gJ'SIP'!r«5-^' â-  » ' aji I "Bwy v;,- i*^-: y â- 7 ^â- â- ! w C. "W. Bntledge, Proprietor. MARKDALE, NOV. 15, 1888. NOTE AND COMMENT. â-  â€" Eaasas had a heayy saow storm on Friday last. â€" John L. Bush, one of the noted pioneers of Niagara Falls, is dead. â€" The Dominion Government have decided npon estahbshing a permanent police force at Batoche. â€" On Friday night last a disaaterous fire occurred in Chicago m which twenty-one persons are supposed to have been burned. â€" Judge Bunce, of Port Huron, who is 101 years of age the 15th, voted at the f residental election last week. â€" Quebec had a severe storm last week, snow falling to a depth of two and a half feet. â€" Mr. Joseph Chamberlain arrived in New York on Monday last, and will be married to Mias Endicott in Wash- ington on the 15th, to-morrow. â€"Mr. W. R. Meredith, Q. C, lead- er of the Ontario Oppooitien, is going â-  to move to Toronto to hve. â€" It is understood that Messrs. Hugh and John Ryan have been awarded the contract for the "dry" work of the Sault 8tie. Marie canal on the Canadian side. â€" The friends of the Methodist College Federation scheme have de- termined to make an organized effort to raise funds to carry out the decision of the General Conference in proceed- ing with the College building in Queen's Park, Toronto, A wise girl would wm a lover by practicmg Ihose virtues which secure admiration when peisonal charms have faded. A simple itirl endeavors to recom- mend herself by the exhibition of frivolous acoon^lishments, and by a mawkiph sentiment which has as little to do with a true heart as has the gaudy dress she wears. A good girl will always respect her- self, and is thus sure to be respected by others. A person possessed of common sense and good jndgmoili will consider and eater to the comfort and pleasure of others in company in preference to self. me aiolM'B durlatnuui Viimbcr. Karkdale Coimcll. Markdale, Oct. 18th, 1888. Minutes of 11th meeting of the municipal Council, of the Village of ^Markdale, held in the council chamb- ers, the 18th day of Octo' •. 1888. Members all present, the Reeve in the chair, minutes of lasi meetmg read and confirmed. The following accounts â- ;vere pre- sented Rowsell Hutchinson, for blanks C. A, Johnston, for work on road Geo, Warling, for lumber and W. L. Young, returning afficer. Lucas â€" Hill â€" That the treasurer be authorised to pay the Glenelg Agricultural Society $10.00 as per re- solution of council. â€" Carried. Hill â€" Lucas â€" That the draft ag- reement made between the Township of Artemesia and the village of Mark- dalr, DOW submitted to this council, be approved of â€" Carried. Lucas â€" Hill â€" That the Reeve issue his orders for the follqwmg accounts, viz â€" Rowsell HutchiasoD, $3.87 O. A. Johnston, $58.60 G. Warling, $51.84, and W. L, Xoung, $4.00.â€" Carried. Lucasâ€" Brown â€" That the order for $10.62 issued to C. Reynolds, be can- celled and an order issued for $85.62 being the full amount due. â€" Carried. Brown â€" ^Lucas â€" That this council layy a rate of eight mills on the dollar to meet the liabilities ot the corpora- ion for the cunrant year, â€" Carried. Brown â€" Lucas â€" That this council â- call upon the council of Glenelg to cause all obstructious to be removed oS the public highway passing thrcugh he Barrhead Mills premises, and to keep said highway, henceforth, open tUrausli its fiUi with, â€" Carried. " Council adjouaned at the call of the reeve. R. C.Bbydbii, W. J. McFablan», Clerk, Reeye. A feature of the holiday season this year will be the issue by The Globe of a grand Christmas number. Some particulars of this great literary and artistic production are given in the advertisement published in another column. We have the best reasons for knowing that the statements there made are by no means exaggerated. Undoubtedly this number will be worthy of T^b Globb's enterprise m other respects and the finest Christmas souvenir ever published in Canada, The literary matter will be original, every Une of it, and will include stories and sketches from the ablest pens in Canada, the subjects treated being wholly Canadian. The illustrations will be furnished by the best known Canadian artists. This alone will make the Christmas number most acceptable to the people of the Do- mimon, not only for home reading, but for mailing from friends abroad. Those receiving from friends the fine illustrated numbers of British, French or American periodicals can fittingly respond by sendinsf this handsome special number of Thb Globe, The presentation plates will be the best that money can produce, the principal one being a faithful copy of a mag- nificent picture by the greatest of Canadian landscape printers, Mr. L. R. O'Brien. The mechanical work on this numb- er will surpass anything hitherto at- tempted in Canada. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marrel for purity, strength and wholesomeness. Mora economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the mnl- titude of low East, short weight alum or phosphate powders sold only in cans. BoyaIi Baking Powdbb Co.. 106 Wall St.. N. Y. IlieliBsfaiilisPa! THE OLD HAN GETS A HEW WATCH AND CHAIN AT BREADNEffS New JEWELERY Store. PROGRMTV^TVl e â€" OF â€" -IN THE â€" :6oU#r WM^ ON â€" THURSDaY EYENIN6, I5TH, (Thanksgiviiig Day) â€" BY THB- oung GO pZ. THE- -^jfVletbodist Qburob.}^ ♦ m Mrs. (Gapt.) Tboipson, One of Toronto's popular PROFESSIONAL SINGERS, Will take an active part m the program. Come and hear her. Oommon Sons* A.n independent man is one who blacks his own boots who can live without whiskey and (obaeoo who earns at least a penny a day more than he spends and who can upon a piuch, shave himself with lurown soap and cold water without any mktat, A great man is oim who eaa lead his children to obey him- when ont of sight. ' â-  7 ' A hf^spitabla man is jq«^ier Sfhamed of his diunert nhea a iiAend uoioi^eiBt- j^h dtops in teidifie ipi Jtik hitt* 'A gclo^ wife dxl^bitt ^oi; )o^/(^ her RKRT I. 1. Ohairman'8 Address. 2. Music ..Brass Band 8. Quartette Glee Club 4. Solo Mrs. (Capt.) Thompson 5. Recitation C. Sarjeant 6. Solo. ...Miss Whitby 7. Tableau. Did you see pa's new watch and chain "asked the bad boy as he came into the grocery store and held a fruit bissuit under the molasses tap.* Yes said the gruceryman, as he charged the boy's father with a quart of molasses your folks are getting michty tony. Your fath- er looks like a ditch inspector at a council meeting. Where did he get that watch and chain â€" was there a fire? "No there wasnt any fire nnth- en betcher life pa dont hav tu go ter fires looking for watches and chains. He got em at Breadners and it dont require a big fortune to get a watch and chain there you bett. My ma gave him $10. and sent him down to Breadners, and look at the consequences He's too respectable for nothing. When ma saw him come in she felt as if there was company in the house and she made me go and wash my neck and sent the girl out for more muttsn chops, yon'da hard- ly believe it ^vas pa. That new watch, and oh I that chain he got at Breadners, look so different. When bed time came yon'da died to see ma leading him to the spare bedroom, and hoping he would sleep well, and put that beautiful watch and chain under the pillow an, tellin him not to blow out the lamp. An pa said he was feared he was puttin ma to too much trouble, an ma said oh, no, not in the least we are only too glad to have you there. An when I snickered ma slapped me an tnid me to be a good boy while the gentleman was in the house, betcher life we've had a regular picnic up to our house since pa got hiswateh and chain. And the bad boy went out and .hung up a sign in front of the storeâ€" !gZ£ggg8SSgggggg Oo II. Polks wearing BREADNERS watches and chaine kin git mol- *^ asses on biscuits for nnUiing. olo o c o o o o oo o 0_g^0^0_0^0|, o o o o o' o â- 0_0 o o 8. Musie....^ Brass Band 9. Glee. By Young People 10. Solo Mrs. (Capt.) Thompson U. Quartette Glee Club 12. Duet Jjeggett Armbtrong 18. Solo... .Mrs. (Capt.) Thomp^oi^ 14. TaUean. "GOD SAVE' Tffl^ fJDEEN." tsh C.A. ZMiii fru"f i f^ «t n â-  tohk .•iftMsir; -uStr 4cc ^i -,ff^. lii'V'n ' TO THEJPUBLIG. Havinc; leased the wood department of McKenna's carriage block, I am now fully prepared to execute all kinds of work in my line with neatness and dispatch. All kinds carnages built to order and the best material used, together with good workmanship. Bepturing promptly attended to. We give a cordial invitation to all who may reqaire anyth^ in pm* line to call and see ns. ^O'lraat to get acquainted ac(^ ^ti^ h» M^tUdnt- •QceBhipoM; fvova- mnbukiiyrpro- fitaUev â-  â- -. 3. B!5F^!*W"=i=SSK*as IbJf •B^ieiir-iiillvj^^aie'md at •iKlS« 3f t«V"'^l«i°5J|-jt mik9mm^ gyoi 3g«!i-teu jo- «! fsom Ui^jv^ 4 tiittt0ii:^MfO'fiii'4 sH fm* i*hta»»iii k!««^yi^^ HAIK BRUSHES, FLESH BRUSHES TOOTH ' POCKET COMBS, PINE COMBS, ' Ordinary COMBS, Ladies' Hand Satchels, POCKET BOOKS PURSES. Immense quantity of TOILET SOAP, FINE PERPUIE SPONGE S, WHISKS, SHAVING BRUSHES V and RAZOBS DRUG SEE WHAT YOU FOR THE BEST OFFER YET! $2.00 TO THE END OF 1889 FARM AND FIRESIDE THE ONLYWEEKLY AGRICULTURAL PAPER IN CANADA TO THB END OF 1889 AL L FOR $2 .00. in Canada and has now a circulation of nearly 90,000- « '« "" i" in Politics, and the great advocate of the farmers mteresw. Its price is |1.00 a year. K-ARlWr AJSjy FIRESIOE.18 the only A^e^gp^ Weekly in Canada, and has reached a circuktion of f'^^^J: -^ Cai^ year of existence. Besides bemg the best Agricultural t^*P^^,jjj,g it contains a couple of continued stories every weeu, an complete story. It* price is 75 cents a year. As to our own paper, it is unnecessary to explam to, you that i^ ^^ ^^^ paper of the district. Bright, well written, lull of important low ^^^-^ esting to every one of you. See then what a great bargain ""*^^^"""'""'"'" of ves'"' Send in your orders now, and get Ibe benefit of ^^i^SrR^STD^ THE WEEKLT MATTi and FARM AND FlJ*-c^^ CAME ESTRAY. To thejpremisea of the iisdei^igned. Id H, eon. 10, HtHbaoA, aboat ^e 9th OotobieK, • ndoow. ,.1016 owner is liers^ mt^SAaH to pirdre jtglfittf, per oh^ijges «act 6ilw hn. NOTICE- V^ AUpe«on« are hereby n^fi^^J S^rd range. ^* ^iL*or Wpi»«^ 2 other pnrpoM, as I »"» i" eordiog to lav. GBOBGE 43A^ Qlwelff, KoT. 6 tiACHER WAitreP" -lift m iv. Jv tqtta â-  M' Jt^ ^%" -^ pXSTBICT UGING FBC I BEADE ItO uea ESTINO SnUHABT "j^^NOIS AND 0THERWI8S *gSitrBBJ rOVL STANDARD BEAJ ^llingwood council bayi lA hotel license from $160 ' The village of Allendale is Loex«tion to Barrie. I XbosJlaElfi of Osprey, ^^ liaoC^ro]^^ ^^^ oi heart iwhile picking stones last week I Slielburne is endeavoring to Jioint stock company .to carry hi^ndry business. I Mr- •B* Walters, near Walter Ihsrvested over 4,000 bushels ol [ironi «^ acres. I The inaagnrution of Orau lireekly market day was a gra The Bev. R. S. Racteliffe, oi Forest, leaves that town for Lharge m Michigan this wbck, The Mt. Forest Rep. is ad the establistiment of a weeklj .iay for that town. The new Methodist chi Glenelg, -Zion appointment, formally opened the firet iSu December. Bank ••Busted." â€" Mrs. S. a widow, living near Jacksoi riding of Grey, made a bAnl gngar box in which she c 51,150 in gold. Thieves wl the combination broke in wit result. A. B. Fawcett, proprietoi Streetsville Review has been ed'by a serious illness, but is, pleased to learn, on the me has announced in his paper w prostrated his opinion that t preferable to wealth. Jno.Blytii, M.P. P.,Js uj Indian Pemnrola on his annu ing excursion. Mr. Ely Si is i sportsman and one of the be in this section.â€" Durham Ch When returning from Me the night of the 81st ult., the Mr. E. E. Hicks took fright lying across the roadway o; 22 side road, and ran hoc Hicks was promptly thrown o I'he other occupants of the d liiss Hicks and Miss Aber jumped out. All escaped u and no damage resulted. â€" E oorrespondence in Mirror, Cut his Thhoat.â€" Robert F ^aperaanuated school teacher binghampton, made a detera tempt to take his life last ' morning by cutting his thro.i fifom ear to ear with a ra didn't succeed in finishing the first time so made a secou^ but was discovered and prevei aocomphshing his purpose about 84 years of age and is •ttious condition. â€" Dundalk On THEnt HONETMOON. M Lucas maaager of the Duca banking institution and of la minent member of our I: club has given away to ihe c the 'enemy' by uuitmg in r to Miss Hattie Dean rf Toi has for a number of years borne in this village, where aiant manner and sodabtlit^ lia many friends. The e idace on Wednesday, Oct., at 70 Dunn avenue, Parkda flidence of the bride's fat ceremony was performed by I)r. Stone, Miss Lucas actec maid and £. Dean as g The presents were both nui handsome and a number were present to tender tht tolations and take part in event. After the bridal newly wedded pair took tl ^ain for the west and are enive hce sometime durm Ocnitrary to the rules of o ticm we offer our congratu wi«h them great bappmese their new home. â€" Dnndall IT I8H WELl'kNO^ THAT â€" EcGOL ^wf- "URom iWlBBO' .^iaeaf" .vN^V

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