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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Nov 1888, p. 1

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 «ther buyers ^?"««. rcr Hie works frouf" ow inrning oat tb^ " the abore article it Maxwell ,8 8t:ll alive McNeai Graduate of ivin^atou. bas beeu â€" «te^/ou tbe pa,torat ^tii, l-eversbam aud •e^'iitions. d, cpinufl showers and moon will wind up ws this Week, ravarston. TkUoxlaff and 0«nt'B Tiit- ^tolling H«tMi«hin«nit. A SELECT STOCK OF FALL GOODS NOW OPENED. "HEW TO THIS LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." MARKDAI.E, THURSDAY, KOV. 15, 1888. C. W. RUTLEDGE, Proprietoi. (t i» i^poiidince. of Owen Sound, J^iQics Morrison's. Strutljeru of Mio- ^eo "sitmg at M?, ick left on Saturday to d, 3n Dakota. friends of Mr. and an gave them a friend- aew residence on Wed- The visitors were most ved and a most pleag- spent. An impromptu isisting of songs and carried ont, We unite Bnt in wishing Mr. and sperity and happiness we. ub bas been organized lea around here. It as the "Tra version Debating Club.'" All 3 to cultivate a facility ciug and at the same seful information, are end. The club meets ight in Elder's Hall, r. Isaac Elder has- 3sident and Mr. Thos. Y of the organization, THIS "w:eek. Special Lines, fresh Labrador Herring Finnan Haddie, Digby Chicken, l^EW DATES, NB"WFIGS, ^TEWPBUlSrES, NB^^ KAISINS, HEW GURRANTS. Lemon, Citron aixd ra.nge Peels, every variety of spices. Bipcuita and Confectionary, tbe Sneet aud largest stock in Markdale tocbc'ose Irom. CROCKERYj I ^SSWMEj Local and Other Items. No-ncEs in thene columns intended to benefit any individual or Society will be charged te^ cent* a line for the first imertion and five tentx a line each aubiequent imertion. NOTICE. â€"Correspondence, communica- ^^^'â- ' -Advertisements, dc,, nmst be in this office hij noon on Tuesday to insure publication that week. is • home from the North a great variety, cheaper than tny House in the county. ational Froblear. in your last issue ttcmpt to criticize an ate issue of the Flesh- he attempt reminding a caricatuae of Don ehes, in his tilt against riie criticism caused e Educational article lud it pleased me to nd thought conveyed the Advance, and trust bout the country at his example in da- (m Tvhich, apart f^om ravagance, keeps m ur highly- cultivated jringfl the public at emptible state of sub- 3 fund arising from 8 will, while it re- jit of official corrup- what political party and the sooner it is j'tence as a genr^^ 9 better for our educ- 5 • and as Brother says, "leave the peo- ,d think for them- :T-antmethepermiss- jome future period. 3f extiDgui8hing.*°" na its resources m a id" meet the approval Qdedmaninthecom- driveUer. "8*0^°*;.' and I t^/*Jj! t hi, falsehoods ^tb Eobby Bums must a a character -i^JJ the expression reias- (served, ""v. ?^bv 1 Teacbers.and .oolLawwlii^J^^ ich tbeir «do irtyappw^TT* Yoat9 ttw», • ., ^i»^ apBBEES IN CIGABS. Ib the Provision line. We have Flonr and Feed oil kinds, same price as at tne mill. Juet received one ton Wright's fresh oatmeal, (kx Liquor store is well stocked with the cboicest brands. Bottled Ale $1.25 s dozen. Give us a call and you will go away convinced. B. H, Benson. W, J, BensM, Len Cox Shore. 8 mills on the S is Markdale's rate of taxes. Teachkr wanted for S. S. No. 6, Glen- elg. See adv. Read up Benson's adv., this week, he has something to tell you. A GOOD farm of 100 acres, adjoining Markdale, for sale. See adv. R. O. Whitby, Esq.. real estate agent, of Toronto, was in town last week. Thos. Ballantyne, M. P. P., for South Perth, -was in Markdale last week. ' Teacher wanted for U. S. S. No. 2, Holland and Euphrasia. See adv. Mrs. Arch. Donaldson, of Emsdale, Mnskoka, has been visiting friends here recently. Fresh bulk oysters received twice a week at Fred Sarjeant's, butcher shop, Markdale. Why does a society lady never shed tears Because she wants to keep her powder dry. A PUBLIC Thanksgiving service will be held in the Methodist church at 10:30 on Thursday. Every body is going to the promenade concert in the rink [on Thursday even- ing. Admission 25 cents. This ought to be a good time for sick- ly people â€" a change of chmate you know, all kinds in a week. Wk will send the Standard and To- ronto Dailv World to any address from now to end of 1889, both for $3. Mr. Ballantyne, M. P. P., purchased the last instalment of Markdale cheese factory make for the season last week. GREAT lEDUCTIO -FOB THE MONTH SEPTEMBER OF "Watclies, Cloctcs, Jevrellery^ {Spectacles. Silveirware. S5 2=»ex Cent Iiv order to clear ont Bome of our immense stock to make room for oi» large fall stock. Do not miM this â- chance, but come at once, it will JW 7t)n to buv from us, and always take yoor watch, clock and jewelkry te- pairs to RUSSELL'S ll|niDl JewelovI ^^ Pleshertoa, Meat and Drink.â€" Some men are un- able to make both ends meet because they are too busily engaged making one end drink. The brass band will appear to good advantage in their new and handsome aniform at the promenade concert on Thursday evening. Perseverance rewarded.â€" Mr. J. E. Richards of Rocklyn, shipped during the last ten weeks, 7,000 lbs butter, and now he wants 7,000 lbs fowl. Mb. Wickam has been re-enffaged in Orange Valley school for 1889 at an ad- vanced salary. He has given excellent satisfaction the past year. Geo. Peekira, cabinet maker, former- ly of Holland Centre, and more recently of Wiarton, was sold out at the latter place by the Sheriff recently. J. W. Sprotjlk, our furniture dealer and funeral director, driyes the prettiest carriage team in town. They are a weU matched and handsome pair of dapple greys. A Love Letter Bustle. â€" An exchange tells of a gentleman finding a bustle which contained a large nomber of love letters. But it is not the first time a yonng lady has permitted her correspon- dence to get so fax behind. I The Canadian Live Stock and Farm Joomal for Noyember is really an excel- lent number of thiawide-a-wake month- ly. Its pages are pregnant with practi- cal and highly interesting matter, ably written and neatly gotten up. $1 a year- OuB highly respected townsman, A Tum«, Esq., late of the Markdale Medical Hall, has pnxchased a similar bnaineas in Orangeville, and is now in that town getting badness arranged to mam thither. Mr. Turner is a thoronj^eomg business man and a I' dtiaen of which any tawn may beptoud. We wish him nnbonnded soccess in his new£eld. ,â-  .. i- Thousands and thousands of dollar g to lend on easy terms, and lowest rates of interept, on real estate. Apply to John Whitby, Markdale. A. HAN went home intoxicated. His vrife said: "So you've had another glass!" "Glass?" said he. "Wonderful word- Take off g and it is you." "Yes," she rephed, "and then take off 1 and it is you." ._ ;â-  '--•:' \-/-i:.'\- "'â-  :--1: We watched the earth, we watched the skies, but nothing saw but rain, and then we asked with tearful eyes, "when will it clear again " They said we'd haye a glorious fall, but thongbt not to explain the fall they meant was, what it is, a glorious fall of rain I Serious Accident. â€" On Monday last while out fowling James Wright, jr., of Holland, near Berkeley, was acciden- tally shot in the face by his companion who was shooting at a partridge on the wing. Wright will lose one eye, if not both, it is feared. A Kingston boy came home from school very much excited and told his father that he believed all human beings were descended from apes, which made the old man so mad that he replied, angrily: "That may be the case vrith you, but it ain't with me I can tell you that, now." School Trustees. â€" We have made arrangements to have the Standard on file at the Durham and Owen Sound Model Schools so that students desirous of securing a school can see what adver- tisements there is in the Standard for "Teachers Wanted," Trustees who purpose advertising for a teacher should make a note of this. HoNOB Roll of S. S. No. 18, Euphrasia â€"marks obtainable, 400â€" Sr. 4th class â€" Hattie Shore 323. Jr. 4thâ€" Robbie Lee 276, Alice Stinson 262. 3rd class- Ben. Stinson 243, Thomas Gould 239. 2nd classâ€" Glaydis McKeen 308, Wesley Freeman 292. 2nd part â€" ^Mary Stinson, Edith Sewell. Ist class â€" Josie Long- head, Apostle Sewell. A. E. Thompson, Teacher. Christmas Cards and all foreign Christ- mas Papers are completely put in the. shade in Canada this year by the puh- Ucation of the grandest Christmas Paper ever published. Those who know say the Christmas Number of the Montreal Star will take the public com- pletely by storm. For sending away to friends and to preserve at home it will be the most taking thing ever seen in this country or in Europe either. The youth that parts his hair at the equator, sucks the head of a rattan cane, squints with dreamy looking eyes thro* airy glasses, wears No. 5 boot and No, 6 feet, sports a double breasted watch chain to which is anchored a four dollar watch, wears a horse's hoof scarf pin and sporting studs, and says "deuced," Change in Business. â€" Mr. Josei^i McCullough, late of Meaford, has pur- chased the puirp business from J. T. Quinn, of Markdale, and is now in pos- session. Mr. Mc. is, we understand, a thoroagh practical pump maker, having had considerable experience and is now prepared to meet the wants of the com- munity in his line. He warrants his pumps five years, which is an evidence that he understands his business. We bespeak for him a prosperous business and wish him success. Prohbnade CoNCKBT.-T-The concert in the roller rink on Thursday evening under the auspices of the Young People of the Methodist church promises to be the best entertainment yet held in the town. The rink has been thoroughly fitted up for such purposes and well seated. Mrs. (Capt.) Thompson, of Toronto, has consented to be present, and as she is pronounced by those who haye heard her to be equal if not su- perior to Mrs. Colwell as a singer,. this alone will be worth the admission. Granting Bonuses. â€" The law passed at the last session of the Ontario Lesris- lature, and which came into force on the first of November, will practically shut out the granting of bonuses by municipal corporations. Municipahties are pro- hibited from giving a bonus to a manu- facturer in any town to luove to another town. And a bonus by-law will in all cases in the future have to be carried by a two-thirds vote of all the ratepayers who are entitled to vote on such a by- law, and no aid can be granted to a firm if works of a similar nature are already doing business in the place. Fob Sale. â€" A first-class second hand organ, 8 stops, good as new, cheap. Wm. Bbown. J, J. McKinnon i'r^ pre- pared to give satisfaction in all kinds light and heavy harness and harness goods. Repairing promptly attend- ed to. Whips, bruslies, curry combs, c., to suit the trade. A call respectfully solicited. Do you like stories â€" ^Farm and Fireside is full of the best stories written and is pubUshed once a week, 4 large newspaper pages. We will send Farm AND Fireside to the end of 1889, and the Weekly Mail to the end of 1889 and our own paper all for Two dollars. The regular subscription price is $2.75 a year. This is a great offer. "Success Deserved" IS ALMOST "Success Assured." Business lioeals. S TEARS IN BUSIIVESS KERE OCTOBER SSnd. "few," "yes," "damme," and "don't you fail to remember," has a soft thing in tljjs world. He wears it in his hat just beneath the unusually thick skull. The Toronto Weekly News is pre-^ senting to its subscribers, a most cre- ditable letshmg, in fac-simile, of Munkacsv's great picture, "Christ Be- fore Pilate," 28 m. X 11 in., which creat- ed such interest when exhibited in New York last year, and was purchased by Mr. Wannamaker, of Philadelphia, for $120,000. The etching is a beautiful piece of work and should be prized by all who receive it. In accordance with an amendment to the Municipal Act, giving power to councils of towns and incorporated yill- ages to hold their nominations in the evening instead of mid-day, our council* passed a by-law at its last meeting changing the hour for nomination from tvrelve, noon, to 7:30 in the evening. This is as it {should be. It will ffve business men and mechanics an oppor- tunity to attend without interfering with their daily ayocations and thos secure a bettn attendance furttier- more, it will give tiiose who have an in- cerest and voice in surrounding monieip- We will send the Standard to anyf/ addrefss from now until the end of 1889 for $1 cash. Cow for sale, apply to A. Turner, at Mauley's Drug Store. Important to borrowers, $10,000 pri- vate funds to loan, apply to W. J. Mc- Farland, Markdale. 412-26 Wanted I- â€" 100 cords wood in exchange for stoves. Markdale Stove Foundry. Take Eejavenator Bitters to keep you from catching cold. Sold by Smith, the barber. J. G. Anderson will take Butter, Eggs, Fowl, Mitts and Socks in exchange for goods. If yon want to buy beef by the quarter go to the Markdale meat market â€" 4 cents per lb for front and 5 for hinds. F. Sarjeant. Two GOOD young cows in calf for sale. John Whitby, Markdale. Bdtgains in every line at J. G. Ander- son's during the next six weeks. A colt rising three years old for sale, also a fanning mill. John Whitby, Markdale. The Family Herald and Weekly Star is without an equal as a weekly paper, and will be sent to end of next year for $1. Leave your subscription at the Standard Office. The Weekly Globe for 1889 $1 with balance of this year free. Subscribe at this office and save your postage. "Stbiks while the iron is hot." B. B Clements wants you to call early and leave your measure for a good fitting suit of clothes. He is terribly rushed now and will be "rusber" later on in the season. Call at J. G. Anderson's and get a cadd. of that famous new fresh Tea the best in town. J. G. Anderson wants to clear ont the whole of his stock by January Ist. In order to do so bargains will be given. T^SLSt "Wamingr. â€" All parties indebted to A. Turner Co, mast pay np at once, otherwise ac- connts will be placed in coort for col* lection. I have purchased a boidness in OrangeviUe and mast have mcmey. Payment to be made to my brotiier, Walter Tamer, who is auUiorized to purpose becoming a ' fixture" for 5 more, all being well. It is better to hold warrants with my name on, guaranteeing Clox and Watches, as I am determined on stay- ing right here, and keeping them good. My stock is complete. Gall aud see. 81 assorted Glox to choose from. 41 Gold, Silyer Nickel Watches. Fine lines in Gem Wedding Bings also over $200 wholesale in assorted Silver- ware for Freeientation purposes. I particularly ask comparison of Stock, "Prices" and Terms before you buy. 1 8 YEARS AT THE TRADE. GOODS AND -WOEK WABEANTED. "JEWELLER BROWN" lMDkJRI£X IL.E TOE mM CUIU. UCOBPORATnia The Farm Journal, Canadian Fanner and The Dairsmnoi. AN ILI.1J8TRATED HORTJpbY â€" ^lOB â€" The Farm and Horns- 36 pp. Cover, ^1,00 per yf^r. On the Ist of Jannary next tbe Baral CadMian will enter on its Twelfth year of pablieattoo. asd a statement of the Begnlar Degjartmanta la ^« ality a diance to attend the nomiiiatioii I reoebe all moneyadne me and to give of both. avwwj»» MijHiWi«»w. A« j.u.u« .ib, l;%U^htV:i '-iit ., •o :fi;i- 7i'*i^ ^r Bnral will best convey an ideam the aeope of tbe publication :â€" Farm and Field 'Horae« « Cattle ' The Dairy; Sheep and Swine Garden and OKh ard; Bees,Fonltnr and Pets Boral Notes Home Circle Household Hints, Soientifto and 'Diefnl two fall pages of Hosic. OUR BIO OFFER. Taa Wbeki.t Quom, fmjmg, tMO Tss BsBAii Oahadum. " ixn Taa Stajtoabd, ** uxt All fi»i^«».00 caali, till the caiA â- i-nh 4 IS M I i ^-i ':^:- mym^. mm '-m^ ^f 'â-  '_;^:* • ^^S*du .-V/ mkTM- '-*SE^Ss4a!ii â- :' mam

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