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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Nov 1888, p. 8

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 I ^^tf?. u m\ ' 'M. m. :-^:-\ »h^ J. F. HAUTED, M. D. phtsiciam, snaoKON, c., Holland CJentre* Will be at Berkeley every Tuesday and Friday afternoon from one to four o'clock. 390-ly. rr. Sproule, LPHTSICIAN AND SUBGEON, â€" IVT .A. R, K: I ^^ !-• E. officeâ€" Manlev's Drug Store. C. A McBRIDE, M. D., L. R. C. P. S. EDINBURGH, OfRice ai Stephen's Drug Store, Late of the London Hospital, England. I». MicCullougrli, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, c OFFICE-OVER MoFARLAND'S STORE. MARKDALiE. IMoirey to Loan- IIIASSO]« MASSON, BAKBISTERS, SOLICIIOKS, ^. Officesâ€" Owen Sound, in VicXer s Block, Poulett St.; Blanch office inMarkdale over McFarland'8 Store, on Friday and Saturday every week. J. Masson, Q. C. S. Massos. W. Massok. jl. B.â€" Private and Company's funds to invest at from 6 to 8 rer cent. B3KOWV. DIVISICN COURT CLERK. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, kc. Commissioner} in B.R. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed jj. B.â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se- curity. WILLIAM STUART, KIMBEELEY, Issuer i Marriage Licenses. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rates. A few Ifarma for sale. Terms easy. J.P.MARSHALL, L.D.S. G^ -DENTIST,- I RADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL VJ- of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House. raeh'moS?^for\e |actice^',^is pi-ofession. Commencing on the i th September. MOSEY TO^ LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission charged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P, 0. FARM FOR SALE. T OTNo.24. con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, 1 J 100 acres will be sold cneap and on eJ^ te^mrJfpayment, for further particulars apply on the premises. or^by^etter to IQO^tf. ' Pomona^ IarpalThouse, MARKDALE. ^NT. c/. £ Marsh. Pro^- W. C. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT, Markdale. RTjTsPROui-Ef FLESHEBTON. fc^fupa^niV'Sua^tfo^naonsbortest notice. Charges very low. Ap^P^yg'^E, Money Lender Postmaste r. Flesherton. THE TAILOR, is prepared to make your clothes neat and trim. The Utest Fashion Plates always on hand to "^S^eS; over McFarland's Store, Markdate. 6 PERCENT, Money loaned on Farm or To;wn Property at lowest rates of i^^eres^t^^Ap^lyto Conveyancer JPostmaster. PlMherton. TVIOIVE Y o LOA.1V. Private and Gompiiny's funds to invert In Boal Estate at current rates of interest. ,â€"â€"- TAXMB W)» UXUB. MXn TO XSVT. AU business private and confidential, ^l^jj- er for Cajaada Permanent Loan and fevmga Company, Toronto. 408^ JOHN WHITBY, Mar kdale. A. F'OG^ER'^rYT" LaSTERER AND STONE MASON MAEKDALE, Isnrenared to take contracts in town or countiTr Calcimining and -Whitewailung a spe cialty. .. laontlily Fair*. Oiangeyilleâ€" The aeoond Thnndfty in eiMh TtSdalkâ€" Tnesday Ijrfore onDgeriDA. ^herton-Monday below Ortngevine. Markdale-Satimlfty before OiMgeville. SorhMn-liird Tneaday in 9»Amwiti, ^Satw^rtb-atond»yb«toeD«h m. HontwrCentro-SatardaybatoM Oh t t i W fli priflB^le-Monday betee DjbJmb. MAKKDALE CARRIAGE -:- WORKS. R. McNally, practical manofactorei Wag- gons, Democrats, Baggies, Bleighi. Cuttefs and everything in the line. The best ma. terial need and firstMslaas workmanship. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rtpairing, Painting and Trimmine: promptly attended to. A call respectfully solicited. Stand opposite the Markdale Hotise. R. M'NALLY. W. M. BUSH, TKe Horse's Friend Is fully prepared to attend the wants ot all who favor him with their custom, in Me- Nally's establishment, opposite the Markdale House, Markdale. Parties having horses with contracted or otherwise bad feel will do well to give me a trial. This class of work a specialty. SIGHT V. BLrNT:PfESS. CELEBRATED English Spectacles 79 BAY STREET. TORONTO CANADM. â-  ^AND 18 JEWItJ STREET. LONDON E. C. ENGLAND R- J_j. Stephen's, CHEMI8T DRUGGIST, Markdale Has the Agency for the sale of the above in MAKKDAIiE. No Spectacles in the Marketequal them in the EYE PEESEKVING QUALITIES they possess, or the GREAT EASE and COM- POBT thev confer on the wearer. Their use will in actuality so strengthen the Eyes that it does not become necessary to change them for many years. They are therefore the CHEAPEST. EXCELSIOR WAREROOMS! I have now on hand a fall and varied stock of all kinds and grades of Furniture, bouglit for cash from the most reliable firms in Canada, and I purpose doing business on a strictly cash basis which will put me m a position t,o sfU at a small advance on cost and thereby give my cnstom- ers the benefit. I shall esteem it a lavortohaveyou call oud look through JVIY JBSTABL1«$IIRIC:i«T/ whether you require anjthmg in my line or not, and I feel confident that you will be dehghted with and surpris ed at the quality and cheapness of my goods. â€" Upholstered gooda a specialty. Undertaking 5 ' J \- ' â- * â€" ^nv -iHt m^mmmm In this department I have a oom« plete stock of all kinds of fnneral jfumishings and all orders will have Kiy prompt and careful attention. A first class hearse in connection. Musical Instmmeiits I also handle the celebrated Bell Organs and the famous Wanzer Sewing Machines which may b« seen on ljxhibition at my warerooms, prices and grades tosnit all parcbasers. Picture Framing. I shaffl keep in stock an assorted line of frames, and yoar ssteemed orders will be attended to with neat- ness and despatch at rook bottom prices. With many thanks tor the present patronage which I have re- ceived and hoping by fair prices and square dealing to merit an increase of the same. I am. yoor^s respeetftil^« J W. SproiOft, 9) a ft ft c6 r-H a •ri c6 m Hi M o Ph P 1 a Mpq Phh go o o ^r P OOOp o o oi=l CD 0H a a a EH OOO^ o o o o o o 14 -^;V V~:^-"" '^4!^; ^-,-..iO Pi r-H C6 O D Ho pqM rH CnI (D M u a •+3 u o CQ ;:^ M o o m ^^ •iH o o c3 JlJi-H Iâ€" *»-H D rHrH O n O 43 m O pq (D 43 O 00 OS o hJ O X Q. U H CO n o: u o co o 3 Q. O Standard Currespondence. The monthly fair ou Sfooday-. last was poorly attended. Very lew cattle ou the market a good nombor of thosu out changed hands. Stephen Spirit, Fsq., of this village, after an absence of eignt years from his native land, left here on Tuesday last for old England. He expects to return to Canada about March next. The Hnber Atwood Bright Littbts closed their concerts here on Saturday evening last. They were not stimu- lated with very large audiences here. The manager reports he has yet to collect 20 eta, for reserve from the old gentleman who sat ou the ladder otit- side taking in tbe concert and play through the window. Eey. \. H. Drumm, a graduate of Knox College, occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church here Sabbath lafit and will (U. V.) pieach again Sabbath afternoon next at the usual hour. Mr. Drumm is an earnest and impressive preacher of the gospel, a clofce reagoner. He is not an orator possessed with flowery eloquence of declamation, but yet there are un- mistakable marks of power in what he says, although he says it iu the most impassioned manner; evidently he is a good student of advanced thought and more than average ability. The Eev. Mr. Grant, of London, who has electified and delighted his audiences heretofore m thin village on former visits, will ^D. V.) preach in the Baptist chapel on Thanksgiving day, Nov, 15th, in the afternoon, and also lecture at night. A tea will also be served by the ladies of the congre- gation. The Artemasia township fathers met ill council chambers Monday last for general business. Hats oft. Beeve in the chair. Members all present, looRing wiser and more serious than ever as the year draws to a close, only one session more, sitting on Dec. 15th. The following minutes were entered. Sharp â€" Boland â€" That the reeve and clerk be instructed to issue trustees cheques for school trustee rates, if re- quired, before 16th Dec, next council sitting. Eeport of committee to arrange financial matters between corporation of Markdale and Artemesia township was adopted and amount of $128 ordered to be paid Markdale corpora- tion. The following payments were order- ed to be made â€" H. Cairns, letting and inspecting, $8 Reeve, overseeing and inspecting Boyne Water bridge. »w. Standard Vorrenpm„\f^^^ Monthly fair day tc.d"ayi,^ Messr.. Irw,„. Faweett '3 Whitmore and other buv. n.,l^"««. sent, the attendance wi P'e- very few cattle changed hau?-"" Dr. Kerr has sold hia «„ ?• '" Scott and intends goin/r?'f^' ton Territory in aboX J^^'""' i)r and family .n, Vavr^^I^^ !!^fi.!f. "i"**" warm fneucfc j^^ ^^f prosper! iv nappiues* and distant lio^c. Mr.Tho*. Blakelywastbcttt.' man m tow» la«t week; \^r£^" a young son, ""ewas Mr. J. Carr, of Colliog^ood 1„ opened a general Ktore ia T; T erected by R. Brown tin, "i^^^^ eeems to mean bns-iues^lu- lU he has purchased. "' S.Connor and S.Lm%, have «,„ clur^ed the ginger ale works from ' (.arr, and are now turniog out t^ above turning out the abore article good Buape, so Maxwell is still and thriving. Mr. John McNeal Graduate Queen's College, Kin-stoi,, Las bee. ordained and iuducted tu the pastoral charge of Maxwell, Feversbam Mclutyre con;re;Htioiis. Plenty of mnd, copious sbowers a change of the uioou will wiud the Maxwell news this week. ^ravsrstoa. Standard Qorrenjiondaice. Miss Trailier of Owen Sonnd, visiting -at Mr. J*imes Morrisou'a. ' Mr. and Mrs. Strutheru of Mio- nesota, havo been r.siting at Mj, Hichard Jack's. ^Irs. Thos. Jack left on Saturday to join her husband m Dakota. A number of friends of Mr. ani Mrs. Thos. Dulan gave them a friend- ly call at their new residence on Wed- nesday nigbt. The visitors were most hospitably received and a most pleu- andevening was spent. An impromptu programme consisting of songs aod recitations was carried out, We unite with those present in wishing Mr. ani Mrs. Dulau prosperity and happiness in their new boLne. A debating club has been organized by tbe young men around here. It will be known as the "Traverston Literary and IMhating Club.'" All persons desirous to cultivate a faeility for public speaking and at the same time securing useful information, are jriKTH YEAll.-:?^ -^^T THIS WEEI Special Lin Fresh Labrador He Finnan Hat " Digby Chid NE^^ DATES, NEW P IsJE'WPBXJNES, NE'W EAI^ 3^EW CURRAN Lemon, Citron Orange Peels, variety of spices. Biscuits and Confectiouf IBnest and largest stock in tp choose irom. fCI0CKEItY) (6USi m great variety, cheaper t HoQse in the county. t: requested to attend. The club meets a,uu m»pecumg xjoyue Y»ai«r uriugc, every Friday night in Elder's HaU, $10; J. McAr_thur,mspecting culvert i-^averstou. Mr. Isaac Elder hsj Durham Boad, $2; $4 per month granted to T. Manders, indigent, for six mouths \V. H. Thurston, $7.50, printing Keevot Clerk and A88e6sor,4 selecting jurors, $4 each L. Belts, repairing bridge, $1 W. McLoughry, repairing culvert, $3; McArthur â€" Sharp â€" That the reeve issue order for this day's session. their chairs. Hats on. Traverston. Mr. Isaac been chosen President and Mr. Thos. Dulan Secretary of the orsauization, Oar Bndcational SroUem. Editor Stmdard "A Student," in All leave Went home OWSV BOUJVS. a«^!^ ta^ ^^ :^0--4. u\M^. S'ii4; ^35» «;;' Standard Corresvondence, Thb Rev. E. WaUace Waits, B. A. late of Chatham, N* 6. was inducted into Knox churob here on Friday 2Qd inst. Dr. Fraser of Jjeith, presiding, Mr. Fleming ot Clarksburg, preached, Mr. McAlpin addressed the minister and Dr. Fraser (in the absence of Mr. Molunis, who was to address tbe con- gregation) addressed the congregation. In tbe evening a reception was given Mr. Waits in the town hall by the ladies of the congregation where after partaking of a bounteous repast ad- dresses were delivered by the following: Bevs. Holmes, Kerr, Mullen, Stuart and Schiverea and Messrs. Masson, Butherford, Merchant and Waldron, On Wednesday evening of last week Schiverea ended his reviyal seryioes here by a meeting of the converts which amounted to one hundred and thirty. On Thursday evening he de- livered a lecture called the :st five steps of a drunkard. Mr. Schiverea left for London, Ont. on Saturday morning where he ex- pects to conduct evangelistio services. Dr. Denhart has gone to New York, to attend the hospital there, be ex- pects to be gone foor months. Mr. (iraham of tbe Cllften House left for parts unknown on Saturday a number of merohante would like to see him very mnob but its not likely that feeling is raeiprooal. Mr. Adam Turner, tor many 'years chemist and druggist of Markdale, called at the Beview office Thursday last. He baa sold out his business and is taking a look annmd a number of towns and eilJM in western Ontario with A view to kaaluig again. Any town ovcii^ sMonBg Adam Tvtmer as a barineis mtai tuOt ottoea will ba ^eiitad.%««ii|^^|^ti«|l]» BjH '-^^ •. -, "' ' ' your last isaoe makes a futile' attempt to OTticize sn J editorial in tbe late issue of the Flesb- erton Advance, the attempt retnmdiDg me foroibly of a caricatuae of m Quixote on crutches, in his tilt agwnsj the windmill. The criticism causes me to re-read the Educational article in the Advance, aud it pleased ma » read the profound thought conveyw by our friend of the Advance, andtrns the press throughout the country ar large will follow his example in nouncing a system which, a^t "" its financial extravagance, keeps semi-bondage our highly culfavate Teachers, and brings the public at large into a contemptible state of sud ser;iencv. The fund anfR.f"" the Soh^l Lands wiU, j^ife i' « mains, be a rot-pit of official cor^^ tion. no matter what pohfacal par^ ^mayhem power, and the sc^ner^;,. 'wiped out of existence as » J^^ School Fund, the better for oar ednc^ ational interests; and as P'" Thurston tritely says. rl«ive^f;P^ TOBACOO apBBEBS IN CIG In the Provision line. " Plonr and Feed oil kinds, ss as at tne mill. Just receivci Wright's fresh oatm€ Our Liquor store is well sto* the choicest brands. Bottled a dozen. Give us a call an( go away convinced. UIE i?. H, Benson. W,J CREA pie free to act and --.. ^^miss- selves." nyo"g«°*'^;.?'^P'period, ion I will, at some tutnw P i^jg suggest a mode of extingm^^tb^ Fund, and *PPly^f/l^S aV*' manner that would meet the ajj of every right-minded man m the CO -FOB THB muDity itodent. The miserable driveller, sw^ ^^ is beneath notice, and ^jj, 4rf.a«re will treat hufalseh^^„,t silent contempt. 'XJiitor similar evidently have had a charac« ^^^ to "A Student" in ^s ^^. when he uttered the expressiOB ive to collegians t^^a* ^.^ oot »»"" I haye long observed, wi ^^ the humiliating Poa?^° IT id t^f our worthy School Tejfj"jS, f change in the Scbool^a;^ng«rt tb* elevate them to JV^heTe^"'**' -fi l^ofessionB to vhich ^^^j^^ toU and talents justly ent.««^„t meet with the hearty appr"^,^ M0N1 SEPTEMI OFâ€" "Watclies, JTevrellery, Spectaclei Ixk order to clear out immense stock to make kxBe fall stock. Do i ^iMice, but come at one •joa to buy from us, and watch, clock and pairs to ttUSSK iitl Iewelb -Cit-Ii wntumm â- w^..-..^^

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