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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Nov 1888, p. 5

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 • '» s 3HES, s, BS, chels, BOOKS, PURS 7 of -P, RFUME :SKS, USHES RAZOE^ SSCOL TRUSTER iieil is manufacturing an ea lleiit a-ssortment of il l^^ni'iiiture, SC iOOL SEATS and DESKS DESKS, etc., of tue latt ost api.Toved pattern. High Ly Sciioal Trustees and Teaei jess comfort and compaotnear An assortment of Farm ai ept always on band. SeAP' hatsworth P. 0. ANDREW McGILl.' xconrouATisir m Jorirnal. dian Fa rmer and The DaiTjram â- "c-rm FOB and Home. poKer, ^100 per reor. )l ilusic. B BIgToVFER' «1.00 1.00 1.00 eadof OO cash, «H the owner i^ ^^'Jd taiTbei â-  pay charges anu «-- e Farm for saiej con.^^tC^«^ tv acres more or^ b?re3 cleared bah^ce tner partienlars »PP OLOMONE^L^t bardvro Ivto (ESTRAY- HE isfi»»fth«°i^"^Atir«»^,5 DISTRICT DOINGb. jjj IXTEEESVINO eUUMABT FROM 0U» exchakges and OTHEBWISS, PAKA- GFAfHE£ FOB 8IANDA£0 BEABEBB. lit. Forest has seven new J. P's. ^. G. Hanter, Duudslk, uoir issues marriage licenses. Dr. Barr, of Homing's Mills, has Bjoved to Sbelburne. Jchn Brown, ot Oiangeville, Las beau arrested for bigamy. Collingwood Methodists are prepar- iQ(T to build a new church. 150 new lock bnxes have been added to tlie post-office at Owen Sound. Owen Sound ia troubled ni^ht and ^av with the yelps of tcurvy dogs. A. M. Tysou of Wiarton shot a 300 ib deer near that village recently. leeswarer butter factory ia sending 18 OJO lbs of butter to the Old Country. John Smith of Bentinck is going to Algoma with a gang of 200 men to take out saw logs. Dundalk is moving in the direction of fiie protection aiid a Hook and Ladder Co. is b^iug organized. 130 conversons are reported as a result of Mr. f erdiaaud Scbiverea's evangelical service in Owen bound. Tbo Mecbauics' Institute of Owen Souud, purpose holding evening ilassts in drawing this coming winter. Iibe libel £uit between Booth and EfcDuedy of the Advertiser, Orangeville, has been settled, each paying his own CObts. Suibbs, the -defeated candidate for Caldwell, has entered a protest against the election of Mr. White, member for Cardwell. The store of J. E. Mader Co., }ye« market, was buiiglarized on Satur- day uight last and come $800 worth of hue dry goods taken. The Owen Sound Times was estab- lished 35 years ago, and last week commenced its 25th year under the present proprietorship. A lady in Nassagaweya discarded her Husband and married a man nam- •;d Darby ou thn IGth Oct There was nothing illejial about the affair either Her maiden name was Hus- band. Mi. G. J. Blyth, editor of the Chats- 'voitli ^iews, has purchased a lot and (.rectud a printing office, and moved iuto It last week. We are glad to note -ueh evidences of prosperity and wish Mr. B. eoutiaueu success. The C. P. K. cire putting in long ;iuuugh ndiugs at Holland Centre, Berkeley, Fleshertou, Dundalk, Cor- botton and Sbelburne This will ex- pedite traffic ou what has now becouie one of the busiest lines in Canada. Mr. H. Ball, proprietor of the (T-eemore Advertiser, was last week the happy recipient of a surprise party, an address and presentation. Mr. B. has heeu three years in Creamore, and is eudcavoriug to "keep in the middle ot the king's, high way" as it were, and his doings are evidently appreciat- ed. " Au explosion of gas took place last Thursday at the Queen's Hotel, Owen bound. Plumbers were hunting for a leak in one of the pipes, with a lighted match, hence the explosion, which did cousiderible damage to the ceiling of the commercial room. Accident at a Thre.'»hing. â€" An ac- cident occurred at Mr. Kugseli's threshing about three miles from the Tillase last Friday when Mr. H. Lons- way f^ill through the mow on to the lluor breaking his breast bone. The accident is a serious one, but we hope It is not quite so serious as reported and that the sufferer will soon be restored to his wonted health again.â€" Dundalk Herald. The lioyal MaT Stage from Owen Sound to Alleuford, came to grief Fri- day morning last out near Jones' Falls, gomg dowu the hill, the pole of the atage broke and instead of turning the usual way took a straight course for itself and went over the bank. Several parties were hurt rather badly but not seriouslv, we uuder stand.â€" Advertiser MoBE Railway Faceuties.-â€" The Southaiapton Beacon says that it has intcrmatioii from reliable sources that ^lie C. P. R. mtegd to push the Sau- geen Valley scheme. Eugineers, it i^ays, are already making a tour of in- spection between Owen Sound and Southampton. Their intention being to survey a route for the construCjtiou «I arailroad through the northern part Grey and Bruce, touching at Park Head with the view of supplying rtal- ^»y facilities for the eftpaent work of «e N. A. Chemical Mining Manfg "Wr will send tlie Stakdabd to any address from now until the end of 1889 for $1 cash. Impobtant to borrowers, f 10,000 pri- vate funds to loan, apply to W. J. Mo- Farland, Markdale. 412-26 Bbxck HoiTBE to rent on George street. Applv to a. S. Bowes. Oct. 3, '88. Waited I â€" 100 cords wtod in exchange fox stoves. iUarkdale Stove Foundrv. Take Rejavenator Bitters to keep yru from catching cold. Sold by Smith, the barber. If jou want to buy beef by the quarter go to the Markdale meat marketâ€" 4 cents per H for front and 5 fur hinds. F. Saijeant. t The Family Herald and Weekly Star is without an equal as a weekly paper, and will be sent to end of next year for $1. Leave your subscription at the Standard Office. The Weekly Globe for 1889 $1 with balance of this year free. Subscribe at this office and save your postage. "Strike while the iron is hot." B. B Clements wants yon to call early and leave your measure for a good fitting suit of clothes. He is terribly rushed now and will be "rusher " later on in the season. once. Local and traveUn^ a- gents for our goods. Liberal commis- sions, or salary and expenses, to com- potent and reUable men. For terms and full particulars, address J. F. LeClabb, Nurseryman, Brighton, N. Y. Fabu fob sale. â€" Being part of lot No. 10, con., 5, Euphrasia, containing fifty acres, situated about one-and-a-third miles from the village of Kimberley, all under cultivation suitable buildings two acres orchard, seven acres »vheat, well watered. Applyto A.Aldous, Kimberley Wanted it W. J. MiFARLAND IS NOT BRAGGING when he says that he is showing the Finest, Fullest Nobbiest and Cheapest stock of DBY GOODS, CIjOTHING, MILLINEBY, BOOTS SHOES, QBOCEBIES, -:\: HATS, CAPS, FUBS, CABPETS and CLOTHING NORTH OF TORONTO Cbristmas J. McKinnon pll^a READY FIRST -WEEK IN DECEMBER A GI^eAT HOLIDaV PAPei^ Nefw TTpe, New Press, Fine Paper, Five Haiidsome IdUxoflraplied Plates, Fiist-Class miastrations, Origrinal Matter and Superior Workinansliip. THE BEST XMA8 P APER EVER ISSUED IN CANADA. THE LITERARY MATTER in the Christmas Globe will be entirely original and will include stories from the ablest perns in Canada. The subjects treated being wholly Canadian. FIVE HANDSOME LITHOGRAPHED PLATES accompany the paper, the princi- pal one being a scene from Vancouver Park, B.C., from a painting by Mr. L. R. O'Brien, the celebrated Canadian artist. MECHANICALLY the Xhas Globe will bo in every way first-class and no expense will be spared in having it surpass anything of the kind heretofore published in this country. AS THE DEilAND will be very great, we would advise intending purchasers to leave their orders at their newsdealer's or send direct to this office, not later than the end of the present month, as the supply will necessarily bo liciited and we cannot undertake to print a second edition. The price has been placed at ONLY 25 CENTS PER COPY. • It is intended to hare the edition ready the first week in December in order to allow plenty of time for mailing copies long distances so as to i-each destination before Christmas. THE GLODE PRINTING CO., Toronto. THE -WEEKLY GLOBE, tSae best family newspaper in Canada, and THE RURAL CANADIAN, thie best agricultural paper in Canada. Botli from now to end of 1889 only $1.25. pre- to give satisfaction in all kinds light and heavy harness and liarness goods. Repairing promptly attend- ed to. Whips, bruslies, curry comb^, c., to suit the trade. A call respectfully solicited. Do YOU LIKE stoeies â€" Farm and Fireside is full of the best stories -written and is published once a Aveek, 4 large newspaper pages. We will send Farm AND Fireside to the eud of 1889, and the W^eekly Mail to the end of 1889 and our own paper all for Two dollar?. The Put his claims to the test when next in town by comparing quality, quantity Sc prices and we know you will give your verdict irr favor of cFARLAND Do you want a comfortable Mantle or Jacket McFarland can please you with iov3ly new goods, low prices. Mark da IE FACTORY regular subscription" price a jear. This ia a great offer. is e'2.75 Notices of Births, .Marriages, and Deaths weiiti) five cents. MARRIAGES. BoTB â€" Worts â€" At the residence of the bride's father, by the Eev. J. Walker Sbil- toii. B. A., on Oct. 17, Mr. B. Jame* Boyd to Miss H. Aupusta, daughter )f Mr. Joel Worts, ail of Ariemesia. Do you want a nice fashionable Dress? McFarland can please you. Borne lovely goods just opened out in all the new shades from 10 cents up to $15.00 the Dress pattern. Do you want a Nobby Suit Mc- Farlaud's is the place to leave your order; new Scotch, English and Can- adian Suitings. Having ereeted and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain Fac- tory, contaiiiing all the latest and most approved machinery, everything being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sasb, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Hollov Battons, FRAMES, LATH, FENCE PICKETS. Sc, And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to none in Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics in eyery department, would now respecttuUy solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. PI N E LU M BER Dressed and U ndressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning done. Carefu I Attention to Ordes from a Distance. 303 THOS- ]\Ic]VE^V. Do you want a warm, strong, well- By Eev. K. 1. Hosking, on the 1st of Nov., °iado Overcoat at a moderate price at the residence of Mrs. Lansing, Mr. .las. Go to McFarland's ClothiugEoom and Hannah to Miss Phoebe Lansing, also Mr. j-iijj. ii.r Hobert Jchn Lansms t Miss Mary Tuck- fi" hundreds to select from; prices er all ot Holland. ZSarkdalo aiarkets. Fall Wheat 91 10 to §1 15 Spring Wheat 1 lOto 115 Barley 50 to 70 Oats.. 31to 36 Pease 55 to 58 Butter 17 to 17 Eggs • • • • 17 to 18 Pork 6 OOto 6.50 Potatoes, per bag 35 to 40 Hay 9 OOto 10 00 Onions, per bushel.. ...... .. 75 to 125 Hides 4 50 to 6 00 Sheep Skins ••• 60 to 70 ll Collingwood and Seorgain Bay Line. IN CONNECTION WITH THE Grand Trunk Railway. right. Do yon. want a fine or coarse pair of Boots, Rubbers or Overshoes Mc- Farland has the largest stock ia town to select from. Do you want Gloves, Hosiery, Wool Shawls, Trimmings Under Clothings ' McFarland has them at bottom figures. Coal Oil was first used for lighting purposes in 1826. McFarland has received 60 barrels. No. 1, No. 1, No. 1, No. 1. Cheap Cheap I Cheap Fall and Winter M n^OTTsT- OOZis/IIIF'X-iEi' -AT THE- The fine new steamers "Paoific" and "At- lantic 11 run as follows until further notice (weather permitting): „ a Leaving Collingwood at 1 p.m., Meaford a 3 pm., Owen Sjund at 8 p.m. andWiarton at 11:45 p.m. every l-uesday and Saturday for KiUamey, Manito waning. Little Current, Kagawong. Gore Bay. Spanish Biver, Serpent Biver, Algoma MilLs. Blind Biver. Thessaloa. Bruce Jliues, HUton, St. Joseph's Island, Garden River and SAULT STE MABm The Saturday Sf earner only wiU oaU at Cockburn Island and Meldrom Bay. PARRY SOUND. rUe 'NortUem BeUe" will leave Collmff wood for Parrv Sound. Byng Inlet and French Bxver every Sunday and Thii«d%y at 1 n m. connecting at French Biver with Str. "Bemora" for Alpena, Hi^. and returning to cSlingwood on We^erfay and Skt^d^ eveninRs oonnecting with the Bault Ste Mane "*FrSfonnation as to freiRhk ri,Um^nd, Do you want Grey Flannel. Blue Flannel, Fancy Flannel. Blankets, White or Scarlet Flannel? McFarland has them at manufacturers pnses. ^0- m^ ^. at Sbai^w Lake.â€" Wwjton Bobb. |^ria»1SBU5ri«ba«*a». «t,wte34 Need I advise you to get your Tea at McFarland's all sensible people i do, or at least all those who enjoy a good, well-flavored, strong Tea do. McFarland sells more Tea than any two stores in the County, and why Because he sells nothing but a pure, unadulteiated article at a very low price. TORONTO HOUSE, ^^^^^ M A full range latest styles ot fashionable Dress goods, in stripes, checks and combination, from 10 cents up. Black and colored cashmeres, great variety, from 25 cents to 7d cents best values in town. Coat and Matitie Cloths, cheap, stylish and popular. In Tweeds, gents' fumishingii. Hats and caps, stock complete and varied and pnces wliich must command at- traction. In Beanv-made Clothing we offer men' suits from $5.00 up which, for style and quality, cannot be excelled. Everything in the Boot and Shoe line from the heavy stoga to the finest Ladies' kid In these goods our home manufacture always take the lead. Having adopted the cash system we hops to convince customers that it pays to do business with us, where solyeut man is not required to carry the "lame ducks." INSPECTION AND COICPARLSON SOLICITED WM. BROWN. When in Markdale call ou the oldest, largest and cheapest store in town and that is McFarland's. ^, J. McFarlaiidi, I HAMILTON, THE PEOPLE'S PHOTOGAPHER, â- iiniirnii ff .-J rf- â- ' .i^'^,. :..ira JSvOfiH- tO Pii' i3 .ffio^ V' !M. li Is turning out Photos all sizes equalto City.' work. Copying and enlarging a speciality. Alsp, picture, firamipg done witi^',^ neatueas aod djspatiBb. Then come awa, both old aiji^ yqpog, vj And dinna lose nae, time If getl^ pietnres fir.|^M»c Jno^ Fob I! '!l i i â- ^^â- r J. • •i-% *â-  u4 â- â€¢:, :*•! â-  '^â- ^. L^fc vW "^-l^^X^f-^A ^.:^i iiSfa^.-i

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