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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Nov 1888, p. 4

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 'I" â- â€¢â- 'W!*f^«wKw«^4tfj^ I, \fK^ •â- â- ^â- vfs^i^^ si-yw^ VJ'^^J.V^-*^ "fc5*«"^^j«**^y vv -^'i^ *•â-  T â-  â- ^'i '*^.â- 'â- ;â- ^â- Nâ- ";:â-  fc»â- * ^rs t^ 1 h i '•"'"«( ^t-- â- !â- ' ja Iw S?J"Si ••P^l II i f a. â-  m m » â-  â-  A â-  I V r^-^^. '-r f I O. W. Rutledge, Proprietop. MABKDALE, NOV. 8, 1888. «OTE AND COMMENT. â€"The Oanftdiaa Pacific Railway has been the pnise df the ^ole land for JKOod management and goon man- ners. Its openini? in these older pro- vinces was a ground of congratulation not only in view of the better service it introduced itself, but in view also of the improvement it wrought upon competing lines, so that railway tja- velling and railway transport in Can- ada has be en quite another thing since it came into existence. Its trtmscon- tinental service, in competition with the great American routes, baa also been delightful to experience or even to read about. A similar change seems to have been noted in Manitoba since the opening of the Bed .Biver Railway to Winnipeg. The people of tliat city are rejoicing over the fact that they find the Canadian Pacific Railway officials actually polite, in- stead of being haughtily independent, in manner, as in the days of monopoly For the first time in the history of the city railway companies solicit business and the Canadian Pacific has prompt- ly notified merchants who never before received such a communication from it of change in freight rates. The changes, too, are in the right direction though merchants, it appears, set such a value upon the unheard of luxury of •Parisian politeness' now beintjlavish- ed upon them by their former despot who was once "independent and in- solent" that they are almost indifferent to the reduction in charges. The ac- commodation is better, the competition of the Red iJiver Valley Railway Com- pany having set the Manitoba Com- pany free also tO compete with the Canadian Pacific. It is hardly likely that the Manitobans will consent to monoploy being maintained anywhere by the Canadian Pacific on any £:rounds. â-² Cliat With Oue of Onx American Cousins â€" A $70,000 fire occurred in Mon- treal on Monday night. â€"Mr. W. A. Foster, Q. C, died on Thursday last in Toronto. â€" An agrarian murder was committ- ed in Athlone, Ireland, on Friday last. â€" Australian and Indian Catholics have presented the Pope with $1,000,- 000. â€" At Winnipeg on Saturday last the grand jury returned "no bill" in the libel cases. â€" ^H. C. Wilson, member for Ed- monton, has been elected Speaker of iJie Northwest Legislature. â€" The recount in the East North- -umberland case, increased the major- ity of Dr. Willoughby, the Conserva- tive candidate, from three to eleven. â€" Rev. Mr. Mockridge has resigned the rectorship of Christ Church Cathedral, Hamilton, on account of differences of opinion on the free pew question. â€"In the Red River gValley R. R. crossing case Mr. Mowat argues the case for the Red River Valley and Province of Manitoba while Mr. Blake is the lawyer for the C. P. R. â€" The election for President in the United States took place on Tuesday resulting in the election of Harrison Cleveland, who sacked SacksviUe has therefore been sacked himself. â€" I wonder how many people are aware that there is a Mormon colony in Canada There is a Mormon settle- ment, south of Calgary and within fifteen miles of the boundary. The colony is composed of about a hun- dred souls, who have immigrated from Salt Lake City. They state that they intend to respect the laws of Canada, that they are not guilty of polygamy, but they want polygamy legalized the wi fe of the elder is a daughter of Brigham Young. TLey are raising potatoes and other root crops, wheat and barley and appear to be confident that they can do so successfully. Their farms surround the village, where they have built a school house and other buildings, and contemplate put- ting up a grist and saw mill, and are so much pleased with their prospects that they say their breihern will come in from across the hue by the thous- ands. â€" A Washington despatch to the New York Times contams the follow- ing with regard to the appointment of anew English ambassador: "It is "taken for grant that the new minist- "er will not be Sir Charles Tupper "nor any other colonial subject of the "Queen, but some one of her old and "tried diplomatists, who has had years â- â- 'Of experience as a foreign minister, and who will carefully avoid all traps set by scheming pohticians." This means, if it meens anything, that the kind of an ambassador needed for Washington is one who is a good dea. more of a detective than a gentleman one who will be able to detect the schemes of scoundrels. An "old and tried diplomatist" accustomed to hon- orable treatment would hardly accept a:i appointment to a Capital whose peoijie themselves say that he must be one who can protect himself from traps set for him Ly then- political I scroundrels. "An old and tried" dip- lomatist who is wiihng to risk being treated in a mean and unmanly wiy by rulers becansp scoundrels have buc- ceecied in entrapping him, will not be «asUy found. If any foreign j»per had stated, as the accredited «or- irespondant of an hoporable Mew York newspaper has done, that the Ambass- adur needed for Wasbid^on was s jnac who could defend Imngclf ugapfft themes. mpectttbtlliKeriban dtis^ iT--.^ ii " 5' POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never Toriefl. A marvel.for purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the mul- titude of low East, short weight alum or phosphate powders sold only in cans. Botai Bakimo PowDBB Co.,106 Wall St.. N. Y. [From last Saturday's World.] Charles Dudley Warner, who has been in the city for a few days, leaves to-day for New York. In his cosy room at the Queen's, with a pile of letters and papers before him, he talked pleas- antly to The World last evening. "I am visiting Canada seeking information as to its resources, politics and people. My desire is to present to the people of the United States, as far as I am able, an accurate idea of Canada and the Canadians. I am in favor of maintain- ing the utmost good will and cordiality between the two countries, and the better we know each other the better we shall like each other. I have traveled through the Dominion from Vancouver. I. have talked to all the prominent pubUc men I could manage to see. I have met Dominion and Provincial officials, merchants, ministers, in fact every one likely to be able to give me useful in- formation. "Wherever I have gone I have invariably re- ceived the greatest courtesy and kindness. I have collected a mass of information conceriiing the Dominion its resources, its poUtica, educa- tional systems, charitable institutions, prison systems. Local and Dominion Governments and the feeling of the population towards the United States. I am pleased with almost everything I have seen. This city stiikes me particularly as a great metropolis. I observe that the business men and citizens generally are a stalwart race, physically and mentally. They apiear to have a iborough grasp of everything they undertake. "I am particularly struck with the beauty and elegance of the ladies of Toronto. There is such an absence of tawdry show. They are as perfect a style of women as I have seen anywhere. I have been aU over the city, seen your Premier, Minister of Education, Mayor, ex-Mayor, Public School Inspector, and a host of others. I am sorry I cannot stay several days longer." Then the celebrated litterateur talked of work- ingmen's organizations, their international char- acter, their opposition to allowing any cause of quarrel to arise between the two nations. "What are your own views of Aimezation?" asked the reporter. "On that subject I am seeking information," was the conclusive reply. "What will be the result of the Presidential contest " "Well, from advices received to-day, I am of opinion that Harrison will win." In closmg the interview Mr. Warner expressed his strong desire for a continuance of complete harmony between the two nations, and remarked on the great predominance which the Scotch element seemed to have everywhere in the Dominion except in the province'of Qnebec. IlieBallojaAlIisFa! THE OLD MMM GETS A HEW WATCH AND CHAIN AT BREAD^IEirS New JEWELERY Store. Did you see pa's new watch and chain "asked the bad boy as be came into the grocery store and held a fruit bissuit under the molasses cap,' Yes said the groceryman, as he char(;ed the boy's father with a quart of molasses your folks a,re getting michty tony. Your fath- er looks like a ditch inspector at a council meeting. Where did he get that watch and chain â€" was there a fire "No there wasnt any fire nuth- en betcher hfe pa dont hav tu go ter fires looking for watches and chains. He got em at Brcadners and it dont require a big fortune to get a watch and chain tbere you bett. My ma gave hiin $10. and sent him down to Breaduers, and look at the consequences He's too respectable for nothing. When ma saw him come iu she felt as if there was company in the house and she made me go and wash my neck and sent the girl out for more muttDn cuops, yon'da hard- ly believe it ^nas pa. That new watch, and oh I that chain he got atBreadners. look so different. When bed time came you'da died to see ma leading him to the spare bedroom, and hoping he would sleep well, and put that beautiful watch and chtdn under the pillow an, tellin him not to blow out tbe lump. An pa said he was feared he was puttiu ma to too much trouble, an ma said ob, no, not in the. least we are only too glad to have you |here. An when I snickered ma slapped me an t'^ld me to be a good boy while the gentleman was in the houpe, betcher life we've uad a regular picnic up to our house since pa got hiswatch and chain. And the bad boy went out and hung up a sign in front of the storeâ€" o c o _c__a_o_ o o o o oo o o HAIR BRUSHES, FLESH BRUSHES TOOTH BRU5:;HEi POCKET COMBS, PINE COMBS, Ladies' Hand Satchels POCKET BOOKS Immense quantity of TOILET SOAP, FINE PERPUM] SPONGES, WHISKS, SHAVING BRUSHES and RAZOR! DRUG :m:.^z5i^id.^i-e- IT IS A WELL KNOWN FACT THAT McCOLL'S LARDINE' c o Olo 00 _o Folks wearing BEE ADi^EKS â-  watches and chains kin git mol- ° ° ° asses on bifccuits for nuthiuK. ' ° olo o o o o o_o^o_o o o o p o o o o o 6 o 6' o"*o"3'*o"o*'o'*6*o' TO THE PUBLIC. «i is the best known, and most reliable MAcmME Oil in the Dominion Farm- er's; Thresher's and Mill Owner's, will find it decidedly to their advantage to insist u)on getting the "Genuine Lardine" when they ask for it, owing to so much interior oil being sold un- der the same name by unscrupulous dealers. We are the sule manufactur- ers of the "Genuine Lardine" every barrel branded. McOOLL BRO'S, CO. Toronto. For Rale in Markdale at Haskct!: TO SGHGOL^TRUSTEE The iindersigued is manufactnring ane celleut sssoitment of Scliool lt'"'iu'nitiire,] Consistingof SC iOOL SEATSandDES TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of tlie 111 design and most approved pattern. Bifh] recommended by School Trustees and I« ers, for cheapness, comfort andcompaeto wherever tried. An assortment of Ymn School Bells kept always on hand, catalogue to Chatsworth P. 0. 181 ANDEEWMcGILH TiltlMllBII IXCORPOaVTIKS The Farm Journal, Bro'e Hardware Store 885-412 FARM FOR SALE. Lots 109 and 110, in the 8rd Conoeraton of the Township of Artemesia for nale. Terms to suit puiehascr Apply to H. D. IBWIN, near Markjale. Aug. 81st, 1888 t, Ca^adianJFarmerand Th e Dairymanl AN ILLU»TBATEOJ«0iWHt^ â€" ^roBâ€" The Farm and Home- 36 pp. Coyei^lOO per m CLnrdi Votsa. 3* ' Bev. Mr, Graham preached an inter- estiner sermon to the Orangemen in Christ Church last Sunday evening;. The edifice was well filled. In tbe Presbyterian chorch, last Sxin- day, Bev. A. H. Drumm of Toronto pre- ached two able sermons â€" ^in the morn- ing from the words 'we love" and in the evening "two wagons and foox oxen" and "four wagons and .eight o^»n." The lev. gentleman is xiginal, practical, y«7 pcanted, aad-;* deac leasonerj H» will afi^a occupy tbe aaea» pi^^ BOt *»*'^**^^- ' â- â-  -jsMKia Qouterly s^mm SlBtedistchnieitiMt Havinc; leased the wood department of McKenna's carriage block, I am now folly prepared to execute all kinds of work in my line with neatness and dispatch. All kinds carriages built to order and the best material ustd, together with good workmanship. Repairing promptly attended to. We give a cordial invitation to all who may require anything in our line to call and see no. We want to get acquainted acd trast our acqnaint- aneesh^ may prove mntualfy pro- fitable. GEO. MATHEBtt, TEACHER WANTED, For Sohool section No. 6, Artemesia, male or female, holding second or third ola«8 cer- tificate. Duties to oommpnce on the seoond day of January, 1889. Apply stating salary to JOHN HAZARD. Fleshertun Station, p. o. Trustee Sec.. Treas. dated nth Nov. '88. â€"IT PAri«( TOâ€" On tbo 1st of J%auary o'^^Vrf Section.'" win enter on it6 Tweiith .year„°i?!iXJ!«;K mM at Kural^ lU enter omtii.»e^i""f"=.-TvViM-tmeiitsa""l statement of tbe K^gulax Depwrn^^^j ^ural will best couveyau ideaonhe^^^^a^l publication :-Farm ^,"i^^lVQl°^iaim llie D.iiry Sheep and ^^f i^Stes mi ard Bees, Poultry wid Pets, Bora^ *^«f»l*l Circle Household Hints, Saentmc an" two full pages of Music. OUB BIG OFFER. Tbb Wbeklt 6wbs, per yew, ^^ j THB BtnUL CASlDIiN. jj All for $a.00 cash, tiH the «" caWestray. To the premisesof the °°f^?S)b*» con. 10. Holland, «bout f/^^«i »l redoow. The owner IS toe^lj^iie,. proye property, pay charge-sna JAMES faBE£-NA^y(j,t. 4216 AND THAT IS THE i vt: etmuip ^bwtaadmoat ..«. n-^ i^y d » '^-^" OlIVEJV »OXJ^J «9UMof Btq4y. 4HnoiBadn^ik valuable Farm W^ is about fo'ty acres clea^J^^ ^p^^ to bush. For further part 5^ SOLOMON EttU^t, gSTRAY CAME oan.S.Eupb»r8»a»^," inf property, Eupli«»»»«';: tteo -v ' The "f "f l^.tfUpes^'tfOOP. PISTRICT Don 1^ XHTSBBBVIMa eUMUABr SXCSaMOXS AKD OTHEBWJ OUAPBKn rOB STANDA£0 BEi Mt. Forest has seven nev A. O. Hunter, Duudalk, i laarnage licenses. Dr. Barr, of Horuing's m^ved to Sbelburne. John Brown, ot Oiftog bean arrestad for bigftmy. CoUingwood MetUoilists a iog to build a uew church. 150 new lock bnxes have 1 to the post-office at Oweu S Owen Sound ia troubled i day with the yelps of bcurvj A. M, Tysou of Wiartoa 6 ib deer near that villai^c rect Teeswarer butter factory â-  IS.OtM) lbs of butter to tbe 01 John Smith of Bentinck Algoma with a gaug of 20 take out saw logs. Dundalk is moviu^^ in tL of fire protection aud a Ladder Co. is b^iug oj-gauiz 180 couversons are repc result of Mr. Perdinaud tS evangelical service lu Owen Thu Mechanics' Institute Sound J purpose holding classes in drawing this comi The libel £uit between I ^Kennedy of theAdvertiser.O has been settled, each payii 'Costs. Stubbs, the -defeated can •Cardwell, has entered a prot the election of Mr. White, n Cardwell. The store of J. R. Mac Newmarket, was burglarized day night last and come ^i of fine dry goods taken. The Owen Sound Times i lisked 85 years ago, aud commenced its 25 th year present proprietorship. A Iftdy iu Nassagaweya her Husband and luarrieJ a ed Darby on tli^s ICth Oi was nothing illegal about either Her maiden aame band. Mr. G. J. Blyth, editor of worth 2^ews, has purcliasec erected a printing cfliec, ji iuto it last week. W c are gl such evideuces of prosperity Mr. B. coutiuued success. The C. P. ii. are piittin; through Kidiugs at liollaij Berkeley, Flesherton, Dun bettou aud Sbelliurne Th pedite traffic on what lias ii one of the busiest lines in Mr. H, Ball, proprietc Creemore Advertiser, was the happy recipient ot a surj an address aud preseutatioi has been three years in Cre is endeavoring to "keep in of tbe king's, high, way" a and his doings are evidentl; ed. An explosion of gas tool Thursday at tbe Queen's B Sound. Plumbers were liu leak in one of the pipes, wit match, hence the explosion considerT-ble damage to th the commercial room. Accident at a Threpein 'cident occurred at Mr threshing about three mil Tillage last Friday when M way fell through tlie mo floor breaking his breast accident is a serious one, I it is not quite so serious And that the sufferer w restored to his wonted hea Dondalk Herald. The P.oyal Ma-l Stage Sound to Alleuford, came -day morning last out near |^ing dowu the hill, the atage broke aud instead of nsnal way took a straigh itself and went over the b: parties were hurt rather b •erionsly, we uuderstaad. Mobs Rail way Faci BoQthauipton Beacon say inioimstion from reliable *t»0. P. R. intendtopu RWn Valley scheme. I •'•ys* are already making -^; gtotion between Owen Sortmujpton. Their inl ♦•Utenrey a route for the '^I^Hpilroad through the i '«nd Bruce, toucl fh the view of su ies for the cem i^iftiemioal Minii jw Lake.â€" ^^ â- ' '^*^.«S*., ri ^ei'iii a .*M

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