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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Nov 1888, p. 3

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 „«' IJW^^^^^^ •^^^^^"^^J^^^^iBPTf"^?'?^?!^ â- ^ no more "'*â€" forward" **Cifci i Madgo V "ng out her V ^*S«rT ^«fc into the A.-. «?K*\«^o^of*fc^ ere the tea-table i.^*** ;° °J»« w London ' than the bS* i'"" ' portrait has ^,*°V.M '5WbitedforSree^'»»i«i«u dog Troy is a S?^«' .« «»" »"raction J^'^^L'?* 'sonoof those ladt."'*.^^ 8 endeafSr fo ^f °P is the gate of a "*• ^erl rop Mrs. Beeching "' [The Esn] ted Into Matrimo: stuttering man Th.* " btedl.aftSSer'S married was of a^7»2;f ess cloyed her methods. She nt and never left a thowht she deemed it pertlZ led upon her some three or decided that it was^ -now his intentions. Sothg led after they had seated 'y= "^r- Smith, I am very 97 the interest you have I the flowers yon have inst y pretty, bat I feel that I my duty if I delayed any u what your intentionsare attentions and prewnti' ith rose to his feet and a s cheeks. He essayed to »ment his lips and tongue Then he managed to set MM y d-dd-d d-" but he her. The d might have amber of words, but the i*ble, perhaps interpreted •ling, and the youth's acute o a fuiodest confusion in proposal. ok Mr. Smith by the hand, lis eyes, exclaimed " Mr. ace your embarrassment, what you wish to eay. papa, and if he approves, •ieJ a few months later, 8 never explained satb- ja whether he stuttered f his own free will or .•* ny. fidence in flimself- ol force arrested a cidr Gratiot avenue the oAer were ready to leave the the bracelets on, I snp- 1 promise not toglTome t expcse you as a ptif- eplied the man. They owever, when he added: er put 'em on." ed.' but I'am probably th« it, and you can't tnut onderinjr if I could cut- id the wife, who fiiol "Jim is a good fellow but he has^t told Ha years." med Jim, as the hand- n, "I knaw myself aUd any unfair advantage. behave myself." Qselfaliarby running Explanation, id a young wife, seri- had been off on a short letters yon wrote nw r were so wretchedly ibie, dear that away ince you so far forgot upted hastily thoes vritten on a **».»•â- - onr. I Soriptnrei. ' ..% a great hurry a*^ ^lease ma'am, wiU y»» y lot go of the plon* 'et a moothfol ;» "• â-  't^dâ€"" „^ tiie podding/ J[«« L? Didyougirpum I did, bnt he won't tuxd floe ik^' ^dn^tyoaemn TALKIHOSOOJOLEB, I _f(afal Test at TCIcph«dafcl)r«Bi B«f. falo to BMt*a aad New YMrKk jle Buffalo Evening New9 repecte that .j^nev longdistance telephone, whioh is gioB to Ik put into operation there, waa ted by the cflcert and directors ot the bll Telephone Company recently. The i^oiiDecrions had been pat in at 5 p.BO., and' loimaDication waa at once opened between Boston, Springfield, New York, Troy, and gaffalo. The wires worked well, ami con- leriatinus between the moat distant points {onld be as easily carried on as if both -rtiea were within a block of eaoh other ^the city. The line belongs to the Ameri- Telephone and Telegraph Company of 'ev York, and u 800 milea in length, go- through Troy down to New York, thence to Boston via Springfield, Maaa. This test ihowB that the proolem of long distance telephoning has been solved, and all interest- ed were congratulated on its sncceaa. In this connection we learn that the Bell Telephone Company of Canada is now bailding a line of the same character be- tween Toronto, Hamilton, Brantfprd, In- gersoll, Woodstock, and London, and pro- poses to give those of its subscribers who have a large bnsineaa between any two of these points a perfect means of communica- tion, free from all diacnrbing sounds on other lines. The instruments used in this system are more powerful than those in ordinary use, and each conversation requires the use of two complete copper wires for the nhole length of the line. These instru- ments, and the method of securing the above wonderful result, are of course patent«-d by the Bell Company. It would only be necessary to build a line of the same sort from Hamilton to Buffalo to enable Toronto and London to be put on direct with New York and Boston, acd the com- pany would of course undertake this if anfficient bnsineaa for such a line could be relied on. The Prince's Speeches. LoNDOi!i, Oct. 27. â€" ^Thcre is a report that Murray is going shortly to publish the Prince of Wales' speeches. He has now spoken in public for a quarter of a century. Mmy people believe tiiat his speeches are written for him, the Prince only putting on the fiiiinhing touches. It is obvious that he mnst have an immense deal of assistance, for the subjects on which he speaks are so varied that it would be next to impossible for him to prepare the materials for Himself It will be intsresting to see if there is any nataral development in them, or if they show the work of dififerent hands. MKW3 ON THE IBI3H gUKSTION. I believe there has been no question on which the Prince of Wales has had stronger views than concerning Ireland. His opin- ions on the desirability of having a royal Tcaidence there are perfectly well known. His feelings on these matters are not shared in higher quarters, and to the Prince's great credit he has never allowed his opinions, ;â-  they were in opposition to the Queen's, to become known. He is the first heir ap- parent; in Eugland who never allowed what- ever cififerences may have arisen between him and the Crown to become public gossip. HIS AMUSEMENT IN PARIS. The Prince has been spending three days iu Paris incognito. Of course everybody knows what he has been doing, and where he has been breakfasting and dining. His roya! highness is accompanied invariably by the Mirquis as Lau. He has been to see Mile. Granier in Barbe Blene, at the Varieties, Mile. Lulu at the Nouveau Cirque, and L:i Linido at the Eden he has inspect- ed the art collections of Bjuron Picheon, the Eiffel tower has dined with Madame de Gallifat and the Grand Duke Alexis, and on Sanday went on a shoot with Baron Alphonse d'Rothschild at Ferrieres. Shooting on the Sikbbath day I What will mamma say The Prince, on the day of his arrival, call- ed at the Elysee, but President Carhot being ou;, as an ofBcial note in the newspapers aiys, his royal highness left his card. Discontentment. "A contented mind is a continual feast." How true are these words; and how few there are who are content with their lot in life. The peasant in his hut, his days filled with labor, has bis blessings. His simple life gives him health and refresh ing sleep, without which, aU the wealth in a nation would be no pleasure. With what anger and discontent he views the life of those, who, in his eyes, are for- tunate enough to have a place among the mid- dle class. If he could only be as they are, he imagines, he would be more than content. And they of the middle class are striving to grain a foothold on the ronnd above them, of the social ladder. And those who have arrived av the pin- nacle of earthly fame or wealth, with what jealous discontent they watch the leaa favor- ed, fearing they may mount betide them or pall them down from their exalted position.. Unless we can better our condition by hon- orable means, and without destroying the happiness of those around us, let us try to be content with the atatiop and surroundings in which God has placed na, and, by our ex- ample, aid others to see that what is our lot, h best for us. That Pitifnl Qnarrel. The controversy between Dr. Mackeumo aad the German doctera over the treatmoat of Emperor Frederick is now to be carried *o the courts, Messrs. Bergmann and Ger- hardt having decided to bring suits for libel a gainst their Engliah aasociate. The qnarrel is really piciful and it may be sud that .80 person would have deprecated a similar con- troversy more than the patient and nncom- plaming sufferer, over whoae lingering tor- ture the current disagreeipent has arlaen. â€" -^ The Eaw, Gutting Winds Bring to the surface every latent pain. A change of even a few degrees marks the difference between oMnl«t«iid pain to njany persons. HappUy disease now hoWs I^ â- way. Science is continniDy brinjpng for- ward new remediesa «hidi snoOesrtoqy combat disease. Polsoal Netvilineâ€" pain .lireâ€" hu proVid tlie' â-  jPO *fe PMn reUevina iwaAy la«^ cation is wide^ for it iseqaally cffi »U forma of pain, wheOMr faitWBsl -_ temal. Ten aad25 onts • bottto, •! orog 1^. Xhe " Loudm Glob^, sftys-tiut i^ in- •GMfotfng qaertuw ha» ^WMBdy beeB..^iB. eqsped ikOeniaojn usongiptiMrs hy Dr. F. Msib, wte has gbaB aonw striking, isx- amples from his own experience and obserra tion. It is not posaiUe to give a definite answer and probably enough dreams vary very much In point of duration, just as they vary la force and vividness. At one time the figures of a dream, whether they emerge from the horn or the ivory gaG% are as real aa in Hie tiia sorrow is even more intense, the happiness more reallstio. At another time they seem to live only In a pale moon- light, and we watoh the scenes rather than participate In them. It is very certain, however, that the majority of dreams are only of momentary duration, though extend- ed occasionally to the length of a minute. In proof of thia. Dr. Scholz tells the follow- ing story from his experience " After excessive bodily fatigue and a day of mental strain^ of a not disagreeable kind, I betook i|tiyBelf to bed after I had wound up my Watoh and placed it on the night-table. Then I lay down braide a burning lamp. Soon I found myself on the high sea on board a well-known ahip. I was again young, and stood on the look-out. I heard the roar of the water, and golden clouds fl I ited round me. How long I so stood I did not know, but it seemM a very long time. Then the scene changed. I was in the country, and my long-dead parents came to greet me they took me to church, where the loud organ sounded. I was delighted, bnt at the same time wonder- ed to see my wife and children there. The priest mounted the pulpit and preached, but I could not understand what he said for the sound of the orpan, which continued to play, I took my son by the hand and with him ascended the church tower â€" but again the scene was changed. Instead of being near my son I stood near an early- known but long dead officer â€" I ought to ex- plain that I was an army surgeon during the manoeuvres. I was wondering why the major should look so young, when quite close in my ears an unexpected cannon sounded. Terrified I was hurrying off, when I woke up and noticed that the sup- posed cannon shot had its cause in the open- ing of the bedroom door through someone enteriufi'.. It was as if I had lived through an eternity in my dream, but when I look- ed at my watch I saw that since I had fall- en asleep not mure than one minute had elapsed â€" a much shorter time than it takes to relate the occurrence." Dr. Scholz has collected many other examples of a similar kind. The Bat Fiee. Dealer (to clerk) â€" "I'm going to mark those boys' diagonal suits $15 to-morrow." Clerkâ€" "Fifteen dollars I Why we've been selling them for $10 all alo ng." Dealer â€" "I know it, but I'm gomg to give away a base ball bat with each one of them free of charge." AlFassion for Tellow. "I think that Miss Qaigsby has the worst taste in the world 1" "Why " "She has a perfect passion for She has yellow bonnets, yellow yellow ribbons, and I guess she's sorry that she hasn't yellow hair." "Where is she now V "Gone to Florida. I suppose she wants to contract the yellw fever." yellow, dresses. What Ails lou? Do you have obstruction of ths nasal peMsagea, discharges from head and throat, sometimes profuse, acrid and watery, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody, putrid and offensive; dull, heavy headache most of the time, with occasional " splitting headaches " are your eyes weak, watery, or inflamed is there ringing In the ears, with more or less deafness do you have to hack, cough and gag, in your efforts to clear your throat in the mornins: do you expectorate oBensive matter, scabs from ulcers, perhaps tinged with blood is your voice changed and is there a " nasal twang " to It is your breath offensive are your senses of taste and smell Impaired If you have all or any considerable number of these symptoms, you are suffering from that most common and dangerous of maladies â€" chronic nasal catarrh. The more complicated your disease has become, the greater the number and diversity of symptoms. No matter what stage it has reached. Dr. Sage's Ca- tarrh Remedy, which is sold by dmggista at only 50 cente, will cure it. The manufac- turers of this wonderinl remedy offer, In good faith, $500 for a case of this disease which they cannot cure. Men sow their wild oats and women sew their tares. The voyage from maiden fair to woman- hood is often attended with many perils. Mothers shotdd iBisiat upon their daughters beins prepared with every means of safety. Universally acknowledged as the reliable " Lif e-preservv" on thia rough sea of un- certainties, is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pres- cription. It has averted many a disaster. It has rescued many a periled life This popular remedy is prepared especially for Woman. It Is the only remedy of its class sold by dm^i^ta under a positive guarantee to give satisfaction. This guarantee has been faithfully carried oat by the mann* facturers for many yean. Oriental combinations tA eolor are in Togne. DetectiTes Wanted, to ferret out uid discover, if they can, a ringle case where Dr. Pierce's Golden Medl- eal Disoorery has been used fort(npid liver. Indigestion, impure blood, or consumption in ite early stages, withoat living Immediate and permanent relief pro'rided, of course, that the directions have been reMonably well followed. Nearly sD new winter -Areases are made with sleeves in more or less fanoifnl st^le, and the folness uoona the armhole is a marked featnre. Ask for tickets via tiie old-estaUbhed nA favorite ovwbad mate eompiiring Um Ohio- a«o*|fortiiWestsKa«B4VnfaB eMLSontiun PaoiSeB'y'a. Twofc*t«rafa»l««»iMoa«o daily witii nriydled eooaamodfttiMs for first aad â- â€¢â- *-* "'rnt paaasMin. ftittes no highsr tts* by othw llMB..lBaggag» idieck- ed thrm^ifa. Toll iafonnaaoai, eoverii^ rates, etc., with time table tfoA ma|isi given by J.,H. IfOBLBY. Gaandian Passenger Agent, 69Xomeak., Toreolo, Ont. Moose doth is the name given to tiie cam- el a hair stnfib which oome with Improved surface finish, bnt longer, stronger hairs thrown into the weft. CoffHoMen. Watson's ooo^h drops are the best in the world for the throat and ohest, for the voioe aneqnalled. See that the letters R. A T. W. are stamped on each drop. We are sure to have a season of jat trim- ming, judging from toe quantity, fineness, and variety ot these gooda seen on teimming connters In the best houses. A.P. 422 PATIMTH prooQ rel. Patent Atturaevs and (xparls. Esfd 1807. Onuld C. Sldeat AC*., Tereate. CANOES. Send tor IlL Cstaloffu*. WX, ESdUSH, reterbere. Oat. KNi TiiNu «^!t!ncM^.oS['k MACHINES FARMS -*" ^^--' "' i^B'T' KnrasMidPaicB*. ^tna ipecUl banrKinsi H. S. UIXCHELL. DaATTOV, Oar. AGENTS I UNEMPLOYED! We handle only sttndud specialties, ot ivhioh no other firm has a right to sell In Canada. Write ns, Xarbox Bros., ToroDto, Ont. m\(m^i. SHaUUhed 1860. LOAN oa FMcu. L»»«n Rate aorraspoodeaoe SDliolted BUTIiEB. Fiaaaeial Ajl. 72 Kinir St. E-, Toronto. n A linen "^mobs. ulceks, soaoFCLa li||N|if' K etc., cured permaoeDtlv withoat Uni1UI_ll|th»kiiite. Apply to DR. "" ' SMITH, 13t Queen SL E.. Taronto. W. L. ONTARIO VETERINARY OOLLCUE â€" OVER fire hundred students in socecnlul practice tees fltcy deliarsparsesiion seasion 1S8S-9 beirias Ootobei 20t h. Pricoipal. Prct SMITH V. 8.. Toronto PBOTECTleX FKOM FIKB. â€" A GOOD TdlNG.â€" UssasT's Spark Akbestbr and DBim CoHBiKSD,â€" Worki on Stoves Plpe Mill Stacks, etc Ciry aal C mnty Rigfbts, or Entire Canadian Patent for 8ale. W. J. U3SERY, Norwich. Okt. THE DANDY" PATENT BAQHOLDER, which every tanner wanta now, costs on'y n cX*., nd it there i* no local a^^nt, maybe obtained tree by aezpraas or mail), on sendlnir price to 0. W. ALLEN ft CO., World BuUdtng, Toronto. Brilliant! Durable Economical I Diamond Dyes excel all others in Strength, Purity and Fastness. Kone other are just as good. Be- ware of imitations, because they are made of cheap and inferior materials, and give poor, weak, crocky colors. To be sure of success, use only the Diamond Dyes for coloring Dresses, Stock- ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers, Ribbons, c., c. We warrant them to color more goods," pack- age for package, than any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the Diamond and take no other. A Dress Dyed for A Coat Colored IQ Garments Renewed J ceiSts. A Child can use them! At Dnig^sts and Merchants. Dye Book tne. WELLS. BICHARDSON CO^ MOirrREAL. p. Q. TOKONTO CITTTIXG gCHOOL.â€" Gentlemen deiirous ot aoqnlrintr a thorough knowledgo ot garment cuttiog should visit us. Scientific and reliable systsmi taught whereby pertect fitting gar- ments are produced. Ciroular with full information on application. 8. CORRIQAN, Prop., 122 Yongs St., Toronto. ATTENTION I AGENTS I-Ladies or gentlemen, girls or boys. The best 25a selling artfele in the world. Something new and needed in evenr household. Sells like hot cakes. Sample by mail, poet paid, with full particulars, on receipt ot 15 cts. Addre«, 0. W. DENNIS, 6 Yonge Street Arcade. Toroato. Ont. rnrr â€"k ha.nd30)IE colored silk a4ND rnCCa KERCHIEF, and a sample ot tha W nder- tul Needle t requires no threading I to all who send us 10 cents silver for postage, eti. Wa make thia great offer to introduce our goods ""^to every home Address at once. WHITON MANf ')0., 661 Queen St. W., Toronto, Ont OAliCAnC CASUrCiSâ€" Season 1888-New im- NAUOAUC portationa of English Sheep^, Finest Ameiicui Hog Casings, Orders filled for any desired quantity. Wilts tor prices. JAMBS PARK b SON. 41 to 47 St Lawrence Market, To- rocto. GVEI.PH BD8I9IESS ICOLIRGE, Gnelph Ont.â€" The Fifth Scholastic Year began Sept Ist The system ot education pursued is at anoe In tellectual and eminently practical, meeting in a very marked degree the requirements ot this progressive and commercial age. Few, it any, of the graduates, according to the lowing ot past results, need be long unemployed. To mention their training school is, as a rule, a passport to eligible and lucrative situations. Address, M. MicCORMICK, PrindpaL IMMEDIATELY "Te^ to sell the Reliable Nursery Stcck ot the well-known St Catharines Nur series. Li' eral terms and steady work. Ad- dress THE D. W. BEADLE NURSERY CO., Ld., St Catharines, Ont. LeatherBelting BEST VALUE IN THE DOMINION. F.E.DIXON G0, MAKERS. 70 KINO ST. I, TORONTO Send tor Price Lilts and Discounts. Tbt the Celebbated EMPIRE BLEND COFFEE, Gnaranteed Pare. Ellis t Kelt hley, Toronto. â-  ' I â-  Facial Blemislies, as SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES, ETC., FermaiiBiitly BemoTed, wftbont pal0 amd no DISFICS* VKEMBNT. No depilatories used. Send tor paiticulars. Written guar- antee given. Addnes, A. DORENWEND, PARIS HAIR WORKS, 103 105 YONCEcST., TORONTO MACHINERY DEPOT TMMENSE STOCK ot Maohineiy to select bon. X Send for Lis H. W. PETRIE, Brantford, Ont, roTing Men ST7FFERINQ. tram the effeots of early evil haUti^ lbs result of igaoranoe and tolly, who fliid themsalvs weak. Derronsandezhansted; also Mibha-Aosb aad Old Mas idio are broken down fromtheeSealsal abuse or over work, and in advanced Ute feel tbe oonseqnencea of youOtnl s x esw send for and read M. T. Luboo's Treatise on the Diseaaaa of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any address on leoaivlnf two 8a. stainps. Address, M. v. LUBOK. WeUington St. â- .. Toroiilo.Oal BERLIN WOOLS IN ALL COLORS, Selllnie at 8c. per oz, SHETLAND AND ANDALUSIAN WOOLS, 8c ^^ per oz.: Baldwin's best Fingering and Fleecy Wools, 10c per »kein Saxony Wool, all colors. 10c per skein; Merino Wool, all colors, 10c per skein; Em- broideiy Silks, every color, IOj dczen skeiiie; Ameri- can Arrasene, 30o dozen skeins; English Ar.asene, large skeins, 8o skein; stamped Toilet dets, S pieces, 350 set; Stamped Tidye, newest designs, 26o each; Stamped Splashen, do., 40 and EOc each. Ladies wjl always find «ith us Qie very newett material tor fancy work. Ooods can be cent to any part ot Canada by post. Write for price list. A trial aolicited. HENRY DAVIS. Importer. 232 Yonge Street, To- ronto. Please mention this paper. Allan Line Royal lall SteamsMps Sailing during winter from Portland eyeryThaisdaj and HalUaz every Satoiday to Liverpool, and in sum mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, oaDlof at Londonderry to land mails and passengers foi Scotland uid Ireland also from Baltimore, via Zali' tax Kut 81 J(dm's, N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly daring sonimer months. The steamers H the Olae- cow lutee sail during winter to and from Halifaz, Portland, Boston and Fhiiadelpliia and during sum mer lietween Glasgow aad Montraal weekly Ouagon and Boston weelQy, and Glasgow and Phttadalpfai* iortnii^tiy. For freight, passage or other information »mf\j A. Sehnmaofaer ft Co., Baltimore 8. Ounard ft Oo. HaUfaz Shea ft Co., St. John's. Nfld.; Wm. Thomp son ft Co.. Sk John, N. B.; Alien ft Co., Ohioagc Love ft Alden, New YoA H. Boorller, Toronto AUans, Bae ft Co.. Quebec Wm. Brookie, Pliilads. pUaTH. A Allen PortUnd Bocton. MontreaL WHY YOU SHOULD USE SCOTT'S £MULS:^ON orCOD lalVmt Oa. ^^QB HYP0PH08PHITES. ft is Palatable as IGlk. It is three times as efficacions as plain Cod Liver OH. It is far saperior to all other so- called EmoMons. It is a perfi9et EmnMon, does not separate or change. It is wonderfta as a flesh producer. It is the best reined7 for Consomp- tion, Scroficila, Bronchitis, Wast^ ing IKseoses, Chronic Congh and Cdds. «IM ky «dt IlrMivfB(iW«0 natf #1.0flk ftNNINGMMS .^^?)^A-SPECIAlirYr Latham. ont5i 15.000 NOW IN USE 'SEND FOR CIRCULAR.PRICEUST PERFECT FOOD â- ^ ITS RtUlARijStW^l'-BJii-a UP STRONG ROBUST CONSTITUTION AMP PROVE IT TO BE A6BWTS WAWTEP. THE BEAUTIFUL InntY;^ «r, fi*ld«tt Ceass •% |teUstB» Tkaaskt. By J. W. BclL, assbted by T. HWnr Tauuos, D. D. Write for Ci'colars and T^rms, WaUAH BKIG08;Pab)laher,IoitiBto. Stained Glass FOR CHURCHES, DWELLIN6S, AND PUBIJO BUILDINOS. M'GAUSUND SON. 76 Kins St. W., Toronto. €ANAD4 PESailKENT LoanSaviiigsGonipaiiy I^CORPOKATED 1855. Head Qice Toronto St,, Toronto Snbserllted Cnpttal, S 4,50«,«M Pmld Up Capital S^SN^Mt Total Amcu 1«,«M,«M The enlarced capital and reaourcos ot this Company, together with the increased facilities it has reoently Bcquiredtor supplying land owners with cheap money, enable the Directira to meet vHth pramptness and at the lowest current rate of intoreat idl requirements lor loans upon satisfactory teaX estate security. Application lav be made toeitber of the Company's loca Appraisers, orta J. BBB3EaT UASOy.Mtnag'g. Dlraotsr. T.iroats rOR ONE CENT Yon can learn where to get a FreeHometFarmof480 Acres Finest soil, best waier, land all for settleiB. Send your kddress on Postal Card for maps, books and all inlormation. J. M. HUCKIN». 4 Palmer House Block, Toronto. OEUYS ARE DANGEROUSI Don't wait until yoa are burnt outer robbed Bny a Sate now and sleep easy, and be sure and g«t prioes. etc., ot the NewCbampionSafa. S. S. K [MB ALL. 677 Orsig St., P.O. Bn 915. HONTBEAL,P.(). li IDtBA* Dress and Mantle Cutting by thi new and improved TAILORSV SQUARE. us tiafaction gnaraateed to teach ladies ths U art of cutting all ararmenta worn by iMiea' and children. PROF. SMITB, 319| eea St W, Toronto. Agents Wanted. "k.^y^ Nervous Debility. DB. GBAT*S Specifio lias been used for the sal fifteen years, with great sucoees. in the treatment o' nenrona debility, and all disea.,ea arising from ex- cesses, over-worked bria, loss of vitality, ringing in the ears, iMlpitation, etc. For sale by all druggists. Price, •! per liox, or 6 boxes for 96. or will be se at by mail on reoeipt ot price, ' Pamphlet on application. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto. IT* arejeUldrtn 9h» etetrMfyMm im tk» elhnu WitmlBnmta»aitt^%^nAUtitmU^tetb€for*t Mamma tried all tktrett, SotktkuowietUubtst, UUrhtt^ *Can*0 i*r bread U tA» wkitest, her turns are t*g Andweeatallik*faneake*»kedare*eibeforeiu. BUY THE BREAOIUKEB'S YEAST. PfilGE 5 CENTS. CHOICE FARMS FDR SALE IN ALL PARTS OF MANITOBA. PABTIES wishing to purcbass improred Maidtoha gwrns, from 80 acres upwards, wltfa Immedisto possession, caU or write to fi. I. HArUiOV, Mo- Arthur's Block, Main St, Winnipeg. IntormaUoB urnidied free of charge, and settlers assisted In making seleotton. Mohst io Loaa at current lataa o inter .f: WlialeyBoycoftGo., S8S Toasc 8tt«M« TOMBt*. Ths Ohsapest Plan la Oanadator BAW MSTRUMclllS N«w and SeeoDddaid AgaBlator "PEASON ^Band Mid Orehe«ti MUSia BspsiiiiiB o( Band 'iaipeaia4f. Send for CataJogm. i jC-ij • i "1 ••1 I I I I -il i « V m f jr' ^^jkj liadB^

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