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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Nov 1888, p. 8

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 â- â€¢^â- lljl '^Fssgr^f'tf^^/tr^^^^^t^ifj^^ ' JiSf ^i*^^- ^^^'JTV^rT^r^^^^ 1 J. F. NAUTEI, M. B. tl oil and CJentre* WiH le at Berkeley every Tuesday and Friday afternoon from one to foor o'clock. 390-ly. rr- Sproule, M R k: I .^ 1^ S. tOCaeâ€"ManUv's Drag store. ^. A. McBRIDE, M. D., L. R. C. p. S. EDINBURGH, 'Dfft'ce nt Stephen's Drug Store, liatedf the liondon Hospital, England. I*. i:cCixiio«Lgrii, ©ARRISTBR, SOLICITOR, c tFFiC£^OVER HeFMLMMDS STORE. MABKDALjE. â- i^oiiey to L«oa,n. DIASSON MASSON, BABBISTEBS, SOLICITORS, a. Officesâ€" ^Gwen Sound, in Vicker's Block, Ponlett St^; Bianch ofca inHarkdale, ov«r MeFarland' Store, on Friday and Saturday *every%eek. J. Uasbon, 0. C. S. Massom. W. Masbom. N. B.â€" Private and Companv's funds to invest -at from A to 8 per cent. MAKKDALE I CARRIAGE -:• WORKS. DtVlMON COURT CLERK. Issaerof Marriage Licenses, !». Conunissidnerj in B. R.c. C-onveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se- curity. WILLIAM STUART, KIMBEELEY, Isstier of Marriage Licenses. Money to tioan oh Real Estate at low rates. A ifew if'arms for sole. Terms easy. J.P.MARSHALL, L.D.S. ^DENTIST, ^^.BADTJATB OF TORONTO SCHOOL V7 of Dentistry, will be at tbe Markdale House, Markdale, on tbe 1st and third Wednesday of each month and also at Hunshaw's Hotel, Flesher- ton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the practice of his profession. Commencing on the 7th September. B. MeNally, praeUoal manniaetant W^- fSaat, Demoenta, Bvggiea. Sl«i|(ha. Cnttera and oTeiything u the line. Tba kert ma- terial naed and ftn(-«laaa â-  «â€" i hip Satisteetion gnaranteed. Repairiif, Paiiftaf mnI Triimiflc promptly attended to. A eall reapeetfuUy solicited. Stand opposite the Markdale Hoa8 R. M'NAUY. lEIMBIBir W. M. BUSH, The Horse's Friend Is fully prepared to attend the wuita ot all who favor him with their enstom, in Mc- Nally's establishment, opposite the Markdale House, Markdale. Parties having horses with contracted or otherwise bad feet will do well to give me a trial. This dass of work a specialty. I! 4) CO o 125 Mo c8 SieHT v. BMNDKESS. ^^im; cSffl u ymm^ IS. MONEY TO^ LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission charged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S, BLACK, 190 Pomona,P. 0. FARM^FOR SALE. STA.N JOEY'S GELEBMTEO Engllsli Spectacles 79 BAY STREET. TORONTO CANMDA. ^AND 18JEWIL STREET, LONDON E. C. ENGLAND Q. LOT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. E. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cne^ and on easy terms of payment, for further partionlars apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK, 190-^f. Pomona P. O R. 1^. Stephen's^ CHEMI8T DRUGGIST, Markdale 5^^S? Agency for the sale of the above in MAKKDALE. No Spectacles in the Marketlequal weminthe EYE PKE SERVING QUALITIES tney possess, or the GREAT EASE and COM- FORT they confer on the wearer. Theur use will in actuality so strengthen the Eyes that it does not become necessary to change J,^?S'.S^SL*"'y years. They are therefore the MARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE. ONT. J. £ Marsh. Ppo]:^. W. C RICHAl^DS, BUILDER. CONTRACTOR ARCHI- TECT, Markdale. R. J. SPROULE, FLiESHERTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills drawn up andValuations madeon shortest notice. Charges very low. Apply to K. J. SPBOULE, Money Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. TT^ill Stod.±a.xt THE TAILOR, is prepared to make your clothes neat and trim. The latest Fashion Plates always on hand to choose from. Remember, over HcFarland's Store, JIfarkdale. 6 PER CENT. Money loaned on Farm or Tkwn Praperty at loiwat rates of interest. Ap^yto B. J. SPBOmS. Conveyancer Postmauteii. Flesherton. TVIOIVEYto T^OAJS, Private and Company's funds to Invest in Beal Estate at current rates of interest. FABMS FOB SAXS A*» TO All business private andcondential. Apprais- er for Canada Permanent Loan and Savings Company, Toronto. 40S.34 JOHN WHITBY. Markdale. A,. KOGHSKT^X' USTCRER AND STONE MASON MARKDALE. Isprepared to take contracts In town or Caleimining ani Whitewaihing country a specialty. HIOBtlily Oiaogevilleâ€" The second T^usdey in eaeh month .^ Ihindalli â€" ^Taesday b^ore y ag e nlle. Fleshertonâ€" Monday befort Oiaog^rllle. Markdaleâ€" Satmrdsybefcne-Ctmageville. Duiiuim â€" Third Tnesdij^ io.M montu. Chatsworth â€" 'Monday b^ore Dozlutfq. Holhuid Gentre;2^akradaaFlMiGreCIwte««ffiib iMiM«ateâ€" MoJKy b«fot»9ailMUM. .. EXCELSIOR WAREROOMS! I have now on hand a foil and varied stock of all kinds and grades of Furniture, bought for cash from the most reliable firms in Canada, and I purpose doing business on a 8trict|.y cash basis which will pnt me in a position to sell at a small advance on cost and tliereby give my cnstom- ers the benefit. I shall esteem it a favor tohaveyon caIliucllook through •nir ESTABLISIIIVIEIST/ whether you require anything in my line or not, and I feel confident that you will be delighted with and surpris- ed at the quality and cheapness of my goods. â€" Upholstered goods a specialty. UWDERTAKIWQ (JO CQ O O U a O O O fejCQ CO n tt CO CQ CO o o oH tu: t3iO tlJD^^ CD (dW OOO^ CQ o o o o o o '^^i'l:-m? â- rmm râ€" Mottdsr In this department I have a com* plete stoek of all kinds of funeral furnishings and all orders will have my prompt and careful attention. A first class hearse in couneetion. Musical Instrxunents I also handle the celebrated Bell Organs and the famous Wanzer Sewing Machines which may be seen on jxhibition at my warerooms, prices and grades tosuit all purchasers. Picture Framing. I shall keep in stock an assorted line of frames, and your esteemed (Hrders will be attended to witb neat- ness and despatch at rook bottom prices. With many thanks tor tbe {ffesent patronage idiieh I Iiave re- euTpd and lioping Xsy fair prieee and square dealing to tnerit an inaraase of the same. I am, yoor's reepeeOM^, BQ Iâ€" I O Ho si m fflM iHCQ M a (D 43 PI -iH M o o m •iH U o o O 3 CQ râ€" I rH CQ 43 CQ (D 8 jj\r. j^ •;- 1 • 4 1 ^^ ri7c3 CQdJ c3 c8 pqpq (D A 43 â- s 80 00 O Si 13 3 u O a. u X I- iW^ ^Br--' ' " W^fi CUsg 1, Span general purp^«tt 'i,, P Conndl. A f^,"^* *ith sprinKcolt APiaOUj bVJJI fil^.2year.geu.2iT'^«i JQamton;«oltorR'"J B J McAfee. B/\gj'\y*rge«, years roadster. WJfobZ't?" » (not aUowed contrary !;J^"yf«.C A(jel Lull with i.M!i„ ,« year with pediurJl,^ f 1^ «»^ l^ nediffrec. J Henry • \J^7 i bsiferj, eutne.; Vnuir'J'flMm, Henry; eow giving B^i.,„P"'K^«. A Leask heifer, 1 'ifT' ^^^ Smith; spring calCS^'^,^ j^ea,». WKobsou,plrstC/'^» Heumy. A Lea?k. ^^' 3««,»| Durham is to have a roDei; riit^. Kemble Presbyterians are boSding a new manse to obst $^,000.' All the tencbers of Sbelburne public school bave een re^engAged for 1889. Port Arthur has passed a by-law to raise fonds for a ^stem of water- works. Wm Norton of Holland has taken $118.76 in prizes at tie fall faris tlis season. Isaae C3ckbnm's saw mill at (irav«n- hurst was burned last Friday losd about $20,000. Mr. H. Bonnell, sr., returned recent- ly from an extended visit to Victoria County, his old home. $2,000 in cash and subscriptions was netted at a Methodist church opening at Laurel last week- Bev. J. C. Dunlop, Baptist, of Ben- tinck and Oleneig, has resigned his charge and moves to Almonte. The new fish hatchenes at Ottawa will have a breeding capacity of about fifteen million fish per annum. Messrs. Masson Mssson have been appointed solicitors for the branch of the Bank of Hamilton, which is being opened m Owen Sound. Mr. J. H. Hunter, Durham, has lately received 18,000 lbs. of wool from the Northwest to be worked up into hose in his wool factory. An old coach has been repainted and upholstered afresh for the accom- odation of travellers on the Durham branch of the Grand Trunk. The recent Teachers' Convention held at Flesherton was well attenden and pregnant with interest and profit. See report m another column. Mr. Alex. Campbell, Druggist of Owen Sound, has sold his business to J. F. McCailum, and takes a situation in Archdale, Wilson A Co's, HaiPifton, The Dufferio Fowndry, Sbelburne, was burned on Tuesday of last week. Wilson Bros, were proprietors. Loss $5,000, insured for half that amount, A man named Chas Bankin died in Owen Sound jdil on tbe 16th October, aged 92 years, also one named John McFadden, la^t Thursday, aged over 80. J. E. McGarvin Co, trunk satchel manufacturers of Acton, have decided io remove to Berlin, the latter town having oflfered them a bonus of $5,000 and a loan of $5,000. Mr. Geo. Amer, of the township of Tekummah, Manitonlin Island, had his barn with all his crop and imple- «».. «y,...., .^^ â€" ments consumed bv fire. The loss will pears, W Norton, S Hannah; 3 liiuHite not be less than $8,000 It is sun- ^^' " Troughton. T Wiiiiscroft I2bi« nnpo^ if »-o tl^TL V'V^- ^^ " .â„¢P ploms. W Norton 12 green gage plnnB, » posed It was the work of an incendiary. â-  -~ • '.•;.__ ,..°4 T)r_x,i«™ A Postmaster Deau.â€" Mr. Wesley Long, postmaster at Maxwell, died on Friday last of congestion of the longs, and was hurried on Monday. Mr. Long was sick but a short time. He has been postmaster at Maxwell for many years, and was universally liked in his public and private life.â€" Advance Ghastly Skeletons. â€" One day this week while some parties were cleaning out one of the cellars m the Galbraith block, East Broadway, they discoyered the skeletons ot two ohildren. The find is now in the possession of Dr. Carbert, but tbe authorities bave not yet taken any action. The bnildmg was occupied not long ago by the MoHlroys. â€" Dufferin Post. BaoKE Heb Leo.â€" \b Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell were driving along the gravel road to Dundalk with a load of grain on Monday last they drove to one side of the road and Mrs. Maxwell slipped off the load breaking her leg. She was taken back to Mr. Arnold's, p«t onaeo£ft and taken home. The leg was set and we are pleased to hear that sue is doing weil. â€" Dondalk Herald. J:^owiNo Match. â€" The plowing mat9h held oh the farm of Mr. Andrew Beattie hwt Wednesday was well at- tended. There were ten entries. The list of prize winners is ai follows No. 1 classâ€" Ist J. Oliver. 2nd F. Cairns, 8rd H. Caima. No, 2 class- let J. Chard, iind D. MoLeod. 8rd D. MoMnlleo. No. 8 elassâ€" let J. Beattie 2nd McLean, 8nl W. Barclay.â€" Advance. AoaDSMT TO A H«8B. â€" ^BcT. Mr. Watson, of Flesherton, met with an unCMrtonate aoeident last week ky the duablingofhubone. Huliad placed die animal ia a atakle at AiMfifie wfaMltatcM famaiwdbtte aiwtaing hovee, and contaima a cJiOlar iader* neath. Thefloorwat thin, iM the im^ 0|^;biiM^ Mid^ vpoa " " id. It CLASS. 3-SHEEP, A jpa ram, leicester, J B 'si^j. I aped ram. Koutbdown. W Qarbitt ?**;| leicester, raised lambs 'fi8,J-B Rii.Tf^l Jambs Ha, no entries DairLun,!,. i -^ McAnley.JBShepherSrt^'S"' southdown, S Hannah, W GarbiP CLASS 4i_8WISE. BerKBhire boar, any age. noentnes-J shire BOW. any age. nowtriea; msX\ any age, no entries mvB^ sow, m^\ entries spnngpig.a C Hartley. WCroSJf CLASS 5â€" ao^LTET. Pair fowl beit for laying qnaUtiey J r I Hartley N Handley pr lowlLt to Jj use, R Freeborn-, N Handley pr cemU Freeborne pr. turkeys. Ic FrL^oo^i ducks, large. J C*thrae pr. ducks, srfs Hannah. T Disou. ' CLISS 6â€" OHAra. Bnsliel fall wheat, any kind, J L»ird,i| McKissock buchel spring wUeat, any kjiil J Cameron. W l-osfcr bushel barley, f| Foster, A Phillips r bushel peas,|BMcKiiio4[ _F TrouRhton; bushel white oats, BHel jEissock. W Norton .bushel black oali, jl 'Laird, W Norton half bushel timothy Mejl J McAuley, F TrouRhtou peckwliitelieii»| J Cathrae, B McKissock. CLASS 7â€" BOOTS. Collection Potatoes, G varieties, J Cttbiu,]! Cameron; bushel potatoes, A Shnte, Atkinson Six swced turnips, J Murray, S I Quinton C turnips any other kind, 1 Minions, J Camefon 6 mingold vartielt,! ^R McKissock, W Norton 6 blood beeti, i\ 'jHft'aoah. W Norton 6 field. canots.S Hus-I aaiivS'J Quinton 6 carrots, table me, 11 McKissock, W Norton G parsnips, J Cot I ther, W Morton 2 roots celery, N flimlej.l W Crowther; 2 heads cauliflower, W Norta,! P Hamilton .S cabbage. W Nortuo, S Hu-l nah 6 Tomatoes, J Atkinscu, \i Korton;! 1 gallon potato emions. B McKissock, Vl Norton gallon otnions any other kiiid, 1 1 Norton, S J Quinton 6 cucumbers pickW.I "W Norton, T Troughton 3 citrons, J Croi- 1 ther, J Crowther, (not allowed, aacontraiytiij rule 4.) CLASS 8â€" FBUIT. 6 winter apples, J Cameron, J Moirty; f I fall apples, S Hannah, T Dixon 3 wie^l apples. J I. Cameron, J Cathrae 4 TOi*| crab apitles, T Troughtoa, S Hannah Hamuli; M Imnehaj piums, w iNorion la greuu gogo inum^, â-  entry 12 plums any other kind, EFreeta W Norton, CLASd 9-rAIBY Tub of butter. M Ramage, A Phillipi;, butter o lb roUs, B McKissock, M Eanuge; cheese home made. W Norton, M Bainije; I 2 loaves bread, W S Wiiiiscroft, N 5** I 100 lbs flour, no entry honey in comb, i I Handley. CLASS 10â€" MAKtTACTUBES. Plow, no entry Ii-on Harrows, A McArtiffi farmers wagon. A McArthur buggy. A *J Arthur, W Wiiiiscroft; s«sle ratt^ Algoe, A McArthnr bob-sleighs, T i bpem democrat. A McArthur set horse iomm\ from hammer. W Crowtner jpeaa^ cabinet work, no entry 5 yds fnU c» homemade, J Stewart, D Brom: 6J»| satinet, home made, no entry 5 ya» »J*j flannel, home made, T Tr?"^^' Quintcn 6 yds plam flannel, h^^ W Minion; T Troughton; pr..blantete,D«^ made. S J Quintoo, W Mmion pr. »»- blankets, D Brown. CLASS 11â€" lADHS WOBK. WooUen mits. Miss Norton M«sCmJ« woollen socks. Miss Norton, M;^ "C; patchwork quat. Miss Norton, " tocy quilt. Miss btewart Mis* Norton^ ^cabiiiuilt. Miss »^;„S-S ' embroidery in cottoa. M»8 NOTton^ eiy in wool. Miss Norton ;b^^^' ' ed. Miss Stewart Ifcss Norton .bertm Bt raised. Mrs. Wfto'£«2.«o».*» fiuiey knitting m cotton, ^^^Xs-C*"' Iforttol; fancy knittmg » wori, M^ on; £ Norton braidw ^w**; j^ «-!_ «#;â€" v/trtAit I knitted w^v _,;, i^'^^"*;^? YEAR.~Xo. m lYOLDSOCKi IT STOP AHDRE. -THE Bl BARGAII THAT ABE AT THE â€" â- LFAST:-: HOU -IN- aMYj teusswi t-opened oot 2 crates of Glasc [Etdesigues and patterns, la k to choose from between 'In I and Oven .Sound, which wi at a very fmali adyaccp on prder to make room for oi.r [MAS GOOD ina. Setts, Iinner 59 el nlet Setrs, I mean 'vrhat we say and will b idvertise, call and seeforyonre CSROCERtES, take the lead. We have t,h« ent tea ir town. FLOUR DD on hand, same price as n: Liquor store is well Bt the best brands of Brat 1, Gin, 6 and 10 year old wL tied Ale $1.25 per dozen. ^OBBEES IN CIGAI H. BENSON Co. GREAT EDOCTIflWNAL S -FOE THE- Cameron, Miss Nortoi „ Cwneron. Miss Norton f ^^^r,.,M wool work. Mrs H Mercer, *g'»^'^; m carpet. Miss Stewart. ^J^^, M« B house plants, no en*^.** o,,e(a«l prixes. Mercer. Miss Ma^ie R««V^«S Willi-- bflBt lady drlTer, Bliss S^»«*, ^^, Q J eroftrMiss Smith; ^fiwaretto* Blyth. News ioroa^JJ^^^^^^-,]^ entries but overlooked ^ytt^Tfj Bytb- and best display of cut fl««e«, Newaforcneyear.noenfrw* Fire at heuMMdrl Abont twenty minn^ ^^_ on Monday last fire wa» ' OhatBWorth sohool hoi*, ^^^j^ «»« was promptly «»If°'Z:boiiai»«*^ •ffortsof oitiMnB tba w" y^ was totalfy destroyed. *°%ton«» ^liS' ^haSwme brick. two^^JfljWa It Monti- ISEPTEMBE â€" OFâ€" atclies. Clocks, J"e"vrellery* t^lpect Acles 4 SilTer-ware. ^t$COi939 to dear out some ""lotine stock to make room ftU stock. Do not m but come at once, it from UB, said alwa i, clock and Jewell pairs to SSELl

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