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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Nov 1888, p. 5

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 .--»* --A' i "•â- ^^^^^^ ifl J .-s* n^ o :« 5. USED STERS DBRS f Mm ^TRUSTEES. Danufaetiiring an ex- irtmeut of uiTiittire, SEATS and DESKS, etc., of toe latest ved pattern. Highly I Trustees and Tead;-^ ort and compactness, ortment of Farm and s on Land, ijend for 1 r. O. fDREW McGILL; j armer and 3 Dairyman- ID nONTHLY id HomB. '.00 per year. the Bura] Canadian .r of publjcatioa, and Departiuento in tbe 33. of the scope of tbe Id; Horses Cattle; 3 Garden and Orch Kural Notes Horn* entiiic and Usefnl A FFJEB. per year, $1.00 1.00 1.00 ill tbe end of rRAY, idersigned, lot 16, 16 9th October, a sreby notified to and take hei. ENAWAY. Lilly Oak. for Sale. lip of Bnphrsart. ' or less. Tbew alance hardwood Ts apply to LL, ferobant, [arkdale, OnU â- Mik riMOMltoa. ard Correspondmc€. lie conventlou of the SonUi Grey icbers' ""' Association met in this ou Tbursdaj, the 25th Oct., ia jiesv school house. The attend- J considering state of the roads, large and the interest at the sessions mark it as one of the tsaccesifal meetings the associa- iB has had, pr. JlcClellacd, of Toronto, was ;eut from the opening to the clos- se.=;sion, and by his jiresence and tnres, not only interested and stim- jted 1.1)6 teachers, but gave them iBje of Ins own enthusiasm for the ^fessicn and which has raised him the position he now holds of being to the late Dr. Ryerson, the jter builder of that system of na- lual edu.;ation ot which we as Can- liians are justly proud. Several ex- illent papers were read and discussed tb keenness and acumen which owed that the teachers had not met lerely for a social ^aitheriug but to and to gather for themselves all e linowled^'e and experience of the itsi six mouths aud to profit as much 3 possible by the couycution. One of the most noticeable and {eresting features of this gathering IS ai) exLiibition of the Holt system teacluug music, by C. J. Sproule, Maxwell. He brought out a class f pupils with him rauging Irom 9 to 2 years and put them through a aries of exercises in reading music at ;glit and singing, both in unison aud' 3 parts, which elicited the surprise, ad admiration of all present. The iroficieucy of his class was astonishing d the remark of Miss Anderson, of Carbarn who was one of the appomt- d critics, fully aud wittily expressed k situation. Bhe said that either Sir. Sproule had a very wonderful Jiss 01 children, or that ho was a very onderful teacher, or had got hold of imost wonderful system, or which ras, perhaps, most nearly true, that is was a wonderful combination of ^vstem, teacher and pupils to produce •jcb results. The announcement that Dr. McClel- and was to lecture in the evening in :iie Town Hall brought out a large ludieuce, for the Dr. ranks here as iio best lecturer that has ever vieited Flesberton indeed such is the feeling if interest in any subject he has to ipeak pa thafp the sessions in the icbool house were crowded by visitors msious tfJibenefit by one of his talks teachers: ^^.^^he Town Hall was srowded long before the time annonnc- i for the lecture and many had to go '.way unable to get seats. The Flesh- rtou brass baud and popular glee ;lub were lu attendance and a large lass of pupils of the Fiesherton school ivho sang a greeting song and chorus. The glee club made the audience feel aappy and were enchored again and ig'iiu. M. Eichardson, Esq., who had been ippointed chairman, was invited to â- .he platform by Mr. Kamage, Presi- ient of the association. After a tew fell chosen remarks bv Mr. Bichard- son who always fills the position of chairman in a very happy manner, called upon Mr. Campbell, the popular Inspector for South Grey, who, in a i^ felicitous remarks, evidenced re* serve of resources and ability for the platform which wiU doubtless be iirought out some future day. The lecturer, Dr. McClelland, was greeted with a heartiness which show- ed that he is a favorite here. The subject of his lecture, "English liter- a itave aud its value in culture with "llustrations." For an hour and a lialf the Dr. held his. audience under the mighty spell of his eloquence. He designated the English language as iieing the most perfect vehicle for ex- pression of every shade of human thought and feeling and having pro- duced a literature the grandest, nobl- est and richest the world ever saw. ' His counsel to parents on the import- iace of procuring good literature tor their children and of guarding them trom the influences of impure and trashy books was timely and practical. The lecture sparkled with wit and Was enriched with gems from the best authors and will, no doubt, have made jin impression for good upon the hearts and lives of many that shall be lasting while life endures. The Dr. 'ook his seat amidst bursts of jtpplaase, after which Dr. Christoe, fa a few well fnosen words, moved a sincere vote of %nk3to|Dr. McClelland for his inspur- ing and instructive lecture, which was jconded by Rev. Thomas Watson, 'baptist minister, who clothed his tiiou^hts in very appropriate ^ords ^^ heartily endorsed the mover's eulogy of the address. The motion fee Soath Gr«y Tetehtts Aseoeiation for the eoamug year i-^President. H Glendenoing. Markdale; Ist "^ce r^esideot. Miss lukster, Mclnfeyre and Vice-President, G. J. Sproule, Maxwell Bec.-Treas., W. Irwin, Fiesherton Management â€" Messrs. McDonald, McArtbur, Misses. Ander- BOD. Drummond and Porter. From the words found in Solomon's Song, chap, 4, verse 10, "My sister, my spouse," Rev. L. Perrin, B. A., ot lUrkfield. preached an earneat, elo- qaent and very practidiil sermon in tlie PresbyteriaQ church here Sabbath afternoon last. Mr. Perrin is quite a young man in the ministry, of more than ordinary ability, a olose reasouer, dealing practically with tbe SBbject in hands, a keen observant eye and easily gains the wrapt attention of his hear- ers and preaches with deep earnestness and a burning desire for the good of immortal souls. Rev. A. H. Drumm, of Toronto, will occupy the same pul- pit here for the first two Sabbaths in November. The Mtsthodist parsonage here is undergoing extensive and much need- ed repairs, the walls being brick clad with white bhck, the roof beiug shingled anew. And other improve- ments internally which will render the buildii^g as neat, comfortable and commodious as any tamily might wish for aud a credit to the society here. A grand opening now presents itself in this village for a good barber. Ow- ing to very severe affliction Mr. Booth in the tonsorial line here is compelled to give up business and has advertised his business for sale. Mr. Booth has done well and has enjoyed a growing business since he opened out here. The community regret very much to Mr. Booth as a citizen and sympathize deeply with him in his affliction. W. J. MIFARLAND 18 NOT BRAGGING vrhen he says that he is showing the Finest, Fullest Nobbiest and Cheapest stock of DBY GOODS, 3 CIjOTHING, MILLINEBY, BOOTS SHOES, GKOCEEIES, HATS, CAPS,. PURS, CABPETS and CLOTHING NORTH OF TORONTO A Positive Cure. A Painletft Cute. HEN OTF ^^BASBS or -, LTJBOtfcrS THE eMlBJLT WiEjU^TM MEJTBWEM, Maml of HMdhig. m« KoMumt •! HcdioiMa. ^0m thm MnIM* â- â-  â€" a t«â€" Ba« •ri««l S^B BzpCMUW mmA Over«*ak. ^nw WrtwlMD I down from the effect* of aboaa vOl tedln Mo. 8 s radieal eon for dabUttjr, orgaoie wwatniiaa, iny«lin«ar]r vital loMoa. ate. a Now 8 Bboou bb Uasn.â€" Waa* of •Bocgy, vertigo, wanl of pui| wa Of aigbt, avvraion to aooiatj, want of ea«ftd«Be«. aTiridaaoe of ooDvoraation^ daatoafloiFMiitade, littleaanMS and inability to x the attontion on a partienlar aubjaetk " "PW impo- iacaiik fltc, are all aymptoms of thia taiTibleL teney. tnnotrition, emaciation, barrenneoa, palpitation of tbe beart, byalaile faeUagc in draama, fltc, are all aymptoms of tbia teiTiblei of Tital foree baving loattta ' Meaford Boad. Standard Correspondence. The annual shooting match of the Vandeleur hunters came off on the 18th. W. Kells and W. McCoUum were the captains. W. Eell's side came out 30 ahead. The slaughter ot the small game was great. The larg- est score was made by A. Holly on Mac's side, being 930. A supper was provided for the occasion by Mrs. C. Pritcbard, the loosing side paying tlie shot. Miss Walker has been engaged for six months to teach the school here, while the present teacher Miss JFord, is at the Normal sctiool. 1 ' f» â-  Berkeley. Put his claims to the test "when next in town by comparing quality, quantity prices and we know you will give your verdict in favor of McFARLAND Do you want a comfortable Mantle or Jacket McFarland can please you with lovely new goods, low prices. teaauaiitnmbUne, melancboljr, distarbing i habU«anant(meo innocently acquired, ut abort, ttie spring i aaiMJon^ avary fonetloa wanea in consaqnenea. Scdantifla 'wnten and tbe aaperintandaBta at iaaaM aaylnma nnita in ascribing to tbe alfeeta^ sak-aboaa tbe gtaas majoctty •( vaatad nvsa wbiob oome nnder "Jieir notice. If yoia an incompetent for tba aidooos dntiaaoC Imalnees, incapacitated for tbe enjoynteafo of life. No. 8 offers an aacMaf^m tba aHaet* of early vice. If you are advaaoed in v«an,Na SwUl giTsyon fnllvifeorand steaogtlk if yon are broken down, pbysicaBy aaamctally from early indteeraMoa, tbe TBSolt o( iBOoranoe and foUy, send yonr addiesa and 10 cents in stamps for H. V, Xd»OM'a Tnjatlaa u Book Form on Diseases ot Han.. Sealed nnd secure from obaarvation. AddMBS an communications to â- . â-¼. IiVBOH. 47 WelHastea ••. BU VnrMBto.. A â- â- â- â- aig tlK oai lives ia a foaTa pandiaa,. CURtt fiOMUMTCEO. HUt tHf SICK. Permanent Cure. Pleasant Cure^ Standard Correspondence. Sudden Death. â€" We regret to have to announce the sudden death of Mr. M. Abbey, he had been ailing a few days but nothmg serious was apprend- ed but on Saturday evening on com- ing in from the barn where he had been at work he was suddenly seized with a pain in his heart and before the neighbors could be summoned he was dead The burglar scare at Holland Centre has spread to Berkeley. One day last week a rough looking chap stopped at the Berkeley House for dinner and as he acted rather qneer tbe good people of B. set him down for one of the "lifting crew," and some were beginning to look up their old shot gucs, c., however he did notre' turn. The same individual caused a scare in Holland Centre also. Protracted meetings are beinc; held at Walker's church, and are well at- tended, and good is being done. They will continue this week. [The above was forwarded over a week ago but did not reacti this office until this week £d. Standard.] Do you want a nice fashionable Dress McFarland can pleab yon. Some lovely goods just opened out in all the new shades from 10 cents up to $15.00 the Dress pattern. â-  Do you want a Nobby Suit Mc- Farland's is the place to leave your order; new Scotch, English and Can* adian Suitings. M a r k d a 1 E $AB0 It ^(OiOH ' FACTORY Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain Fac« tory, containing all the latest and moat approved machinery, everything bemg new, i am now prepared to turn oat Sasb, Doors, BMs, Monldings, Hollow Battons, FRMES, UTN, FENCE PICKETS. e., Aiid everything needed iu the building trade,, in a manner second to none iit Canltda, and haying engaged superior mechanics in eyery department, would now reRpectiuIIy solicit pubUc patronage. Every Effort Made to jail Orders Promptly. PIN CLUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on haod. Plain and Fancy Turning done^ Carefut Attention to Onfes from a Distance. 808 THOS. IcTVE^. Btmbarley. iein, I and g put was heartily responded to Standard Correspondence. Our citizens are talking of building more sidewalks, which are badly need- ed, as the mud is deep, sticky and slippery. Matrimony seems to be contagious about Eimberley Wm. Fawcett has taken unto himself, last week a wife in the person of Miss Cornfield, and Archibald McLean has united with Mrs. Wickens for better for worse and still there's more to follow. I {Apples are an abundant crop in this district. Henry Hurd has pickled 900 barrels off his orchard, and as most of our farmeis have orchards as large or nearly so, your readers can judge what a large quantity there is to spare. G. h Thompson, merchant, has bis new store nearly ready for moving into. It will be a credit to tbe place well AS the proprietor. Municipal matters are beginning to engage the attention of ratepayers. James Erskine, counoilior Wm. Fawcett ex-depnty and Peter McAnsl Do yon want a warm, strong, well- mado Overcoat at a moderate price Go to McFailand'sOlothingBoom and find hundreds to select from prices right. Do you want a fine or coarse pair of Boots, Uubbers or Overshoes? Mc- Farland has the largest sto«k ia town to select from. Do you want Gloves, Hosiery, Wool Shawls, Trimmings Under Clothings McFarland has them at bottom figures. Coal Oil was first used for lighting purposes in 1826. McFarland has received 60 barrels. No, 1, No. 1, No. 1, No. 1. Cheap 1 Cheap Cheap Do you want Grey Flannel. Blue Flannel, Fancy Flannel. Blankets, White or Scarlet Flannel? McFarland has them at manufiactnrers prices. Fal Mil Winter :tTO"r77- aa^i^'FXJsrr: IT THE- rman. The large gathenngdis ^^ed after singing the National I Anthem. ^Qd tendered to the speaker by the in,pt«8eDtdepaty,arelikefytobexan *^irman. TbA Uvm mthArimr die- ;iidatM fiiur itoBOtV navSi W( didittes fiur ittfo^ iBwrei We hmtU no apfoamtnto ovt xeev*. Jir QUxaj. I'or^otti^torB thM* is al* Need I advise yon to get your Tea at McFarland's all sensible people do, or at least all those who enjoy a good, well-flavored, strong Tea do, McFarland sells more Tea than any two stores in the County, and why 9 Beoanse he sells nothing bat a pmre. onadolterated article at a veiy lov l«we« TORONTO HOUSE, MARKDALE. A fall range latest styles ot fashionable Dresa goods, in stripes, ohecka and combination, firom 10 cents up. Black and colored cashmeres, great variety, firom 26 cents to 75 cents best values in town. Coat and Mantle- Cloths, cheap, stylish and popular. In Tweeds, gents' farmshmgs. Hats and caps, stock complete and varied and prices which mast commAnd at- traction. In Beany-made Clothing we ofEer men's salts jfrom $5.00 op which, for style and quality, cannot be excelled. Everything in the Boot and Shoe line from the heavy stoga to the finest Ladies' kid In these goods oar home manufacture always take the lead. Having adopted the cash system we hops to coovmce customers that it pays to do Imsiness with us,, where solyent man is not required to carry the "lame ducks." INSPECTION AND COMPABLSON SOLICETiJiD WM. BROWAL When in Markdale call on tiie oldest, largest and cheapest store in town and tiiat is McFarlaiDd's. WaJ/Mcl'aadi^ Mowing an tbe offioen eleok Wftjs • sorplos ia tbe fteU, J-! J HAMILTON, THE PEOPLE'S PttOtOGAPHEIl •V • ri ' â- "Hi! :fi I 'A 4 ,.â-  A '•, m ^m Is tnsniiigoiit Photos all sizes equal to City wodu CopjiBg *na enlsi^^ a spseislitj, iJsa fietare irsmmg; dme witl% iSSS SaJi wSpSitcfa. â-  J- 'â- -â-  '-•'•â- â- ; t »."-i£/^'Sii/- m â- ^-^^^ •#â-  -:'â- â-  '.;â- ' -.•â- â-  N'sSi â- ;3i;.#* ^ia â- ^i- "i*»- l^j^ sMii ^ittiilBillMliHHl

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