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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Nov 1888, p. 1

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 "^* report 0^ J. ^; the sam o{^*ai' 'y he h ,3 A BBLBCT STOCK OV riXJL OOtHW VOW OVBMXD. not 8|f «gof » "uree vears n '•* ^n and J. Tad'*** *^« T or for Pepsi h ir ou tU â- """" '^e be p7d" lowey^That Mr leved of payinn "year 1 888 on" a.^CBn* I '^andallbiscropljtj fowev â€" That n,» 9^'^-" tbatte 21 ' tJie assistance Protwre all possible f rewer baanu.^ rriedj. ' albraith-TbattherepoJ ators on proposed dcT suleroad be not ratifi, Wm. Foster's ofiet |80 tl)at Mr. Howej be get a-surveyor and hai I road located.-Carried -Howeyâ€"Tbattheooi Pr ward No. 4 aiij tl„ te a coinruittee fcn let au. dge over the Saublem 42 and 43, con. 2. E. „ ?e to be compIete.J ono Nt day of July, iggg ^iaiidatd CHIPB FALL WHERE THEY MAY." MARKDAIZE, THUESftAY, NOV. 1, 1888. C. W. BUTIiEDOE, Proprietor. MY OLD SOCKS, IDT STOP AND READ -IHE- lAT BARGAINS ^â€" THAT ABE JUT THE â€" UFMST .â- â- : HOUSE Local and Oer Items. Notices in thexe columns intendedXo benefit an^ individual or Society uill be charged ten eentM a live for tlie first insertion and five cents a line each mibtequeitt insertion. NOTICE. â€" Correspondence, eommmiica- tions,. Advertisements, etc,, mnst be in this office by ii«on on Tuesday tO insure publication that meek. -IN- â€" Galbraithâ€" That i he Srd day of Decembe J. P. Hase, Clerk. voith, Oct. 15th, 1888, meting of the CouDcil. â€" Shu teâ€" That we eviation on lot- 6, con. irried. illiscroftâ€" That the bil teKERY) (GijiSSWARE) nst opened out 2 crates of Glassware jtest designes and patterns, largest lock to chooBB from between Orange- ille and Owen Sound, which will be mid at a very small adyanceon cost, :n order to make room for oiti OlAS GOODS. China ^Gtts» Iiiiiier* »etts. Toilet: ^etTs, say and will sell as 'illiscroftâ€" That we ex BvG dollars on deviation ed We mean what b for surveyiag deviatidi w advertise, call and see for yonrsel/es 8, Holland i be psid.- GROCERIES, li^'e take the lead. We: have the best Tj â-  „ 25 cent tea in town. FLOUK and H.owey supermtend ib§Yt!,^J) ou hr,nd, same price as mill. Our Liquor store ie well stocked with the best brands of Brandies, um, Gin, 5 and 10 year old whisky. Ibraithâ€" That Mr. Fo«t- order on the trewoTBi 3 per agreement as acm tie proper conveyance.-^ hraithâ€" That the •r'oi- iation No. 6, side roii ried. raith â€"That each mem- 3cil and the clerk receive r serviee at this sessioo. Mtiona and Aamwm tdrfrom last week, bei^ost of a palace sleep- itr^5,000, or $17,000, if le ioDgest Bailway bridge 5 Cantilever matX ridge, 548 feet. the higheat railway S. Kinaaa Viaduct, 1,305 feet h^h. the first locoawtive in ier Cooper. A carries tKe largest ssengers Manhattan a,NewYoik; 525,000 » ,000 yearly.] 3 average daily e»m^ xxMnotive ?.'Abont %VK- he longafif Ameria" Hoosacf Tunnel, or vie y, (4i miles.) e average cost ol c^' of railroad At the ut «8O,00O. B highest railroad IB over and Ria G"*^ ' 1,852 feet. the chance* oi,â„¢^ .y travel? Onokiltod Statistics show m«^ igont of windows tow its. of railway exte^ id West J*?^ fonning from (ja**^ „ AUout eu^i*^ earner, the tojg ters? DbnoisCW^r Bottled Ale §1.25 per dozen. JOBBEBS IN CIGABS. R. H. BENSON Co. GREAT lEDDCTIO -FOE THE MONTH SEPTEMBER OF^ ^Watches, Clocks, Je-v^eller-y^ Spectacles, Silveirivare, Id order to clear out some of our immense stock to make room for our large fall stock. Do not miss this chance, but come at once, it will p*y you to buy from us, and always take y«tt vatcb, clock and jewellery re- pairs to RUSSELL'S Fle^ertoQ, Markdale cattle fair next Saturday. The Stanbaed predicts an open winter. Look out for George Mathers' adv., next week. Miss Jannie Donnelly, of Toronto, is visiting in Markdale. The Thornbur^' Standard is booming Municipal eledtion affairs. Mr. James Miller, formesly of Mark- dale, was in town this week. Miss A. Morrison, of Shelbimie, is the guest of Mrs. T. Jennings, Revere House. Why cannot a temperance Tman kiss a Jewess 9 He has sworn not to taste jew- lips. Mr. aTfd Mrs. Wm. SteicSioff, of Dun- dalk, spedt last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Halbert. Miss Minnie Whitby came home on Monday from Oshawa, owing to her brother's accident. In Denmark girls are trained to agri- culture, hxft in America they take more kindly to husbandry. Mr. Thukston, of the Adyance, is getting awfully tarte â€" the pickle season is evidently affecting him. FRtm" and roots are an abundant crop and superior quality in this district, especially apples and potatoes. Joseph Manaey, tax collector for Euphrasia, is on the w^at path. The rate in that township is 4 mills on the %. Rev. A. H. Drumm, ot Toronto, is ex- pected to fill the pulpit of the Presbyr terian church for the next two Sabbaths. When a man and a woman discuss the subject of matrimony one seldom gets the better of the other. It usually results with a tie. Whtus wrestling vdth Frankie Hill on Thursday last Charlie Kckell had his elbow joint fractured and will result in a stiff arm. Dr. McBiide is treating the patient. Rev. Mb. Graham will preach to lihe Orangemen in the English church tn Sunday evening, Nov. 4, at 7 o'clock. The brethem vnll meet in the Orange Hall and march in a body to church. EvEKV citizen old, and young, should attend the eyening ckiases in connectiou with the Mechanics' Institute, (pupils atten^Bg school not admitted.) There should be quite a number from the I country. Mb. JoEDi Pattersoit, formerly of flie Revere Heoae, Markdale, but now of the Gordtm House, Thessalon, paid Mark- dale a visit last week. He reports busmesB bi^y satisfactory in that flourishJa^ place. P rrnuma a has a new paper called Hn Butdien' Record. It is hoped the edi- torâ€" wfaeae motto, by the way, is not '*Liver Bie" â€" ^will be able to makboth ends meat. He has the welfare of the butdiersat steak.â€" Ex. T«B membership of the A. O. U. "W. in the leading States July 31, 1888, wm: New Todc, 28,275; Missouri, 20,410; Illinois, ^416; California, 18,127; PamsyhRuia, 16,800 Ontario, 15,074 Massachusetts, 13,284; Kansas, 12,826 Michigan, 12,889. EMOoimamHe.â€" The Inrge qoan^aes of stock ^wlnch is bong shipped oat, irith hnadreds of tons«C hay, togeter irith lln general ayasage crops aad st^ecior^piality of grain and other baa. ptodnoB, for which hi^ prices are *e- ceiv«d, must be enoooraging to betSi bnsinessnmn. Seldom is it to emorianoe sooh Removai.. â€" Dt. McBride has removed «o Reynolds' house. South of the Metho- ^st church. Crushed. â€" J. H, Lever had his hand badly crushed while working at the threshing machine at J. W. White's on Monday last. Dr. McBride dressed the hand. Two hay packing machines are work- ing in this vicinity and farmers have thus an opportunity of converting their surplus hay into cash. This will be a great benefit, as the hay crop was a good one and several hundreds of tons will be exported. We give this week the prise list of Holland Centre Fall Show. The secre- tary, Mr. J. P. Hare, wfts prevented from furnishing the list at an earlier date Ciwing to an accident which befel bis f^her and which resulted in hia death some two weeks ago. ' Wholesaub Slauohteb.â€" On Sunday eyening last while Mrs. James Foster's turkeys, a flock of 27, were in the back field, about a mile from Itfarkdsle, a fox made a raid on them. 'The turkeys made for the bam but before reaching there "red rogue" killed 18 out of the flock. Mr. James Ebskime, of (Euphrasia, will be a candidate for depifty-reeveship in that township at the coming municipal election. Mr. Erskine has had lon?thy municipal experience, tand being a re- spected, well-to-do farmer 'and popular through the township, vnll doubtless "get ar." The Government grant to our Me- chanics' Institilte is to hand, and a meeting of the ofcers and Erectors is called for Friday evening next, Noy. 2, at 7:30 at Mr. Rae's shop, to select a fresh instalment of books. A full at- tendance is requested. Bring your lady along to belp select. Rev. L. Perrin, Eirkfield, Out., occu- pied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church last Sabba'th, morning and even- ing, and preached two intensely earnest and practical sermons. The rey. gentle- man has a remarkably keen, penetrating eye and possesses aH the gifts that go to make a successful soul-winner. Lost His Pants. â€" On Friday last while Grsenaway's threshing machine was wotJdng at Mr. John Sargent's, near Holland Centre, Mr. S. was working near the tumbling shaft when the coupling caught ou his pants leg throwing him down and tearing the leg of the trowsers off. John was surprised how quickly it did its work, but he escaped injury. A scholar in a country school was aed, "How do you parse 'Mary nulks the cow '" The last word wasjdisposed of as follows "Cow, a noun, feminine gender, third person, and stands for Mary." "Stands for Mary I How do you make that out " "Because," added the intelligent pupil, "if the cow didn't ^nd for Mary, how could she milk her " She was Posted on the Sacraments. â€" "Which is the first and most important sacrament ?^ asked a Sunday-school teacher of a little girl in his class. "Marriage," was the prompt response. "Oh, no haptism is the first and most important sacrament," replied the teach- ex. "It may be in some families, but marriage always comes first in our family We are respectable people, we are." Ottb brass band will make their first bow to the public in their new uniforms on Monday evening next, November 5, at their concert in Haskett's Hall. They have suffered considerably of late by -removals from the yillage but their ^ncoks are now well filled with good material and they are determined to give their patrons a good concert. Come along and give the boys a lift. 25 cents. Mb. George Mathers, carriage mak- er of Stayner, was so favorably impress- es vrith our town when here two weeks 4^ that he determined to locate here. Waitbd I â€" 100 cords wood in exchange for stoves. Markdale Stove Foundry. Take Bejuvenator Bitters to keep you from catching cold. Sold by Smith, the barber. Fob fanning mills, straw cutters, grain crushers, two-furrow gang plows, and all other kinds of implements, go to Jackson, I tole you. If you want to buy beef by the quarter go to the Markdale meat market â€" 4 cents per lb for front and 6 for hinds. F. Saijeant. Thousands and thousands of dollars to lend on easy terms and lowest rates of interests on real estate. Apply to John Whitby, Markdsde. The Family Herald and Weekly Star is without an equal as a weekly paper, and will be sent to end of next year for 91. Leave your subscription at the Standard Office. " The Weekly Globe for 1889 $1 with balance of this year free. Subscribe at this office and save your postage. "Strike while the iron is hot." B. B Clements wants you to call early and leave your measure for a good fitting suit of clothes. He is terribly rushed now and will be "rusher" later on in the season. "VATonf O/^ I At once. Local VV diU Ut3U. I and traveling a- gents for our goods. Liberal commis- sions, or salary and expenses, to com- petent and reliable men. For terms and full particulars, address J. F. LeClare, Nurseryman, Brighton, N. Y. Farm for sale. â€" Being part of lot No. 10, con., 5, Euphrasia, containing fifty acres, situated about one-and-a-third miles from the village of Eimberley, all under cultivation suitable buildings two acres orchard, seven acres wheat, well i«ind has leased the wood department of -,»,... w v i .. „ • ,., (watered. Apply to A. Aldous, Eimberley â- Mx. John McEenna's carriage block. ^*^ •' He is already to work and will be pleas We are pleased to say tibat Master Cham Whitby was conveyed safely home from Fordvrich last Wednesday, 2«b nit., where the serious accident happen- ed to him which we chronicled last week. He is not yet out of danger, but continues to improve, and fair hopes are now entertained of his recovery. We regret to learn thait"ourold towns- man, Wm. McLeod, was"recerffly burn- ed out at Thersalon. He Ims been, carrying on a flourishing busimss in tiio boot, shoe and trunk line, and lost his shop with allhishosuehdld^Sectsacid vdnter's providens. The meet of l^iis stock v^ts saveA. Loss 98,500, imm.-ed for«l,200. Labge quantifira of cattle "and liogs are being shipped from this ^laoe, and while drove after droye passes dovra main street in front of the St8,nd«zd ofBoevre«uiiHt bat remark tti.e fine quantity of Irags tilus comitty produces. Out of hundreds of porkers 'which pass- ed last vreek, ndt a poor Ibied animal was to be "seen. The eteihing is fast snpers^ding oil and water colors in public-esteem. The I Toronto Weekly News has issued a fee- simile «f iMuiJkacsy's famorts punting, •Chrii« Before Pilate," S8 in. z 21 in., which it is presenting to snbserifaws. The picture is^haste'Uid beantifal-4n thebighest style of actâ€" -and should nsNot, with a fevorfible reception. Ty« respectfully inwite every so b ea w fce r to v^mmn jogg aMroHS laltek and be smce that you ibam paid for Q* Swii- DAKD for was. -We bsTo aa vMdDbHit list of sitbseribCBS. the â- wbam axe paid up, yat w» -wbo aj^^ear "ivery c a te T e m abent ttw ed to make the acquaintance of all in need of an3rthing in his line., He is an industricus, practical mechanic and we wish him eyery success. The Presbyterian Review is not quite four years old, yet it is now one of the leading denominational papers in Cana- da. It sparkles with brief and interest- ing paragraphs of Church news from all over the Dominion which renders it in- teresting in every neighborhood and town. Its editorials are able, well written, and haye a tone of loyalty to our country and independent in spirit which is truly commendable. Every Presbyterian family should haye it. Only ftl.50 a year. Mechanics' Imstitttte; â€" A meeting of the executive committee of Maricdale Mechanics' Institute was held on Fri- on day evening last when it was decided to open evening classes in the school house about the middle of November H. Glendenning, our able and popular Head school master vrB teach the class- es. A committee was appointed td con- duct this particular branch of the In- stitute, who are determined tamake it a success, and we trust all those who wish to improve themselves in a com- mercial course or otherwise vrill avail themsehes el this opportunity. Fees 50 cents for members and fl for non- members fora term of 26 nights; A ToarBng rowa is also to be opened about tbft csd (^ the year. J, J. McKinnon "^^^ pre- pared to give satisfaction in all kinds light and heavy harness and harness goods. Repairing promptly attend- ed to. Whips, brushes, curry combs, c., to suit the tiade. A call respectfully solicited. Do YOU LIKE stories â€" Farm and Fireside is full of the best stories vmtten and is published once a week, 4 large newspaper pages. We will send Farm AND FiBEsms to the end of 1889, and the Weekly Mail to the end of 1889 and our own paper all for Two dollarp. Thfe regular subscription price is $2.75 a year. This is a great offer. to i^Jb anMstffc sliaMb Inriiuti^ :.- â- ,. -, rod ' Two good young cows in calf for sale). Jebn Whitby, Markdale. CBOtvauk done for 6 cts. per 100 lbs. «rery day at W. J. Bowe's mills. Bbick House to rent aa George street. Apply to G. S. Bowes. Oct. 8, '88. Bbjwbnatob cores all disorders of ike blood. Sold by SmiUi. Ute burber. A Cirit rising tibree yean old forsale, alsflk a fanning nuB. 3iim "Wbiiby, MwWale. â-  ,.; .^k Wb wfll send e Sxaxdabd to S17 •cNiress fr(» now natit the taai.oi ISWforllnsh. IlDranAinr to bocrowos, 910,000 pen "It is not in mortals to command success, but I'll do more, my patrons, I'll de- serve it," Let ine give you a pointer about Spex, i haye in stock over $100 in assorted lines of Spex, cases, lenses, etc., from 25 cts. to $8.00 also have fall qualifieations and medianical helps for proper- ly fitting the same. Yon can buy Spex i nearly every store in tows, but I am pre- pared to satisfy purchasers, of this "fact" that (having made some study of optics andoptieal helps) I am the only Spex dealer here able to correetly fit spex from a scieniafic standpoint. Near sight and cataract lenses in stock. Gold and silver frames fitted, ' LoQses- matched from 10 to SO cte. I particilarly ask a.oomparison of goods, pricey, and metftods of fitting j A tnal.sdivHed. W. A. BBOWN, M •v.--' m r ^. " H\ '"" S:, V ' K •»•• ' 1 â- .^. ' *-i -â-  \^. t \^ â- ' ' 'ii' ?; ' i »â- â- Â¥ t â-  X â-  â- f-' /â-  â- 5 " ♦â- *:«. i jwva- â-  -â-  :--â- ;â- , â-  â- Â», 4 :-f .fe-O^ir-V;;: Hi:' .Sii: •3J!i*?!:r«ii' M ij-;,:^'.. •»- ,; L.c iii. i;5.^- M ' -V iX n :.fkiJiit^.: l^y^ '»â- 'â- â-  ' â- " ' Uilr.rt-^.KS^ i*^ t't£ii ^lii r ..S: as ^ifisL- ui iaa i*^«?: C;.*CV* §CCJJi, â-  ri\h. -r^ h' =£.iki ^eleri*^-" y ' ' â- / ' â- â- .â-  i'" ••-,:â-  -^- â- ,LV Vi^.. Vv-^ "' -.- V-v .N"....- 'â- ' TVi*S â- M^^^^^^^^^ ri â- ^£:»5? «iy

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