sBsssm T??^ 50. ^t general newspaper J It j.s Independent lers' interests. lie only Asricultiiral 40,000 m its first â- al Paper in Canada, week, and one ' year. )a that it is the local tant locfil news inter- bargnin we otter. ?. balance of year on DFiBESZDE. s K^9 ^KE. USED 5TERS DBRS. s RE like to se«- l-eather. ps erected, larkdale. connection with .ate. |ient Society organ- ntbs. ifch reapect on kd last year. ktive tricks, f ho is in "â- '^^ jr. ;the StaB jhris^a rail Show Prix* Uafi. BXCKAHCHB VXaUCnMWL UKSLs. I â- - IfROj m n prf:r.^':!t • it'ROj m hariKss, John 1 \:"".tt;u bixHiii mare, J.SW Hart- H:,:ii 2 rear lilly or geiduig. Jas. .];in. McN'aughtou; liyear filly or â- '.1;i '.icNH.ijiiit.iJU, Jos^owcs spring Viu. \\ hiiMiaau, W Brady. pir \iV j„,i.p â€" IVain in, harness, Wrn I [. .s Crefnot; biood mare, ,]u8 .\I' '.fv«- " '1 }car -fiily or ^eldiug, â- •;:;,. ^::!] 1 J Quintou 1 year filly K M'-Aifi'?. Jchii Taylor spring Mrs. JuliQ Moore vud ber«en Mr- T. Moore, who hae tbeen very ill for some time, left by the '^CJarBaoiia" on Monday for their hoxae at Bi«tikdale. â€" Algoma A^dvocate. Mabkdale's Plum. â€" ffbe res.pectivfi j committees of the township of Arte- j mepia and village of Markdale, ap- I pomted to arwan7e financial matters â- ;:, V. A M.Afce, TLos Douglas. between Artem.eia and the newly in- â- â- '.â- â- , ,,; aiiirtgeâ€" Team in harness, I corporated village, met at Dr. Cjiris- â- "Ucrii"' S McKnigbt broed mare, j toe'a office, Fleslie: ton, on Friday last. ;Lu.i;.'las. C T Brovvii 2 ear filly or j 'Jher^ »'ere present on behalf of Arte ii KU..-.1 n-.. Ceo Curry 1 year filly i ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^.^^ j^^ Christoe, a»d Mr. W. J. MpRUND NOT BRAGGiNG 'When lie says that he is showing the ^m^. Brown jr., (jeo Curry 1 year filly j (â- T ircwn D Robertson spriiig i H Knutt, jr., T Brown; sadule McArthur:j the. other member ot com- W MrCcnufcU, M Bamage trained 'ii-Ho^ r..l'r, Eobt Seott. Glen Gii- ,il'.- (iiivir. ilit-s M Gardiner. Miss P. i.ji: -j.i i;i: C'Al hum Bancroft, H Kuoti jr. CATTLE. ir;.a:;i â€" Ct-^ cb'.v giviiif^ milk, 13 Eobert- viiir li'.if' r, Jas MeNuughton I year â- â- r, ,],ii Nii'Naut'htoii heifer calf, D Bob- hvi a!f, D Robertson, J McNaunh- ,,j;,_C.,\7 f,'iviip milk, Jas Robertson, I- f|;i'ii-u)i '2 year heifer, D Robertson; .jr !;fi;f' -I.-s liobcrtson, D Robertson ,^rf.;.l. .J.isSfoit; yoke working oxen, K i-.;L--!i, H Johuston; bull calf (special) snEi"P. xir nr L'nc.)ln â€" Aged rssn. Wm Ham, ,};t; .siit arlinf; ram, WiruHam rfim ;,. "vVm H:uu 1st 2nJ pair â- ewe.s,. aged, .H:i-,n lt..V'2nd; pair shearlinc ewes, iHiiiii l' 'V: -nd pair ewe lambfi, Wm ot.-.v'ilil -iuini, 2 shears and over, Jos mittee not pntting da an appearance, Mc. J. McFaiiaud, reeve, and Wm. Brown, Eeq., appeared for Markdale. The foUowujg settlement wa.s arrived .»t, viz., Markdale to receive $128, being nearly four cents ui the doliar of the total assets of the ftownskip, and is to receive at the sasae rate its proportion of non-resident tases in •Co. Treasurer's hands at time of its 1 mcorporation. it is also provided that |dn case the Towubhip is entitled to jjiuy government grant at or before in- corporation of Markdale, it is to receive iits share at the same rate unless the amount he settled by goverumeut. â€" ' Fleshertou Advance. no shearling ram Sliv'pherdsou 1st i' T~. C!l 1, ' Bvl«s of Conrtsliip. •pbtul^i'.i 1st it "ind k rum lamb. Jot j 1,1! ev f-, 2 .-l;ears aud_over, Joa Sheph ;n I'-t it 2r.({ sbcarling ewes, JosBheph- •a 1st .V -Jud: ewe lamb?., Jos Shepherd- oiitii ar.d other Downs â€" Ram, 2 shears o\tr. D llobL'rtson shearling ram, Jno kii; iiiii ia;nb. Jo? Shepherdson, John ..k.n pair ewe lambs, 2 snears and over, Bur-kin: aheaiiing ewes, Jno Buskin; laii:bc, Jno iiuskin. SWIKE, krkshireâ€" Aged boar, no entries sow, J Knutt, Tbos Gilray boar of 1888, Hugh TV, ihcs Gilray sow of 1888, J W KaoU, 'arry. roDLxrY, I 'innauth Reeks, Jas Brodie; Buff Cochinsi ijwdie • Brahmas, Jas Brodie Spanish, entnea Let'horns, Geo Crabtree Ham- ?s, Jas Brodie: geese, H Johnston; ducks, Crabtree collection of poultry, James die. GHAIN. iiish' 1 fall wheat, Jas 3r«die 3 bushels »i;ciif, Wm Fawcett 3 bushels spring Et, ilio.s Gilray 4 bush, spring wheat, '5 liilray busb. pease, Mrs, J Lowe, Jas liie bush. Barley, James Brodie, Wm 'cett bush, white oats, James Brodie, H Norton bush, black oats, Wm Norton, J Lowe half bush, flax seed, George iemy, Wm Leggett. BOOTS XND yEaSTXBUES. x-b. Early Rose potatoes, James Clarke, J Lowe any other sort potatoes, Wm ett, John Atkinson six Swede turnips, McNiiughton, A Clark six mangold zelf, H W Jiortvin, Thos Douglas six H beets, Wm Leggett, Wm Norton six carrots, Wm Leggett, S J Quinton six e c.irrots, Jas Brodie, Wm Norton six inips, Wm Leggett, Wm Norton two Dkius, Jno Atkinson, Geo Ptolemy two isbes, Jno Atkinson, Wm Norton-; three 4s cabbage, Mrs J Lowe, H W Norton a beads cauhflower, B Gilray, Wm Nor- 12 oniuu.s, black seed. Jas Brodie, Wm *on 12 onions, top, H Knott, jr„ H W ton peck potato onions, Wm Leggett, :Xortcn quart top onion seed, H Knott, Wm Norton six tomatoes, H Enott jr., -Xonou three heads celery, Mrs J Lowe iVonou 12 ears corn, Mrs J Lowe, H K, jr.: peck white beans. Wm Norton, H "'., jr.: collection vegetables, Wm Norton. FBriT. i fxll apples, John Irwin lat and 2nd winter apples, Joseph Squire, J D Grab- j'.x fall pears, Jas Brodie, R Gilray ' xuttr pears, .las Brodie, Wm Norton f'.uais, John Irwin, B Gilray six crab S J Quinton, H Knott, jr. three tuts of Krapes, R Gilray, X Gilray three ' lutuns, J D Crabtree, Wm Norton ciiiusk melons, J D Crabtree, Wm Nor- »brce citrons, Wm Norton, H W Nor- â- .car.ued fiuit, Thos Gilray collection -apes. J D Crabtree collection of fiuit, â- -rav. Don't diaagiree with the girl's father an politics, or her mother in religion. If you hai:e a rival keep an eye on him if he is a widower keep two eyes on him Don't put too much sweet stuff on paper, if you do you may hear it read in after years. Go hooie at a reasonable hour in the evening.. If on the •occasion of your first call she looks like an iceberg and acts like a cold wave, take your leave early, and stay away some time. In cold weather finish saying good- night in the house. Don't stretch it nil the way to the front gate, and chus lay the foundation for future asthma, bronchitis, neuralgia and chronic catarrh, to help you worry the girl to death after she has married you. Finest, Fullest Nobbiest and Cheapest stock of x^ :, DHY GOODS, _^ CLOTHING, MILLINEBY, BOOTS SHOES, GROCEBIES, .HATS, CAPS, FURS, CARPETS and CLOTHING NORTH OF TORONTO The following unsolicited letter from a gentle- man who has made ajid handled thousands of stoves, and who, at present, has a stock of the best Hamilton and Toronto makes, wiU show that we mean what we say, viz., that our Stoves and ranges are equal in material, design and finish to the best Canadian makes, and are also heavier, in every way suitable for all marets: 07i(itswortA^ Sept. 75t7i^ ^88. SJecur Sirs^ â€" t^ received tJie Stove you sent me a,nd must sdy it is fvrst^cldss/ $£ have no letter in rny shop. Wou need not le (ifreiid to send your travellers into the city of S^oronto^yoio can compete with any of them. -Sfot only is the stove well pro^ vortioned (i7vd Jieavy wher: the stove requires to le heavy^ 6ut it is yood S^late and well fitted. tJ" (five you credit for yettiny uv a yood article. have leen forty years amony stovesy have moulded and mounted thousands of them and consider i7vy= self a Judy e. Wours respectfully^ -J (i^ndrew ^Ic^ill XUdslirbt IKeduulra. Put his claims to the test w^hen next in town by comparing quality, quantity prices and we know you will give your verdict in favor of McFARLAND rAIEX AUD OTHEB PBODUCE. |-= Of 1 utter, Mrs H Johnston tub of butter, â- Jol:i Inviii tub of butter, Mrs Jas Boyd |i butter, iirs H Johnston crock butter, Mrs pe lu lbs roll butter, Mrs H Johnston 5 lbs ttfv, Mrs H Johnston; 6 lbs roll butter, â- R bilray; 5 lbs roll butter, fancy prints, ' W Enott 10 lbs cheese, Mrs H W Norton, â- -:rtoa loaf home-made bread, K McAfee,' -iston. Specialsâ€" loaf home-made bread -cston; sponge cake, D Bobertson, T Oilray' AGIUCt:XTURAI. tUPLEMENTS. |-- cniy article shown in this class was a fan- sill by T D Carseadden, which appears to p':perior article as a separator to any of the ^^ this section. DOIEESTIC MAKUFACTTTBES. ' fiatmel, home-made, Wm Leggett, Wm ps plain flannel, John Jafrett, Wm Leggett; [â- -•wikats, Wm Leggett, D Bobertson pair [â- blank ns, D Robertson, Jno Jarrett; fuUed S J QuiEton, W Norton. LADIES' WOBX. ri;53 dress, R Gilray, H Johnston; lady's ,»iin ;: (iiiray, Mrs D Silverthorne gents' J"t' ' " Norton, H W Norton farmer's -t; "" Gilrav, Wm Norton work done on -= uacame, E Gilray patchwork qnllt, Wm i.,L ,.-°'^ostou knit or crochet quilt, H It appears that the report furnished OS, and published in the Standard last week, in reference to the Holland Centre burglary was partly incorrect. The two brothers, Sam and John Greenaway while on their way home from the wake of the late Mr. Hare, and while passinf; through the village, saw a light in the post-office department of Carson Price's store. It struck them that it was a burglar, and John kept watch while Sam hastened to arouse some of the citizens. He kicked hard at Hugh Mercer's store but got no response other than that from another neighbor who was awakened, and thinking it vras a thief hissed the dogs on him, and he had like to be eaten aUve by the ferocious animal he however succeeded in bring- ing up reinforcements, but in the mean- time John kept a close watch on the mysterious mechanic, who was looking over letters, tearing some open, and occasionally going to the front window to see if his accompUces were keeping watch. It is thought that he took John for his chruu in the dark, and felt quite secure, howeyer when he saw a light on the street he made himself scarce inside but on coming out was arrested by Sam Greenaway assisted by his brother John and others. The arrest was certainly bold and clever. The thief was of course armed to teeth, while the captors had never a deadly weapon. The re- cruits were becoming numerous by this time and the burglar supposing them well armed offered yery little resistance. One hakl a handspike, which the prison- er took for a gun; another had a revolver but its shooting days are oyer, so that the crowd were utterly defenceless as far as shooting irons were concerned. It is reported that a, reward of #500 is offered for a man answering bis descrip- tion, from across the Unes. We are also informed that there is likely to be other arrests in connection with the above burglary. Do you want a comfortable Mantle or Jacket McFarland can please you with lovely new goods, low prices. Do yon want a nice fashionable Dress McFarland can please you. Some lovely goods just opened oat in all the new shades from 10 cents up to $15.00 tA« Dress pattern. Do you want a Nobby Suit Mc- Farland's is the place to leave your order; new Scotch, English and Can- adian Suitings. V V .^- rf^' â- MarkdalE FACTORY Having erected and fitted ap in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain Fac- tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everything bemg new, I am now prepared to turn out M, Doors, Blinds, Honldings, Hollow Battons, FRMES, UTH, FENCE PICKETS, ftc, And everything needed in the bailding trade, in a manner second to none in Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics m eyery department, would now respectiolLy solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct £rom North Shore, all sices, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning done. Carefui Attention to Ordes from a Distance. 80S THOS. ]VIclVJEA. Do you want a warm, strong, well- made Overcoat at a moderate price Go to McFarland's Clothing Boom and find hundreds to select from prices right. Do you want a fine or coarse pair of Boots, Knbbers or Overshoes Mc- Farland has the largest stocic in town to select from. Do you want Gloves, Hosiery, Wool Shawls, Trimmings Under Clothings McFarland has them at bottom figures. Coal Oil was first used for lighting purposes in 1826, McFarland has received 60 barrels. No. 1, No. 1, No. 1, No. 1. Cheap 1 Cheap Cheap Fai and Winter U 2T0T7:T -AT THE- Do you want Grey Flannel, Blue Flannel, Fancy Flannel. Blankets, White or Scarlet Flannel McFarland has them at manufacturers prices. t"' " in Norton embroidery on cotton or ^^ " "ary Wm Norton leather work, B H W Norton embroider nrk, tidy ?^.\Via Norton' ' iJ G-ilray, braidia^, R Gilray, Wm Norton; tidy i-fen ""^6" R Gihray, Wm Norton; pdr Uon °ss, home-made, John Irwin, D j,"a pair woollen socks, home-made, Jno I a Do YOU LIKE STORIES â€" ^Farm and Fireside is full of the best stories written and is published once a week, 4 large newspaper pages. We vrill send Faem AMD FiBEsiDE to the end of 1889, and the Weekly Maii. to the end of 1880 and oar own paper all for Two dollars. The regular snbscriptiou price is $2.75 a year. This is a great offer. Tn great hardware store of Samuel, Bfpjfunioe Co., Toronto, was gutted byfixe!^ Tuesday |night. Iioea flOO,* «,---'â- "" pair woollen mitts, Wm. Nor- a ,-\°rton pair wooUen gloTes, Wm .W,„ QH?*°i»: rag or wool mat. hooked. X^^^-J^ W Norton; lancy kniMog oo Wm^^orton. H W Norton B«rliB wool ^P^^^^i^^S:^n:S^Si^ 000, mo^y ooyered by insurapc^^ Need I advise yon to get your Tea at. McFarland's all sensible people do, or at least all those who enjoy a good, well-flavored, strong Tea do. McFarland sells more Tea than any two stores in the County, and why Because he sells nothing but a pure, unadulterated article at a very low price. When in Markdale call on the oldest, largest and cheapest store in town and that is McFarkuid's. W' J. McFarlantI, Oir^t Imports, TORONTO HOUaE, MARKDALE. A full range latest styles ot fashionable Dress goods, in stripes, checks and combination, from 10 cents up. Black and colored cashmeres, great variety, from 25 cents to 75 cents best values in town. Coat and J^I^ntle Cloths, cheap, stylish and popular. In Tweeds, gents' furmshings, Hats and caps, stock complete and varied and prices which must command at- traction. In Beany-made Clothing we offer men's suits from $5.00 up which, for style and quality, cannot be excelled. Everything in the Boot and Shoe line from the heavy stoga to the finest Ladies' kid In these goods our home manufacture always take the lead. Having adopted the, c^sh system wc hops to convince customers that it pays to do business with ,us,. where solyeot man is not required to carry the "lame dacks." INSPECTION AND COMPARISON SOLICITJjiD â- WM. BROWN. J HAMILTON, THE PEOPLE'S PHOtOGftPHEH Is tnniiiig out Photos all sizes equal to City. work. Oopy^g and enlarging a speciality. Also pictorelrani^g done with:, neatoeM ano^jijfgpi^h. Then come awa, both old m^ yoni^,. And ^ont^ lose nae time .. In getting p4ctar«g for yonr frieada, ' For Hft^t: a takn them filial, â- , v* 'I 1 i*. t J :-1| ;^'!| 1 j â- â- r- â- '}â- » ' •; i' â- .ft â- â- Vtll ' A? .-^ At .1 '-^^-•â- ^•'â- ^-â- ^" ..â- »,*:;«* -3*.