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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Oct 1888, p. 4

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 ^^m 'rvv^ti^'^t*'if:%,' â-  v.**^. "^s?^^: -..1 1' Hi ^vl â-  â- â- : â- |' *g^*--^5^-- O. "W. Rutledge, Proprietor. HARKDALE, OCT. 26, 1888. NOTE AND COMMENT. re- â€" The Canadian Pacific have daced its rate on grain from Winnipeg. â€" Snow lies deeper in Horthern Minnesota than it has done at this season for six years. â€" General Laurie, Conservative, was elected in Siielburne, N. S., on Monday, by a majority of 45. â€" Brandford carried by-laws on Monday to raise $145,000 for water- works and drill shed purposes. â€" The Chesley Enterprise says the Cheslev creamery is a grand success, .- and urges strongly, in a well written article, the general establishment of creameries as a means of increasing the profits of farming and at the same time decreasing very materially the slavishness connected with dairying. â€" A contract has been entered be- tween the Imperial Gcyernment and the Canadian Pacific Railway whereby the latter will receive an annual sab sidy of £45,000 for a monthly steam- ship service between Vancouver and Tokohama and Hong Eong, The Dominion Governroent will supple- ment the above subsidy by £15,000. â€" Another step toward the solution of the question of College Federation has been taken through a vote in its favor by the Board of Regents of Vic- toria University and the members of the Methodist General Conference Advisory Board. The Methodists with their accustomed liberality haye sub- scribed nearly $200,000 toward the â- erectipn of the proposed new buildings. It is probable that the erection of the Methodist University in the Queen's Park in Toronto will be commenced next Spring. TlMlIiMrtan. Standard Correspondmee. Joseph McConneU, Esq., butcher in this villacre, who has been very low with bilious fever, is now slowly re- covering again. Mr. T. A. Blakl^, who formerly resided in this village, is again to re- turn from the town of Maxwell and intends making this his head quarters while engaged as travelling agent. A. R. Fawcett, Esq., late editor of the Advance, spent a few days of last week and Sabbath last in this village. Friend Fawcett has a warm spot in bis heart for Flesherton yet and his many friende were again glad to greet him and look again mto his happy face. Mr. Fawcett occupied his old position beside the leader of the choir in the Methodist church on Sabbath, morning and evening services. Pbesbntation AMD Addbsss. â€" The choir of the Presbyterian church here having learned that their organist. Miss E. Damude, was about to enjoy a holi.lay and would be absent for some time, thought the occasion a fitting one to present her, (she who has labor- ed so faithfully among them) with some slight token of esteem and good will, and expression was given to their appreciation of her kind help and services on Friday evening last as they met for practice. Mr. J. G. Russell, leader of the choir, read a very ap- propriate address, and MiesVanlhisen, assistant organist, presented Miss Damude with a very handsome floral album. Miss Damude was genuinely surprised. lu reply her words were well chosen, thanking the kind donors for their appreciated memorial, ex- pressius; the pleasure afforded her by her efforts in the past and her willing- uess 60 to work for time to come. Kev. R. G. Anderson, recently- from Fyfe. Scotland, occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church Sabbath last. Mr. Andersc)n is a flutut speaker and ji promising young man in the ministry. Tlie Soutli Grey Teachers' Conven- tion is to be held in this village Thurs- day and Friday of this week. On "^Thursday evening Dr. McClelland, of Toronto, will deliver one of his popular lectures iu the Town Hall. Ihis, no 4oubt, nill be the treat ot the season in that hue. Once having heard, tiie Dr. is a guarantee that an extra, elrt will be put forth to hear lum again when ever opportunity offen.. IJie, Fituhertitu Qoartetto bat*ViolMia^!^- Tited tn take partin tllM.9^i;llM[Si^ tli^t eroiiiif.. .,,-i^ ..i^vfs^y?^' r .*. ^i .. --"' """ "'3- ?â€" ^?s*t^^:^3fr'" ' ]HstBiet9«lB««. 100 pupils attend Flesherton public school. Durham denisons are agitating for fire protection. The Woodbridge News has suspend- ed publication. Beechnuts are a good crop, denoting a steady winter. The Creemore Advertiser has been writing up the town. Dr. Scott has purchased the practice of Dr. Kerr at Maxwell. Seth Mathers of Euphrasia is study* ing for Veterinary Surgeon. Hon. Edward Blake is sojourning in the Northwest lor a short time. The Orangeville Advertiser editor has a second libel suit on his hands. Farm property rent for $6 an acre, paid in advance,near Pickering village. Mrs. Beecroft, of Flesherton, took ten prizes at CoUingwood show for flowers. Pavement timber is being shipped from Corbetton via Owen Sound to Chicago. Sullivan council is having trouble with their late treasurer; Mr. James Beatty. \,'il-:' 'â-  South Grey Teachers meet at Flesh- erton to-day and tn-morrow, Thursday and Friday. The fine new Presbyterian church at Georgetown was formally opened last Sunday. Stratford is badly rattled just now, nearly every body in the town having a pair of bones. Parkdale will vote upon the ques- tion of annexing with Toronto pn Saturday, 27th. The City Hotel, Owen Sound, i» being pulled down to make room for a better building. ' Wm. Jelly is putting a new sixty- two horse power boiler in his roller mill at Shelbnrne. In the Brussels libel suit. Grant v. Jenkins, the jury at Goderioh returned a verdict for the plaintifi for $1 dam- ages. Mr. James Longhead of Euphrasia, has been appointed postmaster for Erskine iu place of Mr. ICoEeen re- signed. J. McLaughlan, of Owen Sound, shipped last week 260 barrels apples to the "Soo" and has orders for 1,000 barrels more. The C. P. R. boats are weekly heavily laden with Manitoba wheat from Fort William to Owen Sound, and will eontinue thus to close of navigation. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Preston, of Maxwell* have been visiting their old home, Newboro, Leeds Co., and re- turned recently. John GilkeuBoh has been "gettin thar" with his Stalhon, Defiance, hav- ing taken first m Stallion trot at Brampton and Orangeville recently. The Oweu Sound Times is much improved under the new management and now appears in the popular eight- page form. Success friend Rutherford. Sad havoc is being made amcHig the sheep folds through the country by dogs. Better destroy the dogs first POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never yaries. A marvel for parity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the mul- titude of low East, short weight alum or Shosphate powdtirs sold only-in cans. Botal •MSISG POWDBB Go.. 106 Wall St.. N. Y. CLOCKS! The particular attention of the public is called to the tact tha,t I, SAMUEL BREADNER Have opened a new JEWELLERY STORE -IN- than to be tsompelled to shoot them after the damage is done. The Mt. Forest Rep. says: The excellence of late pastures is such that cattle that two months ago had a thin, lean, half-starved look are now fat, sleek, and in good heart for the winter. Nearly all the Owen Sound stores closed for about three hours one day last week to aUdw their employees an opportumty to attend the meetmgs now bemg conducted by Bev. F. Shiverea, the evaugeUst, uf New York. The Grey Review says â€" There was a dance out at Allan Park one night recently and a fiddler at the dance, and also some of the bev*)rage which cheers, etc. Result â€" Some second hand suppers lying around in the grey hoars of the meriting. The body of a middle-aged man, by tlie name of Wm. Tnrcotte, was laet Monday found dead in the bay at Bay View, near Owen Sound. Tiircotle, it appears, was a passenger on the Athabasca on the 18th Sept., and that he was deranged. .. Ou Thursday monuog last £re broke out in the caitiage works of I. J. Fisher Co., Eiueardine.. The fire was got nodpr control bot Ifybk JBidi- er, son of Mr. John Fiaher, whBe makng hia.wa7to theoffideiirailioffic^ cated hythft Bmok»v#aA' VM J6i AM* 13»» 3;|9nng mur l«m« tHmETrS)jiEiiftBLOCK,j Where a large assortment of Watches, Jewellery and Spectacles, c.. Will be found to choose from. My stock of Jewellery is new, consisting of the latest designs and fancy pat- terns. I will engrave your initials on Watches, Silverware and Rings pur- efaased off me FREE OF CHARGE. Particular attention is g^ven to re- pairing Watches, Clocks Jewellery. â- AnSTAOnOV eVABAVTBSD. I also manufacture and engrave Gold and Silver Medals, Emblems, Scarf Pins and Brooehes. Coin engraving a specialty. Prices low. Call and be convinced. Mail orders receive prompt attention. Give the bey a chance. I remain, yours truly, SAJnVEIi BREAUNEB, MBKDALE. EXECUTORS NOTICE. AU per8m8 having claims against the estate of William Bowe, late of the Town- ship of HiaOand, in the County of Grey, de- eeiwed, are hereby required to forward the same to the Exeoators, Jamea Smith and Bobert J. Boyd, at Berkeley Post Office on or before THE 1st BAT or DBCSKBSB VSXV. The Executors, on that date, will distribute any monev then being iu their hands, having regard only to the cMms then received. H(dbnd, Oot. ISth, 1888. JOHN SMITH, BOBERT J.BOYD, 423-.%n Executors. TO SGHOOI^TRUSTEES. The undersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of School l^iM*iiitui*e, Consisting of SCSOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of tne latest design and most approved pattern. Highly reoommeoded by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and Sobool Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chatsworth P. 0. 181 ANDREW McGILL. SAIiESMEM WAniD. Permanent positions goarauteed with 8AAAXY AJn FAZB. Any determined man can sueoaed with ns. Peculiar advantages to beginners. SMek complete.inclading many f ast-seuing spedaltea Outfit free. Address at once, (Name this paper.) BBOWN BB0THER8, KPBBKBTKBII. 41® BoCHSSTXH, N.T CAMEJE8TRAY, To the premises of the undersigned, lot 16^ con. 10, Molland, abool the 9th. OMnher. a redeow. The owner is hereby nrtifiefl to prove iKOper^, pay eharges aftd tslis hd. ' f- iOtSA QREENAWAt. 4a4- ' Lfll^Oak. THE BEST OFFER YM $2.00 SEE WHAT voir CET FOR TO THE END OF 1889 FARM AND FIRESIDE THE ONLY WEEKLY AGRICULTURAL PAPER IN CANADA TO TSE END OF 1889 ALL FOR $2.00. THJE WKEItly^iT M AII^ is the best general newspaper in Canada, and Las now a circulation of nearly 90,000 It is ludepende i itt Politics, and the great advocate- of the farmers' interests Its price is $1.00 a jear. FARIVE ^lVr FII1.EJSIOE 18 the only Asricultutal I Weekly in Canada, and has reached a circulation of 40,000 ia its W I year of existence. Besides being the best Agricultural Paper in Canada it contains a couple of coutinaed stories every week, and one complete story. Its price is 75 cents a year. As to our own paper, it is unnecessary to explain to you that it is the local paper of the district. Bright, well written, full of important local news mter- esting to every one of you. See then what a great bargain we otter. Send in vonr orders now, and get the benefit of the bRlance of year on THE WEEKLY MAIL and FARM AND FIEESJDE. LARGE STOCZ CONDITION POWDERS, SULPHUR, â- :::t;v'^-|t;::i;^^K:|i^ SALTPETRE, mrM§- f HORSE SALTS, AND OIL CAKE. r ^l, y.»t«, rail Sbow Prixe Ue«J HOBSL.S. -y prangiitâ€" A'««J*» lu haracas, J Atkinfion bixxxi mare, J.W "Win- H*" • "" •^**" ^^^^ or geldini tt'OU, J(i8. McNaughtou l;,year xnff Jas McNaugliiou, Jos^owcs » fiUv. J W Havtmau. W Brady. TIjos Carefoot brood marj B McAfee 2 year -fiily or «ri rDoUglas. Sair.l J Quintou 1 yed •dding. R McAiee. John Taylor ' ?!t Jl'V. B McAfee, TLos Douglas. wdster 01 Carriage â€" Team in lial ifisConnell, S McKnigbt brocl I Douglas, C T Brovn; 2 jear ll j^„ H Kuott. jr., Geo Curry 1 yeaf Miag, Brown. D Robertson .„ fijly, H Knott, jr., C T Brown- W McConuell, M Eamage ti| tlinRCoU.C T Brown. r^^__Boy rider, Robt Scott, GlciJ Plady driver. Miss M Gardiner. Ml y spring colt from Bancroft, H Kul CATTLE. jrhamâ€" Best cow giving milk, U 111 r 8 vear heifer, Jas McNaugbton P kr 5ti8 McNaugbton heifer calf. III ion' bull calf, D Kobertsou, J McNl ljj4e_0ow giving milk, Jas Robel liepberdson 2 year heifer, D Rob J r heifer, Jes Bobcrtsou, D Rober -jcalf, Jas Scott; yoke working Ifiobert-son, H Johnston; bull calf (^^ lobertsou. SHEEP. Moestei or Lincoln â€" Aged nsn, Wm I ffawcett; shearling ram, Win.Haiul Wm Ham 1st 2nd pair tswa.'^,! iHam Ist 2nd pair bhearliin; I Ham 1st 2nd paii ewe lambtil 1 1st 2nd. Wwold â€" Bam, 2 shears and oveii kherdfou 1st 2nd shearling ra^ â- es ram lamb, Jos Shv^pherdsou pair ewes, 2 f hears aud_over, Jos S hn Ist 4 2nd shearling ewes, Jos S bn Ist fc 2nd; ewe lamb«, Jos She] kath and other Downs â€" Ram, 2 i |)ver, D Robertson shearling ram in ram lamb. Joe Shepherdson, tin pair ewe lambs, 2 siiears and BuHkin; shearling ^ewes, Jno Bu Bb3, Jno Buskin. SWINE, IrkshirB â€" Aged boar, no entries nott, Thos Gilray boar of 188b, t, Thos Gilray sow of 1888, J W 1 ALL USEI LINIMErdTS. rS- BLISTERSt CONDITION POWDBBS; -.A.T MAWIiEVS DRUG STOEB Pease 'olP' '*. ••••••••••••••••••• Xi to 1| Potatoes, per bim^I Soto 40 H^ .; 9 00 to 10 00 Onions. per bnahd 76 to 125 ^ides 1... ........ ^^to 5 00 tiheq» Sk^...... ,.. 6eto 70 "» DlATffS rttk'Ibe aOtti Hr. liM FAIflir F^ SALE. fl9T9««idii|»flej^rtem«riatornte. Ten tosofttanAiinr AsDlYio â-  t tor late. TenM i* :;^rt IWlurt.wewtmldltteto"*- Six weeks of fine weather. Adozen street lamps erected. A Iqck-u^ buUt in Markdale. _^ ETOning classes in connection the Jleohanics" Institute. A;mntualIn.provementSocietyorg»' ized for the winter months. The boys act with respec* Hallowe'en, as they did last y^- By avoidinK destructive tncks.^^^^ Every subscriber who is "" pai^W y *®' December. „. Advertise in the Sta?^ r.Wf PODLTBT, aouth Bocks, Jas Brodie; BuS Co Irodie Brahmas, Jas Brodie Spi ktries Leghorns, Geo Crabtree I, Jas Brodie; geese, H Johnaton; c ptabtree; colle.ction of poultry, GBAIN. bel fall wheat, Jas Bradie 3 bi Iheat, Wm Fawcett 3 bushels Thos Gilray 4 bush, spring v [Gilray bush, pease, Mrs, J Low bush. Barley, James Brodie itt; bush, white oats, James Brod ^rton bush, black oats, Wm N( 1 Lowe half bush, flax seed, G ny, Wm Leggett. BOOTS AMD VBaSTABUS. ll. Early Rose potatoes, James C Lowe any other sort potatoes, tt, John AtkuiBon six Swede tu (cNaughton, A Clark six ma 't, H W Kortitn, Thos Douglat I beets, Wm Leggett, Wm Norton arrots, Wm Leggett, S Quintor rots, Jas Brodie, Wm Nortor jips, Wm Leggett, Wm Norton kms, Jno Atkmson. Geo Ptolemy hes, Jno Atkinson, Wm Norton k cabbage, Mrs J Lowe, HWNt I heads cauliflower, R Gilray, Wn [12 onions, black seed. Jas Brodi( 12 onions, top, H Enott, jr„ peek potato onions, Wm L( Kortcn quart top onion seed, H ' [m Norton six tomatoes, H En( ^orton throe heads celery, Mrs J Norton 12 ears corn, Mrs J Lc • JtA peck white beans. Wm Non fvi"i collection vegetables. Wm 14 FBtJIT. I bU apples, John Irwin 1st anc nter apples, Joseph Squire, J D ^Bix faU pears, Jas Brodie, B G 'pears, tias Brodie, Wm N( John Irwin, R Gilray si 8 jQoiuton, H Enott, jr.; 1 ol grapes, R Gihray, T Gilray f melons, J D Crabtree, Wm N f ansk melons, J D Crabtree, Wi ♦htee citrons, Wm Norton, H 1 tanned fruit, Thos Gihray col PPes, J D Crabtree collection ol ^UBT UXD OTHER PBODUCE. M batter, Mrs H Johnston tub of f ** Irwin tub of butter, Mrs Ja tf»*'«. Mis H Johnston crock but • 10 lbs toll bntter, Mrs H Johnstt '• MtB H Johnston 6 lbs roll ,iP*'»y 5 lbs roll butter, fancy I W Kaott 10 lbs cheese, Mrs H W \^^ i loaf home-made bread, B 1 Bpeoialsâ€" loaf home-mad( on; sponge cake, D Eobertson, 1 WBlCDI^nBAL mPLEMENTS. [^^ article shown in this class w p Carscadden, which ap |, **» article as a separator to ar h^ia section. ^*Wtt8nCMAiroFACTCBBB. •S***' home-made, Wm Legg •^fa flannel, John Jarrett, Wm i|Jr*J**i Wm IiiagRett, D Eoberts Isj^w* ^berteon. Jno Jarrel r '**»ton, W Norton. IiADias' WOBK. yw*s^" w, â-  â- a-xJ^ Gilray, H Johnstoi ,S^j»ay. Mrs D Silverthori] fcWm Horton. H W Norton i2»«ay, Wm Norton; wort QOxay patchwork q KQ^JOn; knit or crochet E^T**^* embroidery on ^T«n, H W Norton em â-  Wm Norton leather 'AOilny, WmNorfa '.BGiliay, WmNort â-  aome-made, John tWan soAs, home-B 'Vatr wooUan mitts. ' JM|r waoUen gloi ' lot wool otat. m: fanqr kn rHoitan:Bei k Norton, HQj ,niir

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