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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Oct 1888, p. 3

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 ome to be I^^^ I stretch it i^«'22l uotre^hed;^Pr«entd.7^l «ying Continent "e of Pannpkin^iU I "school a newl,'!*»% fiH«i with looao f^nA^^l It was a most bg f^- the surfaca of thi. " *»• tinente, build nn^ *** ke i "^s for' oce^'^^.W".. »ve the pnpil I ' ^ei, •veninga ago the iLj ^,. 'tmgintheschoolJSe^'"' hmgs that attr2rtK*°n h» iMtitntior. for cri geography. S-u^d/SSr a dunce Btool »; TV*' '8 too, Tomir, ' ..M i.- ci great stress in S^^ Sqaire Jenkins had been ex- -carefully, and, having " d himself of its use, he^^ emptuoua silence Squire ' asked Sandy, wh. -ed by the Squire's ir't; it's a spittoon." ♦ •^;J"*^^:Â¥^ eyes brighten. Uio6, and be spit in t^ boi trail across the continent of was a spit box all the time," ly J..ne8, "onlyljUtwant. ou bl!,njed fools would call spi-.iind hi-j spittle strnck an.i transformed it into a lice. y, you always did know a arnt it," said Daddy Line, isly at the box and deluged South America with tobacco • expectoration from Tommy 38tem Hemisphere in two ib knocked down the North of fine cut. The meeting ler, its business transacted, g a vote of thanks to the the use of the spittoon these en proceeded to their homes. the teacher surveyed the ;ion with mingled feelings of the carefully molded sand frescoed with tobacco juice, jheres of the previous day ifetircuisbable. The Rocky e Viished into the Pacific chigan was filled with to- the snow- capped Alps of e now in the Miediterraneu t of Sahara was converted ,mpy marsh, the crater of was plugged up with t ur stub bridged the English si I Alas, poor Ireluid I Y wiped out ol existence; tobacco now occupies the once stood. But, as if this ot great enough, as if to «dd some wanton moss-back had 8 of his pipe on the Emerald rnia mourns in tobacco and rust Dying" For One- a beautiful sky this after- ireamily, aa they sat and ler. "Was it blue?" she "Yes, love, with a deli- s ry, did it have lovely soul- dear little cunning black alking of a heavenly-blne rely, Qd, dear! Oh, won't yoo le T I'm just dying to have ley are such sweet pets. i Got At His fare- :er once engaged a.»rj° end of the trip paw "« Sixpence was the exact more gracious customen it of paying a shilling i^ ,ce. "Bad Inck to Pat ruefnlly, looking « m. The Zulu wax wwffl 3SC ended, and the officer '^^^' »«.„»•' «'Badlnckfe yoa say; -oa" ""'., ^i "Why do yon »y It- becausi they've kjled*; •s, and left none but tne honght Ee'd Wait- Doppenheimer, yon Dothr^TheKMwiU^J,' fou won't know wh»«i I8h dot 80? Well, i Well. I don;joo.« der wMh to "y *^ ^Hi,BftokWaiT«tt»«^- •t yon sit down J" ^. {etic p*P» ' yon r T ^â€" malted "W-^ J^* bi# ledidib it The Bain Oambleis of Bombay. u^his immense city (says a Bombay I ^) teeming with life in every varied 1^" ;e gaming obtains in almost every con- I'^ibie form, from the aristocratic b«t1ing If-ve lottery room to the vulgar three-card y'Ji or chuck-farthing of the bazMia. iJ'-ere i^. however, one particular mode of I'" ..jjtion which helps to diseipate the *^" thit holds poES333ion of a largo por- I â-  of the native population during the l^'r.j'-pn seison, and proves besides a re- I j.jf-ii\ e source of employment to mem- r«r2 0' -^^' ^8^"te cla^a of people populary J "^own " shroffs. It is the 6««aâ€" anglice l-dnspfcc-iiation. The iutt» ia one of the I'.^pest forms of gambling in existence Tcere ia little or no field for sharpers and J sindred species t;-ie oiiance of a gambler I ffini -3g °r losing his money depends solely his powers of prognostication. There jre CO inottuments employed which admit „f iuy manipulation by practised hands to the detriment of the novjoe, and the trans- I ju-ica cannot be eold by a dishonest agent. Xr.e "Utta saloon, the only recognizad one I J Boriibiy, is, as it happens, located in iioje pr3ximity to the Pydhonie polio" sta- "ica. ^^ is easy ot access, and there is no attfxpt made to hide anything from the polic- or from anjbody else. On entering •he room, the first objact which strikes the eye 15 '"' oblong stall running from end to ecd, dividing the room into two compirt- mecta. This stall, as well as two others whiCi lie against the side of either wall of the i'rsd, is occupied by a number of book- nuke a of the shroff kind, ivho attend to the giiiblers. Their " pitchers" bear a close resem*! lance to those native banks (^ith which "^s frequenters of Shroff baziars are io fami :iir. There is the usual red deal box ornamented with brass clasps of finciful design, the primitive inkstand and sandbox, acd the inevitable chocolate- colored pillows and mattress. There are from fif ceen to twenty of these stall holders, who piy to the owner of the house a certain ^.e.centage of their gaminga, to whrm, by tne way, all disputes between the plunger and the shroff are referred. His decision, iikp tho umpire's in cricket, is fiaal. The ippliances, or rather implements, of traip.ini,' are of a very simple description, ini V ni'.t of two rain giugea of somewhat dilT :tui construction. The first, which oc- cupies ;i similar position in the gambler's heart ai does the Derby in that of a turfite, is nothing more intricate than a long gutter rui^iiiri:,' along che eaves of the shed. At one end there is an aperture to which is atrixed a spout of the form of an inverted cone, and through this the water trickles when the rain comfs down in a dr"zzle. But when it pours the water shoots over the end of the S'J'tif, and it is on this latter event happeni.ig that the bets are made. T) e other implement is a rudely constructed rain- gauge, planted in the centre of a trough, supported on four pillars some seven feet high The mtta saloon, or, as it has been dubbed by one of the magistrates of the city, " this gambling hell," is packed to repletion from early morning to the fall of night with all sorts and conditions of men and when a heavy black cloud pregnant with rain hangs overhead, hesitating wheth- er to break or not, the scene in and about the place is interesting to a degree. The anxious aptumed faces of the gamblers, some of whom have staked their little all on this cast, th3 hum of voices in a state of intermittent suspension, and the variegated hues of the costumes in the crowd, forni a picture animated and brilliant, v. hich in its own way sheds a suggestive sidelight upon low life in this great emporium. Just at the present moment the glory of this institution is at its zenith. Perhaps as much money changes here every day as • in any one of our banks. Fortunes are made and lost and olten and often some wealthy merchax t or "sowcar" has bitter cause to regret fhe existence of an eatabUshment where hia shroff or clerk is enabled to indulge his gambling propensities with the money of his employer. Persons are alr.iost daily sent to jail by magistrates for the criminal breach of trust in respect of mcney entrusted to their keeping by others, all of which had changed hands at the "sutta" stalls. But there are already signs on the horiziu of a rapidly advancing storm. The evil has of late become so great that the detective police have been entrusted wi;h making out a case against the pro- prietor o the houcc. The Oil Glands. Nearly two and a half millions of sweat glands pour out upon.the surface of the body a watery fluid, which aids in keeping the skin 3oft, and, by its evaporation, in regulat- ing the bodily temperature. Beside these sweat glands, the skin con- tains the so called sebaceous glands, that exude an opaque and oily matter. The ducts convey it either directly to the surface, or into the upper portion of the hair follicles â€" the cavities from wbijh the hair proceeds. The oil is designed to help keep the skin supple, and especially to promote the softness of the hair. These glands are absent from the under part of the feet and hands, and are most abundant in the scalp, face, canal of the ear, and about the nose and month. Those in the ear secrete the ear-wax. An excess in the secretion renders the face shiny; a deficiency renders the skin and hair dry ai:d hareh. The glands are sometimes ubstructed, when the oil becomes thick, or when there is a neglect of cleanliness. This gives rise to paptilce, or pimplea, which, on being pressed out through the narrow mouth of the oil duct, resemble worms, or grubs. They are frequently called worms, naturally enough, since the hardened dirii on the outer end looks like a head but they are only thickened oil, though occasionally a minute living worm cbooses one of them for his abode. Occasionally the more fluid elements of the oil are abmrbed, leaving only the solid, and these harden into cutaneous calculL Or the obstructe«i secretionsâ€" yellow, half liquid and half solid, like putty or mortarâ€" may form small tumors on the eyebrows, face, neck and head. They should be cat ont when small, or destroyed with oanstio. Make a Note of This. Pam banished aa if 1^ maoia Pdaon's Kerviline is a positive and almost install- taneous remedy for external, internal, or local pains. The moat active remedy hitherto Known falls far short of NerriliiM for potent power in the relief of nerve pain. Good for external or internal use. duj a 10 oelit fiQple boUle. Large bottles 2S oeots, at all oraggiBta. Still, their only harm is in the deformity they cause. The varions forms of acke, or pimple, are due to inflamm»tiona of these glands. They occur mainly at the period of puberty, and in the years immediately following, and are regarded as due to the constitutional changes then in process. There is at that period a languid and torpid condition of the skin, a tendency tc the accumulation of sebaceous matter, and a congestion ot the coats of the follicles. The treatment consists in removing any exciting cause that may exist, improving the nutritive power of the skin and the general system, and stimulating the parts affected. There should also be close atten- tion to diet and habits of life. One Toach of Natoie. Two or three months ago several thousand Zulus rebelled against their British conquer- ors and swept across a pari of tie c-Duhtry, laying waste the homes of all who would not join them. A large number of loyal Zulus took refuge in a police fort at Nwande, to which the insurgents at once laid siege, and Gen. Smyth sent a flying column composed of the Euniskillen Dragoons and the thir- teenth Hussars to relieve the beleagured peo- ple. The cavalry soon dispersed the rebels, and as they had orders to abandon the station, they escorted the poor fugitives to a place of safety; It was painful work toiling over the parch- ed prairies in the blazing sun, and many a mother with a babe in her arms suffered se- verely as she struggled along trying to keep up with the column. But soon the Ennis killens and the Hussars came to the rescue. Then the spectacle was presented ot bronzed and hardy regulars, each with a brown baby in his arms or bmlanced on his horse's neck before him, while the grateful mothers trudg- ed alongside reassuring their trembling in- fants. Who were inclined to distrust their new pro':ectors. It is safe to say that by this kindly act the English soldier stood re- vealed to these humble sufferers from former .British invasions, in a light they had never dreamed of before. On a bitter cold day in November, 1862, about a thousand Sioux women and child- ren, under the escort of volunteer troops, were nearing the end of their long march to Fort Snelling, Minnesota. They were the families of the captive braves who had been engaged in the terrible massacre of the preceding summer. Uncle Sam had been fighting the Sioux instead of feeding and clothing them, and now the innocent among them, in their thin and ragged blankets, were suffering for the crimes of their hus- bands and fathers. As the mournful pro- cession encountered the icy winds of Ten Mile prairie, the little children began to cry most p-.teously. The sight of their help- less distress moved the boys in b!ue, as by one impulse, ^o carry out instant measures of relief. Every blanket was unstrapped from the knapsacks, scores of overcoats were thrown off the shoulders of brave men who really needed them, and soon every child in the caravan was wrapped in the thickest of woollens and the least hardy of the ca(.tives were stowed away under the shelter of the canvas- covered baggage wag- gons. Only a little while before these soldiers had been targets at Yellow Medi- cine, Birch Coolie, and half a dozen ether places for the bullets of the red men whose families they new did their best to succour. The rough, hard life of the soldier in a campaign is not inconsistent with the exer- cise of the most humane sentiments. WIT AND WISDOM. Lmdlord (mountain resort house) â€" " Well, sir, I trust that inhailingour moun- tain air will enable you to return to the city with renewed strength and vig- or. ' Guest â€" " Can't tell it all depends on the biil." " When you throw away ten pounds of apple pselings," says the Chemist, "you throw away a pound of sugar. " And when you throw away a pound of sugar, how much eand da you throw away Answers solicited. " The American people sit more than the inhabitants of any other country in the world," said a prominent physician. " May- be they do, doctor," replied his friend, "but I'll bet they stand more treats than any other nation." Boarder (to landlady)â€" "I am afraid, Mrs. Hendricks, that I shall have to leave you at the end of the week,' Landlady â€" "You can't leave, Mr. Dumley, urtil you have paid your back board." Boarder â€" " Very well, then, I will stay on." The discovery has lately been made that it is the hack men at Niagara Falls who are wearing away instead of the falls. This is a different matter altogether, and the public will draw a long breath of relief. Can't some way be invented to make them wear faster? "Mamma," said little Edith, " do peoples what get drownded ever go to -Heaven?" "Why, what ever put that idea into your head? Of course they do." "Well, mam- ma, I s'pose you know, but it always says in the paper when a man gets drownded that 'he sank to rise no more.'" Livery Stable Proprietor to YonngMan â€" " What made the horse run away " Young Man â€" " A cow jumped rut of the bashes by the road and friehtened him." Livery Stable Proprietor-^" He's a small horse. Cooldn't you hold him?" Young Man â€" 'â-  Yes, but I couldn't hold him and the girl, too." Education in Toronto. Toronto is steadily advancing in ednoa tional matters. The University has had two additional professorships endowed by the city, and is erecting a large and handsome building for the School of Practical Science a new liadiea' CoU^e has been opened under the auspices of the Baptist Univer- silty, and a College of Mnsio liubeen pened under the direction of Mr. F. H. Totrirg- ton, who has been for sixteen years orgaiist of the Metropolitan Methodist Church at d conductor of the PhiUiannonio Sodety. In its system of teaching and the scope of its departments, the Collate resembles the Universi^ and provides a practical edoca tion for both profeasionaLi and amatcnr, n all branches of mnsio. ACave Xhs aidnm haH^ â- S ttis momhtaM bytks osi «l to ,meB»ldniiâ€" lnir,B**witngo the bnan, ate^ vnauim cU»s», lorn a vtMfljy SMWad by ovw oiertlaael the Ini^sBd la«o^MMnI straiirBi tran any oaose wtaatsm.- Mmi Tnnng, old or mid- dl^-^S-wbe an braken down tiasl a^ot the above oaases. or any oanas nt tmmUa m m i^Jte^aaw. S^Mm, m took femi. ol JWjiMM ff "»h.^9'*» ssnts^alwtaadsscBrili oMofc smaMoM. SMsHmU. V.Lom tfWsWairtooslrssifci 9500, oraUnie' For many years the m«niifactnrers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, who are tlioronghly responsible financ-.aily, as any one can easily ascertain by eLquiry, have offered, through nearly every newspaper in the land a stand- ing reward of $500 for a case of chronic nasal catarrh, no matter how bad, or of how long standing, which they cannot cure. The R i^^edf is mild, soothing, cleansing, anti- septic, :iud healing. Sold by all druggists, at 50 cen Birds' wtngs and tails, and qiill feathers are muzh used in millinery, but whole birds are no longer seen on hats or bonnets.. "Taken In.-' " I used often to read the newspapers aloud to my wife," said Bert Robinson, â-  and once I was fairly taken in by a patent medicine advertisement. The seductive paragraph began with a modest account of the sea-serpent, but ended with setting fourth the virtues of a certain Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery which, it was alleged, was a sure cure for all throat and lung troubles and would even cure consump- tion, if taken in time. The way I was taken in, was this I had a lung trouble and I bought a bottle of the remedy. I was a stranger to it and it took me in â€" and cured me. The round hat or toque, with a straight high crown, sunken in on the top, is a first favorite this seASon. Caiifoinia. Ask for tickets via the old-established and favorite overland route comprising the Chic- Bktfo and North Western Union and Southern Pacific R'y's. Two fa»t trains leave Chicago daily with unrivalled accommodations for first and second-class passengers. Rates no higher than by other lines. Baggage check- ed through. Full information, covering rates, etc., with time table and maps, given by J. H. MORLEY, Canadian Passenger Agent, 69 Yonge at., Toronto, Ont. King Charlesclothisa fieece-woven woollen cloaking stuff that is much in favor for lit- tle girls "coats." Coff NoMore. Wateou'a cough drops are the best in the world for the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. T. W. are stamped on each drcp. Emerald green is combined with turquoise blue in seme of the most elegant toques of this season. The very latest fancy in waists of go?fns for grown women is the guimpe bodice, very much like the gnimpc waists of little girls. A. P. 420 OIST^lUO VETERlKAKy OOLL-iuE â€" OVER five tiundred btudents in successif ul practice fees fiiCK cellar^pernea^ioD session 188S-9 bejpos OototieT 20iih. Principal, FrtI SMITH, V. S., Toronto ' rpHE DANDY" PATENT BAOHOLDER, 1 which every fanner wants now, costs on y 76 cts., and if tliere is no local agent, maybe obtained (free by express or mail), oa sending price to O. W. ALLEN a CO., World Buildtng, Toronto. ATTENTION I AGENTS 1â€" Ladies or gentlemen, girls or boya The best 25c selling article in tbe world. Something new oiid needed in every household. Sells like hot cakes. Sample by mail,' post paid, with full partioulan, on rece'pc ot 13 cts. Addre«, C. W. DENNIS, 6 Tooge Street Arcade. Toronto, Ont. WESTESJr MACHINERY DEPOT I IMMENSE STOCK ot Machinery to select Iron. Send for Liato. fl. W. PETRI B, Brantford, Ont, f*§ 1* f^l FIRE AND BURGLAR V£C| TOO I PROOF' ^° yti-aU, Doors, -l^^uXCS St a Icept constantly in stock. -^ ^3 A number of Second-hand Safes at low prices. »»Jei?H i T- a^ i*iJl '.i: J, SJ. TAYLOR, Toronto Safe Works.1 OTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL AN2 HYPOPHOSPHITES. Almost a s Palatable as Milk, So disguised tliat the most delicate stomach can take it. Remarkable, as a FLESB I'RODUCER. Persons GAIN rap- idly whUe taking IT, SCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowledged by Phy- sicians to be the FINEST and BEST preparation of its class for the relief of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, GENERAL DEBILITY. V^astlng Diseases of Childrerii end CHRONIC COUGHS. Sold by all Druggists, BOc. and $1.00. SPORTING. GOODS. The Cheapest House in Canada for Goni iiiflea. Cartridges, Fishing Tackle, Base Balls Goods and Sportsmen's Sup- plies of every kind. OXTH BIC3- OIE'B'SS: On receipt of $12.50, we will express to any addret a DOUBLE-BARBEL BRbLCH -LOADING SHC GUN, with fine Laminated Steel Barrels, oQed stocl a good gun tcr couBtry use. Ai d for $3.00 will shi to any address a S2 cal. RIFLE that will shootaconra? for 100 feet. W. M'CCWAIl CO.. 61 mi ST F. TORONT g :[|IV0RING -^ Extracts Brilliant! Durable! Economical! Diamond Dyes excel all others in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None other are just as good. Be- ware of imitations, because they are made of cheap and inferior materials, and give poor, weak, crocky colors. To be sure of success, use only the Diamond Dyes for coloring Dresses, Stock- ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers, Ribbons, c., ic. We warrant them to color more goods, pack- age for package, than any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the Diamond znd take no other. A Dress Dyed for A Coat Colored Garments Renewed j cents. A Child can use them At Druggists and Merchants. Dye Book free. WELLS. RICHARDSON C(U MONTREAL, P. Q. PAUnCC Send for IIL Citalogue. UHnUCO. wn, BXCiLUH, PeierlM»r«,Oat. iVlllllrT JSol«lay. Oirreipi-ideaoe Salioiteil II I U II L I B. W. ». Birrt,eR, PinaTioial Art. Sttablished 1S60. 72 King St E., Toronto. AGENTS! LNEMPLOYKDl *â-  e handle only stindard epecialtlej. rf ivhich no other firmhaa a right to eall in Canada. Write us, Tarbax Bros.. Toronto, Ont. FAOMQ rOK ^ALE or Se.VT. All Sizh. iftflllltj Kinds indPKics4. "orae spocial bireains. H. S. MIICHELL. 1havto.s, Ont. TOBOsrro rirTrurc gcu .«t.-GeQti?men dsiirous of ajquiriai; a tlijrough kao«1edgs of garment cutting ahjuld viiit ui. Szientlflc and reliable sy9tin4 taught where-y psrfeDt fl'tiag gar- ments are pmduoei. Circular with full ioformttion on applioition. S.CORRiaAM, Prop 122Yon23 St.. Toronto. • f St GANGER. TUMORS, ULCERti, !»Ca0PULk etc., cured permanently withoat I the knife. Apply to DR. W. L. gMEEU, 124 Queen SI £.. Toroato. GPELPH BIJSIXES8 'COLLEAE, «iielpk« Out.â€" The Fifth Scholastic Tear began Sept Ist. The tystem of education pursued is at once m tellectual and erinentif practical, meeting in a very tsarked degree the requirements ot this progresdTe and com r.ercia! aire. Few, if any, of she graduates^ according to the showing of past results, need be long unemp'oyed. To mention their training school is. as a ' rule, a paasport to eligible and lucrative situations. ^^ Address. M. MacC.jRMICK. PrincipaL !9s LeatherBelting BEST VALUE IN THE DOMINION. F.E.DIXONGQ. MAKERS, TO KING ST. E. TORONTO Send for Prios Lists and DiaocuDts. PATEIVT8 \. re en red. Patent Attorneys and experts. EeVdise?. ftonalflC. Bldoutfe Co., Toronto, iCNITTinu Georj^town.'ont.lVIACHINES rnrr â€" handsome colored silk hand- rilLC KERCHIEF, and a sample of the Wonder- ful Need'e 1 r; quires no threading 1 to all who eend us 10 cents silve? for postage, ct!. We make this great offer to introduce our goods into evrrv home Address nt once, WHITON MANF'O CO., 561 Queen St. W., Toronto, Ont. IMMEDIATELY ""l^^ to sell tbe Reliable Nur-ery St ck of the welSknown St. Catharines Nur ee^ies. Li eral terms ani steadv work Ad- dress THE D. W. BEADLE NURSERY CO., Ld., St. Catharines, Ont. Young Men SUFFEBINO from the effects ot early evil habits, the result of ignorance and folly, who find themselve weak, nervous and exhausted also Middls-Ashd and Old Mbn who are broken down from the effects ot abuse or over work, and in advanced life feel the conieqtiencea of youthful excess, send tor and read H. v. Lubon's TrBatise oo the Diaeases of Hen. The book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of two So. stamps. Address, M. V. LXfBON, Wellington St. E.. Toronto. Ont W!f are children vho eheerfiittyioiu in the ehorus When BreadmaJcer's Yeast is the subject before Mamma tried all the rest. So she hnows it's the best, lightest, *Cause her bread is the -whitest, her buns are the And -we eat all thepancahes she dare set before us, BUY THE BREADMAKER'S YEAST. PRICE 5 GENTS. L IDIG^* Dresi and Mantle Cutting by this new and improved J TAILORS' SQUARE. (uS tisfaction guaranteed to teach ladies the uil art of cutting all garments worn by dies' and children. PROF. SMITS, 349J eea St W Toronto. Agents Wanted. Stained Glass FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. M'GAUSUKD SON. 16 Kine St. IF., Toronto. AGENTS WANTED. THE BEAUTJFUL STORY; or. Golden Ccms ot Kellsloas Tboackt. By J. W. BtJiiL, assisted by T. DiWm Tauuoi, D.D. Write for Ci'cnlars and Terms, WILUAM BBIGOS, Publishe r, Toronto. deiaysaS DANGEROUSi Don't wait until yoa are burnt out or robbed Buy a Safe now and sleep easy, and be sure and gf t prioes, etc., ot the NewChampionSafe. S. S. KIMBALL. 677 Craig St., P.O. Bjx 945. MONTREAL.? Q. BERLIN WOOLS IN ALL COLORS, Selling at 8c. per oz, SHETLAND AND ANDATUS?AN WOOLS, Sc per oz.: Baldwin's best Fingering and Floeoy Wools, lOo per skein Saxony Wool, all oolora. 10c per skfin; Merino Wool, all colore, lOe per kein; l!.m- broidery Silks every color, 103 drzen gkeiis; Ameri- can Airaaene. 30c dozen skeins; English Ar.asene, t large skeins, 8c skein; ettmped Toilet sets, S pieces, • 350 set; Stamped Tidy^, newest designs, 25c each; j Stamped Sp'aehers, do., 40 and 60c each. Ladies wil always find vith us the very newett material for fancy work. Goods can be cei. t to any part of Canada by post. Writ* fir price list. A trial solicited. HFNRY DAVIS, Importer, 232 Yonge Strtet, To- ronto. Pltatie mention this paptr. FOR ONE CENT Tou can leatn where to get a FreeHomeFarm of 480 Acres Finest soil, best waer. land all for settlers. Send your address on Postal Card for mapj books and all in'ormation. J. M. HUCKINs. 4 Palmer House Blcck, Toronto. SAFES J. JIREA BURGLAR PROOF Patont Non- Condncting Doors A SPBCIALTT. VAULT DOORS. J. TAYLOR, Toronto Safe Works. (§IOH^(STOI^sFLUipEEE'F Ulan Line Royal Mail SteamsMp; Sailing during winter from Portland everyThntsda} md Halifax every Saturday to LlveipOoI, and in sum ner from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calUi^ tt Londonderry to land mails and paesengere foi lootland uid Ireland also from Baltimore,, via Hali- iax am* St. John's, N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly luring summer months. The steamers ot the Qlaa- row lines ndl during winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia and during sum ser l«tween Olasgow ai d Hontreal weeUt^ Qlaegon and Boston weduy, and Qlasgow and IlmadelpU* tortolii^itly. Wot fnigiit, piMtga or other infonnatioo apply Mraniaoiiw ft Oo. Bdtiinon S. Onnard • Oa BaUtax; 8bea ft Oo., St. John's, Nfld.; Wo. Ihomp m ft Oc~ St Jotaa, M. a; Allen ft Ool, Cbiottca ' LoTe,ft Aldan. Kew Toik H. Bonriler, Torante ABhml Bm ft Co., Qoebeo Wm. BrooUa, PhOsde- pUt; p. A Ann Poftland Bprton. MootrMl. WlaleyfioyceOo., 8S3 Toi)«e Street.: Toronto The Cheapest Place la Canada for BAND INSTRUMcNrS New and Second aacd Agents for "B£SSON aad'HIQH4*4 Band and Orohesti MUSIC. Repairing of Band la stnunents a specialty. Send for Catalogae, CAKADJL PERaiAMEIirT LoanSavingsGoiQpajiy â-  !tCOKPOKATED 185B. flead QfflGB Toronta St., Toronto Subsertbed Capital, Paid Vp Capital Total Assets â-  9 4.5M.* 1«,M«,« The enlarged capital and resonroes of this Company, together with the increased facilities it has recently acquiredtor supplying land owners with cheap money, enable the Directors to meet witb promptness and at tbe lowest current rate ot interest all requirements tor loans upon eatistactory real estate securt^. Application ma be made to either of tiie Oompany'i loca Appraisers, or to J.BEBBERTVASON.KaiMg'g. Dir«otor, Toronto CHOliE FARMS FOR SALE IN AU PARIS OF MANITOBA. PARTIES wishing to purchase improved Hanitoba Farms, from 80 acres upwards, with tmw...^; ,^, possession, call or write to €}. I. MArUOV, Mo* Arthur's Block, Hain St., Winnipeg. Intomatfoo tnmished free of charge, and settlers sntrtotoil la making selection. Moaar lo Loax at conent lattt o interest. Nervous Debility. ' DB. OBAT'S SpedjBo has been qsed tor fhs â- â€¢! Ittsen yeurs, with gnat s n oeess, la the tnaknaot or aervons deblBty, and all diaea^^s ailslnir fnoi ex. Bswis ovar-woikad bnia,kMo( rltsllty, ita^^l^ ia tlu aan^ palpitation, alB. IV» sale by aD dnigglili, FIlo^ tl per box, or 6 bosM te IE, or wm be Milbf nan oa taet^it ol prioe. FanqdiM oa aptHortlaa. (FHB GRAY VSSilXJskE 00., Tonatow Cur« All DIoeases of the Stomach, Bowels, â-  Sleepiessneos, Fmnale Complaints, DRUNKENl i:'.! 1 i "il !! â- A 'I 1" I! f' il II Wood Lhrer, Kidney, Urinary Organs, Nervousness.- â- ^ 1 ,000 Reward paid for a case they will notoure- .if*" i^ -â- 1:,f-,X--

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