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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 18 Oct 1888, p. 7

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 '!^« SCIEHTIFIC FOGB£SS. I rtere i« t° ^^ cablef rom Java to Mftcaasar. n Saz C*-ial takes in abont fl.OOO.OOO IsJB' :h m K-i «i°^tL\,;?«l«r theiia, *««r,wetookth,i;r«f "f'*."^, •Kifl [leata jn id to bntld five or six ironclads in ^^^^^ gare '2300 miles of maina for convey- 'toral gas in the States. T taJ 13 pat^'^S ()o^^B artenan wella, ooe t;cb ia to yieM a million gallons per day. fl., orobible cost of the Nicaragaa Canal j:at bitwean $40,000,000 and S5D,030,- the V^' ^^ZS:^ =fe shelves in or?3*» «P I them. ""'^roonyeS' Imad several k... ,^«ning. when fo^^ *«. irringa caught wUk **' 6â„¢* h'°hi«bLrthVfi"K*^ tp aDl down b tiT^*" ^upwards to itef!,,?^««, attracted by a,,"'*»tcl^ em and were cS* S't^riS t'nie. with gST^'*^ .««; »y the night h^r.^*" V£LES.S0.yTHEWAXBH. a tffoiind swell pV, be tarpaulin ther.. „ " headland in thfi^** » te rock cCe %] ^^^ aadrockahaf ,^,% itioas. Darin^^L ""^d backward ;°fh*S "Htl" --e now slowly a.?- -hadleftonchlpSe^'Sf oheery fellow, who h.d „«^^3"j,a,t cominl°ni' iniigbtbe a week in ^* and as we knew Rsawjcl ^asantar quarters, thi^ â- ifjvea to think Foula little el« during an afternoon w*L^ 1-theWartofReawick- veritable island, with aU 'Jiag out with a diatinct. to mock the efforts we had reach It. Nex6 morning a U3jasfc^3i,- had former^ rnu3ti kiadness our host 1 he was about to send a ' we might; take her to rier ba;k again too, if we As on the previous day, le vory merrily along, and friends say, it became "aa "d a great deal worse." out to sea the light breeza I It Wi3 right against ns, .new difficulty aroseâ€" we in one of BNET3ABLE MISTS 1 is too famouj. In such diffi jalt to hit Foula, as a I would send a ship wan- Atlantic, and the shipper, at discretion, advised ni r the magnificent harbour ^o reiah this haven was, atter, for though the tide e was favoured us, the 3ly slirouded the coast. i shore every eye was the first glimpse of the strong tide and heavy jonsiderable. We heard tiauous, sound, but conld wa thought we had foam line, but; on can- ic we found it to be only h, which, like a river of out into the sea. ctual breakers became strange and weird-lika they presented. It seem- ;urtain was slowly and tp and down, and th* a dull, deadened sound, no connection with tfae hape that so solemnly In spite of its sombre i-jvemeots, the dream- eminded the spectator StLEXT MOTrOX is. Certainly no on* id thiC what he saw rned iato spray, and pi:ou3 rock», making i turmoil, and continn- min ' said the skip- ooked out from the )Dat and the laddie, *vhereabout3 wa are. ;ai, and continued to sness. I was saying?" sang MiS;ni was now so in- ia that it is to be pr^ osed as he answered M*gni "did not «e» finding how it waS| id take the rudder, ard what was laM, e "laddie" got in»» into the black nigW. don't lose sij^t M er him, as he I^*"J icy to be aafUiWi, I as his. In a »» saw the boat â- Â«Â»Â«â€¢ cap to ns. I* •' :he very spot w» oaa BloaebyaoliifroMd and aoiged w»^£ Itered wat«»»»« for a are •«â€" â€" experiments ftlga^ 5«ro»J"P SBily «or«»f«P*; M th« pwnâ€" 'y hei« MBOo gf**! what can •*• ^S who modnitam iankbMbto •• «K2 ^oose is to have a new electric light and l^jf inetalUtion, driven oy a waterfall of -on: 2000 torte power. ^j^araeillesa chimney 118 feet high and fe:c in te real dii^meter at the top was d in a storm so that the greatest oscil- ,j(,n was twenty inches. jiie Portland and Vancouver Railroad u built a trestle across the bottom lands of 15 C lambia River 8X)0 feet long, eztend- 700 feet into the strdam. Tat English ironclad, the Superb, will jVB the largest engines in the navy, they ^iog of the triple expansion type, with low krei^nre cylinder 108 inches in diameter. (.fliaa is favoring the exploration of the pper Yang-tse River, and the Government ^.posted Eotices to the effect that the L'jrea must be friendly to the explorers. Petrclenm is said to be solidified by suffmann by heating it and making it ith 1 to 3 per cent of soap the convenient- handled product b^ing available as fuel. The correct grade for a toboggan slide Unld be a cycloid curve. It is that curve Ifhich a hawk makes when swooping upon •J prey. Oppikofer has jnst showed Lt the beds of rivers are true cycloids. Kew Orleans has now become one of the Lepeat ports in the world, the least drp^h nrcngh the jetties being thirty-one ftet six gchea, and a thirty foot channel being 180 ';et wide. Above the jetries in the pass the sinimnm depth is twenry-stven feet. The Italian admiralty kss been experi senting n ith olive and castor oils for Inbri :tiioD aboard ship and now the order is [iven forth that castor oil is to be used for 11 exposed parts of the machinery, and niceral oils in cylinders and for similar iibr'cation. The Watkins position- finder, for which ie British Government paid $225,000 has been proved to be very efficacious in finding vessels and like object* that conld not be â- een from the battery which was aimed at aera, and such objects ff'ere struck very f re ^uently by the guns from such battery, al- iiongh invisible therefrom. Recently a paddle-wheel steamer was hanged into the twin screw type, the re- sult biicg to increase the carrying power ct the vtasel by 190 tons, large additional ;attle carrying space being 'ained, while cet reeiater is decreased 247 tons. The speed has been increased considerably and •.he fuel conbumprion reduced 60 per cent. The question as to whether or not excite lenr :1 ortti.s life is being agitated, and it JE held that anything which quickens the iction of the heart, »ny kind cf excitement, uxes and reduces the storage life. Al- luBt everyone kuew this long ago, and it J! only recmtly that the matter has been ;oDaidi3red in thr liG;ht of percentage. A new process for purifying mercury ^is :o pass a current of air through it for forty- eight hours. All oxides of zinc, lead, tin, etc., collect at the top in the form of a black powder. This does not, of course, take out the silver and gold which may exist in the T.ercnry, but which are of no harm if it is to be used for filling thermometer and baro- neter tubes. Ten ptr cent of aluminum added to the weak metal copper gives it the strength of iteei. One stove making concern in Mi:;hi- £ia uses about one-tenth of one per cent of be n ttal in all its iron castings, with the retuU of diininiahing the shrinkage, making it nil the mould better, improving the skin, rendering the grain perfectly even and pre- vectiog unilling, even turnmg white iron into gray. The electric light is now being used in Sthing to attract .the fish to a particular place to facilitate their capture. The prin- cipal trouble has been that the wires leading to the submerged incandescent light are apt to become fouled with the fiehing appli-vnoM sr with the cable of the vessel. To prevent this, Regnand has got out a primary battery »hich can be tossed overboard and regained 'hen desired, the lead being upward from this bictery to the lamp. .\ railway pass for ' self and family " has btcE held to include the grantee's descend- iiits these descendants being his "family." Tnic n.akes it neces8s?iry that the Boston and ?:oTif'.ence Railway carry for all times ".be descendants of John C. Dodge, of Attkboro, Mass. There will be a lime â€" Kme few generations hence â€" when there ^U be a good many deadheads on that line. "•nppoae a family to double every iwenty years, that will make in 300 yeaas abont 60,- W psople. At a recent meeting of the Photographic Section of the American Institute there was siiown a new magnesium light, which em- ployed powdered magnesium instead of wire, ^d burned is in a strong alcohol flame tstead of upon " flash cottoii," as is now "^ed. The advantages i^re that there is only »bout one-sixrh as much of the metal needed 'iii: there is proportionately less smoke OMinov those present, and that the duration " the flaaie may be controlled at will, or it ^^y be repeated as often as desired. The *^6ty is undoubted and the convenience ^ery great. A Single Trial « all that is needed to prove that Poison's -^erviline is the most rapid and certain remedy i nthe world for pain. It only coats jOwntafor a trial bottle. A single trial "ottle will prove Nerviline to be equally efficacious as an external or internal remedy, M for pain of eve?»y description it has no equal. Try 10 cent sample bottle. Sold l^ "raggiatg. Large bottles 25 cents. Avoid 'nbstitutes. You informkl the court, jnat now, that «e defendant. Loafer, was very well ofiF. ^e mania oyt of work, and he has no P'Pci'ty, BO bow do yoa make bim oat to «_weU ot !â- ' asked the Uwyer for the do- f^: "^hy. 'is miaaii does the waahing* ^Ac '^^ *^^ k««P 'im and tiie faadlj, i's'iiiiinbeerMid'bMO«, and if that *?*W'*weUoffI don't know wot K" ••••vedfJi. Witney FALliFOLLIEJ. A ' million dollara goec a long way to- wards making an ordinary eitizsn a statea man. If it were che fashi m for men to wear bustles they wouldn't know how to sit down. Another evidenoe of woman's sup- eriority. First S«ett Girlâ€" "What! Did that creature say I looked like a simpleton " Second S« eet Girlâ€"" No, she said you aete 1 like one." " Oh " Indignant Parent â€" ' Remember who yoa are talking to, sir 1 I'm your father 1" Tonng Dutiful â€" ** Oh, come now, I hope you ain't going to blame me for that " We asked a toper t'other day. And asked it without guile, " If asked to drink what would you say " He answered " I should snule." A physician has discovered that the elder a man grows the smaller his brain becomes. This explains why the yonns men know everything and the old men know nothing. A hen may lay a bushel of eggs, And cackle around all day, 6n« she can't lay a carpet to save her lile, Because she ain't built that way. The majority rules both out and in door. With wise men as well as wiih fools And the fellow who's blest with a mother- in-law Well knows the ma-jaw-ity rules. Judge (to prisoner) â€" " Your w ife Sbys you dragged her out of bed by the hair. " Prison- er â€" "I didn't touch her hair, your Honor. It was hanging on the back of a chair jnst where she put it the night before. " Case dismissed. Yodng A'^ife â€" "Yes, father always gives away expensive things when he makes pres- ents. " Husband â€" " So I discovered .when he gave you away " And then he went to the library to draw a check for the monthly mil /inery bill. A Chicago divine was remonstrating with anunordained preacher for taking npon him- self the priest's office, when the irregular one rejoined " Doesn't the Bible tell us to go and preach the gospel to every critter!" "Very true, "said his holiness, "but it doesn't say that every critter u to go and preach the gospel " "Mamma,dear," said Janet, " at what time in the day was I bom ""At twoo'clock in the morning." "And at what time was I born?" asked Jack. ',Not nntill eight o'clock." "Ah," cried Janet, "my birthday's longer thanyoursl" "Well," said Jack, "what's the use of being bom before it's time to get up?' An aged widower got married recently the fourth time, nctwithatanding that he had a house full of grown-up chiluen. While the meu-r iage ceremony was being perform- ed one of the guests, hearing sobs in the next room, asked one of the children who it was. "That's Emily," was the reply "soe always howls whenpapa gets married again. " A spinster friend called on Mrs. Clutter- buck in the afternoon, and ovier a quiet cup of tea they enjoyed a most interesting con- versation on the merits and demerits of a neighbor residing over the way. 'How on earta that poor man puts np with it I don't know," observed Mrs. Cintterbuck, "for if you'll believe me, she's out forty times a day, and she's never out less than an hour at a time." Education in Toronto. Toronto is steadily advancing in educa tional matters. The University has had two additional professorships endowed by the city, and is erecting a large and handsome buUding for the School of Practical Science a new i^adies' College has been opened under the auspices of the Baptist Univer- siity, and a College of Music has been opened under the direction of Mr. F. H, 'forring- ton, who has been for sixteen years organist of the Metropolitan Methodist Church and conductor of the Philharmonic Society. In its sy litem of teaching eind the scope of its departments, the College resembles the University and provides a practical educa- tion for both professionals and amateurs, in all branches ot music. Tht dog farms of Manehuria an nnmberad by the thonaand. From a d( zen to hundieds of d^ ai« *inisgvit)iiasfmmami^,m^i great oold of winter, dn^pfag more than 30 below xvn, ptodneing qitadid oaali, which are sold aU over die wnrU, iadbdag Can- My Iov» was lika a lily Aur, Low diDcpiii^ in tha tiUxj air, My heart waa rent witb gncf and oare. IIwradbmniL But I J The wonder vrown and grows My Icve's now like a bloomioa: rcse. Bow bright her face with beauty glows. .irtare,nottll. The wuideriog bee wonM step to sip, Tae nf ctsr of her perfect Up 'Twaa Dr. Pierce's Fsvori'e Freccrip- Tion wrought the spell. It is predicted that Montana will prodnce gold, silver and copper this year to the ' value of $40,000,000. He most lives who thinks the :aiost. Acts the noUeitt, feels the b-ss And he whote heart beats quickest Lives the longest, lives in ooe hour More than in years do some whow Pai blood t^eeps at it tlipt alony their veUu." These lines describle chat condition of per- fect health which all men and women wish to enjoy. To be able to think qlearly, to in- cline to do noble acts, to live long and j ^y- onsly, we must be free from the domioation of disease.^ By taking I Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery we may, by purifying the blood, escape consumption, general debility, and weakness, and aU skin diseases, and verify the truth of poetry as well as fact. The Apex Refining Company has recent • ly been chartered at Buffalo, N. Y., with a capital of $250. 000. The only reliable cure for catarrh ia Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Do you enjoy good health, Mrs. Orogan ' "TFaith, 01 does that same whin Oi have it but it's a little Oi have to injoy at aU." A.P. 419 KNITTiNu «e«ri(e«owB.talu MAuHINES • â-  iniir%#1^I'0-ANo°'^n»^ Lowest Batai) ml IN r Y ^o I«*y- Oorreapondeace soUoitwl lfflUIII.1]».BIJTIJEK, Financial Agl MtltMished 1860. 72 King St E., loronta MnUCV Agents send (or our niwstrated IflUnCI. Caialocne. Address, TKIUMPH SKLW WKDKilllic; MOP Co^ Toronto. Oot. AGENTS! UNEMPLOYED! We handle only standard specialties, of vi!oh no otlier firm iiiis B right to eeU in Canada. Write ns, Taibox Bros.. Toronto, Ont. T HB BOI1.EK UfBFECTlOn MBit lumr ance Cempaay ol Canada, Consulting Engineers and Sollcitois of Patents, TOKVHTO. a. C. Robs, Chief Kncineer. A. FaASsa. SMi^-Treas. TOKONTO BV81NESS COIiIiBCiEâ€" Bookkeep- ing, Actual and Practical Business. Telegraphy, Penmanship and all Eoglish Branches. Shorthand and Typewriting practically taught, ^dents in at- tendance from New York Cit7 and State, Soutii America, Bermuda Islands, and all Provinees of the Dominion. Serd (or circulars. Comer Yonge and Shuter Streets, Toronto. J. M. CKOWLY, Pro- prietor and Manager. H. WILLIAMS CO JirAROOFERS UASxmciuttsaa ahs dbalbbs is Roofing Felt, Slaters' Felt. Deafening Felt, Carpet Paper, Building Paper, Roofing Pitch, Coal Tar, Lake OraveL Office t 4 Adelaide 8t. East. Tor«|iti. ' PAiNES CELERY COMPOUND ACTS AT THE SAME TIMS ON THE NERVES. THE LIVER, THE BOWELS, and the KIDNEYS This cnrthined acdoa ^res it won- derfiil power to core aD diseases. Why Are We Sick? Because we allow the nerves to remain weakened and initated, and these i^Kift «»ms to become clogged or tarpid( ana poisonons humors are therefisreftroeofato the blood that should be expelled naturally. ' {COMPOUND WILL eURK B mO P MKB S, PUSS, OOHSTXPAnOV. XISirXT COX. PLAHTTS, TntlHAKT D ISBASI B, FEBALBWXAXirEBS.lUIEUBJU TtSX, HSmtALOIA, AHB AIL ITERTOTS OISOXDBBfl^ By quieting and stm^themng e nerves, and causing free action of the liver, bowels, and kidneys, and restor- ing their power to throw off disease. WhysOftrBiUaBaPaias and Aehaat Why tMBteated with Pilea, ConstipatieBt Wh; fHchtaiied«verIisordei«dKida«7rt Why endure narrooa or siok headaohssl Why have sleepless nights f Use Paims's Celbkt Compoomd and rejoice in health. It is an entirely v cgU M f bte remedy, harmless in all cases. SaU ly all DntggUtt. Pric* $1X0. •- â- â-  Six for SSJJO WOLS. RICHARDSON CO„F Fordiea* lavs, address ' ' ToroBto, Ont. Safes FIBS AMI) BUROLAB PROOF, and Taolt Doors, kept coestaatly In stook. A number of Sseood-haad Safes at low pnoes J, J. TATLOB. j Toronto Safe Wwkg H P.DAVIES. lie Sucoeosor to Chas. BoBiirsoir Co RUDGE COLUMBIA BICYCLES, Po a* Velodpedea^ BUssard Toboggaas Soowahoes, j I Etc, at reduced prices. Footballs. Jerseys, snp- I I plied to clubs at special ditoounti. SECOND HAXD MACHINES AT BKDCCKO PKICES. i^ CHVRCH ST., TOKONTO, for libt of seocnd hand machines at greatly reduced prices. Stained Glass FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. M'GAUSLAND SON. T« King St. W.. Toronto CANADA PERMANENT Loan Savings Company j laCOKPOKATKB 185B? flead OiGB Toronto St., Toronto Sabaeribed Capital, Paid Up Capltia Total Asseu .9 4.8M,« i*,«Mte CADIIQ "^^ »A.Ili ar KBffr. au. buss, rfllllllO Kmw and Prick 4. ^me aoecial barcaina. a. S. MITCHELL. Drattos. Ost. MERCHANTS BUTCHERS, and Traders generally. We want a GOOD \kS in your locality to pick up or us. Cash famished on satiaf actor} gturanty Address, Htob Pabs, Vermont. O. S. Toroi)to SUNDAY SCHOOL LIBRARIES. Sciiools deeirincr to replenish their stock should send for our Vatalosncs of g. S. Library and Frize Books. We (upplj all kinds of 8. S. â- eqaisltes on the mo(t arvantaeeons terms Ad- dress A. G. WATSON, Manager Toronto Willard Tract Depository, Toronto, SELF-THREADING NEEDLES."^^;^' Out Innaitly threaded wtthow passtdg thread through the eye. Agents cola moacy selling them. Sample packet by mail ISo., dozen packets IL 00. Whiton Slaaafiaetwrlkc Ca.« Taraata. Oat. ollcgc of Music end Orchestral and " Orffan School Students of Orchestral Instruments Thorough instruct- ion in everv branch of Music, Vocal, In- strumental and The oretical, by except- ionally well qualified teachers, l^rge 3- manual Pipe Oi^an and capacious Kfusic Hall. hare the special advantage of practical experience in an orchestra of sixty performers. Vocal Students take part in a large chorus, gaining experience in Oratorio and classical works. All courses throu^ly practical, whether for professional or amateur students. All Students participate FREE m concerts and lectures on har- mony, acoustics and all other subjects necessary to a proper mu- sical education. TERMS:â€" Class or private tuition, $5 to $30. F. H. Torrinsrton, Director, 12-14 Pcmiiroke St., Toronto Harvest BECtnrBloiis. The Chicago North-Westem Railway Company announces a series of harvest ex- cursions to points in Iowa, Minnesota, DtikotA and Nebraska, for which tickets will be sold, September 11th, September 25th, October 9th, and October 23rd. at the rate of one fare for the round trip. These ezcur- sioos will afford exceptional opportunities for personal inspection of the productive country reached by the Chicago North- western Radlway lines. For full informa- tion address E. P. Wilson, General Passen- ger Agent, Chicago. A good rule in mixed farming is to keep sufficient stock to consume all the products of the farm. Coff No More. Watson's cough drops are the best in the world for the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. T. W. are stampad on each drop. " Doctor," said a citizen, who was after some free medical advice. " I am restleas, and sleep but little. Cui yon tell me what position I ought to take to obtain rest!" " Yes, sir," replied the physician, " yon take a good fat Government poeition and you will have no trouble about rest. " A Care far Uraakeaaess. Ths opiom habit, depeomanla, the morphias habit, aenrons prostration caused by the use of tobacco, wakefulBe9e,mentaldepieBnlon,softealngo tha brain, eto, piemaioie old age, loss ot vitsUty oaqsod by orer ezerttonotthe biaIii,aod iossof natural strength from any cause whaterar. M stiâ€" yonng, old or mid- dle-agedâ€" who are broken down from any ol the above causes, or any oauae notmenMofMd oiow, seni your address sod 10 osots in stamps tor Laboa** Treatise, in book form, of ZKsMse* ot Man, Books sent sealed and secure from abserratknk aMress M. V. LoBoa, 47 Wi^lllagton straet Kosl Toronto. Out. Dan Rioe, the celebrated circus man, has a promising youox son in the incoming clat â-  at the Troy, N. Y., Polytechnic Inatitnte. Karrest Excnrsloa to Minnesota, Dako-taand Montana, tliat olaai aooom. modatioo. Ticketi good for 30 yi, in- eluding atop over, prtvil^gqa of lOdaya going and 5 days nitBniiii on tiie following dates Taesday, Sepk 35 Tosaday. Qot 9 and Toesdajt Ook 2S. For free maps, books and all partianian, addiaas J. U. HuoKore, Tcsiv.Taw Atemit, fahom Hoosa AKADIAH BDSIirBM VlflTUCSITT, Public Library BuiM'jiR, Toronto. Students from BHtish Columbia, Caiifoniia, Kansaa, lUiiinin, ami quite a number Of the other tates anc* proviiiuea now in attendance. Write lor newriptive ciii-aiarn. THOS. BE^OOUGH, UllAS. H. BRudSS. Prto i(f nt SecV ll.tuat.'e LeatherBelting BEST VALUE IN THS DOMINION. F.E.DIXONCO, MAKERS. 70 KING ST. i, TORONTO Send for Price Lilts and Cisooucts. Young Men SUF7ERIKO from the effects of early evil bablts. «b result of ignorance and folly, who fia'*. thonucslre weak, nervous and exhatisted also MioDbs-Aeso and Old Mia who are broken down 'rom the eiTdcts of abuse or over work, and in advanced life feel the con'esnencc)) of youthful excess, «end lor and mad H. v. Lubon's Treatise on the DiMsaea of Men. .nie book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of twoSc. stamps. Addres?, M. V. LUBON. Wellhieton St. E.. Toionto. Ont IiADIES' Dress and Mantle Cutting by this THE TORONTO SILVER PLATE GO â€" Manufacturers of the High Qrade of â€" SILVER-PLATED WARES. TRADE 1^1 MARK. FACTORIES AND SALKSKOOM 420 to 426 King St. West, TOROFTO B.a. OOODEKHAM, MatiAVflr J. C COPP, SHC.-Trea«. The enlarged capital and resources of this Company, together with the Increased facilities it has recently acquired for supplying land owners with ohe^ money, enable the Directors to meet with pieB9".nea8 and at the lowest current rate of interest all requirements for loans upon satisfactory real estate oecurity. Application ma) be made to either of the Oompanr'a loca Appraisers, or to J. HERBEBT MASON, ManaK'g. Director, Toronto. Allan Line Royal Mail StsamsMpi Sailing during winter from Portland evaiyTfanisday and Haluax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in sum* mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londonderry to land mails and passengers foi Scotland wd Ireland also from Baltimore, via Hall- fax an6 St. John's, N. F,, to Liverpool fortnlghUy during summer months. The steamers of ths Olas* gow lines sail during winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Phiudelphia: and during sum mer lietween Glasgow and Montreal weekly Oui^aw and Boston weekly, and Olasgow aad PhUadelpbla fortnightly. For freight, passage or other information apply A. Sohumaoher ft Co., Biltimore 8. Cnnaid i Co, Halifax Shea ft Co., St. John's, Nfld.; Wm. Thomp son ft Co., St John, N. B.; Allen ft Co., Ohlosgo Love ft Alden, New York H. Bknrller, Toronto Allans, Bae ft Co., Quebec Wm. Brookle, Philade- phia H. A Allen Portland Boston. MontreaL 10000 PRESENTS TO FIBSI APPLTIKG, WHI1.E THET LAST- We will send by mail an ap- propriate gift to each maiden, wife, mother or coolt- -one to a, family â€" who will try the Bbeadmaiceb's Baking Powder Cut the red circle from the label and send it in a letter stating^ hono.'=t opinion after fair trial. Eitiier a 5, 10 or 25 cent size will secure the gift. Any fjrocer or storekeeper knows where to ^etitif asked for by you. â€" Adclress â€" CHUECHILL CO- TORONTO Nervous Debility. OB. QBAT'S Speoiflo has been used tor ths ssl Ofteen years, with great snooess, in the tnslmeat o' nervous debility, and all disss jSS arising (ram ax- cesser, ovet-workad brain, loss of ritallty, rtoglog in the ears ptlpii»tioa, etc. For saltf by all druggists. Price, 91 per box, or 6 boxns for |F, or will be w it by ii«!i GO r«a«{pt of price, PampUrt on anpllcatiro. ITiBfiRAy MRDIOINP G*.. Toronte. Now that the Cool Autumn Days Have ctme, every one feels the waut of a WARMING. INVIGORATING BEVERAGE^ an" this mnr. in fnliv suppliert by JOMSTON'S FLUID BEEF THE GREAT STRENGTH-GIVER It. is the geate-t geaerator of heat. Is stimuhtea ihe ci."cult»t!rn, nouribhes tie system and fortifies it a^aiatc t^e attacks of cold and diseaae. « ' iR â- /I'^OH^j TAILORS' SQUARL ' S tisfaction guaranteed to teach ladies the uU art of cutting all irarments worn by ladies' and children. PROF. 8M1TB, 349^ Queen St W, Toronto. Agents Wanted. BRONCHITIS CURED* After spending Ten Winten Sonfh, was Cured by Scott's Emulsion. liS Centre St., New Tork, June asth. 1888. 1 The Winter after the sreat fire in Chicago I contracted Bronchial affections, and ainoe then have been obliged to apend nearly every Winter South. Laat November waa advised to try Scott'a cmuialon of Cod lUiver Oil with Hypophoaphltee and tomyeurprlaewasrtBflievedat once, and by continuing ita uae three montiis was entirely curedt gained fler.h and strength and was abio to stand even tha Bliz' zard and attend to buslneaa every day. C. T. CHURCHILL. Sold by an Druggiata, SOe. ttnd 01.09. ;N 4 VtARo ITDRQHTD ONT.. no iJTi- bASND £^ U^^ There are many ntHAtiomi ot "Peerless" MACHINE OIL, but none equal it in lubricating properties. FabM- na, MniiiWim, eta, find none equal to the aaaom Peieriess made by SAMUEL ROGERS CO.. TORONTO. Sold by dsaleis evsrywhers. ___' Capital and Funds now over $3,000,000. HBAD OFFICE, IS TORONTO STSEET, TOKOMTO. On A Home C^mpanT, EstaUlshed October, 1871. To thla date, October Slat, 1887, there has bean retamed lb hehor of Folioy-holdera (death claims). ~..^ •..•MB.SM 00 To Hw hddsa ol matured Endowment FoUoiss SOLMI 61 10 PoUoy^holders on surrender of PoUoies .^. :...„.. gslaEa n XcFottey-holdMS tor Cash Fronts (inoladiiig those ^looated and being paid) «n.M« n So hidden ot Annuity Bonda „ 18,907 84 Iioaasd to FoUof -holden on the SeouritT of their Folides .^ 8I;MI 08 P^lcles in Force over 10,000. Avonnt ot ;r $l£r^ FRESIDBNTâ€"UOH. Sm W. P. Howi.Aia O.B., K O.M.Ot. VICE-FBESIDEKTSâ€" WnxiAX BuuoR, Bm).; Bdwabo Hoopbb, Bsq. J K. HACBONALDa " ' ' •VPuHelas «onforf4tabl* after t i«ari aad IndafeasfUe aflar 8 veaca. ^{3clfF5r,r '4 /«¥ I -J "l \:. i fi ' 'U â- f A 1 r I- i! I I r'J I r, V â- 11 ' ' ^• .•€â- ..« k$L. iik.^-^^' ":/• "" f^^A^i

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