••* â- •/r7'-**r~ywT'*«'K8»!S"'«'1P»' i.Jll((TO«.J'T .*"%â- 2.00 )F 1889 L PAPER IN (,*D,1 3F 1889 $2.00. tlie i^irmers' interests ' lationof 40,000 in ii tsncultural Paper in c, I every week, and one O cents a year, lain to yon that i is the n of important local news y • a great bargain we oller!^ ifit of tiift balance of vo M AND FIBESID WDERS, :.Ts, CAKE. USE BLISTER 3 WDBEi Y'S CTION SAliB -l'estat; eHcmse.J£arkdrfe,o«Wj' kb.bcngtbcsonthi*^ J For farther ptfWJ-^ J «i'1 XSsforA SvsiA* pi"' i,ird Correfpandenee. Steam T hbepheb Explosion. â€" Ijcat wliile Messrs. Warling and 'Walk- ffees sbow waa not yery extcouve, bat the differeot eampies for which prizes were offered were keenly contested for. In dairy products there was large show, ^cre at Mr. T. Gilbert's thseshing, 1 ' ^^^J excellent samples. The ihc'euRiue burst. It was while the I"?,"*?-â„¢*"® '"' ^.ep^tmentwas; well vi-as running at a low rate of engine cDfif-i that the accident occurred. i|e=5r3. Warling and Walker were sittiug i" ^^^ '" door lacing the Ij'rtre belt which runs between the Jceine and separator when they were, without any warning, enveloped in £viii: pieces of metal, fire and boiling Yjtr; and steam which wue thrown ^ver and through the barn, it was a aiiacle that there was no one killed ^r the building burned las it was all iiaiiJs escaped with a few slight bruises and scalds. ilrs. D. Graham, who hasJ^een for the most of the summer •« Uwea Sound under the doctor's c«re, is at present confined to her bed with inalaria and intermitting fever. Mr. J. Weber's cbildren are laid np â- yitli diphtheria. filled and no doubt the judges had considerable difficulty m making the awards, the samples were all so excel- lent in quality. We noticed in the fruit exhibits some of the finest apples It has been our pleasure to yiew this or any other season. They were grown by Mr. James Clark, who lives on the towntine Euphrasia and St. Vincent. The apples were beautiesin appearance and wlioppers in size. The show was very successful throughout, and ir. affords the Mibbob much pleasure to state that no breach of order occurred during the day, nor did there appeur to i)e anything but the best of feeling prevailing amongst all who were present. â€" Meaford Mirror. :::i 1*1681161:1011. Honaad Cmtre Show. Standard Correspondetice. The liev. Mr. McMasler, B. A., of Macmaster University, delivered two vei-y interesting and instructive ser- xnons m the Baptist chapel here Sab- bfttb last. His theme in the morning die "Lamb of God was full of love and refreshing to many hearts" present" The large -congregatioD assembled in the Presbyterian church in the/ aftpsuoon cnjovtd a rich treat in the stirring and powerful sermon preached by the Eev W. Mills, B. A., of Sund- erland, if we can judge from the Toic'C of the people here Mr. Mills is iiktly to receive call to fill t.he^vaoant charge here. Stephen Spirit, Esq., who hae been iu the Hour and" green grocery 'busi- ness m this place for some time, made jp his mind some days ago to visit his native land across the ocean, and has 3oId out his business here to G. H. Blackburn, Esq., of this place; who took possession, on Monday last. Oeprey Fall SIiow. The shov/ which was advertised to take place on Wednesday the 3rd inst., ?ras unavoidably postponed until last. lilonday. The weather on Monday was fair, but the condition of the roads prevented many from coming that â- Ronld have helped to increase the large numlier that did come. The «hov,- was in McLean's Hall, During the forenoon while the judges were engaged in the Hall, the crowd ex- amined the excellent show of horses and cattle. The show of the former animals woula do credit to any exhi- bition. In the Kail fruit and field vegetables were reperesented in abund- ance and in great variety. Among them wo noticed a ^curiosity in the mstance of a three-headed cabbage, all of tlie heads good and solid. It was grown in the garden of Mr.. David Grant, sr., binghampton, who pre- sented it to a representative of one of oar town grocery stores where it is now on exhibition. The ladies, as usual, were to the front with their fancj work, which received many praises. Great credit is due the President and Secretary, Messrs, Stinson and Grant, who were besieged from early morning by people wisMng to know this and that, all of which was answered with the cheerfulness of one who was hot- at all busy. The day was closed by a tea-meeting m the Presbyterian church, for which the young ladies were engaged m selling tickets, and so far as we can learn they did sell them in no small numbers. â€" CoUingwood Bulletin. Last Wednesday, the 10th, was one of the most delightful days of the sea- son, rendering it a pleasure for an outing. Holland Centre was thronged with people from the surrounding country and villages, Markdale being especially well represented. The first duty on arriving on the noon train was to supply the inner man, while the present proprietor of the Queen's, Mr. McGutcheou, is just the host who furnishes an excellent spread after enjoying tins much appreciated past- time we made our way to the hall where we found a well arranged and creditable exhibit; it was not very extensive but the quality of the articles on exhibition was indeed superior. The stock ring attracted a large crowd and a very frequent subject of surprise and remark was the wonderful im- provement in horses. The exhibit was in every respect a credit to this dis- trict, being fully up, if not superior, to any local show we have attended. The spring colts, yearlings and two- year-olds were indeed a very fine ex- hibit. Wm. Garbelt, of Holland, sliowed a pair of heavy draft colts which are worthy of special mention as there being nu class for them they will not appear in the prize list. Mr. Garbett was oflered the previous week $300 lor one of above colts, a yearling Clydesdale. There was a much larger exhibit of grade cattle than is usual at township shows, also of a higher class, being well bred but not pedi- greed. J. B. Shepherdson, Euphrasia, exhibited a fine lot of sheep. Alex. McArthnr, of Chatsworth, had a very fine display of carriages of various styles Avhich showed excellent work- manship. Altogether the show was Tery successful. W. J. MfFARLAND IS NOT BRAGGING ^when he says that he is showing the Finest, Fullest Nobbiest and Cheapest stock of DBY GOODS," CIiOTHING, ^â- ^^: M BOOTS SHOES, GBOGEBIBS, HATS, CAPS, FUBS, CABPETSand CLOTHIlsrG NORTH OF TORONTO The following unsolicited letter from a gentle- man "who has made and handled thousands of stoves, and who, at present, has a stock of the best Hamilton and Toronto makes, will show^ that we mean what we say, viz., that our Stoves and ranges are equal in material, design and finish to the best CTanadian makes, and are also heavier, in every way suitable for all marets:. 07i/at3Wort'7i^^Sept. 7StA^ -88. Slear Sirs^^â€"af rctved tJi/ Move' you srbt mC' O/Tid must sa,y it is ^rst=eZa^ss/ q£ ^a^ve no ietter in my shop. Wou need not i of raid to snd your tro/verllers into the city of S^oronto^T/ow cdn eom/pte' with cuny of iAem. -Wot only is the stov wll pro= vortioned and Jieavy wAerJ- tAc stove re-^uirs to ie Aecvvy^ dut it is yooS S^lcute and well fitted, cjf Olive you credit for yettiny uv a yood O/rtiele. (U^ have leen forty years aTnony stoves/ have moulded and mounted thousands of them and consider my=-' self a judye. ^ours respectfully^ :. ' (i^ndrew rS^lc^ill Put his claims to the test Tvhen next in town by comparing quality, quantity prices and we know you will give your verdict in favor of McFARLAND Fob the Standaiw. The Oame Fowl. Do you want a comfortable Mantle or Jacket? McFarland can please you with lovely new goods, low prices. Do you want a nice fashionable Dress McFarland can please you. Some lovely goods just opened out in all the new shades from 10 cents up to $15.00 t/te Dress pattern. MarkdalE ^BmH hBu ^fi^p^fil^' I^^^BsH^H ^S^B^^^^ hBB^^BB^ ^Bl Km' Enphrasla TownsUp Fair. The Game is certainly a grand and noble fowl, yet not so well suited for the farmer as some other breeds, it is an excellent variety. They can. by proper selection, be bred, not only beautiful in color, but they are noted for their excel- lent quaUties as layers, and for table use come up to the majority. They have faultless shape, well-balanced organism, every movement bespeaks royal dignity, and every step is finn, elastic, defiant and commanding. Their plumage is brilliant, hard and varied, full and flow- ing on those parts nature designed as best suited to represent original perfec- tion. In station and po'se of body, they have no equal their limbs are in pro- portion to other parts, indicating strength and solidity, giying firmness, coi^dence and muscular force and action to every step. They have bright and fearless eyes, strong beaks and neck, sohd bodies and full breasts. Among the many varieties of Games, the B. B. Reds and the Blue Piles are (the most popular. They really receive 'j more attention and are more admired in the show-room than those of any other black colors of the Do you want a Nobby Suit Mc- Farland's is the place to leave your order; new Scotch, English and Can- adian Suitings. Do you want a warm, strong, well- made Overcoat at a moderate price Go to McFarland's Clothing Room and find hundreds to select from prices right. \v Having ereeted and fitted np in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain Fac- tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everything being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, BMs, MoaMings, Hollow Battons, FRAMES, LATH, FENCE PICKETS, e.. And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to none in Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics in eyery department, would now respectiully soUcit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turnin^o lone. 303 Carefui Attention to Ordes from a Distance. color, the red and male, and partridge marking of the hen. The fall exhibition of the towndiip and the beautiful color of the Blue Piles Do you want a fine or coarse pair of Boots, Kubbers or Overshoes Mc- Farland has the largest stock in town to select from. FaUaQ( asrO"^7- 003i^/£^»lLiEiTB -AT THB- of Euphrasia was held at Rocklyn on Friday last. The morning opesed threatening but it cleared off towards noon, and the weather overhead was all that could hs desired, while the sun and high winds combined to make it not so bad under loot. There were a largo number present from all parts of the township, and the attendance on the grounds during the afternoon could not have fallen much short of 1,000. The show of horses, cattle, swine and poultry compared very favorably with the St. Vincent show at Meaford. The show of sheep was a long way in advance of the St. Vinofipt show â€" both in numbers and quality. The spacious building on the Bociet^ grounds was used for. the exhibition of ladies' work, fine arts, roots, yegetables etc. The ladies of ^luphrasia bad no reason to be ashamed of the qnaotijy or quality of the wor^ shown. It was m every respect as good, and la gzMt €r quantity, than wa^seen at %» show at Meaford. The roots and fsg^tames frere simply magni^Bent* excite the imagination of the beholders, and brine to mind the original plumage of the progenitors of onr present domes- ticated game fowls. They are also much easier to raise than other parti-colored yaiieties; if the breeding stock have clear, deep, pure and well-defined colors and shades, becanse these colors have been produced by nature and not by the selection of man. The hens, too, are good layers, good setters and motherB, and remarkably vigilant, showhig a dis- position to protect their broods against all enemies. Their flesh, when well and quickly fattened, is nmvezsaUy consider- ed the best that grows on chicken bones as it has much the same flavor and sweetness of birds. Do you want Gloves, Hosiery, Wool Shawls, Trimmings Under Clothings McFarland has them at bottom figures. Coal Oil was first used for lighting purposes in 1826. McFarland has reeeived 60 barrels. No. 1, No. 1, Novi, No. 1. Cheap Cheap Cheap Do you want Grey Flannel, Blue Flannel, Fancy Flannel. Blankets, White or ScarletFlannel? McFarland has them at manufiacturers prices. that of wild gallinaceons Waltkb W. Hbming. SAIiESMEM inMraB Par rrwmniit poa ition a â- !â- »» AnT detenniiied man oan sneoeed witb »^^o^^S;Si£«M to^lNl^iiiera.^ St«ddc ^-aS^i^ferao^sr Need I advise you to get your Tea at McFarland's all sensible people do, or at least all those who enjoy a good, well-flavored, strong Tea do. McFarland sells more Tea than any two stores in the County, and why because he sells nothing but a pure, onadulterated article at a very low price. â- â- â- :]: it;-: 'â- .^v---- When in Markdale call on the oldest, largest and cheapest store is town and that is MeFttdad's. W.J.iCoFaifli80ja, TORONTO HOUSE, MARKDALE. A foil range latest styles ot fashionable Dress goods, in stripes, checks and combination, firom 10 cents up. Blj^ck and colored â- cashmeres, .great variety, from 25 cents to 75 cents best-values in town. Coat and .Mantle Cloths, cheap, stylish and popular. In Tweeds, gents' famishings. Hats and caps, stock complete and varied and prices which must command at- traction. In Beany-made Clothing we offer men's suits from $5.00 up which, for style and quality, cannot be excelled. Everything in the Boot and Shoe line from the heavy stoga to the finest Ladies' kid In these goods onr home manufacture always take the lead.. Having adopted the cash system we hops to convince customers that it pays to do business with us,, where solyent man is not required to carry the "lame ducks." INSPECTION AND COMPARISON SOLICITiiB WM. BROWN. J. HAMILTON, •f^- THE P{OPLE'S PHOTOGAPHER, v^ â- JC^^Jj'v m^ m -^^^^-"â- -'â- ^wi »..' [Jift^ C^ _] â- rtOfiis' n Is ttiming out Photos, all sizes equal to, Cityr work. Oo{iying and'entargmg a speciality. Also {iQtnre'Bnuaing done witli^ n«tttHP8jmd difspateh. /, ^, 3^n ecHae ain, ^eth old a;^ '" "â- ^"^:' ' • And diniMt-iiMe nn» time' â- ':: ^^"^M-^ "^^^ â- ' â- â- '^- .^m:- J^v ^Pifi^^S? i:^:- '.-i'-: ^. f. â- â- 'â- m i- ^:' "â- " -^^^ ^i^Al^, â- -^"A'^-