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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 18 Oct 1888, p. 4

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 'i i» â€" ' i'lic G. W. Rutledge, Proprietor. MAEKDALE, OCT. 18, 1888. THE OUTLOOK. Large quantities of grain is now coming to market, and after numerous enquiries in reliable quarters, we have to come to the conclusion that the out- look in this district is, on the whole, ^ncouragmg. Grain is perhaps scarce- ly up to an average crop, but the •quality is superior, which- makes up for any shortage in quantity. Markets for all of farm produce is indeed satisfactory, so that, all around, the year's operations are above an average with farmers. This is a gratifying state of affairs, and should not only stimulate to further efforts of enter- prise anci economy, but should beget thankfulness to the giver of all good. COUSIN JONATHAN'S PKOPOSAL With all the air of an authority who ia certain as to his facts Mr. Wiman informs the people of Canada that the United States Senate Committee of Foreign Affairs has been discussing the question of inviting Canada to join the United States, the union to be a political one, and the broad condition being that the United States shall assume the entire public debt of the Dominion. The Government journals, so far as we have seen, give no opinion as to the merits of the question. Whether they are bo totally opposed to the project that they do not con- descend to argument regarding it, or whether they are not ready to commit themselves until they see which way the cat jumps, that is, whether the offer will be made and how, if made. Sir John Macdonald wUl regard it, remains to be seen. Their immediate duty as organs they conceive to be tj convict Mr. Wiman of betraying Can- ada into annexation under the guise of commercial, union. Mr. Wiman's message containing the information is studiously reserved as to his own ati- tude toward the propc::ltion. Mr, Wiman has previously, on more than one occasion, declared himself opposed to annexation. But whatever Mr. Wiman's opinions as to this offer are, they sink out of sight altogether in view of the importance of the infor- mation conveyed in the messai^e. We suppose that there can be no doubt about the fact that a discussion took place in that committee of the Senate, which, and which only^ has the power of initiation m all such projects. It may be taken for granted that Senator Sheripan, a favorite for the Republic- an nomination for the Presidency and one of the very foremost leaders of the Republican party, is, together with others of the Republican majority in the Senate, in favor of making an im- mediate offer for the union oi Canada and the United States. Will the offer actually be made The fact that Mr. Wiman tried to withdraw from publi- eation the information after it had been sent, seems to indicate that the announcement was premature. Was a majority in the Foreign Affairs Committee found to be against the proposal Canadians will await with a good deal of curiosity, very natural under the circumstances, public action or repudiation on tlie part of the Unit- ed States. Cousin Jonathan seams to be a bashful wooer, not altogether hopeful as to the result of mailing a proposal, and inclined to seek aa in terview with his maiden cousin's guardian, John Bull, before being told to "speak to papa please " Canada awaits with composure, "in maiden meditation lancy fr*e." She likes cousin Jonathan as a cousin and is inclined to be as frieudiy and as neighborly toward him as possible, but it is doubtful wltetber she desnes a closer political onion jxr whether as interested in finding out ber own opmion than Mr. Wiman's, but she is not likely to trouble herself even about that till the proposal is made. NOTE AND COMMENT.: â€" Port Arthur has storage for five million bushels grain. â€" Two thousand Chinese have re- cently been drowned by floods. â€" Work has commenced last Mon- day on the C. P. R, western extension at Loudon. â€" Premier Greenaway commenced proceedings, on Monday last, against the Winnipeg Free Press for criminal libel. â€"Mr. Hoar (Rep., Mass) suggests that if Canadians object to being annexed to the United Stated, the United Stutes might be willing to be annexedto Canada. â€" One of the reasons why the farm- ers of this continent cannot compete the Indian ryot in growing wheat is that while in India the state either builds the railways or controls them, in America, whether thd state or private capitalists build the roads, they are always controlled by mo- nopohstic corporations. In the one case the railways are managed for the benefit of the community, in the other for the benefit of the corporation. The railway system in India has now attamed vast proportions, the mileage at the end of the last fiscal year hav- been 14,583 miles and two thousand miles under construction. The prin- cipal state road built during the year were the Bolan Pass line and the new Burmah railway, which has at last been completed to Mandalay. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel for purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the mul- titude of low East, short weight alum or phosphate powders sold only in cans. Rotaij Baking PowDEB Co., 106 Wall St.. N.y. OWEN SOUND. Standard Correstondence. The Dry Dock Co. are very busy just now. The Str. Baltic came out on Saturday and the barge Kincardine went in to have some repairs made, she having been on the rocks in French River, pnd waiting for her to come out is the Isaac May, she having been on the rocks near Tobermorey. Notwithstanding the rough weather the boats are Ptill making their usual time which speaks well for the sea- going quaUties of the boats belonging to the Georgian Bay. The evangelistic services now going on under the leadership of the Rev. F. Shiverea are being greatly blessed already over fifty have professed faith in Jesus Christ. Last Sabbath after- noon ho preached to men only, and next Sunday he is going to preach to women only. The services this week are being held inDivision St.(Pre8by.) church. P. Rickard is confined to his house by a broken leg. He is getting along first rate. On Saturday evening WiUie, son of S. E. Brown, fell from a tree and got his arm broken. He was taken home and Dr. Bow called and set the arm and he is getting on as well as can be expected. Mrs. Hugh Jackman is very low with dropsy. Mr. Jackman has the sympathy of many people. The particular attention of the public id called to the tact that I, SAMUEL BREADNER Has opened anew JEWELLERY STORE -IN- BZCKAKOE CIJIFPXVOS. Where a large assortment of Watches, Jewellery and Spectacles, c., Will be found to choose from. My stock of Jewellery is new, consisting of the latest designs and fancy pat- terns. I will engrave your initials on Watches, Silverware and Rings pur- chased off me FREE OF CHARGE. Particular attention is given to re- pairing Watches, Clocks Jewellery. SATISFACTION OUABANTEED. I also manufacture and engrave Gold and Silver Medals, Emblems, Scarf Pins and Brooches. Coin engraving a specialty. Prices low. Call and be convinced. Mail orders receive prompt attention. Give the bey a chance. I remain, yours truly, SAfflukl. BREADIV£R, AUCTION SALE YaluaMeFari Property In tho Townships of Glenelg and in the County of Grey. There will be sold on Wed- nesday, the 21th day of October, 1888, at U o'clock in the forenoon at the Markdale House, in the Village of Markdale, by virtue of Powers of Sale contained in certain Mortgages which will be produced at the Sale, the following Properties Pabcei^ I. â€" Under Mnstgage from Hugh Mc- Leod, Lot 11, in the 12th Concession of the Town- ship of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, 100 acres more or less. The following improvements are said to bo on the premises: About 40 acres cleared, having erected thereon a frame dwelling and small barn. Pabcei, II.â€" Under Mortgages from Bernard Coffield, Lot 13, in the 2nd Concession East of Garafraxa Boad, in the Township of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, (less 25 acres conveyed to Joseph Comeld) containing 75 acres mote or less. The following improvements are said to be on the premises: About 70 acres cleared, having erected thereon a log house, frame barn and loe stable. â-  Teemsâ€" 20 per cent, of the purchase money to be paid down on the day of sale. For balance terms wiU be made known at the sale. For further particulars apply to JONES BBOB. ft XACKENZIS, Solicitors, Toronto Street, Toronto Or to B. J. SPBOirXJB, B^-. Flesherton. Dr. Wild says that when he was a missionary in Walkerton, they nsed to have frosts every year like what they have just had in the North- West, but they have all disappeared under cul- tivation, and so would those of the North-West.â€" Mt. Forest Rep. [Dr. Wild baptised cats and dogs when inf u- *tt n j • ^l â€" â€" Tir 11 ""*^" ... -J °. ., " " ship of Holland, in the County of Grev de- Walkerton, and this kind of thmg has ceased, are hereby required to forS' the EXECUTORS NOTICE. All persons having claims af»inst the estate of William Bowe, late of the Town- Ophelia wonld say, "sha iikes him to \itooT6r«d ««ffid«tly for dtmof ive wifii Mm." CutaSi is motn Uut iiisht.-rU«i49r4 MiRior. also dissapeared we presume £d. Standard. Geo. B. Holmes, V.S. of Walter's Falls, had what may be fconsidered a very narrow escape from death or serious injury at Rocklyn on Friday last. He was attending a horse taken with a bad case oi colic, when the an- imal in an agony of pain kicked out viciously, the foot just catching; the Dr. on top of thu head and knocked off liis hat. Had the blow lallen two inches lower the Dr, would have been hnr's de combat fof some time anyway if the result did not prove fatal. The hostler, standia^ alongside the JDr. was kicked on Ilie acm aad eat bacU|yi HiQ animal was ownied by Ifr. lfii «W8, oi Markdale. tiVttty ke^w. TJiuSki. same to the Executors, James Smith and Bobert J. Boyd, at Berkeley Post Office on or before TKB 1st SAT OX* The Executors, on that date, will distribute any money then being in their hands, having regard only to the ckdms then received. Holland, Oct. 16th, 1888. JOHN SMITH. BOBEBT J. BOYD, 423-3in Executors. THE BEST off: SEE WHAT YOU CET FOR $2.00 TO THE END OP 1889 FARM AND F8RES!Dj| THE ONLY WEEKLY AGRICULTURAL PAPER m^^^ •V TO THE END OF 1889 AL L FOR $2 .00. TH^: WKEB^J^Y MAIL i« tbe best geueraU in Canada, and has now a circulation of nearly 90,000. It i^ I ' in Politics, and the great advocate of the farmers' interl? Its price is $1.00 a year. ' B^-A.Ii3J: A:[VI FIK,ESirJE IS the onlv AjtitJ Weekly in Canada, and has reached a circulatioa of 40 000 ic vl year of existence. Besides being the best Agricultural Aper iiicJ it contains a couple of continued stories every week, and one complete story. Its price is 75 cents a vear. As to our own paper, it is unnecessary to explain to yon that it is the l paper of the district. Bright, well written, lull of important local di esting to every one of you, See then what a great bargain we ofe Send in yonr orders now. and get the benefit of tlie balaace of v'J THE WEEKLT MAIL and FABM AND FlEESUlf CONDITION POWDE! !S, SULPHUR, SALTPETRE, HORSE SALTS, ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ A ALL USE -i::^- LINilV9ErlTS. " â-  â-  LISTER CONDITION â- .£JT- I/LAXJIETS DRUG I Stutd" Cwretpondence. StSAX 'f HaEfHEK ExPLOf 1 -,«flk while Messrs. Warliug I rw£l«*t Mr. T.Gilbert' ' Ibe engine burst. It was Mjgine was running at a ^ed that the accideiii ifessrs. Warliug a^id W â- fitting in the bam door large belt which runs ii engiiie and separator \\\iq\ ^thout any warning,^ e ^iug pieces of nieta!, lire â- Vater and steam which ^ver and through the ban miracle that there was i: OTthe building burned; liands escaped with a few a and scalds. Mrs. D. Graham, who the most of the 8umm Sound under the doctor' present confined to he naalaria and intermitting Mr. J. Weber's childre â- with diphtheria. ' â€" â- - â€" Flesliertoii. Standard CoTn-espundencc The Hev. Mr. McMai "Macmaster University, -very interesting and in jnons m the Baptist cha 3)ath last. His theme ir Uie "Lamb of God \va: and refreshing to many li The large â- eoogiegati in the Presbyterian c afternoon enjoved a ricl stirring and powerful sei by the Rev W. ilills, i «rland. If we can jii voice of the people hei likely to receive a call tc charge here. Stephen Spirit, E.-.q.. in the flour and greeu ,iiess in this plaxie for sc up his mind some days native land across the sold out his business Blackburn, Escj., of t itook possession on Moi Oepre? Pail t The shoT/ which wa take place on Weduesd was unavoidably ])Ost} Monday. The weatL was fair, but the cpndit [prevented many fron wonld have helped 1 large numlier that d show was in McLean's :the forenoon while t engaged in the Hall, ammed the. excellent and cattle. The sho' animals would do ere bition. in the Eall vegetables were reprei ance and in great .them we noticed a •( instance of a three-hej of tlie heads good ac grown m the garder Grant, sr., bingham sen ted it to a represei our town grocery stor on exhibitioji. The were to the front i work, which receive( Jreat credit is due t! Secretary, Messrs. St who were besieged fri by people wishing t( that, all of which wa the cheerfulness of c at all busy. The da tea-meeting m tl church, for which vrere engaged m sell: far as we can learn i in no small numb Bulletin. Varkdale Mazketo. Fall 'Wheat. %1 10 to WIS Spring 'Wheat 1 lOio Barley 50to TO SCHOOLjrilOSTEES. The wulermgned is manafaotruing an ez- oellent assortment of School Fiinaltctre, ConaistiBgol SCHOOL SEATS and JESK3 pAOHMS' DBflKB, *tc. of tiie laS dmgnai^^moctapiHwred patten. Qi^ite «MQna)MndMlljr-8eiwl Tnutewaad :.^S|^ jmmyw iii^ An aMovtmant tA ^nTaS Oats Batter.... • .... Potatoes, per bag.. ^^Mkj* •••â-  •••« •••• Onions, per boahd • ••••• â- â€¢* Itlto 58 to 17 to 17 to Soto 9 00 to 10 00 75 to 125 4 Goto 4 60 115 70 82 60 00 00 40 AUCTION -OF- EEAL ESTAT â- At the Beverc House,ai'»»" f the so Sheep SkinB SOUt 60 FJUHW FQR SALE. Lota 109 aadlU)ii^tiie8rd ConoeMion of tiw IVmiislUp ot'AxtdpaBia tor aaIe.#Tenn8 tosoitpiBduMer Apph^tb. rrr Ifii^Titf^ i I i gaators -) f » uj' 'V-' /m^^ "ja-y3 *â-  :*"â-  jfl^ iif,-\ u. 'â- c _tJ' ^^^i* •â- ^•l «^^^A. day.Oct.,24th,bemgtut» jfi^j, 5.ocn.ll.ofGleneIg.«»i°^^ property of Mrs. '^^^J^c^\ aToae o'clock. Forfar^ "t-- 'I A. S. VanDaseO' 0., Ont. and i Notices of Births, tmenty five eenU' Ws_In Holland, on *g James Hare,, 8r..»8~ H ,* ^\ ri...^^^.aa^^..,-'.,a

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