..i^.r^t^-^^^"'^n-'^^-F^^^ ' â- r •' x: A 8BLECT STOCK Ot FAU. GOODS HOW OPKMEO. '• HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEBE THEY MAY.* YJEAR.â€" K^o. 4553. MARKDALE, THURSDAY, OCT. 18, 1888. C. W. RUTLEDGE, Proprietor. iflsli Dam" MY OLD SOCKS. W STOP AND READ THE- BARGAINS â€" THAT ABE AT THE â€" number favo;The'=lf of our citizens. Las beeMn ten U5 on Pi-e Adam ffi, 8 the world was then inhah.^ â€" J \. ^ce of people about eigglCR0CKERY) (6LflSSWAB E^ ?_ Z^ ^e M« fiod their trr* ^â€" country. Now if ha „ *i follow the track He may a tiJose gentlemen at the 43 •ney. ' iigb price of wheat has indi ruers here to bow more thJ al qoantity of fall wheat, base ball players beat I boys. They may becoi et, e are about a dozen of us goi be ninth line oi Euphrasia so t bears. It is said they a, I there. We will let you be 1 maaay, and if we are ootsu r think we had better not g about it. xcRAvas "cuFrarcw. :k a cow. â€" Last Wednesl a locomotiTe ruDnin^. tend 'uck a. cow on the track b Orangeville Junction ai ille, derailing the locoooti I the yan attached to herj d ta be built arouii.'l )uld pass, and in conseqaeni ihe express due here lock in the eveniog did m itil about five next mi /he train hands were hvt te Economist. McMorris, editor of md Ealph Moore, priater, ofl5ce,have conjointly aeeepi Ds on a paper at Eamloo] will leaye for that plaee J weeks. We wish oor towi every stsccess in. tliairiis' ind hope to hear from tbei y of a frrendly exchange, ifonitor. •t Casson will leave next weeJ a University. CobonrgjWbei J entering ajpon a tbeofc?" Bert is a clever young Jn»" d unassuming in mttwerj Sfe measure of good oofflBOi is the right kind of ay^f le course that he has chw*" all rwoice at his Booces^ Recorder. Bert Cassofi »* peotedin MarkdalfrWdW iteswiUbepleaaedtoW" lable inientioM vA «»" Bo. StandiABI.] list opened out 2 crates of Glassware fst (Itsigues ami patterns, largest toek to cboose from betv.-fen Orangs- ille and Owen Sound, which \vill be â- okl r.t a veiy email adyarce on cort, ;d cider to make room 1. 1 our XMAS GOODS. China vSetts. Dinner :9etta« Toilet Setts, AJT COST, We mean Tvhat we soy and will sell ae •e advertise, call and seeforyourselveB. GROCERIES, We take the lead. We have the best ceijt tea id town. FLOUR and FtED ou band, same price as mill. Our Liqiior store is well stocked »1tli the best brands of Brandies, ium, Gin, 5 and 10 year old whisky, liiittlfcd Ale $1.25 per dozen. JOBBERS IN CIGAES. R. H. BENSON Co. ^REAT EDUCTIO -FOR THE- CTION SALE tobM] ray. ^«ce irill ISS^doc* SEPTEMBEK OF Watclies, Clocks, Jewellery, Speetiacles, SJLlverware« order to clear out some of our immense stock to make room for our ^fge fall stock. Do not miss this •^ance, but come at once, it will pay you to buy from us, and always teke ^ow 'V7at«fa, clock and jewellexy »- pairs to HUSSELL'S Local and Other Items. Notices in tliene colvrnvsintendedtohenefit •ny individual or Socirtii irill he nharged ten cents a line for the f'lrft insertion and Jive eeitt* a line each subieijvent insertion. NOTICE. â€" Corregptmdenre, commnnica- ItOBx,. Adrertisementf. tf-r,. wnxt he in thig office h;/ noon on Tuexdatj to inmre publication that Keek. Chbistmas on Tuesday. Subscribe tor the Staudard. Thanksgiving on Thursday. Fifth November on Monday. Prepare for the tax collector. Hallowe'en comes on Wednesday. Advertise stray animals in the Stand- ard. • Advertise Teachers Wanted in the Standard. Master Eddie Eeynolds has beenjhome on a visit lately. Council meeting this (Thnrrday) evening at 7:30. • Mr. Clements of Tara visited his son, B. B. Clements, tailor, last week. Rev. Mr. Buooiy preached missionary sermons at Dundalk last Sunday. George Dunbar of Holland Centrefre- tumed recently from British Colombia. The grocer who is dishonest in the use of his scales lies in weight to deceive. The editor of the Meaford Monitor has been presented with some prize grapes. "All other goods by fortune's hand is given, a wife is a peculiar gift of Heaven." Mr. Jahes Allen, Indian Agent for Saugeen IDiyision, gave us a friendly call last week. Be sure you bring your girl to the Social with you on Friday night. Only 25 cents a pair. The brass band purpose giving a rattling good concert on the evening of the 5th November. The young man who wants to get up with the sun must not sit up too late with the daughter. Don't forget the Social at H. Hamil- ton's on Friday night. Admission, children 10 cents adults 15 cts. Open at 8 o'clock. ' The Young People of the Methodist church are fixing for a Promenade Concert on the evening of Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 15. Are you going to the Social at Hamil- ton's on Friday night You bet I am. They are preparing for a big time, and don't you forget it. In Glenelg Agricultural Society's prize list two weeks ago James Mercer should have been Ist for grade Heifer 2 years old instead of James Walker. Mrs. Hewgill with her daughter, of Dundas, has been visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hawken, aa:., Euphrasia, and returned home last week. Rehembeb the social under the auspices of the I. O. G. T., at Mr. Ham- ilton's on Friday evening, A good time is expected and the cause is a worthy Ksne. Admission 15 cents. OcB customers and the public will please bear in mind that advertisements or other matter for publication should be in this office by noon on Tuesday to ensue insertion same week. Bxv. W. H. Moss, of Dundalk, preach- ed last Simday morning and evening in the Methodist church, sennoDS practical and appropriate for the occasion â€" ^ihe Sunday Schod anaiversary. The executors auction sale of the effects of the late John Shaw, Eiqifazasia waaUigely attended and very sacoesRfnL W. J. Shephetdfloa weilded fhehananer in his usual siacoessfql style. ' Mh. W. J. Sekphsboson lost a valuable whalebone whip at the sale of the late John Shaw, last week. The finder will greatly oblige by leaving at this office or at W. J, Shepherdson's, Walter's FaUs. The Canadian Live Stock Journal is devoted chiefly to the interests of stock raisers, is ably conducted,, handsomely gotten up and is valuable for any family. $1 a year. Stock Journal Publishers, Hamilton. Mr. S. Breadneb, the new jeweller, is applying himself closely to business, and thus adopting one of the chief elements of success. Bead whath 3 has to say to the public by way of advertisement in another column. A pretty woman in black passed the window. "Looks hke a pretty young vridow, dosen't she Do you like to see a pretty widow A pretty young widow is always a pleasing sight." "Yes, so long as it isn't ours. v- v A lady who had refused to give, after hearing a charity sermon, had her pocket picked as she was leaving the church. On making the discovery, she said "G*d could not find the way to my pocket, but the devil did." The Farmers Advocate is the old re- liable agricultural paper of Canada and continues from month to month to diss- eminate practical wholesome literature on interesting and profitable topics, Wm. Weld, publisher, London. Maby Jane wants a receipt for pre- serving the hair. Certainly. Use white sugar, "pound for ponnd," add enough water to make a heavy sirup, add the hair, and four ounces olemargarine, boil, strain, and put in stone or glass jars. The Bural Canadian, published by C. Blacket Robinson, Toronto, at ftl a year is !a handsomely printed well, written monthly journal deyoted to the interests of the farmers. Its articles and illus- trations are practical and cannot fail to prove profitable to its readers. Sub- scriptions taken at this office. Names omitced in business review of Markdale last week, viz â€" Thos. Boland lumber merchant S. Morrow, grocery; Miss Leslie, dressmaker Miss Benson, dressmaker Mrs. Littlejohns, dress- maker a. C. Bryden, -Conveyancer, in- surance agent, c Alex Lyons, W. G. Pickell and R. Burnside, cattle dealers. The markets continue to go up and is seriously affecting the quantity of produce usually marketed at this season of the year. When prices are high, then everybody wants to hold. Nothing but necessity will induce them to sell in a rising market. Better be prepared for a reaction. The many friends of Mr. Hugh John- ston, of Euphrasia, will be pleased to learn that he had a safe voyage across the Atlantic and is havin? an enjoyable time with friends in Ireland, while his good wife has succeeded in taking the bulk of first prizes at the neighboring fairs for butter. Mr. Johnston appreci- ates very much the weekly visits of the Standard on the Emerald Isle. Life Insurance. â€" Mr. P. A. Black, formerly commercial master of i3wen Sound High School, but now General Agent of the Provincial Provident In- stitution, with head quarters at St. Thomas, is now canyasing this district. Life insurance is now acknowledged to be a wise and commendable means of providing for a family, and we can cheer- fully recommend this company's system to tbe public. Mb. John Sfeiqht, 8rd con. of Holland, met wiiii a aevere accident last Sunday. While driving down hffl the haggf wheel stmck some .obstruction en the toad, thzovinff him head finii on some «taBe8, inflicting aevaralaeveceeatBnitfae^fOfee« ne rf which' left oonCitttetaible ot Bxv. Mb. Mills, B. A., of Sunderland, delivered a grand sermon to the young men in the Presbyterian church last Sunday evening. The church was com- fortably filled, and the congregation was all attention from the beginning to the end of his discourse. The rey. gentle- man, though a young man, is a powerful, eloquent and influential theologian. He also occupied the pulpit of the same church in the morning. Send dj Now â€" ^Everyone should take his own local paper, and when he can afford it a good metropolitan newspaper also and every farmer should take an agricultural paper. Now, we can offer the whole list for very httle. By a special arrangement with the publishers we can give our subscribers the Weeelt Mail to the end of 1889, the Farm and FiBEsiDE to the end of 1889, and our own paper for one year, all for Two dollars. Election of Officers and Teachebs. â€" At the last meeting of officers and teachers of Markdale Methodist Sunday School the following were elected for the ensuing year, viz â€" G. S Superintendent F. Stevens, Secretary; H. Hall, Librarian R. W. Ennis, Treas- urer Miss H. Bnggin, Organist W. A. Brown, Bible Class Teacher Mrs. Pick- ell, Infant Class Teacher. All the ether Teachers re-elected. Mb. Casab, station agent at|Markdale, was presented with an elegant easy chair by the cattle men of Markdale and elsewhere who shipped from this station. To his efforts in their behalf they feel largely indebted for the commodious cattle yard that has been lately fitted up and which is equal to any on the line. MIDNIGHT MECHANICS- On Sunday morning lasc a burglar visited Holland Centre, and after prd cunng brace, bit and chisels from. Spears' wagon shop effected an entr- ance to 0. JPrice's store by way of the cellar door. Mr. Frico was awakened by the noise and hastened to give the alarm, and at this juncture Samuel and John Greenaway came along on their way home from the wake of the late Mr. Hare, 2 o'clock in the morn- ing they saw a light in Price's store, and on going forward spied a man dressed in dark clothes. Mr. Burglar, thinkmg his accomphces were at the door, came out when S. Greenaway and J. Telford arrested the stranger and took him in charge, keeping him at the Queen's until Monday when he was taken before Squires John Mc- Donald, of Chatsworth, and P, Hamil- ton. The evidence was straight and he was sent to Owen Bound to await his trial. He (the prisoner) said there were two others with him. He saya his name is O'Neal, and that he Would "Rowp^rT^ot mmd so much being arrested if it Superintendent R. W. Ennis, Agsifit Jl*.^ occurred m some large city, but to think of being captured in such small place as Holland Centre, is^ perfectly mortifying. Ten QnMtioiui and Aamwaam. 1. How many miles of railway in the United! States? 150,600 miles about half the mileage of the world. 2. How much have they cost? 99,000,- 000,000. 3. How many people are employed by them More than 1,000,000. 4. What is the fastest time made by a train 92 miles in 93 mmntas one mile being made in 46 seconds, on the Fhila. and Reading H. R. 5. What is the cost of a high class locomotive Mr. Csesar, by his affable and obliging „. ,,„„, dealings vrith those men and at theleis'ht-wheel passenger same time true to the interests of the /•^^°'^* $8,000. road, has won their respect and esteem J 6. What is the longest mileage operar and they hope he may long enjoy the use of this small token of their regard. The Provincial Provident Institution, St Thomas, Out. â€" The most popular Life Insurance Company in Canada Full face value of Policv guaranteed One half amount of policy paid in case Disability One-tenth everv year on arriving at a certain age Reserve Fund accumulated to prevent excessive as- sessments Members get the benefit of all assessments contributed Expenses for management limited to $2 per year per thousand risk; Ayerage cost last year on $1,000 including expenses $6.90. Good Local Agent wanted. P. A. Black, Gen. Agent, now at the Markdale House. A great babgain. â€" We have made arrangements with the great agricul- tural weekly Farh and FiREsroE, by which we are able to supply our sub- scribers with that paper to the end of 1889, and the Weekly Mail to the end of 1889, and our own paper for one year for Two dollars. Farm and Fireside is a large 7 column, 4 page weekly, two pages being devoted to agricultural matters and two pages to stories by the best authors. It is well illustrated throughout and has a large cirtulation at 75 cents a year. The low price at which we give it and the Weekly Mail is a special arrangement. iNDisPENsmLE. â€" ^In case an executor's announcement is advertised three times in a newspaper, and you have a claim of fSOO against the estate, the law gives yon no claim if you don't see and take heed of the notice given and put in your chum within that specified time. In case you lose stock or horses and they are advertised in the paper, and you do not see the advertisement, you lose your stock. ' If yon keep stock and don't ad- vertise 12iem the law does not excuse yon. If yqu do not lead the aoBoanpe- ment.of tiie^Mmiiaipiil Clerk at the time saoh aonosnoemmtsare made^ andtaike beed^eroto in the ^Tecified time, yon tion by a single system Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe System, about 8,- 000 Miles. â- FALL. I still appeal to the public for contimied support on the follo^w- ing line; value given for every received. A large assortment to make choice from, in Grold. a,nd Silver "WATCHES CLOOKlSv SIL VJE R^WA-RE "ttiisros, etc. Prices as close as -will enable me to live, and fulfill an honest desire to meet all obligations. Warrants written or oral faithfully stood by. WORK CAREFULLY SATISFACTORILY DONE. Best material used in watch repairs. ^^ ' jmouu. ATTEirrtiitt to \£mt^ 'â- â- r^ m