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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Oct 1888, p. 8

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 m Wil: Wm t 1 ml W^i t:^ J. F. ^UTEO, M. fti JOUSUSAX, msaBOK, ftc., JH. oil .xk4SL CJ en t re- Will be «t Borkeley «fvery Tnesday and Friday afternoon from ooe to fouro'dock. 390-ly. rr. Spi-oule, ^PHYSICIAN AMD SUEGEON. ivr A R. k: i A. 1^ E. OBeeâ€" lianley's Drag Store. C. A. McBRIDE, M. D., L. R. C. P. A S. EDINBURGH, ^fce at Stephen's Drug Store, likte of the London Hospital, England. I*. ^leCullougli, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, o OFFICEâ€" OrER McFARLAMD'S STORE. MABKDALiB. JMConey to Loan. Ml MAKKDALE (MttAGE -: jff OMS. mASSON Ae masson, BARRISTEBa. SOLICITORS, o. Officksâ€" Owen Sound, in Vicker's Block, Poulett St. Bianch oflElce in Morkdale, erer McFarland's Store, on Friday and Satorday every week. J. Massok, Q. C. S. Massok. W. Mabsom. N. B. â€" Private and Companv's funds to invest from 6 to 8 per cent DIVISION COURT CLERK, Issnerof Marriifie Licenses, iftc. Oommissioawj in B..R.ftt5. 'Conveyancing in all its branches promptly Attended to and carefully executed. N. 6. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se- caritv. WILLIAM STUART, KIM15ERLEY, Issue:: of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rates. A few if'arms for sale. Terms easy. B. MeKklly. prse^eal msnodUuet W«g- gsna, Damoorato, Baggie*. £M|jto, CvMers and evetytiiing in the lint* Th» bMt ma- terial need and firat-elaM Iroitenothip. Satiaction i^^natanteed. Repiiring, Pataflif mMI TrlOHHlMC promptly ^attended to. A oaU i«iv««tftilly aoiioittd. Stand opposite the Kaikdal* Hoasek R. imAUY. puMnsi W. M. BUSH, The Horse's Friend Is folly prepared to attand ths mnta ot all who favor him wittx Ihefr «aatoaii, in Mo- Nally's establishmeot, oppOMta the Uarkdale House, Harkdale. Bartias fasfiiig horsea with eontracted or othrawiaa Wtd iaat will do well to give me a trial. This daal of work a specialty. USTEN TO US A MOMENT, Time is precious Liife is short And short is our story It is also interesting Do you want to be be- nefited Of course yon answer yes Then if yonr wants Foilowinit is the prize list for the East Grey fair, held iu Flesbertou on Monday and l^esday ol last week. lb all ca|«B Uie ejr8on named first took 'first prifte. (jtRAIM Alio SBEDS. â€" Fall wLidat, â€" Clawsou, D. Stinson, B. Batbvan. Other Tariety, B. Bnthvan.D. Stinson. Spring Wheatâ€" Rnasiau, S. Brodie, 1). btinson. Other variety, J. Stew- art, W. J. Coofiv. Barley, J. Brodie, J. Mercer. Oats, white, J. Brodie, J. Mercer. Oats, black, D. Stinsun, W, Norton. Pease, small, J. Mercer, J. Brodie. Pease, large, R. Butbvau, J. Brodie. Indian Corn, white, T. A.. M. Ferguson, J. Holiey. Indian Ooru, Yellow, T. A. M. Fergnson, W. Nof- Iton. Collection Beans, J.. McGee. I Boots anb Vboktables. â€" Potatoes, Are in the grocery line early rose, Irwin Fawcett, J. Ferris. Potatoes, other varieties, J. Stewart, I-e'itlier work f"" ^- Stewart. Mrs. gS^*'»«W:, Mrs. Mucshaw 'J; ^^ forked Blippe,; J" Norton nv-- ' "'f*- J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. ^DENTIST, GRADUATE X)P TOEONTO SCHOOIj of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the st and third Wednesday of each month and r " at Muashaw's Hotel, Flesher- ton, the day folio.. lUg the third Wednesday in each month for the practice of his profession. Commencing on the 7th September. MONEY TO ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission chaiged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. LOT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on easy terms of payment, for farther particulars apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK, 190-tf- Pomona P. MARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE. ONT. J. £ Marsh, Prop. SIHT V. BLINDNESS. '^^v\^^3^^ y-^- CELEBRATED English Spectacles 79 BAY STREET, TORONTO CANADA. AND 18 JEWU. STREET. LONDON E. C. ENGLAND :x: R- X^. Stephen's, CHEMIST DRUGGIST. Markdale S^^^.-*l.â„¢*^y "" *^8 sale of the above in MAKKDAIiE, No Spectacles in the Market equal them m the EYE PBESEBVING QUAIilTIES they possess, or the GREAT EASE and COM- FORT they confer on the wearer. Their use will in actuality so strengthen the Eyes that it does not become ne esBry to change *^â„¢^^many years. They are therefore the W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR. ARCHI- TECT. Markdale. R. J. SP^ROiTLEi FLESHERTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, lieaaaa and Wills drawn up andValuations madeondiortaBt notice' Charges very low. Apply to R. J. SPROtJIiE, Mone Lender Postmaster. Flosherton. THE TAILOR^ s prepared to make yonr clothe* jteat and trim. The Tatest Fashion Plates always on hand to chose from. member, over McFarlands Store, Jfarkdale 6 PERCENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Property â- west rates of interest. Apply to B. J. SPROULE, Conveyaacer Postmaster. Flesherton. ' lyTLA^TTER, BARBER, MARKDALE. As I am sow in a poE^ior to do Ha Cutting;. Sharing. Sham]KoinK and all.wotk in my line, I ask a share of public patronage. I make a -sp'^caltf of Razor and Selssor sharpening. LaAi^^s* asd C hildren'a hair oat- ting done in first-claaa atyle. Shop nearly op)icsite t^ STANDixB office. IMOBiE Y to LOATV. EXCELSIOR WAREROOMS! I have now on hand a fall and varied stock of all kinds and grades of Furniture, bought for cash from the most reliable firms in Canada, anil 1 purpose doing hnsiness on a strictly cash basis which will put me lu a position to sell at a small advance on cost and thereby givis my custom- ers tlie benefit. I shall esteem it a lavortohaveyoa Call and look through iVIT ESTABLISHRIEIV.' whether you require anything in my line or not, and I feel confident that you will be delighted with and surpris- ed at the quahty and cheapness of my goods. â€" Upholstered goods a specialty. Undertaking BUY YOUR TEA» SUGAB, COFFEE, C()CDA, MUSTARD, GINGER, PEPPER, CINNAMON, CLOVES, ALLSPICE, NUTMEG, V SODA. CR. TARTAB. â-  STARCH, CORN STARCH, EEC, ETC., 1ETC. â€" 'â-  â€" AT THE Portion. Tattinâ„¢ w • %il l^encl drawing, M J Armstrong, w*' "»aittie,j drawing. Miss Danmi^""'?! Buskm, Mrs. (ii\J"^:. A vvreath. Mic /-r 6i 'Olton Farmers wre^thf^l" «^. Private Aad CMa|wny'B funds j Estate ajt carreat fates of Int isBeal Ail bosinen private andcoaMeottal. Amnai*- «K tor Ca»ad* -Permaneat Ibmm aad Bnimta Company, XolrMito. W^M JpHN-ipqPDXBX, MHMale. In this department I have a com- plete stock of all kinds of funeral furnishings and all orders will have my prompt and carefnl attention. A first class hearse in connection. Musical Instrxunents I also handle the celebrated Bell Organs and the famous Wanzer Sewing Machines wluch may bo seen on Exhibition at my warerooms, prices andgrades toanit •U-poztshasers. Picture Preming. I shall keep m stock an aasorted line of frames, and wnr tsttcmod orders will be attended to villi neat- ness and despatch iit roek iK^m prices. Witli maay tlnupki tor the present patnmxge^idiX bava ssr oeived and iioftog by fair priodw aod pqaare dealing to mttttAB iiianaseof the same; m ' Pickling Spices, Piclding Spices, Tobaccos, Tobaccos, Tobaccos STOP AGAIN! TAKE MNOTHER MINUTE. It will do you good, Supposing it does shorten your life. You will make it up by using, A box or two of Stephens Uver Pills, Stephen's Sarsaparila, Stephen's if asal Cream, Staslun'B Vatf 0ta1«U Wom Fowdsr, Stephen*s Congh Kinir* and hm BtoplMn'a Wand Bird Ssad Stephen's Insect Powder, Stephen's Gondmou Powders, Btaplm'a aoM kill ny Vapar. SCHOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS, istaple Fancy Goods "With thesajne breath take this in And digest it It will agree with you D/SPEVSm, DONE DAY AND NIGHT CABEFULLY, ACCUBAOJELjT. SATISFACTOBILT. To oar enstomecB well as oanwlTos have tbe QaaIi«aatioiis neceRsa^, ««pU with thai of 9i«etiee aii4 ex- F«ri6ace whioh Bialup na amf^bmi W. Buchanan, jr. Collection Potatoes C. Bellamy. Mangold, globe, J. Ferris, W. Norton. Mangold, long, W. Norton, J. I. Graham. Turnip, Swedish, J. Holiey, D. Thompnon. Turnips, other field, J. A. Lever, J. I. Graham. Turnips, table, T. A. M. Ferguson, J, Miller. Beets, Long Blood, R. Oliver, J. Ferris. Beets, other variety, D. Thompson, J. L Graham. Carrots, field, T. A. M. Ferguson, W. J. Cooey. Carrots, Early Horn, J. I. Graham, W. Norton, Parsnips, J. Ferns, B Oliver. Onioos from bulb seed, D. Thompson, J. Ferris. Onion, potato, W. Norton, J. Milner. Cabbage, Winningstead, D. ThompeoD, J. Milner, Cabbage, Drumhead, D. Thompson, Mrs. Bul- mer. Cabbage, other variet}, D. Thompson, J. Milner. Cauliflower, W. Norton, J. Milner. Celery, white R. Oliver, A. Beattie. Celery, red, J. Miller, J. Ferris. Pumpkin, ,T. Holiey, D. McMullen. Squashes, J. A. Lever, E. Gordon, Citrons, W. Norton, W. Barnhouee. Watermelon Mrs. Bulmer, W. Norton. Fruit, â€" Fall apples, â€" Red Astric- ans, I. Fawcett, J. Brodie. Duchess of Oldenburg, I. Fawcett, W. Buch- anan, jr. St. Lawrence, .Jas. Stewart. T. Kells. Gravenstein, R. Ruthvan, i R. Gilray, Alexandria, 1. Fawcett, H. Weber. Collection, Jas, Stewart, J. Brodie, Winter apples. â€" Northern Spy, J. I. Graham, J. Brodie. Baldwin, De- cision witheld until apples are proper- ly named. Spitzenburg, J. I. Graham. D. Graham. Golden russets, J. I. Graham, D. Graham. Roxbnry russets, J. i. Graham, D. Graham Pomme Grise, W. J. Cooey, R. Ruthv- an. Snow apples, Dr. Sproule, D. Graham. Collection, D. Graham, J. I. Graham. Peabs. â€" Bartley, W. Norton, J. Brodie. Flemish beauty, R. Gilray. J. Brodie. Clapp's favorite J. Brodie Louise Bonne de Jersy, J. Brodie, D. Graham. PlumSj â€" Lombards, J. W. Arm- strong, T. A. M, Ferguson. Smiths Orleans, W. Norton. Golden Drap, J. W. Armstrong, W. Buchanan, jr. Victoria, J. H. Heard, T. A. M. Ferguson. Reina Clauds, J. Brodie. Gages, A. MadiU, H. Weber. Col- lection, T. A. M. Ferguson, R. Gilray. Coll. Crab Apples, J. I. Graham, Jas. Stuart. Grapes, White, J. H. Heard, W. Barnhouse. Grapes. Colored, J. H. Heard, J. I. Graham. tonne work. M rs. Mil Mil, ner. 'net, Plants. â€" VMa n Mrs. C. Bellamy „„, Damude. Mrs. u..-^'""ai I tieia basket^ M.:^^X^ Begoma,Mrs.C.B.lCiJ' er. Cut Flowers. MrgT ' ., E.Gor.W. Col KT croft, Mrs. C. Be^ ' Standard Corretpondence Apples are plentiful ia thi, .. borhood. Now is tha ti, cheap before tbev are stored s the winter. Senator Sliermsn's proposii annex Canada to the Stntesa discussed here with great imerd quite a number favor the prop J One of our citizens has fet J to enlighten us on Pre Adam HiJ He says the world was then ulu by a race of people about eiolitinj high, and says he caai fi«d theirft m this country. Now, if !iea,| that and follow the track lie mif one of tnose gentlemen attbai his journey. The high price of wheat hasiiij the farmers here to sow more J the usual qoautity of fall wheat^ Our base ball players beit j Rocklyn boys. They may noted yet. There are about a dozen of ns a out to the ninth line ol EuphrasisJ to hunt bears. It is said theil plentiful there. We will let yoji if we kill masy, and if we are.i cessful I think we had better iiotj anything about it. BZCKAjroE 'csjrratx. Daiby and otheb produce. â€" Butter, 6 pounds. J. Abbott, L Fawcett. Butter, 16 pounds, W. Norton. Jas. Ferris. Butter, tub, J. Ferris, J. Milner. Cheese, home made, W. Norton, G. Stewart. Manufactubeb. â€" Lumber wagon, J. H. Heard. Democrat wagon, J. H. Heard. Buggy, covered, J. H. Heard. Buggy, opened, J. H. Heard. Cutter single, J. H. Heard. Cutter, double. J. H. Heard. Set heavy teain harness, D. Clayton. Set carriage harness, D. Clayton. Pr. gent's sewed boots, J. Smith, W. Barnhouse. Pr. gent's stoga boots, J. Smith, W. Barnhouee. Pr. ladies boots, J. Smith, W. Barnhouse. DoifESnO MANtJPACTimKS. â€" Pr. Blankets, Mrs. MUner, H. Flesher, FuUcloth, factory made, R. Hermu Flannel, all wool, B. Heron, H. Flesh- er. Flannel, union. Mrs. Milner, W Norton. Rag Carpet, 8. Stokes, Mrs. Milner. Stooking yam, W. Buohanan, H. Flesher. Woollen mits, R. Ruthv- Kfi, W. Norton. Woollen socks, W. Norton- J. Abbott. Patchwork quilt, Uxt, Gilray. Miss Norton. Knit or oroobst qiult, Miss Norton. Miss Ferris. Qoilt, any othsr kind. Miss Norton, Miss J, Stewart, Col. Bwlin wool work, |fa,Milner»llrs. Gilrsy. j^naseaa wotk, Mn. MoBshaw. Miss g»M«^ iMiiiff ii^ ootton. Miss ^S^*^^^k4»J^.' Bmlaoid. 5jm wfliiNL Ite? ICliiir. mm i?ffii.^g 1j i» rt, i»agfc ia oofiii,J!prs '•-! Aiii"9iliiii^ Stbuck a cow.â€" Last ^eda evening a locomotiTe rjDmn° first, struck cow on the tract tween Orangeville JunclioL Orangeville, derailing the locom and also the yan attached to b J track bad to be built aronn.^ trains could pass, and in consqm^ of this the express due here ik eight O'clock in the evening B i arrive nn til about five next moi none of the train hands were httj Shelbume Economist. Mr. D. McMorris, editor of ' Mirror, and Ralph Moore, pmaj the same office,have conjointly af«r ed positions on a paper at hsii^. B. C, so will leave for that pl!»j about two weeks. We wish ow « I confreres every success in tlieir" I venture, and hope to hear from t in the way of a frrendly exchM?.] Meaford Monitor. Mr. Bert Casson will leave nerf^ for Victoria University. OobonrgT he mtends entering apon » theoB course. Bert is a clever yoa^ retured and unassuming in with a large measure of g'W'"' sense. He is therightkmdota man for the coiirse that he bsi^ and we shall rejoice at his ^J Mitchell Recorder. Jert.'^^f highly respected in Mwk^*S oldassocia^w.Ubepleasrf'" of his laudable inwnhoMwa' success.â€" Ed. Standabd-J AUCTION SALE â€"orâ€" YaMWeFarDiPw!! In the TowMhipff rf ^^^%' ijonnty of Grey. â„¢/5StS»,18®!if iii iSsdayv the 24th a*y »« Og^e Ho«*^| Villi oon' of v^^^^y^^i^ '^-2 led in certain â-  JJfS^nc^arthe ^fft!^ t5« S| tb« P"Ki«i»**"' ^i^s^mrr^. leni Osto lk« ^â- J • j!? •f;^--%-; rXNTH YEAK.- lYOLDSOC that ABE AT TUK- mOCKlRYllfGLfiS Bt opened out 2 crates of est designes and patten iek to choose from betv.r Be aud Owen Sonnd. 'n hi Bd fit a very small advar I cider to make rocm 1 1 .MAS G0( l^hina, tSettsj. Dinnei' i'oilet Set:ts, JSJT CO SI [e mean That we Fpy ano ^advertise, call and see for fe take the lead. We ha 1 cent tea le town. FJ !lED on hand, same pric [Our Liquor store is v the beat brands o; Dm, Gin, 5 and 10 year ttled Ale §1,25 per dozi IJOBBEBS IN CI |. H. BENSON -FOE THE- wderto clear out 'eiwe stock to make faU stock. Do Bee, but come at onc( to h^y from us, and ^li^'Wb, clock and .; pairs to

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