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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Oct 1888, p. 7

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 fet. bat h»d Sf"S?^ IcomfottibleTj?^ "HiT " pwte hinu «. T?^ *- popped in n^* •« for ^ijj» intheAbb^ nr ago.' nd Who .„ waa 'â-  -aeged fab .at a day or^^°PW 14 e deep pool. aeS^^'** ^^-"tobelStqS? H^TSSLS^^-AdHan^k, Jody been identified r- past all recoenitinr. k evidence ;ru"a««^Pt by ford, how arising £ t? "°»• nan waa silent B« »L ,?; I'tobeabletoeSLTI'*^' the hideous trut^t^^y- »» |d; bnt loyalty to LUbrott:,";^' |r in kw' fate is »-._^ h said, after a vervwfj^"' Jnderstand whlll l^ P?" fith this drlwU^Sj:^"^^ ie-dofthisdisoo"v^«'^- 'uad that there has been foul P'»y -Should this body be iden. ofMrsBelfi^ld, theideS le drowned herself." ""â„¢* le in Cladford are talking of 're terrible than that Th^i, circumstances pobt to theidm i-drian, I must speak plainly " .with undisguised grief. "Sai. to your brother as the mnrder. our mothei I think. Whatcan 'help her to bear the blowJ" I fear. She adores Valentine, fall him, it will kill her.' do all you caa to keep idle re- ar, and yet to prepare her for may happen to-morrow. Whew r?" », I believe." •t even know his whereabonti " left here with the idea of going ip3 to Africa, or South Amerio*. own fanjy. My mother and 3 about hia health and gpirita, 1 to travel, fle has not written 1 left." a'ucky. He ought to be here, ffijulty that may arise to mor- ailent. To hitn, whoknewall, -Jhs that his brother might have â- y for ever. dear Adrian," said the Viar must wait and see wliat to- ring forth. I think you know count upon me to do anything in the compass of my will or Would to God I could see my useful to you and your dear ak from asking yon qaeitioni, I am on delicate ground but V anything chat could annre "iood of thetse rumours â€" if, for ad heard of your sister-in-la* ised elopement ' ,rd nothing of her. It is bet- Id answer no questions till to- ppose I shall be called at the B 80 â€" if there is sufficient ntifying the body with your 1 keep my own connsel till I I!oroner. " ae left Sir Adrian soon after mystifiad by bi« calmnea*. BE OOJfTINCKD.) lOiier Oountiy Way. evitable that the kindliw* n cities should fall into » of manner toward strangW ped in the country, whe» about their neighbon. W lot nod to everybody y» et there is not time for K. 1 call on those who live » vith you. You may » «"' £t house to a prof««^ e no means of ascortamaig bese things produce m^ -8 a habit eflmoro ffiMdw ch is certainly lew plfw"' r country way, but ii""' le. Again, the mere p* acquaintance, m..â„¢" "J. who haUtnally J»«»«?^ is not a thing w ewarw who live in a crowa •» ave rather to «?°Jf* J^ ,g themselves "g*^""?. ^eatdealofiS^^ thinly settled t'^^"*^. where neighorf M«««^ ly the visitor who ^g [ive the pIeM"» " in that case » P«*^ haveyoorbi^Sftiri Yes, Bah, bo* *â-  ^^gM* ItdoeentoortiifP^ m't cost B»»|^Jio«» dollars for P*râ„¢i^ TheBeaaonWiiy. p. ft Poetical Aspirant (to second ditto) I- ffon 8»y yon've sent off more than a I^^Xed poems and never had one retom- rLond P A. That's what I said. r-rst F- ^- '^^ phenomenal sncceaa I I riiah I knew the secret. '^^nd P. A.: Well, I've sometimes I liffttght it was because I never enclosed any I ^a?e stamps. A Juvenile financier. fljjjy (who had some money given iiim to I od at tne fair) Papa, things were so r^pat the fair that thirty cents of my ^„,ey was wasted Pipa: Wasted? Harry Ves I didn't spend it. joroDto. F. B. Havilard. A Trifle Skeptical- Ministerâ€" Well, Bobby, whatdid you learn it school to day? Bobbyâ€" I learned that the world is round. and tnms on hinges like that globe in the parlor. Minister â€" Well, what did you think of that? B3bby â€" I think they're asking me to believe a good deal for a small boy. Improving Slowly. Jeweller â€" la your watch all right now. Mr. Smith. Mr. Smithâ€" Well, no, not yet, but it seems to be gaining every day. He Liked to be Accniate. The farmer's wife ran out to the road and looked up and down. A tramp was shrffling along, when she hailed him. "I say, did yoQ see any cows in the com in that corner lot?" " No, ma'am," he replied as he -lifted his hat, "I didn't see any cows in the corn, but 1 did see some of the com going into the cows at-" But she was off. Nothing Like It. "Ah, my youns; friend," said the eminent prohibitionist, " what can be more delicious than clear, cold water in the early morning, fresh from the old oaken bucket It makes life worth living?" "Yes," responded the young man, "water is a good thing. Are you in the milk busi- ness, sir?" Proud of His Memory. Brown I say, Dumley, yon haven't for- gotten that ten dollar bill you borrowed of me a long time ago, have you? Dumley {ina hurc tone ofvoice) Forgotten it, my dear boy? Do you think I'm so weak- minded as all that I'd rather a man would impugn my credit any day than my memory. A Better Name. Pretty Cousin (to young Sissy) Why, Charley, since I last saw you yon have grown quite a beard. Yoimg Sissy â€" Ya'as, Maude mutton-chop whiskers, you know. Pretty Cousinâ€" Oh, are they Why they look more like lamb-chop whiskers. A Little Too Much. Dumley (to driver) â€" How much Driver â€" Ten dollars, sir. Dumley â€" Wha-at That's too much. Driver â€" Ii's a long drive out there an' back, sir, an' them hosses had to have oats, an' ^(dubiously) I m afeered thit oigh one had too much he ain't actin' right. Dumley (indignantly)â€" Well, I don't pro pose that you ahall kill your horses a c :ny expense. in G-reat Luck. Jack â€" Gns, lend me a dollar Gus fdabiouslj)- Well, I've only got a couple of dollars to my name. Jack â€" You're lucky. I did think of striking you for two. A Difference of Opinion, Brown â€" I saw Dumley this morning and I didn't think he was looking very weU. Robinson (grimly) â€" I saw him, too. and I thought he was looking extremely well. He owes me $5 and he saw me three blocks off. The Proper Treatment. " Mistah Farley, I guess de baby's swall- ered some rat pfzen, an' ma t'onght maybe you'd know wot was good fur it" " W'y, chile, yo' mus' gib it a anecdote right away " Well-Mated. When the engagement of a yoong conple is announced in a rural neichborhood it is likely to be thoronghly discussed, and the adaptabil ity of the young people to each other to be considered from dmerent .points of view. On one such occasion an old lady, upon hearing of the arrangement between a young couple, joyfully exclaimed "Well, for my part, J think Mary and Henry were born for each other, and I aint any doubt but they'll get along splendid, for 1 never did see two people as fond of corn- bread as they are, and I think it i good thing that they're going to marry, for npw they can have all they want of it" InFramoe the e^ItiTaihii it become so mncfa a science, or so mnoh a mania, that when am authority on the sab- ject recently prepared a complete list of tiie known vareties of roses, it was foand that the names alone, without delnitlon or de- scription, filled forty pages of dosely print- ed text. Of the tea-roMs alone there were one fanndred and twenty- two varietlea, counting £rom the " Adam" to the " Zaila PradeL" A recent communication to the Horticutural Society of France gives an aoooont of what is believed to bs the oldest rose bush in the world, the great bush which grows against the church at Heldersheim, in Germany. It is believed to date from tiie epoch of Charlemagne, â€" the close of the eighth century and die b^;innlng of the ninth. The local tradition has it that the rose was planted by Charlemagne himself. This great rose-tree grows from a crypt under the church, the crypt liaving been opened at the top for the evident purpose of letting in light and air for the bush. For this reason it is asumed by many persons that the bush is older than the shnrch itself. The trunk, which is as large as a man's body, traverses obliquely the wall of the church, and enters tne open air several inch- es above the surface of the ground. There it divides into five branches of unequal size. The bush covers a surface of about seven yards in height and eight in width on the side of the church, where it is kept in place by an iron railing. A bishop named Hepilo was the first to put up a framework to support the branches of the rose, and the fact is mentioned in the archives of the church as occurring in the year 1079. An account written in the thirteenth century declares tiiis rose-tree to have been the marvel of the country round about. The ancient rose of Heldersheim is certain- ly something to set modem Icvsrs of roses to dreaming. How many races of roses have been born since this veteran of their tribe was planted I Education in Toronto. Toronto is steadily advancing in educa- tional matters. The University has had two additional professorships endowed by the citj, and is erecting a large and handsome building for the School of Practical Science a new iiadies' College has been opened under the auspices of the Baptist Univer- sity, and a College of Music has been opened under the direction of Mr. F. H. Torring- ton, who has been for sixteen years organist of the Metropolitan Methodist Church and conductor of the Philharmonic Society. In its system of teaching and the scope of its departments, the College resembles the University and provides a practical educa- tion, for both professional and amateur, in all branches of music. Angelinaâ€"" No, aear, mamma says I mustn't let yon kiss me." Rupert â€" " Quite risht, Angy, love. You kiss me idsteawL" " Oh 1 thaf s another way of putting it," and she put it that way. The Moon's L:iflaenoe Upon the wsalber isaooepted by«Mn» aa real, by others ft k dbpoted. The mpea never attracts oonu bom A* tendm aohing spot Potnam's P»fak« Com .lWoto removes the most t»*p** lauBod' U wne" dayfc This gwit^epi^f iliakey^Ms'W ^iorang •rooadi')!' aonre. Ouitbe impoMd 19011 V Hlllir tutes, sad imitatioiia. Got "fv^manT aadaootiur. Mails now leave London daily direct for Constantinople by the new internstional railway route from Paris to that city. Her Fault. If she is made miserable by day and tleepless at night, by neivous headache, pains in the back, easily grieved, vexed or nade tired, or is suffering from any of those wasting functional disorders peculiar to women, such as prolapsus, ulceration, leucorrhea, morning sickness, or weakness cf the etomach, c., a britf self- treatment with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pr scription will convince her ot the folly of enduring misery that can be so easily, pleasantly and radi- cally cured. Druggists. In the Philippine village of Antique the onily white men were a priest and a Spanish planter. One day the native inhabitants decided to kill the priest, and attacked his hoase. The planter took a rifle and fifty cartridges, and went to the priest's defence. He used up all his cartridges, and made every one kill a man. Then the natives, terror stricken at the slaughter, fled, leaving their fifty dead on the ground. Little, "but Enough," as Mercutio said of his wound. We refer to Dr. Pierce's little Pellets, which are small, swift, and sure, in cases of sick headache, biliousness, constipation, and indigestion. A faith cure church has just been built at Jersey City. According to a recent census, Portland, Ore., has a population of 42,000. Harvest Excursions. The Chicago North-Westem Railway Company announces a series of harvest ex- cursions to points, in Iowa, Minnesota, Dakota and Nebraska, for which tickets will be sold, September 11th, September 25th, October 9th, and October 23rd, at the rate of one fare for the round trip. These excur- sions will afford exceptional opportunities for personal inspection of the productive country reached by the Chicago North- Westem Railway lines. For full informa- tion address £. P. Wilson, General Passen- ger Agent, Chicago. Oscar Wilde has cut off his ringlets and covered his calves. GoffNoMore. Watson's cough drops are the best in the world for the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. T. W. are stamped on each drop. Chinese are not wanted in America, and will be finally excluded. Consumption Guraole. Since the fact that consumption is both preventable, and in its earliest stage cura- ble, it has lost much of its terror. If the first symptoms are at once recognized, and the proper remedy applied, very few. If any one, need die of consumption, wbich is really lung-scrofula. Like many other diseases tills formidable one grows out of impure blood, and this, in turn, from a diseasea liv- er. Hence, we have the hankfaig cougb, the pains in chsstf the inflamed lungs, and all the' symptoms' of liastulng oonsnmptiDo, all tiie result of depraved Uood aad a dis ea sed ttver. The use ei Dr. Piscoe'aGoldsn Medi- cal DiNoir«7 iriU^RSS* aU«iioJh symptoBML lestoio the Vmm to healtiiy aotioDt «^ send JKlnamsoiiaifUbbafaito every organ.' Of dromuilAr ' ' A oSiasii iof WdaUdM^ 6a., bM c»re- vkBKlMii fattacUUraM- from of tobbas; ofttalw I anblqai 4ftnUify camuii btail.iMd iHSSsCSiuiabtfinH ttaver. Menâ€" yomiK, oU ot â- wiM art bnkeo down from any at above oaoMs, at any oaosa notwieatioiud tAem,mmi your addraai and 10 cents In staoqM tor Labon^ Xnattse, in book foim, of Vmate* of Mmm. Books •nt Maled and secufe bom obMrvatlaa. addieas H. V. LoBos. 47 WeUlvton straet EmL Totoato, Ont. The United States Senate Committee's Tariff bill has been finished, and if paaied it is calculated it will reduce the revenue by about sixty- five million dollars. Harrest ExcursioH to Minwotat Dako-ta and Montana. First class. acconi modation. Tickets good for 30 days, in- cluding stop over privileges of 10 days going and 5 days returning, on the following dates Tuesday, Sept 25 Tuesday, Oct 9 and Tuesday, Got 23. For free maps, books and all particulars, address J. M. Httckins, Trav. Pass. Agent, Palmer House Block, Toronto F. L Whithbt, Genl Passenger and Ticket Agent J. Book- WAiiTXB, Land Commissioner. F. Strecker, of Reading, Pa., has collected over 800 boxes of butterflies. ITCHnrO FILEB. SntFwiis â€" Moisture intuisaltchinir and sUnglng mort at ajjfht worse by scratching. If allowed to oontiiiae tumors form, which often bleed and ulcer- ate, beooming veiy sore. Swathb's OnmasT stop* the itching and bleeding;, heals nloeration, and Is many cMes removes the tumours. It is eqnaUy eIR oaoious in carinjr aU Skin Diseases. DR. 3WATNI kSON, Proprietors, Philadelphia. Swaths's Oar- mnrr can be obtained of druggists. Sent by mail tor 60 cents. A.P. 418 A.,.«.J»?v .^., PATEWTS (.rocn rel. Patent Attarnevs and experts. E^d 1867. noaaldC. Btdoat Co., Torente. KNI1TinU«eei«?tow^4^t!. MACHINES CARMQ "®* »AM.K or KENT. All Sizes, rAillllO Kinds and PRicsa. Rome special banrains. H. S. MITCHELL. Drayton, Out. MONEY ^-"^^ f TO IOAN on Farms. Lowest Rates Correspondence solicited BITTLEIt, Financial Ag%. BsttMished 1860. 72 King St. E., Toronto. t\ r r I A'^x*'ti' WALT HAM SILVER L 1/ L L I WATCH, alao SINGER SEWIHG r ri I r I MACHINE. For particulars ad- I I I La !â-  â-  dress, C. W. DENNIS, 6 Arcade. Yonge St., Toronto. SELF-THREADING NEEDLES/ SRBATBST Novelty Outl Instantly threaded vrithotu passidg thread through the eye. Agents coin mOney seliingthem. Sample packet by mail 15c., dozen packets $1.00. Wtalton Bfannfactnrliuc Co.. Toronto. Oat. ^6 mHE DANDY" PATENT BAGHOLDER, \_ which every farmer wants now, costs on y 75 cts., and if there is no local agent, may be obtained (free hy express or mail), oa sending price to C. W. ALLEN ft CO., World Buildtng, Toronto. TUMORS, ULCERS, tCROFULA etc., cured permanently without l|tbe knife. Apply to DR. W. L. SMITH, 12* Queen St. E.. Toronta GANGER. MnUCV Agents send for our niastrated mUlCT. Cdialogae. Address, TBIIUIPH SELF WBIHrCMBIC; nUP Co., Toronto, Ont. OAUnCC Send for 111. Catalogue. uAnUCO. WM, E!IIGUSH, Feterboro, Oat. ONTARIO YETERINaRY COLLW3E â€" OVER five hundred tudents in succi'ssf ul practice fees fitty cel'ar-parsea-ion session 188-S-9 begins October 20th. Principal, Prcf SMITH. Y. S., Toronto IJELPH BVSI«E8» It'OLLKfiE, Cioelph Ont.â€" The| Fifth Scholastic Year began Sept- lat. The system of edr.cation pursued is at enoe m tellectual and eminently practical, meeting in a very marked degree the requirements of this progressive and eomoiercial age. Few, if any, of the graduates, according to the showing of past results, need be long unemployed. To mention their training school is, as a rule, a passport to eligible and lucrative situations. Address, M. MacCORMICK, PrincipaL Young Men SUFFERING from the effects of early evil habits, the result of ignorance and folly, who find themselve weak, nervous and exhausted alao Middls-Aoid and Old Mbn who are broken down from the affects ot abuse or over work, aad in alvanced life feel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and read M. V. Lubon's Treatise on the Oiteisea of Hen. The book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt ot two 3o. 4tampa. Address, M. V. LU30N. Welliazton St. R., Toronto. Ont Glass FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. M'GUSLAND SON, Y6 King St. W., Toronto. WHY YOU SHOULD USE SCOTT'S EM1TLSION or COD XIV 13R OUt^^rxm HYP0PH08PHITES. It is Palatable as IGlk. It is three times as efficacious as plain Cod Liver Oil. It is far superior to all other so- called Emuldons. It is a perfect Emulsion, does not separate or change. It is wonderfal as a flesh producer. It is the best remedy for Consump- tion, Sorofala, Bronchitis, Wast- ing Diseases, Chronic Cough and Colds. Sold try tM Iiruggtst»,BOe. and $1.00. .^STON-Sf tUlO Bf^. O- C0KTA1SS£V£RY ELEMENT OF Av PERFECT FOOD ' ITS PfC-„Li=! â- jSl W,L' 3'^ii.P .Jp j V- STRONG ROBUST CONSTITUUCsM MBS DARTS TRIPLETS, President aereland's Prise fbr tbe tbiee beat babies at the Aurora Connty Fair, In VSBl, was ijsea, to these triplets, MolUe, Ida and Bay. dmdieiiof.lpt. A.K. Dait, Hambmsh, N. Y. S« writes: "Last August the little ones became jm sipac, and as I could get no other food that iMudac^istth them.! commepced the use of Lactated Food. It helped them immediately, and they were soon as well as ever, and I con- aider it very largely dae to the Food that they JKK now so well." CMnilphalo.qftlie*etripleUmUfireetothe»oOnr vf any babtr oam (M* year Lactated Food Zi the best Food fbr botUe-fM babies. It keepc them well,, and is better than medidno when they are sick. THE MOST PALATABLE, NUTRITIOUS, and DIGESTIBLE FOOD. EASILY PREPAB^X At Druggists, 25c., SOc., SI.OO. Thb Best and Most Economical Food, WO Meals for an In fant for tl.OO« .i^rAvalnable pamphlet on "TheNntritloa Of Infants andlnyalids," free on appUcatian. r VELIS. RICHARDSON iCO DONTREAL. P.Q. WESTEKN MAGKINERY DEPOT I FUENSE STOCK of Machinery to select tron. Send for Lists. H. W. PETRI R,Brantford, Ont, U p. DAVIES. â-  la Successor to Chas. Bobiitsok Go BICYCLES, VELOCIPEDES. ETC. â€"SEND TO- SS CHrRCH ST., TORONTO, for lifet of second hand machines at greatl y reduced prices. â€"PATENTEDâ€" J. J. TAYLOR, AND VAULT DOORS, ETC Q A pCQ Toronto Safe Works. Vil I !â-  W SPORTING. GOODS. The Cheapest House ih Canada for Oans, ilifles. Cartridges, Fishing Tackle, Base Balls Goods and Sportsmen's Sup- plies of every kind. OXJI* BIO- OE'E'EBs On receipt ot $12.0, we will express to anv address a DOUBLE-BRREL BRBhCH -LOADING SHOT GUN, with fine Laminated Steel Barrels, oiled stock, a good gun for country usa. Atid for iS.OG will ship to anyE^dressa 22 oal. RIFLE that \rill shoot accurate tor 100 feet. W. M'DOWALL CO., 51 KING ST. L TORONTO. Nervous Debility. DR. OBATS Specific has been used for the mi fltteen years, with great success, in the treatment of nervous debility, and all di8ea..e3 arising from ex- oesses, over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing in tbe ears, palpitation, etc. For sale by all druggists Price, 91 per box, or 6 boxes for or will be se it b mail on receipt of price. Pamphlet on »pp{louii{aD THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., losonBe CHOKE FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS OF MANITOBA. PARTIES wishing to purchase improved Maoitobt Farms, from 80 acres upwards, with imraediatt possession, call or write to G. I. M IVLSOX, Mo- Arthur's Block, Miin St., Winnipisg. InformatiOD furniahed free of charge, and settlers- assisted is making selection. Honst to Loab at current rates o intereet WOOLS AND FANCY GOODS AT WHOLESALE PRICEii. BERLIN, SHETL.\ND AND ANDALUSIAN WOOLS, in all colors, at 8c ptr oz Saxonv, Irieecy and Ice Wools, ail c- 1 rs. 10c per os. Em- broidery Silks lOc par doz. 6kei..s. American Arra- seoe, all colors, 303 per doz. English Arrasen^, large skeins, 8c per skein Felt, best quality, i y1s. wide, (1 00 per yd. Plu^n Pompons, all colors from 25a per doz. St%u ped Tilys, aU frioged, 2c each Stamped Toilet Sets, 5 pieces, 35o per set Coistant- ly on hand f.-ll assortment of! materials for ladies' fancy work L«tt«r o ders leceive prompt and careful attent'on and goods c«n be ten: by post to any pari of Canada. Please write for price list. H ENRY DAVIS, Iireot Importer, 232 Tonge St., Toronto. CANADA PBBMAHBRT LopSiSainiissfloiBpany flead Offlos Toroato St., Timontq Paid r» Capital Total Aaaeu The anlaivea eaidtal aad (eaoaioea ol Ola Oampany, tegether with the iitcnaaad taoUItiea it haa iwMnUy acquired for supplylBic land ownen wiUi cheap money, •aable the Uiieeton to maat wtlh promptneas aodaa the lowest current rats ot intuasi all reqoirementi tor loans upon satisfactory nal estate secortty. Application ma; be made i|o either of the Oompaar^ raMOiOrto loea BBBTV ASON. Kaaax'K. Direotor. Toroato. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS! Dont wait until voo are burnt ont or robbed Bay a Safe now aad sleep easy, and be sora Slid g. t prioes, eta, ot the NewCbami^ooSate. S. S. KIMBALL. 577 Craig St., P.O. BJX M5, MuNTREAL.P.(). LeatherBelting BEST VALX7E IN THE DOMINION. F.E.DIXON C0, MAKERS. 70 iaNC ST. E, TORONTO Send for Price Li'tsand Discounts. AGENTS WANTED. THE BEAUTIFUL STORY or^ Goldea Oeaaa ot KeUclaaa Thoaclit. By J. W. BiTBL, assisted by T. DsWrrr Talmaoi, D.O. Write for Ci'culars and Terms, WILLIAM BBIOOS. Publisher, Toronto. TORONTO COLLEGE OF MUSIC, I \^ 14 Pembroke St. Opens Monday, Sept. 17. Announcement now ready and will be sent tree on appUoatioa. F. H. TORBINGTON, Director. Allan Line Royal laQ SteamsMpi Sailing during winter from Portland everyThnrsday and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in sum. mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londonderry to land mails and passengers toi Scotland tnd Ireland also from Baltimore, via Hall- fax and St. John's, N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Olas- fow lines sail during winter to and from Halifax, Ortland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during sum mer between Glasgow aud Montreal weekly OImkow and Boston weeuy, and Glasgow and Phuadelpliia fortnightly. For freight, passage or other information apply A. Sohumaoher tt Co., Baltimore S. Cunard s Oo. Halifax Shea l Co., St. John's, Nfld.; Wm. Thomp san ft Oc., St. John, N. B.; Allen 4i Co., Chicago Love k Alden, New York; H. Bourller, Toronto; Allans, Rae k Co., Quebec Wm. B rookie, Philade- phia H. A Allen Portland Boston. Montreal. OKOXrO ClITTlNfi HVHoOli.â€" GenUcmen' deiirous of acquiring a thorough knowledge of garment cutting Hbauldf viait us. Scientific and reliable syatjmj taught whereiy perfect fitting gar- ments are produced. Circular with full information on applicitiox S. CORRIGAN, Prop., 122 Yonge St., Toronto. WMeyRoyceGo., 883 Tonse Street,; Toroato. The Cheapest Plaoe ia Cuiadafor BAND INSTRUMdITS: New and Second -nabd Agents tor "BE.S80N and ••high AM Band and Orchestt MUSIC. Repairing of Band la struments a specialty. Send for CataloKOO. 10000 i'iii:oi:hlS TO riK.-T AiTi.yrcG, while thev iast- W'c will .send bv mail an ap- propiiiliarift to cp.cli maiden, wiio, ni'ither cr cook- -one to tT'\*. t' -^ f.:ii'.ilv â€" who will try the '^M0- '".Rr.-iDWJAKiR" Bakinu Powdeb C".i Hie red circle from the 'ill" 1 iuul Fcnd it in a letter horot opinion after EiliieraS, 10or25 cci.t fizc \vill secure the grift. Any frroccr or storekeeper lrio\vs where to j^etitif asked for bv yon. â€" Addressâ€" cnurccuiLL co-.toeosto WEBSTER MOO more Words and nearly 2000 more Illnstra* tions than any other American Dictionary. WEB8TER IS THE STANDABD Authority in the Gov't Printing Office, and with toe B. S. Supreme Court. It is recommended by the State Sup'U Of Schools in 36 SUtes, and by leading C ollege Pres'ts of U. 8. and Canada. It is an invalnable companion in every School and at every Fireside. Bold by all Booksellers. Pamphlet fi«e. •.* CMERRIAM CO., Pab'r^SpringiSeld, Masa, AV4D PROVE IT TO BE ^rVt GR£^^ STRENC,-^^ ^^M We manufacture tbe Largest Tarlety of i FENCES, CRESTIMC, BUILDER'S IRON WORK, H4fH CTABLE FiniHCS, ^^ OFFICE RAILINGS, ETC., of any hooae in the Dominion. CATALCCUESFREE T9S BANUM WnUB AND IRON WOBKS^ WINDSOR, ONT. «f .tlMi,|||imaoh, Bowe f It may! I I 1 •' :;•-? ••'it ii' â-  f !: ij t-J â- â- * '^-.: Ibr a oaM they will not « m m- â- X: Li^ :^? rflK, fe?2^

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