?g-^' r' i^Z Pl^e the krds •••^i. m stock evAP fooi s I I *P'3. 'Squares P.^ hilars. Ladies^jl^ VER COATS r I '"' â- ^^^«^. Ties, 'ORE. [with each pound. a*t |your cow ties and ro^ •A 'Of your towDv-li»^ia 9 and EBoney. XE "!^ Sboes for cash, business has mct^t^ ny customers for thor les, Skins and all kinOs lERS, irv. BBOWH, K8«. i eontractor W. O. Guthrie, pkatnar knd gro^n is one of oar longest estab- artistic finisher B. fi. Clonents, ttilor W. „i most re^^pected citizens. He hfts Stoddart. tailor Moffat it Soua, foundry and „^etl in geueral merchandise lA our j stove manufaotmert J. Artley, wind mill ;^r ever twenty years, and has daring manofactnrer J. I. Qoitm. pomp maker Vod l'^*" prominent, if not a lead j Armstrong Bros., saw and planing mills, f :n every movement for the pro- cheese box and fruit crate mannlactnrers ,f ;hf plac« ' improvement of the Eitchie. wool factory; A. Boyd, wearer; A. la ration of the ueople â€" indeed he Plewes, Victor roller mills; J, W. Ford, ffi him~elf the most selC-saorificinK j Markdale roll, r mills; W.J. Bowa, stone '[.. -.izeu in furthering any scheme for floor and saw mills Thos. MoNea, planmg ^j_.5r of the place. He holds the follow- mill, sash, door and window blind factory .,;pna=iile positions, via: Justice of H. B. McCav, tanner; W.J.Boyd, cooper; I-urer of Marriage Licenses, J. J. MoEinnon, harness shop B. B. Carrie, Lendtr, Conveyancer, Clerk of the e^g merchant H. Hamilton, boarding hoose; r;^i; Court, Councillor, Ac, Ac. j Mr. Wilson, boarding house Wm. Jackson, implement ugeut J. Artley, implement agent Mathews' livery stable â- Irwin Co's livery; P. MaCollongh. lawyer J. J Irwiu, Tctermary surKeoo T. S. Sproole, M. D., M. P. C. A. McBride. M.D. English, Pres- byterian and Methodist chnrches and last but not least is the Staxdabd newspaper and job printing establishment. Every family within ten mUes of Markdale should be a subscriber. [hi-' iri J. w. sraotTLB. |j[ark!iale's {)opalat and ably conduct- ruiturc and andett^dn); business, [Jied on by Mr. J. W. Sprooie, should .be oQjitted from this review. It ':;d=; tlie .Standakd plsaaore in review- the business interests of tha town, 'â- '.^i able to note the success which â- attcuded Mr. Sproule's efforts and ivantajies be iwsesses in supply- EJie public with anytliing in his line. Sproule cstabhshed about a year having purchased the business of Askiu aud also that of Messrs. liIen^aQ iv Hamilton and since his ac- â- sitiiui of it the town has enjoyed the [raruifies of a good furniture store. deserved popularity it has acquired been f^ecured by a careful study of I n;ii;ts of the people, by handling a tcrior line of goods and tiie fair deal- rfcr vrliich he is well known. -4n in- Bticu of Mr. Sproule's warerooms convince that he is able to supply iffauts of the public according to the ste anii lueans of all. The stock con- f all kinds of household furniture, nor and bedroom setts, centre and Ueiisiuu tables, sideboards, lounges, jrii;^' beds and mattresses, c. The |;ock r.lso includes a fine selection of cell lines as Aviudow blinds and poles, [xtnics aud picture framing, sewing caclu'.e-, notably the celebrated new HiliiDiib aud all kinds of musical instru- Muts. \\\\ one requiring house furn- sliiiif," of any kind will consult their f:â„¢ ii.tcrcst by insiiectine this stock. jjipcifd attention is given to the uuder- akini; lusiuess. being equipped with a 111. uise. funeral supplies of all kinds, ISC, NOTE AND COMMENT. Thanksgiving â€"Nov. 15 will be Day for the Dominion. â€" Mr. R. S. White was elected iii Cardwell kbt Wednesday, 8d inst., by a majoritv of 112. â€" Tbe U. S. Tariff Bill provides for a reduction in the revenue of about $75,000,000. â€" The contract between the Mani- toba Government and the Northern Pacific was proclaimed, the new com- pany organised aud the Bed River Valley roflj taken over last Wednes- day, 3d inst. FlesHerton. 'S, )AKB, USED iSTERS 'DBRS N SALE IP- SSTATE rarkdala,on '^â- "' the soDt^ half » count, V ^^'JT m MoKj^n'" fjf ther perlpato* W linie, Wft»«W^P^ sen. TH% »8ia,i J. HAMILTON. Maikdales popular and well condufct- iph:o,L.'raphic business, carried on by Sir. J. lianiilton, should net be omitted Itom this review. Mr. Hamilton has ieen established about four j'ears with ::ie most satisfactory results. The jiAXDAi::., in reviewing the town, is leased to uote. the success which has itteudeil Mr. Hamilton's efforts. The Jeserved popularity the business has icquircd has been secured by a careful itteuti u to business aud by turning out i suit 1 ior class of work. Mr. Hamilton icjovs the advantages of thorough praetioal experience and is a photo- craplur of more than ordinary abiUty. il kinds of photoj^raphic work is done :rom an ordinary portrait to the most degaiit cabinet. He also makes a pccialty of enlarging under the differ- tut ]irocesses. The studio is handsomely died up with all the latest appUances, -De sceuerj-, c. Wll. LCCAS CO. The banking institution by Mr Wm Lucas, managtr is estabbshed about nine years and iias proved a great convenience to the com- mnuitj-. The business has been ably con- iueted on strict banking business principles, Ttiile tbe amiable and gentlemanly deport- ment of the Manager, and superior business 'act and courtesy of his right-hand man and assistant, Mr. Young, has won the confidence iaJ liigh respect of the community at large, tod tnaa built up an extensive and constant- ly growing business. Mr. Lucas was chosen »j a mf-mber of the first council of our in- corpuiated village. S. BBKADNEB. A rcc€ut acquisition to our business iatercats, is the jewelery store of Mr. S*- Brtadner who has jnst estabUshed. The Standard has pleasure in introduc- iug to oiu: numerous readers this new business and we predict for Mr Breadner I'l iarj,o share of success. He is a young and enterprising business man of large txpeiiLuce in his line and, judging from tlie start tLat has been made, will soon deveiciva satisfactory trade. He has l»ui in an excellent stock of goods, con- sisting of everything usually carried in a je^veIery store, as gold and silver watches, clocks of great variety, and jewelery of all descriptions, as ladies' ^old and colored setts, rings, chains, ^banus, brooches. Ac, spectacles, silver- ware, kc. Repairing and engraving is promptly attended to, and our readers will consult their own interest by giving liim a call. Our gpace will not permit giving as estend- M a notice of each business m town they Reserve, so we will have to be content with a passing mention. We have in the hotel Business, J, £, Harsh, Markdale House -, Thos. Jennings, Beyere House; J, Kelly, City Hotel th^n John McKenna, Joseph I^imb, John Noble and W. M. Bash, black- faiths K. McJiaUy, carriage maker M. Sartindale, Loqt «fe shoe stwre; J. S. Halliert ao'l Alex. Kay, boot ahoe makers J. E. Sproule. grocery and proviaiQn F. Sarjespt, Qtcher; J, Henry, agent for sewing mimliiiya ^d lausic^ instruments; Q. S. Bowes, ^Qvevancer and general laqd agent M^ ^orch, gehneral faney goo4s Store f. ^ke, baker; J. G. Biahards, boilder and ^iitractor: 4. Fogerty.stcnc! msaom, p]aste|«r *Qi contractor I. L Btiqsoq. UidMsTsr aii4 Standard Correspondence. Monday last, monthly fair day here, waa a busy day on the fair grouud. There were a large number of horned cattle on the market oyer 60 head cljauged hands, representing over one thousand dollars. Stock appeared in very good condition. Prices ran low. Messrs. Climo Co., late of Strat lord, came to this village a few months ago and opened out in general busi- ness, having grown tired of the same, decided to close out here and go east, to this end sold by auction on fair day their household furniture and stock what they could dispose of. This season's harvesting being much later than last year, gram has been later in being marketed, but now be- ginning to move freely and at fairly good prices. We notice Messrs. M. Richardson Co. again to the front on this market and ready to buy all kinds of produce. The second anniversary 8«rviceB of the Baptist church wilI(D.V.) be held in the Baptist chapel here next Sab- bath. Preaching morning and even- ing by the Kev. Mr. McGregor, D.D., ot McMaster Hall, Toronto. The Rev. J. W. Orr. of Mono Mills, occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church here very acceptably Sabbath last. The Rey. J. Mills, of Sunder- land, will occupy the same pulpit Sabbath afternoon uoxt. w. ]. mmm IS NOT BRAGSING when he says that he is showing the Finest, Fullest Nobbiest and Cheapest stock of BBY GOODS, CLOTHING, MIIililNEEY, BOOTS SHOES, GBOCERIES, â- â- : HATS, CAPS, FUBS, CARPETS and CLOTHING NORTH OF TORONTO Put his claims to the test when next in town by comparing quality, quantity prices and w^e know you will ^ive your verdict in favor of The following unsolicited letter from a gentle.* man who has made and handled thousands of stoves, and w^ho, at present, has a stock of the best Hamilton and Toronto makes, will show that we mean w^hat we say, viz., that our Stoves ajid ranges are equal in material, design and finish to the best Canadian makes, ajid are also heavier, in every w^ay suitable for all marets: Wm^t Sirs^ â€" t^ received the Stove you sent rrie and nbust say it is ^rs^=elassy oSkcwe no better in my shop, ^ou need not le (v/rtUd to send your travellers into the eity of S^oronto^you eon compete tuith amy of th^em^. Sl^ot only is the stove well pro^ vortiffned and heavy wher:: the stove requires to le heavy^ lut it is yood ^late and well /Itted. t^ oive you credit for yettiny ut a yood article. have leen forty years amony stoves/ have moulded and mounted thousands of t hern and consider my- self o^ Judy e. Scours respectfully^ Andrew tSMc^ill McFARLAND Do you want ft comfortable Mantle or Jacket McFariand can please you with lovely new goods, low prices. Do you want a nice fashionable Dress McFarland can please you. Some lovely goods just opfired out in all the new shades from 10 cents up to $15.00 the Dress pattern. Do you want a Nobby Suit Mo- Farland's is the place to leave your order; new Scotch, English and Can- adian Suitings. Do you want a warm, strongs well- made Overcoat at a modete price Go to McFailand's Clothing Boom add find hundreds to select from prices right. M a r k d a 1 E FACTORY Having erected and fitted up m every detail a Sash, Door and Flam tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, every bemg new» I Am now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Hollow Battons, FMHES, UTH. FENGE PICKETS. c.. And everything needed in the building trade-in a manner second ti m le Canada, and baying engaged superfor mechanics m every depart um would now respectiuUy solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes,^ on band. Plain and Fancy Turning done. Carefui Attention to Ordes from a Distance. 803 THOS. Ic?P^E^^. Berk«l«]r. Standard Correspondence. Socials. â€" Two socials were held in the Presbyterian church last week, both of which were well attended. An interesting programme was presented each evening. The Berkeley choir, assisted by the IfoUand. Centre choir, rendered several pieces very acceptab- ly. The usual pelting of provisibas around the room by small (?) boys prevailed. Proceeds $25. The Harvest Home service was held in the Berkeley English church last Sunday. The church was neatly and tastefully decorated with evergreens, fruits, grains and flowers. The Mark- dale choir assisted at the service. Mrs. J. J. Stephens has been visit- ing her son, Mr. P. J. Stephens. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are visibng their daughter, Mrs. J. Lund. Miss E. Hadwen is visiting at Mrs. Wm. Sargent's. Now that the fall rams and winter snows liaTe commenced the people of Berkeley are h^;inuing to growl at the cow-sbed the C. P. B. are pleased to call a station. Certainly it is a very "coal"afeir. Fall aiu ier a^o-T7:r oo3i^/^x=»3L Do you want a fine or coarse pair of Boots, Rubbers or Overshoes Mc- Farland has the largest stock in town to select from. Do you want Gloves, Hosiery, Wool Shawls, Trimmings Under Clothings McFarland has them at bottom figures. Coal Oil was first used for lifting purposes in 1826. McFarland, has received 60 barrels. No. 1, No. 1, No. 1, No. 3. Cheajj Cheap Cheap 1 -AT THE- Doyou want Grey Flannel. Bine Flannel, Fancy Flannel. Blankets, White or 5arletFlannel? McFarUoad has them at manufacturers prices. FallWh»«t... ti 03to 11 10 SpringWheat 102to 103 Barley... 60to Oats. 80to Peate 6B to Batter l«*o £ffff8 ...•.•.•.•*.'...•*•••â- * ^^ *^ Potatoes, per bag 35 to H^...... 9 00 to 10 00 Omoas, per VvM- •••••••• Kto. liS TTidM..... .«..••••••««••••• OOto i SO (ibflv 8kios...«tk*o.f«Vv' 804»' CO •^»i. Need X advise you to get your Tea at McFarland's all sensible people do, or Hit least all those who enj^ a good, weU-fiavored, strong Tea do. McFarland sells more Tea than »Qy two stores in the County, and -vfaj Because he sellc nothing but a pitre, unadulterated article at s very low price. When in Markdale eail on fiie oldest. largest and ^eftpe8t storaio tiwu and that is MefViriaod'^. W, J. McPajpiaBt4r TORONTO HOUSE, ifMAR^ A full range latest styles ot fashionable Dresa goodd. in stripes, checks and combination, from 10 cents up. Black aud colored cashmeres, great variety, from 25 cents to 75 ceuts best values in town. Coat aud Mantie Cloths, cheap, stylish and popular. In Tweeds^ gents' furnishings, Huts and caps, stock complete and varied and prices which, must corainanJ at- traction. In Reauy-made Clothing we offer men's suits fi-ona $5.00 up which, for style and quality, cannot be excelled^ Everything in the Boot and Shoe line from the heavy stoga to the finest Ladies* kid In these goods our home manufacture always take the lead^ Having adopted the cash system we hops to convince customers that it piQW to do business with us, where solyeot man is not required to carry the ^^larne ducks." INSPECTION AND COMPARISON SOLICITJWB. WM. BROWN. J HAMILTON, •«*â- â€" THE PEOPLE'S PHOTOGAPHER. â- = â€" râ€" la toxxoiigQut Photos all: pisses eqi^al to Oi^^ VMk. Goffias Xid ei^iMsing a apeeiaU^. 'Also i^totare framing dnno vcij^j^ ji«itBe8*,nid ^mteh. • "" ' ^en ooine awa, boUi^ oh! and yoang, =* ^*- JM»dfinnalD»e%i*tii!?»/ r.i t e f J â- ? I :-;;??-." fe^li^ta: ^â- k â- :*;â- â- *" -.lj.