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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Oct 1888, p. 4

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 â- -^J^f t-;*,'?^' ^:^1S^' ^â- ^ M I |4 if "t**^^^"' ♦â-  /^ IM r ' i • MfeiMMl _L^_il. C. "W. Butlpdge, Proprietor. MAKKDALE, OCT. 11, 1888. MAEKDALE. An individual with common SMise "and ordinary intelligence will not de- spise others becaofie they are^ot of his family, or act uncharitable towards those of another sect or csreed neither should a town envy its prosperous neighbors, yet, it is not only a privi- lege, but a duty, to respect, defend And support one's own iamily, church or town in preference to all others. That Markdale is a proeperons, -enterprising busmess centre goes with- out saying. Its growth has not been of the mushroom nature,- yet steady advancement and substantial progvess has marked its history throughout. From "the comers" with a little gen- eral store by W. J. McFarland, then but a lad, with a few hundred dollars capital, and Bowers' tavern, kept m a small log house; a blacksmith ahop bjr' George Walker and the post-office (then. East Glenelg), kept by the late Mrs. Atkinson, in a small log ^shanty; ve now have broad streets lined with brick blocks of mercantile and other establishments, steam grain elevators and manufacturipg industries, tower- ing churches and palatial private resi- dences, all abreast with the last age in which we live; then the great 0. P. railway at oar door and competing lines of telegraph to the outside world. When we consider the vast change which has taken ^lace in a few years we cannot but conclude that weiiye in an age of rapid progress. Markdale has a fine agricultural district from which to draw a trade, and being pro- verbial for its good markets the trade of the surrounding country naturally flows into it. The keen competition and general snap and enterprise of our merchants and grain buyers renders our market a lively and often exciting scene during fall and winter months. Manufacturing interests are being de- veloped and already a yaluable out- put is yearly exported in various lines. Educational interests are here apace with the progressive age, while church mterests are well maintained. A more healthful place or more sociable people cannot be found, and altogether Markdale is worthy its good repu- tation. Following is n general review of the business S. HiU, ffei^nd merchant. fThifftiffli- nessis.too well and favoraMy kao^ over the sonroanding coofttry to reqiiirtt any extended .-iiiaition. Established over 16 yearaago, during- the Icmg period it has been identified with the mercan- tile Jaterests of Maxkdaleat has exerted a marked influence 'in btimnlatuig the â-¼olome of bosineBsand in drawing trade totbe^wn. Until 18d7 the bnsiness was conducted by Messrs. Hill Bros, since which time it has been carried on by Mr, S, HiU. The srowth «f our mercantile interests and the supremacy Markdade has aolbieved oyer its riv^s is duetto the enterprise and bnaineas worth of our merchanto among whom the sud- ject of cor sketch occupies a prominent place. The history of this business is as satidactory as it is long. The de- served popularity it has acquired lias been seeurod by a careful study tf the wants of the people, by handling a sa- perior class of goods and bvi«ir dealing for which it is well known. Our readers are too familiar with the commodious establishnient and the excellent ditfplay of ^oods to needany detailed descriptisa here. We caaat^ however, refrua from nog the -fine interior appearance of the store, the c^lendid system and -order obsOTved. £a(Ui and every department is full -and complete. Want of space iwili not jj^imt a reference to them idl miButelv-. Staple and fataej dry goods, dress and mantie goods, miUinery gloves hodery, tweeds, worsteds. c^ bats caps, gents' foniisfaing carpets uid house fnrnlshingH, ready -jnade clotfaaag, grocedes, indnding cro^ery, ^aas, Chinawares, c., and boote shoes. Mr. Hill isiikio.agrain-merchant, buy- ing each season largely from the fann- ers for shipment, for which he has a fine stoam eleyator, c After the vil- lage Incoiporaiion he was elected one o f the first councallors. IB wdil known. Onb of the Asaential features a cbrof bnsiness is the knowfedge to discrinunato in pore dmgs. Eye^ ingredioDt whkdi entus the compoaition of drass here is sub- jected to the most carerol examination before using. The stock consists of pure drugs of all kinds, druggists' sundries, the leading patent medicines, Ac., a select liiie of books, school, snpfdies, c., fancy goods of all kinds, c. Mr. Stephen «njoys the adyantt^es of lout; and practical-experience and is a chem- ist «nd druggist of more tiian ordinary Abiiity, His business well deserves its large trade. B. fi. BENSON, Irishman, nnd 1 18 an m W. J. m'faeland. Our readers, and especially those wJio numbered among the numerous customers of Mr. W. J. McFarland's general store, will appreciate the Stand- abd's reference to this popular and pro- gressive business. First, we may say that 3Iarkdaleis fortunate in the possession of a husineas of the capacity and influence of this one. In it we may say that the citizens of Markdale and people of the surrounding country have all the advantages offered }^„*^, lay similar establishmenis in the cities. "" The business has been established over a quarter of a century and during the long period it has been identified with has exerted a marked influence in stim- ulating the volume of business and in drawing trade to the town. From its inception the bnsiness has been a pro- gressive one. Step by step it has widened its trade and increased its facilities until it has reached its present proportions. 'The deserved popularity the business has acquired has been secured by a care- ful tudy of the wants of the people, by handling a superior class of goods and by the fair dealing for which it is well known. The conmiodious brick estab- lishment and the excellent display of goods are too familiar to our readers to require any ex+ended mention. We cannot refrain, however, from referring to the fine exterior appearance present- ed, the splendid order and system ob- seryed. Each and every department is HASKSTT BBOS- A business review of Markdale, with- out reference to its popular and enter- prising hardware, stoves and tinware business, carried on by Messrs. Haskett Bros., would be very incomplete. This bnsiness is too well and favorably known over the surrounding country to require any extended mention. Messrs. Haskett Bros, have been established upwards of 20 years and during the long period the business has been identified with tho mercantile interests of Mark- dale it has done a large and increasing trade. The deserv^ popularity the business has acquired has been secured by a careful study of the wants of the people, by handHnga superior line of goods and the fair dealing for which it is well known. The firm have devoted their eneroiea to meet the wants of the public in their line,and their well stocked store and large trade show how they have succeeded. We may say that the town is f ortnnate in the possession of a business such as this one. In this Imsi- ' ness the people of MarkdaJe and of the surrounding country have all the advan- tages offered in the cities. The stock carried is an excellent one. In the stoves department is a full line of coal and wood stoves of the best makes. House furnishings of all kinds in tin, iron and copper wares, c. The hard- ward department embraces a full line of shelf goods, builders supphes and tools, c.. also paints, oils, glass, nails, wire, c. Special attention is given to jobbing in all its branches, as furnace work, hot air heating, eavetroughii^ c. The business well deserves its large trade. B. S. KB. In reviewing the mercantile interests of the town, the merchant tailoring line represented by the progressive business of Mr. R S. Bae will occupy a prominent We may first say that there is no line of business in our enterprising town kept in a more advanced condition than the merchant tailfflring branch Siud furthermore we have no hesitation in the mercantile mterests of the town it r*^°« 1^** }^^^ " *°® ' ^^^ e8* eqmpped and most ably conducted merchant tailoring businesses in North- ern Ontario. Mr. Bae has deyotedhis energies to meeting the wants of the public in his hues and his well stocked store and large trade show how he has succeeded. The deseryed popularity the buMness has acquired is the result of a careful study^f the wants of the people, by handling a superior class of goods, first-class work and the fair deal- ing for which the bnsiness is well known. He enjoys the advantages of long and practical experience and is a cutter of more than ordinary abihty. Our readers are too familiar with his fine establish- ment and well equipped stock to need Miy description. .^ mspection of his well assorted stock will convince that he is able to. supply the wants of custom \ni80 BmMon, sr, when QODuuenoing buaineas in Markdals -the giocety and Uqnor line, called his estab. lishoMBt tiiie •â- Belfast Boose." Mr. Benson's liie WM«n eventful one at teait any per- eMi wbo has read "The life of Wilson BeoBoai" as ^nritten by himself and pnblished several years ago in book form, wnnld hastily -eoDolnde however it is Benson's sttHre and bosiaess we want to pcrtiay. B. H. is the sea of Jus father and has io our town one of th^ best regidated -groceiy and provision stores north of Toronto. The business has Qonatantly developed under his able manace- ment from year toyear until it baa become the aentre of attraetion for groceries, pro- visieaB,orookery, .glassware, frwts, fee., and by the way the orathnr may be had cheap and strong in job lots^ It must be lemMub- ered tiiat the old gsntlemaa kss still aa in- terest in his sons' wdfare. James W. the yoeoger brother is also a valuable assistant and is very popular. THOS. MATJUTWH. Markdale is fortunate in the .possession of a harness manufacturing business which is second to uone in Nortb^n Ontario. The St-anuajbd has -pleasure in revievnng the business interests «f the town in referring to this popular and progressive business. Mx^ Mathews has been established upwards of 25 years and his business is too well and fayorably known over the surrounding country to require any ex- tended mention. He has raised it to a high standard, and the deserved popu- larity the business has acquired has been secured by a careful study of the wants of the people, and .by turning out a superior class of goods. Mr. Mathews enjoys the advantages of long and practical experience and is a workman of more than ordinary alnUtv. All kinds of harness, hght and heavy, double and single, collars, c.,are manufactured and a good stock is always on band, consisting of besides harness everything usually found in a first-claas harness shopf as trunks, valises, whips, brushes, combs, s fine line of robes, c. Mr. Mathews also carries on a liyery business, and is one of Markdale's pro- gressiye business men. w. A. BBOWSr. We have pleasure iikdievoting space in our business review, to a reference to Markdale's pcfisJaar and well knovni jewelery bnsiness, carried on by Mr. W. A. Brown. In this line we may say that the town is fortunate in the possession of a jewelery bnsiness such as this one. In it the public can obtain aU the ad- vantages offered in similar establish- ments in the cities. Mr. Brown has been established about five years, having purchased the business from Mr. W. F. Doll, vrith the results of a trade being established which extends over the I surrounding country. He has devoted I his energy to meeting the wants of the public in his lines and his well equipped store and large trade show how he has succeeded. He enjoys the advantages of long and practical experience and is a jeweler of more than ordinary abihty. store is a model of neatness and We Hum and HiiillS^alid taketi^T'N J. a Richa4 has juet returned with J he largest and best selected stock Bocklyu. Every farmer should see bi goods which ia ever ship before wasting time and money eiaewhere ^1 BOOTS! BOOTS I BOOTS! From the most reliable factories. Buy Cooper Smith k„^ will wear no others. '-f'^»'^«ittd),^j COME AND SEE The beautiful melton cloth. Fancy Wincey, all-wool Shanlq Un Flannel, Grey Flannel, Belts. Corsetts, Ladies' Circulars. 'Sf"jN C»t lO. '"»Rl OVER COATS I OVER COATS I OVER cOATS Dont buy a coat until you see my stock. NOBBY SUITS *i 7- m. Get your Top Bhirts. Gauzi^s. Shirts and Drawers Br^ J S Handk^ Kid Gloves, AT BICHAKD'S ' ' "" /^^e*. il I IVOTJEJn CJFIEAI* STORE. ^Try our new Baking Fewder Glasi given away with each poond u\ of Dishes very cheap. New Lanterns j ast in. Get your cow ties and m Bi^hard'n tiie cheapest Lamp on earth at Bicbards. ^* TEA I TEA! TEA! My 25 cent tea downs thorn all. Suppart the centre of your towiwlM -j I give the boy a chance «ui a»ve both time and xaoney. â-  I WANT XOXJR TEADE Ten per cent off all Dry Goods and Glotbesy, Boots and Shoes, for eadi My stock of Groceries is complete in eyary lino. My business has incteuri I every month since starting in business. Thanking my castomera for tS kind support. ' I remain yours truly, • N. B.â€" Wanted Butter. Eggs, Talbw, Lard, Hides, Skins and all kiak i of far from a weasel to a bear. CONDITION POWDERS, SULPHUR, SALTPETRE, HORSESALTS,v ALL USED The replete, consistin^- of staple" and fancy ersaMordmg to the taste and means of dry goods, dress and mantle goods, SL':_ 1*"^^^.*°,° °°™««*i° *^eeds, flue 'i^ii P; tiTr'K .»' gloyes, hosiery, c., milhnery, tweeds, worsteds, c., hats and caps, sents' f urnishinos, carpets and house furnish- ings, groceries including crockery, glass and Chinaware, boots and shoof, and hardware. A considerable quantity of the stosk is imported direct thus giving to this business a great advantage. The amount of trade done here would prob- ably surprise our readers, the yearly out- put reaching over |100,000 worth. Mr. McFarland is also an extensive ^ain dealer, owning steam elevator and having every faciUty for the hand- ling of grain. He has h^d the office of Postmaster for over ^20 years. Upon the Incorporation of Markdale he_ waa -uuanimousty called to the position of lieevet, being elected by accisauauoa. a. mUi. ._ pr«Msht3ngto the unWc aq. edition Jot J^ iSTuaA«i desar^tn» ot llliiit Ailel^ ToentaaB uid oter b^faev £iad^b;^M..a bnsitf^ l^twitt oM^i French worsteds, and all the Jeading Unas of cloths are carried, also a select line of gents' furnishings, Ac. The business well deserves its large toade. Mr. Tlae is a Justice of ihe Pesos, and also a member of the first council of the Incorporated Yilla?e of Markd|»le. B. L. BTEPHKH. It affords the Standabd pleasure in reyiewing the ^^business interests of the town, in referring to Markdale's popular and ably.condocted drug, stationaqr and fancy goods einpdriom cariried on by Mx. R. L.. Stephen. Mr. Stephen has been esiaUished about twqyearaaod lMS.m^ with ye^ gratifving' saec«aia'.d»i m n ing a'lai» toade. He has devoted faoi^nergus to meeting the wuits til the pBUlft in his lin^s amd his welf eq^^i|riH .^ve aofll Tb* UmMm i« mk^m^im^ la»{9«radeshewikr«rli».%ji" artistic taste, being handsomely filled up Avith fine wall and counter cases, Ac, which displays a stock as fine as the markets afford, consisting of gold and silver watehes of tiie best makes, clocks of great variety and jewdery of all des- criptions, ladies' gold and colored setts, rings, chains, cixms, brooches, also spectacles, silverware and everything to be found in a first-class jeweVsry store. Mr, Brown is also agent for the C. P. R. Telegraph Co. The bnsiness well deserves its la^e trade. W. ;. HAirUET. Mr. Manley recently poichased from A. Turner Co., the old established "Medical Hall," and this house, which is veil knbwi^ and highly respected for honorable dealing and courteous attention to cnstoners, turn lost none of its good qualitifls ia the change of managemsot. A foil line of drags, chemi- cals, dyartuffs, staple and fancy goods, patent medicmes, sonool books, stationery. *e., 4o., always carried, aUw office of tiie O. N. W. Telegn^ihCo. Mr. Manlsy is an seMve man and ptaiotiQal ehemist, and is folly alive to the wants and iateraatsxrf Us oostamers. It I only reqnirea a gkooa flmngh his haodsome I and weD-Mit s|bre to be eanyuMe^,of the aitapi fMfts. The dispensuR boshitss is a most raspmatUe and oaetoM «» «Bd the poUio fed lafe in entnwth^tUs heats with t^ahrordfln. itiirmwfflt- Lj^^^'f..' This'giBnaral stora hi idtaaM «i| au^ street, iwtt the Hemp BoMl. Mdis^oiwl lor te«l goods aadftirdMBog The« â€" -Z3^- LINIMEHTS. -â- - BLISTERS '« CONDITION MAITZiEVS DRUG STOEB ttunAaitndry «dbi«; irii|r iiMe tJaJLLu Btandard Oorrti^ondm^e. Bohert Frtebora |a bade from MtHutobft and â- ptfOn highly in Urot of that provmae. Sl9w,iicb2)o^toi8b»olc from Baioy Bimr and nf» Im iteiws stonT'BoU. ^aaapb Booialon had k^e miRioclima lee«t%iiM«aiibad with ^t na tlirtji^ U «(m)% ti9f |N^ k^ I AUCTION SAliB REJlL ESTATE At the B»«» Hease,Markdd* o» y^ d,y.Oot.,«ngthc«*ft»^4, 8. «n. «. fli Glenelg, w""^* %, INpei^enfrs. Hellen '^IT^^ atoae o'dodc. For farther P^^^^Ijb p. TtoMis. BW'*^ ycKiBchiue '" ^fm. A.S,VaBDwen, i'j^iin ti one of oar longest ei " |jgoe|'o'P*°^^ citizens. H« li^MHieral merchandise ii ^^Hlwrty years, and has d •j,^ a prominent, if not a "â- jxi eVsQT movement for the f2'a» V^" ®' imptovement ol or ednqsth" of the ufiopleâ€" inde f«d hiaw*" *he most eelf-saori oitii^ in foitbering any scbei Btol-the {dsee. Be holds the f jgible poffltions, vis: Just ^jj^ Issurerof Marriage Lie r Leader, Convesrancer, Gierke t €DOit, Connoillor, Jra., Ac. 3. w. sntoutx. Q*8. popoiar and ably cor â- uijijl'O ana aiidettaking bus L(» by Mr. J. W, Snroule. a »DittMl bMoa. tiiis review ^e SraimaKD ^easore in n bnsteaBB^ tatensts of the Mnie able to note the success â- fended Mr. Sproale's effort idyantages he iia3esses in si jje public with anything in hi gannde established about i pbiviiag purchased the busii A^n and also that of J oan Hamilton and since 1 ^on of it the town has enjoji pjitages of « fSood furniture Edeserved popularity it has ac ibeea seoared by a careful st â- wants of tiie people, by ban rior He of goods and tiie fai r whidi he is well known. ,„j)B of Mr. Sproule's war J convinoe that he is able to I wants of the public according Band means of idl. The sto I of all kinds of household fui ;« and bedroom setts, cen jiaion tables, sideboards, I Dg beds and mattresses, « *: also includes a fine selec lines as vrindow blinds an jes and picture framing, Jiines, notably the celebra*^ lliams and all lands of musica Any one requiring houi nigs of any kind will consu interest by inspecting this " kl attention is given to the __„' business, being equippei i hearse, funeral supplies of a J. HAMILTON. ^rkdale's popular and well Iphotographic business, carri( Y J. Hamilton, should net be L this reyiew. Mr. Hamil lestabUshed about four ye most satisfactory result: DAED, in revievdng the -.ed to note, the success vr nded Mr. Hamilton's effor _j:ved popularity the busii quired has been secured by ention to bnuness and by tui nperior class of work. Mr. ^oys the advantages of aetical experience and is apher of more than ordinar; 1 kinds of photographic wor. I an ordinary portrait to at cabinet. He also Ity of enlarging under t Tocesses. The studio is ha 1 up with all the latest a] t.Bcenery, c. WM. LUCAS CO. e Soaking institution by Mr T ger, is estabhsbed aboat nin( I proved a great convenience ti ity. The business has been on strict banking business i the amiable and (iientlemai of the Manager, and superu i and courtesy of his right-hau at, Mr. Toung, has won the I hijgh respect of the commimi I thus built up an extensive an Owing business. Mr. Lucas a member of the first council Kated village. S. BBBAnNSB. A recent acquisition to oui Itoaste, is the jewelery stc i^%eadner who has just e£ 'SiAHnABo has pleasinre ii our numerous readers .-â€" 08S and we predict for Mi ^lq(e share of success. He enterprising business ma Jrienoe in his line and, jui ubaxt that has been made a satisfactory trade ia'aB excellent stock of of eyerything usually y store, as gold dodis of great v; of all descriptions and (»lored setts, rini B,,]Kooches, c., specta Ao. Repairing and e attended to, and 1 It their ovm intere ikeiOl.

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