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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 13 Sep 1888, p. 5

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 â- 3tf:^::--: ' m' -T^V s (i.-) ni* .. '"^^?a*« 'S Xba! is tlie position he would therefore he sbal' hear from me. I lONERY took just lebrated TEA, Ceylon. strongest per pound. XPRESS) ()FFiC^ 3TOEB, Farm for Sale. !t, t.wuship of Euphrasia. icres more or less. There cleared, balance hardwood r particulars apply to 35ION HILL, Ge.neral Mercliant, Markdale, Ont. ^AC£ SALlL .«L.UABL,E ROPERTY. bv Public Auction attSie Iie'Village of Markdale, on B5B 9th, 1838, AT OVB lOCK ?. M. Houso. in the Town of EB l?:'.! 1838, AT VMM ocK A. as. u, co:t.i,iue!l iu a certain ni!i(ie bv Wm. Cartwrignt :ii ,viii be produced on tpe indTsA e-ui-us. being Lot No. !}•• Towuship of Jiuphraala. â€"soil goodâ€" about 30 awes Fra;ne House. There wiU lie time and place, the »{- :â€" 1st. liot No.9intheetli of Keppel. ia theCoung^oI acres more or less. faa. of Lot No. 30 in the l«ll of Keppel, said**" i ciiaius, and a depth 01 w the rear iimit of the WJ- ra lload North in^« "' iia Township of Gieae^. e. These Lots wiU oeoi Till be .sold oa easy teWM !Own on day of sale, eoi "^1I.J.KENT, ^^^ London, Ont- »»•••** lows, 1888. ..Sept J0-» ..Sept. 10-15- ...Sept V-«^ Sept.2i«« Sept.27-2» Sept. 2Sa« Sept.27J» .........Ootl-^ o«»^ Oct 34 Octi Oct3-4 ..•• •â- ^ Fairs* ,nd Thorsdar »n fore o»«»««^L l)eforeOr8Bge«J»^ wfore OnagB^i^:^^, lay in e«sb !!:«•"»•. r. before Darhwjr^ rdaybeforeCft***"^- fore Dnrhaio toic Miifc- ,,3ndiid: I when the groom saddenly bethoa^^hi tlie conditions under which j himself that a license Was necessary '^iLorl Derby to Mackdale, I am and he posted oflf in hot hastd to Dur- repi.» ^^ ^^- ^^*"^«' ** '°°8 *^ ^*" " procure one. He was to have 'p,.by' KviJeutly he don't relish been back at G o'clock, when the cere- ,,,.ponJent, iut to every man who mony was to take place, bat was de- » securel a ticket Mr, Beattie in layed and did not make his appearand '^-0 sav ' ya ^ere the victim of a j tiU eight. In the meantime the yoang '.•rated upon you by Trimble I laiy grew iippatienfc, and the young "" niau who WHS to have been "best man" at the feast induced her to go away 't him to name a single instance â-  ^1*'" llini- -or of pedii^ree was ever settled I Then followed a Boene, or rather a Tie p-.-oposes. When he hought series of them. The ladies of the 'jne choose one man and some liouse followed, and vainly implored ttberto decide-no I guarantee li«»^ *« »"etnrn, but she refused to listen -,1; -l,t to the Clydesdale Assooia- to *^em and continued on her way for that information. I challenge I "^^i the youug Lochinyar. This '., an instance where any man exaspeiuted them and they demanded ' "Iteefrom that office whether for I tlie dress and shoes fihe was wearmg, â- 'â- '1 Bhefp or .wire, as to pedigree i which they claimed were theirs. She "' ' ' questioned, he knows j t^^^ them off and flung them at them. and as the dews of night had begun to His' sublime im /IW! W.JMoFARLAND'S FALL IMPORTATIONS â€"FROMâ€" EUROPE Arriving Weekly. •^ ♦â-  ,, that was quesnonea, iie anowa r I Jo that there is the proper place ?â- "" "' """ » â-  formation. His sublime im- '^» ^^^}^ ^«^« somewhat chlUy her dari.. to say that Lord Derby is companion very gallantly took off Lis :, eface of Mr. Wade's declara- ^°*^ ^°^ V^^^' ' 'OriuA her and to- ' V c *o vo„,i„„ *h. gLfher they wended their way into the ,k„ h,s certificate bearmg the .^.^^^^^ of Egremont. I, the ABsoeiation and given under ^j^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ Varneyite on ^.,,,o„lye,ualledbyhistmpertinence^^^^j^. ,^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ,.jers t» the ownership of the horse, bride-and of course her $3000 farm- .Hike to own as gooJ a one and be- I j^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ be better imagined L-aoes not, envy and jeolously have ' him th; described, but with commendable Best value ever sho"wii in Markdale. McFARLAND'S pxkng in his heart and causing luu ggij.j.g3^j.^.^ ^j^^ ^g,^,^^^. ^^^^^^ ^^^ y l,osition of which he has no need ^^^^^.^^ jj^^ ^^^^^ ^^ wo.naukiud had, „,„1 He bouEht a cheap horse and y^^^^Q^^^^ been destroyed and hif favor- ejortstoput him ana level with ite saying in future wU be "as fickle le has sacrificed honor, dignity, man- g^^ woman's mOod." rigood neighborhood, all man- of which sraboTe dollars and cents to a manly I noticed in his last letter he has got "its" above Derby, 'If he be the â-  ic. These doubts about Derby's ^auity were plausible in the hackfields oe farmer who did not post himself on isjtters and whom he mystified by his knowledge, as he did a mun in tuiie, about the registry of his colt but it comes to black and white in print, i: foaod it dangerous ground and has i oS. Now he knowa well that in the liii of the Clydesdale stud books his are eligible lor registrater. Mow 3 would-be horseman would learn the Nor was the feast allowed to go to waste, but was partaken of a cheer- fully as could be expected under the circumstances. The tongues of the gossips are wag- ging vigorously. A suit for breach of promise is hard* ly likely to ensue. The girl's parents have been dead for eiome years and she has been under the charge ot a guardian: There was considerable difficulty in procuring the license â€" -in fact one issuer totally refused â€" owmg to the £:irl being under age. It's another illustration of the old Black Cashmeres Black Cashmeres Black Cashmeres Black Cashmeres Black Cashmeres Black Cashmeres Black Cashmeres Black CAshmeres Black Cashmeres 80 cents. 80 cents. 80 cents. 40 cents. 40 cents. 40 cents. 50 cents. 60 cents. 75 cents. McFARLAND'S Jerseys, $1.25. Jerseys, Jerseys, Jerseys, Jerseys, Jerseys, Jerseys, Jerseys, Jerseys, Jerseys, $1.25. $1.25. $2.00. $2.00. I $2.00. $2.15. $2.75. $8.00. $8.25 up. !o! success in this business I would gayiug "there's many a slip, etc. ^, invite him to come i The Varneyite ia about thirty five ihe coming show in Markdale and bring '• years of age and, as yet, has had no txperience in matrimony. He will probably nowithiuk it is 'all vexation of soirit." â€" Chronicle. It Qi those rattling colts that were surely scjj somewhere if they were a failure ;at, it will do mi;re to build up his bus- â-  than the moan meddlesome course he aieu. In his letter of last week I see iping Mr. Wright the chance to pocket i'i; lioilars which would at once liberate liitiie's hundred, however the money is £ii will so lemain till the matter is aly adjusted. He wants to know why I take him up on his Just in Time. )::iiiiukanvoBe feels interested enough nkt a dollar either for or against him ^iutil (Iciu't. Ue says Mr, Graham is -cil uf his, yet they have bten working iharmouiously in their eflorta to ruin ^^a reputation. It is very noticeable jit. Beattie has not yet given one point Mt; tkugh challenged in last letter of Viiglit's. When Mr. Beattie has Ktid in showing that his knowledge is i'wve that of the Clydesdale Association ij word more reliable than the Sec- 1-7, ilr. Wade, I would be the first to "'teal, that institution be annihilated a adyauce order of the society be ea- i^e.i ai Mr. Beattte's ranch where prO' 1 ^liistered thorough bredi abound, with -•ti!a8 president, (jraham and Galbraith iiectors. W. G. PlCKKLL. ^Ji reference to this decision we must e hue somewhere and will charge the rate of ten cents per line for all e cummunications. â€" Ed. S.J cFARLAND'S Dress Goods 15 cents. Dress Goods 16 cents. Dress Goods 15 cents. Dress Goods 22^ cents. Dress Goods 22^ cents. Dress Goods all prices. One of OBpld'B PrmafcB. A Carious Docnment. PtJBLIDS LENTULUS TO THE SENATE OF BOUE CONCERNING JESUS CHRIST. In the days of Tiberius Caesar, the Emperor Publius Leutulus, being at that time President of Judea, wrote the following epistle "Tliere has appeared in these our days a man of great yirtue, named Jesus Christ who is yet living amongst us and accepted of the Gentiles, for a prophet 01 truth, but his own detsciples called the son of God. He raiseth the dead, and cureth all manner of disease. A man of stature somewhat tall and comely, with a very revered coon- teuauce, such as the beholders mny both love and fear. His hair the color of a filbert full rip-j, and jdain almost down to his ears, but from his ears downward somewhat curly, and more orient of color about his should- ers. In the midst of his head goeth a seam or partitian of his hair after the manner of the Nazantes. His fore- head very plain and smooth his face without spot or wrinkle, beautiful with a comely red his nose and jnouth so formed that nothing can be reprehend- ed his beard somewhat thick, agree- able in color to the hair of his head, not ot any great length, but forked in the midst of an innocent and mature look his eyes grey, clear and quick in reproving he is severe, in adihonisb- ing he is courteous and fair spoken; pleasant in speech mixed with gravity. It cannot be remembered that any have seen him laugh, but many have seen him weep. In proportion of body McFARLAND'S Meltons 11 cents. Meltons 11 cents. Meltons 11 cents. McFABLAND'S Meltons 12^ cents. Meltons 12^ cents. Meltons 12^ cents. McFARLAND'S Flannels 20 cents. Flannels 20 cents. Flannels 20 cents. McFARLAND'S Flannels 25 cents. Flannels 25 cents. Flannels 25 cents.. McFARLAND'S Shirtings 10 cents. Shirtings 10 cents. Shirtings 10 ceu«.s. McFARLAND'S Shirtings 15 cents. Shirtings 12^ cents. Shirtings 17 cents. Tftxibagm at JtvmiaJk. or PBO- »mey is a sleepy little hamlet of t^'t ten or a dozen houses three ps below Durham. Formerly it 'Qown as Enniskillen, but another "Se having a better claim upon the It Was changed to Vamey. I'he i»aby Council, however, still pet- ,sm calling it Enniskillen. ,.• "*) years ago it possessed a dis- 1 well shaped and straigbt his bands "â- and a flour mill, but the dis- delectable to behold in speaking very *fy is now a thing of the past and temperate, modest and wise. A mwi "iizens have to go elsewhere for for his singular beauty surpassing the /â- Jfiour. Varney's claim for fame children of men. L '^.f «l»on its cheese factory, it's r M and it's well-kept hotel pe weeks ago a citizen of Vamey "JJ to pay his attention to a Nor- bth^ •^^^' ^^° ^^ stopping at his 1 "iw s and whose attractions were ined by the fact that she was ^â- ress. In about four months she â-  twenty-one years of age, whei^ " come into possession of /to 'fwm. The Varneyite was *- f fi^° 11 P^'^^istent and the youbg l^anally consented to marry him. Uv ^°^^ ^^^ was in receipt of /f°°g'atulations upon hiasuocAss. J"y shouldn't he be? For the I n?^ °^ ^^ heiress is not an 6v i;^orrence. The day selected f ^i the matrimonial knot km ^y 20th inst., and grestpiepar* ^*ere made for the event. The uoond, the guests were as* ^^d the miniate^ xm band, McFARLAND'S Fall Prints. Fall Prints. Fall Prints. McFARLAND'S Mantlings. Mantlings. Mantlings. McFARLAND'S K TSM ^OUSAND DOLLAKI WOBTH PBBTT DE8TBOVKD. /About 10:80 Sunday morning fire •was discovered in the store owned by John Connor and occupied by James Egerton as a liquor store. Despite the efforts of the people the fire spread and soon J. Q- Morgan!* stoie and dwelling, 0. H. JewelPe ftfmitnre work8h^,iheH»nbnry block, ocou-. pied by Jewdler Johnston, wid James Connor's store a«d dw^ling. were in flames. The total loss is esamated at about $10,000 rpafftiy iwTered by ic- suranee. Jewdl s furniture store and Hanbury's store being built rf briek these boiidiags ware saved, tboaith badly damaged •t»b#Uok. rhBn wa» widwibtedly ^e w^rjj of %a a^ Black Grey Brown Blue Scarlet White Garnet Yams. Yarns. Yams. Yarns. Yams. Yams. Yarns. MarkdalE FACTORY Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain ' tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, every, bemg new, I am now prepared to turn out Sasb, Doors, Blinds, Monldlngs, Hollow Battons, FMIES, UTH, FENCE PICKETS, ftc. And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner seeond bo am Canada, and .baying engaged superior mechanics m every dep«rtu)i would now respecttuUy solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning done. Carefui Attention to Ordes from a Distance. 803 THOS. IVIcIVEA.. AkgedAUractiTeU Uj-oais Sp ul FasiialilB Qoiij to hand, "which we purpose selling FOR CASH* prices which wiU astonish the buy- er. Having determined henceforth to do a CASH BUSINESS ONLY, my customers and the public may rely on get- ti ng close bargain s. CI|H|o|i|EDJii|i|ii|DK|^ |B|old|fMPWsWE|s^ kept in stock and made to order at Shoe Shop under the management of MR. KAY so well and favorably known. Call early and secure bargains. WM. BROWN. J HAMILTON, THE PEOPLE'S PHOtOGAPHEB, f^ Is turning out Photos all sizes equal to City work. Copying and enlarging a speciality. Also picture framing done with neatness and dispatch. Then'come awa, both old and young,. And dinna lose nae time In getting pictures for your friends, â-  For Hamilton takes them fine. A Positive Cure. A Painless Cure. Pillow Cotton. White Cotton. 1 Grey Cotton. McFABLAND'S Teas25 0Qut8. Teas 26 cents. Teas 25 cents. -^ Teas 25 cents. ^z- i Teas 28 cents. W. J. McFarlspd^ i.t:.-- .: FACTS rOB MEN OF DXSBASES OP MA K. __ TT. XjXTBOa^T'S SJr'JJOUt'J.O ajTO. Marvel of Heafinq. and KohinMrcf MadiciMs, â- k^BB the terrible «eBMqae*eea «riB4i«e*«tt«a» SaS Exp»Hire aad Ovcnrerk. '70T72TGh, a^^L I l.PT.iTT-.A.3- UP .^.2T3D OTiT) Twd .hiN* V?bo an broken down trom the effects of abaau wUl flndinNcSandiaal euralsriMnoaa debility, organic weaknes*, iovolnntary Titel iotM e m, ate. Bnmom vob which Ho. b 8Honi.u bk Usku.â€" vVanfe of energy, Tortigo, want of pniposet, dimnaaa of riflbt, aTexsion to society, want of eonfiitonea, avoidaiioa of cuu v er aa tion. daaixafor aoUtad«,li*tleMness and Inability to fix the attaati(» on a partienlar aabieet, eowacdioa, doproaalon of apirlts, giddinew, ]oa of memory, exeitabUity of tamper.ayar' malocrbaia, or loas of the wniina! fluidâ€" 4iie rmilt of aelf -aMiM or marital exoewâ€" impo- mateBrboea, taoBf, t females, teoBf, Innntiltioii, emaciatioii, barrenneM. valpitation of Um bean, byitrrlc feelings in females, trembliui;, uelancbulv, dietnrbiu^ dreama, «t are all ayuptoma of ttita tenibia faabit, oftentimea inioeentl7 noqair«d. In short, the spring of Tital frnwe baTing loat ita «t are all ayuptoma of ttita tenibia me spring of Tital fmwe baTing loat ita every fonotion wanaa In'oonaeqaenea. Selantiile wnttrs and Um rnpadntendeats ti iiMMia aaylaios aoltn m nacribios to the aftaets at aat^aboM tba Kreat majority of vaaled UtM wbiA eome-nndot iheof notice. If yon are laeompataBt for thaartnona totiaaof ^ainaas, Ineajacitatai for fha enjoymanWof life. So. SofljaraaaiMiwafroiji the ailaeti of aady viae. U you wa advaaevt la yean, Xo. 8 will gfira yon fttlleupr and Btrengib. If yoaar« broken dow-.i, pbystonllyaaamoraUy from early IndiaaeMnm, ttia liHcolt of ignoranoa and f oUv, send your addraaa Mid JO aonta iiLBtampa Mr M. V. IMifeMi*8 SXaatto Book Vona on Diseases of Mao. _8oalad_i«nd aaaara %w alfUa ^aWoa.;- â- ; r 'i 0 m- i.r^^^ â- i â-  â-  â-  ' *:•.'••â-  m I • i ^^v^^-• â- "»•- â-  f â- f-l ' 'â-  ' 1 1 'â- 'â- ' 1 ^l • -â-  ',••â-  r «k.| .. .. H • â-  j" m Addvesaalleoromnnicationtto M. W. MJ â€" V 4 7 jrai iWg|l â€" »fc|t«.'J tt» S 53 » 4 â- Mfitfcafmaw tort iaatorft !»â- Â»Â»Â«Â«Â»Â«:. flMBOMUirSB. ^WUBritA^mS^ • A Pernianenft^ie. ...?^ -^as«;ts-Si?:, â- SS- â- -^^ â-  SM:. l*P^«i " ;V^im: â- m ^M

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