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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Aug 1888, p. 7

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 *^^ 'lowly W, "• fi^^«JI 2?^ fiuT ^« polled So^K?^*? J«t Irffc •••IJOfT" J "aid, ..he, y»«iN « yon 800,7* " yo«f »-^ oea out one of V' "• "iid J. I faave no need* «««ure J o«Jd I want «â- Â« indeed? I „*°\nd,ou, fe you will not " ,1 "'«3tIy.with;4«^»KlooJ te'in^^^itr» ' his intimate fr°'»' 'f ie were a strin ' " « was sorry for h; ^®'" »moiiL eti to "'Vo'.^thf'.T.^oP sen with sen ae „ ^r. Rockstone tk said, "hp k» '" -nda. TenVu"d/r time to spend with hiJr- !, Madge." t bis hand, and she took if 'ness. His clasp wm.,1 j and he sighed r^Te^'reS Ithenwalkedoninsilen^"*^ h^^t "^*'"' ^y h««ii ^^he asked himself, i he wen â- 0 BE CONTINUED). CatchiDg in Afiica. felt in Kurcpj and Ameria enryM Stanley, has led to" pst in the condition of thaJ which he set out to penetrate] his expedition awakened the! He slave-catchers and ulavel worst of these are Jusiness of it. M purpose of Gen. Gordon ial abode m Central Africa, was! this nefarious trade, fimil lined there, when he leaped, with the irpose. W8 comes from Arabe.1 might I same higli| comes from Fr.-nce that :erie, Archbishop of Carthage preaching a crusade in Pari* :es, against this relic of bar said that his elcquence ia excitement. He shows that are annually sold for trans- Qe east coast of Africa, and represents ten persons who ring their capture and jonr- It. These man-hnntera sar- et tire to the buildings, and woman, and child they can- rhey only want the yonni; 1. If they can obtain these, the infants and the old to e vigorous are able to stand h from the interior of the oast. ting as now practiced, tends lave trade. The slaves are lusiness, and their value i 'hen they are taken to the 3;erie is doing a sfood work e attention of Earope and )rld, to the horrors of thi» Itreat Powers of Chriaten- ite in practical steps not ii to Emin Bey, and rescne F-u, to quote from Living- Jiis open sore of the world.* Marvellous Performanoe. ikley, the celebrated rifle lipsed herself on July 30th, ist show, Gloucester City, n thousand people present reciatioD of her wonderfal continned applause aa she er birde, »ome cf which and would have been hard le best male craok ahots. rulee sfovemed the shoot- 9 had been selected to try 1 "Little Sure Shot, but ow, only her tbirty-Kcond out of bonndc, and that feet outside the boundan^. rere placed in powtfon by er, the .rell-known or»» B Mias Oakley'a intewata. J champion wiat shot ot J referee and Mflea L. never been beaten oa the trap* ,, her akin, won l»Jâ„¢o«S^ ienda, and netted a^ rty five out of fifty MM* and M •* 25 yarfa «co»d b«rtl »» J«™|^ irilUfeoir, four TOWED BY A WHALE. iaehor im BlB M*BtIi and K«u " Away with a Beli«oaer. I r ne Breton Advertiser saya â€" A I?* ^fu received from the steward r Vf^er H- B. Griffin, Captain George " ow abstnt on the Banka, inwhicn f'dthat they have met with an un- roerience, viz. that of being towed h le The captain and steward were ' i as usual, looking after the veaael ** oiDg ao ^y* '° *^® dories, when all tm f-^^" sudden jerk, and eaw °°^ el was going through the water at "•?»» and no motive power visible. t'^1 considerable to startle a fisherman, fr?*^gg something so nnoonunon, a vea- "ZthiBi through the water at a rapid ith her sails furled and anchor down, fhev began to look alarmed. Suddenly ^use made itself awifest, when a " gj whale arose to the surface, with Ichor fast either in his j iw or blow hole. •ore through the water at a high pres- â-  and was fast taking the craft out 'h-of the dories, thus leaving the exposed and besides this, there was of the veesBl being towed under. 'only remedy was to cut the cable. Thia 'done and nia whaleahip went off with 'anchor in tow. The jib and foreaail hoisted, and the vessel was soon jed in picking up her dories, and on to Neivloundland. where a new .£lior'aiid cable were secured. Tliereare but two other similar caaes of liiihffe have any record, which we have Ld ia the files of our paper, viz, IT H. Price was towed a day I' J whale in 1873, when the fluke of the leelior broke and she was released. Then, lain, on the 16t;h of Dec, 1874, while the Kner-Saltana, Captain Peterson, was at Lhor on the Grand Bink, a audden motion Inifelc. and aoon the vessel was speeding liioagb the water at a twelve knot speed. Ilje captain, not wishing to lose sight of the jjorymea, cut the cable after he Had been Ifedsome distance, otherwise he thotight jeiniijht have captured the monster. There Ini a companion whale which swam with Lge one who had the anchor, and he was iridently astonished at the predicament of iiimate. ew»y â€" Sshoon- was towed a day and a half How to Treat £cad Horses. A correspondent of the Rural yew Yorker ill us that old owners and drivers say of Kme horses that they have no judgment as lathei; mode of going, or, in other words, sK :hey will go till tney drop or get over- iated and stiffened. Horses of this kind ir^ no: usually ratei at their worth, for xErage and willingness to move offon the !oid are rarely found in horses not posseaa- id of a liberal dash of good blood. In the binds of men who appreciate a free goer nchau animal is likely to last to a iifood old age while under the lash of the aver- tje driver he may succumb early, and while yet in his prime be found at the auction itabies to be put off at a very great rednc- 3on from his former value. A considerate driver, if upon country roads, will select the ground, giving hu iorse the advantace of a good pathway, at ie same tune avoiding ruts and obstruct- ing rojks. Ic shows want of tact in a inrer to follow the beaten track regardless at its condition. During the hot months it b of more importance to stop now and then living the horse an opportunity to regain bia wad and cool off, than if the trip be made in cold weather. Heat is enervating while cold is an excellent tonic. For an ez- Ksded drive no horse ahonld be puniahed with a uut checkrein, but thia should be iither entirely let loose or slackened, aa may be most conductive to the animal's comfort \o man should indulge in thenae of a horse with high carriage forward unleaa he la bred from uphead parentage and formed for oarrying his head well up without the use of a check rein. A road horae, bred as he aboald be for road use, needs no check rein, ud shows to best advantagewhen in motion without a check. But when driving on the road, for either a long or short diatance, horses rendered nncomfortable, aa moat horses are by the check, ahonld have their leads released at suitable intervala and be (iriven in this form till rested from the i»tignc of the strained position. Especially should all restraint by the checkrein, be re- moved on ascending a hill, even though this be cot a long one. The Eisg of Greece. Bosnies in IVaining. liie namber of horses now on the turf that !}ui in cowardly fashion ia very lanje, in all likelihood comparatively much larger than fannerly, saya the London Sporting and Dra- stic -Vt fs. I was asking Tom Canon the filler Jay for his experience of the matter, wd also for an explanation, and he suggest- ed a very simple and probable cause. There "mach more racing than there waa former- 'Fi horb.s run oftener, they consequently ^T ofreI!^^, and the reault is that they get lok of racing. They know, in most caaes, '^hat a riiiish means â€" very likely a dig with the spur if it is a close thing, at the lightest two or tnree smart cuts with the whipâ€" the old buioher boy flogging jockey ia not com- "lon JQ England, though he ia nearly the "lie ia Franceâ€" and almost invariably a ^te or less desperate and diatreaaing effort. Who can doubt many of them know alao •flat if they do not get too near to the head M affiire, but take it quietly and sUy with «e ruck, the finish will be mach easier ^*ry likely the jockey will only ride them *ith his hands, at any rate if he takes up "u whip and there ia no reaponae in many ?**« he will give it up ae a bad job? Hon *M| as a role, know ao mnoh about jrao- "•g thac they are apt to decline to race. oago InterOeeem from Athens m foUowa :â€" It ia a common iayii^ in Athmatbat there ia no kins; happier tiian the King td Greece. I don't know how far thia ia tme, bat cer- tainly no king ia freer in hiamorementa than King George. Strangera, eapedaUy Rna- aiana and G^mana, who imagine that NihiliatB and Sodaliata are everywhrae, are amazed when they come to die conoloaion that the gentleman and lady, walking qnietly in front of them, wm and arm, dreaaed like everybody elae, nraat be the King and Qneen becaoae all the people bow to them, while the offioera aalnte and tlie aoldien present armaaatheypaaaby. Theycannotnndentand how a king darea to walk among hia aalqecta in thia free and easy way, without any eaoort and without takimp the allghteat precaution for hia aafety. Yet thia la an every-day occurrence in Athena; One often meeta the King walking vrith the Qneen or the Princess Alexandra, gener- ally followed by a aplendid Daniah dog at another time it ia the Qneen with her two sons or the King with an aide-de-camp, both dreaaed in civUian'a clothea. Sometimea they go on horseback, in which caae they are followed by two aervanta in liyery but the Queen prefers driving to riding, although ahe ia an excellent horsewoman. They have so much confidence in the affec- tion of their subject] and are so sure of their own persoatJ safety that our Boyal family rathenr enjoys mixing with the crowd on the occasion of^aome illumination or other public amusement, when they walk about among the people like any ordinary family. On Holy Friday, for instance, I met them mov- ing about in thia way among the crowda standing in Conatitntion Place and along Hermes street, waiting to see the procession pass by, one of the most beautiful sights in Athens. Both the King and Queen, although be- longing to different religions, are very pious, and go regularly to all the church services. The B,oytJ Palace contains two chapels, one Protestant, for the King, and the other Greek, for the Queen, served by a Greek priest and a choir composed of Greek men and boys, who sing the Greek hjrmns accord- ing to European music. The Princes have also been taught to have great respect for the Church. The Game Laws. The following i^ from Judge Jellett's (Picton) excellent digest of the game laws The only season during which the follow- ing game may be hunted, taken or killed is atr follows: Deer â€" 15th October to 15 th December. Partridgesâ€" 1st September to 1st Janu- ary. Woodcock â€" 15th August to 1st January. Snipe, rail and golden plover â€" 1st Sep- tember to Ist January. Ducks of all kinds â€" 1st September to 1st January. Greeae â€" 1st September to 1st May. Hare â€" lat September to 15th March. The above dates are inclusive. Theae may be exposed for sale for twenty daya after expiration of time for killing. T^o eggs to be taken or destroyed at any time. No traps, nets or snares, baited lines or similar contrivances to be used. Theae may be deatroyed by any peracn without liability. No contrivancea described or known as batteries, swivel-guns, sunken punts or night lights to be used for killing wild f owL Fur-bearing animals may be only taken, hunted or kiUed as follows Beaver, mink, muskrat, sable, martin, otter or fisher â€" 1st November to lat May. Nor shall any trap or snare or other con- trivance be set for them outside this season. Nor shall any muskrat house be cut, spear- ed, broken or destroyed at any time. Any person may destroy such traps, snares, etc., so set. wimout any liability. N. B. â€" No poison to be used in killing the animals named, and no poisoned bait to be exposed in any locality where dogs or cattle may have access to the same. No deer-dog to run at large from the 15th November until the 15th October. â-  The tMter-board of Ute gOM vp Tbe tetter board a Ufe goM down. Have you Heualgja If yon are suff .ring the agonies of neural- and have failed to get a remedy thsA afford relief, we want yon to try P«la««'» ^.«rviline. No remedy in tiM market has ffven any thing like the same d^^pee of sat- "'»ction. Ita action on nerve puny la simpl *«vedou8, and aa it is put up Ilk K) «w» ^Ple bottles no great eipenie is lufolnA, Sf^Dg it a trial '•PolKmi^JlenriH^.Jft â- ^ »ost pleasant, powftlnl, and certain ?;?»*•# in ttift-world. Sold by aU deal •**^*^â€" -- " ^25 cents ft.bottle. „t;iofei.8orXj, -limes ~;-r u^at onA6 ons, wk^*!* Ae "1,- 8»*Wi^« «1»?f* i^^' "t* to July 317 betk -iMa«i«« ^b*«"«» ^ndon on aU but fHan^^r ?«^ ramfall in Jute, was Hjft fc' double theaverfge" T^^^ l^^fmonth wa ^Ff'lo^rl^ ^^*rfall for July wttra^'liMl^ A Meal For a Cent- One and one quarter million meals for one and one quarter million cents have been supplied the poor people of New York from the St. Andrew's One Cant Coffee Stands, established about two years ago by the woman philanthropist, Mrs. J. M. Lamadrid. What kind of a meal can be furnished for 1 cent is a question which will suggest itself to the reader. The bill of farei will answer the query. Here it b: â€" Half pint of coffee, mUk and sugar, one slice bread, 1 cent. Beef soup, vegetables, one Elic3 bread, 1 cent. Pork and beans, 1 cent. Fish cakes, 1 cent. Sandwiches, 1 cent. Fish chowder, Fridays, 1 cent. Soup, coffee, and bread supplied to families at the aame rate. The amount of money expended every week by Mrs. Lamadrid exceeds the receipts at the stands by about 50 per cent., and consequently the drain upon her income amounts to quite a large sum. â€" [Philadelphia Record. ' Mioyâ€" "The bntoher is here, ma'am, whatahaU I otder?" Mrs. Morris Parkeâ€" "Dear me I haven't thought. What can we have far dinner, Mary (thoughtfnllyâ€" « I dim't Icnow, ma'am." Mrs. Morris Parkeâ€"" Oh, oant yon make asngsestion T' Mary (cheerfully)â€" '*! can try. -What do yoamakeit«r PMDls wko ar snl^sal to bad bvsalh, tool oaMed of be^dlirad by" valaf Vt. Oanon'a iMoM Mil l*a* â- â- â- - ' Aakvee Some of the brighleat lights go GooacqUBce of vaing booowvd ott. out, in millionaire, next aay **dM4 dav bnoya^ in taf^i^wmk day gloomy aa a tm-am^y la ^aHina npfcct health, netfla^^hid o«f* ^^ or fonrJriHMush **oa ws^ tte vodd Wags aow-a ar« U^BBs, melanoholie, " piMfe; want a f p at ite or havts ioi oTlIver, kidnayi orfoiraI% iake 1, Pleasant^foUetoâ€" {iqWtj Tegetob ly harmliaBa;.(iiMa Papa to Johnny (^yeaistld)â€" "Won't yotf have another piMO «( duck. Johnny 1" Johnnyâ€" "Yefh, thfer, T believe I wilL Duck'th m7 favorite chicken, 'cept turkey." Kaad Oatazili ia a dannrous disease. Trom its tendency to extenl to the throat, bronchial tubes, and finally to involve ae hji^s in consumptive disease, it should be promptljt cured, tliat these grave dangers may be averted. So confident are the manuf^toMrs of Dr. sage's Catarrii Ramedy ci their ability toi cope auoessfnlly with this Twy prevalent disease, that they have for years offered, in good faith,|$600 reward for a case of catarrh^, no matter how bad or of how many years' standing, whiclkthev cannot cure. Remedy only 50 cents, bf druggists. Method is the very h^^ of bnmnees, and there is no method without punctuality. Tell the good news to Uie sufferingâ€" At last is a remedy found," Which might have saved, hai theylmown it. Many wno'ra under the ground. ., Tell of the " Favorite Preccription," Bid hopeless women be gladâ€" ' Bear the ^ood news to poor orf aturas, Hetrt-sick, discouraged and sad. " Female diaeaaea," ao terrible in their effecta, and ao prevalent among all classes, can be cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. t; •â-  A contented mind never worries, it being unable to comprehend its own contentment even. AJma Ladies' College, ST, THOMAS, OKTABIO. This institution, which had last year the largest enrolment of all the Canadian Col- leges for women, is offering superior advaijfe- ages to young women in.jbiterary Course, Fine Arts, Commercial Science and Music at the very lowest: rates. Address PrincipiJ Austin, B. D. Every generous action, every honest thought, every sincere effort to do right, is really a part of the worship of God. OoraALBSB Haib Rssswsm reslorea grey and faded hair to its natural color apd prevents falUng out Nature inflicts upon man great r»aUTnitiiMi, to wake up his sluggish enersies. A Cwre fer DmakeBness The opium habit, depsomania, the morphine habll, nervous prostration caused by the use of tobbaoo, walcefalnesa, mental depression, softening of the brtUn, etc., premature old age, loss of vitality caused by over exertion of the brua, and loss of natural strength trom ai^ eanse whatever. Menâ€" young, old or mid- dle-agedâ€"who are broken down from any oi the above causes, or any cause not mentioned diove, send your addrest and 10 oeots in stampa for Lnbon'a Treatise, in book form, of Diieawi or Man. Boaika sent sealed and secure trom obaervaUon. Addreaa M. T. LuBOi, 47 WelUiurtoa strset Sast. Xonmto. Ont. " A. P. 412. i MRS. DARTS TRIPLETS. atfileveland'a Prise for the three rat tbe Aurora Ckuntv Fair, in 1S87, wal given to these triplets, HoIUe, Ida and Rkt, chndreuof Mrs. A. K. Dart, Hamburgh, N. Y. Sbinites; " Last August the little ones became -Te»aiacr sol as^l could set n«, other fbod that -Wqild agree with them, I commenced the nae of iSctkted Food. It helpedthem immediately. kndihM^tleTe soon aa well ss ever, and I con- sider it very lareely due to the Food that they are now so well." Cabinet photo, of thete iriplett tent free to the mother nj OKji aby wm thi* year Lactated Food la the best Food for bottle-fed babies. ' It keepe them well, and is better than medicine when they axe sick. THE MOST PALATABLE, NUTRITIOUS, and DIGESTIBLE FOOD. EAS ILY PREPAR ED. At Druggists, 2Sc., SOc., Si.OO. The Best and Most EcoNomcAL .Food. ISO Meals for an In fant for tl.OO. 4V A valuable pamphlet on " The Nutrition Of Infants and Invalids," free on application, f VELLS. RICHARDSON AGO MOHTREAl. P.Q. WORK ^S ^â- B Tom mM AM- #8* is week and « yttlaable oottt and pai yTICkEKT, Augiiata,Maliii â€" â-  GENTS WANTED for tne Improved Hodal Washer and Bleacher. Price Address O. W. DENNIS, Arcade, Toronto. DELAYS ARE DANGEROOS! Don't wait until von are burnt ont or cobbed Buy a Safe now and sleep easy, and be sore and get prioes, ete., ct the NewChampionSala. S. S. KIMBALL. 577 Craig St.. P.O. Box MS, MONTREAL.P.q^ Story and go to work. OF THE BIBLEâ€" By CBASLai FosTSK. Profusely Dluatrated â€" Sales Marvellous â€" Neailj 100,000. Send $1.60 for a oopr. Agents wanted. Address, A. O. WATSON, Hanager, Toronto Willard Tract Depository, Toronto THE CJattTMAH WUTUAl AID ASSOCIATION LIFE iNSIIRANGiB AT COST (ASSSBSIODII stbibm). CHEAP, RELIABLE. POPULAR LAKCG BESEKYE WVHH .A-O-EISTTS â- W-A-XsT'TEllD. AddraatHEAD OFflCE. 10 King Street E., Toronto. â€"PATENTEDâ€" PATKHTS prooD red. Patent Attornevs and rxperts: E«f d 1867. Donald C. Bldoat A Co., Toranto, CANOES. Send for III. Catalogue. WM, EXGUSH, Peterbore, Ont. KNITTING Oeer^ulVn.Oniu MACHINES FARMS FOB SALE er KENT. All Sizaa, Kinds and Pricbs. ^ome special bargains. H. S. MITCHELL, Dkatton, Ont. UnilCV Agents send for our lUaatonted IiIUiIlT. Caialegne. Address, TKIVMPH SELF WKIHCilNfi MOP Co^ Toronto, Ont. AOESTTS WANTEOâ€" *• EAGLE-' iStesni -Ifaslier. Address CEO. O. FEBKIS, 87 Ctanreh St., Terente. f TO LOAN on Fuma. Lowest Bates I delay. Corraspondanoe aolicited _4 W. O. BVTLEB* Unanoial Agl JBttcMithed 18^.' 72 King 8k. E.. Toronta MONEVr^ BEATER LINE of STEAMSHIPS. â€" SAiLora WaasLT Bstwsssâ€" MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL. Salcon Tickets, $40. «60 and 960. Return 980, 9B0 9110. IntermediaO, 93^ Steerage 920. Apply to H. E. 'mURAT, Oenl. Manager, ^Cnstoii^ouse Square. MONTREAL. LEATHER BELTING. BEST VALCE IN THE DOMINION. F. E.DIXON CO.. Makers, 70 King Street E^aat, Toronto. ta^Send for Price Liats and Diaconnts. J. J. TAYLOR, AND VAULT DOORS. ETcQAEEQ Toivnte Safle Werka. Stained Glass FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINQS,- AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. M'GAUSLAND SON. 76 King St. W., Toronto. CANADA PERMANENT Loan Savings Gompany â-  tCOBPOBATED 1835. lead 0ic8 ToroAto St,, T oronto SiAaeHked C»vlt«l, Pi " " T« Pshjd Vp Capital. ^elil Assets .9 4.SM,«M GANGER,- TUMORS, VUlEtLi, 6CBOFULS, eta, eured permanently wHhont the kitffo Apply to DR. W. L. SMITH, 124 Queen H Toronto. ANT FARMER WHO DRAGS HIS WIFE out tp the bim t» H4m bags must be too mean to hvi^ the "Dandy " Patent Bag Holder, which will last V lifetime, and costs only T.^o. 8o?d by agents. Terri- tory 8(111 open. C. W. ALLEN CO.. "World" Building, Toronto. TOMHto CnttlBsSehoot.â€" Soientiflc andvdia- ble systems taught, whereby stylith, perfest- flttiog garments are produced Cutters having tfoo- ble should a«cure my aystemsand ensure future Mo- cess. Entire satisfaotion guaranteed. Shirt at^stem taught separate. A tare chance for young aani to acquire a lucrative profe«ion. 8. OORspGlAM, Prop., 122 TOnge Street. Tvm on appUoatioe. i i â€" " I WILUAM BRIOOS, PUBLISHES, TORONTOâ€" baa now a large staff of ladiesandeenUemen engaged in cauTaaing for hi's seyeral faat-seiUng pub- soriptioa books and Parallel Family Itiblcs none not honorable persons that do businais on a aquars baaia aiseagaged toact aa agent for h'm; hia object is to make money for th'i agent, aa vsUIm fer • he honae he repraaaats, and aSthe wama tiaae tr«M every aubserib-, av, riA orpoor.sabe would Ilka tt be treated agenta will flad that it pays bast to wo-k for a goo^lKMar: it this meats the eye •! any pSHona n|| engsgasHmlk ma at praaeaf, aend for e^anilat and -full intMOiftiaB. ata.lMoomiiicTeiz.aora. SwaTSS^ Qisrus* atopa MSHT can be obtained of SWAT ^j^^^i^^'^^'^^w bi'Sbkymsi^W^ ,^ii^ SELF-THREABING lilEDL££V9 Got! Inataotiy tteaadwt «Ma«r|iteidg ^KreadT tkawghtlMeT*. Asantaeetaa • " ' • r fitlT-i .It i^popnlar:, QrELP- nMm^ud women #iilolPlsS6 Si management Bastmess Ca praotic of ita oonrSe of Circtdaf^ bemaUedfree. .l^fyj^t^JTAcCoMiii ThaanlaKcd capital and reaoureea of this Oompanv, together with the increased taeilttiea it has recently acquired for supplying land owners with cheap money, enable the Directors to meet with promptnesa and at the lowest current rate of interest all requirements for loans upon satisfactory real estate security. Application ma be made to either of the Company's loca Appraisers, cr to J. HERBERT MASON, Manag'g. Director, Toronto. SPORTING.GOODS. The Cheapeat House in Canada for Guns, itifles, Cartridges, Fishing Tackle, Base Bidls Goods and Sportsmen's Sup- plies of every kind. Oi. fs 'eipt nt 912.50, we will exprees to anv address a DOUc!LE-B\KREL BRebCH LOADING SHOT OUN, with fine Laminated Steel Burels, oiled atook. a good gun tcr rountry use. A' d for $3 0(X wlff ship to any add ress a 22 cal. RIFLE that will shootaccurate for 100 feet. W. M'DGWALL G0.. 51 KING ST. E. TORONTO. 10000 PRESENTS FIBST ArPLYING, WHILE THEY LAST- V.'c will send by mail an ap- propriate gift to cicli maiden, wife, mother cr cook- -one to a f.-imily â€" who will try the Ereadmaker's Bakinu Powoer Cv.t tlic red circle from the label and send it in a letter Ktntintj honest opinion after f;iirtri:il. Eitiicr a5, 10or25 cer.t size will secure the gift. Any grnccT or storekeeper knows where to jzctitif asked for by j'ou. â€" Address â€" CHUECHILL CO.. TORONTO CHOKE FARMS FOR SALEIIN ALL PARTS OF MANITOBA. PARTIES wishing to purchase improved Manitoba Farms, from 80 acres upwards, with immedlaa possession, oaU or write to «. I. MAITLSOIV* Ma Arthur's Block, Main St., Winnipeg. Informatkm furnished free of charge, and settlers asaiated in making snleotion. Mohbt to Loas at current rataa o interest. WE8TEBN MACHINERY DEPOT t IMMENSE STOCK of Maohineiy to aeleot from. Send for Lists. H. W. PETRIE, Brantford, Ont, Allan Line Royal Mall SteamsMpi Sailing during winter from Portland everyThuraday and HaUfax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in aum- mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpo calUag at Londonderry to land maila and paa oe ngera toi Sootland ind Ireland alao from Baltimore, via Hall- fax and St. John's, N. F., to Liverpool fortnif^tlf during aummer mbntha. The ateameia of the Haa faw uJaes sail during winter to and from H al i fa x ortland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during aum- mer lietween Olaagow and Montreal weekly O l aagew and Boatoa weekly, and GHaagow and PnUade^itlila fortnightly. For freight, paaage or other information apply to A. Sohttmaoher Co- Baltimore 8. Cunard It Co. Halifax Shea fe Co., St. John'a. Nfld.; Wm. Thoaap aon h Co., St John, N. B.; Allen k Co., Chicago Love A Alden, New York H. Bouriler, ToiOBto AUaoa, Rae li Co., Quebec Wm. Brookla, PhUadM phia H. A Allen. Portland. Boeton. Montreal. ST. THOMAS ORNAMENTAL WROUGHT IRON FENCING WORKS Send (orDeaigns and Prioeai Albert College, BELLEVILLE, ONT., Is ^ing greatly enlarged and improved at a ooAvf several thousand ddlars. Students in attctldaDce from British Columbia, Maui- tobii Midiigani New York*. Vermont, in ad- JkdditloD to Otetttio mad ^b33. Unsor- ppssed advantages At inodenate rates, l^ill ^pen ilmrsday, Sept 6tli, 1888. Send for circulars. REV. W. Addreas. P. DYER, M.A., PrinoipaL FBOPanioa. V*- COHTAINSlvERYfeLn-IENTOF ' PERFECT FOOD _. iTS nLi,UL^r{ U^t WILL BU'.LD UP I A STRONG ROBUST CONSTITUTION Nervous Peliility^ PB. ORAT^ Spedflo baa been need mean ysafa, with gisal sooeaaak ia the treataaeat deblBty, and all dJasaiss atWog-'Mm ist-vorksd bralo. loaa et rttsWy. ilagiar ea^palpttation. eto. Wat sale y M (iri0i*^. CirifiK, U per box. or e iMoaa f or IB. or will bo M 'inilWitaii|ilo( plies. Pamptiel ea â€" "^^ :WB^3^J HBDIdRE CO., TwNMe. ftCOr, MS Temge Street. Tereate. Xbe Ohaapaat Plaea la Oaaadafor BAND INSTRUMdirS Now and Seoond^ttbd Afentaler •nd^HIQHAM Band and Ordheati MUSIC. of Band la laspaoialtr. Saad for Catalogve. A ?: pre ?I*370 ii^a^pfijjg |IRE$ •,'-%» %s^ teadyevphabitM ~: themselv; conre^uenoea of youthful eTo eaa, i-Assni |Uf« two 8c. atamji M.T.J mmm m^m^mi"" â-  SuW W OT WWF^ Largest WORK, mt'i' OiPnKILMGS, ETC., iiaion. rEi ^^^^^^ -^ES FREE. 0t 4iS!itmm* ABl« i ' I t I' J 1 t i^ i 1- â-  I I i| 't I f ' ||! B' '4 ;4i i«t oa^.- ' #:^ -i 4.: â- ^^-^

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